Hunger is one of the results of poverty that experience by the locals here in the
Philippines. And it is not surprising why the Philippines still considered as a poor country.
indication that had a chance of sustainability of food supply but hunger is still occurring.
Here in Eastern Samar, poverty pulls our locals to have insufficient money to buy nutritious
or even essential foods that leads to hunger. In Poblacion Salcedo, Eastern Samar, the
location is obviously rich in different agriculture resources such as banana, coconut, and
other green edible plants. Still, students and other locals must had the knowledge on how to
engender a recipe that could change their perspective about the ingredients being used.
are old and nearing the end of their productive life. These aging trees require more care
and maintenance, and their productivity declines over time. Reviving the coconut tree
population through replanting and promoting the use of high yielding coconut varieties is
essential for sustainable agriculture practices. In Eastern Samar State University – Salcedo
Campus, the location of the campus is rich of different agriculture resources and one of that
are the coconut trees. Coconut pulp patty lies in its potential to address multiple challenges
faced by the coconut industry. By conducted research on coconut pulp patty, we had unlock
the opportunities and benefits associated with this sustainable food product, contributing to
the growth and transformation of the coconut industry towards a more sustainable and
inclusive future. However, coconut pulp holds immense potential as a versatile ingredient
that can be utilized in various food products. One such product is coconut pulp patty, a
sustainable and nutritious food option that can contribute to waste reduction and promote
the circular economy in the coconut industry.
With regards to the situation, the researchers had conduct an experimental study
to assess the acceptability and sensory evaluation of the pulp patty. In the process of having
sensory evaluation through its appearance, aroma, texture, flavor, and general acceptance.
Through the respondents, the palatability of the patty will be able to measure its acceptance.
With the help of this study, is to be efficient enough to convert used coconut pulp into
value-added product that utilizes coconut pulp, reducing waste and promoting sustainable
practices here in Eastern Samar State University – Salcedo Campus. This research will
contribute to the development of strategies for waste reduction and the establishment of a
circular economy in the coconut sector. Coconut pulp is rich in dietary fiber, vitamins,
minerals, and antioxidants. By incorporating coconut pulp into a patty, we had create a
Coconut pulp is the residue from the coconut milk extraction. It is low-value
material but has a high potential to be a food source by processing the pulp. (Iguttia et al.,
2011) It has been observed that in Dry basis, analyses performed in our laboratory have
shown results of 5.34 to 32.5% lipid; 3.22 to 10.32% of ash; 0.8 to 11.37% of protein and
meat products with decreased levels of fat, salt, cholesterol as well as enriched with dietary
fiber has become more and more popular (Yang et al., 2007).
Fruits and vegetables occupy an important role in human nutrition as they provide
essential minerals, vitamins, dietary fiber and phenolic compounds that are natural
intake of processed meat products to type-2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and
certain types of cancer (Cashman and Hayes, 2017; de Smet and Vossen, 2016; Shan et al.,
2017). Additionally, the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer recently
declared that red meat consumption is cancer-causing to humans (Apostolidis and McLeay,
matured coconut that can be found here in Eastern Samar as mentioned by majority of the
farmers in the same locality. Coconut pulp is somehow used as feeds in poultries and
piggeries as basic observation here in Eastern Samar. We could see coconut pulp cannot
be consumed by human as food because what we only observed is coconut pulp is used to
become feeds, fertilizers, and other organic enhancers. We could also see that in the
matured coconut fruit, only the coconut extract is the only material or ingredient we can use
potential ingredient.
Thus, to solve this problem, this study had provide additional way to solve this
existing problem in Poblacion Salcedo, Eastern Samar. The researchers of this study aim to
provide and produce food product that is easily accessed in the location, to utilize coconut
pulp as food source, and to promote the idea of utilizing natural resources. The product that
the researchers aim to provide is patties. Coconut pulp serves the main ingredient of this
patty. Though, coconut pulp is not really patronized by the locals. And this coconut pulp is
only known as feeds for ducks and also for pigs. Poblacion Salcedo, Eastern Samar has
good resources of these. It could turn the left-over pulp into patties.
In this connection, the researchers choose this coconut pulp patty because
coconut pulp can be made as one of the ingredients for making a patty compared of using
prepare and it contains vitamins and minerals that gives benefit to our body. To reduce the
cost of making patty, the researchers substitute all-purpose flour with coconut pulp.
However as to correct the amount coconut pulp added to all-purpose flour has been
investigated, so the researchers had inspire to study this problem which focused on the
extenders for patties. Researchers has attempt to use the coconut pulp as substitute for all-
purpose flour. More specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:
1.1. Appearance
1.2. Aroma
1.3. Texture
1.4. Flavor
1.5. Color
1.6. Tenderness
Based on the raised question, this study had be guided with the following
The significance of the study had be viewed meaningfully in the following areas of
Technology and Livelihood Education teachers to conduct more research activities on the
used as ingredients in making healthy patties. The teacher may encourage their students to
make a good quality of a healthy patty made from coconut meat (pulp) instead of meat.
Students. This study had awaken the minds of the students that coconut meat (pulp)
has a many uses and benefits. They had not only know that this coconut meat (pulp) can be
used as a main food, but it can make into healthy pulp patty.
Housewives. This study had provide information's to the housewives that coconut
meat (pulp) can be made into healthy patty. Furthermore, housewives had be able to lessen
the waste of throwing and feeding coconut meat (pulp) because it can be a good substitute
of meat patty.
Farmers. Findings of the study had help farmers venture on coconut pulp production
because many consumers of coconut pulp had demand it by processing it into coconut pulp
Community. This study had provide information to the people in the community that
coconut meat (pulp) has many uses aside from being a healthy food it will help also to have
a source of a good income and livelihood. The community had encouraged to produce more
coconut in their respective farms due to its beneficial and healthy for human.
Researcher. This study had serve as references for future researcher who aims to
conduct experimental research related to acceptability of pulp patty. Furthermore, the result
of this study could add the body of related literature. This is also provide empirical data that
The input of the study gathered the necessary ingredients and materials that had
used in the study. It also refers the independent variables which varying levels of Coconut
Pulp while the dependent variables refer the quality characteristics of Patty using Coconut
Patty. The pulp is nutritious and can re-invent into a patty. It’s full of healthy fiber and good
for our body too. Furthermore, the use of this coconut pulp had help to reduce coconut waste
During the process phase, the assessment of the food acceptability of the Coconut
Pulp as Patty and testing the evaluation by the selected respondents of Poblacion Salcedo,
Eastern Samar. The product was evaluated by the respondents in terms of the quality of the
product. And the acceptability of Coconut Pulp that process into Coconut Pulp Patty.
Treatment 5 = 100%
coconut pulp
Figure 1. The input-output model depicting the conceptual framework of the study.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
This study had determine the general acceptability of coconut pulp patty. There had
110 participants in this study, consisting of 100 selected participants from Poblacion
Salcedo, Eastern Samar, and 10 selected faculty members from Eastern Samar State
University – Salcedo Campus, who had serve as respondent for this research using the
The following varying levels of coconut pulp had serve as treatments in the study.
Definition of Terms
For easy understanding of the concepts of this study, the following terms conceptually
(Merriam- Webster 2012). This refers to the general interpretation on the result of
coconut pulp patty tasted. The term refers to the level of the taster’s implication from
Appearance. This refers to the outward aspect of the study which consist of
the shape, and color conditions of the conditions of the surface of the product
(Oxford Dictionary, 2014). In this study, these characteristics (shape, size, color,
etc.) were the basics basis of judging the appearance on quality characteristics by
savory smell (Merriam-Webster 2012). In this study, it refers to the significant role in
various contexts, including the flavor of food. Aroma influences the acceptance and
appreciation of food.
Coconut Pulp. This refers to the shredded meat or flesh of a coconut fruit
(Oxford English Dictionary, 2010). In this study, this refers to the natural fiber that
(Clawdio and de leon, 1987). In this study, it refers to the brightness of Coconut Pulp
Flavor. This refers to the blend of taste and smell sensations involved by a
substance in the mouth (Merriam-Webster 2012). In this study, this refers to the taste
and aroma of coconut pulp patty which is one of the quality characteristics of the
Hedonic scale. This refers to tasting panels where the judges indicate the
extent of their like or dislike for the food (Bender, 2005). In this study this refers to
tasting panels as instrument used to taste the degree of acceptability of coconut pulp
person vary, depending on the state of the body (the Great Soviet Encyclopedia,
evaluate the quality characteristic of coconut pulp patty using coconut pulp in terms
(Oxford English Dictionary, 2010). In this study, this refers to the output product to be
Tenderness. This refers to the quality of being succulent and easily chewed
(Merriam-Webster, 2012). In this study, this refers to the ease which product can be
coconut pulp patty product (Merriam-Webster, 2012). In this study, this refers to the
surface characteristics and appearance of coconut pulp that can measured by the
sense of touch.
Chapter 2
This chapter presents the literature and studies reviewed which will provide the
Related Literature
Coconuts are the fruit of the coconut palm tree, which originated in Southeast
Asia, and was transported throughout the Pacific either by migrating Indonesians and
years which could be due to the landmass of the Southern Hemisphere, Gondwana. More
than 2000 years ago, the traders carried coconut from islands on their journey towards home
islands which comprises Indonesia in the present era. Coconut’s voyage towards the Indian
Ocean to Madagascar and then to East Africa is assumed to be started by the people of
Borneo. If we talk about recent times, in 1498, Portuguese mariners, Coconut has a broad
scope in food and non-food applications, and it has to be studied, tried, and implemented for
the wellness of mankind. Coconut has been an intrinsic part of the diet of Asia, Africa,
Central America, and the South Pacific Islands since ancient times.
Coconut pulp patty is a unique and innovative food product that incorporates coconut
pulp as a primary ingredient in the patty. This patty stands out from traditional burger patties
by using coconut pulp along with other ingredients like river clams, cheese, and vegetables,
The process of making a coconut pulp patty involves combining all the ingredients,
including coconut pulp, river clams, cheese, and vegetables, molding them into regular-sized
patties, and adding seasonings for flavor. Unlike typical burger patties made from beef, pork,
or chicken, the coconut pulp patty offers a refreshing alternative with its unique combination
of ingredients.
The use of coconut pulp in the patty not only adds flavor but also brings potential
health benefits. Coconut pulp is rich in nutrients such as fiber, vitamins, and minerals, which
Furthermore, coconut pulp is known for its versatility and ability to add a tropical
twist to dishes. Its natural sweetness and texture can complement the savory elements of a
Overall, coconut pulp patty offers a creative and flavorful twist to traditional burger
patties, appealing to those looking for innovative and healthier food options.
Patties made from coconut pulp are a new food product that is becoming popular because of
its many culinary uses, sustainable origin, and high nutritional content. The purpose of this
study is to examine the body of research on coconut pulp patties, including studies on its
consumer acceptance. Cocosnucifera, or coconut palm, is a tall tree grouped with the
trees, coconut is known as the tree of abundance, heaven, and life for its numerous uses in
Studies have brought to light the rich nutritional profile of coconut pulp patties,
highlighting their substantial amounts of essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and high
fiber content. Research suggests that coconut pulp is a valuable source of dietary fiber,
which plays a role in weight control and supports a healthy digestive system (Jayanegara et
al., 2017). Furthermore, coconut pulp contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which
mouthfeel, and aftertaste, aiming to determine their influence on consumer preference. The
findings indicated that patties with a strong coconut aroma, a well-balanced level of
sweetness, and a satisfying crunchy texture received higher sensory ratings, indicating
galactopiranosa with bonding αlfa-(1-6). Galactomannan source that has been developed is
of plant seeds Leguminoceae, the fenugreek (Trigonellafoenum graecum). The price of 250
Galactomannan compound also contained in the coconut meat. The more mature of
coconuts fruit, galactomannan compounds will increase. Coconut pulp that has been
processed into flour can be substituted on the processing of snacks so that the product has
Glykemik index (GI) is low. Isolation galactomannan using 4% of furnace ash solution and
coconut pulp 400 g obtained galactomannan isolates 134, 4g. The use of coconut
galactomannan isolates for 52 days in the rabbit (hypercholesterolemia), can prevent the
the increase in LDL of 15 mg/dl together with cholesterol-drugs, increase HDL 1 mg/dl, while
the drug to increase HDL 2 mg/dl, and prevent the increase in triglycerides (TG) 18 mg/dl.
By looking at the benefits galactomannan in the food industry, health, environmental and
Related Studies
Coconut pulp is the best alternative for gluten-free product seekers as well as
being highly recommended for gluten related disease patients as it low in gluten but rich in
(Karandeep et al), coconut is a very important tree in tropical areas since it provides
food, employment, and business opportunities to millions of people. Because of its intrinsic
rich macro and micronutrient profile for human health and nutrition, the fruit is known as
‘wonder fruit’. It also naturally disperses well since the fruits can still germinate on land after
floating in sea water for up to 120 days, enabling wide distribution of the tree globally. This
dispersal characteristic allows this species to spread far from its origins without the need for
Several research studies have delved into the sensory evaluation of coconut pulp patties,
aiming to understand the factors that influence consumer perception and acceptance of
these products. Silva et al. (2019) conducted a comprehensive sensory analysis of coconut
pulp-based snacks, focusing on attributes such as texture, flavor, aroma, and overall
eating experience, with factors like crispiness and chewiness significantly impacting
consumer preferences. Additionally, the study highlighted the role of flavor variety, with
consumers showing preferences for coconut-based snacks with distinct and appealing flavor
Building upon this foundation, (Fernando and Jayawardena 2020) investigated the
consumer perception, noting that visually appealing patties with a golden-brown crust and
uniform shape were more likely to be preferred. Taste, another crucial aspect, was explored
in detail, with findings suggesting that balancing sweetness and coconut flavor intensity was
A sensory evaluation of coconut pulp patties involves assessing their taste, aroma,
texture, and overall acceptability. This evaluation typically employs a panel of trained
assessors or consumers who use standardized methods like descriptive analysis or hedonic
scales to evaluate various sensory attributes. For instance, studies like "Sensory Evaluation
Sensory and Textural Properties of Coconut Bar" by Khotimchenko et al. (2018) can provide
product acceptability. Additionally, resources such as the ASTM E2299 standard for sensory
evaluation can offer guidelines for conducting sensory assessments (ASTM International,
Sorsogon are pili (Canarium ovatum), banana (Musa balbisiana), young coconut meat
(Cocos nucifera L), and karagomoi (Pandanus Simplex). This study cited a product
development by making pie filling with the use of pili pulp, banana, young coconut and
particularly of San Ramon Bacon and Bulabog Sorsogon city who has the massive
production of these products. On the other hand, Consumer testing used the 9-point hedonic
scale in collecting data leading to come up with the most acceptable product. There were
225 respondents involving students, residents of San Ramon Bacon and Bulabog, Sorsogon
city. Results revealed that the third treatment was the most acceptable product which is like
very much (8.5). Moreover, the initial physio-chemical analysis of pie revealed 5.35 pH, 17
Brix total soluble solids, and 24.40% moisture content. The initial shelf-life result of pie in
normal temperature is up to 3 days and if kept refrigerated it will last up to 2 weeks. The
product nutrition information shows that the pie is nutritious having a total of 874 calories,
total fat 54%, saturated fat 0%, cholesterol 19.40%, sodium 9.35%, carbohydrate of 44.67%,
Dietary Fiber 56.80%, sugars 73.14 grams, Protein 39.20%, vitamin a 22%, vitamin c 82%,
calcium 60%, iron 11%, vitamin b-6 27%, vitamin b-12 5%, and magnesium 19%. In view of
biscuits,and ice cream industries worldwide to enhance the flavor and taste of
The coconut (the fruit of the palm Cocos nucifera) is the Swiss Army knife of
the plant kingdom; in one neat package it provides a high-calorie food, potable
water, fiber that can be spun into rope, and a hard shell that can be turned into
This chapter discussed and presents the materials used in this study and
methodology which involved in the different treatments and phases of the operation in
The following ingredients are used in the preparation of coconut pulp patty
Ingredients: Quantities:
Onion ¼ cup
Garlic ½ cup
Tomato ½ cup
Salt ¾ teaspoon
Water 1 tablespoon
Egg 2 pieces
Ingredients: Quantities:
Onion ¼ cup
Garlic ½ cup
Tomato ½ cup
Salt ¾ teaspoon
Water 1 tablespoon
Egg 2 pieces
Ingredients: Quantities:
Onion ¼ cup
Garlic ½ cup
Tomato ½ cup
Salt ¾ teaspoon
Water 1 tablespoon
Egg 2 pieces
Ingredients: Quantities:
Onion ¼ cup
Garlic ½ cup
Tomato ½ cup
Salt ¾ teaspoon
Water 1 tablespoon
Egg 2 pieces
Ingredients: Quantities:
Onion ¼ cup
Garlic ½ cup
Tomato ½ cup
Salt ¾ teaspoon
Water 1 tablespoon
Egg 2 pieces
Chopping Board. This had been used to avoid surface damage while slicing
Coconut Grater. This had been used to grate the flesh of a coconut into fine
Cooking Outfit. This served as protection both for the researcher and the
Ladle. This had been used for mixing all the measured ingredients.
Measuring Spoon. This had been used in measuring small amount of liquid
Pot Holder. This had been served as protection for the researcher to avoid
Spatula. This had been used to lift and flip the patty while cooking.
Weighting Scale. This had been used to measure the exact measurement of
These materials had been provided and gathered by the researchers. Each
of the material was thoroughly cleaned before the preparation of coconut pulp patty.
Crack the coconut open first. Use the coconut grater to grade the coconut
meat, then prepare a large bowl to place the grated coconut meat. Extract the grated
coconut meat to remove the milk and set aside the coconut pulp.
Preheat the frying pan. In a large bowl, combine the coconut pulp, all-
purpose flour, ground pork, onion, garlic, tomato, salt, ground peeper, egg and water.
Mix until the ingredients are distributed properly. Scoop 1/8 cup of mixed ingredients and
mold it into a ball shaped figure. Gently press on the ball shaped mixtures to form a flat
ground burger patty. Arrange the patties over the greased aluminum foil sheet. Put
cooking oil to the frying pan. Fry the patties until it achieved the color of golden brown.
Separate first the fried patty into tray to remove excess oil. Finally, arrange the patties in
a serving plate.
Product Evaluation
A testing panel score card for organoleptic test and Hedonic Rating Scale for
Research Design
the quality characteristics and acceptance level or preferences of the Coconut Pulp
Patty. The products had been presented to the taste panel that has training, expertise
and experiences in this line of work. The panel consist of 10 members who will evaluate
the products appearance, aroma, tenderness, color, flavor, and texture using the
Organoleptic test score card. These ten panel of testers had been randomly selected
from the faculty members in Eastern Samar State University, Salcedo Eastern Samar.
Samples for each replication had been coded as follows: A for Treatment 1, B for
products had been examined and tested using a five point-rating scale based on the
variables considered. Scales values had been used with their corresponding description
as follows:
The following are the quality characteristics of coconut pulp patty that had
been used to describe the patty with varying levels of coconut pulp.
5 – looks mouth-watering
4 – looks appetizing 21
3 – neat but not extra ordinary way
2 – looks uneven
5 – Rancid
4 – Aromatic
3 – Musty
2 – Savory
1 – Mild
5 – Chewy
4 – Soft
3 – Hard
2 – Dry
1 - Greasy
5 – Tasty
4 – Salty
3 – Fatty
2 – Burnt
1 - Undercooked
5 – Golden Brown
4 – Brown
3 – Dark Brown
2 – Pale Brown
1 – Light Brown
Tenderness 22
5 – meat has substantial texture
2 – meat is dry
evaluate the general acceptability of the product. Selected and one hundred (100)
evaluate their preference on coconut pulp patty using the score card of acceptability.
Using the Hedonic Rating Scale, this method had measure the consumer reactions in
terms of their degree of likeness of the product. The evaluators’ reaction had been
indicated by the description on the scale. The following scale values with corresponding
Data Analysis
The data had been subjected to statistical treatments. The percentage and
mean had been used to compute for quality characteristics and acceptability of the
products. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) in complete randomized design (CRD) had
appearance, aroma, tenderness, color, flavors, and over-all acceptability of the product.
Chapter 4
This chapter presents the results, analysis and interpretation of the findings of the
study. The analysis of the data focused on the quality characteristics of the coconut pulp
patty treated with different levels of coconut pulp which include appearance, aroma, texture,
flavor, color, and tenderness. The consumers preference and acceptability of the different
coconut pulp patty treatment were also determine using the Hedonic rating scale.
On Quality Characteristics
The experts rated the quality characteristics of coconut pulp patty with different level
of coconut pulp.
Table 1 presents the quality characteristics of coconut pulp patty with different levels
of coconut pulp as rated by taste panel of evaluators. It showed that treatment 1 had
received a rating of “very good” in terms of appearance, aroma, texture, and tenderness and
“excellent” for flavor and color. Treatment 2 was rated “excellent” in terms of appearance,
flavor, and color and “very good” in terms of aroma, texture, and tenderness. Treatment 3
was rated “excellent” in terms of flavor, color, and tenderness and “very good” in terms of
appearance, aroma, and texture. Treatment 4 was rated “very good” in all characteristics
except of flavor which was rated “excellent”, while treatment 5 was rated “very good” in all
Table 1.
Table 2 presents the data of the mean rating on the appearance of coconut pulp
patty treated with different levels of coconut pulp as rated by the respondents. The results
showed that treatment 2 had the highest mean rating of 4.23. This was followed by treatment
3 with a mean of 4.13. Followed by treatment 1 with a mean of 4.10. Followed by treatment 4
with a mean of 3.83, and then treatment 5 got the lowest mean of 3.70.
Table 2a presents the analysis of variance on the appearance of coconut pulp patty
treated with different levels of coconut pulp. It showed that there was no significant
difference among the different treatments since the computed F value of 1.79 and had a
Table 3 presents the data of the mean rating on the aroma of coconut pulp patty
treated with different levels of coconut pulp as rated by the respondents. The results showed
that treatment 2 and treatment 4 had the highest mean rating of 4.13. This was followed by
treatment 1 and treatment 3 with a mean of 4.00, and then treatment 5 got the lowest mean
of 3.80.
Table 3a presents the analysis of variance on the aroma of coconut pulp patty
treated with different levels of coconut pulp. It showed that there was no significant
difference among the different treatments since the computed F value of 0.43 and had a
Table 2.
Appearance of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of Coconut Pulp.
Table 2a.
Analysis of Variance on Appearance of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of
Coconut Pulp
Table 3.
Aroma of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of Coconut Pulp.
Table 3a.
Analysis of Variance on Aroma of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of
Coconut Pulp
Table 4 presents the data of the mean rating on the texture of coconut pulp patty
treated with different levels of coconut pulp as rated by the respondents. The results showed
that treatment 3 had the highest mean rating of 4.13. This was followed by treatment 1 and
treatment 2 with a mean of 4.06. Followed by treatment 5 with a mean of 3.96 and then
Table 4a presents the analysis of variance on the texture of coconut pulp patty
treated with different levels of coconut pulp. It showed that there was no significant
difference among the different treatments since the computed F value of 0.56 and had a
Table 5 presents the data of the mean rating on the flavor of coconut pulp patty
treated with different levels of coconut pulp as rated by the respondents. The results showed
that treatment 3 had the highest mean rating of 4.66. This was followed by treatment 2 with a
mean of 4.53. Followed by treatment 1 and treatment 4 with a mean of 4.33, and then
Table 5a presents the analysis of variance on the flavor of coconut pulp patty treated
with different levels of coconut pulp. It showed that there was no significant difference
among the different treatments since the computed F value of 2.39 and had a significance
value of 0.121.
Table 4.
Texture of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of Coconut Pulp.
Table 4a.
Analysis of Variance on Texture of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of
Coconut Pulp
Table 5.
Flavor of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of Coconut Pulp.
Table 5a.
Analysis of Variance on Flavor of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of
Coconut Pulp
Table 6 presents the data of the mean rating on the color of coconut pulp patty
treated with different levels of coconut pulp as rated by the respondents. The results showed
that treatment 1 had the highest mean rating of 4.43. This was followed by treatment 2 and
treatment 3 with a mean of 4.40. Followed by treatment 4 with a mean of 4.03, and then
Table 6a presents the analysis of variance on the color of coconut pulp patty treated
with different levels of coconut pulp. It showed that there was significant difference among
the different treatments since the computed F value of 8.41 and had a significance value of
Table 7 presents the data of the mean rating on the tenderness of coconut pulp patty
treated with different levels of coconut pulp as rated by the respondents. The results showed
that treatment 3 had the highest mean rating of 4.26. This was followed by treatment 1 with a
mean of 4.13. Followed by treatment 4 with a mean of 4.03. Followed by treatment 2 with a
mean of 3.96, and then treatment 5 got the lowest mean of 4.06.
Table 7a presents the analysis of variance on the tenderness of coconut pulp patty
treated with different levels of coconut pulp. It showed that there was no significant
difference among the different treatments since the computed F value of 2.03 and had a
Table 6.
Color of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of Coconut Pulp.
Table 6a.
Analysis of Variance on Color of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of
Coconut Pulp
Table 7.
Tenderness of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of Coconut Pulp.
Table 7a.
Analysis of Variance on Tenderness of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of
Coconut Pulp
Multiple Comparisons
texture, flavor, and tenderness. Since color is the only characteristic got the significant value
of about 0.003. In table 8, presenting below the multiple comparisons among the treatments
in terms of color. It shows that treatment 1 and treatment 5 has significant difference,
treatment 2 and treatment 5 has significant difference, treatment 3 and treatment 5 has
significant difference, treatment 4 and treatment 5 has also its significant difference.
Table 8
Multiple Comparisons among the Treatments in Terms of Color of Coconut Pulp Patty
The acceptability test of Coconut Pulp Patty treated with different levels of coconut
pulp was done by 100 respondents namely: 10 households, 40 students, and 50 consumers.
Respondents based this test on the Hedonic Rating Scale that measured the acceptability of
the product.
The data on consumers’ acceptability of Coconut Pulp Patty treated with different
level of coconut pulp is presented in table 9. It shows that treatment 1, treatment 2, and
treatment 5 was rated with a quality description of “like moderately. While treatment 3 and
Table 9a presents the data of the mean rating on the acceptability of coconut pulp
patty treated with different levels of coconut pulp as rated by the respondents. The results
showed that treatment 4 had the highest mean rating of 7.33. This was followed by treatment
3 with a mean of 7.21. Followed by treatment 2 with a mean of 6.86. Followed by treatment
5 with a mean of 6.42, and then treatment 1 got the lowest mean of 6.40.
Table 9b presents the analysis of variance on the acceptability of coconut pulp patty
treated with different levels of coconut pulp. It showed that there was significant difference
among the different treatments since the computed F value of 3.471 and had a significance
value of 0.049.
Table 9.
Table 9a
Table 9b.
Analysis of Variance on Acceptability of Coconut Pulp Patty Treated with Different Levels of
Coconut Pulp
Table 9c
Multiple Comparisons
treatments. In table 8, presenting below the multiple comparisons among the treatments in
terms of acceptability. It shows that treatment 1 and treatment 3 has significant difference,
treatment 1 and treatment 4 has significant difference, treatment 3 and treatment 5 has
significant difference, treatment 4 and treatment 5 has also its significant difference.
Chapter 5
September 2024.
acceptability of Coconut Pulp Patty treated with varying levels of coconut pulp which
were 0 percent, 25 percent, 50 percent, 75 percent and 100 percent. The quality
The product testing was done by one hundred ten (110) evaluators, consisting
of ten experts that had test the quality characteristics of the product, one hundred
participants evaluated the coconut pulp patty acceptance level treated with varying
“excellent” except treatment 5 that was rated “very good”. In terms of color,
5 that was rated “very good”. In terms of tenderness, all treatment had a
2. The quality characteristics of Coconut Pulp Patty were evaluated and the
Pulp Patty treated with different levels of Coconut Pulp. The result showed
Based on the results of the study, the following conclusion were drawn:
1. The 75 percent Coconut Pulp and 100 percent Coconut Pulp had similar
2. All treatments got the quality description rated “very good” in terms of flavor.
100 percent).
With reference to the findings of the study, the researchers recommend the
1. The 75 percent Coconut Pulp and 50 percent Coconut Pulp should undergo
2. Also, treatment 3 (50 percent Coconut Pulp and 50 percent All Purpose Flour)
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Instructions: Kindly EVALUATE appearance, aroma, texture, flavor, color, and tenderness and
using the scale provided below.
Sample Codes
Appearance Description _____ _____ _____ _____
Appearance Acceptability _____ _____ _____ _____
Aroma Description _____ _____ _____ _____
Aroma Acceptability _____ _____ _____ _____
Texture Description _____ _____ _____ _____
Texture Acceptability _____ _____ _____ _____
Flavor Description _____ _____ _____ _____
Flavor Acceptability _____ _____ _____ _____
Color Description _____ _____ _____ _____
Color Acceptability _____ _____ _____ _____
Tenderness Description _____ _____ _____ _____
Tenderness Acceptability _____ _____ _____ _____
Appearance Aroma Texture Flavor
5 – looks mouth-watering 5 – Rancid 5 – Chewy 5 – Tasty 5–
Golden Brown
4 – looks appetizing 4 – Aromatic 4 – Soft 4 – Salty 4 – Brown
3 – neat but not extraordinary way 3 – Musty 3 – Hard 3 – Fatty 3 – Dark
2 – looks uneven 2 – Savory 2 – Dry 2 – Burnt 2 – Pale
1 – looks very thin 1 – Mild 1 – Greasy 1 – Undercooked 1 – Light
5 – meat has substantial texture
4 – meat has tender and juicy
3 – meat is moist but not juicy
2 – meat is dry
1 – meat has no texture
Appendix B. Sensory Scoresheet of Coconut Pulp Patty
Sensory Scoresheet
Consumer Testing
Coconut Pulp Patty
Name: Date:
Instructions: Kindly EVALUATE the over-all acceptability using the scale provided
Sample Codes
Over-all Acceptability
9 – like extremely 3 – dislike moderately
8 – like very much 2 – dislike very much
7 – like moderately 1 – dislike extremely
6 – like slightly
5 – like neither dislike
4 – dislike slightly
One of the expert taste panel of evaluators submitting her rating on the different
Selected students taste of panel writing their rating on the different treatments of
COLLEGE : Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
Major in Home Economics
Eastern Samar State - Salcedo
Salcedo, Eastern Samar
COLLEGE : Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
Major in Home Economics
Eastern Samar State College- Salcedo
Salcedo, Eastern Samar
COLLEGE : Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
Major in Home Economics
Eastern Samar State- Salcedo
Salcedo, Eastern Samar
COLLEGE : Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood of Education
Major in Home Economics - Salcedo
Salcedo, Eastern Samar
COLLEGE : Bachelorof Technology and Livelihood Education
Major in Home Economic
Eastern Samar State- Salcedo
Salcedo, Eastern Samar
COLLEGE : Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
Major in Home Economics
Eastern Samar State University-Salcedo
Salcedo, Eastern Samar