strategic planning
strategic planning
strategic planning
CI 13.826.314
G CI 14.788.139
CI 18.245.642
Carlos Martinez
CI 19.084.426
CI 19.129.674
CI 25.245.808
CI 19.398.556
These tools allow for obtaining successful and measurable strategies in order
to achieve the objectives. Once the general parameters involved in planning are
known, it must be defined how strategic planning provides the direction that will
guide the mission, objectives and strategies of the company and/or institution.
From both definitions, what can be taken is that planning as such is the general
parameter of companies within which the mission, vision, objectives and different
routes of action are delimited.
However, in both cases, one faces the uncertainty of what will happen in the
future and how one will act appropriately to fulfill the fundamental purposes, which
creates a link that in the end the personal and organizational dimensions converge
together insofar as the direction chosen for organizations will influence people and
vice versa, practically trying to act proactively configuring strategies that allow
taking advantage of internal strengths and external opportunities, but for this it is
essential to specify exactly and carefully the mission that will govern the company,
the mission is fundamental, since it represents the operational functions that it will
execute in the market.
From all of the above, it must be understood that a good plan is one that
manages to develop an excellent analysis of the situation and consequently allows
the chosen route to be sufficiently precise to avoid serious deviations, which is why
the design of contingency plans, monitoring systems and decentralized and flexible
organizational structure complement a successful strategic planning process.
Strategic planning is more than a mechanism for developing plans; it is a
process that should lead to a strategic way of thinking, to the creation of a
management system inspired by a strategic culture. This is the true objective of
this process. Leaders are required for this objective and they are the strategists. A
strategist is that person or official located in senior management who is responsible
for defining the objectives and policies of the organization.
In order to compare the results of the execution of the strategy against the
goals of the strategic objectives and the priority lines of action established when
formulating the strategy, it is important that the institution defines evaluation criteria
that allow it to know if what is desired is being achieved and, if necessary, apply
corrective measures. This is because the indicators are the main component of the
evaluation system, that is, they are measurement standards that are designed
according to what is intended to be measured, for example, the efficiency and
effectiveness of some activity of the organization. Their application must be easy
and useful and must be consistent with the defined strategy.
Strategy execution: Strategy formulation may be excellent, but it can fail if it is
not executed correctly; for this reason, its execution must be managed with the
same strategic orientation by those who lead the institution. Initially, one must
move from strategic thinking to strategic action in an understandable way, which
implies determining the institutional management model and the organizational and
legal structure of the institution. Both aspects may already be established, but it is
necessary to verify whether they fit with each of the components proposed in the
The legal structure is the legal figure through which the institution carries out
its activities before the government. This gives the institution its constitutional
character and legal credibility, since it is legally constituted. It is only verified that
the legal figure is pertinent to execute the formulated strategy. Generally, an
organization can operate as a natural person or a legal entity, unlike institutions,
which are all managed legally.
Regarding the organizational structure, it is necessary to analyze whether the
current areas to which specific functions were assigned and the personnel
available are those necessary to execute the strategy. It may be necessary to open
new departments or eliminate some, it is also possible that it will be necessary to
hire personnel with a certain profile and/or train current operators, administrators or
managers in certain areas.
When to evaluate
Evaluation indicators
To evaluate, it is necessary to develop an evaluation system, the
main component of which is the indicators.
With the support that is intended to be received from the inhabitants of all 17
Zones that make up the Complex and especially from the most affected Zones
such as 4, 5, 7 and 8 because they lived with these anti-socials and for them it is
traumatic, because they cannot even be in front of their apartments because they
are objects of robbery, but with the work of Social Intelligence that has been
carried out jointly by the Police-Community as a single front against crime, it has
been sought to control the criminal incidents that affect People, it is therefore that it
can be said that the criminals, and one can also mention the illegal sales of drugs
that also affected the peace and social tranquility of the People who live in the
different blocks of the La Gran Victoria Housing Complex, to be able to end the
Crimes and illegal sales of narcotics completely, which the only thing they do is
destroy our young people who are the future of Society, but I know that with the
support received from the community and the work that is intended to be carried
out with efficiency and constant dedication by a Police work team committed to
Security and taking into account the clamor of the People to address the issue of
Insecurity, the expected work has been achieved thanks to the Social and
Collective integration of all those affected.
In addition to the above is the police officer as the new manager, deserving
that within the police forces all personnel is in function of a good academic
development in the managerial and administrative part where apart from knowing
and marrying the security policies arising from public policies and that today, is
immersed in the training of each and every one of the Police officers where they
receive an academic training directed in the good execution of citizen security
strategies, leaving aside the importance of Public Administration as a fundamental
engine of the same institution, which is why the national government has
implemented strategies to academically train police officers in the area of
management and administration.
1. Planning:
2. Organization:
Once planning has been done, it is time to get organized. This is, put very
simply, sharing out tasks. Somehow make sense of all the questions you have tried
to answer in the planning stage.
3. Address:
Management, contrary to what many people think, does not have to be in the
hands of a single person. It could also be led by a steering group. However,
management is responsible for helping, intervening, supporting or motivating the
work being carried out. For example, managers are responsible for influencing
project members. Whether by helping them, giving them alternatives or avoiding
conflicts between different parts of the organization.
4. Control:
Likewise, work has been done to deepen knowledge regarding the general
principles of the internal control system of the Public Sector in Venezuela, relating
these internal control principles to the mechanisms of public accountability. In
addition, it has allowed him to understand the importance of internal control as a
process integrated into administrative management, deepening the knowledge of
the related concepts, the departments in charge of exercising said control, the
competencies and the legal framework that governs the administration of police
agencies at its three levels (Bolivarian National Police, State Police and Municipal
Police), covering the different types and scopes.
Finally, it is important to add that police institutions have been adjusting to the
Public Administration, understanding and assuming that the latter represents a
fundamental axis in the Police Administration, given that the former serves as
support for the latter and allows the generation of strategies that support the proper
functioning of police institutions, taking into account that in order to obtain
successful results it is necessary to comply with the good follow-up and application
of regimes or guidelines imposed by any type of control entity and this is immersed
in the process.
This topic is very important within organizations, and that is why we will be
addressing the study of each of these factors throughout this work. It is expected to
be of great importance and interest to those who have the opportunity to study this
Advantages of
Budgets can be prepared in different ways, depending on the desired complexity.
All of them carry a number of advantages, even the simplest budgets present
enormous advantages for internal and external reasons.
Below are some advantages:
3. Direct effort and investment towards the most profitable alternative of all.4. It
emphasizes the need for coordination between all elements of the company, as it
allows the weaknesses of an organization to be quickly seen.
7. Indicates areas of lack of control, providing data that can be used to analyze
variances between actual and budgeted values. These variances serve as a
platform for studying the cause of the problem.
Budget Limitations
Sudden changes in the environment, new legal provisions and unexpected
business events such as strikes and accidents can throw the process out of
The reasons why budgets and planning are not more successful include, but
are not limited to, the following: