Vacancy for Executives on deputation
Vacancy for Executives on deputation
Vacancy for Executives on deputation
Nomenclature of the Executive Director/Group General Manager / Addltional General Manager / Deputy General Manager/
_L P.ost .Maoager
Location De hi
Experience/detailed The Officer should have practical experience in marketing/ commercial & operational activities/HR.
iob descriotion
Applications are to be sent through respective administrative Officer (Board/HQ) alongwith No-objection,
Vigilance/D&AR clearance & ACR for the past 05 years. Advance copy of the application (Annexure-ll) may
also be sent enclosing all relevant proof/documents in support of qualification, experience & pay scale/gross
[4ode ofApplieetien. & super.ser,ibing.on..the.esve.. pror+,,ir+ent1y: tf,la+ne-of.-the
salary. psst-', $,fthh-e-period-of 1-5-deys-Is.,',rp+.e
3l/o!12o25 by posVe-mail at the following address:
HR Head lndian Railway Finance Corporation Ltd., NBCC Place, Lodhi Road, New Delhi, 110003.
The candidate will be screened by a Screening Commitiee as nominated by the Competent Authority. The
candidate's suitability will be decided, keeping in view the job requirement. The selection process would
t2 Mode of Selection comprise of judgement of different facets of Professional Abllity, Experience, Skills, Comprehension,
Aptitude etc.
Brief lnformation on Allowances & Perks will be payable as per the entitlement of the Officer.
13 Allowance & Perks
Closing date 21 days from date of issue of vacancy notice no. O7/2O25.
Latest Self-Attested
PassPort Size
Photograph to be
1. Personal Data
t Name
2 Father's Name
3 Gender
4 Service
5 Department
6 Category
7 Date of Birth
8 Age as on closing date of vacancY
9 DITS (Date of EntrY into Time
10 Date of Entry in Gr.'B' (wherever
tl Present Pay Band with Grade PaY
and Basic Pay as on date of
t2 Ptesent Designation and RailwaY
13 Contact Details
(a) E-Mail lD
(b) Telephone (O)
(c) Telephone (R)
(d) Mobile Number
(e) Correspondence
2. Educational Qualifications
4. Details of Deputation
5. Achievement/RelevantExperience
Icertify that the details furnished by me above are true and I am eligible for the post as per the criteria laid down in the
vacancy notice.