Introduction to Big Data

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Big Data

Big Data
Big Data
Big Data
➢ “Retrieval of information”.
➢ “Need of past history”
➢ “Science and research”
➢ “Simulation and modeling”
➢ “Forecasting”
➢ “Increased population”
➢ “…….Many more….”
Big Data
Big data is a term applied to a new generation of software,
applications, and system and storage architecture.
It designed to provide business value from unstructured data.
Big data sets require advanced tools, software, and systems to capture,
store, manage, and analyze the data sets,
All in a timeframe Big data preserves the intrinsic value of the data.
Big data is now applied more broadly to cover commercial
Big data
Four distinct applications segments comprise the big data market.
 each with varying levels of need for performance and scalability.
The four big data segments are:
 1) Design (engineering collaboration)
 2) Discover (core simulation – supplanting physical experimentation)
3) Decide (analytics).
4) Deposit (Web 2.0 and data warehousing)
Big Data
Big Data
Big Data
“Data Driven” Web 2.0 onwards.
Big Data
Big Data Challenges
Big Data
Big Data
Big Data
Data Analytics
Big data analytics is the process of examining large amounts of data of
a variety of types.
The primary goal of big data analytics is to help companies make
better business decisions.
analyze huge volumes of transaction data as well as other data sources
that may be left untapped by conventional business intelligence (BI)
Data Analytics
Big data Consist of
◦uncovered hidden patterns.

◦ Unknown correlations and other useful information.

➢Such information can provide business benefits.

➢more effective marketing and increased revenue.

Data Analytics
Big dataanalytics can be done with the software tools commonly used as part of
advanced analytics disciplines.

 such as predictive analysis and data mining.

But the unstructured data sources used for big data analytics may not fit in
traditional data warehouses.

Traditionaldata warehouses may not be able to handle the processing demands

posed by big data.
Data Analytics
The technologies associated with big data analytics include NoSQL
databases, Hadoop and MapReduce.
 Known about these technologies form the core of an open source
software framework that supports the processing of large data sets
across clustered systems.
big data analytics initiatives include
◦ internal data analytics skills
◦high cost of hiring experienced analytics professionals,
◦challenges in integrating Hadoop systems and data warehouses
Data Analytics
Big Analytics delivers competitive advantage in two ways compared to
the traditional analytical model.
 First, Big Analytics describes the efficient use of a simple model
applied to volumes of data that would be too large for the traditional
analytical environment.
Research suggests that a simple algorithm with a large volume of data
is more accurate than a sophisticated algorithm with little data.
Data Analytics
Big Analytics supporting the following objectives for working with Big
Data Analytics:
1. Avoid sampling / aggregation;

2. Reduce data movement and replication;

3. Bring the analytics as close as possible to the data.

4. Optimize computation speed.

Data Analytics
The term “analytics” refers to the use of information technology to
harness statistics, algorithms and other tools of mathematics to improve
 Guidance for analytics must recognize that processing of data may not
be linear.
May involve the use of data from a wide array of sources.
 Principles of fair information practices may be applicable at different
points in analytic processing.
Guidance must be sufficiently flexible to serve the dynamic nature of
analytics and the richness of the data to which it is applied.
The Power and Promise of
Big Data Analytics to Improve Network Security.
Security professionals manage enterprise system risks by controlling
access to systems, services and applications defending against
external threats.
 protecting valuable data and assets from theft and loss.
monitoring the network to quickly detect and recover from an attack.
Big data analytics is particularly important to network monitoring,
auditing and recovery.
Business Intelligence uses big data and analytics for these purposes.
The Power and Promise of
Reducing Patient Readmission Rates (Medical data)

big data to address patient care issues and to reduce hospital

readmission rates.
 The focus on lack of follow-up with patients, medication management
issues and insufficient coordination of care.
Data is preprocessed to correct any errors and to format it for
The Power and Promise of
Analyticsto Reduce the Student Dropout Rate
(Educational Data)
Analytics applied to education data can help schools and school
systems better understand how students learn and succeed.
 Based on these insights, schools and school systems can take steps to
enhance education environments and improve outcomes.
 Assisted by analytics, educators can use data to assess and when
necessary re-organize classes, identify students who need additional
feedback or attention.
Direct resources to students who can benefit most from them.
Process of Data Analytics (KDD process)
The Process of Analytics
The Process of Analytics (Phase-1)
This knowledge discovery phase involves
◦gathering data to be analyzed.
◦ pre-processing it into a format that can be used.
◦ consolidating (more certain) it for analysis, analyzing it to
discover what it may reveal.
◦and interpreting it to understand the processes by which the data
was analyzed and how conclusions were reached.
The Process of Analytics (Phase-1)
Acquisition –(process of getting something)

 Data acquisition involves collecting or acquiring data for analysis.

Acquisition requires access to information and a mechanism for

gathering it.
The Process of Analytics (Phase-1)
Pre-processing –:

 Data is structured and entered into a consistent format that can be

Pre-processing is necessary if analytics is to yield trustworthy (able to
trusted), useful results.
places it in a standard format for analysis.
The Process of Analytics (Phase-1)
Integration –:
Integration involves consolidating data for analysis.
◦Retrieving relevant data from various sources for analysis
◦eliminating redundant data or clustering data to obtain a
smaller representative sample.
◦clean data into its data warehouse and further organizes it to
make it readily useful for research.
◦distillation into manageable samples.
The Process of Analytics (Phase-1)
Analysis –; Knowledge discovery involves

◦searching for relationships between data items in a database, or exploring

data in search of classifications or associations.

◦ Analysis can yield descriptions (where data is mined to characterize

properties) or predictions (where a model or set of models is identified that
would yield predictions).

◦Analysis based on interpretation, organizations can determine whether and

how to act on them.
The Process of Analytics (Phase-1)
Interpretation –:

◦ Analytic processes are reviewed by data scientists to understand results and

how they were determined.

◦ Interpretation involves retracing methods, understanding choices made

throughout the process and critically examining the quality of the analysis.

◦It provides the foundation for decisions about whether analytic outcomes are
The Process of Analytics (Phase-1)
The product of the knowledge discovery phase is an algorithm. Algorithms can perform a variety
of tasks:
Classification algorithms categorize discrete variables (such as classifying an incoming email
as spam).
 Regression algorithms calculate continuous variables (such as the value of a home based on its
attributes and location).
Segmentation algorithms divide data into groups or clusters of items that have similar
properties (such as tumors found in medical images).
Association algorithms find correlations between different attributes in a data set (such as the
automatically suggested search terms in response to a query).
Sequence analysis algorithms summarize frequent sequences in data (such as understanding a
DNA sequence to assign function to genes and proteins by comparing it to other sequences).
The Process of Analytics (Phase-2)
◦Associations discovered amongst data in the knowledge phase of the
analytic process are incorporated into an algorithm and applied.

◦for example, classify individuals according to certain criteria, and in doing

so determine their suitability to engage in a particular activity.

◦ In the application phase organizations reap (collect) the benefits of

knowledge discovery.

◦Through application of derived algorithms, organizations make

determinations upon which they can act.
Goals for Analytics Guidance
Recognize and reflect the two-phased nature of analytic processes.
◦Traditional methods of data analysis usually involve identification of a
question and analysis of data in search of answers to that question.

◦ Use of advanced analytics with big data upends that approach by making it
possible to find patterns in data through knowledge discovery. Rather than
approach data with a predetermined question.

◦ The results of this analysis may be unexpected.

◦Moreover, this research may suggest further questions for analysis or prompt
exploration of data to identify additional insights, through iterative analytic
Goals for Analytics Guidance
Provide guidance for companies about how to establish that their use
of data for knowledge discovery is a legitimate business purpose.
◦allow for processing of data for a legitimate business purpose, but provide little
guidance about how organizations establish legitimacy and demonstrate it to the
appropriate oversight body.

◦Guidance for analytics would articulate the criteria against which legitimacy is
evaluated and describe how organizations demonstrate to regulators or other
appropriate authorities the steps they have taken to support it.
Goals for Analytics Guidance
Emphasize the need to establish accountability through an internal
privacy program that relies upon the identification and mitigation of
the risks the use of data for analytics may raise for individuals.
◦how fair information practices are applied, it is important that organizations
implement an internal privacy program that involves credible assessment of the
risks data processing may raise.

◦Risk mitigation may involve de-identification and pseudo- nominisation of

data, as well as other controls to prevent re-identification of the original data
Goals for Analytics Guidance
Take into account that analytics may be an iterative process using data from a
variety of sources.
◦analytics is not necessarily a linear process. Insights yielded by analytics may be identified
as flawed or lacking, and data scientists may in response re-develop an algorithm or re-
examine the appropriateness of the data for its intended purpose and prepare it for further

◦ Knowledge discovery may reveal that data could provide additional insights, and
researchers may choose to explore them further. Data used for analytics may come from an
organization's own stores, but may also be derived from public records.

◦ Data entered into the analytic process may also be the result of earlier processing.
Data Analytics
◦Analytics and big data hold growing potential to address longstanding issues in critical
areas of business, science, social services, education and development. If this power is to be
tapped responsibly, organizations need workable guidance that reflects the realities of how
analytics and the big data environment work.

◦Such guidance must be grounded on the consensus of

international stakeholders.
 data protection authorities and regulators.
 business leaders.
academics and experts.
and civil society.
Thoughtful, practical guidance can release and enhance the power of data to address societal
questions in urgent need of answers.
 A trusted dialogue to arrive at that guidance will be challenging, but cannot wait.
Data Scientist
Data Scientist
Data scientist includes
Data capture and Interpretation
New analytical techniques
Community of Science
Perfect for group work
Teaching strategies
Data scientist
Data scientists require a wide range of skills:
◦ Business domain expertise and strong analytical skills
◦ Creativity and good communications.
◦Knowledgeable in statistics, machine learning and data visualization
◦Able to develop data analysis solutions using modeling/analysis methods and
languages such as Map-Reduce, R, SAS, etc.
◦ Adept at data engineering, including discovering and mashing/blending large
amounts of data.
Data scientist
Data scientists use an investigative computing platform

◦ to bring un-modeled data.

◦ multi-structured data, into an investigative data store for experimentation.

◦deal with unstructured, semi-structured and atructured data from various
Data scientist
Data scientist helps broaden the business scope of investigative
computing in three areas:
 New sources of data – supports access to multi-structured data.
New and improved analysis techniques – enables sophisticated
analytical processing of multi-structured data using techniques such as
Map-Reduce and in-database analytic functions.
 Improved data management and performance – provides improved
price/performance for processing multi-structured data using non-
relational systems such as Hadoop, relational DBMSs, and integrated
Role of Data scientist
 Goal of data analytics is the role of data scientist
◦Recognize and reflect the two-phased nature of analytic processes.

◦ Provide guidance for companies about how to establish that their use of
data for knowledge discovery is a legitimate business purpose.

◦ Emphasize the need to establish accountability through an internal privacy

program that relies upon the identification and mitigation of the risks the use
of data for analytics may raise for individuals.

◦Take into account that analytics may be an iterative process using data
from a variety of sources.
Current trend in Big data
 Iterative process (Discovery and Application)
In general:
Analyze the structured/semi-structured/unstructured data (Data analytics)
 development of algorithm (Data analytics)

 Data refinement (Data scientist)

 Algorithm implementation using distributed engine. E.g. HDFS (S/W engineer)
and write to No-SQL DB (Elasticsearch, Hbase, MangoDB, Cassandra, etc)
 Visual presentation in Application sw.
QA verification.
 Releaes.

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