Module 10 - Assisting with Medications test review

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Module 10 – Assisting with Medications

Test Review

1. What are the Rights when administering/assisting with medications?


2. Define:
a. Side effect: Most
medications have possible side effects. A side effect is
another response to a medication that occurs along with the
intended response.
b. Adverse effect:
c. ___________________________________________________________

Anaphylaxis: from the Greek ana (without) and phylaxis (protection)—is a severe sensitivity to an
antigen (allergic reaction) that occurs rapidly and causes a life-threatening response involving the whole
body. This reaction can lead to difficulty breathing and shock and can ultimately lead to death. In severe
cases, anaphylactic shock can occur within seconds. Signs and symptoms include the following:

• Severe restlessness

• Increased anxiety

• Possible combativeness (from struggling to breathe)

• Sweating

• Shortness of breath

• Low blood pressure

• Irregular pulse

• Respiratory congestion

• Swelling of the larynx (laryngeal edema)

• Hoarseness

• Dyspnea

d. ___________________________________________________________

Trade Name: trade name of a drug refers to its trademarked, packaged name given
by the manufacturer. Although this list includes many of the main drug
classifications and the observations or responsibilities that you might encounter in
your support work, it does NOT address more complex issues such as drug
interactions and does not discuss ALL of the necessary observations or
responsibilities for each classification of drugs. These are only general guidelines.
Generic Name: The generic name of a drug refers to its chemical name
OTC:(over the counter): medications that can be bought without a physician’s or
nurse practitioner’s prescription—for example, acetaminophen (Tylenol) and
cough syrup.
e. pc: after meal
f. ac: before meals
g. hs: _hour of sleep/ bed time
h. PRN: taken only when needed
i. NPO: nothing by mouth
j. Po: by mouth

Polypharmacy: Taking more than the prescribed dosage of medication or taking too
many medications is called poly-pharmacy and can cause serious health issues.
k. QID: two times a day
l. BID: twice a day
m. TID: _three times a day
n. q2h: _every 2 hours
o. q4h: every 4 hours
p. mg: milligram
q. mL: milliliter
r. qhs: every night at bedtime
s. Local effect: _____________________________________________________________
t. Systemic effect: __________________________________________________________

3. What dose A.C.T.I.O.N stand for?


4. Using the A.C.T.I.O.N Plan, what steps do you follow when:

a. A client’s condition has changed?
b. A client is unwilling to take medication as prescribed?

5. What are the steps when assisting with:

a. Oral medications:
b. Rectal Suppositories or Enemas:
c. Eye Medications or Ointments:
d. Ear Drops:
e. Transdermal Discs:
f. Metered Dose Inhalers:
g. Metered Dose Inhalers holding a Chamber:

6. What components are on a prescription label?


7. What are the guidelines for Assisting Clients with Medications?

8. What is the PSW role when assisting with medications?
9. What are the different classification names and what are the possible side effects?

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