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Test Script

SAP S/4HANA - 29-09-22

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)


Table of Contents

1 Purpose

2 Prerequisites
2.1 System Access
2.2 Roles
2.3 Master Data, Organizational Data, and Other Data

3 Overview Table

4 Test Procedures
4.1 Standard Cost Calculation
4.1.1 Enter Activity Price
4.1.2 Create Costing Run
4.1.3 Execute Costing Run
4.2 Standard Cost Calculation using Universal Parallel Accounting
4.2.1 Enter Activity Price
4.2.2 Create Costing Run
4.2.3 Execute Costing Run

5 Analytics
5.1 Display Material Value Chain - Estimated Costs

6 Appendix
6.1 Manage Order BOM Cost Estimates in Parallel Valuation
Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)
Purpose PUBLIC 2
1 Purpose

This process enables you to update standard costs for products as part of annual operations planning. The costs are entered manually, and the costing run is
created and executed.
This scope item also supports parallel standard costing.
This document provides a detailed procedure for testing this scope item after solution activation, reflecting the predefined scope of the solution. Each
process step, report, or item is covered in its own section, providing the system interactions (test steps) in a table view. Steps that are not in scope of the
process but are needed for testing are marked accordingly. Project-specific steps must be added.

Note Values in this test script (decimal notation, date formats, and so on) are presented in U.S. standard notation. If your test system is set up to use a
different notation, enter values as appropriate.

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 3
2 Prerequisites

This section summarizes all the prerequisites for conducting the test in terms of systems, users, master data, organizational data, other test data and busi-
ness conditions.

2.1 System Access

System Details

System Accessible via SAP Fiori launchpad. Your system administrator provides you with the URL to access the various apps assigned to your role.

2.2 Roles
Assign the following business roles to your individual test users. Alternatively, if available, you can create business roles using the following spaces with
pages and predefined apps for the SAP Fiori launchpad and assign the business roles to your individual test users.

Note These roles or spaces are examples provided by SAP. You can use them as templates to create your own roles or spaces.
For more information about business roles, refer to Assigning business roles to a user in the Administration Guide to Implementation of SAP S/4HANA with
SAP Best Practices .

Name (Role) ID (Role) Name (Launchpad Space) ID (Launchpad Space) Log


Configuration Expert - Business SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT Configuration Expert - Business Process Configuration SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT
Process Configuration

Purchaser SAP_BR_PURCHASER Materials Management - Purchasing / Materials Manage- SAP_MM_SPT_PURCHASING_PC /

ment - Sourcing and Contracting SAP_MM_SPT_SOURCING_PC

Inventory Accountant SAP_BR_INVENTORY_AC- Cost Accountant - Inventory SAP_BR_INVENTORY_ACCOUNTANT


Cost Accountant - Overhead SAP_BR_OVERHEAD_AC- Cost Accountant - Overhead SAP_BR_OVERHEAD_ACCOUNTANT


Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 4
2.3 Master Data, Organizational Data, and Other Data
The organizational structure and master data of your company has been created in your system during activation. The organizational structure reflects the
structure of your company. The master data represents materials, customers, and vendors, for example, depending on the operational focus of your com-
Use your own master data or the following sample data to go through the test procedure:

Data Sample Value Details Comments

Cost Center * All cost centers

Activity Types * All activity types All activity types used in the routings / work centers of the materials to be calculated.

Material Master * Material type FERT, HALB, ROH Select all materials which belong to this material type.

For more information on creating master data objects, see the following Master Data Scripts (MDS)
Table 1: Master Data Script Reference
Master Data ID Description

BNM Create Cost Center and Cost Center Group

BNN Create Activity Type and Activity Type Group

BNT Create Finished Good ("FERT")

BNS Create Semi-Finished Good ("HALB")

BNR Create Raw Material ("ROH")

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 5
3 Overview Table

This scope item consists of several process steps as provided in the table below:

Note If your system administrator has enabled spaces and pages on the SAP Fiori launchpad, the homepage will only contain the essential apps for per-
forming the typical tasks of a business role.
You can find all other apps not included on the homepage using the search bar.
If you want to personalize the homepage and include the hidden apps, navigate to your user profile and choose App Finder.

Standard Cost Calculation

Process Step Business Role Transaction/App Expected Results

Enter Activity Price [page ] Cost Accountant - Over- Edit Prices for Activity Types - Cost Centers The Manage Cost Rates - Plan screen displays and activity price entered.
7 head (KP26).

Create Costing Run [page ] Inventory Accountant Manage Costing Runs - Estimated Costs The Manage Costing Runs Estimated Costs view displays and costing run
8 (F1865) is created.

Execute Costing Run [page Inventory Accountant Manage Costing Runs - Estimated Costs The Manage Costing Runs Estimated Costs view displays and costing run
] 10 (F1865) is executed.

Standard Cost Calculation using Universal Parallel Accounting

Process Step Business Role Transaction/App Expected Results

Enter Activity Price [page ] Cost Accountant - Over- Manage Cost Rates - Plan (F3162) The Manage Cost Rates - Plan screen displays and activity price entered.
13 head

Create Costing Run [page ] Inventory Accountant Manage Costing Runs - Estimated Costs The Manage Costing Runs Estimated Costs view displays and costing run is
14 (F1865) created.

Execute Costing Run [page Inventory Accountant Manage Costing Runs - Estimated Costs The Manage Costing Runs Estimated Costs view displays and costing run is
] 16 (F1865) executed.


Process Step Business Role Transaction/App Expected Results

Display Material Value Chain - Esti- Inventory Ac- Display Material Value Chain - Esti- This activity provides a graphical image of all activities and materials related
mated Costs [page ] 19 countant mated Costs (F4898) to the material cost estimate in a flow view.

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 6
4 Test Procedures

This section describes test procedures for each process step that belongs to this scope item.

4.1 Standard Cost Calculation

4.1.1 Enter Activity Price

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this activity, you enter activity price.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

1 Log on Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Cost Accountant - Over- The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 7
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

2 Access the SAP Fiori Open Edit Prices for Activity Types - Cost Centers (KP26). The Change Activity Type/Price Planning: Initial
App Screen displays.

3 Enter Variables Make the following entries : The Change Activity Type/Price Planning: Overview
Version: 0 Screen displays.

From Period: 11
To Period: 12
Fiscal Year: <Current fiscal year> note

Note In case of annual operations planning for the next fiscal

year, select this one.

Cost Center: Manufacturing 1 (ES)

Activity Type: 1
Choose Overview Screen.

4 Make Price Changes Make changes to Price (Fixed) and Variable Price field and choose Activity prices are posted for next fiscal year.

4.1.2 Create Costing Run

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 8

In this activity, you create a costing run.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /

Step # Comment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as an Inventory Accountant. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the SAP Fiori App Open Manage Costing Runs - Estimated Costs (F1865). The Manage Costing Runs Estimated
Costs view displays.

3 Creating Costing Run Choose the Create button. The Create New Costing Run view dis-

4 Enter Parameters for Make the following entries and choose Enter.
Costing Run Costing Run: Test1 (XX can be any number)
Costing Run Date: <Enter the current date>
Description: Costing Run Test1 (XX can be any number)
Costing Variant: PYC1

Note The ledger is updated based on the costing type mapped to the costing
variant. Select per your business needs.

Costing Version: 1
Controlling Area: A000
Company Code: 2410
Costing Date From: <Enter the first day of next year>
Costing Date To: Adopt default value
Qty Structure Date: <Enter the first day of next year>
Valuation Date: <Enter the first day of next year>

5 Save Costing Run Choose the Save button.

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 9
4.1.3 Execute Costing Run

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this activity, you execute the costing run. Configured materials are not included.


Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass /

Step Name Fail /
# Com-

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as an Inventory Accoun- The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the Open Manage Costing Runs - Estimated Costs (F1865). The Manage Costing Runs Estimated Costs view displays.
SAP Fiori

3 Select Cost- Search for the costing run created in the previous step. The Edit Costing Run view displays.
ing Run Select the costing run and choose Edit.

4 Edit Costing Make the desired changes and choose Continue. Save the
Run changes as required.

5 Create Cost Open the Process section. From the Selection row, choose The selection is executed.

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 10
Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Name Fail /
# Com-

Estimates the Change Parameter button and make the following en-
Material Type : HALB, ROH, FERT
Plant: 2410
Select the Explode Multilevel Structure checkbox.
Deselect Background Processing indicator and then choose
Choose Back and save the entries as required.
Choose Execute, which displays in the Execute column, and
the status light for the Selection row turns green.

6 Create Cost From the Costing row, choose the Change Parameter button. Costing Run is executed.
Estimates - On the Costing Run: Cost Estimate – Change Parameters
Selection view, deselect Background Processing checkbox and then
choose Save.
Choose Back.
Choose Execute, which displays in the Execute column and
the status light for the Costing row turns green.

7 Create Cost From the menu, in case the Edit is not visible directly, Costing Run is executed.
Estimates - choose Menu > Edit > Costing Results.
Costing If the status light for this row is red, review the Costing lev-
els report. Correct errors in the report. To re-run the costing
(if necessary), repeat steps for Selection Struct. Explosion
and Costing Rows.

8 Create Cost On the Analysis row, choose the Change Parameter button. Costing Run is executed.
Estimates - Select SAP&11 for the parameter setting and then select
Analysis Choose. On the Costing Run: Analysis – Change Parameters
view, deselect Background Processing checkbox and then
choose Save.
Choose Back.
Choose Execute, which displays in the Execute column.
Choose Back and confirm the message with yes to leave the

9 Create Cost On the Marking row, choose the Lock button. Costing Run is executed.
Estimates - The following is an excerpt of potential messages:

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 11
Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Name Fail /
# Com-

Marking Note The allowance must be set for the period for which ● The messages Costing error for material SGPI*1 to 10: no BOM and routing
the price update is scheduled. and Costing error for material FG_FL*0 to FG_FL*2 : no BOM and routing are
ok. These materials are sample master data for additional processes.
● In case no price could be determined for single-level material, the following
On the Price Update: Organizational Measure view, select message displays No price could be determined for material/batch PPPP plant
the company code 2410 row for the appropriate ledger 0L. XX10 (PPPP stands for Material number/XX stands for Country ID). For correc-
In the Permitted Costing Variant dialog box, enter the cost- tion, refer to scope item 1ZT: Managing Material Price Changes and Inventory
ing variant of PYC1 and the costing version of 1, and then Values.
choose Issue allowance for marking. The status light of the
row turns green.
Choose Back.
Choose Change Parameter and deselect Test Run and Back-
ground Processing.
Choose Save.
Choose Back, and choose Execute.

Note Check the log and resolve error messages. Warning

messages may also be potential problems later on in the
process, so those need to be resolved as well.

10 Create Cost On the Release row, choose Change Parameter and deselect The current prices will be updated in the material master data.
Estimates - Test Run and Background Processing.
Release Note The new standard price cannot be updated before the first day of the va-
Choose Save. lidity of the costing run. For example, if costing run is valid from 01/01/<plan-
Choose Back, and choose Execute. ning year>, then releasing the standard price is possible on 01/01/<planning
year> at the earliest.

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 12
4.2 Standard Cost Calculation using Universal Parallel Accounting

4.2.1 Enter Activity Price

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this activity, you enter activity price.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

1 Log on Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Cost Accountant - Over- The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the SAP Fiori Open Edit Prices for Activity Types - Cost Centers (KP26). The Change Activity Type/Price Planning: Initial
App Screen displays.

3 Enter Variables Make the following entries : The Change Activity Type/Price Planning: Overview
Version: 0 Screen displays.

From Period: 11
To Period: 12
Fiscal Year: <Current fiscal year> note

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 13
Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

Note In case of annual operations planning for the next fiscal

year, select this one.

Cost Center: Manufacturing 1 (ES)

Activity Type: 1
Choose Overview Screen.

4 Make Price Changes Make changes to Price (Fixed) and Variable Price field and choose Activity prices are posted for next fiscal year.

4.2.2 Create Costing Run

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this activity, you create a costing run.

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 14

Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /

Step # Comment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as an Inventory Accountant. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the SAP Fiori App Open Manage Costing Runs - Estimated Costs (F1865). The Manage Costing Runs Estimated
Costs view displays.

3 Creating Costing Run Choose the Create button. The Create New Costing Run view dis-

4 Enter Parameters for Make the following entries and choose Enter.
Costing Run Costing Run: Test1 (XX can be any number)
Costing Run Date: <Enter the current date>
Description: Costing Run Test1 (XX can be any number)
Costing Variant: PYC1

Note The ledger is updated based on the costing type mapped to the costing
variant. Select per your business needs.

Costing Version: 1
Controlling Area: A000
Company Code: 2410
Costing Date From: <Enter the first day of next year>
Costing Date To: Adopt default value
Qty Structure Date: <Enter the first day of next year>
Valuation Date: <Enter the first day of next year>

5 Save Costing Run Choose the Save button.

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 15
4.2.3 Execute Costing Run

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this activity, you execute the costing run. Configured materials are not included.


Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass /

Step Name Fail /
# Com-

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as an Inventory Accoun- The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the Open Manage Costing Runs - Estimated Costs (F1865). The Manage Costing Runs Estimated Costs view displays.
SAP Fiori

3 Select Cost- Search for the costing run created in the previous step. The Edit Costing Run view displays.
ing Run Select the costing run and choose Edit.

4 Edit Costing Make the desired changes and choose Continue. Save the
Run changes as required.

5 Create Cost Open the Process section. From the Selection row, choose The selection is executed.

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 16
Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Name Fail /
# Com-

Estimates the Change Parameter button and make the following en-
Material Type : HALB, ROH, FERT
Plant: 2410
Select the Explode Multilevel Structure checkbox.
Deselect Background Processing indicator and then choose
Choose Back and save the entries as required.
Choose Execute, which displays in the Execute column, and
the status light for the Selection row turns green.

6 Create Cost From the Costing row, choose the Change Parameter button. Costing Run is executed.
Estimates - On the Costing Run: Cost Estimate – Change Parameters
Selection row, deselect Background Processing checkbox and then
choose Save.
Choose Back.
Choose Execute, which displays in the Execute column and
the status light for the Costing row turns green.

7 Create Cost From the menu, in case the Edit is not visible directly, Costing Run is executed.
Estimates - choose Menu > Edit > Costing Results .
Costing If the status light for this row is red, review the Costing lev-
els report. Correct errors in the report. To re-run the costing
(if necessary), repeat steps for Selection Struct. Explosion
and Costing Rows.

8 Create Cost On the Analysis row, choose the Change Parameter button. Costing Run is executed.
Estimates - Select SAP&11 for the parameter setting and then select
Analysis Choose. On the Costing Run: Analysis – Change Parameters
row, deselect Background Processing checkbox and then
choose Save.
Choose Back.
Choose Execute, which displays in the Execute column.
Choose Back and confirm the message with yes to leave the

9 Create Cost On the Marking row, choose the Lock button. Costing Run is executed.
Estimates - The following is an excerpt of potential messages:

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 17
Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Name Fail /
# Com-

Marking Note The allowance must be set for the period for which ● The messages Costing error for material SGPI*1 to 10: no BOM and routing
the price update is scheduled. and Costing error for material FG_FL*0 to FG_FL*2 : no BOM and routing are
ok. These materials are sample master data for additional processes.
● In case no price could be determined for single-level material, the following
On the Price Update: Organizational Measureview, select the message displays No price could be determined for material/batch PPPP plant
company code 2410 row for the appropriate ledger 0L. XX10 (PPPP stands for Material number/XX stands for Country ID). For correc-
In the Permitted Costing Variant dialog box, enter the cost- tion, refer to scope item 1ZT: Managing Material Price Changes and Inventory
ing variant of PYC1 and the costing version of 1, and then Values.
choose Issue allowance for marking. The status light of the
row turns green.
Choose Back.
Choose Change Parameter and deselect Test Run and Back-
ground Processing.
Choose Save.
Choose Back, and choose Execute.

Note Check the log and resolve error messages. Warning

messages may also be potential problems later on in the
process, so those need to be resolved as well.

10 Create Cost On the Release row, choose Change Parameter and deselect The current prices will be updated in the material master data.
Estimates - Test Run and Background Processing.
Release Note The new standard price cannot be updated before the first day of the va-
Choose Save. lidity of the costing run. For example, if costing run is valid from 01/01/<plan-
Choose Back, and choose Execute. ning year>, then releasing the standard price is possible on 01/01/<planning
year> at the earliest.

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 18
5 Analytics

5.1 Display Material Value Chain - Estimated Costs

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


This activity provides a graphical display of the entire value chain of a material by specific valuation variant.

Note You can view any material by any valuation variant provided an existing cost estimate run for the specific valuation variant has been completed up
to the Create Cost Estimates - Costing process step as described in the Execute Costing Run step above. The costing run does not have to be marked or
released to view the analysis provided by the Display Material Value Chain - Estimated Costs (F4898) app.


Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /

Step # Name Comment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as an Inventory Accountant. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the Open Display Material Value Chain - Estimated Costs (F4898). The Display Material Value Chain - Estimated Costs
SAP Fiori App view displays.

3 Execute Re- Make the following entries and choose Go. The screen presents a graphical image of all activi-

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 19
Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /
Step # Name Comment

port Material: <for example, SG21> ties and materials related to the material cost esti-
mate in a flow view.

Note The material must have a valid costing run executed for the costing variant
selected or the date of your costing run, for example, the first day of the next year
as used in the Create Costing Run step.

Plant: 2410
Costing Variant: PYC1
Valid On: <current date>
Currency Type: Controlling Area Currency
Cost Component View: Cost of Goods Manufactured (default)

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 20
6 Appendix

6.1 Manage Order BOM Cost Estimates in Parallel Valuation

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


This activity shows how to do ledger-specific sales order costing. This step is relevant only if you have a make to order scope such as Make-to-Order Produc-
tion with Variant Configuration(1YT), Make-to-Order Production - Finished Goods Sales and Final Assembly (BJE), or Make-to-Order Production - Process Manu-
facturing (3OK).

Note By default, sales order costing is automatically executed with valuation variant PPC4 during sales for creation which updates all standard ledgers
with the same sales order cost. This step is relevant only if you maintain different ledger material prices in the MM master data (scope item 1ZT: Manag-
ing Material Price Changes and Inventory Values) and want to do ledger-specific sales order costing for parallel ledgers like 2L or 3L.


Primary sales order is created in make to order scope Make-to-Order Production with Variant Configuration(1YT), Make-to-Order Production - Finished Goods
Sales and Final Assembly (BJE), or Make-to-Order Production - Process Manufacturing (3OK).

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 21

Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /

Step # Comment

1 Log On Log onto the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Cost Accountant - Sales. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the SAP Open Schedule Sales Accounting Jobs (F1483). The Application Jobs view displays.
Fiori App

3 Create Choose the Create button. The New Job: Manage Order BOM Cost Estimates in
Parallel Valuation view displays.

4 Enter Selection In the Template Selection section, make the following entries: The Scheduling Options view displays.
Criteria Job Template: Manage Order BOM Cost Estimates in Parallel Valuation
Job Name: Manage Order BOM Cost Estimates in Parallel Valuation
Choose Step 2.

5 Scheduling Op- Select the Start Immediately checkbox and choose Step 3. The Parameters view display.

6 Parameters Make the following entries and choose the Schedule button: You are returned to the Application Jobs view. Your
Costing Variant: PB2L for ledger 2L or PB3L for ledger 3L sales order costing for parallel valuation is finished.

Transfer Control: PC03

Description for Costing Run: <enter text>
Sales Document: <sales order number from scope 1YT, BJE or 3OK for
which you want to do parallel sales order costing>
Sales Document Item: 0010
Created On: <enter a date>
Processing Options:
Test Selection: <Deselect>
Cost VO: <Select>
Set Costing Status Marked: <Select>

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES)

Purpose PUBLIC 22
Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbut-
tons labels, menu names, menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.

Example Emphasized words or expressions. www.sap.com/contactsap

EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction
codes, table names, and key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded
by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE.

Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names
of variables and parameters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database

Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they
appear in the documentation.

<Example> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with
appropriate entries to make entries in the system.

EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard, for example, F 2 or E N T E R . © 2022 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights re-
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted
in any form or for any purpose without the express permis-
sion of SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. The information
contained herein may be changed without prior notice.
Some software products marketed by SAP SE and its distribu-
tors contain proprietary software components of other soft-
ware vendors. National product specifications may vary.
These materials are provided by SAP SE or an SAP affiliate
company for informational purposes only, without representa-
tion or warranty of any kind, and SAP or its affiliated compa-
nies shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to
the materials. The only warranties for SAP or SAP affiliate
company products and services are those that are set forth in
the express warranty statements accompanying such prod-
ucts and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed
as constituting an additional warranty.
SAP and other SAP products and services mentioned herein
as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered
trademarks of SAP SE (or an SAP affiliate company) in Ger-
many and other countries. All other product and service
names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective

See www.sap.com/copyright for additional trade-

Standard Cost Calculation (BEG_ES) mark information and notices.
Purpose PUBLIC 23

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