The Bloodsinger
The Bloodsinger
The Bloodsinger
The Bloodsinger, an ancient entity mentioned only However, when she chose to abandon her status as a
inlegends and old tales, is believed by many to be lord of hell, possibly because there was nothing
the very first practitioner of blood magic. Those who more to gain, and departed for the material plane,
practice this dark art are thought to have learned where she now seeks to satisfy her everlasting
from her teachings. Very little is known about the thirst for knowledge and blood, no one could have
Bloodsinger, but from the limited writings available, stopped her, even if they had tried.
she is said to be one of the entities heralding the
inevitable end of days. The melody of her song A cult known to follow and worship the Bloodsinger,
carries the notes and tones of destruction and death. has spread across the world. Its members are
typically powerful blood mages wreaking havoc
Itis said that eons ago, she was one of the lords of from the shadows, believing that blood is the prime
the hells, although she is neither a devil nor a essence of existence and trying to slowly bring the
demon. Her actions aligned with the other infernal world to its fated end that is prophesied in the song
lords, and her power was rivaled by few, her of the Bloodsinger, which they call the Song of the
ambition boundless.
THE BLOODSINGER Hymn of the Bloodsinger (Recharge 4-6)
‘The Bloodsinger starts humming a deep, luring melody that can
Large monstrosity, neutral evil not only be heard butalso felt directly. Even without words,
e ————t anyone who hears the melody knows that it heralds doom for
Armor class: 18 (natural armor) them and, eventually, the whole world. Each creature within 60
Hit Points: 304 (32410 +128) feet of the Bloodsinger must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving
Speed: 30 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 22 (4d10) psychic
damage and is frightened for 1 round. On a successful save, a
STR DEX CON INT wis CHA creature takes halfdamage, and instead of being frightened, its
next Wisdom saving throw is made with disadvantage.
14(+2) 18(+4) 19(+4) 26(+7) 19(+4) 18(+4) After the Hymn of the Bloodsinger is used, the lair action 'Blood
Moon Rises' can occur when the time comes.
Proficiency bonus: +6
Saving Throws: Constitution +10, Intelligence +13, Wisdom +10 ‘The Bloodsinger can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from
Damage Resistances: necrotic; poison; psychic; bludgeoning, the options below, It can use only one legendary action at the
piercing and slashing from nonmagical attacks end of another creature's turn. The Bloodsinger regains spent
Condition Immunities: charmed, exhaustion, frightened, legendary actions at the start of its turn.
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone
Senses: 120 ft,, passive perception 20 Blood Render (1 action)
Languages: all, telepathy 120 ft. ‘The Bloodsinger uses Blood Render:
Challenge: 20 (25,000 XP)
Sanguine Chains (2 actions)
Four crimson chains sprout from the ground, restraining the
Legendary Resistance (3/Day) targeted creature within 60 feet of the Bloodsinger in place. At
If the Bloodsinger fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed the beginning of their turn, the targeted creature can make a DC
instead. 16 Strength saving throw to attempt to break two of the chains.
Alternatively, the chains can be broken by attacks using slashing
Blood Cocoon or bludgeoning weapons. For the purpose of attacking, the
When the Bloodsinger is reduced to 0 hit points, instead of chains have an armor class of11 and 10 hit points each.
dying, itengulfs itselfin a blood cocoon. While inside the
cocoon, the Bloodsinger regains 20% of its maximum hit points LAIR ACTIONS
at the beginning of its turn, until the cocoon is either destroyed
or the Bloodsinger reaches 60% of its maximum hit points, after On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the Bloodsinger
which the Bloodsinger emerges again. This ability is activated takes alair action to cause the following effects; the effects
each time the Bloodsinger is reduced to 0 hit points or until the always follow the same order according to their listingbelow.
cocoon is completely destroyed. The cocoon has an armor class
of 14 and 200 hit points. These hit points do not replenish Crimson Curtain
between activations of this ability. ‘The runic circle in the middle of the room begins to glow until a
curtain of blood is raised alongside the whole circle all the way
ACTIONS up to the ceiling. This barrier prevents any creatures from
entering or leaving the area enclosed by the circle. The curtain
Multiattack also blacks vision, and any creature that comes into contact
The Bloodsinger makes three Blood Render attacks. with it takes 14 (446) necrotic damage. The curtain dissipates
once the Hematic Legion is summoned on the next
lair turn.
Blood Render
Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 13 Hematic Legion
(2d8 + 4) slashing damage plus 9 (2d8) necrotic damage. The Aghost of each creature spawns within 10 feet of them, always
Bloodsinger regains hit points equal to halfof the necrotic appearing towards the room’s center, and immediately begins to
damage dealt by this attack. chase the targeted creature. These ghosts have a movement
speed of 15 feet. Ifa ghost reaches its target, it explodes, dealing
Blood Nova 21 (6d6) necrotic damage to any creature within a 15-foot
The Bloodsinger collects blood from its surroundings and radius. The ghosts last for 2 rounds before dissipating or until
unleashes it in a wave of sanguine energy. Each creature within they explode. Each ghost takes its turn immediately after its
30 feet of the Bloodsinger must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving target's turn.
throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 21 (6d6) necrotic
damage and is pushed back 10 feet. On a successful save, a Veil of the Blood Queen
creature takes half damage and remains in place. Alarge crimson veil descends onto the ground covering a
30-foot square area. The area covered by the veil counts as
Bloodborne Sigl (Bonus Action) difficult terrain and any enemy creature covered by the veil
The Bloodsinger targets a creature and affixes a sigil to them, takes 4 (1d8) pierdng damage for every 5 feet they move while
which persists until itis dispelled or transferred to another covered by the veil Any enemy creature that enters the area
creature, Whenever this marked creature takes damage, the covered by the veil takes 5 (2d4) necrotic damage. The veil
Bloodsinger heals for half of the damage dealt. Only one sigil remains in place until a new one descends.
can be active at a time. The Bloodborne Sigil is considered a
6th-level spell and a curse for the purposes of Dispel Magic and Blood Moon Rises
Remove Curse spells, and it can be dispelled or removed by ‘The Blood Moon is summonedin the middle of the room. Each
them. Ifthe sigil is successfully dispelled, the Bloodsinger has to enemy creature has to make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or it
wait one round until affixing a new one. has disadvantage on all d20 rols for 1 round. The Blood Moon
lasts for 2 rounds and the nextlair turn is skipped, instead once
Bound by Blood (Reaction) the Crimson Curtain is raised on the roundafter, the Blood
As a reaction the Bloodsinger links with a creature. Whenever Moon is covered and disappears. While the Blood Moon is
the Bloodsinger takes damage, half of the damage is instead active, the Bloodsingeris empawered.
The Bloodsinger only
redirected to the linked creature. This link only lasts until the takes half damage from any source (does not stack with damage
end of the turn on which it was cast. resistances) and deals additional 5 (1d10) necrotic damage
from any source, while the Blood Moon is active.
Crimson Reflection (Recharge 5-6)
Each enemy creature within 30 feet of the Bloodsinger has to Can only occur if the Hymn of the Bloodsinger was used
make a Charisma saving throw. The Bloodsinger summons a beforehand, otherwise the Blood Moon Rises is skipped and the
blood clone of the creature with the lowest Charisma save. This nextlair actions on the order occurs instead. Once the Blood
clone shares all stats and abilities of the creature. The clone Moon ends, the Hymn of the Bloodsinger has to be used again
lasts until it is destroyed or until this ability is used again. for the next Blood Moon to rise.
15" ilo
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