000 7.50PXXWizardManualGMCustomization051410REV1.3
000 7.50PXXWizardManualGMCustomization051410REV1.3
000 7.50PXXWizardManualGMCustomization051410REV1.3
Sponsoring group:
Document revisions:
1. General .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Purpose .................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Intended Audience ................................................................................................... 1
2. Installing GRS4 Global 2 Customization ........................................................................ 2
2.1 All Software Install Procedure .................................................................................. 2
2.2 Installing GRS4 Global 2 Auto Updates ................................................................... 2
2.3 Identification of Running Fixes ................................................................................. 3
3. CIP Safety Bypass for Robot Test Cell Operations....................................................... 4
3.1 DCS Safety Software Options and User Passwords ............................................... 6
3.2 GM Test Cell Operations without Equipment ........................................................... 7
4. Setup Wizard Operation ................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Main Applications in the Body Shop ........................................................................ 8
4.2 Global 2 Customization - Main Screen .................................................................... 8
4.2.1 Controller Type Global 1 or Global 2 .......................................................... 8
4.2.2 Start Setup Wizard ...................................................................................... 9
4.2.3 Set Cell I/O to PLC ...................................................................................... 9
4.2.4 Add to Configuration ................................................................................... 9
4.2.5 Select English, German .............................................................................. 9
4.2.6 Clear ALL Config(s)................................................................................... 10
4.2.7 Exit ............................................................................................................ 10
5. Wizard Setup Examples ................................................................................................. 11
5.1 Material Handler Example ...................................................................................... 11
5.2 Robot Held Servo Gun Welding Example .............................................................. 16
5.3 Pedestal Servo Gun Welding Example: ................................................................. 24
5.4 Robot Held Air Gun Welding Example ................................................................... 35
5.5 Pedestal Dispenser System Example .................................................................... 43
5.6 Stud Welding Example ........................................................................................... 48
5.7 Special Configuration / Non Process Example ...................................................... 52
5.8 Metal Forming Example ......................................................................................... 52
6. Process and Tryout Modes............................................................................................ 62
6.1 Process Mode ON .................................................................................................. 62
6.2 Process Mode OFF ................................................................................................ 62
6.3 TRYOUT Mode ON/OFF ........................................................................................ 62
7. GRS4 Customized Screens ........................................................................................... 63
7.1 iPendant Customizations ....................................................................................... 63
7.2 iPendant Menu Favorites. ...................................................................................... 64
7.3 GRS4 Myinfo .......................................................................................................... 65
7.4 Servo Gun Setup Hints .......................................................................................... 66
7.5 Tip Dresser Status (Motors 1- 4 configuration dependant) .................................... 70
7.6 Tool Changer Status .............................................................................................. 71
7.7 Proteus and WTC Web Applications...................................................................... 71
8. GRS4 Customized Startup Checks ............................................................................... 73
8.1 At Home Check Prompt Box .................................................................................. 73
8.2 Machine Lock Prompt Box: .................................................................................... 73
8.3 Simulated I/O Prompt Box...................................................................................... 73
General Motors Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Global 2 Wizard Execution and Robot Setup Manual
General Motors Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
1. General
1.1 Scope
The following document is intended to be an aid in setting up robots used at General Motors
for all projects using Global 2 generation of Fanuc robots with SpotTool+ 7.50 with the GRS4
1.2 Purpose
The steps outlined in this manual will help in setting up of robots for standard supported
applications. This document is not intended to replace any other manuals or documents distributed
by Fanuc Robotics or CCRW, but to be aid in supporting other manuals and documents. Typically,
the wizard needs to be executed only when the robot is first installed or if the robot has to be
configured for a different application. Depending on the application change, software may need to be
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2. Installing GRS4 Global 2 Customization
All Fanuc robots of Global 2 generation will arrive to GM with the proper software and
customization level loaded. If the customization is not loaded, please follow the short instructions
below for installing the customization. GRS4 Global customization is a feature only for Spottool +
robots. Please consult CCRW and or FANUC for setup procedures for tool packages (Handling Tool,
ArcTool, PickTool, ect)
Note1: Please make sure to apply any enhancements from the “RUNNING FIXES” folder on
the FTP site as they may apply to your application.
Note2: Please make sure all system backups are current after software loading and
application programming, application updates, or application configuration changes.
Reloading robot software or moving robot IMAGES may require iDNS signature verification
from the PLC. iDNS (Integrated Device Net Safety) signature is a 32 bit hex number to the PLC
that represents the controller safety file status.
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user created directories for backups that were made before the update process. After each Auto
Update the user must apply the DCS parameters and the PLC logic must be reset if detailed inside
the Auto Update procedure. After any auto update or it is good practice to update all system
Running fixes can be identified by the customization variable RUN_FIX[1-30] with a string
descriptor indicator being loaded. *uninit* will indicate that a file has not been loaded. For Fanuc
core fixes alternative “site customization” or auto updates may be required. The auto update will be
shown with the core version of controller software. With a “site customization” or FANUC product
patch the identifier will be the RUN_FIX[1-30] array or the system variable $FEATURE[XXX]. After
each AutoUpdate the RUN_FIX[1-30] array will be initialized to ‘ ‘ empty string descriptors as there
are intended to be NO running fixes after an update.
After each applied /RUNNING FIXES/ it is good practice to update all system backups.
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3. CIP Safety Bypass for Robot Test Cell Operations
CIP Safety is a new feature added to Global 2 robots with the DeviceNet Safety option J974.
This mode is only intended to be used for test cell setup and robot movement during integration when
cell safety network is under construction. This software setting now replaces jumper plugs or cables
that were used in the past for test cell or early integration activities. By default, all new robots
delivered to GM will have CIP mode in BYPASS. With CIP Safety in BYPASS, all robot safety inputs
are ignored and outputs are set to zero. The cell control systems will be E-stopped and robots will
not go in automatic mode till the CIP Safety is ENABLED. To change states of CIP mode follow the
following procedure:
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5. Select the <PREV> key to return to the DCS main menu.
6. Select <F2> to [APPLY] changes DCS settings. Code number (master) = 1111
Passwords may have been changed already when you run the wizard, Contact program
Lead Robotics Engineer for current password. General Motors are responsible for ALL
8. CIP Safety mode will now show; PEND, cycle power to apply changes.
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Robot movement can now begin for test cell operations. When test cell operations are
completed it is important to put the robot back to CIP Safety ENABLE mode. Repeat section 3 and
put the robot back to CIP Safety enable mode for automatic and robot programming.
- From the full load media in /CUSTOM/RS4CUS/ copy gmdcsioc.sv , gmsycips.sv to a media card.
- Rename the files as follows:
gmdcsioc.sv dcsioc.sv
gmsycips.sv syscips.sv
• SYSCIPS.SV – this file includes the Safety I/O size, Enable/Bypass setting, and which Interface is
configured for CIP-Safety.
• DCSIOC.SV – this file includes the Safety I/O Connect configuration
Once these files have been renamed, load these files at CTRL START.
Note: All DCS Fanuc Spottool+ software options can only be installed via FULL LOAD. Options
cannot be added for DCS at controlled start, robot personality must be re-installed to include all the
required DCS options.
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3.2 GM Test Cell Operations without Equipment
When the wizard is executed, it configures the devices based on the selections made by the
user, and turns them ONLINE. At times during test cell activities it may be necessary to move the
robot without all the devices attached (such as, no weld controller, dispense equipment, stud
controller) to the robot. Since the setup wizard sets all the devices ONLINE, the user must then leave
the device OFFLINE but (TRUE) for the missing equipment and possibly simulate some I/O points
(diXNoFault, diXNoAlert, diXNoCtrlStop) for user TP programs to function. If the device is turned
OFFLINE the user will have to simulate all I/O associated with the OFFLINE device. In the event that
the entire DeviceNet Board (Safety Board) does not communicate since not connected to a PLC, turn
off the board. Example errors INTP-104 Device OFFLINE, prompted because configuration is looking
for peripheral equipment to communicate. A HOLD will be cleared by disabling UI Signals. <MENUS
/ CONFIG / Item #7 = FALSE). Restore all devices to the ONLINE state and un-simulate all I/O when
test cell activities are complete.
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4. Setup Wizard Operation
The following describes how to execute the wizard for Global 2 robots with GRS4
customization. This manual will give the user specific examples of setup questions and cover the
configuration procedures for 8 main types of applications of the 40 combinations of applications
supported in the setup wizard.
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4.2.2 Start Setup Wizard
Selection 1 is the setup of the robot. Under this selection the wizard will prompt the user for
the robotic application (Spot, Stud, Dispense, Multi-Process or Material Handling). Depending on the
robot configuration the wizard will go through a variety of questions asking for user input for setup
questions. These questions will configure system settings, system variables, robot I/O, and load
application specific template TP programs and Macros. Once the robot application configuration is
complete from this section proceed to STEP# 2. All wizard selections can be viewed by backing up
the file SWCUSTO.VA from the MD:\ device and looking in the custom variable WIZFILEANS[100]. If
you answer any selection wrong, simply run the Setup Wizard again.
When the wizard is run for a different application TP programs with motion should be deleted first. TP
programs with motion are not overwritten when the WIZARD is run multiple times.
With the selection of Ethernet I/P and a Global 2 robot controller equipped with iDNS
hardware the user will be prompted for the Mac ID for the iDNS Safety Board. If the robot controller
does not have iDNS hardware and the selection of Ethernet I/P is selected the robot will not ask for
additional Mac ID settings. Once the robot communication to the PLC is configured proceed to
STEP# 6.
In order to change the language, select STEP #4 before entering STEP #1 “Start Setup
Wizard”. Then select under SETUP/General to change base controller language. The secondary
language will be changed here. All changed language components have been agreed to by FANUC
Robotics America and GM N/A CCRW to cover a complete GRS-4 software option set. Please note
NOT all WIZARD items or CORE Spottool+ v7.50 items are translated.
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4.2.6 Clear ALL Config(s)
This section will clear the entire current robot configuration and delete ALL GRS-4 template
programs and macros. This is selected only when the complete robot application has changed, or the
robot is being re-used for another application. After this selection is chosen the robot has NO
configuration and TP programs. User TP programs created other than the GRS4 program names will
not be removed. Clear configuration will also prompt the user to reset material handling
configuration. Once the Clear function has been complete the user must <FUNCTION START
COLD> to remove all configurations and files. If the user requires Servo Gun group 2/3 to be deleted,
the clear configuration does not perform this function. The user should always remove additional
groups manually or reload the controller with the correct personality. Software options are not
removed from the wizard function “Clear ALL Config(s)”, so if your robotic application goes from servo
gun to a non-servo gun configuration the user should reload all software with the latest validated
4.2.7 Exit
This selection will exit the Setup Wizard and finish any GRS4 Customized settings.
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5. Wizard Setup Examples
This section will outline setup configuration examples. Not all wizard configurations are
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4. Initialize material Handling Defaults. (Question appears only the first time wizard is run or
configuration is cleared)
5. A selection to YES will expand the Spottool + material handling defaults to GRS-4E
specification. The user will be prompted to add material handling valves to the
application so that the total number of valves is now 10. The user should always select
6. The user will be prompted to add material handling vacuum inputs to the application so
that the total number of vacuum inputs is now 18. The user should always select <YES>.
This functionality is required for decentralized vacuum systems.
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Note: To comply with GRS-4 material
handling specifications, the setup wizard
sets all MH variables to the maximum
configuration. GRS-4 configuration is
larger than the Spot+ defaults. Total
Vacuum Inputs = 18
7. The user will now be prompted to add material handling tools after the selection of the
robot having a tool changer. This functionality is intended to layer the material handling
configuration for MH Tool Changer applications. If the user has MH Gripper tool
changing it is recommend to expand this setting to GRS-4E Specification for the
maximum number of tool changers (4). If there is no MH tool changing the user can
select <NO>. It is recommend to only add Tools if MH tool changing is present. If the
user does not select this or know the response at the time of the Setup Wizard execution,
then the number of tools can be expanded manually at the CTRL START menu, under <
Material Handling Config >.
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10. Select vacuum pumps.
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12. Select Tool Changer. This question is related simply to the tool changer device. If a tool
changer is present select yes regardless of material handler, servo gun, stud welding,
clinch or other applications.
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15. For FANUC systems select the vision application.
NOTE: If your setup will require more than 1 SERVO GUN the FULL LOAD Media Card
must be inserted in the robot controller prior to RUNNING THE SETUP WIZARD.
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2. Select the Manufacturing area, <BodyShop>.
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5. Select welder communication type.
6. Preset GLOBAL 2 Equipment EIP Settings. If the devices are not GLOBAL 2
STANDARD the user should answer NO. Note: This does not set the device EIP
address, user must configure address manually.
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10. Select Servo Gun welding application or Air Gun welding application. <Servo Gun YES>
11. Select Axis Data Step <YES>. Note: A selection of <NO> will be required only if the
wizard is run and the user does not want to modify gun setup parameters.
12. Select the motor type from the list. <5 Tol GSWA/XXX/XXX/SWGA X/P-Type>. Note: If
the user motor selection is not listed, select motor number 1. Then change the motor
type following the Spottool + Setup and Operations menu at CONTROLLED START
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13. From the servo gun tag, Enter the maximum pressure for the servo gun <XXXX nwt>
from the gun tag and NOT the motor tag. Note: This value will be used to determine
servo gun calibration table and pressure table settings.
14. Select the gun design type or shape. < C-Gun or X-Gun>
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15. Select the amplifier for the Servo gun connection. Note: Typically, if 2 single amps in
the robot controller then GUN 1 AMP 2, GUN 2 AMP 3. If 1 Dual Channel amp present
then GUN 1 AMP 2, GUN 2 AMP 2
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18. Select tool changing option. Note: Servo Guns require additional controller hardware for
TOOL CHANGE. Be sure hardware and software options are present.
20. Proceed to STEP #2 “Set Cell I/O to PLC” followed by STEP #6 “Exit” to complete setup.
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5.3 Pedestal Servo Gun Welding Example:
This is a complete example of running the setup wizard Pedestal Servo Gun. The user
should only select the equipment relevant to the application. If your application requires a language
other than English, set the Wizard language first, and then move to STEP#1 “Start Setup Wizard”.
NOTE: If your setup will require more than 1 SERVO GUN the FULL LOAD Media Card must
be inserted in the robot controller prior to RUNNING THE SETUP WIZARD.
General Motors Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
4. Select the number of weld controllers.
6. Preset GLOBAL 2 Equipment EIP Settings. If the devices are not GLOBAL 2
STANDARD the user should answer NO. Note: This does not set the device EIP
General Motors Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
7. Select Proteus water saver configuration.
8. Preset GLOBAL 2 Equipment EIP Settings. If the devices are not GLOBAL 2
STANDARD the user should answer NO. Note: This does set the device EIP address,
as the watersaver is on the robot LOCAL network.
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9. Select the weld gun configuration. <Single Pedestal Gun>
10. Select Servo Gun welding application or Air Gun welding application. <Servo Gun YES>
11. Select Axis Data Step <YES>. Note: A selection of <NO> will be required only if the
wizard is run and the user does not want to modify gun setup parameters.
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12. Select the motor type from the list. <5 Tol GSWA XXX/XXX/SWGA X/P-Type>. Note: If
the user motor selection is not listed, select motor number 1. Change the motor type
following the Spottool + Setup and Operations menu at CONTROLLED START menus.
13. From the servo gun tag, Enter the maximum pressure for the servo gun <xxxx nwt> from
the gun tag and NOT the motor tag. Note: This value will be used to determine servo
gun calibration table and pressure table settings.
14. Select the gun design type or shape. < C-Gun or X-Gun>
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15. Select the amplifier for the Servo gun connection. Note: Typically, if 2 single amps in
the robot controller then GUN 1 AMP 2, GUN 2 AMP 3. If 1 Dual Channel amp present
then GUN 1 AMP 2, GUN 2 AMP 2. Always answer the AMPS in sequence.
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18. Select Tip Dresser option.
19. Select tool changing option. Note: Servo Guns require additional controller hardware for
TOOL CHANGE. Be sure hardware and software options are present.
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21. Initialize material Handling Defaults. (Question appears only the first time wizard is run or
if the configuration is cleared)
22. A selection to YES will expand the Spottool + material handling defaults to GRS-4E
specification. The user will be prompted to add material handling valves to the
application so that the total number of valves is now 10. The user should always select
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23. The user will be prompted to add material handling vacuum inputs to the application so
that the total number of vacuum inputs is now 18. The user should always select <YES>.
This functionality is required for decentralized vacuum systems.
Note: To comply with GRS-4 material
handling specifications, the setup
wizard sets all MH variables to the
maximum configuration. GRS-4
configuration is larger than the Spot+
defaults. Total Vacuum Inputs = 18
24. The user will now be prompted to add material handling tools after the selection of the
robot having a tool changer. This functionality is intended to layer the material handling
configuration for MH Tool Changer applications. If the user has MH Gripper tool
changing it is recommend to expand this setting to GRS-4E Specification for the
maximum number of tool changers (4). If there is no MH tool changing the user can
select <NO>. It is recommend to only add Tools if MH tool changing is present. If the
user does not select this or know the response at the time of the Setup Wizard execution,
then the number of tools can be expanded manually at the CTRL START menu, under <
Material Handling Config >.
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30. Proceed to STEP #2 “Set Cell I/O to PLC” followed by STEP #6 “Exit” to complete setup
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5.4 Robot Held Air Gun Welding Example
This is a complete example of running the setup wizard Robot Held Air Gun. The user should
only select the equipment relevant to the application. If your application requires a language other
than English, set the Wizard language first, and then move to STEP#1 “Start Setup Wizard”. After the
complete setup and I/O configuration be sure to verify that if North American valves are selected and
that the GUN Close Outputs are of I/O type COMPLEMENTARY. All air guns must have
COMPLEMENTARY I/O for North American valves (Pedestal and Robot Held Guns). After
completion of the wizard and the weld controller has been programmed the user must update the
Pressure table from the TEST CYCLE /Spot Weld Page.
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4. Select the number of weld controllers.
6. Preset GLOBAL 2 Equipment EIP Settings. IF the devices are not GLOBAL 2
STANDARD the user should answer NO. Note: This does not set the device EIP
General Motors Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
7. Select Proteus water saver configuration.
8. Preset GLOBAL 2 Equipment EIP Settings. If the devices are not GLOBAL 2
STANDARD the user should answer NO. Note: This does set the device EIP address,
as the watersaver is on the robot local network.
General Motors Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
9. Select the weld gun configuration. <Robot Held Gun>
10. Select Servo Gun welding application or Air Gun welding application. <Servo Gun NO>
11. Select Air Gun valve pack system. After I/O setup is complete make GUN CLOSE I/O
complementary type. DO[X:CloseGX] ONLY.
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12. Select valve package. Integrated valves are used on carried guns only. They are valve
body packages which are carried on the robot gun (usually have Valve Manifold is like a
MH (select YES). Non-Integrated valve bodies are used on Pedestal applications, and
typically the valve package is located on the pedestal stand (select NO). If the robot
application is a carried Non-Integrated assembly then the valve unit is located on the arm
(select NO – non-integrated assembly).
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15. Select Retract open switch (Backup open detect), if present.
16. Equalization: Is structured so that the pedestal applications do not have equalization.
17. Soft touch Selection. This item allows you to set the soft touch pressure according to the
equipment you are using. Refer to the timing diagram for STP (Soft Touch Pressure)
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Soft touch Timing diagram: STP “Soft touch pressure”
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19. Select Tip Dresser option.
20. Select tool changing option. Note: Servo Guns require additional controller hardware for
TOOL CHANGE. Be sure hardware and software options are present. Air guns do not
require controller hardware.
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21. Proceed to STEP #2 “Set Cell I/O to PLC” followed by STEP #6 “Exit” to complete setup.
In case of multiple equipment the Setup Wizard will have to be re-run a second time, and at
the end of each exit of the Setup Wizard it is important that the user waits for the setup completion. It
is important to wait 30 seconds after wizard execution for setup completion as indicated when the
Setup Wizard is complete.
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3. Select the robotic process. <Dispensing>
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6. Select robotic application for dispensing. <Pedestal Held Nozzle>
7. Initialize material Handling Defaults. (Question appears only the first time wizard is
run or configuration is cleared)
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8. A selection to YES will expand the Spottool + material handling defaults to GRS-4E
specification. The user will be prompted to add material handling valves to the
application so that the total number of valves is now 10. The user should always
select <YES>
9. The user will be prompted to add material handling vacuum inputs to the application
so that the total number of vacuum inputs is now 18. The user should always select
<YES>. This functionality is required for decentralized vacuum systems.
10. The user will now be prompted to add material handling tools. This functionality is
intended to layer the material handling configuration for MH Tool Changer
applications. If the user has MH Gripper tool changing it is recommend to expand
this setting to GRS-4E Specification for the maximum number of tool changers (4). If
there is no MH tool changing the user can select <NO>. It is recommended to only
add Tools if MH tool changing is present. Note: If the user does not select this or
know the response at the time of the Setup Wizard execution, then the number of
tools can be expanded manually at the CTRL START menu, under < Material
Handling Config >.
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12. Select the number of Input Blocks.
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Note: 1 Valve pack is required for Decentralized vacuum.
16. Proceed to STEP #2 “Set Cell I/O to PLC” followed by STEP #6 “Exit” to complete
setup. Note: After complete setup remember to follow all on screen instructions for
dispense. When robot has finished setup hit FUNCTION COLD.
After Wizard completion the user must visit the dispenser I/O pages for all equipments, these
pages are constructed once the user visits the screen. Simple toggle inputs and outputs from the TP
key <F3>
6. Preset GLOBAL 2 Equipment EIP Settings. IF the devices are not GLOBAL 2
STANDARD the user should answer NO. Note: This does not set the device EIP
7. Carried Stud Guns with Hot Backup. Note: This question is only asked for carried stud
guns with backups, how are the guns placed in the backup tooling. All other Slides or
Tool Nests are configured for the GRS-4 maximum (4). User must remove configuration
if needed.
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5.7 Special Configuration / Non Process Example
In the event that the robot application is clinch, roller hemming, or other non definitive
processes it is recommended that the robot be configured as a Material Handler. A material handler
configuration will ensure that the cell interface will be GRS-4 complaint; the user can also select
<NO> to all the material handling equipment questions and only the cell interface and standard
macros will be loaded with the configuration. The user is responsible for the special configuration of
system variables, I/O, TP programs and macros. These applications should always follow the
direction of GM CCRW and the global standards team, for setup instructions.
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3. Select one of the four main Metal Forming Applications, <Tandem / Destacking / EOL
System / Racking>.
A tandem press robot is any robot that has direct interaction with a conventional
press. The tandem robot functions include press loading, press unloading, and press
to press transfers.
Robotic Destacking:
A destacking robot is any robot that picks flat sheet metal parts from a stack of blanks
(often stacked on a pallet/pallet cart) and drops them onto a conveyor or centering
An end of line (EOL) robot is any robot that unloads from an exit conveyor located at
the end of the a press line. Typically the press transfer system drops parts to an exit
conveyor, and the exit conveyor transfers the part outside the press line onto a
centering station. The EOL robot then picks up the parts and drops them on to
another conveyor (at ergonomic height and orientation) for manual racking.
Robotic Racking:
A robotic racking application involves the picking up parts from an exit conveyor/
centering station (at the end of a tandem or transfer press line), and dropping them
parts in part racks or containers.
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4. The user will then be prompted to specify and setup the tool change process.
Tool change is the process of exchanging robot tooling between different jobs or die sets.
The robot tooling typically consists of the main boom, and the tool branches. For a given
robot, the main boom is attached (on one end or in the middle) to the robot faceplate and
is used for most if not all die sets. The tool branches, which connect at the other end(s) of
the boom are job/die-set specific.
In metal forming applications, there are two options for robot tool change: manual tool
change and automatic tool change.
In manual tool change, when transitioning from one job/die set to another, the robot
presents the end-effector to the operator, and the operator manually exchanges the tool
branches in a safely manner, i.e. exchanging the components that have the suction cups
and the grippers.
In automatic tool change, the entire end-effector (boom and tool branches) is attached to
the robot faceplate through a robotic (quick-connect) tool changer. Also, each robot has a
tool stand with two or four tool nests. The entire end-effectors for the next job/die sets are
pre-staged in the tool stand, When transitioning to the next job/die set to another, the
robot drops the “current” end-effector (the robot tooling used with the current/outgoing die
set) in an empty nest on the tool stand, and then picks up the end-effector for the next
job/die set from another nest in the tool stand.
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5. Select the Tool Change Process.
6. If Manual tool change is selected, <option 1 - Manual>, the user will be prompted to
specify the number of EOAT types.
Only up to 3 tool types are supported. If more than 3 tool types are selected, then
program for manual tool change programs for only 3 types are loaded on the robots.
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7. If Automatic tool change is selected <option 2 - Automatic>, the user will be prompted to
specify the number of nests.
Then the user will be prompted to specify the number of EOAT (tool) types.
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8. Initialize material Handling Defaults. (Question appears only the first time wizard is run or
configuration is cleared).
9. A selection to YES will expand the Spottool + material handling defaults to GRS-4E
specification. The user will be prompted to add material handling valves to the
application so that the total number of valves is now 10. The user should always
select <YES>
10. The user will be prompted to add material handling vacuum inputs to the application so
that the total number of vacuum inputs is now 18. The user should always select <YES>.
This functionality is required for decentralized vacuum systems.
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11. Select the number of material handling output valve packs. <1 Valve Pack>
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14. Select the number of vacuum pumps or type. <1 Vacuum Pump>
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17. Select robotic vision system 2D/3D or 2D&3D.
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19. Select R-30iA Controller Type.
The Global 2 customization will prompt the user for “controller type”. A Global 2
controller is a controller that has IDNS safety interface, power supply breaker monitoring
and also has a controller with a lower profile cabnite so a weld controller can be mounted
on top. If the user does purchanse from FANUC a software “upgrade” the Global 2
software can be loaded on a Global 1 robot controller. For all wizard setups the user
should select Global 2 robot controller, unless the software is loaded on a Global 1
vintage controller.
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6. Process and Tryout Modes
GM uses the term process to describe welding, dispensing or stud welding applications.
Process is defined by the robotic application. Process(s) are pre defined by GRS4. If Spot welding is
present in any combination of application it has to be set as the FIRST PROCESS. The PROCESS
name is defined by the Setup Wizard. In the figure below Process1 Mode is defined as (SPOT),
meaning spot welding. Other PROCESS names are, (DISP) for Dispense, and (STUD) for Stud
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7. GRS4 Customized Screens
Cell interface page has been defaulted to the Home I/O macro name HOME_IO. This is
defaulted and is not editable by user. For ALL GM applications the HOME_IO macro name is set by
the wizard. If the USER needs to add additional housekeeping to the HOME_IO macro than the
HMIOCST should be used to add signals and logical checks.
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7.2 iPendant Menu Favorites.
iPendant users have the option of selecting Menu Favorite keys. The Setup Wizard
will pre-populate many keys with GRS4 user screens, menus and web resources. The user
can re-program the menu favorites by having the customized user screen or menu displayed
on the teach pendant, then press and hold the associated “F” key to store the screen as a
favorite. 10 menu favorites in total are available.
Buttons are programmed from the BROWSER [TYPE] Menu, under the system variable
TX_SCREEN[X]. Use the MENU favorite or BROWSER [TYPE] key to view iPendant GRS4
web functions.
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7.3 GRS4 Myinfo
This screen offers the user brief overview robot information. This screen is intended to be
used by the user to determine the robot name and other general teaching information when the user
is not in front of the robot controller. For robot controller applications loaded with v750 and no iDNS
Device Net Safety the display for DCS/CIP Safety will not be present.
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7.4 Servo Gun Setup Hints
This chart taken from the Servo Gun Setup Users Manual gives the robot user a quick
reference for servo gun activities. If the user requires additional information refer to the GM Servo
Gun Setup Users Manual for v7.50. This page is located under <MENU> <UTILITIES> <TYPE>
<Servo Gun Hints>. This page is not present for Air Gun applications. All other servo gun details and
functions are listed in the v7.50 servo gun user manual.
Single channel amplifiers have an L channel. They support one axis and can be installed on
any available DSP channel. Install one motor and encoder hardware on L channel of the amplifier.
Dual channel amplifiers have L and M channels. When a 2 channel amplifier is detected
during setup, 2 sequential DSP channels are reserved. Channel L of the amplifier will use the first
DSP channel, channel M of the amplifier will use the second DSP channel.
Three channel amplifiers have L, M, and N channels. When a 3-channel amplifier is detected
during setup, 3 sequential DSP channels are reserved. The L channel of the amplifier will use the
first DSP channel, channel M will use the second DSP channel, and the N channel will use the third
DSP channel
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When you setup a motor on all axes of an amplifier, the software will automatically assign the
DSP variables for each channel correctly starting with the L channel, then M channel, and then the N
channel. When an axis is setup, the DSP channel is assigned, and turned ON. If you are not setting
up all axes that the amplifier supports, you must setup DSP channels for each unused axis in System
There are several cases where you are required to setup the DSP system variables
manually (the examples are for 2-channel amplifiers):
· Case 1: Using fewer axes than the amplifier can control or when you will be installing the other
axis (axes) at a later time:
· Case 2: Using fewer axes than the amplifier can control and the motor size requires the M
channel be used (eg. 40amp / 80 amp 2-channel amplifier):
· Case 3: Configuration of a positioner with two motors where axis 1 of the positioner requires
the M channel of the amplifier, and motor 2 requires the L axis (eg. 40amp / 80 amp 2-channel
amplifier.) The setup uses DSP Device 2, the aux axis control card:
· Case 4: Using fewer axes than the amplifier can control and the M axis (40amp / 80 amp 2-
channel amplifier) is required for the motor that is installed, and this axis is connected to DSP
Device 2.
Note 1: The system variables $scr.$atr[#] = 1 and scr.$atrattrib[#] can be set at COLD start.
Cycle power to enable this change.
Note 2: During setup of two groups on a two channel amplifier, (eg. group2 and 3) for the
“amplifier number” prompt for group 2, answer “2”. For group 3 for the “amplifier number” prompt
answer “3”.
If you investigate the system variables later, review “POS2A1.DT” after performing a system
backup, or review the setup data for group 3 at CTRL start, you will note that the amplifier number for
group3 will have changed to “2”. Leave this value as “2”.
Note 3: If you fail to assign the DSP channel and turn on the DSP channel ON for the unused
axes, as in Case 1, 2, and 4, a “SRVO-021 SRDY off (Group:# Axis:#)" alarm will be posted. If you
assign an axis to a DSP Device where the is no channel on the DSP Device, a “SRVO-221 Lack of
DSP (G:# A:#)” alarm will be posted. If you fail to correctly connect the fssb cable (optic), you will get
an “FSSB-###” (number and message depending on how the connection is faulty) fault will be
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AMP Configurations Hardware:
“B” Input to
“A” Output of AMP.
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7.5 Tip Dresser Status (Motors 1- 4 configuration dependant)
This status screen will give the user a tip dress summary of current ROBOT data. This
information is contained in data registers. This page is located under <STATUS> <TYPE>
<TipDresser #1>. This page is present for all welding applications. Wear items do not apply for Air
Gun applications. This page is standard for both Air Gun and Servo Gun; in the case of an Air Gun
most of the data does not apply relating to tip wear, cut amount, and SGXApprTipRep or
SGTipChgReq. Simply acknowledge the prompt boxes when the page is displayed, and the other
data will be dynamically updated. Current WIZARD configuration will only program 2 tipdresser’s as
MENU favorites, if more are require user must reprogram keys.
Note: Tipdresser status for multiple guns on a Tool Changer can be viewed under status.
Each web page is coded to use TD Motor 1 and the specific gun desired.
User must program MENU FAVORITES if required for TD Status of Guns 2-4.
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7.6 Tool Changer Status
This status screen will give the user a tool changer summary of current ROBOT data. This
will aid the user with visual diagnostics for trouble shooting. This page is located under <STATUS>
<TYPE> <Tool Change Status>. This page is present for all tool changing applications, even if tool
changing is only for Spot Welding Guns.
WTC web applications are listed under <MENU> <BROWSER> <TYPE> < WTC1 and or
WTC2>. The robot simply provides a re-direct to the device web page. If there is web page display
issues with this device please contact WTC. The robot communication with the WTC weld controller
is thru Port #1 of the PLC switch (http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.8080). For GM GRS-4 WTC setup
information please consult WTC documentation. If the user has communication problems with this
device create a browser link to help troubleshoot screen display.
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8. GRS4 Customized Startup Checks
8.1 At Home Check Prompt Box
At home check production prompt box is active and configured by the wizard. This box will
ensure that when the robot is home, the HOME_IO macro is executed. The box is not user definable,
as HOME_IO (housekeeping) should run at the end of each cycle. This prompt box does not allow
for user control.
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8.4 Battery Low Alert
The R-30iA Global 2 robot controller does not have a battery low indicator light. For GRS4
customization the output of DO[7:BatteryLowAlert] has been added to the PLC. This setting is
mapped thru system variables and can be viewed by the GRS4 Myinfo page or the digital I/O page.
GEN VI RTU: Uses 357kgf-cm brake. User must modify mtrbk_trq : INTEGER, from BRKCHECK if
a different motor is used. Information can be obtained from the Fanuc Robotics Motor Manual.
General Function:
1. Move to Brake check position (FINE term type)
a. Can be done at home, but GM PLC may require modification from standards.
2. Execute ‘Brake Check Internal code’, from TP program BRAKECHK.TP.
3. Post a prompt in the even of a brake failure for the user.
4. Move to Home
The program will be executed as a style initiated from the PLC. All fault enunciation and
recovery is in step 2. If the brake check passes, a BRCH-001 ‘All brakes are normal’ alarm
will be posted. If brake check detects a bad brake a BRCH-002 ‘Brake Abnormal (G:x, A:y)
alarm will be posted. The user must acknowledge the brake check failures at the teach
pendant. The user should then verify that the brakes are functionally and do not need to be
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SI[12:NonMtnBreaker] ON/OFF
SI[13:24Vout Breaker] ON/OFF
SI[14:24Vout aftMCC] ON/OFF
SI[15:IOPwrSupply3] ON/OFF
SI[15:IOPwrSupply3] must be configured by the user as this option will only exist with a third
I/O power supply. If the user desires to enable breaker monitor for I/O power supply #3 a
customization variable must be enabled. Used for electric EOAT devices, please look inside the
controller to verify number of power supplies.
These signals will be monitored and post the following alarms to the teach pendant if Aux
Power breakers are not in the correct state for operation.
SYST-011 Failed to run task
SYST-079 Start up check Failed
SPOT-470 Aux. Power Loss, Check block defined for GIN[Eq1]
SPOT-470 Aux. Power Loss, Check block defined for GIN[%s] (actual problem SPOT-470)
There are 3 pre-process checking faults, equipment to check before robot leaves HOME:
- Weld controller fault
- Watersaver fault
- Transformer Overtemp fault
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8.8 Legacy Cell Interface Expanded I/O Option
Cell interface to the PLC will support a Legacy mode (64 IN / OUT to the PLC). This will be
setup by default from the Setup Wizard. If the user desires to have a 256 IN / OUT size to the PLC
and the communication to the PLC is DeviceNet, then a customization variable must be set prior to
running the wizard. This option is supported with a personality on a separate ASI [All Software Install]
media card that must be requested from FRA. Example: 210F+SG+LGCY:750XXXX.
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9. GRS4 Customization MH Gripper Setup
9.1 MH Valve Setup Control Start
If Material Handling is present the USER will have to configure all Clamps, and Vacuum
valves in the Setup Material Handling. Please refer to the Fanuc Robotics Setup and Operations
manual for detail. Any time the WIZARD cleared, this data will be defaulted back, and customized
configuration will be lost. Backup MHGRIPDT.VR file if gripper information is not intended to be lost
and reload at CTRL Start. At CTRL Start menu the robot will default the maximum GRS-4
configuration if the user desires. The setup wizard will configure the number of valves and comments
but will not configure material handling grippers.
Note: Decentralized Vacuum: If this system is present the user must expand the number of Vacuum
Inputs before running the wizard. If you require more than the configuration screen, add the Vacuum
Inputs here. All maximum values in the next descriptions are FANUC maximums, GRS4 standards
are smaller.
Number of MH Tools: Use this item to configure the number of tools you need for your system. The
maximum number of tools is 29. At cold start, you will then have the specified number of tools
available in the MH Valves menu under Setup.
Number of Valves Per Tool: Use this item to configure the number of valves you have on your tool.
The maximum number of valves is 29. At cold start, you will then have the specified number of valves
available in the MH Valves menu under Setup. You can then configure any valve to be a vacuum or
clamp style tool and set up the required I/O for each.
Number of Clamps: Use this item to configure the number of clamps you need for your tool. The
maximum number of clamps is 64. At Cold start, you will then have the specified number of clamps
available in the MH Valves menu under Setup to assign to a valve.
Number of Part Present Inputs: Use this item to configure the number of Part Present Inputs you
need for your tool. The maximum number of Part Present Inputs is 29. At cold start, you will then
have the specified number of Part Present Inputs available in the MH Valves menu under Setup to
assign to a valve.
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Number of Vacuum Inputs: Use this item to configure the number of Vacuum Inputs you need for
your tool. the maximum number of Vacuum Inputs is 29. At cold start, you will then have the specified
number of Vacuum Inputs available in the MH Valves menu under Setup to assign to a valve
Use Active Tool for Arguments: Use this item to change the behavior of the tool macros when no
parameters are passed to them. When this is set to YES, the number of valves set in the tool SETUP
is then used to operate that number of valves for that tool. When set to NO, they act like the original
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9.3.4 Mapping the clamp inputs and part presents
Signal Table:
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VacMade Inputs:
Vac Feedback:
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10. GRS4 Customization Specific Errors
%- or %s Equipment and or gun number.
10.6 SPOT-470 PAUSE “Aux. Power Loss, Check block define for
Cause: A specific device has lost Aux power. A GIN[X] value of 0 indicates a NO POWER
present to device. A GIN[X] value of 1 indicates POWER present to device.
Remedy: Verify the peripheral device Aux Power. Check GIN[X] for power presence.
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10.10 SPOT-474 PAUSE “Aux. Power Loss, OUT24v aft MCC”
Cause: Input SI[14:24Vout aftMCC] = OFF. Aux power breaker is tripped, or MCC short with
TP enabled, check breaker inside controller.
Remedy: Check R30-iA I/O power supply breaker. Cycle power supply breaker to ensure
breaker is seated properly.
Remedy: Engage TP deadman switch for clamp operation and movement in teach mode to
continue. If deadman is enabled check cell output power is enabled.
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