DocScanner 31 Aug 2024 6-57 Pm-1

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eet (een ee Aare on Gulden. RG Neum. | | _|-ANirn <0 Steady Ane oF eR OF ¢ AgarivA and aca genists ao — : ainda AE ils | _gnitoduetion — __|_most_af- gre _ddrugs_ac oy ners ee eae | lax receptors “hak = Aa enornital ma ongerd suth o3._| | Nerasro-trankoni Mee + apolsh Ae aiprich so. dau nt donna ox Sifiand Aon |__la_hialdgicak eee ise ankaonis\ nee Ao ine vow | and _ProdUedds on effect witniny Ano cc | stytes of aGonist =) EAdn Geno us ahcieh 0) Sugsn apne, CH. Gun ngnet Q) pariah agmnich 11 a wagnis\ Mn arkagonicl is a casepiore UiGhad a dandon_any. oven aloe! Peemgee eee ML RKO ain Seg mee ——— taro, = Gl Rowvonibt2 (bh) irreversible (e) Reouda-‘wmovonsihve seo cece eee Moa -R a —leneasirmct ne shon§ Aeron porsonn@, Thlankiah Cacuke -toxd+ —*4)_0£ ~O Substance . Most often aruke- See a Aéms=TO_Budy ne nee of creuke_onak tories ng of a dwg . oy Given dase. 4 Eeknoduction pF a dy cade todelivy _okuaies “Wronederarees “sna adyvoreso ePfeck | Lecausartp _GSiMain Na_shork Maney Lua upio & menAn fileos aQ aderinielrtation of a_sing\@ dese of & teehee ners a Acces Biven wm __ay_hours, Ldsti Ldsn__thands Gore Letal Dote. [ney €s-Whe ameunr, ae | a _Subsraned Qiver ar OK oda aktaly edison qua dota of | S01. Cone Mais) ofa Group Acck anterala the LOso_ is ¢ one lost, ross ana mica. Principe 4 — __“the_doerminarion of Een Cine hese oFfaci 2 \.n Poroduaing” | | [ecreace —tndere. (rynoatect nd Anonopaidie zindex »saFere Les Ane Anrugs oa AhartapeuAle index OF mesh Of ne cleared | — hid, wane loud margin of of_safietid is General NOSR th |" none ara various mednads sfo “Ur clo Roce Isjanues Viz «the Groplalca’ nnerttnod 1 areistinentaital _methad and | }—|se Shai cal _aupprisash . Fact _masearcehpusrpase ytne_mnost —__| ‘Teacher’ Signature | Procaine Wnydrechhorud 2 Pm AGS Ce | ; Me [RET P | Dose [potas 3% © 10 6 Lesa] 1/10 te 1-96] Alro 30 a.o4 | 6/10 $0 316 | 9/10 As aayt to/to {od _ | snp Dosa Lof Dead / Lp Bea papt No | ataey Used. prethod 48 Ahad UP \tetheh Reid ana vi \eovon Crud): Pore Ane mrontine Preaaitod eyo works teod and muaenely ys Dnilerc and Vain\ere ore We kardver’s metnod can /used| fore Carcmlawi, Ldoe ee method Genesco jiee ar UAcel Core Wis Purups and com dose Erro-p veld) leensicl Of Lo animals a One can d ereremine Loo by AUS FercenR_reoures of az _ leranis\rradion «ihe Ore values of o new AtUAR Con be | Acderemmed la yoral ag toe by ang of tne Panecstael | TOUS, ead OW AM) oC ad miinisdrrofion——_______— Reqpicements.t— eee ae eee nimoh_— Mice Cao-as oe Jitie hhwe Se uQ_= Peto ang WyArredhsto cd de ———£§ ee Prroc@duree = - A, ure _ owen Ghk Larjed_rnvee. Beasn dete Groep shen bt, jconsiet of \o mca. la. anjeck tae _deurg” tor fevapanitoneaA wouRe and abesenwee | | tne_arimeds fr aI Se ae A. Ane janie erwur Sever Hao trout OF o Loo Saat i Bene toil, Prncain® th sine nse using mite and’ | Aoingern Ctaur)+ mote soa o_tansehe on Sactore—{s | |_ly. pies sine _paalt| varus aBainsh sine WG deserand ned | Ivins vatue as ne dose Haat Cormmespand sto Peobid sy j}-—Bane_Losn_yasue_af_PireCaing ny ceraenterside— de wat Mund | patties oS {K3_ Te. ‘Teacher's Signature LL elnennica__fore_trpto 4 thou, _) 4 Date ty = ho Stud eee of Aouke sign ArunzctAion)| ranean of a Substance eat car eh lonttroduery _ Demat lenitadion. Ss yo Prreduuton of teaver] Igth\e_damago_Of Me Sitn, Loowin® {ne apAication o Fetes} |___ Derma connasion §s dae_Risduction of tureavercsinie | Aacne2_0C ne Skin KE _Wisthi_neceratis Mnaough the epider tents and indo_the Aercenis AB ilotairy Yoe_oppicafon cfa set pnamical for ipso 4 tra — Frimefpl@ = el [As Wao Lee) thoermpeaX +o loo esned js applied ina ingle | cas2 cho tne & kin Of cin oxpenicnentak ansamlj unvimcaked soy _| Ior0a3 o£ mo eet ountmol_gem2 as tne ConRnol, ye dogner | of teen ; 1 and Speeisork AnRerwols and is Luther deseriled tr ondest -fo Poovido o ICommose OvaluaRion OF ine OFFepe, pe akainie§ signa af Aisteax and lore} | Pain ast ans 2 af Wo best Sale nveranatig keg, | LQxna no : eal _AWeRed Aroore dingy" | Reaqudmomenh = Amina — Ralott [NeporaRus - Rao \rordert SeXorsion OF SPechos « je ane adukt rabbits ane uaeK | \PeeparoKo. Ne A, -Neertoxt 784 nna heforra tha 4284 ome shrawkd be | [eomaved_bap—fooeeg ante deren emaa_of tae tnuak LO¢ me ani mols. Cane whoukd be taransto avoid alnading | tas_Sxén_ and Oop Onimalstuibila than Ming” boRauk “Kin Teacher’ Signature - Obserwation -teble - _Cordot | No - Teaetion No-resetign |, Non — tot | dey [ME / Mederet® ee he ae | Gervera wean Geriens Tearkon xi — | Showa bo used, Joe to _ dst __ lg. Some _Srratnr of rratbils_heve dense. pareher_of haire— | nok are PRoMLe Promina OA Cerchain Hiren. one pe $— foe ot Peeain® condition = | Animas _thetd he individueny housed, She JenneerteRauet, Of Hine APErinreEnADh anima trom @hould esa‘ o (Aye) Fore [rrabists ~-Nanouth he rrerariv 2 naming _Shoukd_ ae cathe Poy and _Prekerab\y- nol exte0ed Jos. Lighting shovta_be! | landiGerak 9 Mae Venecsanel tanning. aia cig | dare. fox — Reading —tenvanehonai ahonafow Maegan meetin — en Unrresheriaked SU pel | Procedures [Tae Sea garage cage aap ras a Snak ance | |__| Carpe: 6 ern®) oF skin and es vered_tmitina Gouge | — eek etna Nnexd in. placa _tanidta—nanafeerci aking be f2e) Qn Ca3o ee See ea aa aoe agrees ad apis _oxt_Soens fastes) ta A.ed\ nomnica® —leeeces ko no Sause Yattly + hie is_then applied -fo ‘ee | a id __-besl loan Aeshine See Cua rm ra a TS GaRE EN ae ee ee | lamptnor Suisatie yore) SuPhieper§ ta onatace2 _ Gh Consack + | ;-—a— Bt Se te ne need ee | — euurts 5 rros\duak 425) hemi dak shourd be Phiaedd Capio; LasinGwaece ort aig —CUppne Prtl aA2__ScWwonncd Guede ‘Teacher’ Signature ta applied fo “hs eo) Se lonttiaX 4-084 Cusin@ one _animaR). Page No. _ __Loatercing We Gus fir response _ore the ongefiite ofthe epidon _— rai a 4 _ Desa = A dose of 0-5 res of Vopid_or 0-50, of solid or Paste | | Largely te ne. Retour Ap prtacithh + lo Wind Peake is appricd and removed len four hours, | and "no wesponse is Qreaded, — ih. Ane_Aeb\_s_PerCoremed _toiauy K Usirse one $ Onimok and ree asi Pasehes ama appiiel |e ec aie sho Ahan «panes fasta scarroVed aF -eat_| mins + SE" tno Semiouk Kin teesersi [pater is apeied too differen site and camoves often ong lit» Gf ne Obsonvakions 4% nis shage indicate rah exPo} 4a Qdend to foure hours .| ‘i Son _is__alasereved 3.0. Seeornd a | _|Noss Paden tunes’ CarertgS Son. | _lrwitts ene Parela 1 fort_cu Pogo. ln, OF a conmmosive effec is observed afer eaters _seqyerRiol “expos umros y athe A-es4{s_ anmedt ncded + So Conmosiye OF Fek Ss no} observed Ge_normneved j We animrah 86 Observed fore Mdayg Aovolops a4 on Career -Hyne Pos. __| posure perlod o£ Faure hour. | ‘Teacher's Signature ae es Se ne nee - a _ | Ding 2 =. Shade Ane eerre OF Mure “ ine nen) | cormaston of aY es} sub sd ances [pasar = = Application of eu} damper so one 24.@ Lohan tom Pe read én Ane OMnerr oyos Shows effect of Je} SubsdaneEe — Hoxieity if Presenks... ~ pegnee 66 eye ‘Twreitarion | cornesion, i Det _choxicity of jess Subsionees ates ea A) Pranedocologicak - Aee\ in whieh a Subssance is | use d\_invko An2_eye. or Opplwed to tne Skim of ¢ pa_lelsoria Ramey — __lomimok 1 order +o adcorain tne Lkele Sere | butssance On the corres panding _ —Mouman sis [si ae Les4 is an auske how 4 doveda on passa —ey Areensaes ishsta.Rion KcaloSigh- Jon 1 |_| Deaize Jato M,. ee j Chewisens es |__ti nas ae bch: Ton a Tee eee 2 hy dechnenstd2-. $$, | _1.4 Se esipisans coer coves) Ce Oana ce Guar erana ll | lsuiscukanooud oko 1S minuk® before apateavon of | |__| deck Substance ; +0 Provide amahgeste offeck in onden | |_| 4a anid | minicnize Pain _Carnred eae a }_le _a._dnops_6-topico-_o¢ LL oeg anacaine oi on_o-5l+ tetraming| — latest tina sUnsoates of est dea ati noremafize poly caLacd by bes] druf} ae ne foal he aest_sutsloves athe Ueenjanaiondine —| peepee nee ay p—Punm§ tye lower Lad | Teacher's Signature _ Observation ‘Table - ) | | = D 3 aaa , Fae c Daqnt é Day —2 é ‘ | Rew | Responic) Ron pons2) Response oe No neaetion No ree aetior) No reaction | penton “pau Saar foie | | ay yeledoee aril) of conn dabeenids of tonnes! ayer] yfimmeian f= Snfiarrmath of |—Snfianrmat of | TOKE | Con} uneyive, Conyunesiva, Conyanerve — IWMfommeion of ~ SnHanmar” of fe OnPianmee” of | i Tras | eres, ircs

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