• Anti-Hypertensive drugs
• Anti-Anginal drugs
• Anti-heart failure drugs
• Anti-hyperlipidemic drugs
• Anti-arrhythmic drugs
• Treatment of other CVS disorders
• Names:
- Dihydropyridines (DHPs): dipine
Nifedipine Amlodipine Nimodipine
- Non-dihydropyridines:
Verapamil Diltiazem
• Mechanism: block L-type Ca++-channel
- Heart: ↓↓ COP. (Mainly the action of Non-DHPs)
- Blood vessels: VD. (Mainly the action of DHPs)
Anti-Hypertensives – Calcium channel blockers
• Uses:
- Both types are used in:
HTN by ↓↓ COP and ↓↓ TPR.
Angina by ↓↓ cardiac work and ↓↓ loads on
heart (see later).
- DHPs only:
Raynaud’s phenomenon.
Nimodipine: SAH to prevent cerebral vasospasm.
Clevidipine: IV administration in malignant HTN.
- Non-DHPs only:
They are used mainly to treat atrial flutter and fibrillation (↓↓ HR).
Anti-Hypertensives – Calcium channel blockers
Anti-Hypertensives – Calcium channel blockers
• Main S/Es:
- Constipation and gingival hyperplasia.
- DHPs: Flushing, ↓↓ BP and edema.
- Non-DHPs: Bradycardia and AV block.
- Verapamil leads to ↑↑ prolactin. بميل وادلدق
- Reflex tachycardia: prevented by BB.
• Names: pril
- Captopril - Enalapril - Ramipril
• Mechanism:
- ↓↓ ACE, so ↓↓ AT II formation causing :
↓↓ Aldosterone secretion.
VD (mainly in efferent arteriole of nephron).
• Key effect:
- Decrease breakdown of bradykinin
- Bradykinin accumulation mainly in lungs & airways
- Bradykinin is a proinflammatory mediator
- Decreased GFR due to VD of efferent arteriole
- Increased Renin due to loss of negative feedback
Anti-Hypertensives – ACEi
• Names: pril
- Captopril - Enalapril - Ramipril
• Mechanism:
- ↓↓ ACE, so ↓↓ AT II formation causing :
↓↓ Aldosterone secretion.
VD (mainly in efferent arteriole of nephron).
• Key effect:
- Decrease breakdown of bradykinin
- Bradykinin accumulation mainly in lungs & airways
- Bradykinin is a proinflammatory mediator
- Decreased GFR due to VD of efferent arteriole
- Increased Renin due to loss of negative feedback
Anti-Hypertensives – ACEi
• Uses:
- HTN and HF especially in diabetic patients. (prevent diabetic
- One of the best drugs in HF patients.
Prevent cardiac remodeling (has mortality benefit)
• Main S/Es: CATCH
- Cough (dry) and Angioedema: Due to bradykinin,
substance P and prostaglandin accumulation.
- Teratogenic: renal anomalies.
- Creatinine rise: ↓↓ GFR (due to dilatation of
efferent arteriole)
- Hyperkalemia: due to decreased aldosterone
(Mainly in pts with RF or taking other drugs causing hyperkalemia
- Hypotension (first dose effect).
Anti-Hypertensives – ACEi
• Uses:
- HTN and HF especially in diabetic patients. (prevent diabetic
- One of the best drugs in HF patients.
Prevent cardiac remodeling (has mortality benefit)
• Main S/Es: CATCH
- Cough (dry) and Angioedema: Due to bradykinin
- Teratogenic: renal anomalies.
- Creatinine rise: ↓↓ GFR (due to dilatation of
efferent arteriole)
- Hyperkalemia: due to decreased aldosterone
(Mainly in pts with RF or taking other drugs causing hyperkalemia
- Hypotension (first dose effect).
Anti-Hypertensives – ACEi
• Absolute contraindications:
- Hereditary angioedema
(C1 esterase inhibitor deficiency)
• Relative contraindication:
- Renal artery stenosis
(might precipitate RF)
Anti-Hypertensives – ARBs
• Names: sartan
- Losartan - Candesartan - Valsartan.
• Mechanism:
- Block AT receptors preventing action of AT II with same effects of
ACEIs, but no accumulation of bradykinin.
• Key Use:
- Alternative to ACEi in case of severe S/E e.g. dry cough
• Main S/Es:
All except cough & angioedema !!
Anti-Hypertensives – Hydralazine
• Mechanism:
- ↑↑ cGMP causing activation of MLCP.
- Dephosphorylation of myosin causing smooth muscle relaxation
- VD blood vessels
• Uses: Safe in pregnancy (REMEMBER: H, L, A)
- HTN: VD ➔ ↓↓ TPR.
- HF: ↓↓ Afterload.
• Main S/Es:
- Reflex ↑↑ HR: might precipitate angina (Prevented by co-administration of BB)
- Drug-induced lupus (manifestations like SLE caused by drugs associated with
positive anti-histone Abs).
- Dilator: Headache, Edema (due to overactive renin angiotensin system)
- Edema is prevented by coadministration of diuretics