The Diamond Gambit
The Diamond Gambit
The Diamond Gambit
A Battletech Scenario
Conflict Background
The Kola system, formerly of the It did not take long for the company to
infamous Rim Worlds Republic, calculate the profits to be gained from
abandoned by the Lyran Commonwealth mining and refining the ores found
during the chaos of the First Succession beneath the planets surface. Despite their
War was, for all intents and purposes, misgivings of Spheroids, the local
forgotten by history. With seemingly communities agreed to work with the
little to keep the interest of the Great corporation, whether swayed by bribery,
Houses, the system was left alone for promises of work, wealth and stability or
centuries. The people of Kola-C lived a not-so-subtle threats of pirate and
meager, simple life in the only mercenary activities should they refuse.
inhabitable planet on the system.
By early 3049, preparations had been
This changed once the ALMC’s (Allied completed and the mining operation had
Lyran Mining Consortium) exploratory begun, protected by a newly-hired
vessels made contact and landed in Mercenary company. This proved to be a
3047. With state-of-the-art equipment mutually beneficial arrangement for
(for the time, atleast), it did not take long everyone involved.
for the company to realize the vast,
untapped potential of the system. ...And then the Clan Invasion began.
To d
get rl
her f wo
or a b etter
The Allied Lyran Mining Consortium
ALMC began as a desperate attempt by
now-CEO Anton Stein and several
other small business owners to save
his small company from hostile
takeover. Thirty years later, it has
became the exact thing that originally
caused it’s inception.
While the Diamond Shark clan was During the early stages of the invasion, he
forbidden to bring warriors into the had the merchants trading and selling
Inner Sphere during the initial invasion, obsolete equipment (by clan standards,
enterprising individuals of the merchant anyway!) to the locals in the periphery.
clan saw plenty of opportunity and While this rankled the warriors under his
leeway with the orders. For the good of command, he managed to keep them
the clans, of course. One such individual, under control for now with promises of
being privy to the knowledge of the to- combat down the line. With the merchants
be invasion corridor of the Jade Falcons giving out deals that were good enough to
was Star Captain Johannes Dougall. make friends and loosen lips, Captain
Johannes found out about the Kola-C
He organized a trinary of battlemechs mining operation.
and a supporting contingent of
merchant caste members, taking to the Were they able to gain control of the
periphery. If anyone were to question planet, the profits would be immea-
him, he would claim to be simply there surable. Kola-C could serve as a base of
to guard the merchants, the loss of his operations to provide the invading clans
personal honor an acceptable sacrifice war materiel while providing the benefits
for the opportunity this provided. The of the mining operation, as well. Best of
mechwarriors under his command, all, it would give him an opportunity to
unsettled at first, came to see his point finally let his warriors and himself see
of view as it offered a possibility for glory some combat, as it was highly likely that a
and combat within the Inner Sphere, target this valuable would be under heavy
rather than waiting for their turn during guard.
the invasion. After all, they could claim a
jump malfunction should they With hostile takeover in mind, he made
“accidentally” end within the Inner his plans and set course for Cola-C...
Star Captain Johannes Dougall
Like most Clan Warriors, Johannes Dougall
is a character of many contradictions. On
one hand, personal glory comes above all
else. On the other, the needs of the Clan
come first. Despite being a member of the
warrior caste, he understands and
appreciates the work of others, especially
the merchant and technician castes who
keep the Clans war machine operational.
With the captain of Beta galaxy bidding away three members from his Heavy Battle
Star and the captain of Gamma star bidding away himself and two others from his
Cavalry star, the Sharktooth Star was considered well bargained and done.
“It made no sense, Sir! The pirates, these “Diamond Sharks”, they... just... Claimed the
mining operations as theirs, outlined their plan to attack us with five ’mechs, told us
where they’d be landing and asked what defenders we had against them!”
Commtech Lena told CTO Jorge Svensson, who arched a brow as he processed the
information, gesturing for the younger woman to go on. “And what did you do?”
“I... Informed them that we have a full mercenary company ready to meet them and
attacking us would be suicide.” she said, shrugging. “...They... complimented me on
my bargaining skills and cut comms after that. It was quite bemusing.”
“And you’re sure this isn’t a trick? Lure the mercenaries away from our facilities..?”
Svensson asked, scratching the stubble on his chin as he leaned over, studying the
maps projected onto the screens. The mercenaries had already been alerted.
She gestured towards the display. “No, sir. Even if their pilot were to engage in some
risky in-atmosphere maneuvers, they couldn’t land more than a few clicks from
where they said they’d land. Though their dropship seems to be an Union class, so
they might be lying about their numbers...” she offered as an explanation.
Svensson nodded, satisfied with the explanation. “Well, now we’ll have to hope those
mercs are worth their paycheck.” he said, eyes glued to the blips on the screen...
The Carmine Company
Founded by leutnant Katarina Haas of the LCAF in 3027 after her first (and only) tour
of Duty was over, the Carmine Company has had numerous succesful, if minor in the
grand scheme of things, contracts. The company has been able to prosper and
maintain combat readiness under her command.
With her ties to the Lyran Commonwealth, working a lucrative security contract
against pirates for the ALMC seemed like a good bet to get some on-the-field training
in. However, the clan invasion may see the companys fortunes change...
Cherry Lance
First Leutnant Mercer
A No-nonsense mechwarrior, Jae Mercer
has been with the unit since it’s
inception. While new members ask if
him being so taciturn is due to his age,
his comrades know that’s just the way he
is, sticking to only saying what’s
necessary concisely, making him an
excellent recon operative.
TO&E, Carmine Company, 3049
Carmine Lance - Designation: Battle
Warhammer WHM-6D - Lt Litaniana
Catapult CPLT-C1 - Lt Koski
Trebuchet TBT-5N - Lt Horst
Wolverine WVR-6M - Hpt Haas
Crimson Lance
Cherry Lance
Battle Report
The Diamond Gambit was played as an introductory scenario to Battletech for three
of my friends, each one taking command of a single ‘mech of each weight class in the
Carmine Company, while I took control of the Diamond Shark star. The game was
balanced to be just under 15 000 BV for both sides.
“I have visual confirmation of our enemies. You have visual, Star Commander?” the
Captain’s voice rang in his helmet. The star had split in two, with each group only
seeing glimpses of the other’s advance. There was Jessica’s Adder, clambering into a
sniping position, Stan noted with some irritation. He would have preferred to get the
first shot off.
“Aff, Star Captain. Three enemy battlemechs. Engaging within the next twenty
seconds.” he replied, targeting a firing solution over the Inner Sphere Battlemech,
smiling toothily as the target distance kept creeping closer to the maximum effective
range of his large lasers.
“I saw three heavy battlemechs engaged in a flanking maneuver.” a third voice, that
of Mechwarrior Ehsan, cut in. “...With luck, we will have dealt with their comrades
before they arrive.”
“Mechwarrior! This is not a honor duel. These are not trueborn warriors. Do not
show them the respect of one.” the Captain’s voice cut in harshly, and was met with a
subdued, if angry, apology. Honestly, looking at the blips of targets appearing and
disappearing on his instruments as his sensors caught sight of his opponents, he was
growing concerned. Treating this like a honor duel would leave them at a significant
disadvantage, as they were outnumbered heavily. The mercenaries seemed to be
bringing in plenty of heavy battlemechs onto the field, as well.
A moment later, there was a reply. “This is Hauptmann Haas of the Carmine
Company. We don’t negotiate with pirates. Retreat or we will destroy you. This is your
only warning.” the line went silent. Tensions rose within the ranks of the star.
“She thinks us pirates. She thinks us cowards.” the hissing, mocking voice of
Mechwarrior Jessica chuckled with dark, insulted amusement. There was a brief
crackle of interference from her charging up her ER PPCs. A beam of azure energy
sent the Clanners response to the mercenary’s offer directly into the torso of the first
of the advancing mercenaries as battle was joined.
Game Information
Scenario rules Houserules
Scenario win conditions: The scenario Due to the game being played with four
is a stand-up fight between a mercenary new-ish players, each commanding a
‘mech company and a Clan Star. The last lance or a star and with more than twice
side with uncrippled mechs standing on the number of ‘mechs on the Mercenary
the field is the victor and can claim the side, we used the following houserules
mining operation on Kola-C. for fairness and faster gameplay
Time limit: There is no time limit to the ‘Luck of the draw’ initiative
scenario Prepare a deck of playing cards, with the
players determining a suit of cards for
Deployment: Each side rolls off. The each lance/star under their command.
winner chooses a long map edge from Form a deck by adding in one card from
which their units will enter the field from each suit per ‘mech belonging to that
during the first turn. Alternatively, for a lance/star.
match that favours the clans, choose a
short map edge. Instead of rolling initiative, shuffle the
cards together and draw one. A mech
Clan Honor: The opponents are not from the lance/star that is represented
Clan, and do not deserve the courtesy of by the suit must be chosen to move.
being fought against with Zellbrigen. After this move, another card is drawn.
Repeat until each card has been drawn
Forced Retreat: The Mechwarriors of (eg. each ‘mech has moved). Shuffle the
the mercenary command would prefer cards together and repeat the process
to live to see another day, and follow the next turn.
rules for forced retreat. The clans may
abandon field if the day is lost, but many Quicker Combat
would prefer death over dishonor. Rather than having each ‘mech declaring
their attacks and then attacking in
Skill levels: All Mercenary pilots are 4/5, initiative order, have each ‘mech take
while Clan pilots are 3/4 their turn declaring their weapons fire
and roll for it’s attacks. Apply all effects
Tactical Operations at the end of the phase, as normal.
The following rules from Tactical
Operations: Advanced Rules were used: While this gives a small advantage to
those firing later on in the turn, it saves
-Floating criticals quite a lot of time and keeps
-Careful stand bookkeeping simpler.
Area of Operations
Not wanting to harm their future holdings, the Star Commander ordered the attack
approximately twenty kilometers from the main mining site. He believed he could
use the terrain to his advantage against the numerical superiority of his opponents.
Mapsheets used from top left onwards: Sand Drift #1 (reversed), Badlands #2,
Barren Lands #2, Desert #3, Sand Drift #2, Badlands #1
Leutnant Antonova
regretted her decision
to advance immensely
as the Kingfisher
crushed the entire
right side of her ‘mech
with a well-placed kick,
though she survived to
tell the tale, and
managed to harass the
Clanners after
struggling to her
remaining leg for the
rest of the
First salvoes
During the first turn of the match, no mech’s managed to get in range of weapons
fire effectively. The Clan Star spread into two separate groups while the Inner Sphere
forces spread evenly, altrough a heavy flanking force of a Marauder, Awesome and
Warhammer proceeded alongside the northernmost section of the map.
On turn two, the Mad Cat exchanged it’s first salvoes with the opposing Banshee, but
failed to inflict heavy damage. The mercenary Spider and Wolverine took the brunt of
fire elsewhere, realizing that their enemies were more than just periphery pirates.
However, rather than falling back, they kept pressing their attack with disastrous
results for the Spider, who moved within running distance of the Kingfisher and got
promptly kicked in it’s already damaged leg, destroying it’s right torso as well. The
better pilots and superior range of the Clan weapons served them well early on in
the conflict.
Katarina struggled to keep her ‘mech standing, staring at the damage readouts. Her
right torso had almost lost all of it’s protection from a single PPC shot she wouldn’t
have believed possible at such a distance. She engaged her jumpjets to get into a
better position to see just what she was fighting against. Gleaming, powerful
Battlemechs in designs her computer failed to recognize properly. This was no band
of ordinary pirates, she realized.
She could only watch with mounting horror as one of the machines forced
Antonova’s Spider to retreat from it after some remarkable mid-jump marksmanship,
the light mech headed directly towards the rest of the opposition. With mounting
horror, she watched the enemy assault ‘mech raise it’s massive foot...
Early fighting
The first casualty of the match ended up being a mercenary Valkyrie on turn four.
Leutnant Angel’s demise came due to her not realizing that the clanners LRM salvoes
did not need time to arm, unlike their Inner Sphere counterparts. A lucky salvo and
large laser hit from the Mad Cat took the Valkyrie’s head clean off. However,
Mechwarrior Ehsan of the Crossbow B moved too close in his eagerness of getting
his own SSRM salvoes off. A lucky hit from the Awesome’s PPC and the Atlas’s LRMs
ended up hitting his cockpit, killing him and destroying the ‘mech in turn.
With this loss of heavy firepower, the clans were immediately on the back foot.
Despite their early hits, several light and medium mechs were harassing the
Clanners, forcing them to divide their fire. 1st Leutnant Mercer’s Phoenix Hawk
performed exceptionally well, surviving despite the loss of all armor save for that on
his legs, a head hit, and the loss of both arms and one side torso, buying time for the
lest of his company to close the distance.
On the clanners side, Mechwarrior Maire was a menace to the lighter opposition, her
pulse lasers allowing for her to keep tearing armor off the ‘mechs harassing her
companions, ultimately forcing the Phoenix Hawk, Stinger, Trebuchet and
Warhammer into retreat during the course of the game.
The heaviest fighting took place around a 150-meter tall hill. the Diamond Shark
‘mech’s superior speed allowing for them to use the cover it provided to their
advantage against the oncoming Mercenary juggernauts.
From his Marauder, Leutnant Porter was growing concerned. From his vantage point
behind the heaviest fighting, things seemed to be going well. There should be no
question as to the outcome of this match. He had wanted to make a quip at their
Lyran commander being too careful about the paintjobs on their mechs, but the
death scream of Leutnant Angel had put a stop to that. How were these five ‘mech’s
proving to be so difficult? The comms had been buzzing with information which he
tried to focus on as much as he could whilst tracking targets of opportunity with his
PPCs and autocannon in the chaos of the fighting.
“That weird Catapults out of LRMs, I’m goi- Watch out for that jumper, Horst! Horst,
behind y- Providing Fire support, keep him painted for me, Cherry Fo- Where’s
Crimson Lance!? they’re tearing us ap-” he tuned out the voices as he sent yet
another one-two-punch at the distant Catapult-Marauder hybrid, which was holding
it’s own against the company banshee, phoenix hawk and Stinger... No, not just
holding it’s own... Winning. Another quick message from the radio made him turn his
attention to the hill to his right. Moments earlier, the largest enemy mech had sought
refuge behind it, and was now backing out from behind it, weapons tracking towards
A quick look at his heat gauge. He decided he had to risk it. It was getting clear that
no matter what these monsters shot out, they seemed to be suffering no problems
from heat to their ‘mechs. Porter was going to see about that. Two PPC blasts
knocked the enemy ‘mech down, only for it to rise almost immediately and move
towards him. Porter opened up again with everything he had, even firing his medium
lasers. Blake’s Blood, there was no way a ‘mech that big should be that fast, have that
many weapons and still have that much armor! How was it still coming at him?
Impact warnings rang out and the onboard computer politely told him that the
enemy had gained target lock for it’s missiles, and was currently fiting them at him,
as if he couldn’t bloody tell it himself.
He pulled the triggers once again, only to be met with deafening silence, realizing
that he had forgot to override the safety shutdown. He didn’t have time to kick
himself over it, however, as the enemy ‘mech took aim directly at his head and fired.
After he recovered from the blinding flash and realized he was still alive, fear for his
life turned into rage in his veins. He’d get these pirates, even if it was the last thing he
did. He’d turn his ‘mech back on and show that enemy what it meant to mess with
him. His rage was short-lived, however, as he realized that the impacts had forced his
immobile mech to a slide on it’s precarious position on the sand-swept hill. Hurriedly
he began the startup procedures but it was too late. His mech slowly toppled over,
crushing it’s own head under it’s immense weight before coming to a smoking halt.
Continuous Harassment by the lighter Mercenary mechs forced the Diamond Shark
Warriors to waste time and ammunition engaging them, leaving the slower heavy
and assault mechs in good condition to engage the damaged Clan mechs in the end.
The tide turns
With the Mad Cat running out of LRMs and a lucky critical hit tearing it’s right arm off,
Star Captain Stan was forced to retreat into better position despite it’s success at
destroying both shoulder actuators of the Banshee, neutering one of it’s fearsome
PPCs. Fighting a duel against a ‘mech twenty-five tons heavier was providing to be
incredibly difficult as he was constantly harassed by the mercenaries light ‘mechs
and a flanking Trebuchet providing fire support.
On the other side of the battlefield, the Kingfisher’s attempt at holding off an Atlas, a
Warhammer, a Catapult and a Wolverine was becoming desperate. Things were not
proceeding according to Captain Dougall’s plans.
The mercenaries were battered, but nowhere close to being beaten. Despite grievous
damage, nearly all of them fought on. The Catapult, Atlas and Awesome were
practically undamaged at this point of the fighting. The Atlas really brought it’s weight
to bear as well,finally able to bring it’s fearsome AC/20 into the melee, scoring direct
hits on both the Adder and the Kingfisher.
The most succesful ‘mechs so far had been the Adder and Vapor Eagle, both
mechwarriors using their targeting computers to their fullest to tear off armor from
the opposing ‘mechs while using their superior mobility to avoid returning fire, for
the most part. Nonetheless, the Adder’s luck would run out as well, as incoming PPC
fire from the approaching Warhammer would destroy her side torso, rendering her
nearly useless from overheating to be of much use. Mechwarrior Maire’s Vapor Eagle
would force the Warhammer into retreat by destroying it’s right torso, but it would
still provide fire support with it’s remaining PPC to great effect.
One stroke of luck for the Clanners was the overheat shutdown from the overeager
Marauder’s pilot, which was instantly responded to by the Kingfisher bringing both of
it’s large pulse lasers to bear, scoring one aimed headshot which destroyed it’s
sensors. Another hit knocked the ‘mech off balance, scoring another head hit as the
‘mech fell, crushing the cockpit and killing the Mechwarrior inside.
Her world shook as another impact threw her ‘mech back. A fearsome skull visage
was grinning at her from a hundred meters away, still pointing a smoking large-bore
autocannon at her ’mech as it’s reloading cycle took place. Realizing she only had
seconds left to live if she stood her ground, she fell back behind the trees to retreat
from the field with another angry hiss.
Despite her superior skills as a duelist, Mechwarrior Maire could not avoid fire from
six ‘mechs simultaneously. Her engine shutting down marking the end of the battle.
The final three turns of the game saw one ‘mech from the clan side going down in
rapid succession as the Inner Sphere mercs surrounded and took them down one by
one, being unable to inflict enough damage to the critical components of their
opponents to stop them from fighting back.
The Kingfisher succumbed to multiple successive center torso hits destroying it’s
gyro, forcing Commander Dougall to abandon his ‘mech. Being unable to bring her
remaining PPC into battle effectively, Mechwarrior Jessica also retreated from the
field with her engine barely functional and center torso being held together by luck.
Star Captain Stan fell to another couple of lucky headshots from the remaining Inner
Sphere ‘mechs while pressing against the damaged Banshee, forcing it into retreat.
With her allies falling around her, Mechwarrior Maire and her Vapor Eagle were
finding it more and more difficult to stay in the fight, taking fire from every
conceivable angle. Taking down leutnant Sotomura’s stinger by coring it with a
pinpoint large laser hit, she was working on destroying the damaged Warhammer
when multiple consecutive LRM salvoes finally shut down her engine, forcing her to
End Results
Begin Tally Carmine Lance
Warhammer WHM-6D - Crippled
Sharktooth Star Center Torso heavily damaged
Right torso destroyed
Kingfisher Prime - Salvageable
Right foot destroyed
Gyro destroyed
Approx. 15% of armor remaining
Engine damaged
Catapult CPLT-C1 - Combat ready
Left torso destroyed
No structural damage
Left arm destroyed
Approx. 80% of armor remaining
Right Torso destroyed
Center torso heavily damaged
Trebuchet TBT-5N - Crippled
Right leg damaged Right torso destroyed
Approx. 5% of armor remaining Right arm destroyed
Mad Cat Prime - Salvageable Right leg damaged
Mechwarrior lightly injured
Right arm blown off
Approx. 30% of armor remaining
Right Torso destroyed
Head destroyed
Wolverine WVR-6M - Crippled
Mechwarrior K.I.A Right arm destroyed
Approx. 20% of armor remaining Right torso destroyed
LRM ammo depleted Center Torso damaged
Crossbow B - Salvageable Approx. 60 % of armor remaining
Head destroyed
Mechwarrior K.I.A
Approx. 80% of armor remaining
Vapor Eagle - Salvageable
Left Arm destroyed
Superficial damage to left torso
Engine shut down
Approx. 25% of armor remaining
Adder Prime - Escaped
Left Torso destroyed
Left arm blown off
Engine damaged
Center Torso heavily damaged
Right arm damaged
Approx. 30% armor remaining
Crimson Lance Cherry Lance
Atlas AS-7D - Combat Ready Phoenix Hawk PXH-1D - Crippled
No structural damage Left arm destroyed
Approx. 95% of armor remaining Left Torso damaged
Banshee - Crippled Head damaged
Right shoulder destroyed Right torso destroyed
Left shoulder destroyed Right arm damaged
Center torso damaged Mechwarrior lightly injured
Right torso damaged Approx. 20% of armor remaining
Gyro damaged Valkyrie VLK-QA -Salvageable
Engine damaged Head destroyed
Mechwarrior lightly injured Mechwarrior K.I.A
Approx. 10% of armor remaining Approx. 60% of armor remaining
Awesome AWS-8Q - Combat Ready Spider SDR-5V - Crippled
No damage Right leg destroyed
Marauder MAD-3R - Salvageable Right arm damaged
Head destroyed Right torso destroyed
Sensors destroyed Center torso heavily damaged
Approx. 85% of armor remaining Mechwarrior lightly injured
Approx. 10% of armor remaining
“Hey Soots, you okay?” Stinger STG-3G - Destroyed
Right arm destroyed
“Yeah, yeah... Just, you know. Right torso damaged
Always hurts to lose your ‘mech. Left torso damaged
Center Torso destroyed
“Hey, better the old girl than you, Mechwarrior lightly injured
right? Besides...” Approx. 20 % of armor remaining
“Those don’t look like any ‘mechs I’ve seen”, CFO Janssen of the ALMC commented
dryly, watching the mercenary technicians swarming over the Mad Cat’s damaged arm
joint, trying to figure out how the limb had been connected to the torso. They had
never seen configurations like this and rumours were spreading like wildfire.
Katarina shrugged dismissively. “Pirates sometimes have the most curious ‘mechs. If I
would guess, it’s a Frankenmech configuration made of Catapult and Marauder parts.“
“I believe we have several contacts who would be curious to get to study these... Pirate
configurations. For a price.” Janssen added. Katarina had been around enough wealthy
nobles to know that tone and look, and she hated it.
“As stipulated by our contract, all battlefield salvage is to belong to the Company to
ensure we can maintain combat readiness for the duration of our contract. I’m sorry,
Sir, my hands are bound.” she stated with a shrug and an apologetic smile, glancing at
the Company’s trademark red shoulder being painted upon the damaged Crossbow
two mechbays over...