2005 Calcium Hydroxide a Review

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International Dental Journal (2005) 55, 293–301

Calcium hydroxide: a review

Alireza Farhad and Zahed Mohammadi
Esfahan, Iran

Calcium hydroxide is a multipurpose agent, and there have been an increasing number of
indications for its use. Some of its indications include direct and indirect pulp capping,
apexogenesis, apexification, treatment of; root resorption, iatrogenic root perforations, root
fractures, replanted teeth and interappointment intracanal dressing. The purpose of this
paper is to review the properties and various indications for the use of calcium hydroxide.

Key words: Calcium hydroxide, properties, clinical applications

Undoubtedly, the most important aim of endodontics Calcium ions play an important role in the initiation of
is to preserve natural teeth. In order to do so, numer- the remineralisation process and although hydroxyl
ous medicaments have been introduced. One of these ions play an important role in these effects, it is diffi-
agents is calcium hydroxide, a multipurpose agent, cult to accept that, by producing an alkaline pH, they
with an increasing number of indications for its use. are the sole initiators of the healing process.
First introduced to dentistry by Hermann in Germany The diffusion of Ca2+ and OH– ions has been
in 19201, it has since been used for number of proce- investigated by many researchers. Wang and Hume5
dures, such as direct and indirect pulp capping, measured hydroxyl ion diffusion across the dentine
apexogenesis, apexification, treatment of; root resorp- between an occlusal cavity containing calcium hydrox-
tion, iatrogenic root perforations, root fractures, ide and a saline-filled pulp chamber at 16 days using a
replanted teeth and interappointment intracanal dress- pH meter. By taking ground dentine (subsequently
ing. Despite numerous investigations its mode of mixed with saline) from various depths, they demon-
action has not yet been identified completely, although strated a gradient of pH values from the cavity layer
it is thought that the high pH is what gives it bacteri- decreasing to the middle and pulpal layers, indicating a
cidal properties and the ability to form dentine bridges. slow movement of the hydroxyl ion through the
The main purpose of this paper is to review the vari- dentine. Importantly, they showed in a series of experi-
ous indications for calcium hydroxide. ments5 that dentine has the capacity to buffer hydroxyl
ions as these ions diffuse through it.
Tronstad et al.6 examined histological sections of
Chemical characteristics of calcium hydroxide
monkey teeth one month after placement of a calcium
Calcium hydroxide is a white odourless powder with hydroxide root canal dressing and, using indicator
the formula Ca(OH)2, and a molecular weight of 74.08. solutions, found that there was a pH gradient with high
It has low solubility in water (about 1.2g/l at 25°C), values around the root canal and gradually decreasing
which decreases as the temperature rises; it has a high toward the peripheral dentine. The pH of cementum
pH (about 12.5–12.8) and is insoluble in alcohol. The remained unchanged, but in resorption areas where
low solubility is a good clinical characteristic as a long cementum was not present, the increased pH extended
period is necessary before it becomes soluble in tissue to the dentine surface. Fuss et al.7 measured pH changes
fluids when in direct contact with vital tissues. in distilled water surrounding teeth filled with calcium
The material is chemically classified as a strong hydroxide and up to 10 days detected only very small
base2, its main actions come from the ionic dissociation changes in pH levels. Nerwich et al.8 showed that
of Ca2+ and OH– ions, and their effect on vital tissues, hydroxyl ions derived from a calcium hydroxide dressing
generating the induction of hard tissue deposition and diffused through root dentine. They diffused faster
being antibacterial3. According to Rehman et al.4 calcium and reached higher levels cervically than apically.
hydroxide dissociates into calcium and hydroxyl ions Surface pH measurements showed that hydroxyl ions
on contact with aqueous fluids. Hydroxyl ions are did not diffuse more than a minor distance through
believed to be responsible for the highly alkaline nature the intact root surface.
of the calcium hydroxide, which is bactericidal. Diffusion of the hydroxyl ions through dentine can
© 2005 FDI/World Dental Press

be explained by dentinal permeability as well as inter- normal saline, lidocaine, or mepivacaine.

actions between dentine and hydroxyl ions. The In general, three types of vehicles are used for
permeability of dentine is governed largely by tubular preparing Ca(OH)2 : aqueous, viscous, and oily2. The
anatomy, their density, diameter, and length as well as first group is represented by water soluble substances
features of solute such as size and charge9. Hydroxyl including water, saline, dental anaesthetics with or with-
ions may also be affected by buffering, adsorption, out vasoconstrictor, and Ringer’s solution. This type of
and charge of the dentine8. It is useful to consider how vehicle promotes the high degree of solubility when
diffusion mechanisms affect the passage of hydroxyl the paste remains in direct contact with tissues and
ions through dentine. Initially, as hydroxyl ions diffuse tissue fluids, causing it to be rapidly solubilised and
into the circumpulpal dentine, the permeability of resorbed by macrophages2. Some viscous vehicles are
dentine is the prime factor since there is insufficient also water-soluble substances that release Ca2+ and
bulk of dentine to significantly buffer or adsorb the OH– ions more slowly for extended periods. They
ions. As the hydroxyl ions continue to traverse through promote the lower solubility of the paste when
dentine, the tubule diameter diminishes and buffering compared with aqueous vehicles, probably because of
and related properties become more dominant as the their high molecular weights. Some examples of
dentine bulk increases. The hydroxyl ions must over- viscous vehicles are glycerine, polyethyleneglycol and
come these latter effects before diffusing further. propyleneglycol2 .Oily vehicles are non-water-soluble
Eventually, after 2 to 3 weeks, the whole thickness of substances that promote the lowest solubility and
dentine is saturated with hydroxyl ions as indicated by diffusion of the paste within the tissues. Some exam-
the detection of a raised pH at the outer dentine ples of these vehicles are olive oil, silicone oil, camphor,
surface. It is then that the permeability of dentine and metacresyl acetate2.
dictates the final diffusion of the hydroxyl ion8. Clinical situations requiring a rapid ionic liberation
When Ca2+ ions come into contact with carbon at the beginning of treatment, need an aqueous vehicle-
dioxide (CO2) or carbonate ions (CO3-) in tissue, containing calcium hydroxide paste, while those which
calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is formed which alters the require a gradual, uniform ionic liberation need a
mineralisation process by the overall consumption of viscous vehicle-containing paste. Pastes containing oily
the Ca2+ ions. Furthermore, calcium carbonate has vehicles have restricted use and are only employed
neither biological nor antibacterial properties10–12. where very low ionic dissociation is needed.

Preparation of calcium hydroxide paste Calcium hydroxide as an intra-canal dressing

When calcium hydroxide powder is mixed with a Microorganisms and their by-products are considered
suitable vehicle, water being the easiest2, an alkaline the major causes of pulpal and periapical pathosis. The
paste with a high pH is formed13. Used in endodontics, aim of modern endodontic treatment of teeth with
it is composed of the powder, a vehicle, a radiopacifier apical periodontitis is total elimination of intracanal
and possibly other substances added to improve physi- microbes. Data show that relatively few root canals
cochemical properties or the antibacterial action. will be bacteria free following only mechanical instru-
In an in vitro study, Estrela and Pesce14 showed that mentation18.
the type of vehicle has a direct relationship with Calcium hydroxide is considered the most effective
concentration and the velocity of ionic liberation as dressing currently in use. However, it fails to consistently
well as the antibacterial action when the paste is carried produce sterile root canals19,20. Few microorganisms
into a contaminated area. Barbosa et al.15 recommended will survive when directly exposed to calcium hydrox-
the addition of a tensioactive agent to saturated ide, but several factors may impair its antimicrobial
Ca(OH)2 solution to improve its antiseptic and cleans- potency in the root canal system where, for example,
ing action, while Ozcelik et al.16 compared its surface complex anatomy will make satisfactory packing
tension when mixed with different vehicles, conclud- difficult21,22.
ing that this was lowest with anaesthetic solution. The
highest values were obtained with saline and Ringer’s
Mechanisms of antimicrobial activity of
solution, which were equivalent. Addition of Ca(OH)2
calcium hydroxide
to the vehicles resulted in an statistically significant
increase in the vehicle’s surface tension. Most endodontic pathogens do not survive in Ca(OH)2’s
The selection of suitable vehicles is made rather highly alkaline environment23, as Bystrom et al.24 showed
empirically. Stamos et al.17 concluded that the chemical by the elimination of several bacterial species commonly
reaction that occurs between Ca(OH)2 and the vehicle found in infected root canals after a short period in
could cause a decrease in pH, thereby changing the direct contact with the material. This is due to hydroxyl
therapeutic properties, although they reported no ions being highly oxidant free radicals that show
significant difference in pH values when mixed with extreme reactivity with several biomolecules25. This
International Dental Journal (2005) Vol. 55/No.5

reactivity is high and indiscriminate, so it rarely diffuses stressing the necessity of direct contact to achieve anti-
away from sites of generation. The lethal effects of bacterial effect.
hydroxyl ions on bacterial cells are probably due to the By contrast, DiFiore et al.27 found that calcium
following mechanisms: hydroxide had no antibacterial effect as a paste, or as
the commercial preparation Pulpdent when used against
S. sanguis. Siqueira et al.28 demonstrated similar results.
Damage to the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane Bases of alkaline metals, such as NaOH and KOH,
The bacterial cytoplasmic membrane possesses impor- show high solubility and thereby may diffuse more
tant functions to the survival of the cell, such as selective than calcium hydroxide across the culture medium.
permeability and transport of solutes; electron trans- Both bases have pronounced antibacterial activity28.
port and oxidative phosphorilation in aerobic species; But, high solubility and diffusibility increases the cyto-
excretion of hydrolytic exoenzymes; bearing enzymes toxic effects of these substances on host cells. Because
and carrier molecules that function in the biosynthesis of their high cytotoxicity, these substances are not
of DNA, cell wall polymers and membrane lipids; and indicated for endodontic practice.
bearing the receptors and other proteins of the chemo- Calcium hydroxide exerts antibacterial effects in the
tactic and other sensory transduction systems26. root canal system as long as the high pH is retained25.
Hydroxyl ions induce lipid peroxidation, resulting Although hydroxyl ions possess antibacterial effects,
in the destruction of the phospholipid structural rather high pH values are required to destroy microor-
component of the cellular membrane. Hydroxyl ions ganisms. For calcium hydroxide to act as an intracanal
remove hydrogen atoms from unsaturated fatty acids, dressing, the hydroxyl ions must be able to diffuse
generating a free lipidic radical. This free lipidic radical through dentine and pulpal tissue remnants. Studies
reacts with oxygen, resulting in the formation of a have revealed that hydroxyl ions derived from a
lipidic peroxide radical, which removes another calcium hydroxide medication do diffuse through root
hydrogen atom from a second fatty acid generating dentine6.
another lipidic peroxide. Thus, peroxides themselves Several studies have attested to the inefficacy of
act as free radicals, initiating an autocatalytic chain calcium hydroxide in eliminating bacterial cells inside
reaction, and resulting in further loss of unsaturated dentinal tubules. Haapasalo and Ørstavik29 reported
fatty acids and extensive membrane damage25. that a calcium hydroxide paste (Calasept) failed to
eliminate, even superficially, Enterococcus faecalis in the
tubules, and Safavi et al.30 demonstrated that Enterococ-
Protein denaturation cus faecium remained viable in dentinal tubules after
Cellular metabolism is highly dependent on enzymatic relatively extended periods of calcium hydroxide/
activities. Enzymes have optimum activity and stability saline mixture treatment. Ørstavik and Haapasalo31
in a narrow range of pH, which turns around neutral- observed that calcium hydroxide can take up to 10
ity. The alkalinisation provided by calcium hydroxide days to disinfect dentinal tubules infected by facultative
induces the breakdown of the ionic bond that main- bacteria. Siqueira and Uzeda32 demonstrated that
tains the tertiary structure of proteins. These changes calcium hydroxide mixed with saline was ineffective in
frequently result in the loss of biological activity of the eliminating E.faecalis and F.nucleatum inside dentinal
enzyme and disruption of the cellular metabolism25. tubules even after 1 week of contact. A number of
factors can help to explain the inefficacy in disinfecting
the dentinal tubules. It has been reported that dentine
Damage to the DNA has buffering ability because of the presence of proton
Hydroxyl ions react with bacterial DNA and induce donors such as H2PO–4 , H2CO–3 , and HCO–3 in the
the splitting of the strands. Genes are then lost. Conse- hydrated layer of hydroxyapatite to keep the pH
quently, DNA replication is inhibited and the cellular unchanged8. The arrangement of bacterial cells colonising
activity is disarranged. Free radicals may also induce the root canal walls can also reduce the antibacterial
lethal mutations25. effect of calcium hydroxide, since the cells located at
Bystrom et al.24 in their in vivo study found that the periphery of colonies can protect those located
root canals treated with calcium hydroxide had less more deeply inside the tubules32. Ramifications, isth-
bacteria than those treated with camphorated phenol muses and irregularities also protect bacteria from the
or camphorated monochlorophenol. They attributed action of calcium hydroxide due to pH neutralisation.
this to the fact that calcium hydroxide can be packed The period needed for calcium hydroxide to optimally
into the root canal system allowing hydroxyl ions to be disinfect the root canal system is still unknown. Clinical
released over a long period of time. Stevens and studies using the root canal sampling procedures have
Grossman26, also showed calcium hydroxide to be revealed conflicting results. Bystrom et al.24 showed
effective in preventing the growth of microorganisms that calcium hydroxide effectively eliminated all micro-
but to a limited extent when compared to CMCP, organisms when the medicament was maintained for 4
Farhad and Mohammadi: Calcium hydroxide: a review

weeks. Reit and Dahlen19 found that infection persisted in ence in the root canal presents a significant therapeutic
26% of the canals after 2 weeks of dressing with calcium problem25,44. It appears that E.faecalis is highly resistant
hydroxide. Sjogren et al.33 reported that intracanal dress- to the medicaments used during treatment and is known
ing with calcium hydroxide for 1 week effectively to resist the antibacterial effect of Ca(OH)2. Evans et
eliminated bacteria in the root canal in 100% of cases. al.44 found that pretreatment by Ca(OH)2 or NaOCl
Barbosa et al.34 reported that 26.7% of the cases dressed was of minor importance in the ability of E.faecalis to
with calcium hydroxide for 1 week yielded a positive survive the high alkalinity of calcium hydroxide. They
culture. Variation in the presented results may have showed that E.faecalis was resistant to Ca(OH)2 at a pH
methodological origins, and for example be due to the of 11.1 but not of pH 11.5. Pretreatment with Ca(OH)2
small sample sizes used in these types of studies. at pH 10.3 induced no tolerance to further exposure at
A fundamental role in the cause and maintenance of pH 11.5. They also stressed that no difference in cell
periapical lesions has been attributed to the bacterial survival was observed when protein synthesis was
endotoxin, a lipopolysaccharide (LPS)35. It appears that blocked during stress induction, however, addition of
LPS, a cell wall component of gram negative bacteria, a proton pump inhibitor such as carbonyl cyanide
plays a major role in the periapical bone resorption m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP) resulted in a drama-
process36. LPS via its lipid A moiety stimulates secretion tic reduction of cell viability of E.faecalis in calcium
of bone-resorbing mediators such as prostaglandin hydroxide. In the other words, they concluded that
E2 (PGE2) from a variety of host cells particularly survival of E.faecalis in calcium hydroxide appears to
those of immune lineage37. LPS is a relatively stable be unrelated to stress induced protein synthesis, but a
macromolecule. At minute concentrations LPS exerts functioning proton pump is critical for survival of
significant biological effects38 and thus its inactivation is E.faecalis at high pH.
highly desirable in root canal treatment. Safavi and
Nichols36,37, Barthel et al.39 and Olsen et al.40 demon-
strated that calcium hydroxide hydrolyses lipid A, which
is a toxic part of endotoxin (LPS). Recently Silva et al.41 Apexification is defined as the process of creating an
reported that calcium hydroxide inactivated the toxic environment within the canal and periapical tissues
effects of bacterial endotoxin in vivo. after pulp death that allows a calcified barrier to form
They also showed in a radiographic evaluation the across the open apex45. This calcified barrier consists
effect of endotoxin (LPS) plus calcium hydroxide on of osteocementum or other bone-like tissue46.
apical and periapical tissues of dogs that bacterial Creation of a proper environment for formation
endotoxin caused radiographically visible periapical of the calcified barrier involves cleaning and shaping
lesions, but when associated with calcium hydroxide, of the canal to remove debris and bacteria, followed
this endotoxin was detoxified41. Safavi and Nichols36,37 by placement of a paste to the apex45. Different mate-
reported that calcium hydroxide hydrolysed lipid A in rials have been used successfully but the most favoured
vitro and after lipid A hydrolysis, this highly toxic agent is a paste of calcium hydroxide and water; the addition
released free hydroxy fatty acids that were nontoxic. of other medicaments to calcium hydroxide has no
The contradictions between in vivo and in vitro findings beneficial effect on apexification47. Thorough debride-
might suggest that other aspects are involved. One ment to remove bacteria and necrotic tissue from the
mechanism that can explain the in vivo antimicrobial canal system is the primary factor responsible for
activity of Ca(OH)2 is its ability to absorb carbon apical closure. Calcium hydroxide is used as a tempo-
dioxide in the root canal systems, which is essential for rary obturating material and it is its bactericidal effect
bacteria such as Capnocytophaga, Eikenella and that may stimulate apical calcification45. Although
Actinomyces spp.42 and is provided by bacteria such as apexification had been attempted in the past, the tech-
Fusobacterium, Bacteroides, Porphyromonas and nique was given impetus by the description of three
Streptococcus spp. If calcium hydroxide absorbs cases by Frank48. Frank cleaned and irrigated canals and
carbon dioxide, CO2-dependent bacteria will not sealed them with a paste of camphorated chlorophenol
survive43. Therefore, the use of an intracanal medicament and calcium hydroxide. Radiographic examination 3
will disturb established nutritional interrelationships, and 6 months later showed evidence of a root apex
eliminating some bacteria that might be essential to the cap or barrier, following which the root canals were
growth of others, or leaving some bacteria whose obturated. Actual root growth does not occur as a
presence will prevent the growth of others. result of apexification, but radiographic evidence of a
One of the only shortcomings of calcium hydrox- calcified mass at the root apex gives that impression46.
ide is its inability to effectively kill enterococcus species, Although apexification occurs with many materials,
which are often associated with failed root canal treat- it has been reported even without the presence of
ment25,44. The common recovery of Enterococcus faecalis canal-filling material after the removal of necrotic pulp
(E.faecalis) from canals where the treatment has failed tissue49.
suggests it is an opportunistic pathogen whose persist- According to Kleier and Barr50, the usual time
International Dental Journal (2005) Vol. 55/No.5

required to achieve apexification is 6 to 24 months calcium hydroxide suspension are not utilised in the
(average l year ± 7 months). However, in one case it repair of the exposure. Sciaky and Pisanti54 have shown
has been reported that 4 years of treatment was by means of radioautographs that the calcium ions
required for complete apexification46.There is disagree- present in the dentine bridge that is formed during
ment in the literature on how often the canal should be repair come from the systemic circulation. The applied
refilled with calcium hydroxide paste to produce calcium hydroxide which in their experiments contained
apexification, and the decision seems to be empirical. radioactive calcium did not enter into the formation of
According to Tronstad et al.6 refilling every 3 to 6 the bridge.
months is favoured. Some of the other researchers According to Schroder and Granath55 the mecha-
favour refilling only if there is radiographic evidence nism for the induction of dentine formation and repair
of resorption of the paste51. Chosack52 suggested that under calcium hydroxide may be that it causes a super-
after initial root filling with calcium hydroxide there ficial coagulation of the pulp tissue on which it is
was nothing to be gained by repeated root filling either placed. The necrosis is apparently initiated by damage
monthly or after 3 months for at least 6 months. to the blood vessels. The initial damage from calcium
If any signs or symptoms of reinfection or pathol- hydroxide occurs in the capillaries closest to the region
ogy occur at any time during the periodic recall of of the capping or pulpotomy56. Because of its high pH,
apexification, the canal is cleaned again and refilled calcium hydroxide helps to keep the immediate region
with calcium hydroxide paste49. If apexification is in a state of alkalinity, which is necessary for bone and
incomplete, the canal is repacked with the calcium dentine formation. Under this region of calcium
hydroxide paste, and the periodic recall continues49. hydroxide-induced coagulation necrosis, which is satu-
From the histological viewpoint, the calcified tissue rated with calcium ions, cells from the underlying pulp
that forms over the apical foramen has been identified tissue differentiate into odontoblast–like cells which
as an osteoid or cementoid material53. Histological then begin to elaborate matrix.
studies consistently report the absence of Hertwig’s Schroder and Granath57 examined the coronal
epithelial root sheath (HERS). However, according to surface structure of calcium hydroxide-induced bridges
Grossman46 the residual undamaged pulp tissue, if with both the light and the scanning electron micro-
there is any, and the odontoblastic layer associated scope. They found tubular openings surrounded by
with the pulp tissue resume. The matrix formation and collagen bundles similar to those found in normal
subsequent calcification is guided by the reactivated predentine. It has been reported that saturated calcium
HERS. He also stressed the fact that the HERS and the and barium hydroxide completely inhibited alkaline
pulp tissue that were once damaged may explain why phosphatase and lactic dehydrogenase activity, but
some of the apical formations appear atypical. calcium hydroxide preparations at lower pH levels
Pitt Ford45 stated that the type of barrier that forms were much less inhibitory56. Seltzer and Bender56 stated
depends on the extent of pulp necrosis at the start of that two undesirable side effects had been attributed to
treatment. Vital (but probably inflamed) pulp may be calcium hydroxide when used as a pulp capping or a
present at the root end; following pulpectomy, canal pulpotomy agent: one is the possibility of eventual
preparation, irrigation, and insertion of calcium hydrox- complete calcification of the tissue in the root canal. If
ide, some continued root formation may be expected this occurs, subsequent endodontic therapy, if needed,
from the surviving HERS. However, if there is severe becomes a difficult and often impossible procedure.
inflammation (or even abscess formation) in the The second adverse effect is persistence of induced
periapex (with or without sinus tract), HERS has prob- inflammation, eventually causing internal resorption.
ably been completely destroyed.
Application of calcium hydroxide for root
Apexogenesis resorption
Apexogenesis is defined as a treatment of a vital pulp Root resorption is defined as resorption affecting the
in an immature tooth to permit continued root growth cementum and/or dentine of the root of a tooth. On
and apical closure45. Treatment techniques for apexo- the basis of the site of origin of the resorption, it may
genesis include shallow pulpotomy (Cvek pulpotomy) be referred to as internal, external, or root-end
and cervical pulpotomy. resorption58.
Calcium hydroxide has been the drug of choice Calcium hydroxide has an active influence on the
for use in pulp capping and pulpotomy. Although local environment of resorption area by reducing
suspensions of calcium hydroxide are highly alkaline, osteoclastic activity and stimulating repair6. This is
other compounds, such as ammonium hydroxide with directly related to the alkaline pH of the calcium
the same alkalinity cause liquefaction necrosis of the hydroxide, which spreads through the dentine. Hard
pulp when placed on exposed pulp tissue. The calcium tissue resorption, with its enzymatic activity, takes place
ions delivered to the site of the exposure by the in an acidic pH. Ca(OH)2 creates an alkaline environ-
Farhad and Mohammadi: Calcium hydroxide: a review

ment in which this reaction is reversed and hard tissue space is confirmed. In long-term calcium hydroxide
deposition can take place. The phenomena of pH therapy, Ca(OH)2 is changed every 3 months within a
change to the periphery is increased, especially where range of 6–24 months64. Cvek65 stated that long-term
resorption has exposed the dentine6. Ca(OH)2 for avulsed teeth will result in an extremely
Frank and Weine59 reported on a technique using high rate of success. However, Hammarstrom et al.66
the Ca(OH)2-CMCP mixture for the nonsurgical and Lengheden et al.67 have warned that use of calcium
treatment of perforating internal resorption. In such hydroxide in the root canals of teeth with damaged
situations other similar techniques have been used in root surfaces might be contraindicated because of its
which the deposition of a cementum-like or osteoid necrotising effect on the cells repopulating the root
tissue at the site of the defect is the end result. surface. Trope et al.68 in another study found that there
Treatment of choice for internal root resortption is were no differences between infected teeth which were
to pack the canal and the resorption lacuna with obturated with gutta-percha after 1 week of calcium
calcium hydroxide paste. By the next visit, the calcium hydroxide therapy.
hydroxide will have necrotised any remaining tissue in According to Andreasen et al.69 fracture strength of
the lacuna, and the necrotic remnants are readily calcium hydroxide-filled roots would be reduced to
removed by irrigation with sodium hypochlorite58. half in about a year due to the root filling. The finding
When lateral resorption is noticed from the outset, may explain the frequent reported fractures of imma-
pulp extirpation, debridement and Ca(OH)2 therapy ture teeth filled with calcium hydroxide for extended
are preferred. In addition, when the lateral resorption periods. They also stressed that decreased fracture
process reaches the dentine or perforates the root strength of teeth with long-term calcium hydroxide is
canal, the Ca(OH)2 procedure should be attempted due to the alkaline nature of calcium hydroxide which
after canal debridement60. According to Chivian58, neutralises, dissolves, or denatures some of the acidic
calcium hydroxide should be placed in to the resorption components acting as bonding agents and thereby weak-
defect at 3-month intervals until there is evidence of ens the dentine.
hard tissue repair, confirmed by both radiographs and
direct examination through the access cavity. When the Other applications of calcium hydroxide
physical barrier has been established, the defect can be
Indirect pulp capping (IPC)
filled with gutta percha. Cvek61 stated that the arrest of
external root resorption related to necrotic pulp can be Indirect pulp therapy is a technique for avoiding pulp
attributed exclusively to removal of necrotic pulp and exposure in the treatment of teeth with deep carious
antibacterial treatment of the root canal. When external lesions in which there exists no clinical evidence of
resorption is noticed from the outset of luxation inju- pulpal degeneration or periapical disease. The main
ries, pulp extripation, debridement, and Ca(OH)2 purpose is to arrest the carious process by promoting
therapy are necessary58. In some situations when root dentinal sclerosis, remineralisation of carious dentine as
resorption continues after the completion of active well as preserving pulp vitality. Many materials and
and retentive phases of orthodontic treatment, inten- drugs have been used as pulp capping agents. One of
tional extripation and Ca(OH)2 therapy seems to be the most favourable agents is calcium hydroxide.
successful in abating resorption62. Andreasen63 was able Calcium hydroxide is an ideal pulp protectant but it
to arrest inflammatory root resorption in nine out of should be used only where indicated and in a very thin
ten cases by using intracanal Ca(OH)2 dressing63. layer. Regular aqueous or methylcellulose calcium
hydroxide fails as a base. It is biocompatible but,
unfortunately, has a very low compressive strength,
Application of calcium hydroxide for avulsion
allowing the filling material to be crushed into it. It
Endodontic treatment of avulsed teeth with closed should be noted that in the case of IPC calcium
apex and an extra-oral time of more than 60 minutes is hydroxide is being used as an antibacterial agent and
initiated 7–10 days after the emergency visit. Accord- mild pulp stimulant to produce irritation dentine.
ing to Trope64, in cases where endodontic treatment is Warfving et al.70 found that to achieve these two
delayed or signs of resorption are present, ‘long-term’ objectives calcium hydroxide paste in saline was much
calcium hydroxide is the treatment of choice before more effective than a commercial hard-setting calcium
obturation. Trope64 also stressed that if therapy is initi- hydroxide cement (LIFE). Another variation of calcium
ated at the optimum time (7–10 days after emergency hydroxide is Prisma VLC Dycal, which consists of
visit), endodontic therapy with an effective inter- calcium hydroxide and fillers of barium sulphate
appointment antibacterial agent such as Ca(OH)2 over dispersed in a specially formulated urethane dimethyl-
a relatively short period of time (7–10 days) is suffi- acrylate resin containing initiators (camphoroquinone)
cient to ensure effective disinfection of the canal. The and activators.
advantage of long-term calcium hydroxide is that it According to Stanley and Pameijer71, Prisma VLC
allows the clinician to have a temporary obturating Dycal has a number of advantages over regular water-
material in place until an intact periodontal ligament or methylcellulose-based calcium hydroxide: “dramati-
International Dental Journal (2005) Vol. 55/No.5

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Correspondence to: Dr. Alireza Farhad, Assistant professor of
72. Meadow D, Needleman H, Lindner G. Oral trauma in chil- Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Esfahan, Esfahan,
dren. Pediatr Dent 1984 6: 248–255. Iran. P.O.Box. 81465-1596 Esfahan, Iran.
73. Schroder U. Reaction of human dental pulp to experimental Email: Farhad@dnt.mui.ac.ir

Farhad and Mohammadi: Calcium hydroxide: a review

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