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Introduction to MATLAB 7

for Engineers
William J. Palm III
Chapter 1
An Overview of MATLAB
>> 8/10 % Note
ans =

>> 5*ans
ans =

>> r=8/10

>> r
0.8000 Note: The MATLAB use high precision for
its computations, but displays the
>> s=20*r default short format.
Symbol Operation

^ exponentiation: aª a^b

* multiplication: ab a*b

/ right division: a/b a/b

\ left division: b/a a\b

+ addition: a + b a+b

- subtraction: a -b a-b
Precedence operation:

 First: Parentheses ( ), evaluated starting with the innermost


 Second: Exponentiation (power) ^, evaluated from left to


 Third: Multiplication * and division / with equal precedence,

evaluated from left to right.

 Fourth: Addition + and subtraction - with equal precedence,

evaluated from left to right.
>> 8 + 3*5
ans =23

>> 8 + (3*5)
ans =23

>>(8 + 3)*5
ans =55

ans =0

ans =-48
 3*4^2+5
ans =

 5 + 2^)4*3(
ans =

 27^(1/3) + 32 ^(0.2)
ans =

 27 ^(1/3) + 32^0.2
ans =

 27 ^1/3 + 32^0.2
ans =
The term workspace refers to the names and values of any variables in
use in the current work session. Variable names must begin with a
letter; the rest of the name can contain
letters, digits, and underscore characters.

MATLAB is casesensitive.

Thus the following names represent different variables: speed,

Speed, SPEED, Speed_1, and Speed_2. In MATLAB 7, variable
can be no longer than 63 characters.
 Typing x = 3 assigns the value 3 to the variable x.

 We can then type x= x+2. This assigns the value 3+2= 5

to x. But in algebra this implies that 0 = 2 ?!!!.

 In algebra we can write x+2=20, but in MATLAB we

Command Description

 clc : Clears the Command window.

 clear : Removes all variables from memory.

 clear v1 v2 : Removes the variables v1 and v2 from memory.

 exist (‘var’): Determines if a file or variable exists having the

name ‘var’.

 quit or exit : Stops MATLAB.

 who : Lists the variables currently in memory .

 whos : Lists the current variables and sizes, and

indicates if they have imaginary parts.

 : colon ; generates an array having regularly

spaced elements .

 , Comma; separates elements of an array.

 ; Semicolon; suppresses screen printing; also

denotes a new row in an array.
Command Description

ans Temporary variable containing the most

recent answer.

i,j The imaginary unit√−1, ( ∠90°).

Inf Infinity ( ∞) (example: 7/0).

NaN Indicates an undefined numerical result

(Not a Number), (example: 0/0).

pi The number π =3.141592653589793...

• The number c1= 1 –2i is entered as follows:
>> c1 = 1-2i % or c1 = 1-2j

• An asterisk (*) is not needed between I or j and a number,

although it is required with a variable, such as:
>>c2 = 5 - i*c1

• Be careful. The expressions

>> y = 7/2*i
>> x = 7/2i

give two different results: y = (7/2)i = 3.5i

and x = 7/(2i) = –3.5i.
The volume of a circular cylinder of height h and radius r
is given by . A particular cylindrical tank is
15 m tall and has a radius of 8 m. We want to construct
another cylindrical tank with a volume 20 percent
greater but having the same height. How large must its
radius be?
The numbers 0, 0.1, 0.2, …, 10 can be assigned to the variable u
by typing
>> u = [0:0.1:10];

To compute w= 5 sin u for u= 0, 0.1, 0.2, …, 10,

the session is;

>>u = [0:0.1:10];
>>w = 5*sin(u);

The single line, w = 5*sin(u),computed the formula

w = 5 sin u; 101 times.
(continued …)
>> u(7)
ans =


>> w(7)
ans =


• Use the length function to determine how many values are in an


>>m = length(w)

Command Description

plot(x,y) Generates a plot of the array y versus

the array x on rectilinear axes.

title(’text’) Puts text in a title at the top of the plot.

xlabel(’text’) Adds a text label to the horizontal

axis (the abscissa).

ylabel(’text’) Adds a text label to the vertical axis

(the ordinate).
Command Description

[x , y ]= ginput(n) Enables the mouse to get n points from

a plot, and returns the x and y
coordinates in the vectors x and y,
which have a length n.

grid Puts grid lines on the plot.

gtext(’text’) Enables placement of text with the


(continued …)
 Q1. Suppose that x = 2 & y = 4.
 Write MATLAB command(s) to compute the following. Then
write the answer.
(Ask the instructor to select 1&3 or 2&4 only).

 Q2. Write down a simple MATLAB command(s) to plot

Y= 5 sin2πt function.
Equations as a single matrix equation. For example,
consider the following set:

This set can be expressed in vector-matrix form as

which can be represented in the following compact form

Ax = b x=b/A
 MATLAB provides the left-division method for solving the
equation set Ax = b. The left-division method is based on
Gauss elimination. To use the left-division method to solve for
x, type x = A\b.

 For example,

>> A = [6, -10; 3, -4]; b = [2; 5];

>> x = A\b % (try b/A)?!!!
7 4
 The MATLAB command inv(A)computes the inverse of the
matrix A. The following MATLAB session solves the following
equations using MATLAB inv command.

>>A = [2,9;3,-4];
>> b = [5;7]
>> x = inv(A)*b
Note : If you attempt to solve a singular problem using the inv
command, MATLAB displays an error message.
>>A = [6,12,4;7,-2,3;2,8,-9];

>>B = [70;5;64];

>> Solution = A\B %(try B/A)?!!!

Solution =
3 5 -2

The solution is x= 3, y= 5, and z= –2.

1- In the interactive mode(similar to using a
calculator), in which all commands are entered
directly in the Command window.

2- By running a MATLAB program stored in script file.

This type of file contains MATLAB commands, so
running it is equivalent to typing all the commands
-one at a time -at the Command window prompt
.You can run the file by typing its name at the
Command window prompt.

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