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Operating Instructions

BA 3400 EN 11.95
Flexible BIPEX couplings
types BWN, BWT and BNT




A. Friedr. Flender AG ⋅ 46393 Bocholt ⋅ Tel. 02871/92-0 ⋅ Telefax 02871/92-2596 ⋅ www.flender.com







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BA 3400 EN 11.95
1. Technical data

1.1 General technical data

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 1 Part 3







l1 S1 l1 l 2 S1 l2 l1 S1 l2


Nominal Speed Bore d2 TAPER Weight

torque S1 bush
nmax D1 Part Part

Size TKN Cam ring Part 1/2 Part 3/4 da 1/2 3/4 l1 l2 No. 1/2 3/4
92 80 from to from to
1) Shore 2) 3) 3)
Nm 1/min mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm kg kg
43 13.5 5000 5000 – 25 43 43 22 12 +0.5 0.14
53 24 5000 5000 – 30 53 50 25 14 +0.5 0.24
62 42 5000 5000 – 35 10 25 62 58 58 30 23 16 +0.5 1008 0.36
32 54 0.6
72 75 5000 4800 – 10 28 72 68 35 23 18 +0.5 1108 0.65
42 68 0.72
38 64 0.89
84 130 5000 4100 – 11 32 84 76 40 26 21 +0.5 1210 0.9
48 76 1.1
42 72 1.4
97 220 5000 3500 – 97 50 24 +1
50 85 1.7
48 82 2.1
112 360 5000 3100 – 14 42 112 100 60 26 27 +1 1610 2.05
60 100 2.7
55 94 3.1
127 550 5000 2700 – 127 65 27 +1
65 110 3.7
60 100 4.2
142 800 4900 2500 – 18 50 142 126 75 33 31 +1 2012 4
75 126 5.3
65 110 6.0
162 1250 4200 2100 – 162 80 36 +1
80 134 7.2
75 126 8.6
182 1750 3800 1900 – 18 60 182 152 90 45 42 +1 2517 7.75
90 152 10.5
80 134 11.5
202 2650 3400 1700 – 35 75 202 168 100 52 48 +1 3020 10.5
100 168 14
90 150 18
227 3700 3000 1500 – 42 90 227 180 110 90 54 +2 3535 17.5
110 180 21
Table 1.1: Torques TKN, speeds nmax. and dimensions

1) For types BWT and BNT, the slipping moment TR in Section 6., item 6.7 should be observed in
addition when using a TAPER bush without a parallel key. Principally, the smaller value is decisive
for checking the design.

2) Bores are partially designed with flat keyway, see Section 6., item

3) Weights are valid for max. bores including portion of the cam ring.

BA 3400 EN 11.95
The nominal torques TKN are valid for:

S daily operating cycle up to 24 h

S during the starting process or during operation, torque impulses up to the triple nominal torque are
allowed up to 25 times per hour.
S Operation within the prescribed alignment
S Operation in the temperature range from - 30 °C to + 80 °C (ambient temperature or temperature of
the shaft ends).

For permanent trouble-free operation, the coupling has to be designed with a

Caution! service factor appropriate to the respective application. When changing the
operating conditions (performance, speed, changes on power engine and
machine), a check of the design is absolutely necessary.

2. General notes

2.1 General

These Operating Instructions constitute part of the coupling shipment and should be kept in the
immediate vicinity of the coupling at all times.
Only a precise knowledge of the Operating Instructions will ensure trouble-free operation of the
coupling. It is therefore in the interest of our customer that the operating instructions are read,
understood and observed in all respects by the persons responsible for handling, installation and
Note: We accept no liability for any damage or malfunction resulting from non-observance
of the operating instructions.

The ”coupling” dealt with in these operating instructions was developed for stationary use in general

The coupling is only designed for the field of application as specified in Section 1 ”Technical data”.
Operating conditions which differ from the stated will require fresh contractual agreements.

The coupling described here is in accordance with the state of the art at the time of these operating
instructions go into print.

In the interest of further development, we reserve the right to introduce modifications which, while
retaining the essential features, can be regarded as desirable to increase its efficiency and safety.

The copyright of these Operating Instructions remains the property of FLENDER AG.

These operating instructions may not be duplicated in part or whole, utilized for the purpose of publicity
or communicated to third parties without our expressed consent.

Please contact our works listed below in respect of all technical queries.

D 46393 Bocholt

Telephone: 02871/92-2800
Telefax: 02871/92-2801

or one of our service branches which are listed in Section 11 ”Stocking spare parts, service facility

BA 3400 EN 11.95
3. Safety notes

3.1 Safety notes

S The coupling is constructed in accordance with the state of the art and is reliable in the condition as
shipped. Unauthorized modifications which impair its reliability are not permissible. This also applies
to guards which are fitted as protection against accidental contact.
S The coupling may only be used and operated within the scope of the condition specified in the contract
of performance and supply.

S The customer should ensure that the persons entrusted with installation, operation, care and
maintenance as well as repair have read and understood the operating instructions and observe them
in all respects in order to:

– prevent hazard to life and limb of the user and third parties

– ensure the reliability of the coupling

– prevent failure and environmental pollution due to incorrect handling.

S The relevant regulations concerning industrial safety and pollution control should be observed during
handling, installation, operation as well as care and maintenance.

S The coupling may only be operated, serviced and repaired by authorized, trained and properly
instructed personnel.

S All work should be carried out with care with the safety aspect in mind.

S All work on the coupling may only be carried out when it is stationary.
The coupling must be secured to prevent accidental start up (e.g. by locking the key switch or by
removing the fuses and the power supply). A notice should be displayed at the switch-on point stating
that work is in progress on the coupling.

S The drive unit should be shut off at once if changes in the coupling are detected during operation, such
as e.g. changed running noises.

S The coupling must be protected by means of suitable guards to prevent accidental contact.

S During installation of the coupling in units or systems, the manufacturer of the units or systems is
obliged to incorporate the requirements, notes and descriptions contained in these operating
instructions in his own operating instructions.

3.1.1 Notes and symbols in the operating instructions

Instructions in the operating instructions which concern operating safety are emphasized as follows:

This symbol draws attention tosafety measures which must be observed to prevent
personal injury.

This symbol draws attention to safety measures which must be observed to prevent
Caution! damage to the coupling.

Note: This note draws attention to general operating notes which should be especially

BA 3400 EN 11.95
4. Handling and storage

4.1 Scope of supply

The scope of the shipment is listed in the shipping documents. They should be checked for
completeness on receipt. Any shipping damage and/or missing parts should be reported in writing at
once. After consulting FLENDER an expert is to be called in.

4.2 Handling

The packing of the coupling will differ depending on method of shipment and size. The packing, unless
otherwise agreed contractually, complies with HPE Packing Guidelines.

The symbols shown on the packing should be noted. Their meaning is as follows:

This way Fragile Keep Keep Centre of Use no Attach

up dry cool gravity hand hook here

Caution! Make sure that suitable hoists are used.

4.3 Storage

4.3.1 Storage of the coupling parts

The coupling is delivered in a preserved state and can be stored at a covered dry place up to 6 months.
If the coupling shall be stored for a longer period of time, an appropriate long-term preservation is
necessary (consultation with FLENDER required).

Before cleaning the coupling parts and applying the long-term preservation,
Caution! the cam ring is to be removed.

4.3.2 Storage of the cam rings General

Properly stored cam rings keep their characteristics for up to five years. Unfavourable storage
conditions and improper treatment of the cam rings result in a negative change of their physical
characteristics. These changes can be caused by the effects of e.g. oxygen, ozone, extreme
temperatures, light, moisture or solvents. Storage room

The storage room should be dry and dust-free. The cam rings must not be stored together with
chemicals, solvents, fuels, acids, etc.. Furthermore, they should be protected against light, especially
against direct sunlight and strong artificial light with a highultra- violet percentage.

The storage romms must not contain any ozone-producing devices like e.g.
Caution! fluorescent light sources, mercury-vapour lamps, electric high-voltage
devices. Damp storage rooms are unsuitable. Make sure that no condensation
develops. The relative humidity of air is most favourable below 65 %.

BA 3400 EN 11.95
5. Technical description

5.1 General description

The BIPEX coupling - 3 types are available - consists of two coupling parts and one cam ring.

The cam ring from polyurethane can be supplied in the standard hardness 92 Shore as well as in the
soft design 80 Shore.
When using this cam ring, keep in mind the reduction of the speeds (see Section 1. ”Technical data”).

The BIPEX coupling is suitable for reversing operation.

Part 1 Part 50 Part 2 Part 3 Part 50 Part 4 Part 1 Part 50 Part 3


Type BWN consists of two coupling parts with cylindrical bores.

Type BWT consists of two coupling parts with TAPER bush.

The difference between coupling parts 3 and 4 is the location of the assembly side of the TAPER bush.
For coupling part 3, the assembly side is located on the inside, for coupling part 4, it is located on the

Type BNT is a comibnation of types BWN and BWT.

It consists of a coupling part with cylindrical bore and a coupling part with TAPER bush.

Any combination of the parts is possible.

5.2 Principle of the TAPER bush

Hubs are installed on shafts in a shrink-fit way by means of TAPER bushes.

A hexagon head wrench with torque adjustment is required for the assembly. The same grub screws
are used for clamping and releasing.

TAPER bushes are cylindrical on the inside, tapered on the outside and have a slot on the whole length.

All TAPER bushes are provided with parallel keyway.

6. Assembly

6.1 Notes on fitting the finished bore, the axial securing, the set screws, the balancing

6.1.1 Finished bore

S Remove cam ring from part 1/2.

S Clean coupling part 1/2.

Observe manufacturer’s instructions on handling solvents.

BA 3400 EN 11.95
When fitting the finished bore, align the parts carefully. For the permissible radial and axial excentricity
see DIN ISO 286 degree of fundamental tolerance IT8. The location of the parts ( ) is to be carried
out on the marked surfaces.
The maximum permissible boring diameters (see Section 1.) are designed for
Caution! driving connections without tightening according to DIN 6885/1 and must not
be exceeded in any case.

If other shaft hub connections (e.g. splined hub profile, tapered or graded bore, driving connection with
tightening, etc.) shall be fitted instead of the intended driving connections, FLENDER is to be consulted.
Non-observance of these notes may lead to the drifting of coupling.
There is a danger to life due to broken pieces flying around!


Part 1/2

The coupling parts 3 and 4 are supplied with bore for TAPER bush.

In case of drive by means of parallel keys, the following fit pairings are prescripted for the bores:
Shaft end tolerances
h6 h8 k6 m6 n6
Diameter in mm
> 25 H7
≤ 50 H7
> 100 H7
≤ 50 K7
> 50 M7
all N7
Table 6.1: Fit pairings

Observing the fit correspondance is absolutely necessary, on the one hand in

Caution! order to keep low the backlash in the shaft hub connection or, on the other
hand, to keep the hub tension caused by the overdimension within the
permissible load depending on the use of the tolerance fields. It cannot be
excluded, that the shaft hub connection is endangered when the fit
correspondance is not observed.

Non-observance of these notes may lead to the bursting of the coupling.

There is a danger to life due to broken pieces flying around!

BA 3400 EN 11.95
3 Keyway
The keyways have to be designed according to the existing parallel keys. For keyways, the tolerance
field of the hub keyway width ISO JS 9 is to be observed.

For more difficult operating conditions, as it is the case for e.g. reversing operation of operation with
impulses, the tolerance filed of the hub keyway width ISO P9 is prescribed.

Note: In case of some TAPER bushes, the parallel keyway is designed as flat keyway
dependent on the bore (see table 6.2).

d2 + t 2
Drive type fastening without tension

TAPER Bore Width Hub keyway TAPER Bore Width Hub keyway
bush depth bush depth
No. d2 b d2 + t2 No. d2 b d2 + t2
mm mm mm mm mm mm
1008 24 8 d2+2 1108 28 8 d2+2
1008 25 8 d 2 + 1.3 1610 42 12 d 2 + 2.2
Table 6.2 : Flat keyway in TAPER bushes
6.1.2 Axial securing
For axially securing the coupling parts 1 and 2, a set screw or an end plate has to be provided for.When
using end plates, FLENDER is to be consulted with regard to the insertion of recess in the coupling
6.1.3 Set screws
Headless pins with notched cut point according to DIN 916 are to be used as set screws.
It is absolutely necessary to observe the following guidelines!
The length of the set screw is to be chosen so that it completely fills the cut hole
but that it does not protect over the hub (Lmin = d1 x 1.2).



Part 1/2

Bore range > 6 - 30 > 30 - 38 > 38 - 65 > 65 - 95 > 95 - 110

Set screw size d1 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16

Size 43 53 62 72 84 97 112 127 142 162 182 202 227

Distance dimension e1 10 12 14 17.5 20 25 30 32.5 37.5 40 45 50 50
Table 6.3: Set screw assignment
In case of coupling parts 1 and 2, the set screw should be arranged by 180°
Caution! offset to the keyway up to size 84 inclusively. From size 84 on, the set screw is
to be arranged on the parallel keyway.

BA 3400 EN 11.95
6.1.4 Balancing
Prebored couplings resp. prebored coupling parts are shipped unbalanced. For these parts et is
recommended to balance them depeding on the application case after finish boring (see also DIN 740,
VDI guideline 2060).

Balancing is usually carried out by material cutting through boring. In order ro restrict the material
quantity to be cut to a minium, the biggest possible balancing radius is to be selected.

Cutting has to be carried out between the cams without through-boring of the
Caution! bottom.

The coupling parts 3 and 4 of types BWT and BNT are already factory-balanced at one plane of quality
grade Q16.

Finished bored couplings or coupling parts are balanced according to the instructions of the ording

Part 1/2

Arrangement of the balancing bore Arrangement of the balancing bore

in case of one level balancing in case of two level balancing

6.2 General installation notes

For the installation the safety notes in Section 3. are to be observed.

The installation has to be carried out with utmost care by trained personnel.

Already during the planning phase it is to be observed that sufficient room is to be provided for the
installation and later inspection and maintenance work.

Before starting the installation a sufficient number of hoists must be provided for.

6.3 Installing the coupling parts

Before starting the assembly, the shaft ends, the couplings parts as well as the TAPER bushes have
to be cleaned thoroughly and degreased. Before cleaning the coupling parts with solvents, remove the
cam ring.

Observe the manufactuer’s instructions on handling the solvents.

6.3.1 Coupling parts 1 and 2

The coupling parts are to be fitted by means of suitable devices in order to

Caution! prevent damage to the shaft bearing arrangement by the axial fitting force.
Make sure that suitable hoists are used.

The shaft ends must not project on the inside of the hub. Axial securing is done by means of the set
screws or the end plate.
Tightening of the set screws only by means of a hexgon socket head wrench
Caution! according to DIN 911, without an extension pipe.

Non-observance of these notes may lead to the burrsting of the coupling.

There is danger to life due to broken pieces flying around!

BA 3400 EN 11.95
Warming up the coupling parts (to max. +150 °C) might make the fitting easier. In case of temperatures
of above +80 °C, the cam ring has to be removed from the coupling parts before warming up.

Protect yourself against burns by hot parts!

After fitting the coupling parts, set in the cam ring if removed before. Coupling parts, which were warmed
up before, have to be cooled down again to a temperature below 80 °C.

Loop together the machines to be coupled.

Danger of squeezing!

Observe the dimension S1 (see Section 1.).

6.3.2 Coupling parts 3 and 4

The TAPER bushes have axially parallel, cylindrical and plane blind holes in the large end face up to
size 3030=2 and from size 3535=3 on but only half of the hole is in the material of the bush. The other
half, located in the hub, has threads.

Fit coupling part and TAPER bush, align the holes and slightly tighten the screws.

Place the coupling part with the TAPER bush on the shaft and tighten the screws (see item 6.7 for
tightening torques).
When screwing, the hub is pulled on to the tapered bush and thus the bush is pressed onto the shaft.
Taking into consideration the assignment of the bores to the slipping moments (see item 6.7), this type
of fastening is sufficient for transmitting the specified nominal torques up to coupling size 84. From
size 112 on, a parallel keyway connection should be provided for higher torques (see Section 1. and
Section 6., item 6.7).
All TAPER bushes are provided with parallel keyways.

Loop together the machines to be coupled.

Danger of squeezing!

Observe the dimension S1 (see Section 1.).

6.4 Disassembly of the TAPER bushes

The TAPER bushes are released by removing the screws. Then, one of the scres is screwed into the
thread of the bush as forcing screw and is then tightened.

Two forcing screws are provided from TAPER bush No. 3535 on.

The coupling part released in this way can be pulled off by hand without tool together with the TAPER

6.5 Aligning
The couplings compensate for positional variations of the shaft ends to be connected up to the data
shown under item 6.6.
When aligning, the radial and angular misalignment of the shaft ends should be kept as small as
possible in order to prolong the life of the cam ring under and otherwise the same operating conditions.

BA 3400 EN 11.95
The alignment should be realised in the order:

1. angular alignment
2. radial alignment

and should be carried out in two axial planes vertical to each other. This can be done by means of a
caliper gauge (angular misalignment) and a ruler (radial misalignment) according to the figure. The
distance dimension S1 is to be kept (see Section 1.).


Caliper gauge

By using a dial gauge, the alignment precision can be increased.

6.6 Possible misalignments

S1max S1max

D Kr
D Ka
D Kw

S1min S1min

Axial misalignment Angular misalignment Radial misalignment

figure 6.1 figure 6.2 figure 6.3
Misalignments of the coupling parts may result from an inexact alignment during the assembly but also
from the operation of the plant (expansion due to heat, bending of the shaft, machine frame to soft, etc.).
The following max. permissible misalignments must not be exceeded during
Caution! operation under any circumstances.

6.6.1 Axial misalignment

Axial misalignment DKa (figure 6.1) of the
coupling parts to each other is permissible
within the ”permissible variation” for the
dimension S1 (see Section 1.) .

6.6.2 Angular misalignment


The permissible angular misalignment DKw

(figure 6.2) has to be determined taking into
consideration the speed factor Sn of figure 6.4.
DKwperm.= 0.00175  da  Sn
da = Coupling size
Speed factor
6.6.3 Radial misalignment
The permissible radial misalignment DKr
(figure 6.3) has to be determined taking into
consideration the speed factor Sn of figure 6.4. Speed n [1/min]
DKrperm. = 0.00175  da  Sn figure 6.4
da = Coupling size
Angular and radial misalignments may occur at the same time. The sum of both
Caution! misalignments must not exceed the max. permissible value of the angular or
radial misalignment.
(Kw + Kr)existing ≤ DKw x Sn or DKr x Sn

BA 3400 EN 11.95
6.7 TAPER bush

TAPER Bush bore Slipping mo- Tightening Fastening screws Screw driver
bush ments torque
Size 1) DIN 911
No. D1 TR TA BSW Length S
mm Nm Nm Inch Inch mm
12 29
62 1008 19 51 5.6 1/4 1/2 3
24 66
12 28
72 1108 19 49 5.6 1/4 1/2 3
28 79
16 82
84 1210 24 142 20.0 3/8 5/8 5
32 210
19 98
112 1610 24 135 20.0 3/8 5/8 5
42 265
24 165
142 2012 42 340 31.0 7/16 7/8 5
50 420
24 220
182 2517 48 510 48.0 1/2 1 6
60 670
38 520
202 3020 55 890 90.0 5/8 1 1/4 8
75 1300
42 1000
227 3535 75 2150 113.0 1/2 1 1/2 10
90 2600

1) The specified slipping moments TR are valid for the use of TAPER bushes without parallel key taking
into consideration the specified tightening torques TA. These slipping moments are valid for service
factor f1=1. Slipping moments of bores not listed in the table can be determined by interpolation.
Prerequisite for achieving the specified slipping moment is always a clean and grease-free surface
of the parts to be joined as well as thoroughly greasing of the tightening screws.
If the value determined for TR is larger than the nominal coupling torque TKN, the smaller value
( - i.e. TKN - ) is decisive for checking the design.

7. Start-up

7.1 Measures before startup

Before startup, check the tightening of the set screws, the alignment and the distance dimension S1 and
correct if necessary and check all screw connections for the prescribed tightening torques (see
Section 1. and Section 6.). Finally, the coupling guard to prevent accidental contact is to be fixed.

8. Operation

8.1 General operating data

During operation, the coupling should be checked for:

– any changes in running noises

– sudden shaking.

BA 3400 EN 11.95
If irregularities are detected during operation, the drive assembly should be set
Caution! off immediately. The cause of the malfunction should be determined with the
aid of the Troubleshooting Table (Section 9.).
The Troubleshooting Table lists possible malfunctions, their causes and
suggestions for remedying them.
If the cause cannot be determined or there is no facility for repair with suitable
equipment, we recommend calling in one of our service fitters (see Section 11.).

9. Disturbances, reasons and remedy

9.1 General

The malfunctions listed below can only be hints for a troubleshooting.

In case of a complex plant, all other components have always to be included in the troubleshooting.

The coupling has to run with low noise and without shaking in all operating phases. Any deviating
behaviour is to be regarded as malfunction and should be repaired immediately.

Before maintenance work, repairs or other work, the operator should make sure
that the whole drive train is stationary. Especially the drive motors are to be
secured against accidental start up.
Futhermore, we refer to the relevant regulations on the prevention of accidents
at the place of installation.

9.2 Possible malfunctions

Malfunctions Causes Remedy

Sudden change of the noise Change of alignment Shut down the plant
level and/or sudden shaking
possibly repair the reason for
the change of alignment
(e.g. fasten loose foundation

Check for wear

Procedure as described in
Section 10.

Cam ring worn Shut down the plant

Torque transmission by metal
contact Disassemble coupling and
remove the rests of the cam ring

Check coupling parts and

exchange damaged coupling

Install cam ring,

join coupling parts

Check alignment and correct

if necessary, see Section 6.

Tightening torques of the

screw connection according
to Section 6.

BA 3400 EN 11.95
10. Maintenance and repair

10.1 Change of wear parts

Only use original BIPEX cam rings as spare cam rings in order to guarantee a perfect transmission of
the torque and a trouble-free function.

Note: Changing the cam ring without moving the coupled machines is not possible.

Carefully observe the instructions of Section 6. ”Installation” and Section 7. ”Start up” for the

11. Spare parts, service facitily addresses

Maintaining a stock of the most essential spare and wear parts is an important prerequisite for the
permanent service ability of the coupling.

When ordering spare parts, the following data should be stated:

– Part No. (see Section 5.)

– Description / Size (the size designation corresponds to the outer diameter da in mm)

– Quantity

We assume warranty only for original spare parts supplied by us.

We would expressly draw attention to the fact that spare parts and accessories
Caution! not supplied by us have not been tested or approved by us either. Fitting and/or
use of such products can therefore under certain circumstances adversely
affect structurally specified properties of the coupling and will thus impair
active and/or passive safety. No form of reliability or warranty will be assumed
by FLENDER for damage occasioned by use of non-original spare parts and

Please note that production and supply specifications frequently exist for components and we will
always offer spare parts in accordance with the state of the art and in accordance with the latest legal

BA 3400 EN 11.95
11.1 Service facility addresses

When ordering spare parts or requesting a service fitter, please contact FLENDER AG first of all.

46393 Bocholt - Tel.: (0 28 71) 92-0 - Fax: (0 28 71) 92 25 96
E-mail: contact@flender.com S www.flender.com
Shipping address: Alfred - Flender - Strasse 77 - 46395 Bocholt

A. FRIEDR. FLENDER AG - Kupplungswerk Mussum

Industriepark Bocholt - Schlavenhorst 100 - 46395 Bocholt - Tel.: (0 28 71) 92 28 68 - Fax: (0 28 71) 92 25 79
E-mail: couplings@flender.com S www.flender.com
A. FRIEDR. FLENDER AG - Werk Friedrichsfeld
Am Industriepark 2 - 46562 Voerde - Tel.: (0 28 71) 92-0 - Fax: (0 28 71) 92 25 96
E-mail: contact@flender.com S www.flender.com
A. FRIEDR. FLENDER AG - Getriebewerk Penig
Thierbacher Strasse 24 - 09322 Penig - Tel.: (03 73 81) 60 - Fax: (03 73 81) 8 02 86
E-mail: ute.tappert@flender.com S www.flender.com
72007 Tübingen - Tel.: (0 70 71) 7 07-0 - Fax: (0 70 71) 70 74 00
E-mail: sales-motox@flender-motox.com S www.flender.com
Shipping address: Bahnhofstrasse 40 - 72072 Tübingen

94095 Ruhstorf - Tel.: (0 85 31) 3 90 - Fax: (0 85 31) 3 94 37
E-mail: info@loher.de S www.loher.de
Shipping address: Hans-Loher-Strasse 32 - 94099 Ruhstorf


44607 Herne - Tel.: (0 23 23) 940-0 - Fax: (0 23 23) 940 333
E-mail: infos@flender-service.com S www.flender-service.com
24h Service Hotline +49 (0) 17 22 81 01 00
Shipping address: Südstrasse 111 - 44625 Herne


Obere Hauptstrasse 228-230 - 09228 Chemnitz / Wittgensdorf - Tel.: (0 37 22) 64-0 - Fax: (0 37 22) 64 21 89
E-mail: flender.guss@flender-guss.com S www.flender-guss.de

BA 3400 EN 11.95
46393 BOCHOLT - TEL.: (0 28 71) 92 - 0 - FAX: (0 28 71) 92 25 96
E-mail: contact@flender.com S www.flender.com

Alfred-Flender-Strasse 77, 46395 Bocholt
Tel.: (0 28 71) 92 - 0
Fax: (0 28 71) 92 - 14 35
E-mail: vz.bocholt@flender.com



Friolzheimer Strasse 3, 70499 Stuttgart
Tel.: (07 11) 7 80 54 - 51
Fax: (07 11) 7 80 54 - 50
E-mail: vz.stuttgart@flender.com



Liebigstrasse 14, 85757 Karlsfeld
Tel.: (0 81 31) 90 03 - 0
Fax: (0 81 31) 90 03 - 33
E-mail: vz.muenchen@flender.com


VERTRIEBSZENTRUM BERLIN Schlossallee 8, 13156 Berlin

Tel.: (0 30) 91 42 50 58
Fax: (0 30) 47 48 79 30
E-mail: vz.berlin@flender.com


BA 3400 EN 11.95
FLENDER International (2003-12-01)

EUROPE Flender - Graffenstaden SA PORTUGAL

1, rue du Vieux Moulin Rodamientos FEYC, S.A
67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden R. Jaime Lopes Dias, 1668 CV
AUSTRIA B.P. 84 1750 - 124 Lissabon
Flender Ges.m.b.H. Phone: +351 (0) 21 - 7 54 24 10
67402 Illkirch - Graffenstaden
Industriezentrum Nö-Süd Fax: +351 (0) 21 - 7 54 24 19
Phone: +33 (0) 3 - 88 67 60 00
Strasse 4, Objekt 14, Postfach 132 E-mail: info@rfportugal.com
Fax: +33 (0) 3 - 88 67 06 17
2355 Wiener Neudorf
E-mail: flencomm@flender-graff.com
Phone: +43 (0) 22 36 6 45 70 ROMANIA
Fax: +43 (0) 22 36 6 45 70 10 A. Friedr. Flender AG
E-mail: office@flender.at GREECE
Flender Hellas Ltd. Branch Office
www.flender.at 98 - 106, Soseaua Mihai Bravu
2, Delfon str., 11146 Athens
Phone: +30 210 - 2 91 72 80 Sector 2, Bloc D 16, Sc 1, Apartament 4
BELGIUM & LUXEMBOURG 021331 Bucuresti - 2
N.V. Flender Belge S.A. Fax: +30 210 - 2 91 71 02
E-mail: flender@otenet.gr Phone: +40 (0) 21 - 4 91 10 08
Cyriel Buyssestraat 130 Fax: +40 (0) 21 - 4 91 10 08
1800 Vilvoorde Mangrinox S.A. E-mail: flender@fx.ro
Phone: +32 (0) 2 - 2 53 10 30 14, Grevenon str., 11855 Athens
Fax: +32 (0) 2 - 2 53 09 66 Phone: +30 210 - 3 42 32 01 RUSSIA
E-mail: sales@flender.be Fax: +30 210 - 3 45 99 28 F & F GmbH
E-mail: mangrinox@otenet.gr Tjuschina 4-6
BULGARIA 191119 St. Petersburg
A. Friedr. Flender AG HUNGARY Phone: +7 (0) 8 12 - 3 20 90 34
Branch Office A. Friedr. Flender AG Fax: +7 (0) 8 12 - 3 40 27 60
c/o Auto - Profi GmbH Branch Office E-mail: flendergus@mail.spbnit.ru
Alabin Str., 1000 Sofia Bécsi Út 3-5, 1023 Budapest
Phone: +359 (0) 2 - 9 80 66 06 Phone: +36 (0) 1 - 3 45 07 90 / 91 SLOVAKIA
Fax: +359 (0) 2 - 9 80 33 01 Fax: +36 (0) 1 - 3 45 07 92 A. Friedr. Flender AG
E-mail: sofia@auto-profi.com E-mail: jambor.laszlo@axelero.hu Branch Office
Vajanského 49
P.O. Box 286, 08001 Presov
CROATIA / SLOVENIA ITALY Phone: +421 (0) 51 - 7 70 32 67
BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Flender Cigala S.p.A. Fax: +421 (0) 51 - 7 70 32 67
A. Friedr. Flender AG Parco Tecnologico Manzoni E-mail: micenko.flender@nextra.sk
Branch Office Palazzina G
c/o HUM - Naklada d.o.o. Viale delle industrie, 17 SPAIN
Mandroviceva 3, 10000 Zagreb 20040 Caponago (MI) Flender Ibérica S.A.
Phone: +385 (0) 1 - 2 30 60 25 Phone: +39 (0) 02 - 95 96 31 Poligono Industrial San Marcos
Fax: +385 (0) 1 - 2 30 60 24 Fax: +39 (0) 02 -95 74 39 30 Calle Morse, 31 (Parcela D-15)
E-mail: flender@hi.hinet.hr E-mail: info@flendercigala.it 28906 Getafe - Madrid
Phone: +34 (0) 91 - 6 83 61 86
CZECH REPUBLIC THE NETHERLANDS Fax: +34 (0) 91 - 6 83 46 50
A. Friedr. Flender AG Flender Nederland B.V. E-mail: f-iberica@flender.es
Branch Office Industrieterrein Lansinghage www.flender.es
Hotel DUO, Teplicka 17 Platinastraat 133
19000 Praha 9 2718 ST Zoetermeer SWEDEN
Phone: +420 (0) 2 - 83 88 23 00 Postbus 725 Flender Scandinavia
Fax: +420 (0) 2 - 83 88 22 05 2700 AS Zoetermeer Äsenvägen 2
E-mail: flender_pumprla@hotelduo.cz Phone: +31 (0) 79 - 3 61 54 70 44339 Lerum
Fax: +31 (0) 79 - 3 61 54 69 Phone: +46 (0) 302 - 1 25 90
DENMARK E-mail: sales@flender.nl Fax: +46 (0) 302 - 1 25 56
Flender Scandinavia A/S www.flender.nl E-mail: kontakt@flenderscandinavia.com
Rugmarken 35 B, 3520 Farum www.flenderscandinavia.com
Phone: +45 - 70 22 60 03 Flender Nederland B.V.
Fax: +45 - 44 99 16 62 SWITZERLAND
Lage Brink 5-7 Flender AG
E-mail: kontakt@flenderscandinavia.com 7317 BD Apeldoorn
www.flenderscandinavia.com Zeughausstr. 48
Postbus 1073 5600 Lenzburg
7301 BH Apeldoorn Phone: +41 (0) 62 8 85 76 00
ESTHONIA / LATVIA / LITHUANIA Phone: +31 (0) 55 - 5 27 50 00 Fax: +41 (0) 62 8 85 76 76
Flender Branch Office Fax: +31 (0) 55 - 5 21 80 11 E-mail: info@flender.ch
Addinol Mineralöl Marketing OÜ E-mail: tom.alberts@flender-group.com www.flender.ch
Suur-Söjamäe 32 Bruinhof B.V.
11415 Tallinn / Esthonia Boterdiep 37 TURKEY
Phone: +372 (0) 6 - 27 99 99 3077 AW Rotterdam Flender Güc Aktarma Sistemleri
Fax: +372 (0) 6 - 27 99 90 Postbus 9607 Sanayi ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti.
E-mail: flender@addinol.ee 3007 AP Rotterdam IMES Sanayi, Sitesi
www.addinol.ee Phone: +31 (0) 10 - 4 97 08 08 E Blok 502. Sokak No. 22
Fax: +31 (0) 10 - 4 82 43 50 81260 Dudullu - Istanbul
FINLAND E-mail: info@bruinhof.nl Phone: +90 (0) 2 16 - 4 66 51 41
Flender Oy www.bruinhof.nl Fax: +90 (0) 2 16 3 64 59 13
Ruosilantie 2 B, 00390 Helsinki E-mail: cuzkan@flendertr.com
Phone: +358 (0) 9 - 4 77 84 10 www.flendertr.com
Fax: +358 (0) 9 - 4 36 14 10 Elektroprosess AS
E-mail: webmaster@flender.fi UKRAINE
Frysjaveien 40, 0884 Oslo A. Friedr. Flender AG
www.flender.fi Postboks 165, Kjelsås Branch Office, c/o DIV - Deutsche Industrie-
0411 Oslo vertretung, Prospect Pobedy 44
FRANCE Phone: +47 (0) 2 - 2 02 10 30 252057 Kiev
Flender s.a.r.l. Fax: +47 (0) 2 - 2 02 10 50 / 51 Phone: +380 (0) 44 - 4 46 80 49
3, rue Jean Monnet - B.P. 5 E-mail: post@elektroprosess.no Fax: +380 (0) 44 - 2 30 29 30
78996 Elancourt Cedex E-mail: flender@div.kiev.ua
Phone: +33 (0) 1 - 30 66 39 00 POLAND
Fax: +33 (0) 1 - 30 66 35 13 A. Friedr. Flender AG UNITED KINGDOM & EIRE
E-mail: sales@flender.fr Branch Office Flender Power Transmission Ltd.
SALES OFFICES: Przedstawicielstwo w Polsce Thornbury Works, Leeds Road
Flender s.a.r.l. ul. Wyzwolenia 27 Bradford
36, rue Jean Broquin 43 - 190 Mikolów West Yorkshire BD3 7EB
69006 Lyon Phone: +48 (0) 32 - 2 26 45 61 Phone: +44 (0) 12 74 65 77 00
Phone: +33 (0) 4 - 72 83 95 20 Fax: +48 (0) 32 - 2 26 45 62 Fax: +44 (0) 12 74 66 98 36
Fax: +33 (0) 4 - 72 83 95 39 E-mail: flender@pro.onet.pl E-mail: flenders@flender-power.co.uk
E-mail: sales@flender.fr www.flender.pl www.flender-power.co.uk

BA 3400 EN 11.95
ALBANIA / MACEDONIA Flender Brasil Ltda. Flender Corporation
A. Friedr. Flender AG Rua James Watt, 142 950 Tollgate Road
Branch Office conj. 142 - Brooklin Novo P.O. Box 1449, Elgin, IL. 60123
c/o G.P.Inzenjering d.o.o. 04576 - 050, São Paulo - SP Phone: +1 (0) 8 47 - 9 31 19 90
III Bulevar 54 / 19 Phone: +55 (0) 11 - 55 05 99 33 Fax: +1 (0) 8 47 - 9 31 07 11
11070 Novi Beograd Fax: +55 (0) 11 - 55 05 30 10 E-mail: flender@flenderusa.com
Phone: +381 (0) 11 - 60 44 73 E-mail: flesao@uol.com.br www.flenderusa.com
Fax: +381 (0) 11 - 3 11 67 91 Flender Corporation
E-mail: flender@eunet.yu Flender Brasil Ltda. Service Centers West
Rua Campos Salles, 1095 4234 Foster Ave.
sala 04 - Centro 14015 - 110, Bakersfield, CA. 93308
Ribeirão Preto - SP
AFRICA Phone: +55 (0) 16 - 6 35 15 90
Phone: +1 (0) 6 61 - 3 25 44 78
Fax: +1 (0) 6 61 - 3 25 44 70
Fax: +55 (0) 16 - 6 35 11 05 E-mail: flender1@lightspeed.net
NORTH AFRICAN COUNTRIES E-mail: flender.ribpreto@uol.com.br
Please refer to Flender s.a.r.l. VENEZUELA
3, rue Jean Monnet - B.P. 5 F. H. Transmisiones S.A.
78996 Elancourt Cedex CANADA Urbanización Buena Vista
Phone: +33 (0) 1 - 30 66 39 00 Flender Power Transmission Inc. Calle Johan Schafer o Segunda Calle
Fax: +33 (0) 1 - 30 66 35 13 215 Shields Court, Units 4 - 6 Municipio Sucre, Petare
E-mail: sales@flender.fr Markham, Ontario L3R 8V2 Caracas
Phone: +1 (0) 9 05 - 3 05 10 21 Phone: +58 (0) 2 - 21 52 61
Fax: +1 (0) 9 05 - 3 05 10 23 Fax: +58 (0) 2 - 21 18 38
EGYPT E-mail: flender@ca.inter.net E-mail: fhtransm@telcel.net.ve
Sons of Farid Hassanen www.flenderpti.com www.fhtransmisiones.com
81 Matbaa Ahlia Street
Boulac 11221, Cairo SALES OFFICE: ASIA
Phone: +20 (0) 2 - 5 75 15 44 Flender Power Transmission Inc.
Fax: +20 (0) 2 - 5 75 17 02 34992 Bemina Court BANGLADESH / SRI LANKA
E-mail: hussein@sonfarid.com Abbotsford - Vancouver Please refer to Flender Limited
B.C. V3G 1C2 No. 2 St. George’s Gate Road
Phone: +1 (0) 6 04 - 8 59 66 75 5th Floor, Hastings
SOUTH AFRICA Fax: +1 (0) 6 04 - 8 59 68 78 Kolkata - 700 022
Flender Power Transmission (Pty.) Ltd. E-mail: tvickers@rapidnet.net Phone: +91 (0) 33 - 2 23 05 45
Cnr. Furnace St & Quality Rd. Fax: +91 (0) 33 - 2 23 18 57
P.O. Box 131, Isando 1600 E-mail: flender@flenderindia.com
Fax: +27 (0) 11 - 3 92 24 34 Flender Cono Sur Limitada Flender Power Transmission
E-mail: sales@flender.co.za Avda. Galvarino Gallardo 1534 (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.
www.flender.co.za Providencia, Santiago ShuangHu Rd.- Shuangchen Rd. West
Phone: +56 (0) 2 - 2 35 32 49 Beichen Economic Development
Flender Power Transmission (Pty.) Ltd. Fax: +56 (0) 2 - 2 64 20 25
E-mail: flender@flender.cl Tianjin 300400
Unit 3 Marconi Park Phone: +86 (0) 22 - 26 97 20 63
9 Marconi Crescent, Montague Gardens www.flender.cl
Fax: +86 (0) 22 - 26 97 20 61
P.O. Box 37291 E-mail: flender@flendertj.com
Chempet 7442, Cape Town www.flendertj.com
Phone: +27 (0) 21 - 5 51 50 03 COLOMBIA
Fax: +27 (0) 21 - 5 52 38 24 A.G.P. Representaciones Ltda. Flender Power Transmission
E-mail: sales@flender.co.za Flender Liaison Office Colombia (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.
Av Boyaca No 23A Beijing Office
Flender Power Transmission (Pty.) Ltd. 50 Bodega UA 7-1, Bogotá C-415, Lufthansa Center
Unit 3 Goshawk Park Phone: +57 (0) 1 - 5 70 63 53 50 Liangmaqiao Road, Chaoyang District
Falcon Industrial Estate Fax: +57 (0) 1 - 5 70 73 35 Beijing 100016
P.O. Box 1608 E-mail: aguerrero@agp.com.co Phone: +86 (0) 10 - 64 62 21 51
New Germany 3620, Durban www.agp.com.co Fax: +86 (0) 10 - 64 62 21 43
Phone: +27 (0) 31 - 7 05 38 92 E-mail: beijing@flenderprc.com.cn
Fax: +27 (0) 31 - 7 05 38 72 Flender Power Transmission
E-mail: sales@flender.co.za MEXICO (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.
Flender Power Transmission (Pty.) Ltd. Flender de Mexico S.A. de C.V. Shanghai Office
9 Industrial Crescent, Ext. 25 17, Pte, 713 Centro 1101-1102 Harbour Ring Plaza
P.O. Box 17609, Witbank 1035 72000 Puebla 18 Xizang Zhong Rd.
Phone: +27 (0) 13 - 6 92 34 38 Phone: +52 (0) 2 22 - 2 37 19 00 Shanghai 200 001
Fax: +27 (0) 13 - 6 92 34 52 Fax: +52 (0) 2 22 - 2 37 11 33 Phone: +86 (0) 21 - 53 85 31 48
E-mail: sales@flender.co.za E-mail: szugasti@flendermexico.com Fax: +86 (0) 21 - 53 85 31 46
www.flendermexico.com E-mail: shanghai@flenderprc.com.cn
Flender Power Transmission (Pty.) Ltd. Flender Power Transmission
Unit 14 King Fisher Park, Alton SALES OFFICES: (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.
Cnr. Ceramic Curve & Alumina Allee Flender de Mexico S.A. de C.V. Wuhan Office
P.O. Box 101995 Lago Nargis No. 38 Rm. 1503, Jianyin Building,
Meerensee 3901, Richards Bay Col. Granada, 709 Jianshedadao
Phone: +27 (0) 35 - 7 51 15 63 11520 Mexico, D.F. Wuhan 430 015
Fax: +27 (0) 35 - 7 51 15 64 Phone: +52 (0) 55 - 52 54 30 37 Phone: +86 (0) 27 - 85 48 67 15
E-mail: sales@flender.co.za Fax: +52 (0) 55 - 55 31 69 39 Fax: +86 (0) 27 - 85 48 68 36
E-mail: info@flendermexico.com E-mail: wuhan@flenderprc.com.cn
Flender de Mexico S.A. de C.V. Flender Power Transmission
AMERICA Ave. San Pedro No. 231-5 (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.
Col. Miravalle Guangzhou Office
64660 Monterrey, N.L. Rm. 2802, Guangzhou International
ARGENTINA Electronics Tower
Chilicote S.A. Phone: +52 (0) 81 - 83 63 82 82
Fax: +52 (0) 81 - 83 63 82 83 403 Huanshi Rd. East
Avda. Julio A. Roca 546
E-mail: info@flendermexico.com Guangzhou 510 095
C 1067 ABN Buenos Aires
Phone: +86 (0) 20 - 87 32 60 42
Phone: +54 (0) 11 - 43 31 66 10 Fax: +86 (0) 20 - 87 32 60 45
Fax: +54 (0) 11 - 43 31 42 78 E-mail: guangzhou@flenderprc.com.cn
E-mail: chilicote@chilicote.com.ar PERU
Potencia Industrial E.I.R.L. Flender Power Transmission
Calle Victor González Olaechea N° 110 (Tianjin) Co. Ltd.
BRASIL Urb. La Aurora - Miraflores, Chengdu Office
Flender Brasil Ltda. P.O.Box: Av. 2 de Mayo N° 679 G-6 / F Guoxin Mansion,
Rua Quatorze, 60 - Cidade Industrial Of.108-Miraflores 77 Xiyu Street
32211 - 970, Contagem - MG Casilla N° 392, Lima 18 Chengdu 610 015
Phone: +55 (0) 31 - 33 69 21 00 Phone: +51 (0) 1 - 2 42 84 68 Phone: +86 (0) 28 - 86 19 83 72
Fax: +55 (0) 31 - 33 69 21 66 Fax: +51 (0) 1 - 2 42 08 62 Fax: +86 (0) 28 - 86 19 88 10
E-mail: vendas@flenderbrasil.com E-mail: cesarzam@chavin.rcp.net.pe E-mail: chengdu@flenderprc.com.cn

BA 3400 EN 11.95
Flender Power Transmission ISRAEL SINGAPORE
(Tianjin) Co. Ltd. Greenshpon Engineering Works Ltd. Flender Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Shenyang Office Haamelim Street 20 13 A, Tech Park Crescent
Rm. 2-163, Tower I, City Plaza Shenyan P.O. Box 10108, 26110 Haifa Singapore 637843
206 Nanjing Street (N), Heping District Phone: +972 (0) 4 - 8 72 11 87 Phone: +65 (0) - 68 97 94 66
Shenyang 110 001 Fax: +972 (0) 4 - 8 72 62 31 Fax: +65 (0) - 68 97 94 11
Phone: +86 (0) 24 - 23 34 20 48 E-mail: sales@greenshpon.com E-mail: flender@singnet.com.sg
Fax: +86 (0) 24 - 23 34 20 46 www.greenshpon.com www.flender.com.sg
E-mail: shenyang@flenderprc.com.cn
Flender Power Transmission Flender Japan Co., Ltd. Misrabi Co & Trading
(Tianjin) Co. Ltd. WBG Marive East 21F Mezzeh Autostrade Transportation
Xi’an Office Nakasa 2 - 6 Building 4/A, 5th Floor
Rm. 302, Shaanzi Zhong Da Mihama-ku, Chiba-shi P.O. Box 12450, Damascus
International Mansion Chiba 261-7121 Phone: +963 (0) 11 - 6 11 67 94
30 Southern Rd. Phone: +81 (0) 43 - 2 13 39 30 Fax: +963 (0) 11 - 6 11 09 08
Xi’an 710 002 Fax: +81 (0) 43 - 2 13 39 55 E-mail: ismael.misrabi@gmx.net
Phone: +86 (0) 29 - 7 20 32 68 E-mail: contact@flender-japan.com
Fax: +86 (0) 29 - 7 20 32 04
E-mail: xian@flenderprc.com.cn TAIWAN
KOREA A. Friedr. Flender AG
Flender Ltd. Taiwan Branch Company
INDIA 7th Fl. Dorim Bldg. 1F, No. 5, Lane 240
Flender Limited 1823 Bangbae-Dong, Seocho-Ku, Nan Yang Street, Hsichih
Head Office: Seoul 137-060 Taipei Hsien 221
No. 2 St. George’s Gate Road Phone: +82 (0) 2 - 34 78 63 37 Phone: +886 (0) 2 - 26 93 24 41
5th Floor, Hastings Fax: +82 (0) 2 - 34 78 63 45 Fax: +886 (0) 2 - 26 94 36 11
Kolkata - 700 022 E-mail: flender@unitel.co.kr E-mail: flender_tw@flender.com.tw
Phone: +91 (0) 33 - 22 23 05 45
Fax: +91 (0) 33 - 22 23 08 30 KUWAIT THAILAND
E-mail: flender@flenderindia.com South Gulf Company Flender Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Al-Reqai, Plot 1, Block 96 Representative Office
Flender Limited P.O. Box 26229, Safat 13123 23/F M Thai Tower, All Seasons Place
Industrial Growth Centre Phone: +965 (0) - 4 88 39 15 87 Wireless Road, Phatumwan
Rakhajungle, Nimpura Fax: +965 (0) - 4 88 39 14 Bangkok 10330
Kharagpur - 721 302 E-mail: adelameen@hotmail.com Phone: +66 (0) 2 - 6 27 91 09
Phone: +91 (0) 3222 - 23 33 07 Fax: +66 (0) 2 - 6 27 90 01
Fax: +91 (0) 3222 - 23 33 64 LEBANON E-mail: christian.beckers@flender.th.com
E-mail: works@flenderindia.com Gabriel Acar & Fils s.a.r.l.
Dahr-el-Jamal VIETNAM
SALES OFFICES: Zone Industrielle, Sin-el-Fil Flender Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Flender Limited B.P. 80484, Beyrouth Representative Office
Eastern Regional Sales Office Phone: +961 (0) 1 - 49 82 72 Suite 6/6A, 16F Saigon Tower
No. 2 St. George’s Gate Road Fax: +961 (0) 1 - 49 49 71 29 Le Duan Street, District 1
5th Floor, Hastings E-mail: gacar@beirut.com Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Kolkata - 700 022
Phone: +84 (0) 8 - 8 23 62 97
Phone: +91 (0) 33 - 22 23 05 45
MALAYSIA Fax: +84 (0) 8 - 8 23 62 88
Fax: +91 (0) 33 - 22 23 08 30 E-mail: flender@hcm.vnn.vn
Flender Singapore Pte. Ltd.
E-mail: ero@flenderindia.com
Representative Office
Flender Limited 37 A - 2, Jalan PJU 1/39
Western Regional Sales Office Dataran Prima AUSTRALIA
Plot No. 23, Sector 19 - C 47301 Petaling Jaya
Vashi, Navi Mumbai - 400 705 Selangor Darul Ehsan
Phone: +91 (0) 22 - 27 65 72 27 Phone: +60 (0) 3 - 78 80 42 63
Fax: +60 (0) 3 - 78 80 42 73 Flender (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
Fax: +91 (0) 22 - 27 65 72 28 9 Nello Place, P.O. Box 6047
E-mail: wro@flenderindia.com E-mail: flender@tm.net.my
Wetherill Park
Flender Limited N.S.W. 2164, Sydney
PAKISTAN Phone: +61 (0) 2 - 97 56 23 22
Southern Regional Sales Office Please refer to
41 Nelson Manickam Road Fax: +61 (0) 2 - 97 56 48 92, 97 56 14 92
A. Friedr. Flender AG
Aminjikarai, E-mail: sales@flender.com.au
46393 Bocholt
Chennai - 600 029 www.flender.com.au
Phone: +49 (0) 28 71 - 92 22 59
Phone: +91 (0) 44 - 23 74 39 21 Fax: +49 (0) 28 71 - 92 15 16 SALES OFFICES:
Fax: +91 (0) 44 - 23 74 39 19 E-mail: ludger.wittag@flender.com Flender (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
E-mail: sro@flenderindia.com Suite 3, 261 Centre Rd.
PHILIPPINES Bentleigh, VIC 3204 Melbourne
Flender Limited Phone: +61 (0) 3 - 95 57 08 11
Northern Regional Sales Office Flender Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Representative Office Fax: +61 (0) 3 - 95 57 08 22
209-A, Masjid Moth, 2nd Floor E-mail: sales@flender.com.au
(Behind South Extension II) 28/F, Unit 2814
New Delhi - 110 049 The Enterprice Centre Flender (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
Phone: +91 (0) 11 - 26 25 02 21 6766 Ayala Avenue corner Suite 5, 1407 Logan Rd.
Fax: +91 (0) 11 - 26 25 63 72 Paeso de Roxas, Makati City Mt. Gravatt
E-mail: nro@flenderindia.com Phone: +63 (0) 2 - 8 49 39 93 QLD 4122, Brisbane
Fax: +63 (0) 2 - 8 49 39 17 Phone: +61 (0) 7 - 34 22 23 89
E-mail: roman@flender.com.ph Fax: +61 (0) 7 - 34 22 24 03
INDONESIA E-mail: sales@flender.com.au
Flender Singapore Pte. Ltd. BAHRAIN / IRAQ / JORDAN / LYBIA Flender (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
Representative Office OMAN / QATAR / U.A.E. / YEMEN
Please refer to A. Friedr. Flender AG Suite 2 403 Great Eastern Highway
Perkantoran Puri Niaga II W.A. 6104, Redcliffe - Perth
Jalan Puri Kencana Blok J1 Middle East Sales Office
IMES Sanayi Sitesi Phone: +61 (0) 8 - 94 77 41 66
No. 2i, Kembangan Fax: +61 (0) 8 - 94 77 65 11
Jakarta Barat 11610 E Blok 502, Sokak No. 22
81260 Dudullu - Istanbul E-mail: sales@flender.com.au
Phone: +62 (0) 21 - 5 82 86 24
Fax: +62 (0) 21 - 5 82 86 23 Phone: +90 (0) 2 16 - 4 99 66 23
Fax: +90 (0) 2 16 - 3 64 59 13 NEW ZEALAND
E-mail: bobwall@cbn.net.id Please refer to Flender (Australia) Pty. Ltd.
E-mail: meso@flendertr.com
9 Nello Place, P.O. Box 6047
Cimaghand Co. Ltd. South Gulf Co. N.S.W. 2164, Sydney
P.O. Box 15745-493 Al-Khobar, Dahran Str. Phone: +61 (0) 2 - 97 56 23 22
No. 13, 16th East Street Middle East Trade Center Fax: +61 (0) 2 - 97 56 48 92
Beyhaghi Ave., Argentina Sq. 3rd floor, Flat # 23 E-mail: sales@flender.com.au
Tehran 15156 P.O. Box 20434 31952 Al-Khobar
Phone: +98 (0) 21 - 8 73 02 14 Phone: +966 (0) 3 - 8 87 53 32
Fax: +98 (0) 21 - 8 73 39 70 Fax: +966 (0) 3 - 8 87 53 31
E-mail: info@cimaghand.com E-mail: adelameen@hotmail.com

BA 3400 EN 11.95
12. Declaration by the manufacturer

Declaration by the manufacturer

in accordance with EC Engineering Guideline 98/37/EC, Appendix II B

We hereby declare that the

Flexible BIPEX couplings

types BWN, BWT and BNT
described in these Operating Instructions are intended for incorporation in a machine, and that
it is prohibited to put them into service before verifying that the machine into which they are
incorporated complies with the EC Guidelines (original edition 98/37/EC including any subse-
quent amendments thereto).

This Manufacturer’s Declaration takes into account all the unified standards (inasmuch as
they apply to our products) published by the European Commission in the Official Journal of
the European Community.

Bocholt, 1995-11-15
Signature (person responible for products)

BA 3400 EN 11.95

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