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Specific Gravity at temperature (t):

SGt  ( SG @ 15.6)(Correction Factor )
-is a high-temperature exothermic redox chemical SGt  ( SG @ 15.6)(CF )
reaction between a fuel (the reductant) and an oxidant,
usually atmospheric oxygen, that produces oxidized, often
gaseous products, in a mixture termed as smoke. CF  1  0.00072(t  15.6) t in deg.C
- is synonymous to oxidation and is the union of oxygen CF  1  0.0004(t  60) t in deg F
with combustible materials.


1. Analysis of Composition 5. Heating or Calorific Value

Higher Heating Value (HHV) or Gross Calorific Value - is

Proximate Analysis - is an analysis of the composition of the heating value obatained when the water in the products
fuel which gives, on mass basis, the relative amounts of of combustion is in the liquid state.
moisture content, volatile matter, fixed carbon and ash.
Lower Heating Valuw (LHV) or Net Calorific Value - is
Ultimate Analysis - is an analysis of the composition of the heating value obatained when the water in the products
fuel which gives, on mass basis, the relative amounts of of combustion is in the vapor state.
carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitgrogen, sulphur, ash and
Dulong ' s Formula :
 O
Qh  33,820 C  144,212  H -   9,304 S kJ/kg
2. Specific Gravity  8

 FLUID ASME Formula for Petroleum Products :

 WATER Qh  41,130  139.6 (API) kJ/kg

 GAS Bureau of Standards Formula :

 AIR Qh  51,716 - 8,793.8 (SG) 2 kJ/kg

 air  1.225 kg/m 3 Lower heating Value of Solid Fuels

Q L  Qh - 9H 2 (2442) kJ/kg
3. API and Baume gravity units
 API   131.5
SG @ 15.6 C Theoretical Weight of air if ULTIMATE ANALYSIS
 Baume   130
SG @ 15.6 C  A  O kg air
   Wta  11.5 C  34.5  H    4.3 S
 F t  8 kg fuel

Wta  ideal proportion of air to completely burn the fuel

C, H, O and S are proportions by weight of Carbon, Hydrogen,
Oxygen, and Sulfur per kg of fuel from the ultimate analysis
By Weight: By Volume:

O2 = 23% O2 = 21%
 A Qh (kJ/kg) kg air N2 = 77 % N2 = 79 %
   Wta 
 F t 3117 kg fuel 100% 100%

 A Qh (kcal/kg) kg air MOLAL RATIO

   Wta 
 F t 745 kg fuel The molal ratio or the ratio by volume of nitrogen to
oxygen in air when both gases are in the same temperature

 A Qh (Btu/lb) kg air
   Wta  Moles N 2 79%
 F t 1340 kg fuel   3.76
Moles O2 21%


1. Combustion Reaction with chemically-correct or
 A 1  C x N2  kg air stoichiometric condition, general chemical of the fuel is
   Waa   
 F a 32.72  CO 2  CO  kg fuel CnHm.

 m  m m
kg air
CnHm  n  O2 3.76n   N2  nCO2  H2O
 A  % excess air   4  4 2
   Waa  Wta 1  
 F a  100  kg fuel
 m
 3.76n   N2
 4
PERCENT EXCESS AIR: 2. Combustion Reaction with greater amount of theoritical
air, or having fuel-lean mixture.
Waa  Wta
% excess air  3. Combustion Reaction with lesser amount of theoritical
air, having fuel-rich mixture.

COMBUSTION HYDROCARBON FUELS Equivalence Ratio for given mass of air:

Hydrocarbon fuels consist mainly of combustible elements A

 
Carbon and hydrogen. The chemical formula of  F t
hydrocarbon is CnHm , where the values of the subsript “m”
and “n” depends on the hydrocarbon family.  A
 
 F a
Fuel + Air = Products of Combustion

where :
C n H m  a O 2  3.76 a N 2  b CO 2  c H 2 O  3.76 a N 2
  1 , for stoichiometric mixture
  1 , for fuel - lean mixture
where :
  1 , for fuel - rich mixture
a, b and c represents number of moles

1. A bituminous coal has the following compositions:

C = 71.5% O = 7.0 % S = 3.6% H = 5.0 % N = 1.3% Ash = 8.2%

Calculate for complete combustion the theoritical weight of air required in kgair/kgcoal

2. Calculate the higher heating value of liquid dodecane fuel. The chemical formula of Dodecane is C12H26.

3. A 650 BHP diesel engine uses fuel oil of 28 °API gravity, fuel consumption is 0.65 lb/bhp-hr. Cost of fuel is P7.95 per liter.
For continous operation, determine the minimum volume of cubical day tank in cm, ambient temperature is 45 deg C.

4. A logging firm in Isabela operates a Diesel Electric plant to supply its electric energy requirements. During a 24 hr period,
the plant consumed 250 gallons of fuel at 80 deg F and produced 2700 kW-hr. Industrial fuel used is 30°API and purchased at
P30.00 per liter. Determine the over all efficiency of the plant.

5. A typical industrial fuel oil, C16H32 with 20% excess air by weight. Assuming complete oxidation of the fuel, calculate the
actual air-fuel ratio by weight.

6. If the theoritical air-fuel ratio is 15, what is the approximate higher heating value in kJ/kgfuel

7. A furnce burns natural gas with a volumetric analysis as follows: Methane = 85% , Ethane = 12 % , Propane = 3%. The gas
flow rate is 0.50 m3/s and 25% excess air is required for complete combustion. Combustion air is supplied to the furnace at 25
deg. C and 1 atm pressure. Find the molal air-fuel ratio.

8. A diesel electric plant supplies energy from CENECO. During a 24 period, the plant consumed 200 gallons of fuel at 28 deg.
C and produced 3930 kW-hr. Industrial fuel used is 28°API and was purchased at P40.00 per liter at 15.6 deg. C. What should
be the cost fuel to produce one kW-hr?

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