Table of Contents
Sr.# Title Page No.
1. Store Inventory Flow Chart 3
2. WAPDA ERP Installation 5
3. Objective 9
4. Definition of User Levels 11
4.1. Data Entry Level 12
4.1.1. Data Entry Level User Operations 13
4.2. Data Posting Level 21
4.2.1. Data Posting Level User Operations 22
4.3. Data Verification Level 23
4.3.1. Data Verification Level User Operations 24
5. Store Reporting 27
6. Important Notes 31
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To access Store Inventory System, User must have installed WAPDA ERP application on the
computer (one-time Job).
To Install WAPDA ERP, users are advised to visit:
The webpage also contains instructions for installation i.e., Hardware and Software
Requirements and for WAPDA ERP System setup users click over the download, as shown in the
picture 01, and then install it.
Once WAPDA ERP setup is successfully installed then @ the desktop of computer the WAPDA
ERP icon appears as shown in Picture 02.
Store Inventory System generates various reports. Users are also advised to also install Crystal
Reports. The webpage, as show in the Picture 03, contains the link to download crystal report
necessary for Store Inventory System.
When a user opens WAPDA ERP application by using icon placed at windows desktop, as shown
in Picture 02, three modules of WAPDA ERP namely will be shown at left side of the application
i.e., General Ledger (GL), Store Inventory and Payroll as shown in Picture 04.
Concerned user will select the related module from the panel. Store Inventory user will click on
Store Inventory to access this Module from WAPDA ERP.
First time user will be asked to generate the code after selecting relevant Store Inventory Office.
Code Generation is necessary to complete the first-time installation of WAPDA ERP in system or
on any computer where new Windows was just installed.
When user clicks on the Generate code, as shown in the Picture 05 timer will start for 03 hours.
User must contact system administrator to get the code in the meantime and put the valid code
complete installation.
Above Picture 05, shows the start of timer set to 03 hours. User will have to contact System
Administrator to get the code and click OK within due time otherwise code will be expired.
Once this is done, relevant Store Office will be installed and user can then proceed to open and
use the Store Inventory System.
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3. Objective
This SOP is aimed at to provide basic guidelines in a simplest way to users for performing
operations of Store Inventory System effectively.
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As Store Inventory System is part of ERP System; therefore, it will be closely coordinated with GL
Module. Chart of account from GL Module which contains supplier, IOT & chargeable expense codes
will be imported into Store Inventory System, time to time.
The steps to import Chart of account from GL Module to Store Inventory System: (Picture 07)
• First step is to Import COA for Store from GL Module. Go to “System Activities” -> “Data
Synchronization” ->“Import COA for Store” and click “Ok”.
• When success message is appeared, go to “System Activities” -> “Data Synchronization” ->
“Supplier Codes” and click “Ok”. This process will synchronize the suppliers from GL Module &
Store Module.
• Once above process completed, it will be synchronized chart of account codes of GL Module
with Store Inventory System.
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After opening Item codes, synchronizing GL Chart of Account codes, data entry user will
create a Store Transaction Document by clicking any one transaction as shown below in
Picture 08.
After clicking any of above document shown in Picture 08, will open Transaction Documents
screen, e.g., as shown below in Pictures 8.1 to 8.9.
Data Entry user will prepare transaction document and take printouts of the store document and
will hand over to Data Posting Level user (i.e., Store Officer/In-charge/Manager) for review and
check the correctness of the document.
ii. Quantity, Rate & Value are correct and matched according to purchase order.
If Data Posting Level user finds out any mistake which need any change in document, he will
direct the concerned entry level user of store to INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE the document
After doing the desired changes he will take a fresh updated print-outs and produce again to
Data Posting Level user for confirmation who will sign these printouts after checking.
Once Correctness of data entry is confirmed, the Data Posting level user will post the
document by clicking “Post” button, and then click “OK” button. (Picture 09)
User of Accounts Section, will login to Store Inventory System, and will go to Store Document
Screen and will do verification of documents on following points:
iii. Chargeable expense code is valid, if not they can update it.
iv. IOT code for Material Transfer Note (IN/OUT) documents are valid, if not they can
update it.
Once verification of document is confirmed, user can click on “Verify” button, to verify the
document. (Picture 10)
Following vouchers for General Ledger Module can generated from Store Inventory System:
Store Measuring Book – Foreign Store Foreign Purchase Voucher Document Verification
Material Transfer Note – OUT Store Transfer Out Voucher Document Verification
For Material Requisition Slip (MRS) documents, one Consumption voucher is generated, and
it will be generated at every month end, by clicking “Voucher Generation” -> “Store
Consumption Voucher for GL” -> Select “Month” and Click “OK”. (Picture 11)
Data Verification level users are authorized to close the month or period of the Store
Inventory System, they cannot open the period or month after closing it, so it is important to
check the following steps before closing the desired period or month.
i. Verify all the data of the Month and ensure that no more documents are left to verify
in the concerned month. The steps to close the month/period are shown below in
Picture 13:
• Go to system manager then click on “Financial Year Setup” then click on
“Financial Period”, after clicking on “Financial Period” a new window will open
showing “Year Code” and Months of the Year with status. Select the desired Year
code and then select the month.
ii. In “Store Status” select the “close” option of the required month and then click on
“save” button and “Exit” the window. This process will close the month and no
changes can be made in the closed month. The status of opening and closing of
month will be shown on store documents print out.
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5. Store Reporting
Store Reporting will be available to following user levels:
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6. Important Notes
6.1. Capital assets like plant & machinery, equipment, vehicles, computers and furniture &
fixture etc. received are recorded in the fixed asset register and not routed through the
6.2. POL of transport vehicles is monitored through vehicle log book and receipt and
consumption of the same is not routed through the store.
6.3. Office supplies including stationery etc. shall not be routed through stores and no entry
in this regard to be made in Store Inventory System.
6.4. All other material (petty or bulk) purchased for power house including POL for
operational vehicles i.e., tractor, truck, dumper, fork lifter etc is to be routed through the
6.5. Every store transaction should be made in appropriate month only (i.e., SMB of
November 2020 is to be entered in Month of November 2020) and month is to be closed
before starting entry of next month.
6.6. A Store Inventory Document will be in Draft Mode at Data Entry and Data Posting Level,
while WAPDA Logo and authentication of Document will be only after Verification by
Accounts Section.
6.7. Accounts Section should ensure to close their respective months before 10th of every
month and submit record to supervisory offices accordingly.
6.8. The office of GM Hydel operation Lahore will be responsible to develop and maintain the
unique “group level” and main “control level” stock codes to keep uniformity in stock
coding throughout WAPDA Hydroelectric formations.
6.9. The designated store officer of the respective hydroelectric formation will be responsible
to develop a unique item code for “Sub Control level” & “Subsidiary item level” codes
within the logical sequence of group and main control level stock codes developed by
office of GM Hydel operation.
This document should be considered as a SOP, for operations of Store Inventory System.