Q L Qh - 9H 2 (2442) kJ/kg
3. API and Baume gravity units
API 131.5
SG @ 15.6 C Theoretical Weight of air if ULTIMATE ANALYSIS
Baume 130
SG @ 15.6 C A O kg air
Wta 11.5 C 34.5 H 4.3 S
F t 8 kg fuel
O2 = 23% O2 = 21%
A Qh (kJ/kg) kg air N2 = 77 % N2 = 79 %
F t 3117 kg fuel 100% 100%
A Qh (Btu/lb) kg air
Wta Moles N 2 79%
F t 1340 kg fuel 3.76
Moles O2 21%
m m m
kg air
CnHm n O2 3.76n N2 nCO2 H2O
A % excess air 4 4 2
Waa Wta 1
F a 100 kg fuel
3.76n N2
PERCENT EXCESS AIR: 2. Combustion Reaction with greater amount of theoritical
air, or having fuel-lean mixture.
Waa Wta
% excess air 3. Combustion Reaction with lesser amount of theoritical
air, having fuel-rich mixture.
where :
C n H m a O 2 3.76 a N 2 b CO 2 c H 2 O 3.76 a N 2
1 , for stoichiometric mixture
1 , for fuel - lean mixture
where :
1 , for fuel - rich mixture
a, b and c represents number of moles
Calculate for complete combustion the theoritical weight of air required in kgair/kgcoal
2. Calculate the higher heating value of liquid dodecane fuel. The chemical formula of Dodecane is C12H26.
3. A 650 BHP diesel engine uses fuel oil of 28 °API gravity, fuel consumption is 0.65 lb/bhp-hr. Cost of fuel is P7.95 per liter.
For continous operation, determine the minimum volume of cubical day tank in cm, ambient temperature is 45 deg C.
4. A logging firm in Isabela operates a Diesel Electric plant to supply its electric energy requirements. During a 24 hr period,
the plant consumed 250 gallons of fuel at 80 deg F and produced 2700 kW-hr. Industrial fuel used is 30°API and purchased at
P30.00 per liter. Determine the over all efficiency of the plant.
5. A typical industrial fuel oil, C16H32 with 20% excess air by weight. Assuming complete oxidation of the fuel, calculate the
actual air-fuel ratio by weight.
6. If the theoritical air-fuel ratio is 15, what is the approximate higher heating value in kJ/kgfuel
7. A furnce burns natural gas with a volumetric analysis as follows: Methane = 85% , Ethane = 12 % , Propane = 3%. The gas
flow rate is 0.50 m3/s and 25% excess air is required for complete combustion. Combustion air is supplied to the furnace at 25
deg. C and 1 atm pressure. Find the molal air-fuel ratio.
8. A diesel electric plant supplies energy from CENECO. During a 24 period, the plant consumed 200 gallons of fuel at 28 deg.
C and produced 3930 kW-hr. Industrial fuel used is 28°API and was purchased at P40.00 per liter at 15.6 deg. C. What should
be the cost fuel to produce one kW-hr?