Assignment Contract
Assignment Contract
Assignment Contract
WHEREAS, Assignee has agreed to pay Assignor a Marketing Fee (“Assignment Fee”),
all payable upon the successful closing, funding and full performance by Seller under
the terms of the Contract; The Assignment Fee shall be calculated as the balance of
the proceeds between the Assignee’s Total Purchase Price and the Assignor
Contract Price with the Seller(s).
Now therefore, in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00), receipt of which is
hereby acknowledged,
1. The rights and liabilities set forth in the Contract and all addenda shall be and are
hereby assigned from Assignor to Assignee for the Assignment Fee and for other
good and valuable consideration paid by Assignee as delineated as follows:
2. Assignee agrees to Purchase Property for $187,000 (One Hundred Eighty Seven
Thousand Dollars and no cents) on or before May 25, 2020 and agrees to pay all
closing cost associated with this transaction. The balance of the funds shall be the
assignment fee.
3. This Agreement shall be binding and enforceable only at such time as the Assignee
shall make a good faith non-refundable deposit of _Two Thousand Five
Hundred__ Dollars ($_2,500.00_________) payable to and received by the
Assignor via ready available funds.
5. Settlement shall occur as is indicated in the Contract time being of the essence.
9. In the event the buyer breaches the terms of this contract, the buyer shall forfeit the
entire amount of the earnest money deposit to the seller.
10. The Buyer/Assignee shall pay all closing cost which shall not exceed 1.5% of
the purchase price.
10.Assignee agrees to protect, defend, hold harmless and indemnify Assignor, its
agents, employees, and customers from and against all claims, losses, liabilities and
damages, and to pay all claims, judgments, awards, costs and expenses (including
costs of investigation and defense and reasonable attorneys’ fees), arising out of or
related to: (i) any breach by Assignee of this Agreement (including representations
and warranties) (ii) any infringement or misappropriation of a third party’s proprietary
rights by Assignee in the performance of Services hereunder; and (iii) any claim for
damages arising under or related to the acts or omissions of Assignee in the performance of
the Services hereunder.
11.All parties agree to use CLOSELINE SETTLEMENTS for Title and Settlement services,
including the issuance of a title policy.
12.All Recitals stated herein are incorporated herein as material terms of this
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE: Property is being sold “As Is.” This
transaction is not contingent on Buyer obtaining financing. Buyer to pay all closing
costs that include transfer taxes, recording fees, attorney fees, title insurance and title
search, and escrow fees.