Detalle HURST 1
Detalle HURST 1
Detalle HURST 1
Robust design
DETAIL DESIGN, Factor of safety
Ensure that all components can Analysis process can be seen as
sustain the applied load for the the three stage process outlined
working life of the product or in “Modelling”:
1. load type and force analysis;
Structural failure can occur due to
2. stress analysis of critical
• breakage or
3. analysis of possible modes of
component failure
• significant deformation
Factor of safety
The vast majority of failures are we introduce a factor of safety to
caused by fatigue enable the analysis process to
In the early stages of detail design
the shape and form of a Factor of safety is usually based
component are often ill defined upon the yield strength of the
so, with incomplete knowledge, material and in exceptional
Límite circumstances upon the ultimate
strength of the material.
…Factor of safety
Factor of safety (N) = Load carrying capability
Applied load
* This represents the crushing limit. You should also check buckling.
…Factor of safety
Since factors of safety compensate
for uncertainties it is the
designer's duty to gain further
knowledge through
• geometrical tolerances,
…Statistical assessment of factor of safety
To minimize the chance of Both of these will add cost to the
failures occurring there are two design
main options,
An optimum or compromise
• tighter manufacturing control solution must be arrived at.
and material selection reducing
the spread of the capacity curve
Thus, failure:
𝜎Y < 𝜎L ,
And so:
𝜎Y - 𝜎L < 0 ≠
…Statistical assessment of factor of safety
For cases where failure cannot be In order to take advantage of
tolerated, this distribution curve available statistics tables a new
should be located so that all unitless variable t is
realistic values are +ve. introduced.
elements of
a system
…Selection procedure for bought out components
Essential at the outset to Information gathered:
¡No todo lo
que brilla es
…Selection procedure for bought out components
Optimizing the choice is now a In the initial stages some pruning
matter of selecting the best of potential alternatives is called
compromise, for.
often it is necessary to
communicate directly with a
representative of the company.
…Selection procedure for bought out components,
Consider the decisions which
influence the type of spring most
suitable for a particular
…Selection procedure for bought out components
For some applications safety codes The flow chart illustrates the level
require that a compression spring of thought which must be applied
is used. to the smallest detail in any
This is because a failed
compression spring can continue It only takes the failure of a
to provide a stop and hold relatively insignificant component
components apart, to render the whole design
DETAIL DESIGN, Robust design
Design for reliability Design for reliability
Optimum level of
reliability is always
a compromise
between the two.
a) En cuanto a
b) se tiene
...Robust design, Design for reliability
¿Tiene sentido
hacer máquinas o
termination of the ability of a
component or system to perform
its required function.
...Robust design, Design for reliability
MTBF: Mean time between failures. MTBF= MTTF + mean time
to repair.
MTTF: Mean time to fail.
...Robust design, Design for reliability
Failure rate, (t) is not necessarily
Often covered by
End of the useful
working life.
...Robust design, Design for reliability
Reliability R(t) :
Time related, a probability,
expressed as a value between 0
and 100%.
0.906 or 90.6%.
...Robust design, Design for reliability
If the failure rates a and b Applying the series rule gives:
apply to the two-component
system such that:
Life of a bearing, which is The gearbox has six bearings and all
quoted by a manufacturer, must function for the gearbox to
indicates the number of cycles operate.
after which
The gearbox reliability = (0.9)6 = 0.54
10% of the bearings would fail. or 54%.
...Redundancy, Example.
Considering a shaft requiring a bearing at each end:
• reliability or
(2) Identify the function of the (5) Rate the severity (or seriousness)
component. of the potential effect of the failure.
(3) List at least one potential (6) Assign an occurrence rank to each
failure mode for each function. of the potential causes/mechanisms
of failure.
... Robust design, FMEA, Method
(7) Assign a detection ranking (9) Identify and carry out remedial
that assesses the ability of the actions for potential significant and
design controls to detect a critical characteristics of components
potential cause/mechanism or to lower the risk of the higher RPN
the ability of the design failure modes.
controls to detect the
subsequent failure mode.
(10) Calculate the new
(8) Calculate the RPN numbers severity, occurrence,
for each component. detection and RPN
... Robust design, FMEA
The reasons for the FMEA being The following tables give general
carried out by a multi- guidance for this process and the
disciplinary team are explained ratings quoted are those used in the
by the automotive industry.
... Robust design, FMEA, Detectability
... Robust design, FMEA, Detectability
... Robust design, FMEA, Detectability
Note: Zero (0) rankings for Severity, Occurrence or Detection are not
... Robust design, FMEA
Example: did not release pressure unless the
redesign of the pressure relief toilet were operated.
valve for a toilet cassette in a
is essential if a company is to
remain profitable.
... Robust design, Design for quality
Reliability is concerned with • Old concepts:
how long quality exists. improving product quality by
controlling manufacturing processes
and identifying poor quality items by
• Recent concepts:
improving product and
process design at the design stage.
... Robust design, Design for quality
Reasons: vast majority
of engineering
changes occur close
to, and sometimes
after, the product is
released for
... Robust design, Design for quality
The later in the design and The aim is to design quality in by
development process these getting the product right first time.
changes occur the greater
the cost penalty. The aim is to move the peak further
left, as far before the release date as
This is particularly true once possible.
manufacture has
commenced and the effect
is magnified by delaying the
launch of the product.
... Robust design, Design for quality
Adoption of the quality Quality has no meaning unless it is
techniques which follow will related to cost.
result in
• shorter lead times, a In general, the more expensive a
product is the better its quality.
• reduced number of
engineering changes, The aim is to improve the quality of a
product without increasing the cost
• reduced costs and increased of producing that product.
... Robust design, Design for quality
This can be achieved by Two different categories of factors are
reducing the effects of identified.
variability of controlling
parameters. • control factors, (easily controlled)
Examples: material selection,
The technique is called operating voltages and sizes.
parameter design.
• noise factors (cannot be controlled
Often very costly when control is
... Robust design, Design for quality
The approach is: Consider the design of an electrical
power supply circuit.
to identify those control
factors which are insensitive
to noise factors and
particularly those which
exhibit non-linearity.
If the flatter part of the curve in this case a resistor to reduce 270 V
were used, the target voltage to 240 V, must be considered
would increase to around 270 V
but the deviation about this
value would be reduced. It can often be a simpler and more
cost effective way of controlling
... Robust design, Design for quality
... Robust design, Design for quality
Although it is difficult to A product causes losses when it
quantify the quality of a product deviates from target values, even
one measure is becoming when within the specified tolerance
accepted. limits.
“Loss to Society.”
Simplification Robustness
Where possible rely on the The designer should aim for a product
expertise and knowledge of which is fit for the purpose intended
specialist manufacturers by for the lifetime intended.
using proprietary components.
Detail design principles
A solution is often arrived at by
a combination of techniques
and elements.
Iteration Progress
towards the production stage is
made iteratively as knowledge
of the important factors grows.