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ESSAY, PRECIS « COMPOSITIO Guess 5 Paper CSS- 2025 CQa0og700ng0gnx~ooo0o0c0oooOoooD o CONTENTS ENGLISH ESSAY ESSAYS Governance Crisis in Pakistan: Need for Reforms and Institution Building, Social Media has Destroyed Real-Life Communication Anificial Intelligence: Pros, Cons and Future Climate Change: A Grave Threat... The Politics of Division and Polarization in Pakistan Economic Turmoil in Pakistan: A Way Forward. Education: The Best Way to Promote National Integrati Pathways to Pakistan's Prosperity Poverty is the Mother of all Ills. Perils of Unplanned Urbanization Rethinking the Future of our Cities Developing Countries Must Be Able to Reap the Benefits of Intemational Trade Education Emergency in Pakistan Practice Essays .... Will Robots Take Over the Globe?... Did the United Nations Fail? Instruction in Youth is Like Engraving in Stone. Emergence of Street Power and its Challenges to Democracy in Pakistan Good Governance is Deeply Rooted in Human Development... Socio-Economic Problems in Pakistan. Is Gender Equality a Myth?. Privatizing Higher Education — Generating Knowledge or Making more Money for the Opulent. We can Kill Terrorists, not Terrorism... ‘Scanned with |CamScanner 4 ENGLISH (PRECIS & COMPOSITION) Précis and Composition Synonym and Antony. Analogy (MCQ3).. Correct and Incorrect Sentences. oooo PRECIS WRITING READING COMPREHENSION ¥ General Instructions O Solved Exercise Words often Confused Solved Translation Passages... Scanned with @ camscanner GOVERNANCE CRISIS IN PAKISTAN: NEED FOR REFORMS AND INSTITUTION BUILDING OUTLINE Introduction: Governance depends on the right policies and strong, vibrant institutions. In Pakistan, a ‘widespread governance crisis persists, necessitating comprehensive policy reforms and a complete ‘overhaul of poorly managed state-run Ns t0 address the issue. Good Governance and its Characteristi (@) Consensus Oriented (b) Participatory (©) Following rule of law (4) Efficient and effective (©) Accountable () Transparent (®) Responsive (b) Equitable and inclusive How astate is govemed creates all the difference in the lives of the people: quality of life improves with the quality of governance? Govemance Crisis in Pakistan: () The state has failed to deliver basic necessities of life owing to governance crisis (il) Insufficient and weak educational and health infrastructure (il) True representative of people have no access to corridors of power (iv) Nepotism and favoritism have eroded the trust of people in state institutions (¥) Might is right due to absence of rule of law: law of the land fails to check excesses of the powerful (vi) Criminals roam around with impunity weak vis-4-vis criminals (vil) Corruption has become the order ofthe day (vill) State-owned enterprises are suffering loss of billions of rupees by dint of mismanagement and bad govemance (lx) Poor tax-to-GDP ratio due to the unholy alliance between revenue officials and tax evaders (x) Efforts aimed at promoting accountability are being misused to achieve selective results (xl) Federal/Provincial Ombudsmen have failed to redress the grievances of citizens. Causes of Govemance Crisis in Pakistan: () Absence of rule of law and accountability (i) Lack of direction and poor policy decisions (it) Favouritism/nepotismpoliticization of state departments (iv) An administration and bureaucracy that is often unresponsive, inefTicient, and lacking in empathy or effectiveness (¥) Weak and pliant judiciary (vi) Poor implementation and faulty plans not driven by vision. ttutions that are responsible to curtail crimes seem ‘Scanned with |CamScanner 6 6. Inthe short term, following ten reforms can improve the governance in Pakistan: (a) Ensuring the independence of lower judiciary (b) De-politicization of FIA and Police (©) Strong and vibrant prosecution department (@) Autonomous Auditor General of Pakistan (AGP) (©) Independence of State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) from Finance Ministry. (Operational autonomy and resource allocation to SECP (@) All appointments and recruitments in public sector should be made through provincial/federal public service commissions. (b) Full utilization of the office of federal/provincial ombudsmen (D _Fairand Free Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) G)__Impartially should be ensured in NAB and provincial anti-corruption establishments 6. Institution building to ensure good governance: (Parliament needs to be made powerful institution; consent ofthe elected representatives of the people, (ii) Judiciary needs to be made independent and efficient so that the disputes of the people can be resolved in the best possible manner, (ii) Administration and bureaucracy need to be made proficient in discharging their mandated task of policy formulation and implementation, every key decision should be taken by the 7. Conclusion ESSAY Governance is the manner in which, and the process by which authority is exercised especially with respect fo the management of a country's economic and social resources. It can be improved by right policies and vibrant institutions. In Pakistan, govemance crisis is widespread, and comprehensive policy reforms and a complete overhaul of poorly state-run institutions are required to check the govemance crisis. Pakistan does not fulfil the criteria of eight characteristics of good governance inscribed by the United Nations. Thus, the ions are so fragile that criminals roam around billions of dollars to the economy. Moreover, tax-1o-GDP ratio in Pakistanis one of the lowest in the region owing to outdate mechanism of tax department and the unholy between the revenue officials and the tax evaders. The list of governance land has no grip over those who have power and authority. In addition tothe absence of rule of law, poor and misdirected policies have further exacerbated the crisis. A reversal of the prevailing situation would improve the govemance situation ofthe country and such reforms shall have to introduce which ean bear fruits in the short run. The short run solution is o improve governance in institutions commonly known as institutions of ional Accountability Bureau which keep an eye on institutions like parliament and judiciary need to be made more empowered and independent so thatthe decisions of national interest could be taken on merit keeping in view the best interest ofthe nation. Governance criss of Pakistan and its causes will be discussed later. First, the eight characteristics of good governance described by United Nations along with the socio-economic and politcal benefits of good overnance need to be mentioned. ‘The foremost characteristic of good govemance is that it is consensus oriented. It takes. every stakeholder's input in the passing of all laws and policies. The consenl of every stakeholder guarantees a ‘seamless propagation towards the intended goal of any policy or law. The second characteristic of good govemance is that it ensures participation. All men and women have a voice in decision-making directly or indirectly through their elected representatives. Such paticipation enhances the Scanned with |\CamScanner 7 confidence of the citizens in the govemment’s policies and decisions, It also safeguards the right to freedom of association and speech. The third characteristic of good govemance is of rule of law. Legal framework of a country that is governed well is fair and enforced impartially. Every individual is treated equally irrespective of their status and authority. Moreover, laws related to human rights are given utmost importance. The fourth characteristic of good governance is transparency. It is built on free flow of information, Processes, institutions and information are directly accessible to those concemed with them, and enough information is provided to understand and monitor them. Countries having good governance also have laws related to right to information concerning public affairs. The fifth characteristic of good governance is that it is responsive and sensitive towards the citizens. Institutions and processes try to serve all the stakeholders. Administration and bureaucracy are competent, sympathetic and responsive to the citizen's complaints and grievances. The sixth characteristic of good govemance as described in UNDP report is of equity. All men and women have equal opportunity to improve or maintain their well-being. They can opt any career of their choice. There is no discrimination on the basis of gender, religion, ethnicity, caste and creed. The second last characteristic of good governance is effectiveness and efficiency, Processes and institutions produce results that meet the needs of citizens while making the best use of resources. They complete the tasks in minimum time without wasting precious time of their clients and the organizational machinery. Effectiveness and efficiency is the hallmark of good governance. Finally, the eighth characteristic of good governance is accountability, Decision-makers in government, the private sector and civil society organizations are accountable to the public, as well as to institutional stakeholders, Furthermore, accountability curtails financial bungling and misuse of authority. Presence of these qualities improves the quality of governance. No doubt, the quality of the lives of citizens of a country improves with the quality of governance. In developed countries, where govemance structure is well-established and (s responsive towards citizens’ demands, the living standards ofthe citizen is far better than that of developing countries, where govemance structure is weak and poor. Unfortunately, Pakistanis also among those countries where govemance crisis is widespread, ‘Owing to governance crisis, the state has failed to deliver basic necessities of life to the citizens, Its unable to generate enough employment opportunities to absorb emerging work force. Currently, the ‘unemployment ratio in Pakistan is around 8 %. The ever-increasing poverty ratio is the gonsequence of the ‘unemployed youth. Pakistan Institute of Development Economics says 70pe people in Balochistan, 48pe in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, 4Spe in Sindh, and 30pe in Punjab are suffering from poverty (Dawn, 2024). The report further said that 26.5 percent of the population lacks living facilities, 49.4 percent educational facilities, and 24.1 percent people are deprived of health facilites. The highest poverty rate in Pakistan was recorded in Balochistan province, according to the PIDE research report. Brigades of unemployed youth and poverty-stricken citizens are a threat to peace and security of the society. The youth who could not get an appropriate employment is vulnerable to join terrorist organizations or criminal elements. Through a better ‘governance structure, the menace of unemployment, poverty and insecurity could be countered. Moreover, governance crisis has left Pakistan with insufficient and weak educational and health infrastructure. Health and educational indicator of Pakistan do not show an encouraging picture. The state has badly failed in protecting its unhealthy citizens especially its newly-born children. Pakistan faces an unprecedented health crisis, compounded by its status as the fifth most populous country globally. The World Health Organisation's recent ranking, placing Pakistan at 124th out of 169 countries, should serve as a clarion call for an immediate revision of the nation’s health system (Dawn, 2024). The one reason for this abysmal condition in education and health sectors is the low budgetary allocation. However, the main reason behind this deplorable condition is the way these sectors are govemed. These sectors are governed on ad hocism without a clear vision and plan. Nepotism and favouritism have weakened the capacity to deliver their mandated task. Incompetent and insensitive people are sitting at the helm of affairs. Unless governance structure of these sectors is not improved, the increase in budgetary allocation — which is also necessary — will prove to be futile. Furthermore, govemance crisis has made it difficult for true representatives of people to have access to corridors of power. Institutions responsible to ensure free and fair elections have failed in discharging their duties. Elections can be rigged by the use of money or power. When rules of good govemance are not followed, a certain class gets undue advantage. The people with money or links with powerful lobby get easy ‘Scanned with |CamScanner aceess o the power corridors. The huge influence of money in politics discourages the true representatives of people. The fact that less than 5% of country’s population consist of industrialists, landlords and businessmen but their presence in assemblies is more than 95% shows how a certain class of the society has monopoly over the state's institutions, resources and authority. Moreover, Election Commission of Pakistan has failed to check the overspending of candidates in their election campaigns making hard for middle class and lower classes to step in parliament: the institution meant for people's representatives have become representatives of people with money and links, This situation can only be averted if meritocracy, rule of law and best governance practices prevail in Election Commission of Pakistan, In addition to this, governance crisis begets nepotism and favouritism that have eroded the trust of citizens in state institutions. The government jobs are allotted to the kins and kiths of people with influence. The decisions are not taken on merit. Tenders of public projects are given to those bidders who give more kickbacks or who have the reference of a powerful person in the government. This practice of favouritism and nepotism is prevalent in all goverument departments skipping not even judiciary. This state of affairs has hampered the efficacy and effectiveness of government institutions and enterprises. Hence, the general public have no confidence in state institutions. They prefer using the services of private organization. In the absence of good govemance and meritocracy, the best minds ofthe country chose to go abroad for better opportunities. This has detrimental effects on government's capacity to generate revenues and cater tothe needs of citizens, ‘Owing tothe govemance crisis, law of the land has failed to check the excesses of the powerful. There is one rule for the powerful and another for the poor. People with authority, wealth and power can exonerate themselves from any crime they have commited by vite of ther links and money. On the other hand, criminals with no means, have to pay heavy price even for their small wrongdoings. Hence, one wil be justified in saying that ‘might is right” is the law ofthe land. Similarly, in the absence of appropriate governance structure, criminals roam around with impunity. Institutions that are responsible for curtailing crimes seem weak in front of the criminals. institutions of law enforcement are either ill-equipped or ill-tained or lack the capacity to hunt the criminals. Secondly, state infrastructure is based on favouritism and nepotism that provide space for criminals to do their heinous crimes without fear, Moreover, officals are vulnerable to lose their jobs if they do not entertain the unlawful demands cof their bosses. Hence, they do not resist any immoral demand of ther high-ups. Above and beyond, people in influential positions protect the criminals and criminals know that they are untouchable or if they are captured by law enforcement agencies, their patrons will free them, Moreover, without accountability and good governance, corruption has become the order of the day costing billions of rupees tothe economy. An economy fragile like Pakistan has to bear the leakage of around Rs, 14 billion on daly basis in form of corruption. One cannot get one's legitimate work done without bribing goverment officials. Corruption has made it easy even for those who do not have links with powerful lobby to get ther illegitimate work done. They just need to have money in their pockels and ther drtest of the work. would be done without any question. For instance, one who has never sat on driving seat ofa car can get a driving licence just by greasing the palms ofa relevant officer. This state of affairs has resulted in inefficient and ineffectiveness of government machinery as a whole. Likewise, state-run enterprises are sufering losses of billions of rupees as a result of mismanagement and bad governance. Appointment to key poss is not merit based. Criterion of such appointment has become their links with someone influential or their submissive behaviour of saying ‘yes sit’ tothe directions of their appointees. Long-term planning and vision lack in their decision-making process. Moreover, these enterprises are working on ad hocism. Most of the time, their heads are not appointed on permanent basis, Hence, the public enterprises like PIA, Steel Mills and Railways are suffering huge losses which are an unnecessary ‘burden on state's exchequer, Ideally, the govemance of these institutions should be in the hands of competent individuals. Sadly, this isnot the case atthe moment. Poor tax-to-GDP ratio exacerbates the already buming situation, Curently, the tax-to-GDP ratio in Pakistan is mere 9% which is lowest inthe region. India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh have improved the governance structure of their tax departments. Asa result, their capacity to collect taxes has enhanced. Pakistan needs to lear the lesson from them, In Pakistan, there are three malin hurdles against revenue collection up to its maximum potential. Firstly, the tax collection system is out-dated and lacks automation, Secondly, the tax officials are not equipped with modem technique and straiegy. Lastly, the unholy alliance between the tax officials and tax evaders is an impediment to ‘increase in tax-to-GDP ratio, Furthermore, among othe ils of govemance crisis, one is the slow and selective accountability by the different transparency bureaus. The National Accountability Bureau (NAB) at the federal level, along with anti- ‘Scanned with |CamScanner 9 ‘corruption bureaus at the provincial level (such as the Anti-Corruption Establishment in Punjab), is well-equipped with the appropriate laws and authority. However, problem arises when these bureaus exercise their authority parially and adopt delaying tactics. Owing to this, the scope of accountability in the country is limited, An across the board accountability is only possible if institutions tasked with this job work impartially and swifly, Lastly, the federal and provincial ombudsmen have failed to redress the grievances of citizens. Firstly, people in general do not know the purpose of these offices or how to approach them, Secondly, persons occupying these offices are generally detached from public and lack compassion. As a result, these quite meaningful offices are becoming irrelevant. Having mentioned the major governance crisis in Pakistan, itis pertinent to disclose the causes behind this crisis. After all, knowing the causes of a problem is the first step towards finding the solution, The foremost reason behind govemance crisis in Pakistan is the absence of rule of law. In its absence, the real potential of a country cannot be achieved; institutions collapse and criminals run amok. Secondly, a key aspect of the governance crisis is the lack of direction and poor policy decisions, which have created an imbalance in the roles of the public and private sectors in establishing a system of good governance, Thirdly, the administration and bureaucracy are unresponsive, inefficient, unsympathetic and insensitive, if not callous. Sometimes, even cruel to those whom they are meant to serve. Fourthly, the weak and pliant judiciary makes it difficult for people to exercise their legal rights. Lastly, the poor implementation and faulty plans not driven by any vision but projects financed by donors that did not fit into the country's own development priorities. To improve the governance of the country, the root causes mentioned in the above paragraph needs to be addressed. The main requirement is broad-based institutional reform. That, however, is a long, arduous process. Instead, a more selective approach can be adopted in which some key institutions that c&n act as restraints on maladministration of justice and rule of law, poor govemance and abuse of excessive discretionary powers could be strengthened in the next three to four years. This would have a spill over effects. ‘on other institutions too. ‘Among these Key institutions, the lower judiciary is more important than any other as it underpins the entire system of accountability and rule of law. In addition, there are at least ten other institutions where reform ean make an overall difference. To begin with, Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and provincial police departments: the performance of these institutions has deteriorated significantly because of politicization of the process of selection, postings, ‘transfers and promotions. To enhance their professionalism, they must be provided competent human resources and adequate financial resources for training, equipment, mobility, accommodation and welfare with accountability. The police force should be governed under its own law and rules (Police Order 2002). Secondly, the Attomey General's office and the prosecution departments do not attract high calibre manpower because of lack of clarity about carver progression and relatively poor compensation. The monetary losses incurred by the govemment due to weak prosecution and a subsequently high rate of acquittals of known criminals far ‘outweigh the increased expenditure on a well-ctablished and competent prosecution department. Thirdly, the Auditor General's office has not fully utilized its constitutional powers to unearth and detect financial bungling rampant in the public sector. The slow pace at which financial irregularities is detected and the lack of professional expertise among core staff have diminished the efficacy of this office. Its shortcomings. could be addressed by converting it into a supreme audit institution with autonomy, resources and accountability to parliament, Fourthly, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) as the regulator and supervisor of banks can safeguard against possible malpractices in the award of credit and recovery of loans, The banking sector in Pakistan, after last decade's reforms, has emerged as quite strong but financial access remains limited and has to be extended to the middle and lower income groups to generate employment and reduce poverty and inequalities ~ the root. cause of crime and terrorism. Fifthly, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP) needs to be made autonomous. Capital and financial markets in Pakistan are highly shallow and have met played an effective role in the intermediation that is required in an emerging market. Corporate governance of public listed companies is weak and dominated by major family shareholders without due regard to the rights of minority shareholders. Insider trading is perceived to be widely rampant while disclosure of information standard is loosely enforced. ‘The SECP needs operational autonomy, resources and skills o carry out its mandate. ‘Scanned with |CamScanner 10 Sixthly, the scopes of federal/provincial public service commissions need to be widened. It is clear that the merit-based system of recruitments, appointments and promotions had served the nation for beter than the present sifarish-based and “buy-the-post system. The responsibilty forall recruitments and promotions should revert to the commissions without any exception. Seventhly, the federal and provincial boards of revenues need to be made more vigilant. Leakages of revenues due to connivance between tax officials and unscrupulous taxpayers are causing serious damage to the economy and need to be plugged by restructuring the federal and provincial revenue boards. The registrar's offices under the boards of revenue have become dens of corruption and need to be cleaned up. Eighthly, the federal/provincial ombudsmen’ offices can become effective instruments for quick, fair and judicious edressal of citizens’ grievances against the arbitrary harassment by overzealous or corupt officials. Lastly, the law under which National Accountability Bureau (NAB) works, though effective, has been implemented selectively. The body should be given complete operational and financial autonomy and protected from political interference. _ The approach advocated here is to create an environment whereby acts of malfeasance are exposed lance and scrutiny i exercised continuously; investigation and fixing of responsibility is carried ‘out resolutely and disciplinary action against those found guilty is taken promptly. This would be a more effective deterrent in curbing crime and corrupt practices than would enact more laws and setting up agencies. The reform of these institutions ean make a difference, provided: firstly, they are headed by widely respected and competent managers of known integrity; secondly, the terms of reference, responsibilities, functions and powers of these institutions are clearly defined; thirdly, there is no political interference in their working but atthe same time they are held publicly accountable for their actions and the results; fourthly, they are provided adequate financial resources and professionally high calibre staff; and fifthly, they follow transparent procedures and processes. To ensure non-partisan’political support for these institutions, their heads should be confirmed by parliamentary committees. Nevertheless, to bear fruit of these reforms for long run the institutional building needs to be this direction, the first right step would be to make parliament an all-powerful institution. All key decisions should be taken by the consent of elected representatives of the people. Currently, major decisions are taken in All Parties’ Conference or in the kitchen cabinet of prime minister. Parliament becomes meaningless if jons are to be taken outside it. For strengthening democracy and sustainable good governance, parliament must be given its due role. Otherwise, no reform will last long, For this, political will and obliteration of influence of establishment on political process are required In addition to empowering parliament, judiciary needs to be made independent and efficient. Recent Judicial activism has made judiciary relatively independent. However, it has failed to make it swift and vibrant. It takes decades to resolve a simple dispute of property or domestic violence. Unless itis made efficient, the trust of people over judiciary cannot be gained, Quick resolution of judicial cases is the distinctive characteristic of good governance. Otherwise, it is believed that ‘justice delayed is justice denied’. Fe independence of judiciary, the recommendations of judicial committee which were presented in the parliament niced to be implemented in its letter and sprit. Besides empowering parliament and enhancing the efficacy of judiciary, the administration and bureaucracy need to be made effective and efficient in discharging their mandated task of policy formulation and implement. Reforms required for this are following: firstly, the concept of the superior and subordinate services and the distinction between cadre, ex-cadre and non-cadre should be replaced with equality of all services at all levels of government. Secondly, a district service should be constituted for each district government comprising teachers, health workers and sanitary workers in grade 1-16 who already work in the district. Thirdly, recruitment at all levels should be on a competitive basis and on merit and in observance of the provincial quotas in all federal and provincial services. Last, the mandatory completion of training at mid- ‘career and senior positions should be a prerequisite for promotion, To conclude, govemance in Pakistan can only be improved by measured reforms and meaningful institutional building. Governance crisis in the country is so widespread that no institution tasked with public service delivery is functioning optimally. The institutions are atthe verge of collapsing; thugs are running law enforcement agencies and criminals are operating unbridled. After analysing the eauses of this abysmal state of affairs and owing to the gravity of crisis, wide-ranging reforms in public institutions and enterprises are suggested which would be paying back in short span of time. For sustainable good governance, institutions like parliament, judiciary and administration need to be empowered. Otherwise, the agenda of governance ‘improveément will remain el a ‘Scanned with |CamScanner SOCIAL MEDIA HAS DESTROYED REAL-LIFE COMMUNICATION OUTLINE Introduction ‘An Overview of Social Media and its Different Platforms (a) Definitions of social media (b) Different types and platforms Understanding the Concept of Real-life Communication (a) Understanding what communication is (b)_ Understanding the meaning of real-life communica Facts that prove that Social Media has destroyed Real-life Communication (a) Strangers residing in one house (®) Unfortunate shift from parks and cinemas to cell phones and laptops (© Online shopping: no more window shopping, no more altercation with the shopkeepers, no more laughter with friends (@)_ Online education: the murder of canteens, libraries and hostel life ‘Viewpoint of the Supporters of Social Media (a) Arguments of those who think social m¢ () Flaws in the arguments Analysis of the Factors Responsible for Making People Social Media Crazy (a) Absence of awareness and sensitization (b) Easy accessibility (©) Poor monitoring and accountability (@)_ Inexpensive availability (©) Changing requirements due to paucity of time Recommendations for Creating a Balance in Life by Promoting Real-life Communication (a) Introduction of necessary checks and balances (b)_ Spread of awareness in educational institutions and through the media (©) Provision of alternatives (d)_ Imposition of taxes to check immoral use of social media communication is not a destroyer of real-t Conclusion ‘Scanned with |CamScanner 2 ESSAY Human life has undergone drastic changes since its inception on Earth. Today's man is living a life that ‘was not even dreamed of by his ancestors. Among many inventions of science that have revolutionized human life, the one that stands ahead of others in terms of magnanimity of impacts is social media. If distances have lost their meaning and tertorial borders their significance, itis nothing else but social media that deserves the credit, From the economic front to the political sector and from social dimensions to the administrative domain, social media is rendering countless services to the people of the world, especially by connecting them with one another. At the same time, however, itis also an incontrovertible reality that social media has wreaked havoc on real-life communication among people. By providing online entertainment facilities, shopping avenues and meeting arrangements, social media has limited the number of opportunities. that people would have for face-to-face communication, However, itis another fact that there are a number of ‘ther factors that have helped social media squeeze the space that was previously available for physical ‘communication and interaction. Although it would never be possible for people to push social media out of ther lives, some meticulously planned ameliorative measures can certainly be helpful in creating some sort of balance inthe situation, Social media can be defined in a number of ways. In simple words, social media is the combination of computer-based technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression, According to Investopedia, social media is a “computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of information, ideas, thoughts, and information through virtual networks and communities.” The Cambridge Dictionary defines social media as the combination of websites and programmes that allow people to communicate and share their thoughts by using digital devices. ‘As for the types of social media, experts divide them into different categories, on the basis of their purposes and functions. The more widely recognized social media types are social networking platforms, Photo- and video-sharing platforms, blogging and discussion forums, e-commerce sites and educational and ‘gaming networks. Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, Zoom, TikTok, Amazon and OLX are some of the many such social media platforms that have become an integral part of everyone's life in the present age. Insofar as communication is concerned, it has been defined in a number of ways. The Oxford Dictionary defines communication as the “imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing or using some other medium.” Merriam-Webster defines it as “a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behaviour." The term “rea-life communication” is not a dictionary term and, hence, can be interpreted in several ways. One ofthe many interpretations ofthe tem, the one that seems to be more relevant to the subject, is that it refers to face-to-face communication or communication that involves the ‘Physical presence of persons who are communicating with one another ina single place. However, itis an irrefutable reality that social media, despite enabling people to communicate with one nother with as maximum ease as possible, has destroyed real-life communication in multiple ways, ‘When it comes tothe facts that prove that social media has narrowed the scope and margin of real-life communication, they are many and quite easily detectable. First of al, the lifestyle and activity routine within ‘our houses are the most-relevant things to discuss. sit not so that communication among members ofa family has decreased to an alarming level just because of social media? Is it not a reality that members of a family, despite siting together in a room, are far and away from one another just because they are engaged in using their social media accounts? Just a decade ago, when social media had not so deeply penetrated into the lives of people, things were altogether different. At that time, siblings would play different indoor games and ts would narrate stories tothe kids before asking them to goto their beds, The sense of dissociation that oozes from the walls of even very small houses today was never there before the advent of social media. Similarly, social media has brought a perceptible shif in the recreational activities of people, as a result of which real-life communication has faced a serious blow. Before the advent of social media, people would go for a walk in parks, watch movies in cinemas and play games on playgrounds. The situation at the moment, however, is much different, as there are a number of recreational opportunities available on social media platforms, and people remain engaged with them while sitting in their rooms or vehicles, Online music, movies Scanned with |\CamScanner 13 and games have curtailed the need for outdoor activities and, resultantly, the number of avenues for people's face-to-face communication has also declined. A more surprising fact is that the people who go for outdoor activities, 00, spend most of the time on their cell phones, using social media accounts and totally ignoring the people around them, Real-life communication will further decrease when the generations born before the 1980s end, as:these are the people who are less familiar with social media and still believe in real-life communication. Likewise, social media platforms have changed the mode of shopping as well, and, resultantly, another avenue of live communication is gradually leading towards complete closure. Ali Babe, Amazon, Daraz, Telemart, Goto and many other such websites provide online shopping facilities to people, due to whi face contacts and communication opportunities in markets and shopping malls have decreased significantly. Shopping for events like Eid, birthdays, marriages and Christmas has always been an outdoor activity before the advent of social media, and members of a family and friends would plan it exuberantly. The present situation has, hhowever, changed as many, if not most, people place orders using online platforms and ultimately, the opportunity of meeting friends and family members has at least been reduced, if not completely destroyed. Social media also provides a number of online educational platforms, due to which the possibilities of face-to- face communication face a decline. The provision of online education certainly has a number of benefits yet the fact that even the class-fllows are unable to meet each other and have live communication and interaction is also a big question mark on the utility of the whole process, No one can deny that leaming is not confined to lectures and bookish material only; it is much more than this. Online leaming platforms deprive students of opportunities to interact with, and lea from, one another, and they don't let them grow the way they could if they had been getting education in physical classroom models. In educational institutions, where students are physically present, they do a number of activities, including discussions on various topics ranging from their personal lives to their country’s Political and economic situation, This interaction, in addition to all other benefit, creates inde! no less than a treasure, particularly in the second half of life. Unfortunately, social media has snatched this treasure from young students by depriving them of the opportunity for live communication. Like many other things, social media has changed the professional lives of people in such a way that real- life communication has significantly shrunk. There are a number of websites and applications that have made possible for people to perform different types of professional activities while siting in their bedrooms. Work from home was definitely a compulsion in the Covid-19 period, and it has facilitated human beings a lot by ‘making possible for them to discharge their official and professional responsibilities without causing any hazard of disease spread; however, in normal days, it is an enemy of people's social interaction with one another despite a number of benefits that it still entails. The way technology is experiencing advancement and innovation, it seems likely that physical presence at workplaces will soon become rare, and most people will prefer doing their work sitting inside their rooms. This shift in lifestyle would definitely deprive people of the memories that develop at cafeterias and canteens when colleagues sit together at break time and discuss everything ranging from their domestic lives to national polities. Having discussed the facts that prove that soci has destroyed real-life communication, it is pertinent to share the other point of view as well. Many people believe that instead of destroying real-life communication, social media has enhanced the opportunities for people's interaction with one another by providing them with a number of platforms. Such people opine that real-life communication is not confined only to face-to-face interaction based on physical presence. Such people advocate the utility of social media platforms, and argue that almost all of them provide opportunities for voice and video calling, and it is no less than the physical interaction with one another. These arguments apparently seem solid enough to be given Weight, yet the reality is much more than these advocates of social media see while propagating their Viewpoint. Social media platforms, in reality, can never replace real-life communication as they lack a number of things that are part and parcel of true communication. Genuine identities, warmth or frigidity of emotions and feelings, facial expressions and body language at the moment of communication: all these things are immensely significant for communication, as without them, the message can neither be communicated nor received with clarity. As social media interaction is devoid of all these necessary elements of communication, itcan never replace real-life communication or can even be compared with it in any way. Now, before delineating some measures that can be helpful in liberating people from the shackles of social media, itis relevant to shed light on some factors that have played a catalysing role in enhancing the craze and demand for social media. First of all, this is lack of focus on educating the people regarding the pros ‘Scanned with |CamScanner 4 and cons of social media that deserves to be held responsible for the situation. For every other thing that is ‘developed, invented or manufactured in this world, there is a user manual that guides consumers regarding, the ‘ways in which that product should be used for geting optimum results Even on the boxes of cigarettes, many responsible states declare it mandatory to mention the perils of smoking; however, this is not the case with social media. Despite being highly pernicious, social media is easily accessible even to five-year olds, and there is no system of sensitizing the users to the drawbacks that its wrong or overuse may entail ‘Secondly, there are zero or very few checks and balances on the act lity of social media. Everything is easly accessible and even without anyone's knowledge. This ease becomes a big source of temptation for ‘human beings who find social media to be an easy source of quenching their physical desires. Thirdly, there is no system of regulation or monitoring to restrict the uploading and downloading of immoral material on social media. Immorality becomes an addiction with the passage of time and those who are addicted are unable to stay away from it, even if they eamestly want to do that. Fourthly, social media is a relatively cheaper source of connectivity as well as entertainment as ‘compared to other sources. At a time when inflation is at its peak, people find it more convenient and cost- effective to rely on social media. Finally, social media is far less time-consuming than other activities requiring physical presence. In this age when life has become excessively fast, peopl find it more convenient to rely on social media owing to the paucity of time. AAs far as ameliorative measures are concemed, there can be many; however, it needs to be understood that the only goal that should be pursued is to limit the excessive use of social media, which gives birth to a number of issues in addition to surreptitiously depriving people of real-life communication. To start with, some technology-based systems should be devised for maintaining strict checks and balances on the use of social media platforms. Restricting people's access to immoral material will definitely discourage a number of such users who keep engaged in exploring lascivious material on social media platforms. ‘Secondly, educational institutions and mainstream media should perform the task of educating social media-users regarding its merits and demerits. Talks, speeches, discussions, lectures: everything will work, provided itis done with ingenious intentions. Thirdly, all governments should work to enhance the number of altemative entertainment and recreational opportunities. for people by allocating more funds for this purpose. The availability of playgrounds, cinema halls, adventure parks and shopping arenas in the immediate vic will definitely attract people to get away from mobile phones and laptops and perform physical activities, giving them more chances of face-to-face communication with others. Finally, technology should not be too inexpensive to force people to avoid its unnecessary use. The imposition. of taxes and introduction of charges to stop the unnecessary use of social media can be a task worth considering. (On the basis ofthis detailed analysis, it can be concluded that social media has certainly wreaked havoe ‘on reablife communication in a number of ways. Social media has provided multiple platforms that, on the one hand, facilitate human beings in fulfilling their day-to-day needs and requirements with ease, yet they also ~ deprive people of face-to-face connectivity and live communication, on the other. At the same time, however, it is also true that there exist many other elements as well that have contributed to the aggravation of the situation, AAs the absence of real-life communication and excessive use of social media have a myriad of negative implications for human life, some workable plan of action will have to be chalked out. Introduction of ‘measures for having technical checks and balances on social media platforms, sensitization of the people ‘through educational institutions and media platforms and provision of altematives to social media can be some of the many measures that can be helpful I i doubt, has become an integral part of our lives, and it can't be replaced due to the benefits and fruits that it brings for people. The only thing that is required, and should be strived for, is the development of a balanced approach to its use so that it does not encroach upon human health and comfort in any way. In a moderate approach lies the beauty of life, and the ealir itis realized, the better is. ‘Scanned with |CamScanner

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