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Biology Prelim-XII 2025_4238_12.01.2025

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Course: XII - 2025 Test No. 4238 Date: 12 / 01 / 2025

Duration: 3 hrs. Admin Code: 121 – B – 32 Marks: 70

1. Question paper consists of 31 questions divided into FOUR sections, namely A, B, C & D
(1) Section A: Q. No. 1 contains 10 multiple choice type of questions carrying one mark
each. Q. No. 2 contains 8 very short answer type of questions carrying one mark each.
(2) Section B: Q. No. 3 to Q. No. 14 are 12 short answer – I type of questions carrying two
marks each. Attempt any eight questions.
(3) Section C: Q. No. 15 to Q. No. 26 are 12 short answer – II type of questions carrying
three marks each. Attempt any eight questions.
(4) Section D: Q. No. 27 to Q. No. 31 are 4 long answer type of questions carrying four
marks each. Attempt any three questions.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Start each section on a new page.
4. For each MCQ, the correct answer must be written along with its alphabet: e.g. (A) ………. /
(B) ……... / (C) ………. / (D) ………
5. Evaluation of each MCQ would be done for the first attempt only.
6. Draw neat, labelled diagrams wherever necessary

Q.1 Select and write the correct answer: [10 marks]
(i) Nucellus in the ovule may persist in some genera as a thin papery layer called
(A) Endosperm (B) Proembryo
(C) Perisperm (D) Scutellum
(ii) In many cultures, stretches of forests were set aside and protected in the name of
Almighty and they are called
(A) Hotspots (B) Sacred groves
(C) Botanical gardens (D) Sanctuaries
(iii) Give the term used to express a community in its final stage of succession.
(A) End community (B) Final community
(C) Climax community (D) Dark community

(iv) CFC are air polluting agents which are produced by
(A) Diesel trucks (B) Jet planes
(C) Rice fields (D) Industries
(v) The trophoblast cells in contact with the embryonal knob are called
(A) Cytotrophoblast (B) Inner cell mass
(C) Cell of Rauber (D) Syncytiotrophoblast
(vi) Which of the following is the most often a limiting factor of the primary productivity in
any ecosystem?
(A) Carbon (B) Nitrogen
(C) Phosphorus (D) Sulphur
(vii) Identify free living bacterial biofertilizer.
(A) Rhizobium (B) Azotobacter
(C) Nostoc (D) Trichoderma
(viii) Mule is the outcome of
(A) Inbreeding
(B) Outbreeding
(C) Interspecific hybridisation
(D) All of these
(ix) Abscisic acid controls
(A) Cell division (B) Flowering
(C) Epinasty (D) Leaf fall and dormancy
(x) The most widely accepted theory for ascent of sap is
(A) Capillarity theory (B) Root pressure theory
(C) Diffusion (D) Transpiration pull theory

Q.2 Answer the following: [8 marks]

(1) What is osmotic pressure?
(2) Give the full form of IAA?
(3) Give an example of ecosystem with inverted pyramid of biomass?
(4) Name the enzyme produced by streptococcus and its medical importance.
(5) What is guttation?
(6) What is the microbial source of vitamin C and citric acid?
(7) Name the sedimentary nutrient cycle and its reservoir
(8) Give an example of chromosomal disorder caused by due to non-disjunction of

Attempt any EIGHT questions of the following: [16 marks]
Q.3 Write a short note on anemophily.
Q.4 Match the column and rewrite.
Column I Column II
1) Auxin a) Breaking seed dormancy
2) Cytokinin b) Richmond-Lang effect
3) Gibberellins c) Apical dominance
4) Ethylene d) Fruit ripening

Q.5 What is ‘Cryptorchidism’? Explain its outcome in the person.

Q.6 What are Acute phase proteins?
Q.7 Give significance of transpiration.
Q.8 Distinguish between autogamy and xenogamy?
Q.9 A PCR machine an rise temperature upto 100C but after that it is not able to lower the
temperature below 70C automatically. Which step of PCR will be hampered first in this
faulty machine? Explain why?
Q.10 What is the role of gibberellins in rosette plants?
Q.11 Expand the following acronyms which are used in the field of biotechnology.
(i) RE (ii) YAC (iii) GMO (iv) PCR
Q.12 Tropical regions exhibit species richness as compared to polar regions. Justify it.
Q.13 Draw neat and labelled diagram of zones of root.
Q.14 Why law of segregation is also called the law of purity of gametes?

Attempt any EIGHT questions of the following: [24 marks]
Q.15 (i) What is a synapse?
(ii) What are the components of synapse?
(iii) What are the types of synapses? Write a brief description on each.
Q.16 (i) Identify and label the given diagram.
(ii) Give functions of part (b)

Q. 17 Write a note on plasmid vectors for plants.
Q. 18 Explain the following disorders in brief.
(a) Myxoedema
(b) Cushing’s syndrome
Q. 19 Draw neat diagrams of artery and vein (T.S.) and explain the differences between the two.
Q. 20 What would you consider wings of butterfly and bat as homologous or analogous? Why?
Give its significance.
Q. 21 Write a brief account of processing of hnRNA.
Q. 22 Give physiological effects of ethylene.
Q. 23 Explain Hardy-Weinberg’s principle.
Q. 24 Describe the process of expiration in humans.
Q. 25 Explain the role of lactose in Lac operon.
Q. 26 Explain the inheritance of colourblindness by drawing two crosses to show the pattern of

Attempt any THREE questions of the following: [12 marks]
Q.27 Explain competition as interspecific interactions with suitable examples.
Q.28 Describe structure of Graafian follicle in detail with a neat diagram.
Q.29 Explain Cardiac cycle in humans. Draw a neat diagram to explain the various stages with
their duration.
Q.30 Name and number the cranial nerves in humans, and mention the type of nerve it is.
Write the function of each nerve in one line.
Q.31 What are the five types of Cancers in humans? Describe each briefly.

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