Young Beth Jacob!: Morning Afternoon
Young Beth Jacob!: Morning Afternoon
Young Beth Jacob!: Morning Afternoon
Groups Begin @ 10:30am, Parents please tend to your children beforehand
Rabbi Avram Bogopulsky Shabbat Shekalim, February 18, 2012 , Parshat Mishpatim, pg. 416 Haftorah pg. 1156
Groups with the Weisers on Shabbos Afternoon-3:45pm
Note: Shabbat Torah Reading is divided into 7 sections. Each section is called an Aliya [literally: Go up] since for each Aliya, one person goes up to make a bracha [blessing] on the Torah Reading.
Youth Morning Groups Tots: Below 1st Grade with Morahs Faye & Shayna Group 2: Active and Educational Programs with our Middle School Helpers Junior Cong: The Classic Reborn with Mr. Weiser
Teen Morning Groups Pre-Teen Girls: Torah Learning w/Bobbe Reitman -10:30am-OFF Tweeners Groups Shalosh Seudos in classroom B
1st Aliya: The Jewish slave, Jewish maidservant, manslaughter, murder, injuring a parent, kidnapping, cursing a parent. 2nd Aliya: Killing of slaves, personal damages, injury to slaves, the killer ox, a hole in the ground, damage by goring, penalties for stealing. 3rd Aliya: Damage by grazing, damage by fire, the unpaid custodian, the paid custodian, the borrowed article, seduction, occult practices, idolatry and oppression, lending money.
4th Aliya: Accepting authority, justice, strayed animals, the fallen animal. 5th Aliya: Justice, the Shmitah (7th) year, Shabbos, Pesach, Shavous, Succos, prohibition against milk and meat.
means by which the seven nations would be chased out of Israel, and promised that if we do as instructed no woman would miscarry. The borders of Eretz Yisroel (The Land of Israel) were defined. The conclusion of the Parsha returns to the aftermath of Revelation. Moshe built an altar, offered a sacrifice, and in 24:7 the nation proclaimed we will first obey Hashems commands and then attempt to understand. Moshe, Aharon, Nadav, Avihu, and the 70 elders have a shared vision in 24:10 and then Moshe is told to ascend Sinai where he would remain for 40 days and nights.
Maftir Shekalim
Get Excited!
Girls and Boys Mishmar-Wednesday @ 6:15-7:30pm-This week-Girls Bloomberry Pancakes-Sundays at 8:45-9:15am- Back & Bigger Child/Parent Learning-Saturday Night 7:00-8:00pm Girls Night Out-every other week, ages 13-18, Friday night, 8:159:00pm at the home of Yisroel & Malka Weiser. Contact Mr. Weiser for details on Youth 619.933.6740
This week, in addition to the regular Parsha, we read Parshas Shekalim. Parshas Shekalim is the first of the four special Shabbosim 6th Aliya: Hashem (G-d) instructed preceding Pesach when additional portions from the Torah are read. the nation to respect the authority Shekalim is read on the Shabbos of His messengers, the Prophets that precedes the month of Adar, or and Rabbis. He promised to the Shabbos of Rosh Chodesh Adar chase out the seven nations who (when Rosh Chodesh and Shabbos inhabited Canaan and forewarned coincide). A key function of the us against making a treaty of peace Bais Hamikdash (Temple) was with them, or being influenced by the offering of the daily, korban their practices and values. public sacrifices. The designation of 7th Aliya: Hashem stated the public was because every male
adult, 20 years and older, donated a 1/2 Shekel toward the purchase of the communal sacrifices. These moneys were gathered and used to purchase the daily public offerings. The law demands that all sacrifices must be purchased from moneys collected for that year. The fiscal year for public offerings was from Nissan to Nissan. Therefore, the Rabbis ordained that the portion of the Torah describing the first giving of the 1/2 Shekel be read on the Shabbos of or before Rosh Chodesh Adar, one month before the 1/2 shekel was due, as a reminder that everyone should send in their money to the Temple.
Candlelighting.........................5:17pm Mincha.....................................5:20pm Shacharis Beit Midrash.............7:45am Daf Yomi...................................7:45am Shacharis Main Shul.................8:45am Latest Shema...........................9:15am Youth Groups...........................3:45pm Rabbis Class............................4:00pm
Shabbat Schedule
Sun Shacharis..............................8:00am Mon-Wed.............................6:20/7:15am Thur, Fri Rosh Chodesh.........6:10/7:15am Sun-Thu Mincha/Maariv...............5:20pm Late Maariv...................................9:15pm
Weekly Schedule
To all guests and visitors here for Shabbat. All friends & family who are here to celebrate Chaim Peikes Bar Mitzvah.
Rose St. Brit-Monday, February 20 after second Minyan. Happy Birthday Bobbe Reitman, Matthew Johnson, Tehila Nissim.
Our community offers a wide range of learning opportunities. Daf Yomi: Mon-Fri at 6:15 am, Sunday at 7:00 am, Shabbos at 7:45 am Amud Yomi: Sun-Thur after Mincha Halacha Class:Sunday-Thursday with Rabbi Maik, 7:30-815pm Gemara Class:Sunday-Thursday with Yaakov Klein, 8:35-9:15pm Mr. Weiser Whats on Weisers mind? Call him to find out: 619.933.6740 Beis Midrash Learning: Bagel and cream cheese, fresh brewed coffee every Sunday @ 8:45am. Come and get a chavrusa and study.
Thank You!!!
Kiddush Lunch is sponsored by Rabbi & Mrs. Michoel Peikes IHO their son Chaim on his Bar Mitzvah. Seuda Shlishit IHO Siyum of Erchin Daf Yomi.
Coming Up!!!
Lecture by Sara Rigler-February 20 @ 7:00pm for men & women. Dr. Zvi Gitelman lectures on February 25,26: Shabbos 4:00pm, Sun 9:00am and 11:30am. Sign up for Brunch @ 10:30am, cost: $10 members, $12 nonmembers. Kindergarten Readiness Seminar-Wednesday, February 29, 6:30-8:30pm @ SSHDS. FMI call 858-279-3300/109
Prophets W/Rabbi Marks 6:30-7:15pm Ladies Class-off w/L. Bogopulsky 8:00-9:00pm
Beginner Talmud w/Rabbi Marks 8:15-9:15pm
Ladies Class w/The Rabbi 1:30-2:15pm Tastes of Talmud w/Rabbi Adatto 8:00-9:00pm
Parsha W/ The Rabbi 7:30-8:15pm Mishmar & Cholent 9:30-10:30pm
Mazal Tov!!!
Chaim Peikes on his Bar Mitzvah. Rabbi & Mrs. Michoel Peikes on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Chaim. Yochanan & Klara Lapp on the birth of a baby boy. Shalom Zachar tonight, 8:30pm, 6230 Rabbis Afternoon Class: Litigation & Restraining Orders @ 4:00pm
Refuah Shleimah
| Doni Lepor | Marcy Maisel | Jay Jaffe | Marilyn Kahn | Betty Weiser | THS Casino Night!!! Sunday, February 26
FMI call 858-558-6880
Chessed Committee!
To give or receive Chessed please contact Phil Bloch
Sponsor a Kiddush!!!
Open dates: March 3, 10, 17, 24, 31