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Cbse x Social Science Set-3 Qp

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TIME : 3 HOURS M. M :80

Read the following instructions carefully.

1. The question paper comprises Six Sections – A, B, C, D, E and F. There are 37

questions in the Question paper. All questions are compulsory.
2. Section A – From questions 1 to 20 are MCQs of 1 mark each.
3. Section B-Question no. 21 to 24 are Very Short Answer Type Questions, carrying
2 marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.
4. Section-C contains Q.25 to Q.29 are Short Answer Type Questions, carrying 3
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words
5. Section D-Question no. 30 to 33 are long answer type questions, carrying 5
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words.
6. Section E- Questions no from 34 to 36 are case based questions with three sub
questions and are of 4 marks each. Answer to each question should not
exceed 100 words.
7. Section F-Question no. 37 is map based, carrying 5 marks with two parts, 37(a)
from History(2 marks) and 37(b) from Geography (3 marks).

MCQ: 1×20=20
1. Who wrote the Ninety Five Theses, which challenged the Roman Catholic Church
and led to the Protestant Reformation?
(a) Thomas Paine (b) Isaac Newton (c) Martin Luther (d) Voltaire
2. Who among the following was the author of the book ‘Gita Govind’?
(a) Tulsidas (b) Surdas (c) Jayadev (d) Raidas
3. What helped in the colonization of Asian and AfricanCountries? Identify the
correct statement from the following Options.
(a) Intergovernmental polices for the expansion of trade
(b) Governmental invite to the mother countries for expansion
(c) Technology, investments and improvement in transport
(d) Capitalists of these regions wanted trade with colonial powers
4. Which of the following profession belongs to the Tertiary sector of economy.
(a) fisherman (b) farmer (c) woodcuter (d) teacher
5. Which one among the following pairs is correctly matched?
List I. List II
(a) Congress Party - Left Front
(b) Mizo National Front - United Pregressive Alliance
(c) Bharatiya Janata Party - National Democratic Alliance
(d) Communist Party in India - Regional Pary
6. There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your
answer as per the codes provided below:
Assertion (A): Democracy is an accountable, responsive and legitimate
Reason (R): Democracies have regular, free and fair elections and decision-
making is based on norms and procedures
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but Ris not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
7. Which one of the following religions was protected and fostered by Sri Lankans
in their constitution?
(a) Christianity (b) Hinduism (c) Buddhism (d) Islam
8. The Constitution of India provides for a division of power between the Union and
the States enumerated in three lists. Based on the division of subjects in the
lists, identify the ones which are correctly matched.
I. Citizenship and extradition – Union List
II. Public health and sanitation – State list
III. Forest and trade Concurrent list
IV. Computer software and digital privacy – State list
Choose the correct option:
(a) I and II (b) I, II and III (c) I, III and IV (d) I, II, III and IV
9. There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your
answer as per the codes provided below:
Assertion (A): The main diffrences between a federal form of government and a
unitary one is the distribution of power between diffrent levels of
Reason (R): in a unitary system,power is divided between central and regional
goverments,while in a fedral system power is concentrated at the
national level with little or no autonomy given to regional government.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but Ris not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true
10. Which among the following issues currency notes on behalf of the central
(a) State Bank of India (b) Reserve Bank of India
(c) commercial Bank of India (d) Union Bank of India
11. Which of the following international agencies allow free trade and work on
mutual trade between countries?
(a) WTO (b) IMF (c) UPU (d) FAO
12. Identify the correct statements about globalization.
I. Removal of barriers by the government
II. Foreign companies are allowed to set up factories
III. Has enabled all companies to increase their investments
IV. Has lessened foreign investment and foreign trade
(a) I, II & III (b) II & III (c) I & III (d) II & IV
13. There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your
answer as per the codes provided below:
Assertion (A): Renewable resources can be used in indefinitely without
depleting them
Reason (R): Renewable resourcesare constantly replanished by natural
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but Ris not the correct explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
14. Inexpensive Chinese locks are flooding the Indian markets, thus destroying the
traditional lock industry of India. Which of the following methods can the
Government of India take up to protect the Indian lock industry?
I. Revalue Indian Currency.
II. Give subsidy on the import of Chinese lock.
III. Impose import tax on the import of Chinese lock.
IV. Place limit on the number goods that can be imported.
(a) I and III (b) I and IV (c) II and IV (d) III and IV
15. Which of the following Indian companies has emerged as an MNC lately?
(a) Nykaa (b) The Man Company
(c) Asian paints (d) Puma
16. Which of the following descriptions of forest is NOT correct?
(a) ReservedForest-Reservation of more than half of forests
(b) Protected Forest-Reservation of 1/3 of the forests
(c) Unclassed Forest-Reservation of forest under govt. And private individuals
(d) Permanent Forest-Reserved and unclassed forest for the production of timber
17. Identify the crop with the help of the following information
i. It is a crop which is used both as food and fodder.
ii. It is a kharif crop which requires a temperature between 21°C to 27°C.
iii. It grows well in old alluvial soil.
iv. Use of modern inputs have contributed to the increasing production of
this crop.
(a) Wheat (b) Maize (c) Rice (d) Sugarcane
18. How many languages are recognized as scheduled languages by the Indian
(a) 22 (b) 21 (c) 17 (d) 45
19. Different types of soils are found in India having special characteristic features.
One of these extends approximately between 13 degree N to 25 degree N
latitudes and 72 degree E to 82 degree E longitudes. Identify the soil type from
the given options.
(a)Red soil (b) Black soil (c) Laterite soil (d) Red and Yellow soil
20. Samanwita is taking her friends from Gandhinagar to her Grand Parents' home
located in Kolkata. They board the flight from Gandhinagar and fly over Bhopal
and Ranchi to reach Kolkata. Which of the following statements are true
regarding their travel?
I. Travelled over saline soils, badlands, calcareous soil and alluvial soils.
II. Flew across Vindhyas, Bundelkhand, Chota nagpur plateau and Rarh
III. Almost traversed along the Tropic of Cancer.
IV. Crossed rivers Chambal, Son and Damodar on the way.
(a) I and II. (b) I and IV (c) II and III. (d) III and IV

Section-B ( Very ShortAnswer:2×4=8)

21. What did the inland Emigrating Act of 1859 declare?
Why did Indians oppose the ‘Simon Commission’?
22. Name any two fossil fuel used to generate thermal electricity.
23. Give one special feature that distinguishes a pressure group from a political
24. What is meant by ‘Fair Globalisation’?
Section-C (Short Answer: 3×5=15)
25. The merchants and industrialists made a significant contribution to the Civil
Disobedience Movement’. In the light of the above statement, explain their role
in the movement.
26. How reinterpretation of history created a sense of collective belongingness
among different community of India?
27. How have biogas plants proved to be a valuable source of energy in rural India?
Give its three benefits.
28. Define the term ‘liberalization’. Explain the reasons for the Indian Government
beginning the policy of liberalization in 1991.
29. Why do you think the northern plains of India provide favourable conditions
where as the Himalayan mountains provide unfavourable conditions for the
growth of railways? Give three reasons for both.
State any five basis on which industries are classified.
Section-D LONG ANSWER : 5×4=20
30. “Equality before law did not stand for universal suffrage in France after the
revolution”. Explain with suitable examples.
Explain the conditions which were viewed as obstacles to economic exchange
and growth by the new commercial classes. How did it end in 1834?
31. State reason to say that caste alone can not determine election results in India
Why are caste barriers breaking down in India?Explain with reasons.
32. Has democracy led to the promotion of dignity and freedom of citizens? Discuss
with example.
Democracy has failed to reduce economic inequality and poverty.” Do you agree?
Give arguments in support of your answer.
33. If the jute industry has to be set up which would be a better location- Damodar
basin or Hugli basin? Give five reasons to support your answer.
“India has fairly rich and varied mineral resources but they are unevenly
distributed.” Explain.
Section-E(Case study 4×3=12)
34. Read the source given below and answer the question that follows:
Will Thorne is one of those who went in search of seasonal work, loading bricks
and doing odd jobs. He describes how job-seekers walked to London in search
of work: 'I had always wanted to go to London, and my desire ... working at
the Old Kent Road Gas Works ... I finally decided to go in November, 1881.
With two friends I started out to walk the journey, filled with the hope that we
wowas stimulated by letters from an old workmate... who was nowuld be able
to obtain employment, when we get there, with the kind assistance of my friend
... we had little money when we started, not enough to pay for our food and
lodgings each night until we arrived in London. Some days we walked as much
as twenty miles, and other days less. Our money was gone at the end of the
third day... For two nights we slept out once under a haystack, and once in an
old farm shed... On arrival in London we tried to find my friend... but were
unsuccessful. Our money was gone, so there was nothing for us to do but to
walk around until late at night, and then try to find some place to sleep. We
found an old building and slept in it that night. The next day, Sunday, late in
the afternoon, we got to the Old Kent Gas Works, and applied for work. To my
great surprise, the man we had been looking for was working at the time. He
spoke to the foreman and I was given a job.’
(A) Analyse the major factor which led London become an attractive place for the
job seekers. (1)
(B) Analyse the reason for the appointment of Will Thorne by the Old Kent Gas
works. (1)
(C) Examine the preference of hand labour over machines by the industrialists
of the Victorian Britain. (2)
35. Read the given extract and answer following questions Narmada Bachao
Andolan or Save Narmada Movement is a Non-Governmental Organisation
(NGO) that mobilized tribal people, farmers, environmentalists and human
rights activists against the Sardar Sarovar Dam being built across the
Narmada river in Gujarat. It originally focused on the environmental issues
related to trees that would be submerged under the dam water. Recently it has
re-focused the aim to enable poor citizens, especially the oustees (displaced
people) to get full rehabilitation facilities from the government. People felt that
their suffering would not be in vain... accepted the trauma of displacement
believing in the promise of irrigated fields and plentiful harvests. So, often the
survivors of Rihand told us that they accepted their sufferings as sacrifice for
the sake of their nation. But now, after thirty bitter years of being adrift, their
livelihood having even being more precarious, they keep asking: “Are we the
only one chosen to make sacrifices for the nation?”
(A) With what objective ‘Sardar Sarovar Dam’ was built? (1)
(B) Analyse the reason of protest by the tribal people. (1)
(C) Highlight the issues on which ‘Save Narmada Movement’ worked on. (2)
36. Read the given extract and answer following questions. Power sharing
arrangements can also be seen in the way political parties, pressure groups
and movements control or influence those in power. In a democracy, the
citizens must have freedom to choose among various contenders for power. In
contemporary democracies, this takes the form of competition among different
parties. Such competition ensures that power does not remain in one hand. In
the long run, power is shared among different political parties that represent
different I deologies and social groups. Sometimes this kind of sharing can be
direct, when two or more parties form an alliance to contest elections. If
theiralliance is elected, they form a coalition government and thus share power.
In a democracy, we find interest groups such as those of traders, businessmen,
industrialists, farmers and industrial workers. They also will have share in
governmental power, either through participation in governmental committees
or bringing influence on the decision-making process.
(A) ‘Power sharing is an essential component of democracy.’ Give one example
to prove the statement. (1)
(B) How is alliance building an example of power sharing? (1)
(C) How Political parties, pressure groups and movements help in controlling or
influencing those who are in power? (2)
Section-F (Map work: 2)
37. (A) Two places A and B have been marked on the given outlinemap of India.
Identify them and write their correct names on the lines drawn near them.
(I) Indian National Congress session at this place in 1929.
(II) The place where Mahatma Gandhi started first satyagraha.
(B) On the same outline map of India locate and label any THREE of the
following with suitable symbols.
i. Hirakud Dam
ii. Tarapur Atomic Power Station
iii. Noida Software Technology Park
iv. Kochi Port
37(A). I


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