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Diseases of the nervous system

1. Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System

• Components:
o Central Nervous System (CNS): Brain and spinal cord.
o Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): Nerves outside the CNS.
• Function: The nervous system communicates via electrical impulses between the brain and the rest of
the body, regulating sensory, motor, and cognitive functions.

.2. Central Nervous System (CNS)

• Protection:
o Skull and Vertebral Column: House and protect the brain and spinal cord.

‫بالإضافة إلى الجمجمة والعمود الفقري في ثلاثة طبقات كمان اسمها السحايا‬

o Meninges: Three protective layers:

✓ Dura Mater: Outer, toughest layer.)‫(الأم الجافية‬
✓ Arachnoid Layer: Middle layer.
✓ Pia Mater: Innermost layer, resting directly on the brain and spinal cord.)‫(الأم الحنون‬

o Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF): Provides cushioning and support, filling the space between the
arachnoid and pia mater.
o ‫الشوكي دا بيساعد في حماية المخ ويعمل زي الوسادة (مخدة)ودا بيقلل من‬
ّ ‫(الساىل الدماغي‬
‫ وينظم الضغط داخل الجمجمة ونقل الأكسجين والتخلص من‬،‫تاثير الصدمات والإصابات‬
) ‫الفضلات العصبيه‬

3. Neural Tissue
• Types of Cells:
✓ Neuroglia: (glial cells)
✓ Supportive cells that scaffold neural tissue.) ‫(تعمل دعم الخلايا العصبية وتثبيتها في مكانها‬
✓ protect neurons.
✓ regulate interstitial fluid.)ependymal cells)
✓ assist in neural repair.(astrocyte cells ‫دا نوع من أنواعها ودا اللي بيحافظ علي دعمهم وتصليح‬
) ‫أي ضرر‬

✓ Neurons: Fundamental units of the nervous system; generate and transmit bioelectrical
impulses.)‫(وحده بناء الجهاز العصبي‬
▪ Axons: Transmit impulses away from the cell body.
▪ Dendrites: Transmit impulses toward the cell body.
▪ Myelin Sheath: Increases impulse transmission speed (400 times faster in myelinated
▪ Schwann Cells: Produce myelin in the peripheral nervous system
(PNS).Nodes of Ranvier: Gaps in the myelin sheath that allow impulses to
"jump,"This "jumping" mechanism greatly accelerates impulse

transmission .this process known as (saltatory conduction ).

•White Matter:

• Bundles of myelinated axons that appear white due to the high lipid content of myelin.

•Unmyelinated Nerves:

• Lack a myelin sheath.

• Transmit impulses more slowly compared to myelinated nerves.

4. Brain Structure and Function

• Cerebral Cortex:
o Motor Cortex: Controls voluntary movement.
o Sensory Cortex: Processes sensory input.
o Association Cortex: Integrates sensory information and plans voluntary activities.
Congenital anomalies Spina bifida

Spina bifidais a congenital disorder resulting from the incomplete closure of the neural tube during fetal
development, leading to varying degrees of spinal cord and nerve abnormalities. one of the most common
birth defect in the United States, affecting approximately 1 child in every 1,500 births each year.

Types of Spina Bifida:

1. Spina Bifida Occulta-:)‫(السنسنة المشقوقة الخفية‬

o Mildest form: A small gap in one or more vertebrae.
o Often asymptomatic: No noticeable neurological symptoms.
o May be undetected: Might only be visible as a dimple, birthmark, or tuft of hair
over the affected area.

X- ‫ مقفلت بطريقة جيدة ال تسبب اي أمراض او اعراض وال يمكن تشخيصها إال ب‬vertebrae ‫االفكرة ان ال‬

2. Meningocele‫القيلة السحائي‬

o Rare form: A sac containing meninges (membranes surrounding the spinal cord)
protrudes through the vertebral opening.

o Spinal cord usually unaffected: Typically does not cause neurological impairment

‫ مخرجش ال كن‬spinal cord ‫ مقفلش من االساس ال كن‬vertebrae column ‫الفكرة ان ال‬

limited disability ‫ فقط معها اعراض خفيفة و‬meninges ‫فقط ال‬
3. Myelomeningocele (Open Spina Bifida)) ‫(الفتق النخاعي السحائي‬
o Most severe form: A large opening in the spine exposes the meninges, spinal cord,
and nerves.
o Significant neurological impact: Can lead to paralysis, bowel and bladder
problems, and other complications.

‫ ومع‬CSF ‫ خرج مع‬spinal cord ‫ مقفلش من االساس و‬vertebrae column ‫الفكرة ان ال‬
‫ كمان مكونه كيس في ظهر الطفل وهي لالسف اخطر وأشهر األنواع وأشهر نوع‬Nerve
‫بيسبب اإلصابة بالعدوي‬
o Increased risk of infection: Exposed tissues are vulnerable to infection.
Infectious Neurologic Disorders

Nervous system infections can have serious effects by triggering the infectious and inflammatory response.

• MeningitisDefinition: Inflammation of the meninges, usually due to infection (bacterial or viral).

• Causes:
o Bacterial: Neisseria meningitidis,
o Streptococcus pneumoniae,
o Haemophilus influenzae.
o Viral: Usually self-limiting.
• Symptoms:
o Fever,
o chills,
o headache,
o stiff neck
o , nausea,
o vomiting,
o photophobia,
o mental status changes.(e.g., confusion and lethargy)
• Complications: Neurologic damage,
• seizures,
• hearing loss,
• blindness,
• paralysis.

Diagnostic procedures for meningitis include a history, physical examination, throat cultures, lumbar
puncture with CSF analysis.
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)

A TIA is a temporary episode of reduced blood flow to a part of the brain, resulting

in brief neurological symptoms.

It's often called a "mini-stroke" because the symptoms mimic a stroke but resolve

within 24 hours (usually within 1-2 hours).

TIAs are crucial warning signs of a potential full-blown stroke. They indicate that the

brain's blood supply is vulnerable and at risk of a more serious event.

Clinical Manifestations:
Neurological Deficits: Symptoms vary depending on the brain area affected and can

o Motor: Weakness or paralysis (usually on one side of the body), difficulty with

coordination (ataxia).
o Sensory: Numbness, tingling, changes in sensation (touch, temperature, pain).

o Speech: Difficulty speaking (aphasia), understanding speech (receptive

aphasia), difficulty reading (dysgraphia).

o Vision: Blurred vision, double vision, temporary blindness in one eye.

o Cognitive: Confusion, dizziness, vertigo, changes in consciousness (lethargy,

o Other: Bowel or bladder incontinence

‫ وهي عادي بتاخد‬infarction ‫ مقدرتش تسبب‬brief ischaemia ‫فكرة المرض ببساطة انه في‬
‫ ساعة واإلنسان يعد لطبيعتة الكن هي داللة‬24 ‫من دقايق لساعتين وممكن تمد بس ال تتعدي ال‬
cerebral vascular accident ‫قوية علي حدوث سكته دماغية في المستقبل والكن مرض‬
‫ ساعة ربما تستجيب الي العالج وتعافي مع الوقت‬٢٤ ‫نفس األعراض والكن تستمر اكثر من‬
‫وممكن تستمر دائما‬
Comparison Between Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) and Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA)

Feature Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA or Stroke)
Temporary interruption of blood Permanent interruption of blood flow to the
flow to the brain. brain.

Symptoms last minutes to

Duration of Symptoms do not resolve and may persist or
hours and resolve completely
Symptoms worsen.
within 24 hours.
No permanent damage to brain
Brain Damage Permanent damage (brain infarction).
- Same symptoms as TIA, but do not resolve.
- Muscle weakness or paralysis
Common - May also include severe headache
(usually unilateral).
- Aphasia (difficulty speaking).
- Vision problems.
Symptoms in hemorrhagic strokes).
- Loss of sensation.
- Dizziness or vertigo.
- Ischemic Stroke (87%): Caused by a
Not applicable (TIA is temporary blockage.
and reversible). - Hemorrhagic Stroke: Caused by a ruptured
blood vessel (more deadly).

Risk of Future Stroke High risk of a future stroke. Immediate risk of complications or death.

- Focus on preventing a future - Ischemic Stroke: Clot-busting drugs

stroke. (thrombolytics).
- Medications (e.g., antiplatelets, - Hemorrhagic Stroke: Surgery to stop
anticoagulants). bleeding.
- Lifestyle changes (e.g., managing - Rehabilitation: Physical, speech, and
blood pressure, cholesterol). occupational therapy.
Symptoms resolve completely with Symptoms may improve with therapy but
no permanent damage. often lead to long-term disability or death.

Key Difference Temporary and reversible. Permanent and irreversible.

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