ArcSight Use Cases

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Arc Sight SIEM Use Cases Examples

Use Case Name

1 Brute Force Attack Detection
2 Firewall Monitoring
3 Monitoring VPN Security
4 ArcSight vs WannaCry ransomware worm
5 Antivirus Monitoring
6 Reconnaissance Attack Monitoring
7 IDS- IPS Monitoring
8 Anomalous Traffic Detection
9 ArcSight for Cisco Solution Package
10 Email Malware Monitoring

Use case #1: Brute Force Attack Detection

The attack which is performed number of times in order to gain access to the system by using
different login credentials is known as brute force attack. In this kinds of attacks, a series of
attempts are made on the server in order to login. There are different kinds of tools available to
make a note of these attempts. ArcSight is one of them and it can be used to generate an alert
when these kinds of attempts are made to login.
The main parameters which will decide that the ongoing event as a brute force attack are to be
configured in the ArcSight. The parameters are number of attempts that are made to login
(some of them may be successful and some them may be unsuccessful both are considered as a
brute force attack it the attempts are made several times), the source and destination of the
attempts is also determined in the details, and the account form which these attempts are
made can also be found.
The primary page gives the details of the data about the source and destination. In order to get
further information, click the event which you find suspicious, then additional information like
event time, from which device it is originated, user names of the destination and the source,
vendor of the device and other detailed information is given.
Use case #2: Firewall Monitoring
Firewall is the primary tool which is used to block the outside network traffic to effect the inside
devices. This can only be achieved only if the rules are configured properly for the firewall.
Monitoring the logs of the firewall is also important. There are different tools available out
there, we are using ArcSight as an example.
In the firewall dashboard section of the ArcSight, the details like how many successful attempts
of the firewall, how many failure attempts are done on the firewall, total number of attempts
and other details like what activities does the firewall blocked are shown.

Connection Drops:
In the deeper view the ArcSight gives the detailed view about the internal connection drops,
denied outbound connections, IP address of each device, mapping of the devices that are
connected to the network, Firewall blocks that are done over the network are also can be
Use case #3: Monitoring VPN Security
Virtual Private Network provide a secure connection between the user and the network of the
organization. This is mainly used by work from home employees. As these VPNs can be
accessed from outside, there is a chance that the attackers may also gain access to the network
of the organization. SO monitoring the VPN is important. To do this there are different kinds of
tools available, here we are taking ArcSight ESM and Express 6.11 as an example.
By clicking VPN Security Monitor the details like the alerts which popped within the last 24
hours are shown and other details like name of the alerts, destination user name, end time of
the alert, priority level if the alert, VPN top alerts count by affected user and many other details
are known in the VPN Security Monitor.
Test Events in Active Channels:
In the test events section, the detailed information about the VPN will be shown. Details like
start time of the connection, end time of it, the amount of data that is being transferred
through the connection, attacker’s IP address, number of events that are produced with in a
time period is also shown in the VPN Alerts window.

Use case #4: ArcSight vs WannaCry ransomware worm

WannaCry is an attack which used WannaCrypt ransomware to affect the systems which are
running on older versions of Windows. This was happened on May 2017 and affected almost
hundreds of countries worldwide. The ransomware even installed a backdoor on the systems
that they have affected. In order to detect the wannacry ransomware, different kinds of
software were made available and ArcSight’s WannaCry Ransomware Worm Detector is one of
them. This helped the analysts team to detect the systems that got effected by this software
using indicators of compromise (IOC)
The WannaCry Ransomware Worm Detector is used to see the entries with the name of the
port, start time and the end time of the action etc., In the list of the entries there will be
categories of the port number from which the connection is made, the IP address of the
connection. As this used Detect Tor technique, there are different categories in the table like
First Seen Tor, Last seen Tor, Confirmed Tor and the comments for each connection (if any).

In the dashboard of the ArcSight Command Center, there are different sections like Wannacry
activity within last 24 hours which consists of a table with timestamp on the X-axis and Value on
the Y-axis, all potential infected hosts by event count, SOC Channel-Wannacry Ransomware
Worm Activity, Top 10 Potential infected Hosts etc.,
Use case #5: Antivirus Monitoring
Monitoring the activity of the virus in the organization is a process of scanning the devices
which has a possibility of getting affected by virus and other kinds of malicious files. Virus is a
program which is made to make the system to behave improperly. The virus is generally
installed in devices like laptops, desktops etc., There are some kinds of virus which can replicate
themselves and spread to other systems which are connected to them, these kinds of virus are
known as worms. By installing the antivirus programs, the antivirus monitoring tool scans the
devices to identify infected systems based on their abnormal behavior. There are different tools
available to do this job, here we are using ArcSight Console.
The Antivirus Monitoring tool is used in the ArcSight by adding the zip file of Antivirus
monitoring to the ArcSight Console. In the starting stage of implementing the tool you will see a
dash board. The dashboard consists of the divisions with information like latest virus infections,
the time at which they got affected, stage of the servers, virus activities, latest outbreak events,
the velocity of the virus etc.,

Query Viewer:
The query viewer gives detailed information of the virus activity in the form of a table. The table
consists of the details like the type of query that is made, the start time of the activity, the end–
time of it, last update that is done on the activity etc., If a virus gets detected then, the
important information like virus name, client address, client zone name, the address of the
device etc., The velocity at which the virus is spreading through the devices is known the
number of count that it has made. If the count is higher then, the velocity is said to be higher.
After completing the process of monitoring the activity of the virus, the reports of the progress
are done. The time of making is report is based on the activities that are happened inside the
network. If the activities that happened in the network are more then, the time taken to make a
report is more. In the same way the time taken by the tool is less if the activities of the network
are less. In default the reports are made in HTML format and the file which you want to save is
to be converted into pdf of any other format so that they can be read in future.

Use case #6: Reconnaissance Attack Monitoring

The objectives of a reconnaissance attack are to collect the target’s network information,
system information, and the organizational information. By carrying out reconnaissance at
various network levels, the attacker gains information such as network blocks, network services
and applications, system architecture, intrusion detection systems, specific IP addresses, and
access control mechanisms. With a reconnaissance attack, the attacker collects information
such as employee names, phone numbers, contact addresses, designation, and work
experience, etc., which leads to social engineering and other phases of the intrusion into the
corporate network.
The process of gathering the information to make an attack in future is known as
reconnaissance. To monitor the activities that are happening in the network which resembles
the reconnaissance can be monitored in the dashboard. From the dashboard the information
like critical hosts scanned, internal scanner activity, reconnaissance activity and many more
windows can be opened which gives a detailed information about the reconnaissance activity
that is happening in the network.

Reconnaissance Monitoring Dashboard:

The reconnaissance dashboard is a separate window which specifically shows the information
about the details of the critical hosts scanned, internal scanner activity, top critical hosts
scanned by external sources, top traffic from internal scanner, top internal scanned hosts
details are represented in the diagrammatic form and even some of them are represented in
bar diagrams to make it more understandable.

Use case #7: IDS- IPS Monitoring

Intrusion Detection Systems and Intrusion Prevention Systems are the devices which scan the
data packets that are coming into the network and they try to find the suspicious data in it.
They mainly work based on the signature mechanism in which they compare the data with the
previously found malicious content and tries to relate them with the current content. If any
suspicious or malicious content is found they blocks them as they violate the policy of the IDS
and IPS. To monitor all these activities and the traffic that is going through IDS and IPS there are
different kinds of tools that can be used. In this case we are using ArcSight tool as an example.
The first step of implementing it is to install it in the ArcSight Console and the launch it. The first
that can be noticed is the navigator panel. Select the IDS-IPS monitoring in that where the
dashboards, active channels and the report sections are shown.

By clicking the dashboard in the opening screen, the activities that are happening in the
network are shown and they are divided into separate divisions. There will be like Top 10 alerts
by Exploit type, Top 10 alerts by Target Object, IDS-IPS Alert counts and other top 10 categories
of attackers and targets. By going into the details of each of the category there will be details
like type of the exploit, target object, priority total and other details like zone name, attacker
address, target adders, other details regarding them can also be found.
Priority events in the Active Channel:
Investigating the priority events in the active channel is done in the next stage as it was the
second category the is showed on the dashboard of IDS-IPS monitoring. In the event priority
only the events of priority level 4 and above are shown, along with some other details like start
time and end time of the investigation, attackers address, attackers host name, target address
The IDS and IPS monitoring lets the users to create the reports of the previously done
monitoring and about the detected events, which can be submitted to the stakeholders of the
company in the time of need. The data which is used for the report is generally will be the
previous day data by default, we can change it to the day we need and create a report. There
will be different kinds of reports of the alert counts, they are listed and divided by attacker, by
device, by exploit type, by object, by priority, by target. A sample of the report is shown below
as an example.
Use case #8: Anomalous Traffic Detection
In normal cases the spikes in the traffic will come from the scans and backups that are
scheduled to be done on the network. All the spikes that happen on the network will not be
good, some of them may actually refer an ongoing attack in the network. So monitoring the
traffic is very important. To do this there are different tools available. Anomalous traffic
detection use case of the ArcSight is one of them. So we are taking it as an example here.
By launching the anomalous traffic detection, the Viewer tab opens with the details like
dashboard under the monitor section. There will be a separate section of the library tab where
the active lists, data monitors, field sets, filters, rules, will be present.
In the dashboard section, there will be a traffic spikes link. By clicking that the spikes that is
happening in the network are shown. By the detailed view of it, we can get the information like
latest hosts affected by the traffic spikes, which consists of information like end time, priority,
name, source address, source zone name, destination address, destination zone name etc., In
the other fields, further information of the incoming traffic spikes and outgoing traffic spikes
are represented in the diagrammatic form which the actual spikes can be detected.
Use case #9: ArcSight for Cisco Solution Package
Cisco is a company which produces different kinds of networking hardware devices and
telecommunication devices like routers, modems, IP phones, switches, security appliances,
servers etc., The companies which use the Cisco devices can implement any kind of tools to
monitor the activities that are going on in the network as these devices act as medium. ArcSight
has a specific tool which is particularly used for these kind of situations where large enterprise
uses huge infrastructure. SO ArcSight Enterprise View is taken as an example which is
implemented for Cisco devices which are present in the network.
The ArcSight Solution package provides a full coverage of monitoring over the cisco devices
that are implemented in the network. It provides monitoring over the network traffic, devices
that are functioning in the network, ports that active, changes in the configuration of any
devices etc., can be noticed.

The above figure is an example of things that will show the details like top firewall product
sources, Cisco Firewall events count, top activities across cisco firewall devices etc., can be
The above picture shows the events from cisco network systems with the priority levels and the
name of the events. The attacker address, target address and if any other devices are added for
monitoring then the device vendor section is also present to differentiate.
There are different kinds of reports that are already packed in the ArcSight Solution. As per the
requirement the reports are to be prepared. Based on the need the data is recollected and
represented in a simpler manner so that they can be understood easily. The reports may
contain inbound and outbound connections per day in the last 7 days, top inbound and
outbound blocked target ports in last 24 hours and other details are presented in pictorial form.
Use case #10: Email Malware Monitoring
Generally, Emails are used to sends the messages and it can also be used to send files and
applications by attaching them to the messages. The user at the other end can download the
files or applications to open them on his system. In these kinds of cases the attacker makes the
user to download the malware affected files on the target system so that they can gain access
to the files of it. The attacker can even install a backdoor so that he can come back whenever
he needs without confronting the victim. So the activities of the mail have to be monitored. To
perform this ArcSight has a tool named Email Malware Monitoring which can be installed and
can be added to the ArcSight software.
The main window that comes when the sensitive email recipients is selected, will contain start
time and the end time of the activity, last update on that etc., There is a separate table where
the list of the activities that are happening on the mail are updated continuously with the
details like email, creation time, domain name, comments that are added to the email (if any)
and the count of the events etc.,

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