Acc Reader SEv 25Nov
Acc Reader SEv 25Nov
Acc Reader SEv 25Nov
Dear Parent/Carer
I am pleased to inform you that your son/daughter is currently taking part in the Year 7 and/or Year 8
Accelerated Reader programme at Goffs School. This programme has not only been specifically designed to
improve students’ reading ability and continue to raise their reading age, but also to encourage and nurture a
love of reading that will continue into adulthood.
Reading is a national priority for a number of reasons: being able to demonstrate competent reading skills is
essential for subjects across the entire curriculum. Scientific research shows clearly that a student who reads
regularly for 20 minutes per day is far more likely to be successful at GCSE level and beyond.
The Accelerated Reader programme works by identifying a student’s reading age and will match texts tailored to
this reading age, their reading ability and their genre preferences as well as challenging them and develop their
Students have taken a STAR reading test which will determine the level they are currently reading at. This
reading level is then used to choose books within their range. When they have finished a chosen book, students
will take a short, electronic quiz that assesses their understanding of what they have read. This enables us as
teachers to have meaningful discussions about a student’s reading: what they have achieved and what
measures we need to put into place to ensure that they are not falling behind in their reading. We will link this
programme to our House system and award students House points, linked to the number of successful quizzes
they have taken. Essentially, this programme is designed to improve reading and comprehension skills over
For Accelerated Reader, your child uses software called Renaissance Place at school. This program has a
special feature called Renaissance Home Connect, which your child and you can access outside of school from
any computer with an Internet connection. Renaissance Home Connect is fun and easy to use. It allows the
teacher, you, and your child to share information about their progress in Accelerated Reader.
You can log in to Renaissance Home Connect from any computer with an Internet connection and compatible
browser. For a list of compatible browsers, type the following URL in any browser:
If you'd like to receive emails showing your child's quiz or test results, click the Email Setup link in Renaissance
Home Connect and follow the directions. To be sure these emails reach your inbox, add to your address book.
If you have any questions about the programme, or Renaissance Home Connect, or if you would like a
personalised list of books that fit your son/daughterʼs specific interests, please do not hesitate to contact me at:
Sophie Everist
Sophie Everist
Whole-school Literacy Coordinator