Integrated onto the die of the 4.4, and OpenCL* 2.0. Integrated Reliability
Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1200 into the silicon, Intel® Quick Sync Intel® Xeon® processors support
v6 and Intel® Xeon® processor Video technology improves the Error Correcting Code (ECC)
E3-1500M v6 product families, transcoding speed of previous memory, enhancing workstation
Intel® HD graphics P630 delivers versions of the technology and reliability. ECC memory catches
previously out-of-reach now supports up to 4K display and corrects single-bit errors
entry-level workstation resolution. on-the-fly to keep applications
performance and visuals to running reliably and accurately.
designers, engineers, and media Intel® HD Graphics P630 offers:
Learn more about ECC Memory.
creators. Designed to support
Optimized performance
today’s professional graphics Form factors
and imagery applications, like With optimized performance for
a range of common workstation Intel® HD graphics P630 packs
Adobe Photoshop,* Autodesk
and Computer Aided Design workstation performance into a
AutoCAD,* Autodesk Inventor,*
(CAD) applications, Intel® HD wide range of form factors from
Autodesk Revit,* Dassault
graphics P630 provides expandable pedestals to
designers, engineers, and portable laptops.
NX,* and other similar software,
Intel® HD graphics P630 offers media creators with entry-level
performance that can compete workstation performance and
with entry-level, discrete visuals. With built-in graphics
professional graphics cards. capabilities, designers may no
longer need a discrete graphics
Intel® Xeon® processors with card for some of the most
Intel® HD graphics P630 are built commonly used workloads.
on Intel’s 14nm process using
3D Tri-Gate transistors. The Certification
advanced processors are offered
More than 15 of the most-used
for entry-level workstations used
workstation and CAD
by professional designers,
applications are certified on
engineers, and media creators
Intel® HD graphics P630.
with demanding graphics
These applications help ensure
compatibility for the software’s
Intel® HD graphics P630 features. Learn more about
technology offers improvements Certified Applications.
in both 2D and 3D graphics
performance, with support for
Microsoft DirectX* 12.1, OpenGL*
Intel® HD Graphics P630 Delivers up to 3x Graphics Performance
Graphics Performance
Geometric mean of all components of SPECviewperf* 12
Intel® HD Graphics P630
Relative Generational Performance Gains
2.67x 2.92x
Intel® HD Graphics P4000¹ Intel® HD Graphics P530² Intel® HD Graphics P630³
(Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1275 v2) (Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1535M v5) (Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1535M v6)
Intel® HD Graphics P4000¹ Intel® HD Graphics P530⁴ Intel® HD Graphics P630⁵
(Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1275 v2) (Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1275 v5) (Intel® Xeon® processor E3-1275 v6)
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