12. Magnetics

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Lecture 12: Magnetics

1. Magnetization
2. Molecular currents
3. Magnetic field strength
4. Relation between magnetization and magnetic field strength
5. Paramagnetic, diamagnetics, ferromagnetics

MAGNETIZATION. Magnetics are substances which, upon being

introduced into an external magnetic field, change so that they
themselves become sources of an additional magnetic field. The total
magnetic induction in this case is the sum of the inductions of the
external magnetic field and the magnetic field generated by the
magnetic. The change in the state of a magnetic under the action of an
external magnetic field, as a result of which the magnetic itself becomes
a source of a magnetic field, is called magnetization of the magnetic.
This phenomenon was experimentally discovered in 1845 by Faraday
for a wide class of materials. He also established the existence of dia-
and paramagnetic bodies for which he introduced these terms.
This quantity is defined as the ratio of the magnetic moment of an
elementary physical volume to this volume:
∑ pmi (12.1)

where ∆ V is the elementary volume and pmi are the magnetic moments of
molecules. The summation is performed over all the molecules in
volume ∆ V .
In other words, definition (12.1) of magnetization can be formulated as
follows: magnetization is the volume density of the magnetic moment of
a magnetic. It follows from (12.1) that the magnetic moment of a
volume element dV is given by
d pmi=J d V (12.2)

MOLECULAR CURRENTS. It was mentioned above that the

appearance of magnetic moments is associated with the presence of
circular currents. The currents creating magnetic moments of the
required magnitude in elementary volumes are called molecular currents.
However, it would be wrong to attach a too literal meaning to this
expression. In a strict sense of the term, molecular currents may flow
only within molecules. While defining magnetization and other
quantities, averaged quantities are meant, owing to which the magnetic
moments of molecules are as if continuously smeared over the entire
volume and molecular currents are assumed to flow over the volume of a
magnetic as in a continuous medium. Nevertheless, the term "molecular
currents" was retained for them.
MAGNETIC FIELD STRENGTH. In the absence of magnetics, the
following relation is valid:
∮ Bdl=μ0 I

This relation describes the generation of a magnetic field by conduction

currents. In the presence of magnetics, a field is generated by molecular
currents I m and by conduction currents I . Consequently, in the presence
of magnetics equation can be written in the form
∮ B d l=μ 0 ( I ¿+∮ J d l) ( 12.3 ) ¿

Dividing both sides of this equation by μ0 and transferring ∮L J d l to the

lefthand side, we obtain

( B
μ0 )
−J d l=I (12.4)

H= −J (12.5)
is the magnetic field strength. It is not a purely field quantity, since it
includes vector J which characterizes the magnetization of the medium.
Hence, the vector H plays in the magnetic field theory the same role as
the vector D in the electric field theory, and the term field strength
applied to it is not quite correct. Nevertheless, this term is historically
used for this quantity.
FIELD STRENGTH. For the same historical reasons as those
concerning the term magnetic field strength for the vector H, this vector
and not B was assumed to be the source of magnetization. Hence the
relation between J and H is represented in the form
J= χ H (12.6)
where χ is the magnetic susceptibility. The relation between B and H is
usually written in the form
B=μ H (12.7)
where μ is the permeability of the medium. These quantities do not
depend on B and H in the case of dia- and paramagnetics. In order to
find the relation between χ and μ we substitute (12.6) and (12.7) into
(12.5) and cancel H from both sides of the tobained relation:
1=μ /μ 0− χ (12.8)
χ =¿
where μr =μ/ μ0 is the relative permeability of the medium.
Different mechanisms of magnetization lead to different dependences of
J on H. Here, it should only be noted that magnetization in diamagnetics
is directed against H. In diamagnetics χ < 0, and hence, in accordance
with (12.9), the permeability μ< μ0 ( μr <1). This means that the field
generated by a diamagnetic is directed against the initial field, i.e. a
diamagnetic weakens the external field. The magnitude | χ| of their
susceptibility is very small (of the order of 10−5 ) . The magnetic
susceptibility of diamagnetics is independent of temperature.
Diamagnetism is exhibited in all substances.
In paramagnetics, J coincides in direction with H. In this case, χ > 0,
μ> μ0 and μr >1 . The additional field in paramagnetics coincides with the
initial one. Consequently, a paramagnetic strengthens the field. The
susceptibility χ of paramagnetics is temperature-dependent. At room
temperature, the paramagnetic susceptibility of materials in the solid
state is of the order of 10−3 , i.e. is two orders of magnitude higher than
the diamagnetic susceptibility. Consequently, the role of diamagnetic
susceptibility in paramagnetic materials is small and can be neglected.
In ferromagnetics, the vector J is directed along H and has a very large
magnitude. For these materials, χ ≫ 1 and μ ≫ μ 0. A typical feature of
ferromagnetics is that the values of χ and μ depend on the field and the
past history of magnetization. For this reason, they exhibit residual
magnetization, i.e. the magnetization of a sample, on the whole, is
preserved even after the external field has become equal to zero. In their
formal properties.

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