Untitled presentation-7
Untitled presentation-7
Untitled presentation-7
Rajiv Kumar
(CEC of India)
Opposition : The political party or a group of parties
that are a part of the legislature, but not have
sufficient majority to form the government.
Partisan : A person who is
strongly committed to a party,
group or faction.
Partisanship is marked by
a tendency to take a
side and inability to take
a balanced view on an
Ruling party : Political party that runs
A political party is a group of people
who come together to contest elections
and hold power in the government
They agree on some policies and programmes
for the society with a view to promote
the collective good.
1,The leaders
2,Active Members
3,The Followers
Define a political party
Changing party allegiance from
the party on which a person got elected (to a
legislative body) to a different party.
It is called -
A, Defection
B, Affidavit
Functions of a Political party
1,Parties contest elections.