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Here is the published version of the book. Please find two books on a
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Task 2
Use the feedback provided to give editorial direction to the author. How
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Incident Response – Evolution
and Current challenges
Incident response is the approach used manage security incidents to reduce
damages to an organization and improve the recovery of any affected services or
functionalities. Incident response activities follow an incident response plan and
are executed by an incident response teams. The incident response team is made
up of employees from different departments and part of the security team. The
incident response plan is the set directions that outline the response procedures
and the roles of different team members. Incident response has become a
necessity for organizations facing rising threat levels, and this chapter discusses
its importance.
a security event to ensure minimal damage and fast recovery of key business
processes. Therefore, depending on the stage of an attack or intrusion, the incident
response plan will detail the steps that must be taken to ensure the best outcomes
for the organization. Without this guiding tool, the organization would find it hard
to systematically contain any security event.
Figure 1: There are two types of companies, the ones they know they been hacked
and the other.
is by having ready incident response teams and plans at all times. The two tools
are part of a larger defense mechanism that an organization develops to ensure the
security or recovery of its core assets during a security incidence. Incident
response entails putting up a competent team and structuring highly effective
response plans that can be activated when required. Therefore, it involves
planning on how to ensure the defense or survival of the organization before the
actual attacks begin.
Figure 2: Cyber Resilience Strategy steps
1. Baseline assessment: The step where you will need to align your
organization’s business requirements, to your operational content, and
determine how you can build a successful strategy.
2. Identify resources and controls: In this step you need to identify your
resources and controls to ensure that your operational objectives are fully
aligned with the strategy.
3. Create a plan: Agree on an initial plan of action which includes working
with 3rd party partners.
4. Execute the plan
5. Report: Have an outcome of the strategy in short term (30 days) midterm
(60 days) and long term (180 days). (You can change the outcome days
based on your needs)
6. Manage: This plan needs to be continued updated and managed
considered, thus evaluated, when setting up an incident response plan. (Figure 2)
The assessment of these tools provides room for the organization to find
weaknesses in the safeguards and make changes to ensure better security.
Below are six best practices you can use to improve your organizations security
posture. We will dig in to details throughout different chapters in this book
(Figure 5)
1. Conduct a cybersecurity risk assessment. ...
2. Prioritize risk. ...
3. Track security metrics. ...
4. Implement automated cybersecurity solutions. ...
5. Educate your employees. ...
6. Create an incident response plan
Figure 5: six best practices you can use to improve your organizations security
training and security awareness programs can be combined. Similarly, IT auditing
and penetration testing could be made to complement each other where pen testers
identify weaknesses first and IT auditors focus more on the problematic areas
when examining the organization's IT assets.
Figure 6: Evolution of Attacks
52% of breaches involved hacking
33% included social attacks
28% involved malware
21% of breaches involved human error
15% involved misuse by authorized users
4% of breaches involved physical actions
As you can see from the above figures, the increase on technology has resulted in
an enforced structured change in incidence response in conjunction with the
evolution of the threat landscape.
To be able to deal with these complex attacks which effects organizations in any
size it’s important to develop incident response teams, which we will cover next
chapter (chapter 3: How to organize an Incident Response Team)
It’s important to highlight that you should know that threat landscape that will
continue to evolve; but the basics of incident response will develop around the
same framework which is : identify, contain, eradicate and recover from
The main differentiating factor will be how you develop your incident response;
do you have the capacity to perform IR internally, or do you need outsource of IR
partially or fully?? Let’s leave the answer to this question in chapter 3.
- As discussed in Chapter 1, Be ready
- Build a proper detection and reporting capabilities
- Education / awareness should be one of your core priorities.
- Keep always an eye on Data Breach Reports from Verizon, Microsoft, Kaspersky
as well different vendors. If you don’t want to go through all those individual
web sites, you can check my blog where I keep all those reports under one blog
post every year.
Figure 7: Threat reports under one link, updated regularly.
Incidences are on the increase and it has become quite apparent that if they are not
contained properly, they can easily escalate into issues that can damage an
organization. A reliable solution is to prepare adequately on how to address
security incidents when they happen. Incident response enables organizations to
take essential steps to address the ever-present threat of cyber threats. This
chapter has gone through the importance of incident response. As explained,
incident response helps the organization to handle incidents effectively by
providing a guide to be used to contain and mitigate the effects of security events.
Further, it helps protect the company brand by handling any eventualities that
might ruin the reputation of the company. Additionally, incident response can
prevent future breaches by ensuring the implementation of permanent fixes to
common security incident sources. Moreover, it helps the organization to prepare
for attacks by boosting its cyber resilience. Furthermore, incident response
contributes to the improvement of the security stature of the organization by
providing a reliable means of eliminating threats and recovering the organization.
Likewise, it also ensures the integration of an organization's security initiatives.
Lastly, it can aid in investigations and court prosecutions by collecting evidence
that can be used to build a case against suspects of attacks.
Therefore, incidence response is a necessity in organizations today. Poor handling
of incidents can lead to the escalations of manageable security events into
catastrophes. As recent reports from security incidents have shown, incident
response helps organizations to minimize losses, mitigate attackers, and even
prevent future security incidents. To achieve the best outcomes in incident
response, the organization should ensure that it acts with speed immediately after
a security event is detected. However, before executing the mitigative actions, the
nature and extent of the security incident have to be determined. In the short term,
the organization ought to focus on deploying resources to combatting the active
threat and returning the organization to normalcy. This should be done in parallel
with seeking assistance from law enforcement and third parties to assist with the
tracking of the cause. In the long term, the incident response activities can be
focused on identifying the cause of the threat to find permanent fixes, improving
the security tools used to ensure better detection and prevention, prosecuting the
culpable parties, and addressing reputational damage.
Despite the reliance on conventional cybersecurity approaches that are heavily
reliant on security tools, new threats can be best mitigated by people and
processes. Hence, incident response, which combines the efforts of security tools
with people and processes, will often lead to more effective solutions.
Organizations must, however, continually evaluate their incident response plans
and teams to ensure that their effectiveness improves over time. Nonetheless, the
importance of incident response in modern IT environments cannot be discounted.
Further Reading
The following are resources that can be used to gain more knowledge on this chapter:
4. https://w