Ethics Case Studies 2025
Ethics Case Studies 2025
Ethics Case Studies 2025
Bryan immediately told Nina that she had to repack the clock because it was
from a supplier who had been trying to win business from Bryan’s company.
They definitely could not accept the clock. Nina was very upset and
responded that the clock was perfect for the room and, besides, the clock
came to their home, not to Bryan’s office. Because of Nina’s attachment to
the clock, Bryan was unsure about what to do.
Muhwezi said, “I don’t like the salesman from that company. He comes
around here acting like he owns the place. He loves to tell us about his fancy
car, house, and vacations. It seems to me he must be making too much
money off of us!” Musiika responded that he heard South-Eastern Corrugated
was going to ask for a price increase to cover the rising costs of raw material
paper stock. Musiika further stated that South-Eastern would probably ask
for more than what was justified simply from rising paper stock costs.
After the meeting, Muhwezi decided he had heard enough. After all, he
prided himself on being a results-oriented manager. There was no way he
was going to allow that salesman to keep taking advantage of Coastal
Products. Muhwezi called Musiika and told him it was time to rebid the
corrugated contract before South-Eastern came in with a price increase
request. Who did Musiika know that might be interested in the business?
Musiika replied he had several companies in mind to include in the bidding
process. These companies would surely come in at a lower price, partly
because they used lower-grade boxes that would probably work well enough
in Coastal Products’ process.
Musiika also explained that these suppliers were not serious contenders for
the business. Their purpose was to create competition with the bids.
Muhwezi told Musiika to make sure that South-Eastern was well aware that
these new suppliers were bidding on the contract. He also said to make sure
the suppliers knew that price was going to be the determining factor in this
quote, because he considered corrugated boxes to be a standard industry
Uwase Ella, a new buyer at Sky Manufacturers Ltd, was reviewing quotations
for a tooling contract submitted by four suppliers. She was evaluating the
quotes based on price, target quality levels, and delivery lead time promises.
As she was working, her manager, Nwaneri, entered her office. He asked how
everything was progressing and if she needed any help. She mentioned she
was reviewing quotations from suppliers for a tooling contract. Nwaneri
asked who the interested suppliers were and if she had made a decision.
Uwase indicated that one supplier, Kateks, appeared to fit exactly the
requirements Sky Manufacturers Ltd had specified in the proposal. Nwaneri
told her to keep up the good work. Later that day Nwaneri again visited
Uwase’s office. He stated that he had done some research on the suppliers
and felt that another supplier, Mujasi, appeared to have the best track record
with Sky Manufacturers Ltd.
He pointed out that Uwase’s first choice was a new supplier to Sky
Manufacturers Ltd and there was some risk involved with that choice.
Nwaneri indicated that it would please him greatly if she selected Mujasi for
the contract.
The next day Uwase was having lunch with another buyer, Gikyere Smith.
She mentioned the conversation with Nwaneri and said she honestly felt that
Kateks was the best choice. When Gikyere asked Uwase who Nwaneri
preferred, she answered, “Mujasi.” At that point Gikyere rolled his eyes and
shook his head. Uwase asked what the body language was all about. Gikyere
replied, “Look, I know you’re new but you should know this. I heard last week
that Nwaneri’s brother-in-law is a new part owner of Mujasi. I was wondering
how soon it would be before he started steering business to that company.
He is not the straightest character.” Uwase was shocked. After a few
moments, she announced that her original choice was still the best selection.
At that point Gikyere reminded Uwase that she was replacing a terminated
buyer who did not go along with one of Nwaneri’s previous preferred