Keya Offer Letter
Keya Offer Letter
Keya Offer Letter
Regd. Off: 14 Dhankunj, Station Road, Andheri West , Mumbai 400 058
Mob: 9820597057 / 9152361109
1. Commencement of employment
Your employment will be effective, as of 1st April 2020
2. Job title
Your job title will be HR Manager, and you will report to Mr. Gangadhar, [Proprietor].
3. Salary
Your salary and other benefits will be as set out in Schedule 1, hereto.
4. Place of posting
You will be posted at Mumbai, Maharashtra. You may however be required to work at any place of
business which the Firm has, or may later acquire.
5. Hours of Work
The normal working days are Monday to Saturday. You will be required to work for such hours as
necessary for the proper discharge of your duties to the Company. The normal working hours are from
10:00 am to 6:00 pm.
6. Leave/Holidays
6.1 You are entitled to casual leave of 8 days.
6.2 You are entitled to 4 working days of paid sick leave.
6.3 The Firm shall notify a list of declared holidays in the beginning of each year.
7. Nature of duties
You will perform to the best of your ability all the duties as are inherent in your post and such additional
duties as the Firm may call upon you to perform, from time to time. Your specific duties are set out in
Schedule II hereto.
8. Firm property
You will always maintain in good condition Firm property, which may be entrusted to you for official use
during the course of your employment and shall return all such property to the Firm prior to
relinquishment of your charge, failing which the cost of the same will be recovered from you by the
9. Borrowing/accepting gifts
You will not borrow or accept any money, gift, reward or compensation for your personal gains from or
otherwise place yourself under pecuniary obligation to any person/client with whom you may be having
official dealings.
10.2 You may terminate your employment with the Company, without any cause, by giving no less than
15 days prior notice or salary for unsaved period, left after adjustment of pending leaves, as on date.
10.3 The Firm reserves the right to terminate your employment summarily without any notice period or
termination payment, if it has reasonable ground to believe you are guilty of misconduct or negligence,
or have committed any fundamental breach of contract or caused any loss to the Company.
10. 4 On the termination of your employment for whatever reason, you will return to the Firm all
property; documents and paper, both original and copies thereof, including any samples, literature,
contracts, records, lists, drawings, blueprints, letters, notes, data and the like; and Confidential
Information, in your possession or under your control relating to your employment or to clients’
business affairs.
11. 1 During your employment with the Firm you will devote your whole time, attention and skill to the
best of your ability for its business. You shall not, directly or indirectly, engage or associate yourself
with, be connected with, concerned, employed or engaged in any other business or activities or any
other post or work part time or pursue any course of study whatsoever, without the prior permission of
the Company.
11.2 You must always maintain the highest degree of confidentiality and keep as confidential the
records, documents and other Confidential Information relating to the business of the Firm which may
be known to you or confided in you by any means and you will use such records, documents and
information only in a duly authorized manner in the interest of the Company. For the purposes of this
clause ‘Confidential Information’ means information about the Company’s business and that of its
customers which is not available to the general public and which may be learnt by you in the course of
your employment. This includes, but is not limited to, information relating to the organization, its
customer lists, employment policies, personnel, and information about the Company’s products,
processes including ideas, concepts, projections, technology, manuals, drawing, designs, specifications,
and all papers, resumes, records and other documents containing such Confidential Information.
11.3 At no time, will you remove any Confidential Information from the office without permission.
11.4 Your duty to safeguard and not disclose Confidential Information will survive the expiration or
termination of this Agreement and/or your employment with the Company.
11.5 Breach of the conditions of this clause will render you liable to summary dismissal under clause
above in addition to any other remedy the Firm may have against you in law.
12. Notices
Notices may be given by you to the Firm at its registered office address. Notices may be given by the
Firm to you at the address intimated by you in the official records.
Gangadhar Oguri