Research English 10

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"Inclusion is not a strategy to help people fit into the systems and structures

which exist in our societies; it is about transforming those systems and structures to

make it better for everyone". Inclusive education aims to ensure that all students,

regardless of ability, are provided with equal opportunities to learn and thrive within

the educational system by delving into the challenges and effective strategies in this

area. In today's educational landscape, promoting inclusive education for students

with disabilities is a crucial endeavor that requires attention and strategic planning.

One of the significant challenges faced in inclusive education is the lack of adequate

resources and support systems tailored to meet the diverse needs of students with

disabilities. Limited access to assistive technologies, specialized instruction, and

individualized support plans can hinder the academic and social progress of these

students within mainstream education settings. Without the necessary resources in

place, students with disabilities may struggle to fully engage in the learning process

and reach their full potential.

To address these challenges effectively, educators and policymakers must

implement a variety of strategies aimed at fostering a truly inclusive educational

environment. Collaborative partnerships between teachers, special education

professionals, parents, and community stakeholders can facilitate the creation of

comprehensive support networks that cater to the specific needs of students with

disabilities. Additionally, professional development initiatives focused on promoting

inclusive teaching practices and raising awareness about diverse learning needs can

empower educators to better support and accommodate all students in their

classrooms. by prioritizing collaboration, communication, and ongoing training,

school communities can work together to create inclusive learning environments

that celebrate diversity and provide equitable opportunities for all students.

The researchers believe that this initiative will not only deepen their

understanding of inclusivity but also help identify effective strategies and policies to

ensure equitable access to education for all. Through their research, they explore

various dimensions of inclusion, including curriculum adaptation, accessibility, and

social integration. By shedding light on the challenges faced by students with

disabilities and proposing innovative solutions, these students play a crucial role in

fostering a more inclusive educational environment. Hence, they have come up with

this study titled "insert title" to gather ample information about the welfare of the

students with disabilities and the all learners in Pambujan National High School.

A. Objectives

"Promoting Inclusive Education: Examining the Challenges and Strategies for

Students with Disabilities in Pambujan National High School" in terms of:

1. Identify the types and severity of disabilities present among students enrolled at

Pambujan National High School.

2. Explore the challenges faced by students with disabilities in accessing and

participating in mainstream education at Pambujan National High School.

3. Examine the attitudes and perceptions of teachers, administrators, and other

stakeholders towards inclusive education for students with disabilities at Pambujan

National High School.

4.Assess the availability and effectiveness of support services and accommodations

for students with disabilities at Pambujan National High School.

III. Literature Review

The study aim was to scope research into student outcomes of co-teaching

models to promote inclusive school education for students with disability. A

systematized search was conducted of studies addressing models of co-teaching

involving two teachers and student outcomes published from January 2008 to June

2019. Each study was appraised for quality. Most of 21 studies that met inclusion

criteria were conducted in the United States (n = 17). Fourteen studies followed

quantitative approaches, six followed qualitative and one included both. Although

the benefits of co-teaching for students were demonstrated, it was difficult to

determine comparative effectiveness across models, with only one study providing a

systematic comparison. There was some evidence of differential effects across

factors such as disability type, grade level, and outcome types, but heterogeneity

across study aims, participants characteristics, extent to which co-teaching models

were described or implemented, and outcomes targeted precluded meaningful

comparisons. Limitations were found in study designs, with appraisal scores ranging

from 0.6% to 89%. Hence, the research into student outcomes for various models of

co-teaching was found to be limited both in number and quality. Findings point to

the need for greater attention to what occurs in classrooms to support positive

student outcomes of inclusive education through co-teaching.1 (Iacono, 2003).

Moreover, teachers are expected to accommodate an increasingly

heterogeneous student population. However, teachers often feel ill prepared and,

hence, may be apprehensive toward the inclusion of students with special education

needs (SEN) in regular classrooms. This paper concerns factors associated with the

successful implementation of inclusive education. More specifically, it considers

teacher characteristics that may facilitate--or hinder--the inclusion of students with

SEN. The paper first discusses teacher competencies concerning the accommodation

of students with SEN in regular classrooms, not only as a determinant of effective

inclusive practice, but also in relation to teacher attitudes toward inclusive

education. Second, we investigate to what extent teachers' attitudes, both toward

students with SEN and inclusive education, may affect teaching behaviors and

(positive) action toward students with SEN. The paper further discusses (training)

methods that could be applied to increase teacher competence and foster positive

attitudes in an attempt to strive to a more equitable educational system. 2(Krischler, 2018)

Hence, teachers' attitudes towards inclusion are influenced by factors such as

training and teaching experiences. However, there is no conclusive trend correlating

specific factors with negative or positive attitudes. The aim of this study is to

International Journal of Inclusive Education 27 (13), Teresa Iacono, pp. 1454-1468, 2023.

Insights into Learning Disabilities 15 (1), Ineke M Pit-ten Cate,, pp. 49-63, 2018.
understand the reality of inclusion in schools in Extremadura, Spain, from the

teachers' point of view. To do so, a reliable and valid questionnaire was administered

to a total of 106 teachers from more than 20 schools in Extremadura, followed by

the subsequent categorization of more than 300 comments obtained from semi-

structured interviews with 16 teachers. The results show that teachers value an

inclusive philosophy in schools, especially in terms of values and policies. Teachers

working in special schools had a moderately more positive perception of the degree

of inclusion in their school, although there were hardly any significant differences

compared to teachers in other types of schools, nor were there any significant

differences according to teachers' prior training. Finally, the importance of

evaluation in the creation of plans to guarantee an improvement in the attention to

diversity is assessed. 3(Rosando-Castellano, 2022)

However, this article explores various decision-making processes that should

occur in order to promote inclusive environments for students with disabilities.

Members of an IEP team must review all variables when determining the

appropriate educational placement that supports increased achievement. Questions

considered in this paper are: 1. What type of school environment is needed to foster

collaborative decision making and inclusive environments? 2. How can data-based

decisions support the least restrictive environment for students with disabilities? 3.

How do you consider the best interest of students when implementing an inclusive

school model? 4. What characteristics of a group decision making model can help

promote the least restrictive educational placement for students with disabilities? It

Education Sciences 12 (7), Fatima Rosado-Castellano, p. 471, 2022.
is vital that special education students are given the opportunity to participate in the

regular education environment to the extent in which they can be successful.

(Moore, 2009)

Therefore, despite the progress that has been made over the 25 years since

the Salamanca Statement, there is still room for improvements in order that schools

can be developed that include all students. Drawing on a programme of research

carried out over a period of 20 years in various European countries, this paper

argues that children and young people themselves should have a central role in

informing thinking, policies and practices in education. Although this is in line with

the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child, their views continue to be largely

absent from important discussions that directly affect them. Using examples from

two interconnected studies, this paper illustrates how students can be a catalyst for

inclusive development, provided their views are heard and acted upon. In so doing, it

describes the evolution of the author's thinking, as the research moved beyond an

initial focus on students' voices as relating to conversations with students, towards a

much more radical approach that seeks to promote dialogue about learning and

teaching amongst students and teachers. This move is seen to involve a cultural

change which, in itself, is a manifestation of a commitment to inclusion as a

principled approach to education.5 (Messiou, 2019)

IV. Research Methodology

Catalyst for Change 36 (10), Erica Mooore, 2009.

International Journal of Inclusive Education 23 (7-8), Kyriaki Messiou, pp. 768-781, 2019.
The researchers will be utilizing surveys and questionnaires as they try to

scrutinize the multifaceted challenges faced by students with disabilities within the

educational landscape of Pambujan National High School. Through carefully crafted

inquiries, students, teachers and administrators will contribute their perspectives,

ideas and personal experiences that would unfold the barriers and opportunities

present in achieving an equitable educational system.

Initially, surveys and questionnaires will be distributed among the students

with disabilities, teachers and administrators, employing both online platforms and

paper-based methods to ensure widespread participation. These instruments will be

carefully designed to capture a comprehensive range of perspectives on the

challenges and strategies related to inclusive education. Once the data collection

phase is complete, the data will undergo analysis, wherein data will be analyzed

both qualitatively and quantitatively to make sure that the findings will be able to

create a wholesome explanation which could innovate and enhance the initiatives

with evidence-based strategies for promoting inclusive education at Pambujan

National High School.

V. Timeline

In order to maintain balance between the effectiveness and efficiency of the

study bearing in mind the timeliness of the probable results, the researchers decided

to identify their tasks into four part wherein they allocated a certain period of days

for them to achieve a particular task before proceeding to the next step.

In Part 1, they will be allotting one week for the preparation phase. At this

point of their research, they will be planning and implementing the research

proposal while they design the survey questionnaire. Part 2, with a maximum of 2

weeks’ time budget will be utilized for their data collection phase. This time, the

researchers will be distributing to the respondents ensuring that their answers will

be purely secured to maintain their privacy. Once they collected the questionnaire,

they are now in Part 3 of their research or the data analysis phase wherein data will

undergo qualitative and quantitative analysis which will also comprise two weeks

period. The last phase will be the writing of summary of the findings, conclusion and

recommendations by the researchers with an allotted period of 1 week.

VI. Expected Results

At the end of this study, the researchers expect to identify the different kinds

of disabilities experienced by some of the students of Pambujan National High

School. They will also be able to enumerate the challenges that hinders the

participation and learning opportunities of student’s disabilities. In addition, they will

be able to foresee the available strategies employed in promoting equitable

education of the students. Lastly, this consolidated information will be utilized to

create concrete recommendations that will furthermore enhance the quality of

inclusive education in Pambujan National High School.

VII. References

Insights into Learning Disabilities 15 (1), Ineke M Pit-ten Cate,, pp. 49-63, 2018.

International Journal of Inclusive Education 27 (13), Teresa Iacono, pp. 1454-
1468, 2023.

Education Sciences 12 (7), Fatima Rosado-Castellano, p. 471, 2022.

Catalyst for Change 36 (10), Erica Mooore, 2009.


International Journal of Inclusive Education 23 (7-8), Kyriaki Messiou, pp. 768-781,












APRIL 2024


I. Title Page

II. Introduction 1

a. Objectives 2

III. Literature Review 3

IV. Research Methodology 7

V. Timeline 7

VI. Expected Results 8

VII. References 9


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