Margaret Loveman

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From the Pastor’s Desk new president-elect, Barack Osama, on

My Dear People: breaking the last racial barrier, they plan to

meet with him begging him not to sign the
The latest from the columbarium contractors Freedom of Choice Act which would force
is that they cannot start on the 1st of Catholic hospitals to allow abortions on
December, but requested that they start on request. It would do away with parental
the 8th of December. However, this is a holy permission for those in their teens and move
day of obligation and the first night of the the country further away from the pro-life
Mission, so we have told them this is not stance of our Catholic faith. We need to pray
acceptable! The new day to start the three- for our president since his job now is even
day excavation is the 15th of December. For greater than winning the election. He now is
these days, committed adorers for the chapel facing a sagging economy, the terrorist
may park in the priests’ garages and general threat, the growing Israeli-Palestinian unrest
area; however, please do not block the and the threat to divide the country if he
entrance and exit of Fr. Booth’s garage. signs the Freedom of Choice Act. The
There has been a great response to studying American spirit is to unite and to work with
St. Paul’s Epistles on the sacraments shown the new president irrespective of our political
by the attendance of Adult Education and leanings. In a few weeks we will ask you to
Bible study groups. There are still a number write letters to the President-elect asking him
of copies of the text in the church office for not to sign the Freedom of Choice Act.
anyone who has not yet obtained their copy. My mail this week brought a letter from a
We bought one for each member of the delightful 91-year- old lady who told me how
parish. much she enjoys the walking track in the
Every four years, the Pope calls selected FLC; but she wonders why more do not use
bishops from each country for a synod of it. She says I should put in the bulletin that
bishops to discuss a particular issue. Last the track is free. She also stated that she
month, for two weeks, the Pope met with the hopes that walking at the age of 91 will keep
bishops to discuss the Bible; and because of her out of a wheel chair. This could be food
the nature of the discussion he invited for thought. Exercise definitely strengthens
scripture scholars to the meeting. the bones and keeps the muscles and joints
Surprisingly, there were two other guests working.
who made presentations at the meeting. Congratulations to OLS School which
One was a Jewish Rabbi, because most of received such top ratings from a visiting
the Bible is the Old Testament and we read committee representing the Southern
and see the Old Testament looking forward to Association Accrediting Agency. Especially
Christ while the New Testament looks back at noted was the strong sense of Catholicism at
Christ. The other guest was the Orthodox the school. When going into the chapel the
Patriarch of Constantinople. These two other day, I witnessed this long line of
special guests enhanced the relationship kindergarten children of Mrs. Westbrook’s
between Christians and Jews as well as the class coming out with all of the reverence
relationship between the Latin Church under and genuflections. I knelt before Jesus and
the Pope and the Eastern Orthodox. The said: “That’s Catholic education.”
main conclusion of the meeting was that
every family should have a Bible in their Make Thanksgiving a time of thanking God
homes in a place of reverence and should for His innumberable blessings. Masses are
read the Bible more often. at 7:30 and 10:00 a.m. The chapel is always
The American bishops meet twice a year to
discuss the church in America. They met this With prayers and blessings,
past week and while they congratulated our Father Muller
There will be no PSR or
Growing with God classes
MASS INTENTIONS next Sunday, November 30th,
Monday, Nov. 24 Special Intention due to the Thanksgiving
Anna LaDart holiday. We hope all of our
Tuesday, Nov. 25 Ernie Eltz catechists, students and their
Kitty LaSusa families in the Parish School
Wednesday, Nov. 26 Special Int. of Rhett & of Religion and Growing with
Margaret Loveman God have a Happy Thanksgiving! Classes will
Jim Reynolds resume on Sunday, December 7th... *PSR
Thursday, Nov. 27 Ethel Michel parents please be on the lookout for a letter that
Charles Woods was mailed concerning our PSR Christmas
Friday, Nov. 28 Father Thomas O’Connor
Projects. We will be collecting donations for the
Harold N. Rutter
Saturday, Nov. 29 Special Int. of Scott McBrayer First Light Shelter and for Birthday-Party-for-
Dub Perry Jesus gifts that benefit the Pro- Life Office.
Sunday, Nov. 30 People of the Parish
Anna LaDart
St. Ann's Guild will celebrate our traditional
Christmas gathering on Wednesday, December
3, at 10:30 a.m, in the Family Life Center. Cost
$10 each for lunch. Bring a gift for Hispanic child
( infant to 12 years) and a gift to exchange with
members. Call Dolores 942-8552 or Frances
970-1864 for any questions.

Thanksgiving Day –Masses will be at Come join your friends and

7:30 and 10:00 a.m. neighbors at VIP on
December 2nd at 11:00 a.m.
There will be Mass
followed by lunch and bingo.


We need help delivering poinsettia
JR. HIGH YOUTH GROUP The next plants to OLS parishioners who live
meeting for the Jr. High Youth Group is in nursing homes. The visit helps
Sunday, Dec. 7th. Steven Lane will be back to these folks to know they are included
sing, so invite your friends for an evening of in our parish family. The plants can
food, fellowship and fun! We will meet in the be picked up at the church office from December
FLC from 7:00-8:30 PM. We hope to see you 8th through 13th. If you can help, please call the
there... office at 871-8121.Thanks, Sister Pat


meet this Wednesday, November 26th, due to The Bible Study meeting on Wednesday
the Thanksgiving holidays evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Family Life Center
Sunday Morning Religious High School will not meet on November 26th, the day before
Education will not meet nest Sunday, Thanksgiving. We will continue our study of St.
November 30th. Paul’s letter to the Romans on December 3rd. All
are welcome to join us as we continue
together to study the riches we have in God’s
inspired word. If you have any questions about
the Bible study please call 423-0092 or email OLS Art Show was a great success and many thanks to all the talented artists who participated.
SPIRITUAL ADOPTION PROGRAM Each artist brought a unique presentation to the
We are praying in a special way for unborn show. Artists who participated were: Kathy
children who are at risk of being aborted. We Condon, Susan Bell, Deana Solfronk, Barbara
encourage you to spiritually adopt a baby by Ifollis, Darling Webber, Mike Millican, Elise Priola,
praying for him/her everyday. Please look for the Maria Robert, Carla Cottrell, Jeanne Mahan,
new cards in the pews this Sunday. They Leah High, Jan Grant, Floyd Hosmer, Dawn
describe the development of your adopted baby Ross, Jenny Mote, Nancy Foreman, Margo
for this month. It is not too late to begin to Hamilton, Ann Bruno, Anthony Rosato, Eileen
participate in the program if you have not yet Moore, Lane and Tray Finch, Paula DiChiara,
done so. Thank you for praying for our unborn Kathy Bell, Ellen Scalise, Josephine Tortorice,
children. Johna Pitzer, Norma Plano, Mary Ann Culotta,
David Bruno, Lori Daniel and Sandra Ross.

The annual Breakfast with Thank you to Wendy Spratley for her planning
Santa is Saturday, December and PR help. Also a big thank you to Ann Bruno,
13th, in the OLS cafeteria. Judy Trant and Wendy Green for set up and take
Seating times are 8:00 a.m. or down. Thank you to Vestavia Belles: Elizabeth
10:00 a.m. $5 for adults and Ross and Emily Powell for their help, and to
kids 12 and up, $3 for kids (3 Lizzie Verciglio for her help with refreshments all
and under free), $0.50 for day. God Bless you all –Fran Ross Robertson
raffle tickets, and $5 for photo
with Santa. Join us for breakfast, arts and crafts,
door prizes, pictures with Santa, and fellowship. CHAPEL OF OUR SAVIOR
For more information or to volunteer, contact The Chapel needs permanent Committed
Rachel Briese,, 215- Adorers for:
8455. Registration forms can also be found Monday at Midnight - 1:00 AM (To Share
online at Hour)
Thursday at 10:00 AM
Saturday at 8:00 AM
ATTENTION KNITTERS AND CROCHETERS – Our goal is to have at least 2 people on each
Please join us on Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:00 hour. Please call Ida Wilker at 933-2281 or Mary
p.m. in the Sodality Room for prayer and creative Claire Brouillette at 871-2909.
communication. New members are welcome.
Patient teachers available.
November Bridge Winners
1st Place-Bernie Grundhoefer
PRAY FOR VOCATIONS 2nd Place-Jack Walden
Tending the needs of others is a gift of service to 3rd Place-Leo Hall
God as well as those in need. Imagine that you Honorable Mention-Jean Holt
chose to serve God as a deacon, priest, brother, or
sister. What do you think/feel about this choice?
(Matthew 25:31-46). This ad is sponsored by the Will be having our ANNUAL THANKSGIVING
Serra Club.
ULTREYA on Tuesday, November 25th, at
6:30 p.m. at Our Lady of Sorrows Church.
The Daytime Ultreya will not meet in PLEASE MEET IN THE CHURCH SANCTUARY
November and December because the 4th as we will celebrate Mass with Fr. Jose at
Friday in both months is the day after the 6:30 p.m. sharp. We will then meet downstairs in
holiday. The next meeting of the Daytime Ultreya the Parish Hall for some Christmas Carols, food
will be on January 23, 2009 at Saint Peter the and fellowship. All Cursillistas are invited.
Apostle Church after the 9:00 a.m. Mass. Please bring a Thanksgiving pot-luck dish, or
grocery store item to share. For more
information please contact Patrick Crabtree at
205-960-3991, or e-mail at: DeColores!

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