Margaret Loveman
Margaret Loveman
Margaret Loveman
The annual Breakfast with Thank you to Wendy Spratley for her planning
Santa is Saturday, December and PR help. Also a big thank you to Ann Bruno,
13th, in the OLS cafeteria. Judy Trant and Wendy Green for set up and take
Seating times are 8:00 a.m. or down. Thank you to Vestavia Belles: Elizabeth
10:00 a.m. $5 for adults and Ross and Emily Powell for their help, and to
kids 12 and up, $3 for kids (3 Lizzie Verciglio for her help with refreshments all
and under free), $0.50 for day. God Bless you all –Fran Ross Robertson
raffle tickets, and $5 for photo
with Santa. Join us for breakfast, arts and crafts,
door prizes, pictures with Santa, and fellowship. CHAPEL OF OUR SAVIOR
For more information or to volunteer, contact The Chapel needs permanent Committed
Rachel Briese,, 215- Adorers for:
8455. Registration forms can also be found Monday at Midnight - 1:00 AM (To Share
online at Hour)
Thursday at 10:00 AM
Saturday at 8:00 AM
ATTENTION KNITTERS AND CROCHETERS – Our goal is to have at least 2 people on each
Please join us on Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:00 hour. Please call Ida Wilker at 933-2281 or Mary
p.m. in the Sodality Room for prayer and creative Claire Brouillette at 871-2909.
communication. New members are welcome.
Patient teachers available.
November Bridge Winners
1st Place-Bernie Grundhoefer
PRAY FOR VOCATIONS 2nd Place-Jack Walden
Tending the needs of others is a gift of service to 3rd Place-Leo Hall
God as well as those in need. Imagine that you Honorable Mention-Jean Holt
chose to serve God as a deacon, priest, brother, or
sister. What do you think/feel about this choice?
(Matthew 25:31-46). This ad is sponsored by the Will be having our ANNUAL THANKSGIVING
Serra Club.
ULTREYA on Tuesday, November 25th, at
6:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Sorrows Church.
The Daytime Ultreya will not meet in PLEASE MEET IN THE CHURCH SANCTUARY
November and December because the 4th as we will celebrate Mass with Fr. Jose at
Friday in both months is the day after the 6:30 p.m. sharp. We will then meet downstairs in
holiday. The next meeting of the Daytime Ultreya the Parish Hall for some Christmas Carols, food
will be on January 23, 2009 at Saint Peter the and fellowship. All Cursillistas are invited.
Apostle Church after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Please bring a Thanksgiving pot-luck dish, or
grocery store item to share. For more
information please contact Patrick Crabtree at
205-960-3991, or e-mail at: DeColores!