Fall 2024_CS521_1
Fall 2024_CS521_1
Fall 2024_CS521_1
1 Total Marks: 20
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o Assignment is copied (From the internet/students).
To design and develop a simple multi-section website layout using HTML and CSS. This
assignment will help you practice your skills in structuring a webpage and applying CSS for
1. HTML (index.html):
o Create a basic HTML structure with a <head> and <body>.
o Add the following sections to the body:
Header: Include your website title and a navigation menu with links to the
About Section: Write a brief introduction about yourself or your website.
Services Section: List at least three services you offer, including a brief
description for each.
Contact Section: Create a simple contact form with fields for name,
email, and message, and a submit button.
Footer: Include copyright information and links to social media.
2. CSS (styles.css):
o Style the website to enhance its visual appeal. Consider the following:
Use a cohesive color scheme.
Style the header and navigation menu.
Add padding and margins to sections for spacing.
Use fonts that are easy to read and visually appealing.
Add hover effects to the navigation links.
3. Layout:
o Use CSS Flexbox or Grid for layout management.
o Ensure that the layout is responsive, meaning it should look good on both desktop
and mobile devices.
o Ensure that each section is clearly defined, possibly using different background
colors or images.