Supplement for Caves of the Kobold Slave Masters v2

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A Dungeon supplement for the use of Caves of the Kobold Slave- Masters (v.


Use of this supplement requires both Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters and Four Against
Darkness, both written by Andrea Sfiligoi.

Table of Tables
Room Contents Table (p.1)
Special Features Table (p.2)
Traps Table (p.3)
Special Events Table (p.4)
Treasure Table (p.4)
Random Spell Table (p.5)
Magical Treasure Table (p.5)
Hidden Treasure Complication Table (p.6)
Wander Monster Table (p.6)
Vermin Table (p.6)
Minions Table (p.6)
Weird Monsters Table (p.7)
Boss Monster Table (p.8)
Quest Table (p.9)
Epic Rewards Table (p.11)
River Table (p.12)
Pool Table (p.12)
Spider Web Table (p.12)
Library Table (p.12)
Energy Sphere Table (p.12)
Pendant Table (p.12)

Kokras Tharn’s Room Contents Table

<< If a Corridor Roll D66 for If a Room >>
room. Then roll
2D6 on Room
Contents Table.
Roll D6 2 (Locked*)
Treasure Table Roll D6
Treasure Table
If survive, roll D6 Roll D6 Traps 3 Roll D6 Traps If survive, roll D6
Treasure Table Table Table Treasure Table
Can Search Empty 4 Roll D6 Special
Can Search Empty. Roll D6 5 (Locked*) Can Search
Special Features Empty. Roll D6
Table Special Features
If win, roll D6 Roll D6 Vermin 6 Roll D6 Vermin If win, roll D6
Treasure Table Table Table Treasure Table
If win, roll D6 Roll D6 Minions 7 Roll D6 Minions If win, roll D6
Treasure Table Table Table Treasure Table
Can Search Empty 8 Roll D6 Minions If win, roll D6
Table Treasure Table
Can Search Empty 9 Empty Can Search
Can Search Empty 10 Roll D6 Weird If win, roll D6 for
Monster Table leveling up + D6
Treasure Table
If win, roll D6 for Roll D6 Boss 11 Roll D6 Boss If win, roll D6 for
leveling up + D6 Table Table leveling up + D6
Treasure Table Treasure Table
Can Search Empty 12 Demon’s Lair** If win, roll D6 for
(Boss Table) leveling up + D6
Treasure Table
*Read Entry (16) found on page 9 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.
**The final boss is always the demon (encounter 6 on the Demonic Boss).

Special Features Table (D6)

1 Pool: Read Entry (6) found on page 6 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.
2. Cursed Altar: Found on page 32 of Four Against Darkness.
3 Kobold Armory: Read Entry (2) found on page 5 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.
4 Spider Webs: Read Entry (4) found on page 6 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.
5 Library: Read Entry (5) found on page 6 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.
6 Treasure Chest: If party checks the Treasure chest, it is trapped! Roll on the Traps table.
Once broken, the part has found 50 gp.

*Note* Treasure Chest can only be found once. If a 6 is rolled again on this table, instead of a
chest, the party then finds a subterranean river and a bridge.

River: Read Entry (7) found on page 6 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.
Afterwhich, go to Rivers Table to resolve.
Traps Table (D6)
1. Old Protection Spell: Read Entry (1) found on page 5 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-

A Wizard may cast Detect Magic Spell to remove this effect from him or her.
2. Animated Noose: Read the Trap portion of Entry (8) found on page 6 of Caves of the
Kobold Slave-Masters.

If the trap attacks a Wizard, he or she may cast Detect Magic to negate the trap.
3. Silent Alarm. A silent alarm is triggered. Roll on the Minions table. These monsters will
appear as wondering monsters.
4. Hypnotic Fumes: Who ever is in front must make Crazed save versus 4. If fail, this
character turns on his or her comrades and begins madly attacking all others in the party.
This character will fight to the death* and the only way to awaken him or her from is by either
casting a blessing or incurring at least one damage, after which they return back to normal
and are filled with terrible guilt throughout the rest of the adventure and will be unable to cary
any treasure. Clerics, Elves, and Wizards may add +1 to this roll. If a Barbarian is the hero
crazed, they automatically use one rage point on their attacks, if they have any.

*Treat the crazed hero as a Level 3 boss + the hero's own Level.
5. Rolling Fireball: A giant fireball opens from a hidden shaft. All characters must make a
level 5 fire save or lose 2 life points. Dwarves make this save at -1 as they are slow and
6. Teleport Trap: See bullet point #2 of Playing This Chapter on page 12 and 13 of Caves
of the Kobold Slave-Masters.

Hero is transported to a normal Demon Boss, unless heroes have the Quest where they must
defeat the Demon Lord, then he is used in place of the Demon Boss.

Special Events Table (D6)

1. Energy Sphere: Read Entry (3) found on page 5 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.
2. Wandering Monster. Roll a D6, on a 1-3, roll Minions table, on a 4-6, roll Weird Monsters
table. Remember, Wandering Monsters don’t have treasure or give XP.
3. Priestess in White: Read the Lady in White section found on page 33 of Four Against
4. Traveling Priest: Read Other Changes section found on page 13 of Caves of the Kobold
5. Death Trap! Roll twice on the traps table and resolve both simultaneously.
6. Torture Room: Read Entry (10) found on page 7 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.
In addition to this, read Rikka’s Fate, found on page 10, at adventure’s end. Rikka can only
be recruited once.

Treasure Table (D6)

0 or less, no treasure found.
1 May find D6 pieces of gold or 1 one handed weapon or 1 shield.
2 May find 2D6 pieces of gold or 1 light armor
3 May find 1 scroll with a random spell on it or 1 bow, or 1 two handed weapon..
4 May find one Gem worth 2D6 x 5 gp’s or 1 heavy armor or 1 vial of Holy water*.
5 May find one jewelry worth 3D6 x 10 gp’s or 1 Healing potion*
6 or better roll on Magic Treasure Table.
* Found only once per adventure.
Random Spell Table (D6)
1. Detect Magic: Can be cast right before a Magic Trap to forgo effects of spell*, or is able to
read magical writing.
*To detect Magic, the spell caster makes a Detect Magic save, similar to a Traps save that a
Rogue may make, and may add L to this save.
2. Poison Blade: Read the appropriate text accompanying the Wandering Alchemist section
found on page 33 of Four Against Darkness and apply it to this spell.
3. Fear: Monster attacks caster at -1. Monster must make Fear save. Wizard adds Level +1 to
this save against monster’s level. On a roll of an exploding 6, all Vermin, or D6 + L Minions, or
one single boss, are affected by Fear spell and attack at -1 on all heroes.
4. Haste: Character flees combat without having to roll defense checks.
5. Ring of Invisibility: Inside this ring, the caster is unseen by any monster until he or she
attacks. Can be cast on character before being surprised or attacked by a wandering monster
to fogo being attacked first. When invisible, monsters will always attack the next character in
character marching order. Invisibility will not work on Wraiths, as they can see even invisible
characters, nor will work on living dragons, as they are good at smelling burglars.
6. Purify Water: Turn 1 container of water (bought at 1gp at Market before adventure) into
Holy Water.

Magic Treasure Table (D6)

1. Unfathomable Necklace of Terror: If this skull necklace is worn, whenever a Fear is cast
by the wearer, the caster always add +1 to the Fear save. Likewise, caster always adds +1 to
roll saves involving fear.
2. Boots of Haste: Wearer always flees a combat without having to make a defensive roll.
3. Wand of Poison: Has D3 charges of Poison in it. Caster makes a save against a monster,
adding level if a Wizard, if successful, 1 enemy creature has a -1 applied to their level. Poison
does not work on undead monsters, demons, blobs, automations, or living statues.
4. Lucky Clover: Once per adventure, counts as 1 luck (see Halflings for clarifications).
5. Loincloth of Insastionable Irritability: Barbarians only. Wearing such allows a Barbarian
to perform a second Rage attack (see Barbarians for clefferications).
6. Potion of Learning: The next time a hero casts a spell, he or she may add their level to
the role. Any hero, excluding Barbarians, may add their level to any spell cast from a scroll.

Hidden Treasure Complication Table (D6)

Page 58 in Four Against Darkness. Change out Ghost for Demon.

Wandering Monster Table (D6)

1. Roll on the Vermin Table
2. Roll on the Minions Table
3-4. Roll on the Minions Table. Add +1 to how many are encountered.
5. Roll Weird Monster Table
6. Roll Boss Monster Table. Reroll on a 6. A Demon cannot be encountered as a Wandering
Vermin Table (D6)
Read page 20 in Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.

Minions Table (D6)

Read page 18 in Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.

Weird Monsters Table (D6)

1 Kobold Slave Masters: Read Entry (12) found on page 8 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-

*Note* If met as a Wandering Monster, fight the 8 Slave Masters as normal, but ignore the
text about freeing Elvyn. If not met as the final boss, Elvyn still needs to be escorted out of
the cave, or kept with the party for protection until final boss is found. Elvyn is too weak to
fight, and unless given armor, only as 0 defense and only 3 life points.
2. Dungeon Master. Level 5, 5 life, normal treasure * On the first round of combat, heroes
are surprised by a series of traps. For each character, in order of marching order, roll on the
traps table and apply its effect to that hero. If teleport is rolled, hero is instead teleported to
hanging cages in the room and must spend 1 turn breaking out of his or her cage. To escape
their cage, a character must roll higher than a 1 on a die. If a 1 is rolled, character can not
escape their cage that round. If all characters are captured in this way, the game ends, as all
four heroes have been imprisoned as slaves. On every consecutive round of combat, the DM
will randomly select a character, on roll of a D4 or D3 or less if any character is in a cage, the
selected character must roll on the traps table***. This is the DM’s normal attack that round.

Reactions: 1 receive a quest instead**, 2-4 fight to death, 5 random character teleported to
cage, 6 character in first marching order taken to cage.

* For the treasure roll, if no hero was teleported to a cage during this encounter, and no
heroes died, then you may reroll treasure for this encounter and pick the better outcome, if
any characters were placed into a cage during this combat, then you must roll treasure twice
and pick the least advantage outcome, if any character was killed during this combat, roll
treasure at -2.
** In place of an Epic Reward, heroes will instead either roll on the Magic Treasure table or
take 1 secret automatically.
*** If the Rolling Ball of Fire is rolled, the room is set up in such a way that only one character
is affected by the Ball of Fire. If any hero becomes crazed, he attacks as normal until a wound
is received by another hero or a trap. If placed in a cage, their senses come back to them.
3. Efreeti. Level 6, 4 life, treasure, count both 5 and 6 as magic treasure when concerning
rolls. For attacks, Efferti will cast one magic spell on a roll of D6 (Wizards, Clerics, and Elves
may make Magic saves against 6):

1. Dispel Magic, no spells can be cast by an magic user this combat, including Clerics.*
2. One random character is poisoned. They may either loss one health point or go down one
level for the remainder of combat.
3. Terror. One random character must add a -1 to all rolls. If any character who has been
terrorized rolls a 1 at any point in combat, terror overtakes them and they forgo their next
4. Fireball. Takes away 1 life point on a random hero.
5. Lightning Bolt. Takes a way 2 life points on a random hero.
6. Petrify. Charter is frozen in place D6 number of rounds.

Reactions: 1 soul bargain, at the cost of trading one life point, Magic hunger, roll a d6, party
can feed the Efreeti that number of scrolls or magical items, doing so will pacify the Efreeti,
but such parchments and items now permanently lose their magic property and become
useless, 3 Magical Curse, for the remainder of the adventure, a selected magic user can not
use any spells whatsoever until praying at a town temple (if no magic users are available,
Efreeti attacks to the death), 4-6 attack to the death.

*If Dispel Magic is rolled again, all Magic users, including anyone holding scrolls or magic
weapons, automatically suffer 1 damage, unless characters spend a turn dropping their
magical equipment.
4 Greedy Troll. Read Entry (13) found on pages 8 and 9 in Caves of the Kobold Slave-
5 Manticore. Read Entry (11) found on page 7 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.
6 Zombie Dragon. Read Entry (9) found on page 7 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.

Roll only 1 XP roll unless the Zombie Dragon is the final Boss.

Boss Monster Table (D6)

Read page 19 in Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.
*Note on Entry 6 Demon*
If met as a normal boss monster, use these statistics: Level 6, 7 Life, 1 attack, 2 treasure rolls
at +1. He still attacks additional heroes if slain. Otherwise, all text remains the same as found
on page 19.
Quest Table (D6)
1. Rescue Elvyn! Read text found on page 5 under the section that reads Caves of the
Kobold Slave-Masters.

Optional* heroes may use 3 clues, gathered after receiving quest, win 100 extra gold pieces
and receive a 1 time discount on 1 Holy Water for 20gp, including Rikka.
2. Defeat the Demon Lord! It is revealed that there is a demon inspiring the evil deeds of
the kobold slave-masters. His location must be found! The final boss is always the Demon
Demon Lord. Read Demon found on the Boss table found on page 19 of Caves of the
Kobold Slave-Masters. He always fights to the death.

Additionally, he will appear in a Cloud of Smoke.

Read the appropriate text in the section called Demonic Forces found on pages 16 and 17 in
Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters. Change out Priestess with player Clerics.
3. Prevent the Demonic Siege! You have uncovered that the Kobold’s and Demons plan on
attacking the Temple, tonight. Fortunately, you have arrived right before the monsters have
left the cave and were in the middle of a dark ritual. The next 3 rooms encountered is the
inner complex of a large Chaotic Temple. The rooms are as follows, in this order, Black
Hellish Gate (entrance to the temple), Hall (a gathering sanctuary), and a Cursed Alter (an
inner sanctum where the ritual is taking place). Rooms 1 and 2 to the temple always have
doors or secret passages connecting to the other room. In each room of the dark temple there
are 6 demons holding poisoned pitchforks (18 in total). For their statistics read the upper
portion of the text found in the section called Demonic Forces found on page 16 of Caves of
the Kobold Slave-Masters.

To fully complete the quest, in addition to defeating the demons in the dark temple, all
monsters must be defeated. See Slay All the Monsters! In Four Against Darkness for
4. Find the Scholars & Priestesses! Three priestesses, Argolia, Limna, and Thesia, and
four scholars, Migrus, Taltas, Deo, and Farah, have been kidnapped from the Temple and are
held prisoner in various dungeons throughout the cave. For the remainder of the mission,
each room counts as 1 of 7 seven of these small dungeons, with a captive held in each. Each
prisoner is chained and must be broken out by successful lockpick save or strength save of 6.
A roll of a 1 attracts a wandering monster. Each priestess or scholar will be viehemtaly hated
by every monster encountered, therefore, once freed, all forthcoming monster attacks will first
be directed at them, if possible. Once freed, each captive must be escorted out of the
dungeon entrance. Wandering Monsters are rolled as normal for each room traveled back
through. Each prisoner has no armor(as they can not wear any), and 2 life each. To
successfully complete this quest, all 7 must be safely freed.

In addition to this, for any priestess or scholar you successfully rescue out of the dungeon
read the appropriate text found in the section called Ending the Adventure found on page 17
of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.
5. Collect All Items! Dark times call for desperate measures. The church has made contact
with a witch living out in the Woods of Darkness. Though evil, the Witch herself hates the
Demons, and by making a bitter bargain with the witch, she will make a special concoction
which will protect the Church against demon attacks in exchange for an undisclosed favor of
her choosing in the future. The Church, reluctantly, has accepted her offer, you have been
tasked now with searching the dungeon to collect these items the Witch requires to make her
potion. The Witch needs the following items collected, 2 flails of a Kobold (found in a Kobold
Armory), Webs of a spider, the Tail of a Scorpion, 1 orb of magic, container of Poisoned
water, 1 magical noose, skull of a Zombie Dragon (takes one hand to carry, like a lantern),
ear of a goblin (if taken from Rikka, he fights to the death), Pendant of a Manticore, 1 slave
master whip (not the same as the Epic Rewards whip), a sack of a Troll’s flesh (has the
weight of 100 gp), copy the writings of Kobold Runes on the back of any unused magic scroll,
Holy Water that has touched a Cursed Alter (simply pour one Holy Water over a Cursed Altar
and let the water run back into the bottle, afterwhich the Holy Water can not be used for any
other purpose), and finally, the gouged eye of a Demon Boss.

All items do not need to be collected in this dungeon. But the items can only returned to this
specific Priestess, who will wait in her spot until all items are brought back to her. Items may
also be delivered back to her as they are acquired and do not need to be delivered all at
once. To return to this dungeon to deliver the ingredients to the Priestess, simply follow the
rules in Four Against Darkness for returning back to a dungeon.
6. Revive a Lost Hero! Bruggo, a level 2 Rogue, was the first adventurer hired to go into
Korkas Tharn, unfortunately, Bruggo was captured by spiders and brought into the Demon’s
Den. Before incineration, he used an obscure spell scroll that turned him into stone. The
problem is this, the scroll must be dipped into a holy pool for its permanent petrification to
wear off. Casting the spell on himself, the scroll, naturally, was turned to stone with him.
Therefore, the only way to undo his statued state is to carry his body to a pool of holy healing
water and completely submerge the statue into its divine waters(if the pool is not already
pure, use a blessing on the pool or cast the purify water over it). Unfortunately, he cast the
spell on himself the moment he was about to be hit by demon fire, which severely weakened
the statue and is slowly turning him into a pile of sulfur. First the heroes must defeat a Demon
boss, upon defeating the boss, two heroes must carry Bruggo through the dungeon until they
can carefly place him into the pool. If for any reason he is set down, poor fragile Broggo is
turned into an ash heap. If the heroes have not already discovered the pool in this dungeon,
then the last location in this dungeon automatically is this pool. If the demon’s lair was already
the final room of the dungeon, then the very first room was was this pool and had an
enchantment over it where your heroes were not able to see it, once they enter back into this
room, the pool magically comes into view. Once revived, Bruggo dashes out of the dungeon
without saying a word.
Epic Rewards Table (D6)
1 Rewarded by the Town Council. The party is paid 100 gps and is given a magical sword
named, Ailisia. Read the section called Ailisia, the Magical Sword found on page 12 of
Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.

Casting Blessing on the sword revives its ability.

If heroes are able to rescue Elvyn, they can instead return Ailisia to him to which he will give
the heroes the famed: Sandals of the Waterwalker!
2 Rewarded by the Scholars. 4 vials of Holy Water, 1 Free Resurrection attempt in a temple
after the adventure, and 1 Lighting Scroll.
3 Slave Master’s Whip. Whenever you enter a battle, automatically reduce 1 lifepoint to a
Vermin or Minion. Whip is a one handed weapon that acts both as a range and melee
weapon. If rolling an explosive 6 against a boss monster, monster has been temporarily foiled
and for the next round treat it as 1 level lower than the one it is.
4 Staff of Blessing. Acts as a Blessing wand with D3 charges of Blessing. What is more, the
possessor of this staff, a light hand weapon, guards its bearer from Demonic attacks. Each
time a demonic or chaotic monster attacks the hero, the hero can always add +1 to their rolls.
5 Elvyn Joins Your Cause: If you managed to free Elvyn from the kobold slave-masters, at
the start of an adventure, with the fee of 100 gp, Elvyn becomes a fifth member to your party.
He can never level up and he will only join your party on one adventure. To read his stats,
read page 15 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters. They will be found in the second column
of that page.
6 Rewarded by the High Priest: 200 gp and the local church will pay for the resurrection of 1

River Table
Ford River: Read Entry (14) found on page 9 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters.
Walk Across Bridge: Read Entry (15) found on page 9 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-
Use a Clue or Cast Detect Magic: Read Entry (17) found on page 10 of Caves of the Kobold
Runes Deciphered: Read Entry (18) found on page 10 of Caves of the Kobold Slave-

Pool Table
Page 21 in Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters

Spider Web Table (d6)

Page 21 in Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters
*The backpack found is Bruggo’s missing backpack.

Library Table (d6)

Page 21 in Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters

Energy Sphere Table (d6 + L)

Page 21 in Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters

Pendant Table (d6)

Page 21 in Caves of the Kobold Slave-Masters

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