or: . Dedication
N elson ny Inc
Vance mpa
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th Pu on
: t Ear Editi 17 ny This book is dedicated to my Dad and Mom. They have been the
isher Plane First y, 20 d in a lson
Publ ecr ets of nsters Feb ruar e p r oduce n ce Ne
told S tal Mo ting: o r r r V a f caring parents that many children live without. In showing me the
Un umen Prin use d her o rets o
arth: Mon First N elson
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net E Van c e s bo o k to f t h o: lbe a
r t meaning of love and acceptance, they helped me better understand
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© 2017 a r t of thi n c onsen tion write t d D eer, A
Secre igh t o p rit t e a P.O.,
R e the love and acceptance of my Heavenly Father.
Untold Copyr ed. N the w nform
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For in ntoldsecr
While I was in elementary school, I never gave much thought to have lost many varieties, and most of the giants. This is the
evolutionary ideas. However, by the time I was in junior high, I had fundamental point of the book. From the beginning of the world
already been thoroughly indoctrinated in the idea of “millions of until now, the number of varieties of a vast array of creatures has
years” through television, books, and the public school system. When diminished, and the giants have all but vanished. Due to sin, the
I went to high school, learning evolutionary theory was a requirement curse, and the Flood, things are getting worse.
for anyone taking biology. Since I took biology up to grade twelve,
In one or two cases, I have opted to use original (or older) genus
I was required to study evolutionary theory. Interestingly, my high
and species names for creatures (based on intense research).
school teacher pointed out that known scientific facts didn’t seem to
These names (classifications) seemed less biased with evolutionary
align with evolutionary theory.
presuppositions. My choices weren’t out of ignorance.
After high school, I earned both a theology degree and a biology
I have been as careful as possible to reference the facts and
degree. The science degree strengthened my scientific training and
figures I mention in the text of the book. There is much misinformation
convinced me that evolutionary theory was not scientific. From there,
about all of these creatures. Exaggerations abound. Generally, for the
I spent the next decade and a half travelling the world doing field
living comparisons in the text of the book, I have given the largest
research, discovering evidence in the real world relating to Biblical
example (rather than the average size). This is also true of the scale
history. I worked in palaeontological excavations, did research via
diagrams for the living counterparts seen there.
archaeological expeditions, and participated in geological field work
These creatures bring glory to God, bring recognition pertaining
to His creative ability, and ultimately bring awe regarding His Power.
Many see evolution as a grand theory which explains how all life
I therefore felt compelled to write a book about them. Furthermore,
began as a single-celled organism and has become everything we see
they demonstrate the truthfulness of Biblical history. God’s Word is
today—dogs, people, horses, rhinos, and elephants. In this scenario,
true from the beginning.
life started off simple, and became more complex through time. This
is how Charles Darwin understood his theory, as we will see. Many If you are a born-again Christian, it is my sincere hope that the
see evolution as a mechanism of positive progress through time. The information in this book will be an encouragement to you. It is my
fossils themselves, however, show a very different record. The record hope that your faith in God’s Word will be strengthened and your
is not one of upward progress through time. Palaeontologists, who walk with God will grow.
know the fossils well, understand this. Things are not getting bigger If you are not a Christian, I pray that this book will encourage
and better over time. Often, they are declining. They are getting you to give serious thought to the God of the Bible and to the Christian
worse over time. Is this evolution? faith, that you will sense the urgency of asking the Lord Jesus Christ
Gigantic creatures that have lived in the past will be highlighted to forgive you of your sins, and that you will make a decision to trust
in this book. The reader should note, however, that there were and follow Him.
various ecological niches which would have been filled with creatures Enjoy the visual exploration of Monumental Monsters! It was a
of various sizes. The “giants” were but one of the sizes of creatures joy to research, write, and design this book. God bless you as you take
dwelling on the earth at any given time. It is true, however, that we a journey to a fascinating world filled with curiosity and wonder.
Imagine turning back the pages of history a few hundred
to a few thousand years, to a time when many creatures on
this planet were of monumental size; we might call them
monumental monsters. It seems strange that creatures
existed in the recent past which dwarf their currently living