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Optimizing Rig Scheduling

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Scheduling Workover Rigs for Onshore Oil Production

Dario J. Aloise, Daniel Aloise, Caroline T.M. Rocha

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Informtica e Matemtica Aplicada, Natal, RN 59072-970, Brazil a a E-mails: dario@dimap.ufrn.br, aloise@inf.puc-rio.br, crocha@ic.uff.br

Jos C. Ribeiro Filho, Luiz S.S. Moura e

Gerncia de Elevao de Petrleo, Petrobras, UN-RNCE, e ca o Natal, RN 59064-100, Brazil E-mails: jc-ribeiro@petrobras.com.br, luiz.sergio@petrobras.com.br

Celso C. Ribeiro
Department of Computer Science, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22453-900, Brazil E-mail: celso@inf.puc-rio.br

Abstract Many oil wells in Brazilian onshore elds rely on articial lift methods. Maintenance services such as cleaning, reinstatement, stimulation and others are essential to these wells. These services are performed by workover rigs, which are avaliable on a limited number with respect to the number of wells demanding service. The decision of which workover rig should be sent to perform some maintenance service is based on factors such as the well production, the current location of the workover rig in relation to the demanding well, and the type of service to be performed. The problem of scheduling workover rigs consists in nding the best schedule for the available workover rigs, so as to minimize the production loss associated with the wells awaiting for service. We propose a VNS heuristic for this problem. Computational results on synthetical and real-life problems are reported and compared with those obtained by other approaches. This project was sponsored by the Brazilian agency FINEP (Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos), in the framework of the CTPETRO Brazilian national plan of science and technology for oil and natural gas. Key words: Oil production, workover rigs, VNS, heuristics, combinatorial optimization

Preprint submitted to Elsevier Science

23 June 2003


Many oil wells in Brazilian elds rely on articial lift methods to make the oil surface. Oil can be lifted by dierent techniques [10], which require specialized equipment operating under dicult conditions for long periods of times. These equipments are assigned to the wells as long as their use is economically rentable. Failures of these equipments over the time require maintenance services such as cleaning, reinstatement, stimulation and others, which are essential to the exploitation of the wells. These services are performed by workover rigs, as illustrated in Figure 1. Workover rigs are slow mobile units moving at a speed of approximately 12 mph through a network of roads, as illustrated in Figure 2.

Fig. 1. Workover rig performing a maintenance service

Due to their high operation costs, there are relatively few workover rigs when compared with the number of wells demanding service. As an example, the state owned company Petrobras operates with eight to ten workover rigs in the Potiguar eld, located in the Northeastern region of Brazil. The limited number of workover rigs may lead to service delays and inactive wells, with potentially high production loss. The decision of which workover rig should be sent to perform some maintenance service is based on factors such as the well production, the current location of the workover rigs, and the type of maintenance service to be performed. The problem of scheduling workover rigs consists in nding the best schedule of the workover rigs to attend all wells demanding maintenance services, so as to minimize the oil production loss. The production loss of each iddle well is evaluated as its average daily ow rate under regular operation, multiplied by 2

the number of days its production is interrupted.

Fig. 2. Transportation of a workover rig

A VNS heuristic for this problem is described in the next section. Computational results on synthetical and real-life problems are reported in Section 3 and compared with those obtained by other approaches. Concluding remarks are drawn in Section 4. This project was sponsored by the Brazilian agency FINEP (Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos), in the framework of the CTPETRO Brazilian national plan of science and technology for oil and natural gas, and the results are currently under implementation at the state owned company Petrobras.

A VNS heuristic

In this section, we propose a Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) heuristic for the problem of scheduling workover rigs for onshore oil production. The Variable Neighborhood Search metaheuristic proposed by Hansen and Mladenovi [5, 6, 7] is based on the exploration of a dynamic neighborhood model. c VNS successively explores increasing order neighborhoods in the search for improving solutions. Each iteration has two main steps: perturbation in the current neighborhood and local search. The main components of the heuristic are described next. 2.1 Initial solutions

Construction heuristics for the problem of scheduling workover rigs have been proposed and evaluated in [3, 8, 9]. Heuristic H1 is an ADD-type procedure 3

which will be used to build initial solutions to the VNS heuristic. Its pseudocode is illustrated in Figure 3. We denote by R the set of wells requesting maintenance services and by Si the ordered set of wells to be serviced by workover rig i = 1, . . . , m. The schedule Si of each workover rig i = 1, . . . , m is initialized in line 1. The counter of the position last in which each well will be assigned is initialized in line 2. The loop in lines 3-10 is performed until all wells demanding maintenance services have been assigned to some workover rig. The loop in lines 4-8 assigns a well to the last position of each workover rig i = 1, . . . , m. The choice of the wells to be assigned to the workover rigs is based on their production losses. For each well r R not yet assigned to a workover rig, we compute its production loss lossr (i, last) in case it is assigned to the last position of workover rig i. The value lossr (i, last) is equal to the estimated ow rate of well r multiplied by its iddle time once it is assigned to the last position of workover rig i. This idle time is equal to the time elapsed until the end of the maintenance of the well assigned to position last 1 of workover rig i plus the traveling time this workover rig will take to reach well r plus the service time of the latter. The well r maximizing lossr (i, last) is selected in line 5. Next, in line 6 it is assigned to the last position of workover rig i. In line 7 it is removed from the list of wells still demanding service. Once one well has been assigned to the last position of each workover rig, the position counter last is increased in line 9 and a new iteration resumes. The algorithm stops when R = , i.e. all wells have been assigned. Solution S = {Si , i = 1, . . . , m} is returned in line 11.

procedure H1; 1 Si , i = 1, . . . , m; 2 last 1; 3 while R = do 4 for i = 1, . . . , n and R = do 5 r maxrR {lossr (i, last)}; 6 Insert well r in the last position of Si ; 7 R R {r }; 8 end-for; 9 last last + 1; 10 end-while; 11 return S = {Si , i = 1, . . . , m}; end H1;
Fig. 3. Pseudo-code of the construction heuristic H1

2.2 Neighborhoods

We conceived nine dierent neighborhood denitions associated with a solution S to the problem of scheduling workover rigs. Each solution S is represented as a list of workover rigs, each of which is associated with an ordered list (dening a route and a schedule) of wells that it will service. (1) Swap routes (SS): the wells and the associated routes assigned to two workover rigs are swapped, as illustrated in Figure 4 for workover rigs S1 and S2. Each solution has m(m 1)/2 neighbors within this neighborhood.

Fig. 4. Neighborhood SW

(2) Swap wells from the same workover rig (SWSW): the order in which two wells are serviced by the same workover rig is swapped, as illustrated in Figure 5 for wells R2 and R4 serviced by workover rig S1. Assuming that the n wells are evenly assigned to the m workover rigs, each solution has n(n m)/(2m) neighbors within this neighborhood.

Fig. 5. Neighborhood SWSW

(3) Swap wells from dierent workover rigs (SWDW): two wells assigned to two dierent workover rigs are swapped, as illustrated in Figure 6 for wells R2 and R8 originally assigned respectively to workover rigs S1 and S2. Once again assuming that the n wells are evenly assigned to the m workover rigs, each solution has n2 (m 1)/(2m) neighbors within this neighborhood. (4) Add-Drop (AD): a well assigned to a workover rig is reassigned to any position of the schedule of another workover rig, as illustrated in Figure 7 for well R2 which is reassigned from workover rig S1 to S2. Once again 5

Fig. 6. Neighborhood SWDW

assuming that the n wells are evenly assigned to the m drills, each solution has also n2 (m 1)/(2m) neighbors within this neighborhood.

Fig. 7. Neighborhood AD

Five other neighborhoods are dened by successive applications of moves within neighborhoods SSS, SSD, and AD: (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) SWSW2 : successively apply two moves within neighborhood SWSW SWDW2 : successively apply two moves within neighborhood SWDW SWDW3 : successively apply three moves within neighborhood SWDW AD2 : successively apply two moves within neighborhood AD AD3 : successively apply three moves within neighborhood AD


Local search

The local search procedure used at each iteration of the VNS heuristic is based on a swap neighborhood dened by all solutions which can be obtained by the exchange of a pair of wells from the current solution. This neighborhood is equivalent to the union of neighborhoods SWSW and SWDW described in the previous section. Pairs of wells are examined in circular order. The rst improving solution found is made the new current solution. The search stops at the rst local optimum, after the full neighborhood of the current solution is investigated (i.e., after a sequence n(n 1)/2 non-improving moves are evaluated). 6

2.4 VNS heuristic

The nine neighborhoods described in Section 2.2 are not nested. Lower order neighborhoods are characterized by solutions which are closer to the current solution. As the neighborhood order increases, most implementations of VNS progressively investigate solutions which are farther from the current solution. Concerning the problem of scheduling workover rigs and the nine proposed neighborhoods, Add-Drop neighborhoods are the highest order ones, since many elements may change between two neighbor solutions. On the contrary, in the case of swap neighborhoods, only a few solution elements will be changed between two neighbor solutions. Our implementation of the VNS heuristic uses kmax = 9 and investigates these neighborhoods in the following order: N (1) = SS, N (2) = SWSW, N (3) = SWDW, N (4) = SWSW2 , N (5) = SWDW2 , N (6) = SWDW3 , N (7) = AD, N (8) = AD2 , and N (9) = AD3 . procedure VNSforWorkoverRigs; 1 Let S be the initial solution built by H1; 2 k 1; 3 while k kmax do; 4 if the time limit is exceeded then return S; 5 Randomly generate S N (k) (S); 6 Obtain S by applying local search to S ; 7 if w(S) < w(S) then S S; k 1; 8 else k k + 1; 9 end-while; 10 Return to step 2; end VNSforWorkoverRigs.
Fig. 8. Pseudo-code of the VNS heuristic for the problem of scheduling workover rigs

Figure 8 gives the algorithmic description of procedure VNSforWorkoverRigs which implements the VNS metaheuristic for the problem of scheduling workover rigs. A solution S and a neighborhood order k are associated with each VNS iteration. The initial soultion is built by the construction heuristic H1 in line 1. The order k of the initial neighborhood is set to one in line 2. The loop in lines 3-9 is performed until the complete sequence N (1) , . . . , N (kmax ) of neighborhoods is explored. If the time limit is attained, the algorithm returns the current solution S in line 4. In line 5, a neighbor solution S is randomly gen erated within neighborhood N (k) of solution S. Next, a solution S is obtained by applying local search to S in line 6. If S improves the current solution, in line 7 the algorithm resumes the search from this solution using the rst neighborhood. Otherwise, the algorithm resumes from S in line 8 using a higher order neighborhood. Once the complete sequence N (1) , . . . , N (kmax ) of neighborhoods is explored without nding any improving solution, in line 10 the 7

algorithm returns to step 2 to reset the order of the current neighborhood to one and to resume the search from the current solution S.

Experimental results

In this section, we report the experimental results on synthetical and reallife problems. These results are also compared with those obtained by other approaches. We start by the description of the test problems.

3.1 Test problems

We have generated test problems according with dierent scenarios, based on the variation of the main parameters: daily well ow rates, distances between the wells, and service times. (1) Daily well ow rates (in m3 /day): Scenario 1, in which most wells have a low-level production: 50% of the wells have a daily ow rate in the interval [3,9], 25% in the interval (9,12], and 25% in the interval (12,15]. Scenario 2, in which most wells have a medium-level production: 25% of the wells have a daily ow rate in the interval [3,9], 50% in the interval (9,12], and 25% in the interval (12,15]. Scenario 3, in which most wells have a high-level production: 25% of the wells have a daily ow rate in the interval [3,9], 25% in the interval (9,12], and 50% in the interval (12,15]. (2) Distances between the wells: Scenario 1: small distances, in which the wells are uniformly distributed in a square of 10 by 10 kilometers. Scenario 2: medium distances, in which the wells are uniformly distributed in a square of 20 by 20 kilometers. Scenario 3: large distances, in which the wells are uniformly distributed in a square of 30 by 30 kilometers. (3) Estimated service times (in hours): Scenario 1, in which most wells have high service times: 50% of the wells have their service times equal to 24 hours; 25% equal to 12 hours, and 25% equal to six hours. Scenario 2, in which most wells have medium service times: 25% of the wells have their service times equal to 24 hours; 50% equal to 12 hours, and 25% equal to six hours. Scenario 3, in which most wells have small service times: 25% of the wells have their service times equal to 24 hours; 25% equal to 12 hours, 8

and 50% equal to six hours. Thus, there are a total 27 dierent combinations of scenarios. We generated one test problem with 1500 wells for each combination. The fraction of wells demanding service is set at 10% of the total number of wells. Each synthetic test problem is identied by a string representing the associated scenarios. As an example, string P-123 represents a test problem dened by scenario 1 for the daily well ow rates, scenario 2 for the distances between the wells, and scenario 3 for the estimated service times. All distances are Euclidean. The complete data for all test problems are available at http://www.prometh.ufrn.br.


Computational results

The VNS heuristic was implemented in C, using version 2.96 of the gcc compiler. The computational experiments were performed on a 1.4 GHz Pentium IV with 256 Mbytes of RAM memory and running under version 2.4.18 of the Debian implementation of Linux. The rand function was used for the generation of pseudo-random numbers. Tables 1 and 2 present average results over 25 runs for problems with four workover rigs and over 20 runs for problems with eight workover rigs, each run limited at 1800 seconds of processing time. Besides the average objective function value obtained by the VNS heuristic, we also present the average results obtained by a genetic algorithm and a GRASP heuristic presented in [8] and by two ant colonies implementations (AS and MMAS) [2, 3] following the models described in [4]. The best average results among the ve heuristics are shown in bold face. Figure 9 summarizes the main results reported in Tables 1 and 2, indicating the overall number (vertical axis) and the percentage (over the bars) of problems for which each of the ve heuristics obtained the best average results. The results depicted in this gure clearly indicate the dominance of the VNS heuristic with respect to the other approaches. VNS found the best average results for 85.19% of the test problems. This dominance is even clearer when one considers the best solutions found by each heuristic over all runs: in this case, the VNS heuristic always obtained the best solution.


Real-life problem

We have been provided by Petrobras with a typical real-life instance corresponding to September 5, 2002. This instance is characterized by 130 wells requiring maintenance services from nine dierent workover rigs. 9

Problem P-111 P-112 P-113 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-131 P-132 P-133 P-211 P-212 P-213 P-221 P-222 P-223 P-231 P-232 P-233 P-311 P-312 P-313 P-321 P-322 P-323 P-331 P-332 P-333

GA 34032.63 33412.64 31474.27 53874.61 51673.66 47334.47 80612.59 79119.07 84934.06 40838.59 38879.89 39523.69 63882.49 63041.73 63560.06 89651.34 81962.39 87680.83 42623.11 40926.27 41218.36 72027.49 69422.39 63561.59 91883.74 87130.90 87155.40

GRASP 33347.41 33021.87 31348.80 53105.83 50637.00 45620.57 81186.06 76729.59 83704.13 40196.71 38358.96 39171.74 62133.47 61531.47 62016.97 87924.30 81002.37 85820.57 42079.79 40592.34 40938.26 71229.94 67982.10 63083.80 89209.81 85529.50 85297.10

AS 30651.67 29801.27 28439.43 46532.29 45453.23 40398.76 69147.94 66433.99 68042.87 36978.39 34640.06 34601.73 55823.07 56608.26 54077.10 78915.01 73076.73 73598.01 39651.40 37583.19 38045.86 65001.81 62121.30 57469.00 81357.93 77878.39 79093.07

MMAS 30781.03 29652.56 28453.86 46291.81 44834.11 39923.09 68824.21 66539.77 67278.61 36707.74 34634.10 34570.06 55917.56 56371.71 54155.1 78712.3 72243.76 72485.87 39786.16 37831.34 37891.44 64422.19 61692.26 57170.89 80703.01 77657.63 78006.77

VNS 30359.56 29508.61 28128.51 46003.33 44788.39 39900.60 68276.79 65940.11 66582.64 36119.84 33928.53 34045.60 55496.26 56496.77 53874.62 78357.31 71690.36 72350.97 39600.5 37103.92 36954.89 64218.97 61173.41 57614.69 80744.54 77316.46 78585.20

Table 1 Average results with four workover rigs over 25 runs of each synthetic test problem

We rst compared the MMAS and the VNS heuristics on this real life instance. using the methodology proposed in [1]. Two hundred independent runs were performed for each heuristic. Each execution was terminated when a solution 10

Problem P-111 P-112 P-113 P-121 P-122 P-123 P-131 P-132 P-133 P-211 P-212 P-213 P-221 P-222 P-223 P-231 P-232 P-233 P-311 P-312 P-313 P-321 P-322 P-323 P-331 P-332 P-333

GA 16791.87 16516.75 15424.97 25420.56 25473.41 22598.34 37645.76 36691.23 37890.34 20016.14 18921.93 18832.29 30299.91 29976.59 29365.66 41936.89 36565.61 37404.89 20251.93 19630.09 20110.54 33097.46 33138.90 29542.89 43787.16 41462.57 41077.51

GRASP 16602.51 16368.12 15288.96 24993.96 24975.59 22361.63 37117.27 36201.97 37203.06 19726.06 18615.37 18647.87 30247.54 29434.27 28841.44 40669.49 36498.49 37014.37 20094.37 19523.86 20026.43 32901.29 32696.23 28913.04 42881.27 41017.19 40970.89

AS 15813.53 15563.90 14694.64 23720.47 23179.66 21186.87 34757.83 33527.60 34935.97 19048.13 17644.76 17615.59 29064.53 28551.89 27481.87 39405.31 36050.84 36051.76 19528.93 18906.7 19159.09 32569.79 31274.06 27770.11 41150.09 39245.86 39221.86

MMAS 15815.26 15596.90 14700.65 23785.14 23174.51 20953.90 34732.97 33566.09 34957.22 19051.61 17568.49 17520.92 28978.05 28164.11 26913.17 39075.96 35524.77 35231.59 19546.10 18801.93 19081.29 32014.20 30950.60 27371.39 40526.85 38498.93 38690.90

VNS 15449.50 15291.04 14262.23 23056.64 22526.75 20675.43 34116.68 33116.24 34095.64 18580.64 17205.51 17165.25 28168.54 27971.79 26639.84 39367.60 35137.29 34783.48 19434.97 18356.14 18890.91 31883.15 30830.94 27666.96 40723.44 38329.30 39288.91

Table 2 Average results with eight workover rigs over 20 runs of each synthetic test problem

of value less than or equal to a xed target value set at 8595.42 was found. This is a sub-optimal value chosen such that the slowest heuristic could terminate in a reasonable amount of computation time. Empirical probability 11

50 VNS (85.19%) 45 40 35 victories 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 GA (0%) GRASP (0%) AS (0%) heuristics MMAS (14.81%)

Fig. 9. Absolute and percentual number of victories of each heuristic in terms of their average results (from Tables 1 and 2)

distributions for the time-to-target-solution-value are plotted in Figure 10. To plot the empirical distribution for each algorithm, we follow the procedure described in [1]. We associate with the i-th smallest running time ti a probability pi = (i 1 )/200, and plot the points zi = (ti , pi ), for i = 1, . . . , 200. This 2 gure shows that the VNS heuristic clearly outperforms the MMAS heuristic. Even though both of them nd solutions with the same quality, for a given computation time, the probability of nding a solution at least as good as the target value is much higher for the VNS heuristic than for the MMAS heuristic. So as to be able to directly compare the results obtained by the VNS heuristic with those obtained by the engineering team of Petrobras, we introduced a small modication in the problem formulation. Instead of nding the best solution such that all wells requiring maintenance services are visited, we are given a maximum time period of 15 days and we search for the best solution limited to 15 days of operation of the workover rigs. Table 3 shows the value of the solution obtained by Petrobras and the average and best solution values over 10 runs of the MMAS ant colony heuristic and the VNS heuristic, both of them limited at 1000 seconds of processing time. The best results are indicated in bold face. We rst notice that the average value of the solutions obtained by VNS is slightly better than that obtained by the MMAS ant colony implementation. The loss observed for the solution obtained by Petrobras is 2.27% greater than that obtained by the VNS heuristic. We also notice that 62 wells are serviced in the time horizon of 15 days in the solution obtained by the VNS heuristic, while only 52 were serviced in the solution obtained by MMAS and 41 in the solution produced by Petrobras. 12

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 probability 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 10 100 time-to-target-value (seconds) 1000 10000 VNS MMAS

Fig. 10. Empirical of distributions of time-to-target-solution-value for MMAS and VNS average Heuristic Petrobras MMAS loss (m3 ) 4919.50 4810.91 normalized loss 2.27% 0.01% loss (m3 ) 4919.50 4810.65 best normalized loss 2.27% 0.01% -

VNS 4810.38 4810.18 Table 3 Results for the real-life instance for a time horizon of 15 days

Concluding remarks

This project was sponsored by the Brazilian agency FINEP (Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos), in the framework of the CTPETRO Brazilian national plan of science and technology for oil and natural gas. We now comment on the economical impact of the results obtained with the use of the approach proposed in this work. There are usually ten workover rigs operating full time in the Potiguar eld, located in the Northeastern region of Brazil. These workover rigs are subcontracted from their owners and their rental cost is approximately US$ 10,000,000 per year to Petrobras. We obtained a daily reduction of 109 m3 (equivalent to 685.6 bbl) in the production losses along 15 days, corresponding to the dierence between the solution obtained by the new heuristic and 13

that computed by Petrobras, as depicted in Table 3. The price of the Brent oil was quoted at 27.82/bbl on June 13, 2003. If we consider the reduction in the nancial losses estimated at 30% due to the increase in the number of wells serviced (21) by the new solution, which corresponds to 1463 m3 (9,199 bbl) in the same period, we obtain savings of approximately US$ 550,000 in one month, or US$ 6,600,000 per year. These savings do not take into account labor costs and other operational costs. These results are much better than the gains expected when this project was contracted, which were originally estimated as 5 to 10% of the yearly rental costs, i.e. US$ 500,000 to 1,000,000 per year. As a consequence, the new heuristic approach is currently under implementation at the state owned company Petrobras. The expected savings in oil production loss have opened the path to preliminary studies to investigate the gains that could be obtained if additional workover rigs were used. Further numerical results cannot be disclosed at the present time.

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