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400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001
RECOMMENDED Issued 1995-01
Submitted for recognition as an American National Standard


Foreword—This Document has not changed other than to put it into the new SAE Technical Standards Board

1. Scope—This SAE Recommended Practice provides headlamp beam pattern test points which incorporate
elements of European, Asian, and U.S. photometric tables. Alternative means of aiming headlamps are
included which are consistent with methods presently used in the United States and in Europe.

2. References

2.1 Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of the specification to the extent specified
herein. Unless otherwise indicated the latest revision of SAE publications shall apply.

2.1.1 SAE PUBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.

SAE J599—Lighting Inspection Code

SAE J1383—Performance Requirements for Motor Vehicle

2.2 Related Publications—The following publications are provided for information purposes only and are not a
required part of this document.

2.2.1 SAE PUBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.

SAE J575—Tests for Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices and Components

SAE J579 Cancelled—Sealed Beam Headlamp Units for Motor Vehicles
SAE J600—Headlamp Testing Machines
SAE J602—Headlamp Aiming Device for Mechanically Aimable Headlamp
SAE Paper 870238—The Potential Impact of Automotive Headlight Changes on the Visibility of
Reflectorized Highway Signs, J. B. Arens, Office of Safety and Traffic Operations, Research and
Development, Federal Highway Administration

2.2.2 ECE PUBLICATION—Available from Commission of the European Communities, 200, Rue de la Loi, B-1049
Brussels, Belgium.

ECE Regulation 20

SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely
voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”

SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.

QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS DOCUMENT: (724) 772-8512 FAX: (724) 776-0243

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Copyright 1995 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
SAE J1735 Issued JAN95

2.2.3 JIS PUBLICATION—Available from Japanese Standards Association, 1–24, Akasaka 4, Minato-ku, Tokyo 107

JIS D 5500

2.3 Other Publications

"Headlamp Beam Pattern Philosophy," Lidstrom, O., Minutes of the SAE Headlamp Beam Task Force, April
4, 1990
"Obstacle Detection Rationale for Upper Beam Intensity," Kosmatka, W.J., Minutes of the SAE Headlamp
Beam Task Force, February 26, 1992
"Headlamp Beam Gradient Aim Study," Kosmatka, W.J., Minutes of the SAE Headlamp Beam Task Force,
October 4, 1993
"Partial Harmonization of International Standards for Low-Beam Headlighting Patterns," Sivak, M. and
Flannagan, M., UMTRI-93-11, Univ. of Mich. Trans. Res. Institute, 1993

3. Definitions

3.1 H-V Axis—See SAE J1383.

3.2 Visual Aim—A method of aiming a headlamp by visual assessment of the location of certain beam pattern
characteristics, such as visual edges/cutoffs or location of the High Intensity Zone, and positioning the beam
pattern, projected on a surface, with respect to prescribed coordinates on that surface. (Also see 3.12 Cutoff.)

3.3 Low Beam Fractional Balance Aim—A method of aiming a headlamp where one or more points in the beam
pattern, with specified percentage values of intensity relative to the Maximum Beam Intensity (MBI), are used
to position the beam relative to the H-V axis. (Also see SAE J1383.)

3.4 High Beam Balance Aim—A method of aiming a headlamp via the upper beam such that the intensity of light
at two points equidistant from a projection of the lamp's vertical plane are of equal magnitude at the same time
that two points equidistant from a projection of the lamp's horizontal plane are of equal magnitude. (Also see
SAE J1383.)

3.5 Mechanical Aim—A method of aiming a headlamp such that the lamp aiming plane is oriented to a
predetermined mechanical feature of the lamp. "VHAD" and "REFERENCE PLANE" aim are both mechanical
aiming methods.

3.6 Vehicle Headlamp Aiming Device (VHAD)—A device, permanently installed on a motor vehicle and/or
headlamp by the manufacturer of the vehicle, which indicates the horizontal and vertical aim of the headlamps.

3.7 Photometric Aim—A method of aiming a headlamp using a device which measures luminous intensity at
selected points of the beam pattern relative to the H-V axis.

3.8 Optical Aim—A method of aiming a headlamp based upon measurement of certain characteristics of the
beam pattern. Optical aim methods include Photometric Aim, Fractional Balance Aim, and Image Processing

3.9 Aiming Reference Plane—A plane which is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the vehicle and tangent
to the forward-most aiming pad on the headlamp.

3.10 Aiming Plane (Headlamp)—(See SAE J1383.)

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3.11 Image Processing Aim—Headlamp aiming method using an image sensor to measure the intensity pattern of
the headlamp, a computer to determine the position of the pattern relative to the H-V axes, and a display
device showing a proportional digitized representation of the headlamp beam pattern.

3.12 Cutoff—The visual cutoff is where, by visual impression, the best separation between the lighted area of the
beam pattern and the dark area above it, is located. Objectively, this will be defined as: the location in the
vertical direction where the maximum rate of change in the light intensity (the highest gradient) is found.

4. Headlamp Lens Aim Marking

4.1 Visual Aim—Headlamps designed to be visually aimed using an aiming screen shall be marked with a letter

4.2 Fractional Balance Aim

4.2.1 Headlamps designed to be aimed by fractional balance means shall be marked with the letter "B".

4.2.2 Following the letter designation shall be two, two-digit numbers indicating first, the "2 degrees right" and
second, the "1 degree down" fractional balance percentage values chosen to represent the design aim of the

4.2.3 The two numbers may be separated by a space, dash (-), or slash mark (/) (e.g., B25/35 or B25-35), or
presented as a series of four digits preceded by a "B".

4.2.4 Lens marking shall be no less than 3 mm in height and imprinted indelibly on the lens.

4.2.5 MARKING LOCATION—Same as "Replaceable Bulb Headlamps" (see SAE J1383).

4.3 Aiming Reference Plane Aim


4.3.2 "Reference Plane" markings are not required for standardized sealed beam headlamps.

4.4 VHAD Aim—Markings are not required for headlamps with VHAD.

4.5 Image Processing Aim—No special marking required.

5. Headlamp Aiming Procedures

5.1 Visual Aim

5.1.1 LOW BEAM Vertical Aim—For a lamp aimed using the right cutoff, the low beam shall be adjusted such that the top
cutoff is located at the horizontal line representing the projected horizontal axis of the headlamp.

For a lamp aimed using the left side cutoff, the low beam shall be aimed such that the cutoff is located
approximately 0.6 degree below the horizontal line, 2 to 4 degrees left, representing the projected
horizontal axis of the headlamp. Horizontal Aim—The left edge of the HIZ shall be located at the line representing a projection of the
headlamp's vertical axis V-V.

SAE J1735 Issued JAN95

For headlamps with no prominent left edge to the HIZ (but having a straight top cutoff, which has on its left
side a transition zone angling left and downward), the left/right aim of the lamp will be accomplished by
orienting the left/right position of the beam so that the left end of the top cutoff is located 0.4 degree right of
the vertical (V-V) as shown in Figure 1.


5.1.2 HIGH BEAM—The high beam shall be aimed so that the center of the high intensity zone is coincident with the
horizontal and vertical lines on the aim screen.

5.1.3 VISUAL AIM SCREEN—Headlamp visual aiming will be conducted using a white screen with a matte surface,
having a reflectance of 60% minimum. Lines indicating the horizontal and vertical coordinates should be no
greater than 3 mm maximum in width. There should be no other visible marks, scuffs, or shaded areas which
exceed 25 cm2 in area.

5.1.4 SCREEN LOCATION—See SAE J599 for screen location and orientation.

Where the screen is to be used in conjunction with photometric testing, the H-V axes of the screen shall be
positioned perpendicular to the goniometer axis.


5.2 Balance Aim

5.2.1 LOW BEAM—With the headlamp mechanical axis coincident with the axis of the goniometer or the centerline
of the aiming screen, the low beam shall be adjusted to satisfy the following criteria: The measured value at the test point designated by the triangle in Figure 2 of SAE J1383 at H - 2 degrees
right, shall be a percentage of the maximum beam intensity indicated by the first two-digit number following
the "B" on the headlamp lens (as defined under "Headlamp Lens Aim Marking"). The measured value at the test point designated by the square, in Figure 2 of SAE J1383, at 1 degree
down-vertical, shall be the percentage of the maximum intensity indicated by the second two-digit number
following the "B" on the headlamp lens.

5.2.2 HIGH BEAM—(See SAE J1383.)

5.3 Aiming Reference Plane Aim—Adjust the position of the headlamp until the aiming plane of the lamp is
normal to the axis of the vehicle or the H-V axis.

SAE J1735 Issued JAN95

5.4 VHAD Aim—Adjust the position of the headlamp until the device indicates the headlamp is properly aimed.
Check manufacturer's instructions for horizontal positioning.

5.5 Image Processing—Aim the headlamp in accordance with the aimer manufacturer's instructions.

6. Photometric Tests

6.1 Low Beam Headlamps—A low beam headlamp, or the low beam of a dual beam headlamp, aimed in
accordance with the appropriate procedure outlined in Section 5, shall be measured at the points and zones
indicated in Figures 2 and 4.

6.2 High Beam Headlamp—A high beam headlamp, aimed in accordance with the appropriate procedure
outlined in Section 5, shall be measured at the points indicated in Figures 3 and 5. (The high beam of a dual
beam headlamp will retain the aim of the lower beam aimed in accordance with 6.1.)

6.3 Requirements for Lamps Marked With "V"—Adequacy of sharpness of cutoff.

6.3.1 Adjust beam location as it would be located for "visual aim."

6.3.2 Read photometric point values from 0.5 degree up to 0.5 degree down in 0.2 degree vertical increments
along a line at 1 degree right. For lamps designed to be aimed using the left side of the beam, vertical 0.2
degree increments are read at 2 degrees left over the interval from 0.1 degree down to 1.1 degrees down.

6.3.3 Repeat 6.3.2 at 2 degrees right and 3 degrees right, or at 3 degrees left and 4 degrees left.

6.4 Photometric Test Voltage—(See SAE J1383.) For conversion of halogen light source photometric values to
other than 12.8 V, the following factors are suggested:

a. For 12.0 V—0.81

b. For 12.8 V—1.0
c. For 13.2 V—1.11


SAE J1735 Issued JAN95



Zone 1 Search for the highest intensity. The "MIN" value shall be met.
Zone II Photometry values shall be met at all four corners of the zone.
Zone III Photometry values shall be met at four extreme corners of the zone and at the lower boundary line
from 5L to 5R.
Zone IV Scan 4U line from 15L to 15R and along V line from 4U to 10U. "MAX" value shall not be exceeded.
Zone V Scan 45U line from 45L to 45R and along V line form 10U to 90U. "MAX" values shall not be

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6.5 Re-aim Allowance—In order to accommodate slight aim differences between photometers, 1/4 degree re-aim
is allowed for point measurements in Figures 2 and 3.

7. Performance Requirements

7.1 Low Beam

7.1.1 The low beam shall meet the photometric values in Figure 2.

7.1.2 LOW BEAM HIGH INTENSITY ZONE—In the zone bounded by 0.5 degree down to 2.0 degrees down, and 0.5
degree right to 2.5 degrees right, at least one point shall measure 15 000 cd.

7.2 High Beam—The high beam shall meet the photometric values shown in Figure 3.

7.3 Low Beam Cutoff—In order for a low beam to be satisfactory for visual aiming, the cutoff shall meet the
following criteria.

7.3.1 CUTOFF APPEARANCE For Lamps Designed to be Aimed Using the Top Right Cutoff—The cutoff shall appear to be approximately
straight and parallel to the horizontal from at least 1 degree to 3 degrees right. For Lamps Designed to be Aimed Using the Top Left Cutoff—The cutoff shall appear to be approximately
straight and parallel to the horizontal from at least 2 degrees left to 4 degrees left.

SAE J1735 Issued JAN95

7.3.2 A lamp aimed and measured as described in 5.3 shall meet the following: The gradient in the vertical direction for each 0.2 degree interval shall be computed according to
Equation 1:

Gradient, Gn = ( INTENSITY n + 1 – INTENSITY n ) ⁄ INTENSITY n (Eq. 1)


INTENSITYn = Photometric intensity at each 0.2 degree increment beginning with n = 1, at the topmost
point The maximum vertical gradient, G, is the largest value computed for the intervals along the vertical lines.

NOTE—If either the first or last interval gradient is the largest, the true maximum gradient may not have
been found. The lamp may be misaimed and require re-aim or the beam may not meet the
requirements in 7.3.1. The maximum vertical gradients at 1, 2, and 3 degrees right or 2, 3, and 4 degrees left, shall be no less
than 0.6 (60% change in 0.2 degree).

8. Guidelines

8.1 Photometric Design Guidelines

8.1.1 LOW BEAM PHOTOMETRIC GUIDELINES—For a low beam or dual beam headlamp aimed in accordance with
the procedures outlined in Section 5, photometric guidelines are shown in Figure 4.

8.1.2 HIGH BEAM PHOTOMETRIC GUIDELINES—For a high beam headlamp aimed in accordance with the procedures
outlined in Section 5, photometric guidelines are shown in Figure 5.

8.2 Low Beam Cutoff—In order for a low beam to be visually aimable, the cutoff shall meet the following criteria:

8.2.1 CUTOFF APPEARANCE For Lamps Designed to be Aimed Using the Top Right Cutoff—The cutoff shall appear to be approximately
straight and horizontal from at least 1 degree right to 3 degrees right. For Lamps Designed to be Aimed Using the Top Left Cutoff—The cutoff shall appear to be approximately
straight and horizontal from at least 2 degrees left to 4 degrees left.

8.2.2 A lamp aimed and measured as described in 6.3 shall meet the following: The gradient in the vertical direction for each 0.2 degree interval shall be computed according to
Equation 2:

Gradient, Gn = ( INTENSITY n + 1 – INTENSITY n ) ⁄ INTENSITY n (Eq. 2)


INTENSITYn = Photometric intensity at each 0.2 degree increment beginning with n = 1, at the topmost

SAE J1735 Issued JAN95 The maximum vertical gradient, G, is the largest value computed for the intervals along the vertical lines.

NOTE—If either the first or last interval gradient is the largest, the true maximum gradient may not be found.
The lamp may be misaimed and require re-aim or the beam may not meet the requirements in 8.2.1. The maximum vertical gradients at 1, 2, and 3 degrees right or 2, 3, and 4 degrees left shall be no less
than 0.8 (80% change in 0.2 degree).



SAE J1735 Issued JAN95

Rationale—SAE J1735 introduces harmonized vehicle headlamp performance requirements intended for
European, Asian, and U.S. It is conducive to the consolidation of all headlighting standards and
practices proposed by the Road Illumination Devices Committee to meet the global needs of lighting
technology for the future.

Three primary areas addressed include visual aim, use of the left side of the beam for aiming, and glare
light levels. Additional topics addressed include alternative aiming methods, fractional balance
protocols, harmonized low beam test points, zonal photometric requirements, and the high beam H-V
intensity limit.

The development of this proposal initially involved the formation of a philosophy task force to outline a
strategy, and subsequently, layout a plan for successful harmonization of the low beam headlamp beam


Objectives of the Task Group

The objectives of the HBPTG were to develop a harmonized low beam pattern that would be acceptable
in all regions while reducing misaim sensitivity, and to determine the pertinent characteristics necessary
to define the beam pattern. Additional aspects considered included perceived visibility, appearance on
the roadway, relative insensitivity in perceiving misaim, visibility performance, and glare.

The approach taken entailed a bench marking study of beam patterns, drive evaluations, field studies to
evaluate the effect of misaimed headlamps, and computer analyses using DETECT and CHESS models.

Headlamp Beam Pattern Philosophy

In February of 1990 the HBPTG completed a "Philosophy" plan for the low beam. Safety was a prime
concern, but it was implied rather than isolated as a specific requirement, given the issue of safety was
already embodied in the entire purpose for the development of headlamp beam patterns.

Worldwide (NHTSA/GRE/JAPAN) implementation and acceptance of a world harmonized beam pattern

was key and it was felt that the work should be conducted as a cooperative effort and completed in a
timely manner.

The features embodied in the philosophy considered: the world environment, design and testing
requirements, signs, vehicle base standard (initial standard to be component based), and unrestricted
methods for aiming. The beam pattern specified required flexibility such that higher output light sources
could be accommodated. Compromises were incorporated to account for weather conditions and
considerations made for providing photometric features to aid in aiming.

Also considered were the requirements for beam definition which detailed specified points and/or zones,
a weighting system for test points, establishment of a photometry methodology for zonal areas, and
when necessary, objective definition of gradients.

Headlamp Beam Pattern Philosophy Task Group Plan

The Task Group (HBPTG) presented the results of their work to the Lighting Committee on April 4, 1990.
A consensus was reached to proceed with a plan for successful harmonization of the low beam
headlamp beam pattern. This action was based on background information indicating a desire for
harmonization on the part of U.S. lighting companies and vehicle OEMs. Reciprocity was a major
importance, and written commitment mandatory to achieve worldwide compliance.
SAE J1735 Issued JAN95

Despite controversy surrounding the SAE/FMVSS108 beam pattern in European countries, it is still
widely accepted in Europe. The exceptions are Germany and France which adhere to ECE
requirements. However, flexible national statutes allow for these exclusions as a relatively small number
of U.S. exports enter their borders. Also noteworthy are the number of U.S. military vehicles operating in
Germany and other areas of Europe, which are equipped with SAE type headlamp systems.

The plan introduced at the April 4, 1990 meeting by the HBPTG was a two stage plan detailing only the
specific accomplishments to be pursued. The first stage recommended the worldwide acceptance of
existing U.S. and ECE beam patterns as the first step in harmonization.

It is widely believed that U.S. and ECE beam pattern variations are "practically" indistinguishable from
the safety aspect. Though visual differences exist, the predominant needs for safe vehicle operation are
equally well accomplished by both systems. Shortcomings and compromises to "optimal" performance
are exhibited by both U.S. and ECE beam patterns. There are only three test points in the SAE/FMVSS
test pattern which, in practice, prevent meeting the ECE beam pattern. They are the 0.5U-1.5L to L, the
0.5D-1.5L to L, and the 0.5U-1R to R test points.

The second stage consisted in the development of a consensus beam definition encompassing the
favorable aspects of both the U.S. and ECE beam pattern philosophies. OEM vehicle manufacturers
with expanding global interests have also recognized a need to minimize costs associated with design
and tooling headlamp types to accommodate U.S./ECE/Japanese markets, and to improve the overall

Beam Pattern Criteria

- The new pattern should consider the world driving environment.

(road surfaces, road delineation, traffic situations, combinations of lighted and unlighted roads,
overhead and roadside signs, oncoming traffic, etc.)

- Design and testing requirements must be considered.

Manufactured components vary slightly from the ideal design, and as a result, beam pattern variations
occur. High quality standards reduce these variations but do not eliminate them. Development of a
design standard and a manufacturing standard will insure safety and customer satisfaction are

- The initial standard should be component based with consideration given for its applicability to
vehicle based standard.
A component standard aids in the testing and compliance area. A vehicle based standard requires
the designer to consider how a system of lamps perform on a vehicle. The concept of two headlamps
on a vehicle, separated by 1200 mm, aimed in the same direction and producing the same beam
pattern is not entirely efficient. It is obvious that the beam cut off on the right hand headlamp is not as
critical for either the U.S. or ECE beam patterns. The standard should consider the next point.

- The standard should allow for symmetrical beam patterns.

Even if the standard is vehicle based, it is certain that sealed beam headlamps will be in existence for
many years to come and should not be prohibited.

- All types of road signs must be considered.

The variety of signs and their locations must be considered. Also must consider sign types and
reflectance characteristics.

- The beam pattern specified should have the flexibility to accommodate higher output light
This is primarily due to the introduction of HID light sources.
SAE J1735 Issued JAN95

- Compromises may be incorporated to account for weather conditions.

Adverse weather conditions are a part of the vehicle experience and should be considered in the
development of the standard.

- The beam pattern must be aimable without restricting the method of aim.
Considerations should be made for photometric features to aid aiming.


The HBPTG generated a set of five alternative low beam proposals to consider at the first Headlamp
Task Force meeting. These proposals underwent a number of iterations, culminating in a final set of
requirements known as Proposal 6. These requirements were revised in subsequent task force
meetings to Proposal 7, 7a, and finally in Proposal 8.

Proposal 6

One of the principle guidelines used in creating these requirements was to adopt the best features of the
present ECE and U.S. versions of low beam patterns. The major differences identified between ECE
and U.S. low beam patterns were as follows:

- ECE Patterns

Very low intensities above H-H to the left and above an angled line to the right. Intensities are about
400 cd near H-H.

A sharp cut-off of intensities along or just below H-H to the left and along the angled line to the right,
permits visual aim and reduces glare. Generally, a mechanical device is used to accomplish this (e.g.,
a bulb shield).

No requirement for a very high intensity spot. Highest minimum is 7500 cd at two points in the
"roadway seeing distance" region.

Foreground lighting is fairly uniform.

- U.S. Patterns

1000 to 2000 cd found above H-H for U.S. low beams. (The 2 to 3 times higher values for the U.S.
beams give much better overhead sign illumination.)

U.S. beams do not utilize sharp cut-offs, therefore it is harder to control large intensity gradients
between the roadway illuminating points (lower quadrants) and the oncoming driver glare points
(upper quadrants).

U.S. beams must meet a 15 000 cd minimum.

U.S. low beams usually are less uniform, partly indicative of the two strong hot spots (one from each of
the two lamps) projected about 60 to 70 ft down the road.

A lighting demonstration held in Anderson, Indiana in the Fall of 1989, though not conclusive,
indicated positive and negative features for both ECE and U.S. beam patterns. A combination of the
best features from each was certain to produce a visual improvement.
SAE J1735 Issued JAN95

Regulations should not restrict individual choices of beam pattern characteristics (e.g. sharp cut-offs,
uniformity of foreground, or light to the left lane) as long as the prerequisite minimum/maximum light
provides for safety. This permits equipment manufacturers sufficient latitude to design to the specific
preferences of the car companies.

Summary of Revisions-Proposal 6

- Modify the shapes of the zones above H-H sufficiently to cover the area with at least an extension of
Zone V to the left to −5 degrees, creating more horizontally biased rectangles (e.g., one slice for each
vertical degree). The widths of the slices should be on the order of 3 to 5 degrees.
- Set the candela minima in the overhead sign region to approximately the values in Arens paper, SAE
870238. (NOTE—-Problems arise when using these zones.)
- Set the maximum in Zone VI to about 2.2 Kcd to allow the presently found values for U.S. beams of
about 2 Kcd at 0.5 degree up and 1 to 3 degrees to the right. (NOTE—Zone VI may be replaced if
shape of zones above H-H are modified.)
- Set the maximum in Zone VII (or any replacement zone) such that the maximum along H-H on the left
side is raised to about 1.2 Kcd.
- Add a minimum intensity of 15 Kcd to a point in Zone IV, preferably at or close to the existing SAE J579
point of 2R and 2.5D.


In July of 1990 the SAE Task Group on Headlamp Beam Patterns met to review the Proposal 6
photometric requirements relative to the aspects of actual lamp design and ensuant manufacturing. The
outcome of the meeting was Proposal 7.

The key points examined from Proposal 6 included;

- light intensity gradients through the Horizontal

- definition of the high intensity zone
- maximums and minimums in the areas of overhead signs
- foreground light ratio to hot spot
- definition of measurement procedures for Zones I to IV
- design and producibility of the beam pattern
- acceptability of proposed pattern by Europe and Japan

Specific points elaborated on at the meeting were the hot spot, overhead signs, Zone III, and Zone II

Hot Spot—A minimum requirement of 15 Kcd was specified for the hot spot (highest intensity reading
within the beam pattern), and the hot spot must fall in the region of Zone I. The main beam must fall in
this zone to establish adequate seeing distance. 15 Kcd minimum was specified particularly to satisfy
wet road surfaces. Less output yields poor visibility in the driving lane. The size of the zone was
determined by consensus based on beam patterns produced both in the U.S. and Europe.

Overhead Signs—The U.S. Federal Highway Administration report on sign visibility was a major source
of input in evaluating overhead signs. Although it is recognized that light in the 0.5 to 1.0 degree up
range from 5 degrees left to 5 degrees right would be advantageous under most roadway situations, the
consideration for glare effects neutralizes the areas to the left of vertical and strongly tempers the
requirements to the right of vertical.
SAE J1735 Issued JAN95

The road evaluations conducted in Anderson, IN, indicated that even in low ambient light, relatively low
light levels from the headlamp above horizontal (200 to 500 cd) still permitted adequate reading of signs.
Based on these results, a minimum light level of 200 cd (at 1.5U) was specified along with a maximum of
2400 cd (at 0.5U). A beam pattern generated with this requirement can be achieved optically, and the
gradients from the hot spot controlled sufficiently either by shielding (H4) or by lens optics.

Zone III Requirements—A minimum of 80 cd was recommended (65 cd was the basis, plus a factor to
adjust to 12.8 V) as there is currently no minimum specified in the U.S. beam pattern for light above
horizontal. The lower edge of this zone was modified from Proposal 6, to 0.5 degree upward, to permit
softer cutoffs in this area of the beam pattern. Unshielded bulbs would have necessitated externa l
shielding for all bulb types except the European H4. Additionally, since it is desirable to have the high
intensity zone of the headlamp closer to the horizon, headlamps with softer cutoffs may be aimed slightly
higher than would be allowed by Proposal 6. The proposal places greater burden on the U.S. beam
pattern due to the 750 cd maximum in Zone III and the test point 0.5U to 1.5L with a maximum of 800 cd.

Zone II Requirements—These are carried over from Proposal 6, with Zone I now overlapping. The
minimum of 1875 cd is most relevant at extreme right and left of zone, by virtue of the natural gradient
from the hot spot. The three test points along the top edge of the zone, however, allow typically higher
levels than the U.S. currently allow. There are three criteria which support these increased

- NHTSA, In Notice 7 (Docket 85-15) proposed beam pattern "X-4" which specified greater light levels in
this area and exceeded FMVSS 108 requirements (2500 cd maximum). CHESS model evaluations of
the X-4 beam indicated that the additional light to the left of vertical produced improved results when
compared to designs with lower levels of light in this region.
- The ECE beam patterns have typically more light to the left of vertical both by practice and
- Adoption of higher intensity sources such as HID allow more light to be placed on the road compared
with halogen. It was consensus of the task group that increasing the light in the beam pattern both to
the right and the left would be very favorable for driver visibility.

Summary of Proposal 7a Characteristics

- 12.8 V shall be used for purposes of photometry

- ability to achieve sharp or soft cut-offs
- ability to use shielded or nonshielded bulbs
- a specification for necessary light in the "seeing area"
- consideration for overhead signs with limits based on glare constraints
- ability to put more light in the lower left quadrant than current U.S. requirements
- a ratio between the hot spot and the foreground light of 2:1
- a balancing of photometric requirements to augment the best characteristics of U.S. and ECE patterns
while allowing the most current bulb types (9004 may not be usable), all current aiming methods, all
current beam pattern philosophies
- a definition for photometric measurement of zones
- satisfaction of all known safety needs
SAE J1735 Issued JAN95


At the GTB meeting held in the Spring of 1994, the Coordinating Committee agreed to accept four critical
test points in the proposed harmonized low beam headlamp beam pattern. These points included the
main seeing point, a foreground point, and two glare points. During the first meeting of the SAE
Headlamp Beam Pattern Task Force in early 1994, the committee agreed to revise Proposal 7a to
include the four test points developed by the GTB Coordinating Committee, thus creating Proposal 8.
This move was intended to demonstrate to the GTB the U.S. automotive industry's desire to achieve
harmonization. A copy of the revised document, which also included further work by the Committee on
definition of all of the current aiming methods (visual aiming using a beam cutoff included). Subsequent
to the SAE meeting, the GTB Coordinating Committee met for their regular Spring meeting. A copy of
SAE J1735 was supplied to all members of the Coordinating Committee for consideration of the
remainder of the test points and zones in the low beam pattern (three test points were adopted from the
Coordinating Committee's earlier proposal). The glare point 0.5U-1.5L was still a significant issue and at
the June HBPTG, it was agreed that an intensity value of less than 750 cd must be considered to satisfy
a minimum intensity gradient to visually aim the beam. A maximum intensity level of 650 cd (at 12.8 V)
was recommended and adopted. This revision provides stricter control of the cutoff along the horizontal
specifically for maintaining visual aim capability.


The premise for selecting the various locations for the Photometric Performance Requirements was
based on selections of points which best represented critical points and zones in the beam pattern. For
lines and zones, a point nearest the hot spot was selected along with boundary points. The candela
values for the Photometric Design Guidelines are based on a ±20% conformity factor allowed for each
test point, except for the glare point 0.5 degree U - 1.5 degrees L which has a factor of 30%. The Design
Guideline at 0.5 degree U - 1.5 degrees L is 650 cd at 12.8 V. The Performance Requirement is 840 cd.
The reasons for the 30% tolerance at this test point, when a 20% tolerance is applied to the other test
points, are:

1. The performance requirement intensity value is still below the presently allowed "Design to Conform"
value of 1000 cd.
2. The ECE Regulation 20 has allowed a difference between their "Type Approval" value and the "COP"
value of 0.7 lux (438 cd) to 1.0 lux (625 cd) in this same test point location. This difference is 42%.
3. The present activity within the GTB Coordinating Committee has determined that the corresponding
values at this test point at 12.0 V will be "Type Approval" 0.85 lux and "COP" 1.1 lux. The difference
of 0.25 lux corresponds to 156 cd at 12.0 V and 193 cd at 12.8 V.

Relationship of SAE Standard to ISO Standard—Not applicable.

Application—This SAE Recommended Practice provides headlamp beam pattern test points which
incorporate elements of European, Asian, and U.S. photometric tables. Alternative means of aiming
headlamps are included which are consistent with methods presently used in the united States and in

Reference Section

SAE J599—Lighting Inspection Code

SAE J1383—Performance Requirements for Motor Vehicle

SAE J575—Tests for Motor Vehicle Lighting Devices and Components

SAE J579 Cancelled—Sealed Beam Headlamp Units for Motor Vehicles

SAE J1735 Issued JAN95

SAE J600—Headlamp Testing Machines

SAE J602—Headlamp Aiming Device for Mechanically Aimable Headlamp

SAE Paper 870238—The Potential Impact of Automotive Headlight Changes on the Visibility of
Reflectorized Highway Signs, J. B. Arens, Office of Safety and Traffic Operations, Research and
Development, Federal Highway Administration

ECE Regulation 20

JIS D 5500

"Headlamp Beam Pattern Philosophy," Lidstrom, O., Minutes of the SAE Headlamp Beam Task Force,
April 4, 1990

"Obstacle Detection Rationale for Upper Beam Intensity," Kosmatka, W.J., Minutes of the SAE Headlamp
Beam Task Force, February 26, 1992

"Headlamp Beam Gradient Aim Study," Kosmatka, W.J., Minutes of the SAE Headlamp Beam Task
Force, October 4, 1993

"Partial Harmonization of International Standards for Low-Beam Headlighting Patterns," Sivak, M. and
Flannagan, M., UMTRI-93-11, Univ. of Mich. Trans. Res. Institute, 1993

Developed by the SAE Road Illuminated Devices Standards Committee

Sponsored by the SAE Lighting Coordinating Committee

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