EPD EBI Cab 2000

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BOMBARDIER Environmental Product Declaration

EBI Cab 2000

Product description Bombardier EBI Cab 2000 is a modern system for automatic train control (ATC). It supports the fast transmission and supervision of information about track and traffic conditions on the line ahead for main line operations. Exchanging information with the wayside equipment, the EBI Cab system increases safety, optimises traffic capacity and shortens headways. EBI Cab 2000 operates by supervising movement authority and infrastructure data received from wayside equipment. Drivers receive information about approaching target objects such as signals or points, the distance to the next target, the target speed and the maximum permitted speed between the train and the next target. EBI Cab 2000 has been developed for the lowest possible life cycle costs and is cost-effective to install and maintain. The system is comprised of tried and tested modern modules, which means that it can be easily upgraded and adapted to different customer requirements.
B1 - 1 EVC, 1 Antenna, 1 DMI [LOCO]

Cabin & Traction Ctrl.










Cabin & Traction Ctrl.

System boundaries The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) overleaf is based on the EBI Cab 2000. It covers environmental aspects for the extraction and production of the raw materials used, transportation of major parts to the assembly plant, the energy consumption for final assembly (22kWh) as well as the energy consumption during use phase. It also covers the end-of-life activities.
The calculated energy consumption during use phase for one EBI Cab 2000 in service for 30 years is 18 458 kWh. The calculation is based on 9 hours of operation per day. No maintenance or replacement of materials is expected during the lifetime.

Main Brake Pipe

Emergency Brake SIFA



Service Brake RGV Main Brake Pipe

PG 1 PG 2

EB IL in k70 0/90 0 b alise

Supplied by RCS Supplied by Others / Already equipped in Vehicle

AND Euro Loop

Manufacturing materials (kg) Aluminium Polymers Copper Steel Brass Rubber Other metals Other material Total

Total per EBI Cab 26,9 10,7 4,3 3,0 2,9 0,2 3,8 18,0 69,8

The Weight [%] 38,6 15,3 6,2 4,2 4,1 0,3 5,5 25,8 100

Recyclability [%] 100 99 100 100 98 100 97 68 91

End-of-life Recyclability calculations are based on existing recycling processes that are commercially available and technically possible today. Energy recovery is included in the recyclability rate which is estimated to be 91 %. Furthermore the packaging materials used are made of 100% recycled material.

Other materials include electronics. Materials in need of special treatment at End-of-life are 17 kg.

Rail Control Solutions

Environmental Profile Results from LCA according to ISO 14040 The functional unit is one EBI Cab 2000 in service for 30 years. Resource utilisation
Primary energy Manufacturing resources (kWh) Non Renewable Nuclear Oil Coal Gas Renewable Hydropower Biomass Wind power Use End- Total life of-life cycle Material (kg) End-ofManufacturing Use Resources life Aluminium 26,9 0 -26,9 Polymers 10,7 0 -10,6 Copper 4,3 0 -4,3 Steel 3,0 0 -3,0 Brass 2,9 0 -2,8 Rubber 0,2 0 -0,2 Other 3,8 0 -3,7 metals Other 18,0 0 -12,2 material Total 69,8 0 -63,7 Total life cycle 0 0,1 0 0 0,1 0 0,1 5,9 6,2

10,4 0,5 0,5 0,06

8584 381 368 50

0 0 0 0

8595 382 369 50

10,6 0,4 0,05

8671 360 37

0 0 0

8682 361 37

Impact categories to which all the emissions are grouped:

Environmental impact categories Global warming potential (GWP) Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) Acidification (AP) Eutrophication (NP) Photochemical Oxidant formation (POCP) Unit kg CO2 equiv. kg CFC 11 equiv. mol H+ equiv. kg O2 equiv. kg Ethene equiv. Manufacturing 575 0,00005 110 9,4 0,15 Use 957 0,00056 223 15,3 0,46 End-of-life -320 -0,000015 -62 -2,4 -0,03 Total life cycle 1212 0,000595 271 22,3 0,58

* Trademark(s) Bombardier Inc. or its subsidiaries This EPD is performed according to ISO 14021 For further details regarding the LCA, see 3EST 7-2122 Life Cycle Assessments of RCS products ver 1.1

3NSS008060D0050 ver 1.0

The material resources cover the materials used for manufacturing the EBI Cab. The energy resources cover energy needed during manufacturing and use of the EBI Cab. A Swedish electricity mix including a variety of energy resources has been used in the calculations. The materials in need of special treatment are identified according to knowledge of existing recycling processes that are commercially available and technically possible today. Manufacture covers the materials and energy needed for assembly of the EBI Cab. Use covers the predicted and estimated processes during the use phase. End-of-life covers recycling, incineration with energy recovery and landfill. Credit for recyclability of metals and polymers is achieved by deducting the impact of production of the same virgin material or energy. Total sums up the manufacture, use and end-of-life phase.

Included in the LCA: Data for raw materials used throughout the life cycle Transportation of main components to final assembly Energy consumption during assembly and use

Not included: Manufacturing processes at suppliers The raw material waste produced in the manufacturing process Effects of possible accidents Energy and emissions for the end-of-life treatment

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