Exercises in Methods Engineering II

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1. On an automobile assembly line, the operator takes a part weighing 14

kilograms with both hands and places it on the press table. The piece is
located at 45.7 cm. from a distance and the movement must be visually
directed. The distance between the press and the table on which the finished
piece is placed is 30 cm. The holes have a tolerance of 0.079 cm. Determine
the normal time in minutes (using the BMT table)




D2=25 cm


We are looking for MTB boards

Reach R35.5c=9x10a at -4min

Move Mb 5.5CV=99x10 at -4min

Precision 0.635=39x10 at -4min

Force 3f1= 3.2=6x10 at -4min

Earthquake s25=41x10 at -4min

Normal time = (90 + 99 + 39 + 6 + 41) 10 to the -4 min = 275x10 to the -4

2. The table below reflects the times of an assembly operation:

DaysC 85% 90% 95% 100 105% 110 TOTAL

V % %
1 2 7 11 9 5 4 38
2 1 6 12 11 6 3 39
3 3 7 9 10 7 2 38
4 2 6 10 12 6 - 36
5 1 5 11 12 7 - 36
TOTAL 9 31 53 54 31 9 187

The table shows the frequencies with which the actions of the observed
operators are rated, using the subjective rating method.
Total production over 5 days was 465 assemblies. The study was designed
for an initial percentage working 78%. It is desired that 94% of the time the
observed probability of the sample carried out does not deviate beyond 7%,
from the P of the population. Determine the normal time, if the workday is
7.5 hr./day and the global tolerances assigned by the company are 19%.

∑xi = 7+11+9+5+4+6+12+11+6+7+9+10+7+6+10+12+6+5+11+12+7= 173

TE=∑xi / LC
TN=TE x attributed value = 34.6 x 78 = 29,998
Standard value 100
3. Determine, using the respective tables, the execution times of the following
operations, in hours:
a) MTM: Move a piece weighing 11Kg, between points separated by
approximately 50 centimeters.
b) BTM: With the right hand, move a piece weighing 3 kilograms from a
point A located in the normal work area to a point Bs 30 centimeters
from the previous one and leave it in that place.

a) MTM  P=11 Kg
D= 40 cm
b) BTM  P= 3 Kg
D= 30 cm
M40 B=15.8 TMU

Factor 13 kg=? Interpolation

x an x and
to d 12.5 1.28
b an 13 x
c F 14.8 1.33
c - b = f – e =  14.8 - 13 = 1.33 - x =  0.785= 1.33 - x

c – af – d 14.8 - 12.5 1.33 – 1.28 0.05

0.785x0.05=1.33 - x  = 0.0391= 1.33 - x  x=1.33 - 0.0391= 1.29

Factor 13 kg=1.29

Constant 13 kg again we interpolate

x and
12.5 9.1
13 x
14.8 10.8
14.8 - 13 = 10.8 - x

14.8 - 12.5 10.8 - 9.1

0.785 x 1.7= 10.8 - x 1.3345=10.8 - x  x=10.8 - 1.3345= 9.47

= [(TMU). Factor + constant] x 10 at -5 min


R 30C = 86 X 10 at -4 min

M30 CV= 95 X 10 at -4 min

3 Fi= 3.2= 6 x 10 to the -4 min

T= R 30 C + M30CV + 3Fi=

4. The table below shows the times of an assembly operation:

1 34 34 1 44 106 148 23 6 - -
2 9
2 - - 1 80 112 200 25 1 30 41
3 3
3 37 76 1 86 110 194 - - - -
4 - - - 26 146 168 26 9 28 19
5 32 49 1 61 112 171 25 9 - -
4 5
6 - - 2 12 108 118 24 4 30 68
0 0
7 36 02 1 14 110 122 26 4 - -
4 6
8 - - 1 57 112 167 22 8 40 25
3 7
19 35 58 4 98 19 115 25 3 - -
2 8
10 - - 1 48 109 155 22 7 26 101
2 5

The speed rating obtained by the subjective method is as follows:

CV (%) F
96 5
100 12
109 15
110 6
115 2

Determine the normal operation time if the work day is 8 hr/day and 4 pieces are
produced per cycle.

5. During a work sampling study carried out on a group of operators, it was

determined that these operators remained busy for 80% of the time. The
study was done in 3 days (8hr/day) during which 250 pieces were produced.
Each time the workers were found working, their speed was rated using the
subjective method, obtaining the following frequency distribution:

CV (%) F
90 25
95 45
105 50
110 100

Determine the execution time of the operation.

Production = 250 pieces
Time = 3 days x 8 hours
Working time = 80%

Speed rating
Cycle Cv(%) F
1 90 25
2 95 45
3 105 50
4 110 100
Time converted to minutes

8 hrs x 60 min/1 hr = 480 min / day

Time occupied = 0.80 x 480 min = 384 min
Time after 3 days
T=3 days x 384 min= 1152 minutes occupied.

Tps= min/cycle = min/pieces

Tps= 1152 min =4.608 min/pieces
240 pieces
TE=∑Tps x cv xFi
TE= 4.608 (0.9
(25 + 45 + 50 +100)
TE= 4.608 (227.75)=
TE= 4.77 min

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