Breakdown Structure
Chapter 5
Learning Objectives
} Scope –
} defines the work boundaries and deliverables of the project so
what needs to get done, gets done – and only what needs to get
done, gets done.
} is determined directly by the project’s MOV.
} Defines all the work, activities, and deliverables that the project
team much provide for the project to achieve its MOV
} Work Breakdown Structure – a project management tool
that provides a hierarchical structure that acts as a bridge, or link,
between the project’s scope and the detailed project plan that will
be created.
Figure 5.1 – The Triple Constraint
Scope Management Processes
} Plan Scope Management
} Defines and Documents how the project and product scope will be defined, verified, and changed if
} Collect Requirements
} Defining and documenting the customer, sponsor, or stakeholder needs and expectations. This may be a
formal document.
} Define Scope
} A detailed description of the product, service, or information system to be designed, built and
implemented. A detailed scope statement defines what work will and will not be part of the project and
will serve as a basis for all future project decisions
} Create the Work Breakdown Structure
} The decomposition or dividing of the major project deliverables (i.e., scope) into smaller and more
manageable components
} Validate Scope
} Confirmation and formal acceptance that the project’s scope is accurate, complete, and supports the
project’s MOV. The project team and sponsor must agree to all deliverables
} Control Scope
} Ensuring that controls are in place to manage proposed scope changes once the project’s scope is set.
Must be communicated to all project stakeholders.
Figure 5.2 – Scope Management Plan
Figure 5.3 – Scope Boundary
Scope Statement
A scope statement is another way to define the scope
boundary; it is a detailed documentation of the sponsor’s
needs and expectations.
} Project-Oriented Scope
} Support the project management processes defined by the
Project Life Cycle (PLC) and the chosen project methodology.
} Deliverable Structure Chart (Figure 5.4 – DSC) – a tool used
by the project manager and team.
} Product-Oriented Scope
} Specific features and functionality of the application system
} First cut of requirements definition
} Use Case Diagram (Figure 5.5) – a system modeling tool used
for refining the scope boundary and defining what the system
must do.
Out of Scope
1. Technology and organizational assessment of the current
2. Customer resource management and data mining
Project Scope Definition
} The scope boundary and scope statement provide a
useful first step
} The project’s scope must now be defined in more
detail in terms of specific deliverables that provide a
basis for developing the project’s work breakdown
structure (WBS)
} Tools:
} Deliverable Definition Table
} Deliverable Structure Chart
} Context Level Data Flow Diagram
} Use Case Diagram
Figure 5.4 – Deliverable
Structure Chart
Figure 5.5 – Use Case
Validate Scope
} Verification of the MOV
} Has the project’s MOV been clearly defined and agreed upon?
} Documentation of All Deliverables
} Are the deliverables tangible and verifiable?
} Do they support the project’s MOV?
} Specification of Quality Standards
} Are controls in place to ensure that the work was not only
completed but completed to meet specific standards?
} Identification of Milestones
} Are milestones defined for each deliverable?
} Review and Acceptance
} Are both sides clear in their expectations?
Control Scope and Scope Change Control Procedures
Estimation by guessing or just picking numbers out of the air is not the
best way to derive a project’s schedule and budget. Unfortunately,
many inexperienced project managers tend to guesstimate, or guess at
the estimates, because it is quick and easy.
Delphi Technique
} Involves multiple, anonymous experts
} Each expert makes an estimate
} Estimates compared
} If close, can be averaged
} If not, do another iteration until consensus is reached
Time Boxing
} Schedules & budgets are constructed from WBS
} Starts with people who will be doing the work
} Schedules & budgets are the aggregate of detailed
activities & costs
} May use analogous estimation – developing estimates
based on one’s opinion that there is a significant
similarity between the current project and others.
Poker Planning
} Variation of Delphi Technique
} Uses a deck of cards that represents an estimate in days
} Moderator describes particular task, feature, deliverable, or
user story to be estimated.
} Attempts to reach consensus in a few rounds of “play”