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Every student desires for his/her Post-Jamb examination to be the first and the last.

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If you have ever written Post-Jamb more than once, you will be tempted to believe that those
who got it right the first time were lucky. But luck has little to do with passing your Post-JAMB.
There are instructions given to you before taking the exam- do not make noise, tick or shade the
right answer, stop at the right time, etc. These are to ensure the examination goes smoothly, but
you can follow the guidelines listed below to increase your chances of success in you Post-

Post-JAMB Exam Guidelines

1 Arrive early to you Post-JAMB exam center. Make sure you locate your exam center
before the day of the exam so you don‟t spend time looking for the center on the
morning of the exam.
2 Take along only those things that are necessary. If you know you don‟t need your
phone for the exam, don‟t go along with it. There have been cases of mobile phones
being seized or stolen from the owners at the exam venue.
3 Take extra stationary along- pencils, erasers, calculator etc.
4 Dress comfortably and smart.
5 Do not make any noise when in the exam hall. If you constitute yourself as a
nuisance, you may incur the wrath of your invigilator, and this would not be good for
you as it can lead to your result being seized.
6 Do not waste too much of time on a particular question, you can skip it and later
come back to it after you‟ve answered the recognizable ones



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Read the following passage and answer question

„you all know how friendly we are with Okperi. Do you think that any Umuaro
man who goes to prison there will come back alive? but that apart, do you forget
that this is the moon of planting? Do you want to grow this year‟s crops in the
prison house in a land where your fathers owe a cow? I speak as your elder brother.
I have travelled in Olu and I have travelled in Igbo, and I can tell you that there is
no escape from the white man. He has com.
When suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat left for him, he
tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool. The white man is like
that. Before any of you here was old enough to tie a cloth between the legs I saw
with my own eyes what the white did to Abame. Then I knew there was no escape.
As daylight chases away darkness so will the white man drive away all our
customs. I know that as I say it not it passes by yours ears, but it will happen. The
white man has power which comes from the true God and it burns like fire. This is
the God about whom we every eight day…. Unachukwu‟s opponents were now
shouting that this was a meeting of an age group, that they had not assembled to
join with him in chewing the seed of foolishness which they called their new
We are talking about the white man‟s road‟, said a voice above the other
„‟yes, we are talking about the white man‟s road, the roof and walls of a house
falling the celling is not left standing. The white man, the new religion, the
soldiers, the new road- they are all part of the same thing. The white man has a
gun, a machete, a bow and carries fire in his mouth. He does not fight with one
weapon alone. (Taken from Chinua Achebe’s Arrow of God)
1. there is no escape from the white man, in the passage means that the
(A) white man will send the people to prison
(B) white man can kill all the people with his gun
(C) people are only trying to run away from the white man
(D) people must accept the white man

2. Unachukwu‟s speech in this passage shows that

a. is a coward
b. wants his people
c. loves the white man

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d. is wise with experience
Read the following passage and answer question
Insect can be classified into fourteen separate groupings, or orders. Butterflies and
moths belong to the Lepidoptera order. Lepidoptera means “scale wings”, from the
Greek words “lepido” which means “scale” and “ptera” which means “wings”
Lepidoptera is one of the largest and most diverse insect‟s orders. The only order
with more different species is coleopteran, that of beetles. So far scientist have
observed approximately 150,000 different species of butterflies and moths. Each
species is distinguished by the unique arrangement, colour, and pattern of its
scales. Worldwide, there are about 28,000 butterfly species. The rest of the species
comprising Lepidoptera are species of moths. Though butterflies and moths both
have scale wings, there are some important differences between them. Butterflies
are distinguished by their brightly coloured wings. Moths‟ wings are usually less
bright. Butterflies are usually active during the day, while mothers are active at
night. A butterfly‟s antennae are swollen at the tip, while a moth‟s antennae are
3. How many insect orders are there?
(B) 14
(C) 3

4. Which of the following is true?

(A)Butterflies and moths belong to different order
(B) Butterflies and moths are both Lepidoptera
(C) Butterflies are insects, while mothers are not
(D)Butterflies fly faster than other Lepidoptera

5. You would expect to find the kind of information in this passage in

(A)a scientific environment
(B) a social studies text
(C) neither of these
(D)both of these

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Read the following passage and answer question
In America, the first amendment to the Bill of Right states, “Congress shall make
no law…. Abridging the freedom of speech…” This amendment was passed to
protect our right to express our opinions without fear. Yet, we must top using the
first amendment as a justification to say whatever we want, whenever we want. No
speech is “free” when it has detrimental effect on the well-being of the others, the
protection of our privacy, the safety of our borders, or the quality of our thinking.
While censorship is not the way of this land, we must take into account the
effect of musical lyrics that influence young listeners. How often do we find
ourselves singing a tune or repeating phrase from a song instinctively, without
stopping to ponder the meaning of the words? When these words are demeaning to
any group of people or when they incite violence, we are unknowingly repeating
phrases of hare. How long does it take until those phrases become worn into our
patterns of thought and we find ourselves believing the words we mindlessly
6. A used in the passage, the word demeaning most nearly means
(B) complimentary
(C) insulting

7. The author implies that the most important aim of the right to free speech is
(A)the ability to disagree with congress
(B) the ability to say whatever you want to say whenever you want
(C) the right to express our opinions freely
(D)the right to listen to violence music

8. The author attempts to persuade the reader with

(B) impassioned generalization
(C) historical quotations
(D)anecdote and examples

9. This passage is most likely from

(A)speech given to a radio station
(B) textbook on the constitution
(C) magazine article on American music
(D)editorial in a school newspaper

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10.The passage seems to imply that
(A) our mind is dull in receiving data
(B) our subconscious is sometimes the most active
(C) our songs are harmful
(D) our rights are very exclusive
Read each passage carefully and answer the question that follows
Those who are familiar with it will tell you that Ludo, like human life itself, is a
game both of s\chance and skill. You need skill in deciding how to make the most
advantageous use of the figures, which turn up on the die when you cast it. Since
each player has at least four alternative ways of using his figures the element of
luck, again as in human life, plays a dominant role however. For no matter how
skillful a player may be in using the figure he gets on the die, he has a slim chance
of winning if he continually throws low figures. While a combination of ones and
twos may be useful in checking the advance of one‟s opponents, it will not take
one home fast enough to win. On the other hand, consistent throws of sixs and
fives, with even the very minimum of skill will help a player to home all his four
counters before and of the three other players, unless, of course, he has no idea of
the game at all.
11.it is implied in the passage that two players may fare equally if they
(A)have equal luck
(B) apply similar skill to figures
(C) apply similar skill to similar figures
(D)have equal skill

12.it is implied in the passage that in Ludo threes and fours are
(A)very high throws
(B) medium throws
(C) low throws
(D)very low throws

13.According to the passage, a player with consistently high throws will

(A)almost certainly win a game
(B) certainly win a game
(C) almost certainly not win a game
(D)deliberately not win a game

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Read each passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.
Farming is the most important aspect of agriculture that has attracted attention
within the last few years. Agriculture has several other aspect like fishery,
livestock and poultry. All these are also important in that they have to do with the
production of food items which human beings consume for survival. In many parts
of the world today, farming has been regarded as the mainstay of the economy.
Crops such as cocoa, rubber and cotton have been produced in such commercial
quantity that they are sold to other countries. Some countries have better
comparative advantage in producing certain farm crops than other countries. In
these other countries, there is the need to spend a lot of money on agriculture,
particular farming.
14.A lot of crops harvested are wasted because farmers
(A)allow insect and pests to destroy their crops
(B) do not have enough money to invest in harvesters
(C) do not have good storage facilities
(D)harvest too much at a time
Read each passage carefully and answer the question that follow.
It is customary nowadays among fashionable ladies and gentlemen to acquire
strange and sometimes quaint clothes which are scarcely ever used: sometimes it
may be an approaching festival; sometimes a two hour‟s ceremony and sometimes
to honour a dead colleague- something triggers off the modern craze to sew new
materials whose use does not outlast the moment of craze. And so, people who just
occupy small apartment I their parent‟s homes, or have rented one room in a
densely-people house find that more than two-thirds of their rooms are filled with
bongo trousers which they cannot wear, worn out jeans which stink, or specially
made clothes for occasions that are not recurrent.
Although plagued by the problem of school fees for their children, parents have
had to swallow their own phlegm and humor of their children who need special
clothes for important events. Newly employed youths soon find that their comrades
are getting married, and new and special attire must be used to grace the occasion.
University students see matriculation ceremonies or induction ceremonies into club
membership as special reasons to make new attire which you may be sure they
would not wear on another occasion that parallels the one for which these clothes
were made.
Medial doctors may soon find another cause for the incidence of high blood
pressure among the youth. The desire to acquire new clothes is one strong possible

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cause, but a more subtle one which haunts like a ghost is the problem of choice of
what to wear. The youths have so stuffed their apartments, wardrobes drawers and
trunks with so many clothes that the greatest problem they face is the choice of
what to wear.
15.A suitable title for this passage is
(A)Fashion craze
(B) Fashion craze among the youth
(C) University students and induction ceremonies
(D)parents and the money for fashion craze
Read each passage carefully and answer the question that follows it
I9t may be argued that museums as an institution and an agency for transmitting
cultural heritage are an artificial creation, so far as objects are removed from their
natural or proper environments and put into museums which are different
environment altogether . However, it seems that museums themselves have come
to be accepted and recognized as the best equipped institutions devised by man for
the assemblage of culture objects and their presentation and preservation for the
present and future generations.
The artificial character of museums is however being gradually transformed into a
cultural reality. Thus, just as one goes to the theatre for plays and other performing
arts; the mosque, the church or the shrine for worship; the library for the printed
word; today, it is to the museums one goes to see evidence of man‟s material
culture is sought. Herein lies the importance of museums as cultural institutions
and agency for transmitting culture.
16.Museums are an artificial creation because
(A)they are an agency for transmitting cultural heritage
(B) natural or proper environments are removed and put into museums
(C) objects are removed from museums to natural or proper environments
(D)objects are removed from their natural or proper environments and put
into museums

17.According to the passage, which of the following is NOT part of the main
functions of Museums?
(A) preservation
(B) Generation
(C) Presentation
(D) Assemblage

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Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follows
You would think that the common cold should be easy enough to study, but it is
not so easy as it looks. Colds often seen to spread from one person to another, so it
is often assumed that the cold must be infectious, but there are some puzzling
observations which do not fit in with this theory. An investigator in Holland
examined some eight thousand volunteers from different areas, and came to the
conclusion that in each group the colds appeared at the same time. Transfer of
infection from case to case could not account for that. Yet at the common cold
Research Unit in Salisbury the infection theory has been tested out; two series of
about two hundred people each were inoculated, one with salt water and the other
with secretions from known cold victims. Only one of the salt-water group got a
cold, compared with seventy-three in the other group.
In the British Medical Journal the other day, there was a report if a meeting The
common Cold-Fact and Fancy; at which one of the speakers reported a study of
cold made in Cirencester over the last five years. Three hundred and fifty
volunteers had kept records of their colds and on an average each had seven every
year, with an annual morbidity of seven days. So nearly one-fifty of our lives is
spent in mor or less misery, coughing and sneezing. Some widely held beliefs
about the common cold have turned out not to be true. It seems that old people are
just as liable to colds as the young. Sailors in isolated weather ship have just as
many colds while on bored and not in contact with the outside world as when on
shore. It is truism that common illnesses pose more problems than the rare. The
rare desease s by comparison much easier to handle. There are not so many cases
and all of them have been intensively studied. Someone has read up all the
literature about the disease and published a digest of it. There will be more facts
and fewer fancies.
18.The cirencester volunteers kept a record of their colds through
(A) The British Medical Journal
(B) Personal diaries
(C) morbidity rates
(D) temperature recordings
Read the passage carefully and answer the question that follow it.
Whenever I have had to ask myself the question why I have not left this
country for good, many answers rush to my mind, each striving to be recognized as
being the most cogent. I am reminded of the popular slogan that this country
belongs to us all‟, for which reason every Nigerian must join hands in trying to
salvage it. I try to dismiss the argument by reasoning that it is foolhardy attempting
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to lend a helping hand where one‟s services are apparently not required. Then I am
reminded that if I left the country in a hurry just because of our political instability
and economic hardships, my commitments to my family and extended family at
home would suffer. I reply by saying that as soon as I got settle abroad; I would
arrange for my family to join me. Other financial problems at home would be taken
care of by my regular remittances. Would I then never think of going back home in
future? Not until the situation in the country improved considerably, I would
answer. And who did I expect to carry on with the task of national rehabilitation
when the likes of me are all out of the country? Those who missed up the country
in the firs place, I would argue. And so on. This dialogue of self has been going on
for the last ten years or so; meanwhile, I am yet to leave the country. When I
wonder how many people share my kind of mental experience, I realize that we
must be very few. For not many have the slightest opportunity of absconding from
the country; they do not have the place to run to nor do they have the means of
escape. Even among the elite who consider this possibility, the uncertainty of a
future outside their fatherland intimidates. And so we all end up staying and
19.The expression each striving to be recognized as being the most cogent‟ means
(A) trying to prove its superiority
(B) determined to prove that it is the most acceptable
(C) resolved not to dislodged
(D) attempting to how that it is the brightness
Read the following and answer question
It was part of her nefarious plot! Of that I had no doubt. She would slowly
deprive me of my delicious slumber until finally, exhausted, I gave in to her
wretched demands. She would claw her ways into my dreams, she could
growl and complain, but no, I would not give in. I pulled the covers close
over my head and rolled over. I was the stronger of we two. I was the
determined one. I was the human, and she the beast. She must have
understood my determination, for mercifully, the whining stopped. My
breathing grew deeper and I returned to my wonderful sleep. Until moments
later a crash awakened me. I bolted out of bed and there she was, In the
kitchen guilty lappily kitty treats off the floor. The mischievous beast had
jumped onto the countertop and knocked the bad of food onto the floor.
“Bad kitty!” I scolded, pushing her away from the mess of chow. But the
sweet face, that little sandpaper tongue licking her chops somehow softened

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20.The word “nefarious” as used in the first sentence in the passage means
(B) illegal
(C) wicked
1. D 13.A
2. D 14.C
3. B 15.A
4. B 16.D
5. A 17.B
6. C 18.B
7. C 19.A
8. D 20.A
9. D

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In question bellow, choose the word(s) 6 The officer was compelled to… the
or phrase which best fills the gap(s) suspect‟s car.
1 Jubril found that thieves had entered (B) cease
his house in his absence. He went t (C) sieze
the police to report the… (D)sease
(A)break out
(B) break up 7 A number of doctors are not so well
(C) break in disposed to.. in government
(D)break into hospitals these days,.. they?
2 After the accused was found guilty (B) work/are
by the court, his counsel.. before (C) working/are
sentence was passed (D)work/aren‟t
(A)bagged for mercy
(B) made a plea for mitigation 8 If you are going to the market, may i
(C) made an ovation please?
(D)made a plea for litigation (A)follow you
(B) come with you
3 Four person accused of currency.. are (C) come by you
being held by the security agents. (D)come as your second
a. trafficking
b. traviking 9 Wada said that two of his chickens…
c. trafficking eggs yesterday morning
d. trafficking (A)layed
(B) lied
4 Gone are the days when he.. enjoy (C) laid
patronage. (D)lain
(B) will 10 Thank you for the party, we really…
(C) used to (A)enjoyed ourselves
(D)could (B) enjoyed
(C) enjoyed very much
5 He did not attend the final burial…. (D)enjoyed too much.
(B) rights
(C) rites

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In question below, choose the option b. return to a certain word when
nearest in meaning to the word(s) or reading
phrase underline c. re-use my word
d. fail to keep my promise
11 The culprits will surrender their loot
to the customs officials.
(A) give away 17 The speaker took his audience down
(B) give out memory lane before he went to the
(C) give in topic of his lecture.
(D) give up (A) took his audience on a
12 The discussion became animated journey through a street called
(A) specialized memory lane
(B) lively (B) recalled events from the
(C) intellectual past
(D) unruly (C) told a tale about a place
called memory Lane
13 Rich citizens are often niggardly in (D) gave an outline of his
their ways lecture
a. beggarly
b. sordid
c. miserly
d. pompous Choose the option that has the same
vowel sound as the one represented by
14 The musician‟s popularity is the letters underline.
beginning to decline. 18 faeces
a. change a. polices
b. wane b. pain
c. slide c. peasant
d. disappear d. pear
19 pot
15 Olu promised to look out for her a. port
next time he is in town b. word
a. watch for c. correct
b. visit d. what
c. greet 20 leopard
d. take care of a. geology
b. people
16 Finally, I assured him that I would c. leaven
not go back on my word. d. led (Noun)
a. return to a place

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26 The string was taut
Select word that has the same pattern a. stretched
of stress as the given word b. loose
21 EDUCATION c. firm
a. duplicity d. tight
b. conjectural
c. economics 27 The diminutive figure bounces over
d. elaborate the track with unfathomable lightness
a. irresistible
22 HONOUR b. predictable
a. human c. invigorating
b. hyena d. impressive
c. humane
d. hotel 28 The teacher announced that the class
would be making a fleeting visit to
23 Identify the word that has a different the zoo.
stress pattern from the others. a. long
(A)discourse b. routing
(B) intimate c. brief
(C) accelerate d. guided
29 We intend to make the reception a
24 Identify the word that ha the stress on diurnal event.
the second syllable. a. an annual
(A)always b. a weekly
(B) result c. a nightly
(C) reproduce d. a short
30 The project is designed to alleviate
Choose the option opposite in poverty in the country.
meaning to the word(s) or phrase in a. exacerbate
italics b. assuage
c. eradicate
25 common sense requires that one
d. tackle
should be decorous at formal
31 The permanent secretary left his job
a. courteous
under a cloud
b. careful
a. with a clear record
c. impolite
b. on a sunny day
d. incurious
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c. in disgrace d. obscure and odious
d. on a cloudy clay.

32 It is surprising that this politician has 37 That punch by the young boxer
now turned renegade proved to be fatal
a. militant a. effective
b. loyal b. belated
c. quiet c. hard
d. corrupt d. deadly

33 Hypertension is a debilitating disease 38 The boy was told that lie would need
that everyone should prevent several more pints of blood if he was
a. a horrible to survive
b. an enervating a. plenty
c. a mortal b. much
d. an energizing c. many
d. some
34 The striking workers have vowed not
to return to work until the decision is 39 In spite of her grim situation, the
rescinded young widow smiled dutifully at the
a. implemented visitor‟s pleasantries
b. change a. unkind comments
c. dismissed b. sad stories
d. incorporated c. lasting security
d. soothing relaxation.
35 It is rare for a leader and his deputy
to see eye to eye. 40 The presence of the security men in
a. reproach each other the area will provide a moment of
b. disagree respite for the residents.
c. Be of one mind a. enduring reprieve
d. respect each other b. temporary relief
c. condolence messages
Choose the option nearest in meaning d. jocular remarks.
to the word(s) or phase in italics
36 The man was able to persuade his 41 Though David‟s condition is serious,
willful and obstinate daughter to I his life is not in immediate danger.
follow the career he chose for her a. grave
a. intelligent but arrogant b. nasty
b. hardworking and intelligent c. dangerous
c. unyielding and obdurate d. hypertensive
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42 The essay topic is nebulous. d. the politician‟s rude remarks
a. clear were heavily critized
b. incorrect 47 The events of last Friday show that
c. vague there is no love lost between the
d. distinct principal and the vice-principal
a. they dislike each other
43 I have always believed that my b. they like each other
mother is very impassioned woman c. they cannot part company
a. impartial d. they work independently
b. emotional
c. impassive 48 Though he is our elected
d. emotive representative, he often takes a rather
jaundiced view of our problems
a. He takes a rather hazy view of
44 My father was at the apogee of his our problems
career when he was retired b. He takes a sickly view of our
a. terminal point problems
b. least productive stage c. He takes an unfavorable position
c. redundant stage concerning our problems
d. highest point d. He takes a rather forceful view
of our problems
45 The party‟s gathering was thrown
into a state of euphoria after the
election result was announced. 49 If he were here it could be more fun.
a. pleasure a. There was no fun because he was
b. confusion not present
c. sadness b. He did not show up and so the
d. excitement occasion lacked much fun
Select the option that best explain the c. He was being expected to supply
information conveyed in the sentence more fun
d. He was expected but did not
46 The politician‟s inflammatory show up to live up the occasion
remarks were heavily critized.
a. the politician‟s provocative Fill each gap with the most
remarks were heavily criticized appropriate option from the list
b. the politician‟s tribalistic provide.
remarks were heavily critized 50 Without our relentless campaigns, we
c. the politician‟s bombastic might…. Victory in the race for the
remarks were heavily critized National Assembly
(A)never had been
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(B) never have been c. locking up
(C) have never be d. running into
(D)be never sure of.
56 Can you give a good explanation for
51 The Governor rejected the bill and your behavior?
withheld his… a. account for
a. access b. call for
b. accent c. clear up
c. assent d. give up
d. ascent
57 Be careful ! we are approaching the
52 The new school is not provided crossroads.
with… for science practical‟s. a. look up
(A)an equipment b. watch out
(B) enough equipment c. look out
(C) equipment d. look in
(D)enough equipment‟s
58 Thousands of students are candidates
53 We are all hungry; we… anything t for the examination but only very
eat since, morning few pass.
a. didn‟t have a. come into
b. haven‟t had b. go into
c. never had c. enter for
d. hadn‟t had d. turn up for
In question below. Choose the option 59 He went through fire before he
NEAREST IN MEANING to the qualified as a doctor
underline word(s) a. had a fire
54 The meeting was cancelled because b. made a lot fire
of the convocation c. suffered a lot
a. brought up d. required a lot of fire
b. called off
c. broken off 60 Once I have finished all my
d. phased out homework, I am permitted to watch
55 Our town is so small that we are a. I can watch television at any
always meeting our schoolmates time
accidentally b. I can only watch television after
a. coining across doing my homework
b. falling into
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c. (C)Television comes first, then b. with
homework second c. for
d. I can only finish my homework d. about
after permission to watch
television 65 What do you want me to do now?
I‟m… withdrawing and keeping quiet.
In question below, choose the
expression which best completes each (A)for
sentence (B) with
(C) up
61 The manager said that unless the (D)on
employees worked harder the factory
would have to be closed the manage From the alternatives provided in
said that questions below, select the one which
(A) the employees were not most appropriate completes the
working hard, and so the factory sentence.
would be closed 65 I meant.. a pencil but there was no
(A) the employees should not one … them.
close early so that they could a. buying/selling
produce more b. to buy/to sell
(B) the factory would be shut if c. buying/to sell
the employees did not increase d. to buy/selling
their output
(C) the factory was closed 67.Mrs. Okoro… in this school since
because the employees did not 1975.
work hard enough (A)taught
62 The student who went home without (B) is teaching
an exeat has apologized… his (C) was teaching
misconduct (D)has been teaching
a. on 68.The Government has….. to the
b. at people on many occasions.
c. for (A)broadcast
d. about (B) been broadcast
63 The man has atoned.. his sins. (C) broadcasted
a. upon (D)been broadcasted
b. on 69.Paulina arrived late, she……. The
c. for right route.
d. against (A)cannot have taken
64 The Headmaster was interviewed in (B) could not have taken
connection.. the expansion project. (C) could not had taken
a. to (D)could not have taken
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70.Choose the word that does not have 75.The electricity in OUR premises
the same vowel sound as the others. comes from a generator
(A)sun (A)Is the electricity in your
(B) shun compound supplied by a
(C) son generator?
(D)short (B) Is the electricity in your
71.Choose the word that does not have neighbor‟s premises supplied by
the same vowel sound as the others. a generator?
(A)deep (C) Does the electricity in your
(B) lease premises come from NEPA?
(C) meet (D)Does everybody in your street
(D)lace receive electricity from
Choose the word that has the same
consonant sound(s) as the one 76.Identify the word that has a
presented by the letter(s) underline different stress pattern from the
72.Baby (A)interrupt
(A)dumb (B) contribute
(B) climb (C) Harmattan
(C) tuber (D)Entertain
77.Identify the word that has a
73.Time different stress pattern from the
(A)water others.
(B) weather (A)Interlocutor
(C) debut (B) Opportunity
(D)depot (C) Ambiguity
In the question below, the word in (D)Actualization
Capital letters has an emphatic stress. Choose the one that has the correct
Choose the option that best fits the stress
expression in the sentence.
74.The fire destroyed MANY lives. (A)LA-bor-a-tory
(A)Did the fire destroy the village? (B) la-BOR-a-tory
(B) Did the fire destroy some (C) la-bor-A-tory
houses? (D)la-bor- a-TORY
(C) Did the fire destroy any lives?
(D)Did the fire spare any lives? 79 Expantiate
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(B) ex-PAN-ti-ate A. IN-ten-si-fy
(C) ex-pan-TI-ate B. in-TEN-si-fy
(D)ex-pan-ti-ATE C. in-ten-SI-fy
79.Intensify D. in-ten-si-FY

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1. C 27. B 53. B
2. B 28. A 54. B
3. C 29. C 55. D
4. C 30. A 56. A
5. C 31. A 57. B
6. A 32. B 58. C
7. C 33. D 59. C
8. B 34. A 60. B
9. A 35. C 61. C
10. B 36. C 62. C
11. C 37. D 63. C
12. B 38. B 64. B
13. C 39. D 65. A
14. B 40. B 66. E
15. B 41. A 67. E
16. D 42. C 68. D
17. B 43. B 69. D
18. C 44. D 70. D
19. D 45. D 71. C
20. D 46. A 72. C
21. C 47. A 73. A
22. D 48. C 74. D
23. A 49. D 75. B
24. B 50. B 76. C
25. C 51. C 77. A
26. B 52. B 78. B

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1. The current life expectancy in (B) Cross river
Nigeria is (C) Kastina
(A) 55 (D) Nassarawa
(B) 47 (E) Sokoto
(C) 39
(D) 51
(E) 45
9. The capital of Ugruguay is
2. Yumu and Zabara are ethnic groups
(A) Bangkok
(B) Montevideo
A. Kebbi State
(C) Bern
B. Benue State
(D) Manila
C. Niger State
(E) Uru
D. Kano State
10. The Governor of Anambra State is
E. Edo State
(A) Mr. Peter Obi
3. Mr. Dele Giwa was killed through a
(B) Owelle Rochas Okorocha
letter bomb on
(C) Peter Odili
(A) October 19, 1986
(D) Chris Ngige
(B) September 17, 1987
(E) Mr. Charles Adams
(C) October 19, 1986
11. _____ was the Chief Justice of
(D) September 17, 1986
Nigeria between 1995 and 2006
(E) October 19, 1987
(A) justice Idris Lagbo Kutigi
4. The following are spices except
(B) Justice Mohammad Lawal
(A) Rye
(B) Saffron
(C) Justice George Sodeinde
(C) Ginger
(D) Cloves
(D) Justice Salihu Modibo Alfa
(E) Nutmeg
5. Desmond Tutu was awarded the
(E) Justice Mohammed Bello
Noble Peace Prize in
12. The current Secretary-General of the
(A) 1983
United Nations is from
(B) 1987
(A) United Kingdom
(C) 2001
(B) South Korea
(D) 2000
(C) Ghana
(E) 1984
(D) South Africa
6. Victoria is the capital city of
(E) Ukraine
(A) Somalia
13. The Capital of Iran is
(B) Morocco
A. Iranian
(C) Seychelles
B. Dublin
(D) Burundi
C. Baghdad
(E) Lesotho
D. Teheran
8. The Director-General of the Nigeria
E. Budapest
institute of Advanced Legal Studies
14. The full meaning of UEFA if
(A) Union of European
(A) Rivers
Federation Associations

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(B) United European Football (D) Organization for Economic
Associations Community and
(C) Union of European Football Development
Associations (E) Order of the Economic
(D) United English Football Community and
Associations Development
(E) Union of English Football 20. Paparada Square is in
Association (A) Ilorin
15. Nelson Mandela was awarded the (B) Lokoja
Nobel Peace Prize in (C) Kaduna
(A) 1992 (D) Lagos
(B) 1993 (E) Sokoto
(C) 1994 21. The formal Eastern Region was
(D) 1995 proclaimed a sovereign nation,
(E) 1996 Biafra by Odumegu Ojukwu on
16. Ibeno Beach is in (A) May 30, 1967
(A) Lagos State (B) June 15, 1966
(B) Cross River State (C) April 6, 1968
(C) Akwa Ibom State (D) January 10, 1965
(D) Taraba State (E) April 21, 1969
(E) Niger State 22. Obanta‟s Statue is located in
17. The June 12 Presidential election (A) Abeokuta
was annually by President Ibrahim (B) Ibadan
Babangida on (C) Ogbomoso
(A) June 12 1993 (D) Ilorin
(B) June 14 1993 (E) Ijebu Ode
(C) June 18 1993 23. The kruger National Park is in
(D) June 23 1993 (A) South Africa
(E) June 27 1993 (B) Tunisia
18. Gombe State belongs to the------geo- (C) Cameroon
political Zone in Nigeria (D) Poland
(A) South East (E) U.S.
(B) South West
(C) North Central 24. The official residence of the
(D) North East Secretary-General of the united
(E) North West Nations is in
19. The full meaning of OECD is (A) Washington D.C United
(A) Organization for Economic State
Co-operation and (B) New York City, United
Development States
(B) Organization of Economic (C) Birmingham, United
Co-operation and Kingdom
Development (D) Atlanta Georgia, United
(C) Organization of Economic States
Community and (E) London

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25. Dar es salaam is the Capital of (A) Iyocha Ayu
(A) Tunisia (B) Chuba Okadiogbo
(B) turkey (C) Pius Anymi
(C) Zimbabwe (D) Ameh Ebute
(D) Sudan (E) Umaru Dikko
(E) Tanzania 29. The following are spices except
26. Shanga and Kyenga are ethnic (A) Rye
groups in (B) Saffron
(A) Sokoto State (C) Ginger
(B) Bauchi State (D) Cloves
(C) Niger State (E) Nutmeg
(D) Kwara State 30. Liberia‟s former interim President
(E) Niger State was
27. FESTAC started in (A) Samuel Doe
(A) October 1976 (B) William Tolbert
(B) October 1978 (C) Amos Sawyer
(C) November 1977 (D) Charles Taylor
(D) November 1978 (E) Lt. Gen. Hezekiah Bowen
(E) June 1979
28. Which of these was never a Senate
President in Nigeria?


1. B 20. B 39. B
2. C 21. A 40. D
3. A 22. E 41. A
4. A 23. A 42. B
5. E 24. B 43. C
6. C 25. E 44. A
7. C 26. A 45. B
8. E 27. C 46. D
9. B 28. E 47. B
10. A 29. A 48. C
11. B 30. C 49. B
12. B 31. D 50. B
13. D 32. C
14. C 33. B
15. B 34. B
16. C 35. E
17. D 36. B
18. D 37. A
19. A 38. D

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(C) be investment conscious
ECONOMICS (D) avoid the purchase of
harmful goods
1. Basic extractives are classified as 7. if you do not have to make any
(A) Primary production sacrifice in order to get a particular
(B) manufacturing production thing then its real cost is:
(C) technical production (A) its price
(D) secondary production (B) zero
2. Which of the following is not strictly (C) infinite
included in the study of economics? (D) one
(A) production 8. Which of the following defines
(B) consumption Economics most comprehensively?
(C) whether a products harmful (A) organization of industries
(D) distribution and services to produce
3. It is impossible to satisfy all human utility
wants because (B) study of human behavior in
(A) of income inequality the allocation of scare
(B) available resources are resources
limited (C) buying and selling of good
(C) human wants are unlimited and services
(D) money income is limited (D) Study of economic agents in
4. Mr. Tola needs a book and a allocation of good and
calculation that cost #70 each and he service
buys the book instead of the
calculator, the opportunity cost of his
choice is
(A) #70 9. which of the following Is not a
(B) #140 classification of economics activities
(C) Calculator (A) Tertiary
(D) Book (B) Construction
5. The meaning of scale of preference (C) primary
is: (D) secondary
(A) a list of consumer wants, 10. In economic analysis, a statement is
arranged in order of said to be normative when it?
importance (A) relates to value judgment
(B) the preparation of list of (B) is concerned with what is
goods and services that (C) observes economics
satisfy wants variables
(C) the consumer budget (D) combines A to C
(D) the consumer preference for 11. Which of the following statements is
cheap goods not correct about choice?
6. The knowledge of Economics (A) the process of making a
enables an individual to: choice involves opportunity
(A) Be careful in the spending of cost
his income (B) only individual and firms
(B) derive maximum satisfaction make choice
from the use of his resources

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(C) an economist is not (C) less of other product(s) will
interested in the moral be bought
judgment of any choice so (D) no product will be bought
made subsequently
(D) usually choice is made from 17. the concept of economic efficiency
a consumer scale preference basically implies
12. “ECONOMICS is a science which (A) equity in the distribution of
studies human behavior as the nations wealth
relationship between ends and scarce (B) conservation of economic
means, which have alternative uses” resources
End, here refers to: (C) obtaining the maximum
(A) output output from available
(B) wants resources and lowest cost
(C) resources (D) a waste less economy
(D) demand 18. A good example of a free good is
13. The study of the economic behavior (A) education
of individual decision making unti in (B) security
a free enterprise economy is called (C) air
(A) microeconomic (D) mineral resources
(B) market system 19. The decision on what to produce is a
(C) macroeconomics problem in:
(D) economics system (A) developing economic system
14. what is the first thing to do if Biola (B) all economic system
simultaneously need computer and (C) a centrally planned economic
printer and a scanner and he has system only
money to buy only one of these (D) a free enterprise economic
items? system only
(A) check how much money he 20. Which of the following would not be
has included in the fund mental principle
(B) prepare a scale of preference of a free enterprise economy?
(C) seek advice from economic (A) the right to make private
experts profit
(D) determine the opportunity (B) government control factor of
cost production
15. Another term for opportunity cost is? (C) private ownership of factors
(A) implicit cost of production
(B) money cost (D) government encourages
(C) real cost competitive capitalism
(D) alternative cost within the legal framework
16. A consumers decision to purchase `of the country
more of a product with constant 21. Advance stage of socialism is
income will imply that referred to as:
(A) more of another product will (A) quasi-socialism
be bought (B) capitalism
(B) the consumer is rational (C) communism
(D) feudalism

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22. What determines how the factors of (A) public ownership and control
production are to be allocated among of factor of production
different production activities in a (B) use of capital intensive
planned economy? method of production
(A) equity principle (C) government ownership and
(B) individual ability to pay private control of means of
(C) private needs production
(D) public needs determined by (D) equal access to public
the government utilities
23. one of the fundamental differences 27. Irrespective of economic system
between capitalist and a socialist adopted, which of the following is
state is that while: not an Economic problem?
(A) there is equality in (A) techniques of production to
distribution of wealth in the be adopted
socialist state is it not so in a (B) equal distribution of
capitalist economy economic
(B) in the former price (C) for whom to produce goods
mechanism guides the and services
allocation of resources, it is (D) how to ensure economic
the government agency that efficiency
performs this function in the 28. The following are the arguments for
latter capitalist EXCEPT
(C) the former is governed by the (A) there is freedom of
principle of the survival of consumption and production
the littest, the latter is (B) it disallows monopoly of
concerned with the welfare economic power
of all (C) there is exploitation of
(D) taxes are levied in a socialist consumers since the
economy, there is no taxation producers are on to
in capitalist economy maximize profit
24. The Nigeria economy can best be (D) its profit motive leads to
described as a: increase efficiently in
(A) mixed economy production
(B) soialist economy 29. In event of shortage in supply of a
(C) mono-product economy commodity in the market under a
(D) capitalist economy planned economy, the allocation of
25. In market economy, the economy the available commodity will be
questions of what, how and for carried out by
whom to produce are solved by: (A) the producer
(A) government agencies (B) the government
(B) price mechanism (C) price mechanism
(C) chief economic adviser (D) group of consumers
(D) planning committee 30. The economic system in which
26. A socialist economy is characterized resources are privately owned is
by the: known as:
(A) communism

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(B) socialism 36. If y represents tons of cocoa that a
(C) capitalism farmer produce, find the range of
(D) democracy cocoa in tons that satisfies the
31. In a market economy, the main following inequality 250<2y-400:
function of price to: (A) y> 75
(A) allocation resources to both (B) y> 150
consumer and producers in (C) y> 75
efficient manner (D) y> 325
(B) ensure equitable distribution 37. Use the information below to
of resources answer question below
(C) ration the available goods
among consumers The raw data scores of 10 students
(D) determine the value of each of St. Okoro College who took part
assets in Nov/Dec. 2005 G C E in
32. The term Laissez-faire is associated Economics are given below. The
with: pass mark is 40%
(A) a welfare state
(B) a civil society
(C) a controlled economy 34 45 25 49 15
(D) a free enterprise 59 64 34 40 21
33. with regard to the benefit of
socialism, which of the alternatives
is not correct? 38. What is the mean score of the
(A) consumers are charges fair students marks?
prices for goods they (A) 43.6
purchase (B) 46.3
(B) there is disincentive to hard (C) 41.1
work because private (D) 38.2
property is not allowed 39. The quantities of apple supplied by a
(C) It ensure production of farmer in a week are shown below:
essential goods
(D) it is more efficient since 9, 14, 4, 15, 18
resources are not wasted on
The mean deviation of this data is
producing surplus
34. Which of the following countries (A) 12
does not practice capitalism? (B) 2.2
(A) Tanzania (C) 60
(B) Nigeria (D) 4.4
(C) Britain 40. Which of the following is not a good
(D) United States of America method of data presentation and
35. The graph of the function C=a+bY interpretation?
is: (A) charts
(A) Exponential (B) graph
(B) Quadratic (C) maps
(C) Linear (D) tables
(D) Simultaneous

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41. MUa=Pa where A=good, A:P = price (C) utilities are measurable in
of good A; MU= Marginal utility monetary value
(D) there are only two
The above equation represents: commodities existing in the
market and their prices are
(A) Total utility equation
(B) Marginal utility equation
46. The demand for a commodity not
(C) equilibrium equation
directly for immediate consumption
(D) utility maximization equation
but for the production of another
42. For a free commodity , a rational
commodity is:
consumer will continuously increase
(A) joint demand
his consumption until:
(B) composite demand
(A) his marginal utility becomes
(C) derived demand
(D) competitive demand
(B) he attains the highest
47. Demand in Economics is
marginal utility level
synonymous with:
(C) his marginal utility equal the
(A) needs of a rational consumer
price he would have paid
(B) all goods demanded in the
(D) he decides to stop
market at a time
43. A rational consumer will adjust his
(C) wants of the consumer at a
spending pattern so that:
(A) the marginal utility he gets
(D) wants back with ability to
from the last naira spent on
each items is the same
48. The responsiveness of demand to a
(B) the total amount of money he
change in income is termed
spends on each item is the
(A) income elasticity of demand
(B) cross elasticity of demand
(C) the total utility he gets from
(C) price elasticity of demand
each item is the same
(D) money income index
(D) the marginal utility he gets
49. In Ekiti State, the demand curve for
from the last unit of each
rice in every household is downward
item is the same
sloping because:
44. The sum of all the marginal utilities
(A) rice is produced in the state
a consumer derives from the
(B) the higher the price of rice
consumption of extra units of a
(C) every household has access
commodity is known as:
to the market
(A) average utility
(D) there is excess supply
(B) time utility
50. An increase in the demand for pen
(C) total utility
raises the demand for ink this type of
(D) marginal utility
demand is called:
45. The ordinalist approach to the theory
(A) competitive demand
of consumer behavior is based on the
(B) composite
following assumption except that:
(C) complementary demand
(A) the consumer acts rationally
(B) the consumer‟s taste, habit (D) derived demand
and income are consistent

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1. A
2. 27.A
3. C 28.B
4. B 29.C
5. C 30.B
6. A 31.C
7. B 32.A
8. B 33.D
9. B 34.B
10.B 35.A
11.A 36.C
12.B 37.D
13.B 38.A
14.A 39.D
15.B 40.C
16.C 41.D
17.C 42.A
18.C 43.A
19.C 44.C
20.B 45.C
21.B 46.C
22.C 47.D
23.D 48.A
24.B 49.A
25.A 50.C

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1. “Render therefore to Caesar the (B) Abijah

things are caesar‟s and to God the (C) Jepthan
things that are God‟s what was the (D) Abimelech
caesar‟s thing in question? (E) Ahab
(A) Taxation 5. The man healed at the Beautiful Gate
(B) (B)money was
(C) donation (A) cripple
(D) contribution (B) blind
(E) offering (C) leprous
2. “Go and tell that fox Behold, I cast (D) demonic
out devils….” The fox being refereed (E) lame
to here is 6. The altar Gideon built at the oak in
(A) Jesus Oprah was called
(B) judas (A) The Lord is piece
(C) peter (B) the Lord is great
(D) Satan (C) the Lord is sufficient
(E) Herod (D) the Lord is merciful
1. Who invited Peter to Jesus? (E) the Lord is present
(A) Jesus himself 7. James was killed by `
(B) Peter himself (A) Augustus
(C) James (B) Herod
(D) Andrew (C) Saul
(E) (E)bnone of the above (D) the Jews
2. In the beatitudes, Jesus said that the (E) Sanhedrin
meek will 8. When Elijah escaped from the brook
(A) be called children of God Cherith, he was fed by
(B) inheit the kingdom of god (A) window
(C) be comforted (B) sparrow
(D) see god (C) angel
(E) ingerit the earth (D) ravens
3. “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” the (E) doves
interpretation of Siloam is 9. According to paul‟s letter to the
(A) sent Ephesians,
(B) clean (A) Christians should pray for it
(C) pure (B) Christians should yearn for it
(D) holy (C) Christians boast about it
(E) perfect (D) Christians should rejoice in it
4. Who killed 70 of his brothers upon (E) Christians should not boast
one stone? about it
(A) Jotham 10. The dry bones in Ezekiel refers to

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(A) bones without flesh (E) only those who are able to
(B) bones kept in the sepulcher work should eat
(C) bones in the coffins 16. Joseph‟s father rebuked him for his
(D) sinful Israelites and Judeans second dream because
(E) the whole house of Israel (A) the brothers would hate him
11. “Put off Your shoes from your feet; the more
for the place you stand is holy” (B) parents would serve him
where was being referred to in the (C) the brothers would sell him
case of Joshua? (D) the family would later go to
(A) Month Horb him in Egypt
(B) ai (E) his dreams were frightening
(C) Gilgal 17. Nathan told David that even though
(D) Jericho God would have mercy of him, he
(E) Jordan would be
12. Those who appeared to Jesus on the (A) bereaved of the child
month of transfiguration were (B) blessed by the child
(A) Elisha and Moses (C) forgiven by God
(A) Elisha and Elijah (D) comforted later
(B) Elisha and Moses (E) restored to fellowship with
(C) Elijah and Moses God
(D) none of the above 18. When Prophet Isaiah saw the glory
13. How many people were gather of Heaven,
together in the Upper Room before (A) he was happy
the day of Pentecost? (B) he felt joyful
(A) 122 (C) he worshipped God
(B) 120 (D) he felt unclean
(C) 130 (E) he said, Here am I, send me
(D) 140 19. The Old Testament consists of how
(E) 150 many books?
14. John the Baptist was decapitated by (A) 39
(A) Judas (B) 27
(B) Jesus (C) 29
(C) Pilate (D) 37
(D) august (E) 28
(E) Herod 20. Who presided over the Jerusalem
15. The charge that he who does not council?
work should not eat shows that (A) Peter
(A) Christians must not give food (B) Paul
to people to eat (C) James
(B) Christians must give food to (D) Barnabas
working people only (E) John
(C) Christians should be 21. The effect of the stoning of Stephen
encouraged to work was that
(D) Christians should be taught (A) it fulfilled the prophecy that
to walk he was going to be stoned

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(B) it helped to fulfill the (D) tool for salvation
command of Jesus to the (E) (E)instrument against
disciples to preach the gospel salvation
to all parts of the world 25. In the teaching of the true vine, Jesus
(C) it made the work of God to said that the branches that bear fruits
proper more in Jerusalem will be
(D) the apostles became more (A) Cultivated
committed to the gospel (B) grafted
because of the persecution (C) pruned
(E) The apostles scattered all (D) pegged
over the place (E) cut off
22. What was the offence of Ananias 26. The first Christians missionaries
andSapphira? through the south western Nigeria
(A) they did not faithfully arrived at
disclose the amount of the (A) Ogbomoso
land they sold (B) Osogbo
(B) Ananais did not come to (C) Adeokuta
Church with his wife (D) Lagos
(C) Sapphira only agreed with (E) Ijebu
her Husband 27. The last supper Jesus had with his
(D) they actually tempted the disciples was on the first day of the
Holy Ghost (A) passion week
(E) they were told that by Peter (B) unleavened bread
that they lied (C) Sabbath
23. In Corinthians, Paul says that those (D) Atonement
who prophesy edify the (E) week
(A) spirit 28. The person who translated the
(B) body English Bible into Yoruba was
(C) prophets
(D) God (A) Bishop Ajayi Crowther
(E) church (B) Mary Slessor
24. In Galatians, the law was made as a (C) Evangelist Ayo Babalola
(A) guide against transgression (D) Evangelist Moses Orimolade
(B) weapon for transgression (E) Bishop Lennon
(C) tool for justification

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1. A 7. E 13.D 19.A 25.E
2. E 8. A 14.C 20.D 26.A
3. D 9. B 15.B 21.A 27.C
4. E 10.D 16.E 22.C 28.C
5. B 11.E 17.D 23.B 29.B
6. D 12.D 18.B 24.A 30.A.

1. The reason Mecca Suwar lay (B) 630
emphasis on oneness of Allah is (C) 631
because (D) 634
(A) it was the only way to call (E) 628
Mecca to Islam 5. Suratul-Kawthar was revealed
(B) it is the only article of faith following the ________ of the
(C) it is the only article of peace Mecca
between Prophet Muhammad (A) uproar
and the Mecca (B) persecution
(D) it s the best way to convert (C) intolerance
the Mecca to Islam (D) resistance
(E) the pre-Islamic Mecca were (E) insinuation
idolatrous 6. Zakat is paid on the following
2. Uthman B. Affan reigned between except__________
(A) 634 and 644 (A) crops
(B) 644 and 655 (B) cattle
(C) 655 and 657 (C) slaves
(D) 657 and 688 (D) cash
(E) 644 and 656 (E) all of the above
3. The final and total prohibition of 7. The intial suggestion to complete the
intoxicants is contained in surah Qu‟ran was raised by
(A) al- Maidah (A) Abu Bakr
(B) al-Imrnan (B) Umar B. Khattab
(C) an-Nisa (C) Zaid B. Affan
(D) al-Baqarah (D) Uthman B. Affan
(E) al-Iklas (E) Ali B. Abu Talib
4. Hajjatul wada of Prophet 8. One important of wearng the thram
Muhammad was delivered in during Hajj is_________
(A) 632

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(A) it makes all Muslims equal (A) Abyssina
(B) Taif
(B) it distinguishes pilgrims by (C) Medina
country of origin (D) Egypt
(C) it purifies the Muslims (E) Yathrib
(D) it directs the mind of all 14. Al-Tawrat was revealed to
Muslims towards Allah (A) Musa
(E) it identifies pilgrims (B) Dawud
9. The reason for the declaration of (C) Isa
jihad against the Islamic state of (D) Prophet Muhammad
Borno by Muhammad Bello was (E) Idris
because of the people‟s move 15. Literally, Boko Haram Means
towards (A) book is forbidden
(A) rebellion (B) education is forbedden
(B) extremism (C) western education is
(C) syncretism forbidden
(D) intolerance (D) school is forbidden
(E) fundamentalism (E) reading is forbidden
10. The commad given to Prophet 16. Wudu means
Muhammad in the first revelation of (A) ablution
the Qu‟ran tells us about________ (B) dry ablutin
(A) education (C) sand ablution
(B) prosperity (D) water ablution
(C) worship (E) wet ablution
(D) prayer 17. If Alhaji Masu Ayuba invested #10,
(E) Allah 000:00 in a business and made a
11. “Seek Knowledge, even unto China” profit of #2,000: 00 at the end of the
means_____ year, how much will he pay as
(A) go to China to seek Zakat?
Knowledge (A) #56, 500: 00
(B) Knowledge is found in China (B) #215, 00.
(C) go at any lenth to seek (C) #100: 00
Knowledge (D) #50: 00
(D) Knowledge must be sought (E) #1000: 00
in China 18. Ibadah refers to
(E) Muslims should school in (A) worship of ancestors
china (B) worship of angels
12. The spokesman of the Muslims (C) worship of the Prophet
before Empere negus was _____ (D) worship of Allah
(A) jaafar (E) worship of the caliphs
(B) Al-As 19. Shirk means_____
(C) Abu Musa (A) monotheism
(D) Masa Musa (B) henotheism
(E) Umar (C) polytheism
13. The first place of Muslims Migration (D) iconoclasm
was_______ (E) syncretheism

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20. Which one if the following is not (A) the significance of
associated with shirk______ knowledge
(A) idol worship (B) the pillars of Islam
(B) trinity (C) prayer
(C) atheism (D) the articles of faith
(D) monotheism (E) payment of Zakat
(E) henotheism 26. Talaq al-ba‟in refers to _______
21. If a Muslim prays five times daily on divorce
a regular basis, how many times will (A) irrevocable
he have prayed a regular 365-day (B) revocable
year? (C) impermissible
(A) 1825 (D) reconcilable
(B) 1835 (E) detestable
(C) 1835 27. The word Hafizi in Q 82: 10 means
(D) 1285 (A) man
(E) 1845 (B) jinns
22. Lakum dinukum wa Liya dmin (C) Prophet
means (D) angels
(A) religion is good (E) spirits
(B) my religion is better than 28. When Prophet Muhammad got to
yours Yathrib, he had to first and foremost
(C) your religion is false settle the feud between
(D) to you is my religion and to (A) banu Nadir and Mecca
me yours
(E) to you is your religion and to (B) aws and Khazraj
me is my religion (C) Aws and Nadir
23. According to Islamic traditions, (D) Khazraj and Nadir
inability to marriage may rise as a (E) Mecca and Medina
consequence of 29. The prophet admonishes that if an
(A) impotence admonishes is found; a true Muslim
(B) defects in sex organs should at least
(C) permanent illness (A) change it with his hands
(D) all of the above immediately
(E) none of the above (B) hate if from his heart
24. Walam yakun lahu Kufuwan Ahadun (C) declare Jihad
is_________ (D) condemn it publicly
(A) the first ayat of the 100th (E) turn away his heart from it
surah 30. The reason Q. 2:219 forbids wine
(B) the second ayat of the 112th and gambling is because
surah (A) they lead to extravagance
(C) sixth ayat of the 111th surah and intoxication
(D) seventh ayat of the 114th (B) they result in intolerance and
surah public disorder
(E) fourth ayat of the 112th surah (C) they make a Muslim to
25. he main message os ayay Amanar- abandon religion
Rasul is

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(D) they lead one to greater sin
than gain
(E) they lead to poverty

1. D 8. A 15. A 22. E 29. B
2. E 9. C 16. B 23. D 30. D
3. A 10. A 17. D 24. E
4. A 11. C 18. D 25. D
5. E 12. A 19. C 26. A
6. A 13. B 20. D 27. D
7. B 14. A 21. A 28. B

1. The following are the key factors (B) propaganda
which influenced Nigeria Foreign (C) military force
relations except (D) nuclear war
(A) peaceful co-existence 4. Citizens who are legally qualified to
vote from
(B) economic dependence (A) political parties
(C) non-interference (B) trade union congress
(D) international co-operation (C) members of the House of
2. The first African military coup in Assembly
Egypt occurred (D) the electorate
(A) 1951 5. The commonwealth is…
(B) 1952 (A) an economic organisation
(C) 1953
(D) 1954 (B) made up of all independence
3. Which of the following is not ex-colonies of Britain
accepted way of resolving (C) mad up of all countries who
international conflict? are friendly with Britain
(A) diplomacy

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(D) made up of independence 12. Nigeria‟s diplomatic representative
European countries in Britain is known as
6. The first elected Executive President (A) high commissioner
of Nigeria was (B) almbassador
(A) Shea Shagari (C) plenipotentiary
(B) Umaru Yaradua (D) permanent representative
(C) Nnamdi Azikwe 13. Fascism emphasizes
(D) Olusegun Obasanjo (A) equality
7. Nigeria became a federation of 19 (B) individual
states in (C) totalitarianism
(A) 1996 (D) communism
(B) 1861 14. Government by the few for the
(C) 1976 interest of the few is known as
(D) 1979 (A) monarchy
8. Under the 1979 constitution, (B) dictatorship
members of the Federal Executive (C) autocracy
Council were called (D) oligarchy
(A) ministers 15. The doctrine of separation of powers
(B) commissioners is associated with
(C) senators (A) Locke
(D) judges (B) Marx
9. All the following were frontline (C) Montesquieu
fighters for Nigeria‟s independence (D) Hobbies
except 16. The ECOWAS monitoring Group
(A) Olu Fale (ECOMOG) was organized to
(B) Nnamdi Azikwe maintain peace in
(C) Obafemi Awolowo (A) Guinea
(D) Tafawa Balewa (B) Benin Republic
10. In a unitary system of government (C) Liberia
(A) parliament is very weak (D) Chad
17. Which of the following principle
(B) there is high degree of officials of the house is not an
centralization elected parliamentarian?
(C) political power is diffused (A) leader
(D) there is low degree of (B) speaker
centralisation i. (C clerk)
11. Which of the following is not a ii. (D)chief whip
means by which government 18. The „Uniting for peace‟ Resolution
maintains law and order of the UNO was adopted in
(A) law making (A) 1945
(B) maintenance of police and (B) 1947
other security agencies (C) 1950
(C) provision of socio-economic (D) 1960
services 19. A tax law emanates from
(D) establishment of provisional (A) the speaker
association (B) a public bill

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(C) a judicial bill 27. How many Nigerians were elected
(D) private bill into the Legislative Council when
20. The process through which people the elective principle was introduced
develop their political attitude is in 1922
called (A) two
(A) politicisation (B) three
(B) political socialisation (C) four
(C) political mobilistion (D) six
(D) political dissemination 28. The main deliberative organ of the
21. Which of the following is not an UNO is the
agent of political socialization? (A) international Court of Justice
(A) tourism (B) Secretariat
(B) family (C) Economic and Social
(C) mass media Council
(D) peer group (D) General Assembly
22. Government can be described as the 29. Which of the following will produce
art of weak government?
(A) making constitution (A) coalition
(B) collecting taxes (B) two-party-system
(C) engineering (C) general elections
(D) making and enforcing laws (D) military
23. An election in which people vote for 30. In democracies, political
issues of public policy rather than participation could be restricted on
candidates is known as a the basis of
(A) mini election (A) religion
(B) bye-election (B) class
(C) party primary (C) race
(D) referendum (D) age
24. Power is transformed into authority 31. Who founded the Unity Party of
through Nigeria?
(A) force (A) Chief Ajasin
(B) prayers (B) Pa Adesanya
(C) legitimacy (C) Chife Falae
(D) influence (D) Chief Awolowo
25. The concept of sovereignty was 32. Free and Fair election can exist
popularized by where there is
(A) J.J Rousseau (A) double voting
(B) A.V Dicey (B) secret balloting
(C) C.L Montesquieu (C) referendum
(D) Jean Bodin (D) plebiscite
26. Power under military rule in Nigeria 33. The Commission for Mediation,
can be said to be Conciliaton and Arbitation is an
(A) absolutely separated organ of the
i. (B)absolutely fussed (A) ECOWAS
(B) more separated than fussed (B) AU
(C) absolutely centralized (C) Commonwealth

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(D) OPEC (A) Iraq
34. The first president of Nigeria (B) Jordan
Republic was (C) Israel
(A) Obafemi Awolowo (D) Lebanon
(B) Nnamdi Azikwe 42. An institution which seeks to redress
(C) Ahmadu Bello people‟s grievances against abuse of
(D) Ibrahim Babangida administration power is the
35. A federal constitution is usually (A) ombudsman
(A) flexible (B) directorate of public
(B) unwritten Prosecution
(C) written and flexible (C) Judicial service
(D) written and rigid i. (D)Delegated
36. Ine form of delegated legislature is legislature
called 43. To promote justice is a state, judges
(A) dissolution must
(B) suspension (A) belong to the ruling party
(C) closure (B) punish people who oppose
(D) prorogation them
37. Who among the following was (C) enjoy security of tenure of
dismissed from Action Group at the office
Jos Congress of February 1962? (D) not socialize with the people
(A) Anthony Ehahoro 44. The two main policies introduced by
(B) Ladoke Akintola the French in West Africa were
(C) Dauda Adegbenro (A) indirect rule and direct rule
(D) Adesoji Aderemi (B) indirect rule assimilation
38. The chief executive in a (C) direct rule and indignant
parliamentary government is known (D) assimilation and association
as the 45. The scholar, who defined
(A) president sovereignty as an absolute power
(B) speaker vested in an authority was
(C) prime-minister (A) A,V. Dicey
(D) governor-general (B) Jean Bodin
39. Pressure group use all the following (C) John Austin
technique to achieve their objectives (D) Montesquieu
except 46. The head of the Commonwealth of
(A) lobbying Nations is
(B) demonstration (A) Queen Elizabeth II
(C) coup d‟etat (B) Don McKinnon
(D) strokes (C) Tony Blair
40. Authority means (D) David Cameroon
(A) an automatic right to be obey 47. Which of the following Countries
(B) legitimate right to obeyed had pratised confederation system of
(C) a civil right to obey orders Government?
(D) a civil right to be obey (A) Senegal and Gambia
41. Zoinism resulted in the establishment (B) Mali and Senegal
of the state of (C) Ghana and Nigeria

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(D) none of the above 49. The exclusive list in a federal state
48. The 1978 Local Government reform includes
Provided for a -----term of Office (A) education
(A) 4-year (B) market
(B) 5-year (C) defence
(C) 2-year (D) transportation
(D) 3-year

1. B
2. C 27. D
3. D 28. C
4. D 29. D
5. B 30. A
6. A 31. D
7. C 32. D
8. A 33. B
9. A 34. B
10. B 35. B
11. D 36. D
12. A 37. B
13. C 38. D
14. C 39. B
15. D 40. C
16. C 41. C
17. C 42. B
18. C 43. C
19. A 44. A
20. B 45. C
21. B 46. C
22. A 47. B
23. D 48. A
24. D 49. A
25. C 50. D
26. B 51. C

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1. Islam was introduced in Northern 7. The Colonial Administration in
Nigeria Nigeria was
(A) before the 13th Century (A) authoritarian
(B) in the 17th century (B) Democratic
(C) in the 19th century (C) A & B
(D) in the 18th century (D) none of the Above
2. Lagos became the crown colony in 8. In the traditional Hausa-Fulan
(A) 1900 political system, political authority
(B) 1914 was vested in the
(C) 1861 (A) Emir
(D) 1886 (B) Talakawa
3. In the pre-colonial Igbo political (C) Alkali
system, which of the following was (D) Emirate Council
the mot democratic organ of 9. In the Oyo traditional political
government? system, the Alaafin of Oyo was
(A) The Umand elected or chosen by a group known
(B) Eze as
(C) Isu (A) Tributary Chiefs
(D) Ohanaeze (B) Baale
4. A historical feature of the legislature (C) ogboni
council that met in 1923 was that for (D) Oyo Mesi
the first time it 10. In the Oyo empire, the Alaafin was
(A) included the official (A) an absolute monarch
members who were (B) popularly elected
Nigerians (C) a constitutional monarch
(B) included only British (D) worshipped as deity
officials 11. The concept of indirect Rule in
(C) acted in a deliberative Nigeria is usually associated with
capacity (A) Sir George T. Goldie
(D) included elected African (B) Claude Macdonald
members (C) Lord Lugard
5. When was the emirate system of (D) Cousul Philip
administration introduced in Nothern 12. The Lagos Colony and the Southern
Nigeria? Protectorate of Nigeria were joined
(A) 19th century in the year
(B) 20th century (A) 1904
(C) 18th century (B) 1906
(D) 17th century (C) 1910
6. Pre-colonial Igbo society was (D) 1914
(A) centralised 13. The committee that recommended
(B) acephalous Abuja as the new Federal Capital
(C) feudal was headed by
(D) capitalized 14. Graham Douglas

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15. Mamman (B) Berlin Conference
16. Rotimi Williams (C) Lagos Treaty
17. Akinola Aguda (D) Cape Coast
18. Galadima in the emirate refers to 25. An acephalous pre-colonial system is
(A) a vilage head best represented by the
(B) the office in charge of the (A) Oyo Epire
army (B) Igbo political organization
(C) the administration of the (C) Ijaw political organisation
capital city (D) davide and rule
(D) a judge 26. During the early colonial period in
19. Which of the following was the last Nigeria, the governor rule by the
to win independence from colonial protectorate by
rule? (A) Crown colony Orders
(A) Cote d‟ivoire (B) Proclamation
(B) Algeria (C) Order-in-Council
(C) Tazania (D) The Act of Parliament
(D) The French 27. The ratification of the appointment
20. Which of the following made the last and dismissal of an emir in the pre-
to win independence from colonial colonial Fulani empire was done by
rule? the
(A) The Portuguese (A) Emire of Kano
(B) The Germans (B) Emir of Sokoto
(C) The British (C) Emir of Gwandu
(D) The French (D) B & C
21. In the pre-colonial Yoruba society, 28. In the Hausa/Fulani traditional
the power of the Oyo Mesi were political system jungali was
checked by (A) one of the sources of revenue
(A) Baale to cattle owners
(B) Ogboni (B) a property tax paid to land
(C) Are Ona kankafo owners
(D) Bashorun (C) tax paid on cattle
22. The Ogboni Cult in the pre-colonial (D) a type of flat rate tax
Yoruba political system played the 29. Which of the following titles among
role of the the Igbos in the pre-colonial era
(A) judiciary required substantial wealth before
(B) exeutive one could acquire it?
(C) polie (A) Obi
(D) legislation (B) Eze
23. The Aro system in Igboland was a (C) Ozo
(A) political organisation (D) Ofo
(B) Commercial organisation 30. Nigerian educated elites agitated
(C) Religious organisation against colonial rule
(D) Imperial organization (A) (A)by bribing colonial
24. Which of the following formalized governors
colonial penetration into Africa? (B) through lobbying
(A) Paris Treaty (C) through newspapers

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(D) by fighting civil war 37. Archaeology findings in Ugbo-Ukwu
31. In the absence of the existence of are suggestive of rich
traditional rulers in the Igbo (A) Agriculture potentials
communities the British colonial (B) cultural civilization
administration appointed (C) mineral deposit
(A) Eze (D) all of the above
(B) Obi 38. Geographically, Nigeria lies between
(C) Ozo latitudes
(D) Warrant chiefs (A) 40 and 140
32. The introduction of indirect rule in (B) 4 and 100
eastern Nigeria led to the Aba (C) 140 and 4
Women Riots of (D) all of the above
(A) 1914 39. Ali Ghaji‟s reign ended in kanem
(B) 1929 Borno in
(C) 1935 (A) 1501
(D) 1940 (B) (B)1502
33. The colonial government whose (C) 1503
constitution introduced elective (D) 1504
principle into Nigerian Politics was 40. All of the following are renowned
(A) Arthur Richards historians except
(B) Fredrick Lugard (A) prof Ade Ajayi
(C) Hugh Clifford (B) pro Toyin Falola
(D) John Macpherson (C) pro Obaro Ikime
34. A chief could be deposed in the pre- (D) prof Akin Oyebade
colonial era if he 41. In Yorubaland, the concept which
(A) violated the written derived mainly from the wave of
constitution dispersal that attended the process of
(B) persistently neglected the state formation is known as
advice of the elders (A) Omo Iya
(C) refuse to collect taxes for the (B) (B)Ebi
Britishs (C) Oduduwa
(D) married too many wives (D) (D)all of the above
35. Which of the following is the pre- 42. Oron and Ekoi people of the Cross
colonial era had integrated political River Basin might have migrated to
structure Nigeria through the
(A) Tiv (A) Sea
(B) Ilaje (B) mountain
(C) Jukun (C) sky
(D) Nupe (D) none
36. The Yoruba, Edo, Nupe, and Ibo 43. The Portuguese first visited Benin
languages are classified as belonging around
to the (A) 1485
(A) Arabic (B) 1484
(B) Kwa-sub group (C) 1486
(C) (C)law sub group (D) 1483
(D) kai sub group 44. Songhai Empire fell in….

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(A) 1591 49. In pre-Jihad, leadership in Hausaland
(B) 1691 was known as
(C) 1791 (A) Habe
(D) 1891 (B) Emir
45. --------- and slave raiding were (C) Magida
complementary exercises among the 50. Yoruba inter-state wars lasted for
Yoruba (A) 16years
(A) farming (B) 10years
(B) hunting (C) 100years
(C) war (D) 50years
(D) diplomacy 51. Berlin „African‟ conference took
46. The head of the Sokoto Caliphate place between
was known as (A) 1884 and 1885
(A) Sultan (B) 1885 and 1886
(B) Caliph (C) 1886 and 1887
(C) Emir (D) 1883 and 1884
(D) Alhaji 52. The 1804 Jihad in Nigeria could be
47. The Ekitiparapo war lasted for referred to all except
(A) 10years (A) Sokoto Jihad
(B) 16years (B) Uthman Dan Fodiyo jihad
(C) 100years (C) Fulani Jihad
(D) 50years (D) Seku Ahmadu Jihad
48. The Sokoto Jihad led to the 53. Samori Toure was captured in 1893
formation of Islamic in following by
states except (A) French imperialism
(A) Senegal (B) British imperialism
(B) Mali (C) Germany imperialism
(C) Chad (D) none of the above
(D) Togo

1. A
2. D 14.D 24.A
3. D
4. D
15.C 25.D
5. D 16.D 26.C
6. C 17.A 27.C
7. B 18.D 28.C
8. A
9. A 19.A 29.D
10. D 20.C 30.C
11. A 21.B 31.B
12.C 22.B 32.B
13.B 23.B 33.D

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34.B 40.A 46.A
35.B 41.A 47.C
36.A 42.A 48.D
37.D 43.C 49.A
38.D 44.B 50.D
39.B 45.B 51.A

1. When literature recreates real (D) accuses leader of
events, it is said to be______ insensitiveness
(A) didactic 6. The time to the events in a literary
(B) fatual text is referred to as __ setting.
(C) fictious (A) special
(D) allegorical (B) spatial
2. When literature teaches moral (C) temporary
lessons, it is said to be___ (D) temporal
(A) instructive 7. What distinguishes drama from other
(B) informative literary genres is that it is meant to
(C) didactic be_
(D) dynamic (A) read
3. One of the following is not a (B) (B)acted
function of literature (C) recited
(A) inciting (D) viewed
(B) Entertaining 8. The writer of a play text is referred
(C) Correcting to as ______
(D) Exposing (A) playwriter
4. As a medium for exposing and (B) playwrite
correcting ills in the society literature (C) playright
is___ (D) playwright
(A) allegorical 9. The major division of a novel is
(B) satirical called__
(C) political (A) chapter
(D) abusive (B) stanza
5. Literature is referred to as a slice of (C) act
life when it____ (D) scene
(A) recounts real event 10. The perspective from which the story
(B) entertains its audience in a novel is narrated is referred to
(C) reveals reality in society as_

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(A) angle the necessary atmosphere and
(B) focus encouragement that will sensitize
(C) technique “the mules” towards a spontaneous
(D) point of view wish to write. This , I believe, has
11. A misuse of a word in place of been addressed in this brief lecture.
another one due to similarity in their 18. The passage is_____ in nature
sounds is known as__ (A) descriptive
(A) error (B) explanatory
(B) parallelism (C) declarative
(C) malapropism (D) conversational
(D) mistake 19. The „mules‟ in this passage are___
12. “Wisdom cries out in the open (A) animals
places” is an example of___ (B) students
(A) personification (C) reliable clients
(B) metaphor (D) potential writers
(C) oxymoron 20. The underlined expression is an
(D) ellipsis example of____
13. One of the following is not a figure (A) paradox
of speech (B) metaphor
(A) climax (C) simile
(B) Oxymoron (D) oxymoron
(C) antitheses 21. The point of view used in this
(D) mime passage is___
14. ____ is an indirect reference to an (A) omniscient
event, speech or action in the past. (B) first person
(A) Allusion (C) third person
(B) exaggeration (D) stream of consciousness
(C) pun (E) Used the poem below to
(D) innuendo answer question below
15. “The boy showed his love to his (F) Life is rise comings and
father by killing the man” is an goings
example of_ (G) Of travails and doings
(A) metaphor (H) But death ends all
(B) paradox 22. The rhyme scheme of the poem
(C) (C)irony is____
(D) allusion (A) aabb
16. Use the following passage to answer (B) aaba
question below (C) abba
17. We have led the „mules‟ to the green (D) abab
pastures near the brook with a view 23. The central theme of the poem is__
to guiding them to feed until they (A) hope
develop the appetite for sipping from (B) love
the foundation of the literary world. (C) faith
Really, we cannot and we do not (D) vanity
need to force the mules to drink. All 24. The tone of the –poem is that of ___
that needs to be done is to provide (A) resignation

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(B) anger (C) understands her feelings
(C) sorrow (D) approves of her carriage
(D) command 37. ___ is the playwright of women of
25. The type of rhyme in lines 2 and 3 Owu.
is____ (A) Femi Osofisan
(A) alternate (B) Wole Soyinka
(B) internal (C) Kobina Sekyi
(C) medial (D) William Golding
(D) couplet 38. One major theme in women of Owu
(E) Use the extract below to is ____
answer question below (A) hatyred
(F) William Shakespeare: The (B) tolerance
Tempest (C) political bigotry
26. Speaker A: The hour‟s now come (D) thie folly of war
27. The very minute bids thee ope thine 39. Who is the protagonist of Kobina
ear Sekyi‟s The Blinkards?
28. Obey, and be attentive. Canst thou (A) Mr. Tisba
remember (B) Dr. Ohweyie
29. A time before we came unto this (C) Banister Onyimdzi
cell? (D) Mrs. Brofuseun
30. I do not think thou canst, for then 40. In Arms and the Man major
thou wast not Saranoff eventually marries_____
31. Out three years old (A) Catherine
(B) Raina
(C) Nicola
(D) Louka
32. Speaker B: Certainly, Sir, I can!
41. ____ is the playwright of the
33. Who is Speaker A?
importance of Being Earnest.
(A) Alonso
(A) Oscar Wide
(B) Prospero
(B) Oscar Wild
(C) Antono
(C) Oscar Wilde
(D) Caliban
(D) Oscar Wade
34. Speaker B is ___
42. 33 In the Importance of Been
(A) Ariel
Earnest Jack Worthing‟s real
(B) Caliban
surname is___
(C) Andrian
(A) Algernon
(D) Miranda
(B) Earnest
35. 26 “this cell”, in the extract
(C) Fairface
illustrates the use of ____
(D) Moncrief
(A) irony
43. __ misplaced Jack Worthing in a
(B) metonymy
leader handbag.
(C) synecdoche
(A) Cecily
(D) metaphor
(B) Gwendolen
36. The response of speaker B shows
(C) Mrs. Prism
that speaker A ___
(D) Lady Bracknell
(A) underrates her memory
(B) dislikes her behavior

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44. One of these characters in The (A) oxymoron
importance of Being Earnest is a (B) metaphor
clergy. (C) Irony
(A) Algemon (D) personification
(B) Cardew 52. In “The Fence”, the expression, “my
(C) Bracknell head goes round and” portrays___
(D) Chasuble (A) anger
45. The expression “emaciated bones” in (B) disappointment
“Myopia” is an example of____ (C) confusion
(A) poetic license (D) scorn
(B) transferred epithet 53. who is the author of Lord of the
(C) innuendo Files?
(D) ellipsis (A) Williams Shakespeare
46. The expression “boulevards of (B) Lord Baron
misery” in “myopia” exemplifies the (C) Williams Golding
use of_ (D) Earnest Hemmingway
(A) irony 54. A predominant theme in Lord of the
(B) assonance Flies is___
(C) metaphoor (A) The innateness of evil
(D) personification (B) religious fanaticism
47. The title of the poem “myopia” (C) necessity for social order
connotes___ (D) the uselessness of adult
(A) lack of focus 55. Which song is meant to lull a baby to
(B) wickedness sleep?
(C) eye defect (A) Ballad
(D) poverty (B) Lullaby
48. Lenrie Peter‟s “The Fence” has the (C) Dirge
refrain____ (D) Ode
(A) we want change 56. The last six lines of a patrachan
(B) O elephant sonnet is called____
(C) we are necessary (A) septet
(D) there I lie (B) quatrain
49. The style of presentation of t “the (C) sextet
Fence” is ___ (D) Octave
(A) stream of consciousness 57. A quatrain contains __lines.
(B) persona (A) five
(C) flashback (B) three
(D) third person narration (C) four
50. “The Fence” is present in the form of (D) six
a/an ____ 58. ___ is a moment of relief In a tragic
(A) accusation play brought about through a comic
(B) admonition scene.
(C) lamentation (A) tragic relief
(D) protest (B) Comic relief
51. A predominant figure of speech in (C) Suspense
“The Fence” is__ (D) Comedy

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59. ___ is a device used to bring past (B) Exposition
event into focus to clarify present (C) foreshadowing
events in literature. (D) Flashback
(A) Prologue

1. B
2. C 27.A
3. A 28.A
4. B 29.D
5. C 30.C
6. D 31.C
7. B 32.C
8. D 33.D
9. A 34.C
10.D 35.D
11.C 36.B
12.A 37.C
13.D 38.A
14.A 39.D
15.C 40.B
16.B 41.C
17.D 42.D
18.B 43.C
19.B 44.C
20.C 45.A
21.D 46.B
22.A 47.C
23.D 48.C
24.B 49.B
25.D 50.D

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1. Without using table, evaluate (243)1/5 x (0.09)-1 x 125-2/3

(A) 4
(B) ¾
(C) 3
(D) 4/3

2. Three consecutive positive integers a, b and c are such that b2 = 4 (a + c).

find the value of c
(A) 6
(B) 3
(C) 9
(D) 5

3. Find the principal which amount to = N=4,400 at simple interest in 5years

at 2% per annum.
(A) =N=3,800
(B) =N=5.200
(C) =N=5,000
(D) =N=4,000

4. The sum of the first 20 terms of the progression, 3, 6, 12, …. Is

(A) 3(221-1)
(B) 3(220-1)
(C) 3(220+1)
(D) 3(221+1)

5. Mr. Robson bought bags of orange for =N=2,500 each. He sold them for =
N90,000 at a loss of 20%. How many bags of orange did he buy?
(A) 60
(B) 80
(C) 50
(D) 45

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6. The second and fifth terms of a geometric progression are 21 and 567
respectively find the first term and the common ratio of the progress.
(A) 3,7
(B) 7,3
(C) -7,3
(D) -3,7

7. Tunse bought a house for = N=1,250,000 and spent = N=350,000.00 to

renovate it. He then sold the house for =N=2,000,000.00. What is the
percentage gain?
(A) 40%
(B) 65%
(C) 35%
(D) 32%

8. List the integral values of which satisfy the inequality -2 < 7 – 3x<10
(A) -1, 0, 1, 2
(B) -2, 0, 1
(C) 1,2,3
(D) 0,1,2

9. In a class, 120 students speak English or English or French or both. 70

speak English and 55 speak French. How many speak English but not
(A) 45
(B) 50
(C) 55
(D) 60

10. The lengths of the sides of a right angled triangle are ym, (3y – 1)m and
(3y+1)m, find y.
(A) 12
(B) 9
(C) 8
(D) 4

11. Uche, Adamu and Ope share profit on a business deal. Uche received 1/3
of the profit and Adamu received 2/3 of the remainder. If Ope received the
remaining =N=12,000, how much profit did they share?
(A) = N=54,000
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(B) =N=58,000
(C) =N=48,000
(D) =N=42,000

12. A ladder resting on a vertical wall makes an angle whose tangent is 2.5
with ground. If the distance between the foot of the ladder and the wall is
60cm, what the length of the ladder?
(A) 2m
(B) 1.6m
(C) 0.8m
(D) 3m

13. Three students share a bag of garri in such a way that the first student took
¼ of the garri and the second ¾ of the remainder. What fraction of the bag
of garri did the third student take?
(A) 3/16
(B) 2/9
(C) 3/5
(D) 4/15
14. Solve the simultaneous linear equations 2x+5y = 11, 7x+4y = 2
(A) 27/34, 34/27
(B) -34/27, 73/27
(C) 2/3, 4/5
(D) 1/3, 2/5

15. If x + 1 is a factor of x3+3x2+Kx+4, find the value of K.

(A) 6
(B) 4
(C) -4
(D) 3

16. Paul and his friend, Peter went to buy an article costing =N=600. Peter had
10% of the cost and Paul 40% of the remainder. How much did they have
(A) =N=320
(B) =N=440
(C) =N=276
(D) =N=196

17. Find all values of x satisfying the inequality – 14 < 4-3x < 31
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(A) -6< x < 9
(B) -9 < x < 6
(C) 5<x<8
(D) 6 < x < 12

18. What factor is common to all the expressions x2 – x, 2x2 – x – 1 and x2 – 1?

(A) (2x-1)
(B) (x+1)
(C) (x-1)
(D) (2x+3)

19. Find the sum to infinity of the following series 3+2+4/3 +8/9 + 16/27 +…..
(A) 270
(B) 9
(C) 27
(D) 90

20. Find the number of sides of a regular polygon whose interior angle is twice
the exterior angle
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 9

21. Find the value of p, if the line which passes through (-1, -p) and (-2p, 2) is
parallel to the line 27+8x – 17 = 0.
(A) 6/7
(B) 4/7
(C) 2/5
(D) -6/7

22. Obtain a maximum value of the function f(x) = x3 – 12x +11

(A) -15
(B) 27
(C) 15
(D) 20

23. If y = 5cos (-6x), dx/dy is

(A) 30sin (-6x)
(B) 5sin (-6x)
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(C) -30sin (-6x)
(D) -30cos (-6x)

24. Find the variance of the numbers, k, k+1, k+2

(A) 1/3
(B) 3
(C) 2/3
(D) 1

25. At what value of x is the function y = x2 – 6x – 7 minimum

(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 2

26. The chances of three independent events P, Q, R occurring are ½ , 2/3, ¼,

respectively. What are the chances of P and Q only occurring?
(A) ¼
(B) 2/3
(C) 2/9
(D) ½

27. If x and y represent the mean and the media respectively of the following
marks of students in a Mathematics test 11, 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 21.
Find x/y correct to 1 decimal place
(A) 1
(B) 3
(C) 5
(D) 2

28. Find the point of the Euclidean plan where the curve y = 2x 2 – 2x + 9 has 2
as gradient.
(A) (2,4)
(B) (3,5)
(C) (1,3)
(D) (1,4)

29. Find the equation of the line through (5,7) parallel to the line 7x +5y – 5 =
(A) 5y +7x = 70
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(B) 7x+5y = 7
(C) 5x +7y = 110
(D) y+5x= 70

30. AAUA allocations to various Facilities in a school budget are as follows:

Science =N=35,000,000.00
Education =N=25,000,000.00
Law =N=20,000,000.00
Social and Management =N=20,000,000.00
In a pie chart to represent this information the corresponding angle to Science is
(A) 900
(B) 1260
(C) 450
(D) 1000

31. Simplify 3 1/3 – 1 ¼ x 2/3 + 1 2/5

(A) 3 1/10
(B) 3 9/10
(C) 3 2/5
(D) 33 1/5

32. Find the distance between points A (-4, 5) and B(-3,2)

(A) 10
(B) 2 5
(C) 3

No of children 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
No of families 7 11 6 7 7 5 3

(A) 3,1
(B) 1,2
(C) 1,6
(D) 1,1

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34. Rationalize (4 7+
(A) - 14- 6
(B) 2 14-6
(C) -3 14- 28
(D) 14-8

35. A housewife bought five yam at Y34 per yam and three oranges at Y5 each
where Y is the currency reckoned in base six. The total amount spent by
the housewife is
(A) Y2256
(B) Y3156
(C) Y3156
(D) Y3526

36. Justice Starts a 5km walk from P on a bearing 0230. He then walk 4km on
a bearing of 1130 to Q. what is the bearing of Q from P?
(A) 67. 40
(B) 230
(C) 90.40
(D) 1130

37. Divide the L.C.M. of 36, 54 and 90 by their HCF

(A) 15
(B) 20
(C) 30
(D) 45

38. If 125x = 2010 find x

(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 3
(D) 2

39. Simplify 4 1/3 – (2 ½ - 1 3/5)

(A) 7/30
(B) 2½
(C) 3 1/10
(D) 3 13/30

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40. If x: y = 2/3: 5/6 and y:z = ¾ : ½ , find x:y:z
(A) 21:15:10
(B) 15:12:10
(C) 12:15:10
(D) 10:15:12

41. The number 327, 036 was corrected to 327,000. Which of the following
can exactly describe the degree of approximation used?
I. To 3 significant figures
II. To 4 significant figures
III. To the nearest hundred
IV. To the nearest thousand

(A) I and III only

(B) II and IV only
(C) I, and III only
(D) I, II, III and IV

42. If 1010102 x10+11112 the value of x is

(A) 32
(B) 27
(C) 19
(D) 13

43. The population of a school is 1, 376. Express this to three signficant

(A) 1,370
(B) 1,376
(C) 1,380
(D) 138

44. A labourer‟s daily wage is =N=80 for the first 10 days and = N= 100 for
the next 9 days. Find the daily wage for the remaining 6 working days of
the month, if his average dialy wage for the month is =N=90.80
(A) =N=110
(B) =N=105
(C) =N=95
(D) =N=92.50

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45. Find the value of x if 4logx +5logx-7logx = log16
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 8
(D) 16

46. A motorist drives from P to Q at an average speed of 80km/hr and

immediately returns from Q to P through the same route at an average
speed of 50km/hr. The average speed for the round – trip journey is
(A) 53.3km/hr
(B) 60.0km/hr
(C) 62.5km/hr
(D) 65.0km/hr

47. If X = {1,2,3,4,5,6) Y = (2,4,5,7) and Z = {1,4,5) which of the following is

(are) correct?
I. n (X = 13
II. (X
III. n(X
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and III only
(D) II and III only

48. X sold a radio set to Y at profit of 10% and Y sold it for =N=2, 612.50 at a
loss of 5%. The cost of the radio to X was.
(A) = N=2,500
(B) =N=2,488
(C) =N=2,375
(D) =N=2,272

49. Factorize 62m+1+7 (6m) – 5

(A) (3(6m) + 5) (2(6m) – 1)
(B) (3(6m) – 5) (2(6m) + 1)
(C) (3(6m) – 5) (3(6m) + 1)
(D) (2(6m)+5) (3(6m) – 1)

50. The minimum point on the curve y = x2 – 4 +3 is

(A) (2,-1)
(B) (0,3)
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(C) (1,0)
(D) (2,-4)

1) D 18) C 35) C
2) D 19) B 36) C
3) D 20) B 37) C
4) B 21) A 38) C
5) D 22) B 39) D
6) B 23) A 40) C
7) D 24) C 41) D
8) A 25) A 42) B
9) C 26) A 43) C
10) A 27) A 44) C
11) A 28) C 45) B
12) B 29) A 46) A
13) A 30) B 47) D
14) B 31) B 48) A
15) A 32) D 49) A
16) C 33) B 50) A
17) B 34) A

1. The type of activity which turns processed raw materials into consumer and industrial
goods is described as
(A) Extractive
(B) Manufacturing
(C) Constructive
(D) Processing
2. A company earned a total revenue of =N=108 million with a total cost of =N=91 million
in 1991. If it paid 45% tax on its gross profit for that year, determine its net profit.
N=24,65 million

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(A) =N= 24,65 million
(B) =N=17.00 million
(C) =N=9.35 million
(D) =N= 7.65 million
3. The production process that combines two or more raw materials into one end product is
(A) Conditioning
(B) Biending
(C) Merging
(D) Synthesis
4. Sole enterprise may flourish best in
(A) A mining business
(B) A retailing business
(C) An oil exploration business
(D) A car assembly business
5. A demonstration of soil responsibility by a business is the payment of
(A) Taxes of government
(B) Dividends to shareholders
(C) Interest on loans
(D) Premium for insurance
6. The difference between the total payments for imports and the receipts from exports
within a given period is referred to as
(A) Balance of payments
(B) Balance of trade
(C) Comparative cost advantage
(D) Comparative advantage
7. A distinguishing characteristic of a limited liability company is that is
(A) Is a collection of many sole proprietors
(B) Is a multiple partnership
(C) Can sue and be sued
(D) Has limited resources
8. Which of the following statements is TRUE about sea transport?

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(A) All ships have specific routes to ply
(B) All ships must be insured at every journey
(C) All ships are insured separately from the crew
(D) All ships normally arrive at their destination with goods
9. Which of the following takes place when firms producing at different stages in the same
industry combine?
(A) Conglomeration
(B) Vertical integration
(C) Horizontal integration
(D) Cartel
10. Goods discharged from ships on which import duties have not been paid are kept in the
(A) Ordinary warehouse
(B) Public warehouse
(C) Private warehouse
(D) Bounded warehouse
11. NACCIMA stands for
(A) Nigerian- American Centre for Culture, Industries, Mines and Arts
(B) Nigerian Association for Culture, Civics, Industries, Minerals and Arts
(C) National Agency for Culture, Civilization, Investments, Manufacturing and
(D) Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, industries, Mines and Agriculture
12. What are the factors with which commercial understandings can be distinguished?
I Size of the undertakings
II Profits generated
III forms of ownership
IV Location of the undertakings
(A) I and II only
(B) I and III only
(C) II and III only
(D) III and IV only

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13. For the establishment of a powerful consumers‟ association in Nigeria to exist, they must
(A) Financial and moral support from the public
(B) Honest and committed leadership
(C) Allocation of goods from the producers
(D) Freedoms from external influence
14. The merger to two companies producing the same type of products is an example of
(A) Vertical integration
(B) Horizontal integration
(C) Lateral merger
(D) An acquisition
15. Which of the following is the most important business resources?
(A) Money
(B) Management
(C) Materials
(D) Manpower
16. In the case of a voluntary liquidation of a business, the receiver is appointed by the
(A) Creditors
(B) Debtors
(C) Directors
(D) Shareholders
17. Which of the following makes other functions of business its appendages?
(A) Production
(B) Marketing
(C) Finance
(D) Personnel
18. The nominal value of a share as specified in the Memorandum of Association and the
share certificate is the
(A) Discounted value
(B) Stock value
(C) Face value

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(D) Per value
19. The use of computers in modern banking industry is a reflection of
(A) Competitive development
(B) Scientific development
(C) Economic development
(D) Technological development
20. A public limited company can raise long- term loan through
(A) The capital market
(B) The money market
(C) Bank overdrafts
(D) Discount houses
21. RRF as a scheme introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria means
(A) Recording and Rediscounting Faculty
(B) Refinancing and Recording Faculty
(C) Refinancing and rediscounting Faculty
(D) Refinancing and Reinvesting faculty
22. The breaking down of a market into separate and identifiable elements each with its own
special product requirements is known as market
(A) Differentiation
(B) Segmentation
(C) Penetration
(D) Identification
23. Which of the following gives the correct order in which the listed documents are used?
(A) Debit note, order, delivery note, invoice and statement
(B) Order, delivery note, invoice, debit note and statement
(C) Statement, order, invoice, delivery note and debit note
(D) Invoice, order, statement, debit note and delivery note
24. When an industry or company is nationalized, the state becomes
(A) The majority shareholder
(B) The minority shareholder
(C) The only shareholder

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(D) An equal shareholder with other individuals
25. Freight note is a document
(A) Used by government to transport goods from one country to another
(B) Issued by a shipping company giving details of charges
(C) Used for payment for imported goods
(D) Given by an importer to pay for goods at a future period
26. Motivation is an essential element in management because it
(A) Leads to the improvement of staff welfare
(B) Encourage individual to work towards achieving the organization‟s objective
(C) Reduce friction among the organization‟s objectives
(D) Helps to eliminate industrial disharmony
27. The practice by which insurance company accepts a very large risk and later shares it
with other insurance companies is called.
(A) Subrogation
(B) Contribution
(C) Re-insurance
(D) Indemnity
28. The business organization in which shareholders have equal votes is
(A) Sole proprietorship
(B) Partnership
(C) Co-operative
(D) Limited liability

29. A major liability of a commercial bank arises from

(A) Customer‟s deposits
(B) Loans and advances
(C) Overdrafts
(D) Staff allowances
30. A term which indicates that a share is temporarily suspended is
(A) ex-dividend
(B) cum-dividend

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(C) bond
(D) stock
31. The most important piece of legislation governing business and commercial activities in
Nigeria currently is the
(A) Companies Decree, 1968
(B) Trade Disputes Decree, 1976
(C) Companies and Allied Matters Decree, 1990
(D) Banks and Other Financial Institutions Decree, 1991
32. The existing system of governance and the administrative sub-divisions of a country
which described as
(A) Economics environment
(B) Legal environment
(C) Political environment
(D) Social environment
33. One of the criteria for differentiating consumer markets from industrial ones is the
(A) Type of demand
(B) Type of supply
(C) Nature of the services rendered
(D) Price of the goods
34. If a firm‟s turnover is =N=15,000 and the cost of goods sold is =N= 10,000, what is the
percentage of gross profit on sales?
(A) 23.3%
(B) 33.3%
(C) 50.0%
(D) 66.6%
35. The overriding objective of the Food and Drug Act in Nigeria is to prevent the
(A) Importation of food and drugs that can be locally manufactured
(B) Consumption of food and drugs not tested by the ministries of health
(C) Adulteration of food and drugs sold in the country
(D) Manufacturers of food drugs from charging excessive prices.
36. The assets, liabilities and general management of a distressed bank may be taken over by

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(A) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
(B) Nigerian Industrial Development Bank
(C) Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation
(D) Nigerian Bank for Commerce and Industry
37. The activities of consumers association in Nigeria have not been effective because
(A) The consumers are too many
(B) The government is not favourably disposed towards consumerism
(C) There is poor enlightenment about consumer rights
(D) The consumers have no medium for expressing their feelings
38. I. Companies must be registered as private limited liability companies
II. Companies must have not less than 100 shareholders
III. No shareholder may have more than 75% of issued share capital.
What of the above are requirements for admission into the second-tier securities market?
(A) I and II only
(B) I and III only
(C) I, and III
(D) II and III only
39. The least of the advantages of indigenization is that
(A) The standard of living of the indigenes is improved
(B) The economy is controlled by the nationals
(C) Entrepreneurial skills is developed
(D) Foreigners‟ domination is avoided
40. An underlying principles in the marketing of goods is that firms should
(A) Train their personnel
(B) Be consumer oriented
(C) Advertise the goods
(D) Sell through outlets
41. An example of a consumer protection agency is the
(A) Nigerian Bar Association
(B) Nigerian Medical Association
(C) Federal Environmental Protection Agency

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(D) Manufacturers Association of Nigeria
42. The ordinary shareholders enjoy the following rights EXCEPT the right to
(A) Vote at annual general meetings
(B) Elect the board of directors
(C) Participate in additional issues of shares
(D) Receive dividends at a predetermined rate
43. The body that organizes, promotes and participates in local and foreign trade fairs is the
(A) Ministry of Commerce and Tourism
(B) Ministry of Finance
(C) Chambers of Commerce
(D) Export Promotion Council
44. Commerce makes it possible for man to live in a …
(A) Complex and organized society
(B) Society characterized by subsistence
(C) Society characterized by dependency
(D) Simple and organized society
45. The main function of thrift, credit and loans co-operative societies is to
(A) Educate their members
(B) Collect money from their members
(C) Disburse money to their members
(D) Raise investment finance among their members
46. Which of these sets of external environmental factors affect a business operation?
(A) Competition, Industry and Product
(B) Competition, Labour and Political
(C) Political, Cultural and Labour
(D) Economic, Social and Legal
47. Management is described as
(A) Getting things done trhough people
(B) Implementation of business decisions
(C) The number of levels in an organization
(D) The people in authority in an organization

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48. The ECOBANK is the initiative of
(A) Some well – meaning Nigerian shareholders
(B) The Federal Government of Nigeria
(C) West African States to foster trade
(D) The Lagos state Government enhance capital mobilization
49. Under normal circumstances, a business enterprise can be ideally structured
(A) by product, function or territories
(B) Around the personalities in the enterprises
(C) On the ruling of the management
(D) On the basis of an order from stockholders
50. Shares can be forfeited for
(A) Non – payment of any due to the company
(B) Non – attending three annual general meetings consecutively
(C) Non – payment of call money
(D) Violent activities at the Annual General Meetings

1. B 11. D 21. D 31. C 41. C
2. C 12. B 22. B 32. C 42. D
3. B 13. D 23. B 33. A 43. C
4. B 14. B 24. C 34. B 44. C
5. A 15. D 25. B 35. C 45. D
6. A 16. A 26. B 36. C 46. D
7. C 17. B 27. C 37. C 47. A
8. C 18. C 28. C 38. D 48. C
9. B 19. D 29. A 39. A 49. A
10. D 20. A 30. A 40. B 50. A

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