Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 10.10.02 PM
Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 10.10.02 PM
Screenshot 2024-08-03 at 10.10.02 PM
Every student desires for his/her Post-Jamb examination to be the first and the last.
1 Arrive early to you Post-JAMB exam center. Make sure you locate your exam center
before the day of the exam so you don‟t spend time looking for the center on the
morning of the exam.
2 Take along only those things that are necessary. If you know you don‟t need your
phone for the exam, don‟t go along with it. There have been cases of mobile phones
being seized or stolen from the owners at the exam venue.
3 Take extra stationary along- pencils, erasers, calculator etc.
4 Dress comfortably and smart.
5 Do not make any noise when in the exam hall. If you constitute yourself as a
nuisance, you may incur the wrath of your invigilator, and this would not be good for
you as it can lead to your result being seized.
6 Do not waste too much of time on a particular question, you can skip it and later
come back to it after you‟ve answered the recognizable ones
7. The author implies that the most important aim of the right to free speech is
(A)the ability to disagree with congress
(B) the ability to say whatever you want to say whenever you want
(C) the right to express our opinions freely
(D)the right to listen to violence music is implied in the passage that in Ludo threes and fours are
(A)very high throws
(B) medium throws
(C) low throws
(D)very low throws
17.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT part of the main
functions of Museums?
(A) preservation
(B) Generation
(C) Presentation
(D) Assemblage
32 It is surprising that this politician has 37 That punch by the young boxer
now turned renegade proved to be fatal
a. militant a. effective
b. loyal b. belated
c. quiet c. hard
d. corrupt d. deadly
33 Hypertension is a debilitating disease 38 The boy was told that lie would need
that everyone should prevent several more pints of blood if he was
a. a horrible to survive
b. an enervating a. plenty
c. a mortal b. much
d. an energizing c. many
d. some
34 The striking workers have vowed not
to return to work until the decision is 39 In spite of her grim situation, the
rescinded young widow smiled dutifully at the
a. implemented visitor‟s pleasantries
b. change a. unkind comments
c. dismissed b. sad stories
d. incorporated c. lasting security
d. soothing relaxation.
35 It is rare for a leader and his deputy
to see eye to eye. 40 The presence of the security men in
a. reproach each other the area will provide a moment of
b. disagree respite for the residents.
c. Be of one mind a. enduring reprieve
d. respect each other b. temporary relief
c. condolence messages
Choose the option nearest in meaning d. jocular remarks.
to the word(s) or phase in italics
36 The man was able to persuade his 41 Though David‟s condition is serious,
willful and obstinate daughter to I his life is not in immediate danger.
follow the career he chose for her a. grave
a. intelligent but arrogant b. nasty
b. hardworking and intelligent c. dangerous
c. unyielding and obdurate d. hypertensive
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42 The essay topic is nebulous. d. the politician‟s rude remarks
a. clear were heavily critized
b. incorrect 47 The events of last Friday show that
c. vague there is no love lost between the
d. distinct principal and the vice-principal
a. they dislike each other
43 I have always believed that my b. they like each other
mother is very impassioned woman c. they cannot part company
a. impartial d. they work independently
b. emotional
c. impassive 48 Though he is our elected
d. emotive representative, he often takes a rather
jaundiced view of our problems
a. He takes a rather hazy view of
44 My father was at the apogee of his our problems
career when he was retired b. He takes a sickly view of our
a. terminal point problems
b. least productive stage c. He takes an unfavorable position
c. redundant stage concerning our problems
d. highest point d. He takes a rather forceful view
of our problems
45 The party‟s gathering was thrown
into a state of euphoria after the
election result was announced. 49 If he were here it could be more fun.
a. pleasure a. There was no fun because he was
b. confusion not present
c. sadness b. He did not show up and so the
d. excitement occasion lacked much fun
Select the option that best explain the c. He was being expected to supply
information conveyed in the sentence more fun
d. He was expected but did not
46 The politician‟s inflammatory show up to live up the occasion
remarks were heavily critized.
a. the politician‟s provocative Fill each gap with the most
remarks were heavily criticized appropriate option from the list
b. the politician‟s tribalistic provide.
remarks were heavily critized 50 Without our relentless campaigns, we
c. the politician‟s bombastic might…. Victory in the race for the
remarks were heavily critized National Assembly
(A)never had been
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(B) never have been c. locking up
(C) have never be d. running into
(D)be never sure of.
56 Can you give a good explanation for
51 The Governor rejected the bill and your behavior?
withheld his… a. account for
a. access b. call for
b. accent c. clear up
c. assent d. give up
d. ascent
57 Be careful ! we are approaching the
52 The new school is not provided crossroads.
with… for science practical‟s. a. look up
(A)an equipment b. watch out
(B) enough equipment c. look out
(C) equipment d. look in
(D)enough equipment‟s
58 Thousands of students are candidates
53 We are all hungry; we… anything t for the examination but only very
eat since, morning few pass.
a. didn‟t have a. come into
b. haven‟t had b. go into
c. never had c. enter for
d. hadn‟t had d. turn up for
In question below. Choose the option 59 He went through fire before he
NEAREST IN MEANING to the qualified as a doctor
underline word(s) a. had a fire
54 The meeting was cancelled because b. made a lot fire
of the convocation c. suffered a lot
a. brought up d. required a lot of fire
b. called off
c. broken off 60 Once I have finished all my
d. phased out homework, I am permitted to watch
55 Our town is so small that we are a. I can watch television at any
always meeting our schoolmates time
accidentally b. I can only watch television after
a. coining across doing my homework
b. falling into
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c. (C)Television comes first, then b. with
homework second c. for
d. I can only finish my homework d. about
after permission to watch
television 65 What do you want me to do now?
I‟m… withdrawing and keeping quiet.
In question below, choose the
expression which best completes each (A)for
sentence (B) with
(C) up
61 The manager said that unless the (D)on
employees worked harder the factory
would have to be closed the manage From the alternatives provided in
said that questions below, select the one which
(A) the employees were not most appropriate completes the
working hard, and so the factory sentence.
would be closed 65 I meant.. a pencil but there was no
(A) the employees should not one … them.
close early so that they could a. buying/selling
produce more b. to buy/to sell
(B) the factory would be shut if c. buying/to sell
the employees did not increase d. to buy/selling
their output
(C) the factory was closed 67.Mrs. Okoro… in this school since
because the employees did not 1975.
work hard enough (A)taught
62 The student who went home without (B) is teaching
an exeat has apologized… his (C) was teaching
misconduct (D)has been teaching
a. on 68.The Government has….. to the
b. at people on many occasions.
c. for (A)broadcast
d. about (B) been broadcast
63 The man has atoned.. his sins. (C) broadcasted
a. upon (D)been broadcasted
b. on 69.Paulina arrived late, she……. The
c. for right route.
d. against (A)cannot have taken
64 The Headmaster was interviewed in (B) could not have taken
connection.. the expansion project. (C) could not had taken
a. to (D)could not have taken
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70.Choose the word that does not have 75.The electricity in OUR premises
the same vowel sound as the others. comes from a generator
(A)sun (A)Is the electricity in your
(B) shun compound supplied by a
(C) son generator?
(D)short (B) Is the electricity in your
71.Choose the word that does not have neighbor‟s premises supplied by
the same vowel sound as the others. a generator?
(A)deep (C) Does the electricity in your
(B) lease premises come from NEPA?
(C) meet (D)Does everybody in your street
(D)lace receive electricity from
Choose the word that has the same
consonant sound(s) as the one 76.Identify the word that has a
presented by the letter(s) underline different stress pattern from the
72.Baby (A)interrupt
(A)dumb (B) contribute
(B) climb (C) Harmattan
(C) tuber (D)Entertain
77.Identify the word that has a
73.Time different stress pattern from the
(A)water others.
(B) weather (A)Interlocutor
(C) debut (B) Opportunity
(D)depot (C) Ambiguity
In the question below, the word in (D)Actualization
Capital letters has an emphatic stress. Choose the one that has the correct
Choose the option that best fits the stress
expression in the sentence.
74.The fire destroyed MANY lives. (A)LA-bor-a-tory
(A)Did the fire destroy the village? (B) la-BOR-a-tory
(B) Did the fire destroy some (C) la-bor-A-tory
houses? (D)la-bor- a-TORY
(C) Did the fire destroy any lives?
(D)Did the fire spare any lives? 79 Expantiate
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(B) ex-PAN-ti-ate A. IN-ten-si-fy
(C) ex-pan-TI-ate B. in-TEN-si-fy
(D)ex-pan-ti-ATE C. in-ten-SI-fy
79.Intensify D. in-ten-si-FY
1. C 27. B 53. B
2. B 28. A 54. B
3. C 29. C 55. D
4. C 30. A 56. A
5. C 31. A 57. B
6. A 32. B 58. C
7. C 33. D 59. C
8. B 34. A 60. B
9. A 35. C 61. C
10. B 36. C 62. C
11. C 37. D 63. C
12. B 38. B 64. B
13. C 39. D 65. A
14. B 40. B 66. E
15. B 41. A 67. E
16. D 42. C 68. D
17. B 43. B 69. D
18. C 44. D 70. D
19. D 45. D 71. C
20. D 46. A 72. C
21. C 47. A 73. A
22. D 48. C 74. D
23. A 49. D 75. B
24. B 50. B 76. C
25. C 51. C 77. A
26. B 52. B 78. B
1. B 20. B 39. B
2. C 21. A 40. D
3. A 22. E 41. A
4. A 23. A 42. B
5. E 24. B 43. C
6. C 25. E 44. A
7. C 26. A 45. B
8. E 27. C 46. D
9. B 28. E 47. B
10. A 29. A 48. C
11. B 30. C 49. B
12. B 31. D 50. B
13. D 32. C
14. C 33. B
15. B 34. B
16. C 35. E
17. D 36. B
18. D 37. A
19. A 38. D
1. The reason Mecca Suwar lay (B) 630
emphasis on oneness of Allah is (C) 631
because (D) 634
(A) it was the only way to call (E) 628
Mecca to Islam 5. Suratul-Kawthar was revealed
(B) it is the only article of faith following the ________ of the
(C) it is the only article of peace Mecca
between Prophet Muhammad (A) uproar
and the Mecca (B) persecution
(D) it s the best way to convert (C) intolerance
the Mecca to Islam (D) resistance
(E) the pre-Islamic Mecca were (E) insinuation
idolatrous 6. Zakat is paid on the following
2. Uthman B. Affan reigned between except__________
(A) 634 and 644 (A) crops
(B) 644 and 655 (B) cattle
(C) 655 and 657 (C) slaves
(D) 657 and 688 (D) cash
(E) 644 and 656 (E) all of the above
3. The final and total prohibition of 7. The intial suggestion to complete the
intoxicants is contained in surah Qu‟ran was raised by
(A) al- Maidah (A) Abu Bakr
(B) al-Imrnan (B) Umar B. Khattab
(C) an-Nisa (C) Zaid B. Affan
(D) al-Baqarah (D) Uthman B. Affan
(E) al-Iklas (E) Ali B. Abu Talib
4. Hajjatul wada of Prophet 8. One important of wearng the thram
Muhammad was delivered in during Hajj is_________
(A) 632
1. D 8. A 15. A 22. E 29. B
2. E 9. C 16. B 23. D 30. D
3. A 10. A 17. D 24. E
4. A 11. C 18. D 25. D
5. E 12. A 19. C 26. A
6. A 13. B 20. D 27. D
7. B 14. A 21. A 28. B
1. The following are the key factors (B) propaganda
which influenced Nigeria Foreign (C) military force
relations except (D) nuclear war
(A) peaceful co-existence 4. Citizens who are legally qualified to
vote from
(B) economic dependence (A) political parties
(C) non-interference (B) trade union congress
(D) international co-operation (C) members of the House of
2. The first African military coup in Assembly
Egypt occurred (D) the electorate
(A) 1951 5. The commonwealth is…
(B) 1952 (A) an economic organisation
(C) 1953
(D) 1954 (B) made up of all independence
3. Which of the following is not ex-colonies of Britain
accepted way of resolving (C) mad up of all countries who
international conflict? are friendly with Britain
(A) diplomacy
1. B
2. C 27. D
3. D 28. C
4. D 29. D
5. B 30. A
6. A 31. D
7. C 32. D
8. A 33. B
9. A 34. B
10. B 35. B
11. D 36. D
12. A 37. B
13. C 38. D
14. C 39. B
15. D 40. C
16. C 41. C
17. C 42. B
18. C 43. C
19. A 44. A
20. B 45. C
21. B 46. C
22. A 47. B
23. D 48. A
24. D 49. A
25. C 50. D
26. B 51. C
1. A
2. D 14.D 24.A
3. D
4. D
15.C 25.D
5. D 16.D 26.C
6. C 17.A 27.C
7. B 18.D 28.C
8. A
9. A 19.A 29.D
10. D 20.C 30.C
11. A 21.B 31.B
12.C 22.B 32.B
13.B 23.B 33.D
1. When literature recreates real (D) accuses leader of
events, it is said to be______ insensitiveness
(A) didactic 6. The time to the events in a literary
(B) fatual text is referred to as __ setting.
(C) fictious (A) special
(D) allegorical (B) spatial
2. When literature teaches moral (C) temporary
lessons, it is said to be___ (D) temporal
(A) instructive 7. What distinguishes drama from other
(B) informative literary genres is that it is meant to
(C) didactic be_
(D) dynamic (A) read
3. One of the following is not a (B) (B)acted
function of literature (C) recited
(A) inciting (D) viewed
(B) Entertaining 8. The writer of a play text is referred
(C) Correcting to as ______
(D) Exposing (A) playwriter
4. As a medium for exposing and (B) playwrite
correcting ills in the society literature (C) playright
is___ (D) playwright
(A) allegorical 9. The major division of a novel is
(B) satirical called__
(C) political (A) chapter
(D) abusive (B) stanza
5. Literature is referred to as a slice of (C) act
life when it____ (D) scene
(A) recounts real event 10. The perspective from which the story
(B) entertains its audience in a novel is narrated is referred to
(C) reveals reality in society as_
1. B
2. C 27.A
3. A 28.A
4. B 29.D
5. C 30.C
6. D 31.C
7. B 32.C
8. D 33.D
9. A 34.C
10.D 35.D
11.C 36.B
12.A 37.C
13.D 38.A
14.A 39.D
15.C 40.B
16.B 41.C
17.D 42.D
18.B 43.C
19.B 44.C
20.C 45.A
21.D 46.B
22.A 47.C
23.D 48.C
24.B 49.B
25.D 50.D
5. Mr. Robson bought bags of orange for =N=2,500 each. He sold them for =
N90,000 at a loss of 20%. How many bags of orange did he buy?
(A) 60
(B) 80
(C) 50
(D) 45
8. List the integral values of which satisfy the inequality -2 < 7 – 3x<10
(A) -1, 0, 1, 2
(B) -2, 0, 1
(C) 1,2,3
(D) 0,1,2
10. The lengths of the sides of a right angled triangle are ym, (3y – 1)m and
(3y+1)m, find y.
(A) 12
(B) 9
(C) 8
(D) 4
11. Uche, Adamu and Ope share profit on a business deal. Uche received 1/3
of the profit and Adamu received 2/3 of the remainder. If Ope received the
remaining =N=12,000, how much profit did they share?
(A) = N=54,000
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(B) =N=58,000
(C) =N=48,000
(D) =N=42,000
12. A ladder resting on a vertical wall makes an angle whose tangent is 2.5
with ground. If the distance between the foot of the ladder and the wall is
60cm, what the length of the ladder?
(A) 2m
(B) 1.6m
(C) 0.8m
(D) 3m
13. Three students share a bag of garri in such a way that the first student took
¼ of the garri and the second ¾ of the remainder. What fraction of the bag
of garri did the third student take?
(A) 3/16
(B) 2/9
(C) 3/5
(D) 4/15
14. Solve the simultaneous linear equations 2x+5y = 11, 7x+4y = 2
(A) 27/34, 34/27
(B) -34/27, 73/27
(C) 2/3, 4/5
(D) 1/3, 2/5
16. Paul and his friend, Peter went to buy an article costing =N=600. Peter had
10% of the cost and Paul 40% of the remainder. How much did they have
(A) =N=320
(B) =N=440
(C) =N=276
(D) =N=196
17. Find all values of x satisfying the inequality – 14 < 4-3x < 31
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(A) -6< x < 9
(B) -9 < x < 6
(C) 5<x<8
(D) 6 < x < 12
19. Find the sum to infinity of the following series 3+2+4/3 +8/9 + 16/27 +…..
(A) 270
(B) 9
(C) 27
(D) 90
20. Find the number of sides of a regular polygon whose interior angle is twice
the exterior angle
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 9
21. Find the value of p, if the line which passes through (-1, -p) and (-2p, 2) is
parallel to the line 27+8x – 17 = 0.
(A) 6/7
(B) 4/7
(C) 2/5
(D) -6/7
27. If x and y represent the mean and the media respectively of the following
marks of students in a Mathematics test 11, 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 21.
Find x/y correct to 1 decimal place
(A) 1
(B) 3
(C) 5
(D) 2
28. Find the point of the Euclidean plan where the curve y = 2x 2 – 2x + 9 has 2
as gradient.
(A) (2,4)
(B) (3,5)
(C) (1,3)
(D) (1,4)
29. Find the equation of the line through (5,7) parallel to the line 7x +5y – 5 =
(A) 5y +7x = 70
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(B) 7x+5y = 7
(C) 5x +7y = 110
(D) y+5x= 70
No of children 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No of families 7 11 6 7 7 5 3
(A) 3,1
(B) 1,2
(C) 1,6
(D) 1,1
35. A housewife bought five yam at Y34 per yam and three oranges at Y5 each
where Y is the currency reckoned in base six. The total amount spent by
the housewife is
(A) Y2256
(B) Y3156
(C) Y3156
(D) Y3526
36. Justice Starts a 5km walk from P on a bearing 0230. He then walk 4km on
a bearing of 1130 to Q. what is the bearing of Q from P?
(A) 67. 40
(B) 230
(C) 90.40
(D) 1130
41. The number 327, 036 was corrected to 327,000. Which of the following
can exactly describe the degree of approximation used?
I. To 3 significant figures
II. To 4 significant figures
III. To the nearest hundred
IV. To the nearest thousand
44. A labourer‟s daily wage is =N=80 for the first 10 days and = N= 100 for
the next 9 days. Find the daily wage for the remaining 6 working days of
the month, if his average dialy wage for the month is =N=90.80
(A) =N=110
(B) =N=105
(C) =N=95
(D) =N=92.50
48. X sold a radio set to Y at profit of 10% and Y sold it for =N=2, 612.50 at a
loss of 5%. The cost of the radio to X was.
(A) = N=2,500
(B) =N=2,488
(C) =N=2,375
(D) =N=2,272
1) D 18) C 35) C
2) D 19) B 36) C
3) D 20) B 37) C
4) B 21) A 38) C
5) D 22) B 39) D
6) B 23) A 40) C
7) D 24) C 41) D
8) A 25) A 42) B
9) C 26) A 43) C
10) A 27) A 44) C
11) A 28) C 45) B
12) B 29) A 46) A
13) A 30) B 47) D
14) B 31) B 48) A
15) A 32) D 49) A
16) C 33) B 50) A
17) B 34) A
1. The type of activity which turns processed raw materials into consumer and industrial
goods is described as
(A) Extractive
(B) Manufacturing
(C) Constructive
(D) Processing
2. A company earned a total revenue of =N=108 million with a total cost of =N=91 million
in 1991. If it paid 45% tax on its gross profit for that year, determine its net profit.
N=24,65 million
1. B 11. D 21. D 31. C 41. C
2. C 12. B 22. B 32. C 42. D
3. B 13. D 23. B 33. A 43. C
4. B 14. B 24. C 34. B 44. C
5. A 15. D 25. B 35. C 45. D
6. A 16. A 26. B 36. C 46. D
7. C 17. B 27. C 37. C 47. A
8. C 18. C 28. C 38. D 48. C
9. B 19. D 29. A 39. A 49. A
10. D 20. A 30. A 40. B 50. A