Ischemic Heart Disease
Ischemic Heart Disease
Ischemic Heart Disease
Exact cause is unknown. However there are a number of risk factors. Control of these risk factors has been shown to reduce the severity and complications of the disease.
It is now clear that reducing certain risk factors, we can both prevent coronary artery disease and delay its progression and complications after it it has become manifest. Treatment of lipid abnormalities has now been shown to delay the progression of atherosclerosis and in some cases has even produced regression of the atherosclerotic plaques
Later stages: Angina pectoris (burning, squeezing, heaviness, or tightness in the chest that may extend to the left arm, neck, jaw, or shoulder blade). See Angina Pectoris. Typically, angina is precipitated by physical activity, lasting no more than a few minutes, and is relieved by rest. Usually angina is worse when exertion follows a meal. It is also worse in cold weather and can be triggered by walking from a warm room into the cold air. Emotional stress can also cause or worsen angina. Not all people with ischemia will present with angina. Ischemia without angina is called silent ischemia. It is not yet understood why ischemia is sometimes silent.
Risk Factors Family history of coronary artery disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or atherosclerosis.
Smoking. Poor nutrition, especially too much fat in the diet. Previous heart attack or stroke. Previous heart attack or stroke. Overweight Hypertension Elevated cholesterol and/or low level of HDL (high-density lipoprotein). Type A personality
End-stage coronary artery disease, even when no simple procedures will help, can still be cured with a heart transplant in rare cases.
Medications: Four types of medications are available: beta-blockers, nitrates, calcium channel antagonists and antiplatelet drugs. Beta-blockers- reduce the resting heart rate and so reduce the demand for oxygen. Beta-blockers and nitrates have been proven to reduce the incidence of heart attacks and sudden deaths in people with coronary artery disease. Nitrates-such as nitroglycerin, cause dilatation of the blood vessels. There are short-acting and longacting nitrates . Nitroglycerin is available as a tablet (sublingual) or an oral spray. A tablet of nitroglycerin placed under the tongue or inhalation of the oral spray usually relieves an episode of angina in 1 to 3 minutes- the effect of these short-acting nitrates lasts 30 minutes. Anyone with chronic stable angina must keep nitroglycerin tablets or spray with them at all times. Long-acting nitrates are available as tablets, skin patches or paste. Tablets are taken 1 to 4 times daily. Nitro paste and skin patches, in which the drug is absorbed through the skin over many hours, are also effective. Long-acting nitrates do tend to lose their effectiveness when taken regularly and therefore it is recommended to have 8 to 12 hour interval without taking the drug to maintain its effectiveness. Calcium channel antagonists- prevent the blood vessels from constricting and thus prevent coronary artery spasm. Certain calcium antagonists, such as verapamil and diltiazem, also slow the heart rate and in some patients these drugs are used in conjunction with beta-blockers to prevent episodes of tachycardia (fast heart rate). Anti-platelet drugs- such as aspirin is recommended for patients with coronary artery disease . Aspirin binds irreversibly to platelets and prevents them from clumping on blood vessel walls- thus preventing platelets from forming a clot on the fatty plaques which could block an artery and result in heart attack.. Recommended dose is one baby aspirin or half an adult aspirin daily. For people with allergy to aspirin can be treated with .alternative medications such as ticlopidine or clopidogrel bisulphate Activity: Engage in a program of moderate, daily physical exercise. Resume sexual activity once medical permission is given. Diet: Low-fat and low cholesterol diet. If you are overweight, begin a moderate reducing diet and stick to it. Possible Complications : Angina pectoris Life-threatening myocardial infarction (death of heart muscle cells from inadequate blood supply).
Sudden death
Treatment can prolong life and improve its quality. Tremendous amount of research in this field, and new advances are being made and increasing evidence that aggressive treatment can reverse or arrest course of this disease. It is very important to follow your doctor's instructions, especially with respect to lifestyle changes and cholesterol reduction. Long term prognosis depends on a number of key factors such as the age, the extent of coronary artery disease, the severity of symptoms and most of all , the pumping ability of the heart.