Administration Users Guide (2)
Administration Users Guide (2)
Administration Users Guide (2)
Copyright 2004 - 2024 FireMon, LLC. All rights reserved. This product and related documentation are
protected by copyright and distributed under licensing restricting their use, copying, distribution,
and decompilation. No part of this product or related documentation may be reproduced in any
form or by any means without the written authorization of FireMon, LLC. All right, title, and interest
in the product shall remain with FireMon and its licensors.
This product and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing
restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws.
This product and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and
services from third parties. FireMon, LLC is not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties
of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. FireMon, LLC will not be
responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party
content, products, or services.
The information in this document is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be
error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.
FireMon is a registered trademark of FireMon, LLC. All other products or company names
mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
A copy of FireMon's End User License Agreement can be found on the User Center.
Copyright Notice 2
Contents 3
SIP Components 36
Access SIP 38
About Administration 39
Administration Menus 39
Help Menu 41
Filter Data 44
Filter Bricks 44
Sort Columns 44
CSV Export 45
Error Logs 45
Chapter 2: System 46
MSSP Deployments 47
About Domains 47
Non-MSSP Deployments 47
MSSP Deployments 47
Customer Domains 47
Permission Requirements 48
Licensing Quotas 49
Import Domains 50
Edit a Domain 51
Delete a Domain 51
Data Collectors 53
Permission Requirements 53
Permission Requirements 57
Permission Requirements 60
Permission Requirements 62
Permission Requirements 65
Set a Language 66
Enterprise 66
Local User 66
Scheduled Reports 67
Terminology 67
Permission Requirements 67
Change Report 76
Changes by User 78
Comparison Report 81
Enterprise SCI 86
Control Report 88
Advanced 152
Details 180
Details: 210
Details: 217
Details 260
Details: 299
Hillstone Firewall 302
Details 330
Sophos XG 401
Stonesoft 406
Zscaler 428
Cisco 451
Juniper 454
dcImportUsage 472
API 472
AhnLab 477
Cisco 479
F5 Networks 482
Forcepoint 484
Fortinet 486
Hillstone 487
Huawei 487
Riverbed 491
SonicWall 494
TopSec 495
Details: 531
CloudGenix 534
Details 537
Details 539
Details: 543
Details 545
Details: 557
Palo Alto Prisma Access Cloud Manager / Strata Cloud Manager 568
Details: 568
Stonesoft SMC 572
Details 584
Tags 597
Administrators 640
Services 677
How does creating a Network Tap Group change the network topology? 697
Definitions 697
Notes: 698
Supported Layer 2 Devices 699
Assessments 704
Assessments 704
Controls 711
Regex 721
Analysis 734
Report 734
Permissions 734
Prerequisites 769
Scanners 770
Edit 772
Administration 780
Security 780
Analysis 781
Change 782
Clean Up 782
Compliance 782
JVM Proxy Settings 783
Map 783
Notifications 783
Remedy 783
Reporting 783
Usage 784
Attachments 786
Notifications 786
Workflow 786
Attachments 788
Notifications 788
Workflow 788
Overview 801
Filtering 803
Palo Alto
2023.5 (Nov 17, 2023) Added Palo Alto Prisma Access
Prisma Access
Change Report: Added an option to run a Change Report
for policy changes with or without global policy
information to have a scoped-down version of the report,
as the global policy is repeated for every policy within the
Data Collector
management station.
2023.7 (Jan 31, 2024) Groups for
Filters: Added Clusters as an option to device filters to Palo Alto
show or hide inactive cluster members. Prisma: Create
a Data
Data Collector Groups for Palo Alto Prisma: Added fields
to use TLS Certificate and Private Key information.
Release Change Topic Link
Access SIP 38
About Administration 39
Filter Data 44
Administration vF2023.8
Security Manager is used to give you an in-depth look at your entire firewall network.
Policy Planner is an add-on module* used to manage changes to the firewall, from
the initial access request to solution design, through implementation and verification.
Risk Analyzer is an add-on module* used to measure the risk to your network assets
based on simulated network attacks that uncover host vulnerabilities. At this time, Risk
Analyzer is part of the Administration and Security Manager applications; it is not a
separate module but still requires a separate license.
SIP Components
Component Definition
Component Definition
Access SIP
Note: We recommend accessing SIP using one of the following supported browsers: Mozilla
Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Apple Safari with a minimum screen resolution of
1280 x 800.
l For a VM installation, use the MAC address of the VM used to access SIP
l For a multi application server deployment, use the MAC address of the first application server
The password is the MAC address of the server with colons removed and lowercase letters used. For
example, a MAC address of 00:05:95:A1:2B:CC would be 000595a12bcc.
1. In the Security Intelligence Platform dialog box, enter the following information:
l Username—firemon (case-sensitive)
l Password—is the MAC address of the server with colons removed and lowercase let-
ters used. For example, a MAC address of 00:05:95:A1:2B:CC would be 000595a12bcc.
This is a one-time password to use at first installation and will need to be reset after ini-
tial sign on.
Note: The login for an Azure VM is the username and password for the created VM. The login
for an AWS AMI is fmosadmin and the EC2 instance ID.
About Administration
In the Administration module you can complete a variety of tasks, such as:
l Manage permissions
l Schedule reports
Administration Menus
The following list defines the six main menus on the Administration toolbar. These menus remain
on the toolbar no matter where you are in Administration. When you select the main menu title, a
list of available sub-menus will be listed.
l Domains, Data Collectors, Data Collector Groups, Central Syslog Servers, Central
Syslog Servers, Central Syslog Configurations, Language, Reports, Report Packs,
Rule Documentation, Email Encryption
FireMon Objects—manage the ports and protocols that describe the service or
service group.
Help Menu
A help menu is located in the upper right of the screen. This menu has links to:
2. The last login date and time are listed beside Last Login.
Note: Access to other modules is determined by permissions. Your user permissions may not
allow access to other modules. Also, a separate license is required to access Policy Planner, Policy
Optimizer, and Risk Analyzer (embedded within Administrator and Security Manager).
l Policy Optimizer
l Policy Planner
l Security Manager
l Administration
Note: Non-MSSP deployments do not have the ability to switch to another domain.
The Select Domain dialog box will open after you sign in to SIP.
1. On the Select Domain dialog box, select a domain from the list.
To select a different domain from within an application, complete the following steps.
1. Click the arrow in the Domain selector located in the upper right toolbar.
2. Select a new domain from the Select Domain list and then click Load Domain.
3. The application UI changes to reflect the data for the domain you selected.
To sign out of any module in the Security Intelligence Platform, click , and then click Logout.
After you log out, the data collector continues to automatically retrieve data from your devices, and
the module continues to process scheduled tasks, notifications, and reports.
Filter Data
You can use a variety of filter functions to return only information that satisfy specific criteria. See
the Tools chapter to learn more about the Filter Library.
Filter Bricks
To apply filter bricks, complete the following steps.
The Add Filter dialog box opens, showing the criteria you can query based on the results
table you are on.
6. Click Apply.
Sort Columns
To sort a list, click the column heading name and then click the sort icon.
CSV Export
You can export numerous tables as a .csv file.
l If you have used a filter on the table, only the filtered results will be included in the .csv file.
l Due to cell limitations in Excel (max characters allowed is 32,767) a text file viewer, such as
Notepad, may be needed to view a file without errors.
Note: If a filter was applied, only the returned filtered results will be exported.
Error Logs
When an error message of "See log for details" is received, it is referring to the log files on the
FMOS server.
Log files can contain sensitive information, and are not accessible by unprivileged users. Accessing
the log files requires Administrator Privileged User account to access FMOS CLI.
About Domains 47
Data Collectors 53
Scheduled Reports 67
MSSP Deployments
The following information is intended for MSSP deployments.
About Domains
Domains are segregated, parallel environments that you create in SIP, to restrict visibility among
different users and customers. The categories of data and settings specific to each domain provide
customer-specific access, analysis and management.
Domains are intended to simplify device, user, and settings management and reporting. Managed
security services providers (MSSP) who have data for numerous customers on one SIP server will
find domains particularly useful for separating customer data and devices, and restricting access to
that information.
There is only one Enterprise domain on each SIP application server, and the Enterprise domain
cannot be deleted.
Non-MSSP Deployments
A non-MSSP deployment is any installation of SIP for a customer that is not an MSSP with customer
domains. This type of Enterprise domain is a network-specific grouping of data, features and
settings for a single customer.
For non-MSSP customers, the Enterprise domain is the primary domain. It encompasses all
monitored devices, analysis, reports and user administration. And, unless specific domain settings
need to be modified, the domain distinctions won't be visible in Security Manager.
After you upload your SIP license, the Enterprise domain will be created.
MSSP Deployments
An MSSP deployment is any installation of SIP where multiple, discrete customers are managed on a
single SIP server.
An MSSP license is made up of devices and data for more than one customer. A minimum of two
domains are available in MSSP deployments: the primary Enterprise domain, and one or more
customer domains.
After you upload your SIP license, the Enterprise domain will be created. The Enterprise domain is
the primary domain, and it can be renamed.
Customer Domains
MSSPs have multiple customers whose networks and data are managed with SIP. In Administration
and Security Manager, these customers are represented by customer-specific domains. These
47 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Each customer domain has its own settings, user groups and permissions, and device groups, and
are associated with or "mapped" to a customer.
An MSSP deployment can have an unlimited number of customer domains. Each domain should be
mapped to only one customer.
An MSSP license is made up of devices and data for more than one customer. A minimum of two
domains are available in MSSP deployments: the primary Enterprise domain, and one or more
customer domains.
The data that appears in Administration and Security Manager is determined by your user group
permissions and the domain that you have selected. If you have permissions to only one domain,
you will have visibility to only that domain's data and settings, with no option to choose a different
Note: Some procedures in this guide may include instructions on selecting a different domain or
"switching" domains. In your deployment, you may not have access to more than one domain. As
such, you will not be able to select a different domain. If you are concerned that you do not see
the data or settings available, please contact your SIP product administrator.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l System: Domains
l Module: Administration
Note: Non-MSSP deployments do not have the ability to switch to another domain.
The Select Domain dialog box will open after you sign in to SIP.
1. On the Select Domain dialog box, select a domain from the list.
48 | Chapter 2: System
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To select a different domain from within an application, complete the following steps.
1. Click the arrow in the Domain selector located in the upper right toolbar.
2. Select a new domain from the Select Domain list and then click Load Domain.
3. The application UI changes to reflect the data for the domain you selected.
Licensing Quotas
Licensing quotas is a new feature beginning in version 8.20.
As an MSSP administrator, you may want to "cap" certain customers to a license amount so that
they cannot use more than that amount from the "pool" of available licenses.
If quotas are being used, a green enabled check will appear in the Licensing Quota column on the
Domains page.
You must be on the Domain page to view any set quotas. not the License page.
3. Based on the number of available licenses, set the "cap" (a number to not exceed) for as
many device types and/or applications as applicable for the domain.
4. Click Save.
49 | Chapter 2: System
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Note: These instructions assume the Enterprise domain name is still the default "Enterprise." If
your Enterprise domain has been renamed, simply replace "Enterprise" with the name of your
top-level domain.
2. Click Create.
3. In the Domain Name field, type a unique name for the domain.
l Based on the number of available licenses, set the "cap" (a number to not exceed) for
as many device types and/or applications as applicable.
6. Click Save.
Import Domains
In Microsoft Excel or other .csv editor, create a file that lists all of the domains that you want to
import. For the purposes of this document, it is assumed that you are creating a spreadsheet using
2. Click Import.
5. Add each domain that you want to import in a new row. Provide data for as many fields as
you can using the following guidelines:
50 | Chapter 2: System
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The name of the domain as you Yes and should be unique per
want to see it in Security Manager domain
2. Click Import.
4. Locate the .csv file that you previously saved, select it and click Open.
5. Click Import.
The values listed in the .csv file will auto-populate in the Review Domains section.
Edit a Domain
You must be at the Enterprise domain to edit a domain.
Note: These instructions assume the Enterprise domain name is the default "Enterprise." If your
Enterprise domain has been renamed, simply replace "Enterprise" with the name of your top-
level domain.
1. From the domain lists, select a domain, click the Menu icon for that domain, and then
click Edit.
Delete a Domain
You must be at the Enterprise domain to delete a domain. You cannot delete the Enterprise domain.
51 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Note: These instructions assume the Enterprise domain name is the default "Enterprise." If your
Enterprise domain has been renamed, simply replace "Enterprise" with the name of your top-
level domain.
1. From the domain list, select a domain, click the Menu icon for that domain, and then
click Delete.
52 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Data Collectors
The Data Collector is the software component that monitors your devices for change and retrieves
configurations. Your SIP deployment must have a minimum of one data collector. For geographic or
scalability reasons, your deployment may have multiple data collectors. Each device that you
monitor or manage with SIP uses a single data collector for configuration retrieval.
In the Administration module, you can view your data collector, its operational status, and a list of
monitored devices.
Note: When you add a new data collector, a new data collector group will also be created. It will
have a system generated name of : <Data Collector Name>-Group and a description of:
Generated automatically from <Data Collector Name> first time registration.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Module: Administration
Note: You must have at least Read permission granted to view data collector information.
Status Details
53 | Chapter 2: System
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DC Status Details
Value Description
Syslog Port The port being used to listen for change and usage messages.
Last Status Update The timestamp of the most recent status update.
Note: The topic Edit a Device's Data Collector addresses how to change which data collector a
device utilizes.
Caution: Before editing data collector settings, be aware that changes made may impact
associated devices.
1. From the data collectors list, select the data collector, click the Menu icon for that col-
lector, and then click Edit.
a. Syslog Processing
o Syslog Processing Threads: Enter the number of threads that will be used for
syslog processing. The recommended setting is the number of cores minus 1.
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b. Retrieval
o Concurrent Config Change Retrievals: Enter the maximum number of
configuration change detection retrievals that are allowed to run concurrently.
o Concurrent Usage Hit Count Retrievals: Enter the maximum number of
device hit count (usage_data) retrievals that are allowed to run concurrently.
o Concurrent Config Scheduled Retrievals: Enter the maximum number of
scheduled configuration retrievals that are allowed to run concurrently.
o Concurrent Config Manual Retrievals: Enter the maximum number of manual
configuration retrievals that are allowed to run concurrently.
3. Click Save.
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A data collector group will allow for child devices to be on the same data collector as their parent
device. A data collector group can be assigned to the parent and child devices. It will determine
which data collector will handle the devices associated with the data collector group.
Assigning three or more data collectors to a group also provides a level of redundancy. If a data
collector is not able to communicate with another collector in the group, it will be considered down;
the devices associated with the 'down' data collector will be divided between the remaining
collectors in the group.
l The best practice is to select 3, 5 or another odd number of collectors per data collector
l It is recommended that all data collectors in a data collector group be in the same data cen-
l When you add a new data collector, a new data collector group will also be created. It will
have a system generated name of : <Data Collector Name>-Group and a description of:
Generated automatically from <Data Collector Name> first time registration.
l The newly added data collector will be automatically added to this new group.
l If you have to do system restore, and no data collector groups are in the backup, then a data
collector group will need to be created and devices associated to it .
l Management Stations can be in a different data collector group as its child devices.
l A load balancer is not required for a single data collector group with multiple data collectors
but would improve redundancy. It would allow for log message redundancy because the fire-
wall or CSS will send the log messages to the load balancer to forward to an available data
collector for processing.
Firewalls should be configured to send logs to an IP address owned by a load balancer. The load
balancer then distributes the messages to individual cluster members.
56 | Chapter 2: System
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l If you are sending syslog messages to a DC group that consists of a single data collector (the
group has only one member), then the syslog messages should be sent directly to the data
l If you are sending syslog messages to a group which contains multiple data collectors, you
should use a load balancer to distribute syslog messages among the data collectors.
l If you're using Check Point and LEA, then syslog messages aren't a concern since LEA doesn't
use syslog messages. In this case, there is still a benefit to having multiple data collectors in a
group, since the group can assign LEA connections to various group members, and can reas-
sign connections if a data collector goes down.
l If you're using a mix of syslog and LEA, then you should adhere to the syslog message con-
figuration requirements. If you want to send syslog messages to a data collector group con-
taining more than one member, you must use a load balancer. If you have no load balancer,
you should set up a separate data collector in its own group-of-one, to handle the syslog mes-
sages so that the multi-data collector group only handles LEA messages.
You will need a TLS Certificate and Private Key (encoded in PEM format) to use Syslog over TLS, and
the data collector must be able to listen on port 6514.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Module: Administration
2. Click Create.
57 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
a. Enter a unique Name for the data collector group. The system will not allow duplicate
c. For Palo Alto Prisma users: If you will be using a TLS Certificate and Private Key, use
the copy-and-paste function to enter the encoded in PEM format TLS Certificate and
Private Key information in the appropriate fields.
4. In the Assignment section, select from the available data collectors to create a data collector
Note: The best practice is to select 3, 5, or another odd number per data collector group. It is
recommended that all data collectors in a data collector group be in the same data center.
5. Click Save.
The devices associated with each data collector in the group will be listed in the Devices
Each device that you want to analyze in Security Manager must have a data collector assigned to it.
The assigned data collector will retrieve configuration and policy data for all of its assigned devices.
If you have one data collector, all of your devices in Security Manager are automatically assigned to
If you have more than one data collector, you can select the one you want to use for retrieval for
each device. In most cases, you selected it when you added your devices.
If you add a new data collector to an existing deployment, you must manually specify which devices
the data collector will retrieve data from.
1. On the Devices page from the devices list, click the device.
58 | Chapter 2: System
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Click the Menu icon for that device, and then click Edit.
2. In the General Properties section, select a new Data Collector Group from the list.
3. Click Save.
Note: You must have read permission to view data collector information.
1. From the data collector groups list , select the data collector group, click the Menu icon
for that collector group, and then click Edit .
2. Make your changes. This includes changing the auto-generated group name.
3. Click Save.
Prerequisite: All devices must be reassigned to another group before you can delete the data
collector group.
1. From the data collector groups list , select the data collector group, click the Menu icon
for that collector group, and then click Delete.
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Administration vF2023.8
Common Event Format (CEF) and Log Event Extended Format (LEEF) are the protocols used for log
Note: Refer to your device vendor's user guide for the specific type to select. For example, a
Fortinet device may use a remote server type of Syslog.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Module: Administration
Prerequisites: You must have permissions to read and write device groups (that contain the
devices that use central syslog) or All Devices in order to select a central syslog server in the
device properties.
2. Click Create.
60 | Chapter 2: System
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l IP addresses—this is the IP address of where the logs are coming from. You can enter
multiple comma-separated IPv4 addresses.
For Fortinet VDOM, Juniper VSYS and Palo Alto VSYS, the IP address that you enter here is the
syslog origin. If syslog origin is independently configurable on the device, this IP address may
or may not be the same as the device.
5. Click Save.
1. From the list click the server to edit, then click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
3. Click Save.
1. From the list find the server to delete, click the Menu icon , and then click Delete.
61 | Chapter 2: System
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You can create a new or copy the default syslog configuration so that you can modify the
configuration to meet your business needs.
If you have modified the individual regex (not the order) in the file on your data collector, you will
need to create a new configuration, assign it to the Central Syslog Server and then associate the
server to your devices.
The Default configuration cannot be edited or deleted, it can only be viewed or duplicated.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Administration
o Central Syslog Servers
o Configuration
l Module: Administration
Note: Syslog configurations with a lock icon are view-only, and cannot be edited or
2. Click Create. Or to use a copy of the default configuration, click the Menu icon and then
click Duplicate.
62 | Chapter 2: System
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5. Click Save.
Caution: Modifying regex patterns is an advanced process. Incorrectly editing any regex match
patterns could negatively impact syslog messages. Please contact FireMon Support for
Note: You cannot delete the Default configuration, but you can create a copy of it to edit.
1. From the list, select Default or another configuration from the list.
5. Click Save.
Note: You cannot edit the Default configuration. You can only edit a copy of default or a
configuration that you created.
1. From the list click the configuration to edit, then click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
3. Click Save.
63 | Chapter 2: System
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Note: You cannot delete the Default configuration. You can only delete a copy of default or a
configuration that you created.
1. From the list find the configuration to delete, click the Menu icon , and then click Delete.
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As an administrator, you have the ability to set the system-wide language for all SIP products and
l Setting the language preference will impact all applications in the enterprise system.
l MSSPs can only set the language at the enterprise level, not the domain level.
l A user is able to set their own language preference without contacting an administrator.
Doing so will override the enterprise system setting.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l System: Plugins
l Application: Administration
The following table defines the values in the Language Packs table. The order listed is ascending by
Name, but can be sorted by any column.
65 | Chapter 2: System
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b. Select the language pack that was downloaded, and click Open.
c. Click Upload.
3. Click Save.
Set a Language
Setting the language preference will impact the entire enterprise system. However, a user is able
to set their own language preference without contacting an administrator. Doing so will override
the enterprise system setting.
To set the enterprise system language preference, complete the following steps.
3. Click Save.
Local User
Note: Selecting a language for your local system will override the language preference set for the
3. In the Language Preference section, select an available language from the list.
4. Click Save.
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Scheduled Reports
Reports are checks you can run on specific aspects of your system, such as the Complex Firewalls
report, which provides a list of firewalls in a device group with the most complex policies. Reports
are the formatted output of Security Manager's configuration analysis. You can determine when the
report is run and who should receive the results.
Some reports run continuously, like the Assessment Report, while others can be set to run at
predetermined times or intervals, like the Unused Rules Report, or when a new configuration is
detected. You schedule reports in Administration, and run on-demand (unscheduled) reports in
Security Manager.
All data that is available in the report is based on the permissions granted to the user that created
the Scheduled Report.
All reports that you generate (scheduled and unscheduled) will be listed in Security Manager in My
Reports are the formatted output of Security Manager’s configuration analysis. There
are two types of reports:
Note: New report types cannot be created and the existing (included default standards) report
types cannot be deleted. However, you can create multiple instances of each report type with
different saved variables.
Prerequisites: Some reports require that zones, services, assessments and controls be created
before a report will successfully complete. Prerequisites are noted on each report type.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
67 | Chapter 2: System
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l System: Plugins
l Administration: Reports
l Module
o Administration
o Security Manager
l Scheduled reports sent by email to another recipient require that recipient be an active user
in the system. This includes members of a distribution list.
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Below is a general overview of the four main sections that all reports have in common on the Create
Report page. Some fields are populated with recommended settings for the specific report.
Note: When creating a report, as you progress through each section entering data specific to
your needs, you may not need to complete all fields in the section. Required fields are marked
with a red asterisk.
Note: Reports that run will be listed in Security Manager in My Reports for 14 days (the default
number of days). These listed reports are user-specific, meaning that you cannot view reports run
by other users, only the reports that you run.
The first step is to select the report type you want to add from the Reports page, and then the
Create Report page opens.
l In the General section, you will enter the name and description of the report. These fields will
be prepopulated, but can be changed.
l Additional fields will appear based on the type of report selected. These can be related to
devices, device groups, and assessments.
l Some reports require that an assessment or control be created before the report can be
successfully created.
l If a custom logo has been uploaded, the option to include the logo on the report will appear
in this section.
In the Options section, you will select from a list of options that pertain to the specific
report type selected. Some fields are prepopulated with recommended settings, but
can be changed to best fit your needs.
Scheduling Properties
In the Scheduling Properties section, you will set the scheduling parameters that best
fit your needs for the specific report type. The start and end times are based on user
profile location.
Notification Settings
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l All scheduled reports are sent by email. We use the default mail server that is stored in the
Security Manager settings (Administration > Settings > Security Manager > Notifications) to
send the results from. In the Notification Settings section, you will set to whom to send the
report and any additional users.
l Scheduled reports sent by email to another recipient require that recipient be an active user
in the system.
Note: The report that is sent to additional users is an exact duplicate of the
report that was created. We do not verify permissions for these additional
recipients to determine what data should be or not be included in the report.
Prerequisite: A custom logo must first be uploaded in the Administration application in the
Security Manager Settings.
Note: Custom logos can only be added to existing reports, not newly created reports.
Note: Adding a custom logo to a scheduled report will remove all FireMon branding from the
1. Open the report either in Administration (System > Reports) or Security Manager (Reports >
My Reports).
3. All reports will print using the custom logo on file for the domain.
Note: The option to include a custom logo on a report will only appear on the report page if a
logo has been uploaded.
70 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Note: Removing a custom logo from a scheduled report will return all default FireMon branding
to the output.
1. Open the report either in Administration (System > Reports) or Security Manager (Reports >
My Reports).
71 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Change Report 76
Changes by User 78
Comparison Report 81
Enterprise SCI 86
Control Report 88
72 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
73 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated but can be changed.
c. If using a device group, switch the Include Devices from Child Device Groups key to
enabled. This allows you to include all devices that are in any of the child device
groups in addition to the devices that are directly in the parent device group so that
you do not need to select each device group individually.
l Switch the Device Summary key to disabled to not include in the report. This option is
enabled by default.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to
search the All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semi-
colon to separate multiple email addresses.
74 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email
7. Click Save.
75 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Change Report
The change report provides the formatted results of configuration change details in time
increments that you define. A change report lists changes to the device – including any user, such
as a SIP user or device user, who made each change – since the configuration installed previously,
yesterday, last week or even last month. Because the report displays changes between installations
(for Check Point), it may be especially helpful if you manage several firewalls from a security device
manager, where changes may be accumulated over time by different users before they are
installed to a firewall.
Additionally, you can show incremental changes, or changes that occurred in the time period
between the current configuration and an archived configuration. We compare each configuration
incrementally to the one before it, providing a thorough change trail.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated but can be changed.
c. If using a device group, switch the Include Devices from Child Device Groups key to
enabled. This allows you to include all devices that are in any of the child device
groups in addition to the devices that are directly in the parent device group so that
you do not need to select each device group individually.
e. Enable Exclude Global Policy from Rule Changes to schedule a Change Report for
policy changes without global policy information to have a scoped-down version of the
report, as the global policy is repeated for every policy within the management station.
l Select Last Revision if you want the interval to run after the last configuration
l Select Date Range if you want to the interval to run during a set period. Click
the calendar icon to set a Start Date and End Date.
l Select Days if you want the interval to run after a set number of days. 30 days is
the default.
76 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
b. Click the Section Heading toggle keys to switch from including to excluding a specific
section in a report. A blue key indicates inclusion.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name
to search the All Users list.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to
enable this feature.
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this fea-
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email
7. Click Save.
77 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Changes by User
The changes by user report (formerly Palo Alto Changes by User) allows you to schedule a report to
run that identifies configuration changes that have been made by a specific user during a defined
time period on a Palo Alto Panorama or Check Point CMA R80 Management Station. Only added or
removed (changed) objects of a modified group will be included in the report.
Note: For Check Point CMA R80, you will need to select the Include Granular Change in
Normalization check box (Management Stations > Check Point CMA R80 > Advanced).
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
Note: The Device User is the user name captured for the change user on the targeted
device, not necessarily the FireMon Security Manager user name.
l Select Last Revision if you want the interval to run after the last configuration
l Select Date Range if you want to the interval to run during a set period of time.
Click the calendar icon to set a Start Date and End Date.
l Select Daysif you want the interval to run after a set number of days. 30 days is
the default.
b. Click the Section Heading keys to switch from including to excluding a specific section
in a report. A blue key indicates inclusion.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
78 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to sep-
arate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
79 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and select the Enable check box.
If you selected, On Device Change, you will only receive a report when the system
detects a configuration change on a device targeted by the report.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
c. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
6. Click Save.
80 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Comparison Report
The comparison report provides a way to compare changes to the raw configuration files for a
selected device.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
a. Select a Raw Configuration Files to Compare from the list. Selecting none will run
the report against all raw configuration files for the selected cluster or device.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to sep-
arate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
81 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
6. Click Save.
82 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
c. To include devices from child device groups, switch the key to enabled.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to sep-
arate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
83 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
6. Click Save.
84 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Prerequisite: For this report to complete successfully, you must first create an assessment.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
d. If using a device group, switch the Include Devices from Child Device Groups key to
enabled. This allows you to include all devices that are in any of the child device groups
in addition to the devices that are directly in the parent device group so that you do not
need to select each device group individually.
l Click the Section Heading keys to switch from including to excluding a specific section
in a report. A blue key indicates inclusion.
Note: If you selected Control, the report lists each control with each device nested
below it. If you selected Device, the report lists each device with controls nested below
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
85 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
Enterprise SCI
If the user scheduling the report has Read permission to the All Devices Group, the Enterprise SCI
score will display in the Assessment Summary section.
If the user does not have Read permission to the All Devices Group, the Enterprise SCI score is not
included in the report.
86 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
87 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Control Report
The control report displays the single compliance control results against a device or device group.
Prerequisite: For this report to complete successfully, you must first create a control.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
d. If using a device group, switch the Include Devices from Child Device Groups key to
enabled. This allows you to include all devices that are in any of the child device
groups in addition to the devices that are directly in the parent device group so that
you do not need to select each device group individually.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
88 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
6. Click Save.
89 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
4. In the Options section, click the Section Heading keys to switch from including to excluding
a specific section in a report. A blue key indicates inclusion.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
90 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
91 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
b. Select a Master Device (the one other devices will be compared to), and Other
Devices to associate to the report.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
92 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
6. Click Save.
93 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
l The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
b. You can select a Saved Filter from the list to help narrow the report results.
c. Health Check Results are included by default. Click the toggle key to switch from
including to excluding this information.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
94 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
95 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
c. To include devices from child device groups, switch the key to enabled.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
96 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
6. Click Save.
97 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
l Click the Section Heading key to switch from including to excluding a specific section
in a report. A blue key indicates inclusion.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
98 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
99 | Chapter 2: System
Administration vF2023.8
Prerequisite: For this report to complete successfully, the Expiration attribute and value must
be added to rules. The expiration date must be entered directly into the rule properties in
Security Manager. Please see the Policy > About Rule Documentation topic in the Security
Manager User's Guide for more information.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
a. Click the calendar icon to select the Expiration Date that is set as the Expiration
attribute in Rule Documentation.
b. Click Object Details to include object details in the report, such as IP address/net-
mask for network objects, and service protocols and ports.
d. Click Group Members to include group member and group member details in the
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to sep-
arate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
4. In the Options section, click Object Details to include object details in the report, such as IP
address/netmask for network objects, group member and group member details, and ser-
vice protocols and ports.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
2. Click Create > Highly Used Rules Low in the Rule Base Report.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
a. In the Highly Used Rules Percentage field, enter the percentage of highly used rules
to be evaluated.
b. In the Rule Location Percentage field, enter the percentage of least-used rules to be
c. Select an Interval - Days or Date Range - and then set the appropriate time.
d. Click Object Details to include object details in the report, such as IP address/net-
mask for network objects, and service protocols and ports.
e. Click Group Members to include group member and group member details in the
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to sep-
arate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
c. If using a device group, switch the Include Devices from Child Device Groups key to
enabled. This allows you to include all devices that are in any of the child device
groups in addition to the devices that are directly in the parent device group so that
you do not need to select each device group individually.
a. Enter a Search Value for the object you would like to search for.
b. Click Object Details to include object details in the report, such as IP address/net-
mask for network objects, group member and group member details, and service pro-
tocols and ports.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to sep-
arate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
Each of these object types are then searched by appending the following stanzas to the above:
Note: For information about SIQL, reference the Security Manager User's Guide.
This report is available for Check Point security device managers (CMA/SmartCenter); Juniper
NetScreen ScreenOS; and Cisco PIX, ASA, FWSM and IOS ACLs; and Palo Alto and Fortinet firewalls.
Note: Negated columns for Check Point policies are not uniquely tracked because no log (which
is required to match traffic to a rule) will ever match an object in a negated column. As such, the
results of the usage reports on columns with negated objects may conflict with actual usage.
Please verify usage of objects in negated columns by double-checking in your device
administration tool.
Note: This report is often used to identify unused objects that may be candidates for deletion.
However, we strongly caution you to verify the use of each object in your device administration
system before deleting it.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
a. Select an Interval: Days or Date Range - and then set the appropriate time.
d. Click Group Members to include group member and group member details in the
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
Omnisearch Report
This report provides a list of Omnisearch results for selected object and rule types.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated but can be changed.
4. By default, all Options are selected to be included in the report. Each selected option will
search and return results for the data in the Search Value field. To exclude, clear a toggle key
(blue is included, gray is excluded).
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name
to search the All Users list.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to
enable this feature.
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this fea-
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt
email feature.
7. Click Save.
PCI-DSS v3 Report
The PCI-DSS v3 Report allows you to evaluate your organization’s security posture as it relates to the
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) 3.2.1.
The report was developed by a consortium of payment card companies and other entities to
establish a set of requirements for any company that processes or handles credit card and other
payment card data. In order to process payment cards, organizations must be able to show their
compliance to these standards.
The report tests the policy currently installed on a firewall against specific PCI standards and
identifies if the policy fails or passes each standard. If the policy fails a standard, the report provides
details of the failure and recommendations on how to meet the standard. If the policy passes a
standard, the report explains why the policy passed and provides recommendations for maintaining
Note: The PCI-DSS v3 Report is based on version 3.2.1. For more information about PCI
DSS requirements, testing procedures and guidance, refer to in the PCI Document Library at
Prerequisite: This report requires the creation of PCI-related zones and services before it can be
successfully created. DMZ refers to the Cardholder Data DMZ segment, you'll need to separate
your PCI DMZs from your non-PCI DMZs. The suggestion is to create a new Zone called non-PCI
4. In the Zones section, all zones required for the report have been included by default.
5. In the Services section, all services required for the report have been included by default.
l Allowed PCI Services: Protocols allowed from External to DMZ, External to PCI_Net-
work, and Any to PCI_Network
l Disallowed Ingress Services: Protocols not allowed from External to DMZ, External to
PCI_Network, and DMZ to Internal.
l Click Object Details to include object details in the report, such as IP address / net-
mask for network objects, group member and group member details, and service pro-
tocols and ports.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
9. Click Save.
l To FireMon, DMZ refers to the Cardholder Data DMZ segment, so you need to separate your
PCI DMZs from your non-PCI DMZs. The suggestion is to create a new Compliance Zone
(FireMon Objects > Compliance Zones) called non-PCI DMZ.
l Ensure that every rule on the firewalls protecting PCI zones have the following:
o A comment
o Logging enabled
o A set Source, Destination and Service, instead of using "Any"
o Rule Documentation fields (for example, business justification, owner and application
name) are complete
l Ensure that every network change has a complete audit trail with the who, what, when, and
l Schedule the Unused Rules Report and Removable Rules Report to review any problematic
rules for cleanup of policy inconsistencies.
l Review the service groups (FireMon Objects > Service Groups) for all PCI related services (use
'PCI' as the filter criteria)
l Create a firewall group (Device > Device Groups) for all firewalls in scope with PCI compliance.
l Assign the assessment to the firewall group ( Compliance > Assessments > PCI-DSS > Assign-
ment). Once assigned, the Compliance Dashboard in Security Manager will begin to track your
compliance daily.
All rules listed in the Removable Rules Report should be analyzed further before removal to
cleanup policy inconsistencies.
Displays security rules that are inconsistent in the policy because they are redundant (matching
traffic and action with a rule higher in the policy), shadowed (matching traffic but not action with a
rule higher in the policy), or inoperative (no matching traffic due to an empty rule set) that should
be analyzed further before removal to cleanup policy inconsistencies.
l A rule (or part of a rule) is considered shadowed when a rule higher in the policy matches
traffic (source /destination /service) but not action in this rule. The shadowed rule (or the
identified portion of the rule) should be reviewed before removal to ensure the correct
action is enforced.
l A rule (or part of a rule) is considered inoperative when there is no matching traffic to a pre-
vious rule due to an empty rule set; this is a misconfiguration. The inoperative rule (or the
identified portion of the rule) could be removed from the policy as it serves no useful pur-
pose in the policy. An example would be a source zone that does not intersect the source
address on the rule.
l A rule (or part of a rule) is considered redundant when a rule higher in the policy matches
traffic (source /destination /service) and action in this rule. The redundant rule (or the iden-
tified portion of the rule) could be removed from the policy as it serves no useful purpose in
the policy.
The rules in the removable rules report are listed sequentially in the order that they appear in the
policy; first by policy, then by rule order in that policy.
Note: For some devices this report duplicates rule recommendations—listing them separately for
IPv4 and IPv6 even though it is one rule on the device.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
4. Select from the following in the Options section to include in the report. A blue key indicates
l Object Details
l Group Members
l Device Summary
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
Prerequisite: It is recommended that you run the Removable Rules Report before running the
Rule Consolidation Report.
The rule consolidation report displays security rules on the firewall that may be safely consolidated
without changing the behavior of the policy.
l The recommendation must not change the behavior of the policy to qualify for consolidation
l If users and applications do not apply, then must match two out of three (Source, Destination,
and Service)
l If users OR applications apply, then must match three out of four (Source, Destination, Ser-
vice and either Users or Applications)
l If users AND applications apply, then must match four out of five (Source, Destination, Ser-
vice, Users, and Applications)
l If device is zone based, and the rule exists in multiple logical policies, then it does not qualify
for consolidation
l If one or more rules are between two rules eligible for consolidation, and at least one of those
rules shadows the rule that would otherwise be recommended for consolidation, then it does
not qualify for consolidation
l If any rule that would otherwise be recommended for consolidation, contains a "negated"
column, then it does not qualify for consolidation
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
4. In the Options section, click Object Details to include object details in the report, such as IP
address/netmask for network objects, group member and group member details, and service
protocols and ports.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
c. If a device was selected, you have the option to also select a Policy from the list.
a. Select an Interval: Days or Date Range, and then set the appropriate time.
l If Used Rules is selected, an option to Exclude Objects with Hit Count of 0 will
display. Enable this option to only include objects that have hit counts in the
d. Click NAT Rules to only include devices that support NAT rule usage in the report.
e. Click Object Details to include object details in the report, such as IP address/netmask
for network objects, and service protocols and ports.
f. Click Group Members to include group member and group member details in the
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated but can be changed.
a. Click the query type toggle key to include in the report. A blue key indicates inclusion.
l Select one of the options for the report. A blue key indicates inclusion.
o Select Object Details to group and sort results based on the object details.
o Select Group Members to group and sort results by group members.
o Select Group by Device to group and sort results by device name instead of
object details or group members.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
8. Click Save.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
c. Select a Query:
o Custom: enter your own query
o From Saved Filter: select from the list of saved filters
4. In the Options section, click the Section Heading keys to switch from including to excluding
a specific section in a report. A blue key indicates inclusion.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to sep-
arate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
Prerequisite: At least one rule in a policy must have traffic flow analysis enabled.
Note: It takes time to gather useful usage data. Data collected in the first 10 minutes will not be
as useful as data collected over a period of hours.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
a. The Network Address Granularity Percentage is set to 50%. This is the percentage
of network addresses required before being consolidated into larger networks.
b. Click the Section Heading keys to switch from including to excluding a specific section
in a report. A blue key indicates inclusion.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
Note: Be aware that when you set the date range, tickets that fit the selected criteria may exist
outside the specified range.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
c. If using a device group, switch the Include Devices from Child Device Groups key to
enabled. This allows you to include all devices that are in any of the child device groups
in addition to the devices that are directly in the parent device group so that you do not
need to select each device group individually.
a. Click the calendar icon to set a Start Date and End Date for the search range.
b. By default, Added, Removed, and Modified rules will be included in the report. Click
the rule type toggle keys to switch from including to excluding. A blue key indicates
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run during the
set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day period with a
repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the clock
icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
a. The Name and Description fields are prepopulated, but can be changed.
a. In the Interval, select Days if you want the interval to run after a set number of days,
or Date Range if you want it to run during a specific period of time.
b. In the Days or Date Range field, select the number of days or date range for which to
collect unused rules information.
c. The following options can be enabled (included) or disabled (not included) in the report
l Click Include Implicit Drop Rules to include all implicit rules in the report.
l Click Rules with Logging Disabled to include devices that collect logs via hit
l Click Group Members to include group member and group member details in
the report.
a. Select a Recurrence from the list, and then select the Enable check box.
c. Depending on the Recurrence type selected, additional required field boxes will
Note: Repeat Interval is used to determine how often the report should run
during the set Start/End Time. For example, a report set to run daily for a 30-day
period with a repeat interval of 2 will run every two days during the set period.
d. Set a Start Time and End Time. Click the calendar icon to set a day, and the
clock icon to set a time.
a. Select the Users to include. Enter the first few letters of the user's name to search the
All Users list.
b. Enter other recipients in the Additional Email Addresses field. Use a semicolon to
separate multiple email addresses.
d. Optional. Click the Use .ZIP file for email attachment toggle key to enable this fea-
e. Optional. Click the Sign and encrypt email toggle key to enable this feature.
Note: Email encryption must be setup to utilize the sign and encrypt email feature.
7. Click Save.
Edit a Report
To edit a report, complete the following steps.
1. On the Reports page, click the Menu icon and then click Edit.
2. You can make changes to any fields in the sections that are not disabled.
3. Click Save.
Delete a Report
To delete a report, complete the following steps.
1. On the Reports page, click the Menu icon , and then click Delete.
1. In the Edit column for that report, click , and then click Edit Report.
2. Expand the Scheduling Properties section, and then clear the Enabled check box.
3. Click Save.
Report Packs
Report packs are a way to manage the default settings for reports or to add available options to the
Reports Library. A report pack is a FireMon-specific package, you cannot upload your own.
Report packs are updated with each release build and will be included in each version release.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l System: Plugins
l Administration: Reports
l Application: Administration
4. Click Upload.
6. Locate the downloaded report pack, select it and then click Open.
7. Click Upload.
Rule Documentation
The Rule Documentation page lists the default attributes that correspond to a rule or change
documentation field in the database. Each attribute has a specific regular expression (regex), or
pattern that uses JavaScript format. To document changes in your device administration tool, you
enter a regular expression followed by a value for that attribute in the comments column of a rule.
When Security Manager retrieves the policy, the values that you entered for each attribute are also
retrieved and associated with the corresponding policy and rule in Security Manager. This process is
called auto-documentation.
l This process takes rule comments (attribute names) and parses them through auto-doc-
l The matched fields are rule metadata (rule documentation) which can be used in SIQL
searches later using the p. notation or the filter bricks.
l Auto-documentation happens as part of every revision. You can add whatever devices you
want, and subsequent changed revisions will run through any auto-documentation that
In addition to the default rule documentation fields, you are able to create your own rule
documentation field, and you can edit existing match patterns.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Application
o Administration
o Security Manager
Match Patterns
Attribute Name Default Match Pattern
Approver APP:\s*(.[^;]*)\s*[;]*
Customer CST:\s*(.[^;]*)\s*[;]*
Owner own:\s*(.[^;]*)\s*[;]*
Match Patterns
Attribute Name Default Match Pattern
Requestor req:\s*(.[^;]*)\s*[;]*
Verifier VRF:\s*(.[^;]*)\s*[;]*
2. Click Create.
4. Enable is selected by default. If you chose to disable, the field will not be shown in any applic-
6. Select a Display Input Type. This field cannot be changed after saving.
l String (text)
l Boolean
l Integer
l Username
l Date
Note: The Display Input Type field cannot be changed after saving.
7. Enter a Match Pattern. A regex expression that will populate the documentation field with
values automatically.
9. By default, Include in Filters is enabled. This means that the field name will be included in
the available filters list.
1. On the Rule Documentation page, click the Move icon and then drag the row to a new
2. Click Save.
Note: Changes made to the order in Administration will also change the order in Security
Caution! Security Manager does not validate a modified regex. Make sure any regex that you
modify has a valid syntax. If you are unsure if the syntax is valid, please consider testing it using a
free online regex checker. An invalid regex may cause configuration retrieval to fail.
Note: To edit the rule documentation fields within the rule itself, please refer to the Edit a Rule
topic in the Security Manager User's Guide.
1. On the Rule Documentation page, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
Note: Disabling a rule documentation field will not impact the same field in a Policy Planner or
Policy Optimizer workflow.
1. On the Rule Documentation page, click the Menu icon , and then click Disable.
2. Click Save.
Note: Both the Status and Include in Filters options will be enabled. You can disable these fields
Include in Filters
You can decide which rule documentation fields to include or not include in filters.
2. Switch the Include in Filters key to enabled. A blue key indicates inclusion.
3. Click Save.
To inherit a field value from a management station, complete the following steps.
2. Switch the Inherit from Management Station key to enabled. A blue key indicates inclusion.
3. Click Save.
If a user does not have read/write permission granted, the Rule Documentation menu will be
completely disabled.
If a user only has read permission granted, the following will be occur:
Email Encryption
Encrypting email messages is a way to protect the content from being read by other entities than
the intended recipients. Due to the potentially sensitive information included in generated reports,
FireMon has the added security of encrypting the email messages that generated reports send.
l Digital Signing Certificate—is responsible for ensuring that report emails have not been
tampered with after they are sent.
Note: Email encryption is only available for scheduled reports (Administration), not on-demand
reports (Security Manager).
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Administration: Reports
l Application: Administration
Note: The email used in Security Manager Settings must match the email used in the digital
signing certificate.
2. If this is a first install, click Upload. If there is already a certificate, you will first need to delete
5. If there are multiple keys, you may enter an Alias for the specific key to utilize.
6. Click Upload.
Deleting the signing certificate will send a notification email to recipients that a report did not
generate. Once you delete a certificate, you will need to install a new one.
Many servers can be configured but only one server can be enabled from encryption certificate
Note: This process, while similar to creating an LDAP server for authentication, is being used
specifically for email encryption.
c. In the Host field, enter the IP address or DNS name of the remote server.
d. In the Port field, enter the port on which the remote server is listening.
f. Set the number of Server Retries that will be made to contact the remote server.
g. Set the Server Timeout to wait for a response from the remote server.
5. Enable the Hard Fail Revocation option. When enabled, if the certificate revocation list dis-
tribution point (CDP) cannot be reached the certificate validation check will fail. When dis-
abled, failure to reach the CDP will be ignored and the certificate assumed to not be revoked.
6. Click Test.
c. Review results.
d. Click Close.
7. Click Save.
1. From the list find the server to delete, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
3. Click Test.
4. Click Save.
1. From the list find the server to delete, click the Menu icon , and then click Enable.
2. Confirm that this is the server you want to enable, click Enable.
Note: If there is another active server, this server will replace it as the active (enabled) server.
1. From the list find the server to delete, click the Menu icon , and then click Delete.
Adding Devices
The user adding devices must be a member of a user group that has permissions granted to
access the Administration module.
All devices are added to SIP following a similar procedure that is completed in Administration. Each
device has its own specific data requirements. These procedures require a few configuration
changes to the monitored devices. Please make sure that you have the necessary permissions to
update the device.
If you are installing multiple devices, using a management station to detect all supported devices
can save you time. SIP detects all of the associated firewalls, management servers and log servers,
and adds them for you at one time. The management station must be installed before the
supported devices.
Our products (all SIP modules) interact with firewalls using machine to machine communication.
Please make sure that you have uploaded a current Security Manager product license that includes
the device that you want to monitor. You will not be able to monitor any new device that is not
included in your Security Manager product license. Check Point clusters do not have to be licensed
in Security Manager.
In most cases, Security Manager requires use of an administrator account to collect data from your
devices. Security Manager does not use this account or any other access method to make changes
to any monitored device. A Check Point device is an exception to this rule is when Security Manager
requests one-time use of a read-write account to automatically create an OPSEC application object
in the Check Point database.
Below is a general overview of the various sections and boxes on the Create Device page. Some
boxes are populated with recommended settings for the specific device.
Note: When adding a device, as you progress through each section entering data specific to your
device and network, you may not need to complete all boxes in the section.
Note: Required sections are marked with a red alert icon. Required data is marked with a
red * asterisk.
The first step is to select the device manufacturer (vendor) and then the specific device you want to
add from the Devices page, and then the Create Device page opens.
General Properties
In the General Properties section you'll enter data specific to the device such as name, IP address
and data collector. By default, automatically retrieving a device configuration is enabled.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
External ID can be used as a unique identifier defined by you for a specific network device when
the device identifier is different than what is displayed in Security Manager. It's best use-case
scenario is for a one time password (OTP) for the data collector to retrieve configurations.
Device Settings
In the Device Settings section you'll see the modules that the device is licensed for.
Note: SSH is the only supported retrieval method. Telnet is no longer supported
as a retrieval method due to potential security risks.
Port—the device endpoint from which Security Manager uses the specified protocol to
retrieve device data.
Please refer to the Communication Protocols table for a complete list of ports and protocols used
for communication between supported devices.
Policy Automation
The section is used to configure automation for supported devices. If you use Policy Planner, you
are able to take a planned rule and stage it on a device from inside the Policy Planner module. This
feature includes the capability to create new rules and place existing objects inside of them.
A Policy Planner license is required for each management station and device utilizing policy
Log Monitoring
By default, log monitoring is enabled and used for Rule Usage Analysis.
For some devices, you'll select whether to track usage using hit counters or syslog.
l Syslog Traffic Log Expression—the regular expression that allows the data collector to
collect traffic logs for usage analysis. This information rarely, if ever, should be changed.
l Log Update Interval—this number (in minutes) determines how often usage data is sent to
the application server. The default value is 10.
l Log Record Cache Timeout—this number (in minutes) determines how often the data
collector cache will be processed and the processed records will be erased. The default value
is 5.
When a log message is sent to the data collector, the data collector matches the log against a
firewall policy. But in some cases, like if the data collector doesn’t yet have the normalized file from
the application server, the policy will not be available yet, so the data collector caches parsed
messages. The log record cache timeout keeps track of when to next process the cache.
Change Monitoring
When both change monitoring and scheduled retrieval are enabled, each feature works
independently. Security Manager will retrieve a configuration at the scheduled interval even if a
changed configuration was just detected and retrieved. But, the newly retrieved configuration will
be stored only if it differs from the previous one.
l Enable Change Monitoring—enables Security Manager to monitor the device for change.
Configurations will be retrieved automatically when changes to them are detected. It is
recommended that you leave this feature enabled. This feature should be disabled only if
you are unable to configure syslog to send messages to the Data Collector, or if your syslog
server sends so many messages that automatic retrieval proves unwieldy. In these cases, you
can schedule configuration retrieval instead.
l Alternate Syslog Source IP—if the IP address of the location where Syslog messages are
being sent is different from that of the source interface (in your device administration tool),
you must enter the alternate IP address in Security Manager. If the IP Address is the same, no
changes are necessary.
Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector to verify there are
actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager. This will enable more efficient use of
disk space by not posting revisions that did not change from the last normalized revision.
Scheduled Retrieval
configuration differs from the previously retrieved configuration, Security Manager stores the new
configuration and displays it on the All Revisions page (security Manager > Device > Change >
Note: SSH is the only supported retrieval method. Telnet is no longer supported
as a retrieval method due to potential security risks.
l Check for Change Interval—is where you set the time (in minutes) between check intervals.
The default is 1440 (every 24 hours). You can change the check interval time to best fit your
requirements. The minimum required interval is 1 hour (60 minutes).
In most cases, it is recommended that you enable this feature as a backup retrieval
mechanism in addition to device monitoring (above). This backup method ensures that
we will retrieve configurations in the event of a system outage or interruption.
However, in some cases, such as if you are unable to configure Syslog to send
messages to the Data Collector, you may need to use scheduled retrieval as your sole
configuration retrieval mechanism.
l Check for Change Start Time— to schedule the first retrieval for a specific time, select the
Starting at check box and select a time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All
subsequent retrievals will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the
first retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled retrieval
will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retrievals will occur at the
interval you entered.
This section varies by vendor as to the additional setting options that can be configured.
When using an MSSP, you can share a device with other domains. You must be at the Enterprise
level in order to share a device.
Enforcement Window
An enforcement window is when changes are pushed to managed devices and ensures that the
defined connectivity remains intact. Policy Planner will consider enforcement windows when
performing automation changes. It will only push changes that are associated to devices that have
active enforcement windows.
A device must be supported at Level 4 (behavior analysis) and Level 5 (automation) and licensed for
Policy Planner to use an Enforcement Window. This option will not be available for unlicensed
Supplemental Routes
A supplemental route supplements the routing tables retrieved from devices to fill in missing
network data not supplied during normalization. Supplemental routes are not applied to synthetic
routers or management stations.
Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You can
perform a manual retrieval before adding.
This section details the configurations set within the provided device pack.
Note: If a device is to be managed by a management station, you must first add the
management station in the Administration module.
Copy the Security Manager product license file to the computer that you will use to log in to
Please take a moment to print and complete the Device Worksheet. The information that you
provide will quicken the setup process.
Refer to the Communication Protocols table for a complete list of ports and protocols used
for communication between the data collector and supported devices.
The first step is to configure the device that you want to monitor so that it can communicate with
SIP. The procedures listed are completed on the device, usually at the command line interface (CLI)
or through an administration tool, such as a web user interface (web UI).
Once the device properties are saved, the name of your monitored devices will be viewable on the
Devices dashboard.
The second step is to add a representation of the device. This is completed in the Devices section of
In an MSSP deployment, a device shared across multiple customer domains must be added in each
The last step is to verify that SIP can communicate with the device, by either automatically or
manually retrieving a configuration.
The Devices page displays a health status for each monitored device.
Device Permissions
To manage devices, a user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum
permissions granted. Additional information about permissions can be found in the About
Permissions and Assign Permissions.
l System
o Domains - for MSSPs
o Plugins
l Module: Administration
Level 3: Usage analysis is offered for object and rule usage (both reports and
GUI displays), and Traffic Flow Analysis.
Level 4: Behavior analysis is offered for risk analysis, access path analysis (APA), and
enhanced rule recommendation features in Security Manager and Policy Planner.
Level 5 / Automation: Ability to take a planned rule and stage it on a device from
inside the Policy Planner module. This feature includes the capability to create new
rules and place existing objects inside of them. Changes are staged through
management stations where applicable, except with ASA where automation is directly
against ASA web services.
Management Stations
Level of Support /
Manufacturer Device Version
multi-account dis-
Amazon AWS Account Level 1, 2, & 5
based on managed
Barracuda Control Center v7 (7.2.4), v8 device level of sup-
Management Stations
Level of Support /
Manufacturer Device Version
based on managed
Cisco APIC - ACI Manager 4.1 device level of sup-
Security Manager
Cisco 4.3 - 4.19+ Level 1, 2, 3
Firepower Man-
Cisco agement Center 6.1 - 6.7, 7.0 - 7.1 Level 1, 2, 3 & 5
Cloud-Delivered Fire-
Cisco power Management cloud based Level 1, 2, 3 & 5
Center (cdFMC)
based on managed
Cisco ISE 2.2+ device level of sup-
based on managed
Cisco Meraki cloud based device level of sup-
based on managed
CloudGenix Controller cloud based device level of sup-
Stonesoft Man-
Forcepoint 5.6 - 5.10, 6.0 - 6.7+ Level 1, 2 & 3
agement Center
Management Stations
Level of Support /
Manufacturer Device Version
based on managed
HPE / Aruba EdgeConnect SD WAN 9.1.x device level of sup-
based on managed
Microsoft Azure Manager device level of sup-
based on managed
VMware NSX-T Manager 3.1+ device level of sup-
Version / Com-
Manufacturer Device 1 2 3 4 5
Version / Com-
Manufacturer Device 1 2 3 4 5
R80.10 -
Check Point R80 and R81 Edge X X X X X
R80.40, R81
R80.10 -
Check Point R80 and R81 Firewall X X X X X
R80.40, R81
Cisco Meraki X X X X X
CloudGenix ION X X X
FortiOS 4.3.6,
Fortinet FortiGate Firewall X X X X X 5.0+, 6.0 - 6.4,
7.0 - 7.2
FortiOS 4.3.6,
Fortinet FortiGate VDOM X X X X X 5.0+, 6.0 - 6.4,
7.0 - 7.2
Version / Com-
Manufacturer Device 1 2 3 4 5
Hillstone Net-
Firewall X X X 1.22.13+
Juniper Net-
ScreenOS X X X X 5.0
Juniper Net-
ScreenOS VSYS X X X X ScreenOS 5.0+
Juniper Net- Automation
for SRX, not
managed by
Usage support
issues -- no
Linux IPtables X X
rule name ref-
Usage support
issues -- no
Linux NFtables X X X
rule name ref-
cloud based
Microsoft Azure X X X X Usage by Hit
Version / Com-
Manufacturer Device 1 2 3 4 5
cloud based,
Microsoft Azure Firewall X X
no version
4.0.x, 4.1.2-
4.1.10, 5.0-
Palo Alto Net-
PA Firewall X X X X X 7.1.x, 8.0.x+,
9.0.x, 10.1.x,
4.0.x, 4.1.2-
4.1.10, 5.0-
Palo Alto Net-
VSYS X X X X X 7.1.x, 8.0.x,
9.0.x, 10.1.x,
There is a
known bug
that we're
trying to get
the vendor to
SonicWALL SonicWALL 6.5.1+ X X X fix. Duplicate
UUIDs may be
seen on rules,
which can
usage for
Version / Com-
Manufacturer Device 1 2 3 4 5
No UUID in
this version to
track usage for
Level 3
Usage will
No UUID in
SonicWALL SonicWALL 5.8 X X this version to
track usage for
Level 3
Stormshield Network
Stormshield X X X 3.2.1+
Version / Com-
Manufacturer Device 1 2 3 4 5
6.2, 6.3.1
*Real time
VMware NSX-V Distributed Firewall X X* X X X detection is
not currently
supported for
VMware NSX
6.2, 6.3.1
*Real time
VMware NSX-V Edge Firewall X X* X detection is
not currently
supported for
VMware NSX
Traffic Managers
Version / Com-
Manufacturer Device 1 2 3 4 5
Citrix Netscaler VPX X X X X
Usage by Syslog
Traffic Managers
Version / Com-
Manufacturer Device 1 2 3 4 5
Policy Planner
automation for
Routers / Switches
Version / Com-
Manufacturer Device 1 2 3 4 5
Cisco IOS® IOS XE X X X X X required for Hit
Counters: IOS
12.4(22)T IOS
XE Release 3.6S
of: users, inter-
faces, routers,
Ruckus Layer 3 network
Commscope X X X
Switches objects, service
objects, secur-
ity objects, nat
Routers / Switches
Version / Com-
Manufacturer Device 1 2 3 4 5
Extreme Net-
X Series X X EXOS
Google Caprica X X
Juniper Net-
M Series X X X X X Junos 11.1R4+
Nokia Lucent/Alcatel X X
Log Servers
Manufacturer Device Version / Comment
NG FP3, R80.10+
Check Point Check Point Log Server DC connects to Log Server over
TCP/18184 to receive usage
Communication Protocols
Previously, Security Manager used FMTP as its communication protocol. Because the applications
are now browser-based, HTTPS is the communication protocol. Below are tables listing the various
ports used for connecting and their function.
Inbound Communication
Inbound Communication Ports
Port Type Connection Function
Cluster Dis- This is the port number for JMS cluster member dis-
6155 UDP
covery covery.
9300 TCP HTTPS This port is used for ElasticSearch HTTP interface.
Cluster Dis- This is the port used for distributed cache cluster mem-
54327 UDP
covery ber discovery.
Outbound Communication
Outbound Communication Ports
Port Type Connection Function
Port 6514 is open for data collector hosts only for Palo
Alto Prisma devices using Syslog-over-TLS
Policy Automation
Prerequisite: A Policy Planner license is required for each management station and device
utilizing policy automation.
If you use Policy Planner, you are able to take a planned rule and stage it on a device from inside the
Policy Planner module. This feature includes the capability to create new rules and place existing
objects inside of them.
l The comment on rules created on the device is a concatenation of the Change Control Num-
ber, Owner, Justification, and Comment field in FireMon. These fields combined cannot
exceed 255 characters.
Supported devices:
l Amazon AWS
l Cisco ASA and Context version 9.1+, 9.6 and above using API
l Cisco IOS
l Cisco IOS XR
l Microsoft Azure
l Palo Alto Panorama PanOS version 8.1.x to 10.1.x using Panorama's API
The device must be managed by a management station and discovered by SIP for:
l Cisco Firepower
l Fortinet (FortiManager)
l Microsoft Azure
l VMware NSX
l Cisco ASA/Context
l Cisco IOS
l Cisco IOS XR
l Juniper SRX
Device credentials:
Amazon AWS
Cisco ASA
l Level 15 with HTTPS access. ASA Policy Automation is only supported for ASA 9.1+, 9.6 and
Cisco Firepower
l AFM must be provisioned on the device and AFM level may be set to nominal, minimum or
l Creating or modifying services is not currently supported. Even though Policy Planner allows
you to start a change for services, creating or modifying services objects are not supported
due to how services are configured on rules and normalized on the F5. If you do attempt to
create or modify a service through automation, it will fail with the message ‘Creating service
objects is not supported’ or ‘Modifying service objects is not supported’, depending on which
type was selected. At this time, you can only reference existing service objects on rules.
l F5 after version 12 supports network object automation using shared address lists. F5 up to
v12 does not support shared objects, it will use regular firewall address lists.
Juniper SRX
l There is an optional set of credentials in case Read-only credentials are being used for
retrieval, in which case you would need this secondary account that has write permission.
o If policy automation credentials are not specified, automation will fall back to device
retrieval credentials. If the retrieval credentials are for a user with write permission,
then automation will succeed.
Note: The fall back only happens if the policy automation credentials are not
specified. The fall back does not happen if the policy automation credentials fail.
Palo Alto
l Super User or a custom administrator role that includes XML API configuration permission.
o If separate credentials are needed for Retrieval and Automation, set the retrieval cre-
dentials (in the Administration module) in the Device Settings section and the auto-
mation credentials in the Policy Automation section for the Panorama device.
l Log Forwarding Profiles, Tags, Log at Session Start and End, Schedule, QOS Marking, and Dis-
able Server Response Inspection must be set on the rule outside of automation.
l For pre and post rules, the child device must be in sync with Panorama when SIP retrieves
the configuration of the firewall that is targeted for automation.
VMware NSX
Enforcement Options
An enforcement is when changes are pushed to managed devices and ensures that the defined
connectivity remains intact. Policy Planner will consider enforcement windows when performing
automation changes. It will only push changes that are associated to devices that have active
enforcement windows.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only occur during the assigned enforcement
4. Click Save.
The enforcement will be listed below in a table displaying the following information.
Value Description
Supplemental Routes
A supplemental route supplements the routing tables retrieved from devices to fill in missing
network data not supplied during normalization.
Note: Supplemental routes are not applied to synthetic routers or management stations.
3. Click Add.
a. Select an Interface.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual router and next
virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will need to select a Virtual Router and
Next Virtual Router.
g. Click Add.
5. Click Save.
Devices Page
To open the devices page, on the toolbar click Device > Devices.
Devices Table
The following table defines the values in the All Devices table. The order of devices listed can sorted
by Name, Description or Vendor (the default is ascending by Name).
Your SIP product license will correctly select the modules that the
device is licensed for monitoring.
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the device level.
Note: The device's ID is viewable in the web browser URL after you select a device from the list.
License Assignments
Device Icons
The following table defines the values for icons seen in the All Devices, All Management Stations,
and Device Groups list tables as seen in Administration and Security Manager modules.
All Devices list. All added devices are included, and this group cannot be edited
or deleted.
Device Group
Log Server
Management Station
Router / Switch
Supplemental Route
Synthetic Router
Sophos XG 401
Stonesoft 406
Zscaler 428
Support: Level 2
Connecting to SIP
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
To add an A10 ADC Load Balancer device, complete the following steps.
The A10 device is a CLI-based retrieval over SSH port 22 and does require both username and
enable username credentials.
f. Click Create.
4. Repeat the steps above to create the Enable account, but set the Privilege to Read.
Below are the retrieval commands used for off offline configuration retrieval.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the administrator user name that was created dur-
ing device configuration.
b. In the Password box, type the administrator password that was created during
device configuration.
c. In the Enable User Name box, type the user name that is used to log into “read”
mode, which restricts administrative access to this device.
d. In the Enable Password box, type the password that is used to log into “read”
mode, which restricts administrative access to this device.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis.
l Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how often
usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
6. Advanced section.
l File Retrieval Options: Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only
if you are manually sending configurations for this device via your data
collector's batchconfig directory. While this option is enabled, online retrievals
will be disabled.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you
want the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a
conflict occurs.
7. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this device.
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement window.
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
9. Click Save.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. On the TrusGuard Series device, you will add an administrator account for the data collector.
Note, this account is for passive data collection only. Security Manager will never attempt to
make changes on your devices.
l Select All for Permission, which grants full permissions of both read and write to the
created administrator account.
2. Allow access to TrusGuard, the IP address of the data collector must be registered. Access to
IP addresses that are not registered in the Administrative IP address are denied.
4. Add log server to transfer Syslog data from TrusGuard to the data collector. Specify the fol-
lowing settings:
a. Log Server IP: type the IP address of the Data Collector and then click Add.
f. Firewall Policy Log: select which types of firewall policy logs to record.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Name box, type the syslog match name (optional).
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
4. Device Settingssection.
a. In the User Name box, type the administrator user name. By default the user
name is Admin, but this should reflect the administrative ID set used when cre-
ating a new administrator account on the TrusGuard device.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the TrusGuard device admin-
istrator account.
5. Monitoring section.
a. By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
c. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section
a. Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval to perform a retrieval at a set time daily
regardless of change detection.
b. Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for con-
figuration changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is
changes are detected.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24
hours). You can change the check interval time to best fit your
requirements. The minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l Select a Device Charset Encoding from the list to be used for File Retrieval Options.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector
to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for
this device.
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
11. You will need to manually enable the TrusGuard device to allow for Level 3 support. To do
this, complete the following steps.
a. Log in as the user created during setup to the Data Collector that is monitoring the
c. Using a text editor, such as Vi or Nano, edit the dc.conf file (/etc/firemon/dc.conf)
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
AWS Device
To add an AWS device, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
To utilize Amazon Web Services (AWS), you will need to create a virtual private cloud (VPC). This is
done from the AWS Management Console.
l Select a VPC configuration that best fits your business requirements, and then click
l Enter the required data specific to your business requirements, and then click Create
a. From the AWS Management Console > Administration & Security > Identity &
Access Management.
c. Enter a user name, and then select the Generate an access key for each user check
Note Be sure the Generate an access key for each user check box is selected
before clicking Create.
d. Click Create.
e. Click Show User Security Credentials, and write down the Access Key ID and
Secret Access Key or click Download Credentials. These will be needed to add
the device in Security Manager.
Note: If you will use the IAM role to delegate permissions to an IAM user, please review
Amazon's AWS documentation for Creating IAM roles.
b. Click the user name, and then click Add permissions > Add
a. Click the user name, and then click Add permissions > Create inline
This JSON policy provides explicit permissions for various AWS actions, allowing for
read-only access to the specified AWS resources and services within the context of SIP's
supported features. Please review AWS documentation for Creating IAM policies.
2. Click Create, and then click Amazon Web Services > AWS Account.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
Credentials - You can either use the IAM Role or standard access as credentials, but
not both.
Select the Use IAM Role checkbox to delegate access with defined permissions to
trusted entities. Creating an IAM role user in AWS will generate the needed
Note: If you will use the IAM role to delegate permissions to an IAM user,
please review AWS documentation for Creating IAM roles.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l File Retrieval Options: Enter the NTP Server that will be used to check for clock offset
if AWS rejects the device credentials. Leaving this setting field blank disables this check.
l Region Retrieval Options: You can restrict access to a specific region or regions. SIP
defaults to 'us-east-1', which may not be allowed depending on how you configure per-
missions. To override this setting, select a different region from the list.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. Log in to the CLI with an admin role level user and then go to Configure (switch
(config) #).
2. Create a new admin role with the following minimum user level privileges for retrieval:
Replace below < > encapsulated data with username and password information
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, enter the user name used for the admin retrieval
b. In the Password box, enter the password used for the admin retrieval account.
c. In the Enable Password box, enter the password used for the enable command
e. In the Re-enter Enable Password field, retype the password entered above.
5. Retrieval section.
o Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To sched-
ule the first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box
and select a time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All sub-
sequent retrievals will occur at the interval you entered above, based on
the time that the first retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change
Start Time, the first scheduled retrieval will occur immediately after you
save the settings. Subsequent retrievals will occur at the interval you
6. Advanced section.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
7. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
9. Click Save.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Barracuda NGFW
Prerequisite: A Barracuda Control Center management station must be installed before adding
any Barracuda NGFW devices. All devices will be discovered by the management station.
After a device has been discovered, you can open the device properties to adjust settings.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. From the CLI, enter configuration commands, one per line, end with CTRL+Z:
Type: ok.
Type: ok
2. Ensure that SSH Port 22 is allowed for management since this is the port needed for Security
Manager to communicate to the Proxy server. From the User Interface in your Blue Coat
l On the Configuration tab, click Services, and then click Management Services.
a. On the Maintenance tab, click Event Logging, and then click the Syslog tab.
b. On the Syslog tab, under Syslog configuration, in the Loghost box, type the IP
address of your Data Collector server.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the read-only account.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are manually sending
configurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig directory. When
enabled, online retrievals will be disabled. If enabled, the Management IP Address field
must be populated.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector to
automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Prerequisite: A Check Point CMA or MDS must be installed before adding a Check Point device.
This includes Check Point Edge, Firewall, Log Server, and VSX. All Check Point devices will be
auto-discovered by the Check Point CMA or MDS.
After a device has been discovered by its management station, you can open the device properties
to adjust settings.
l On the toolbar, click Device > Devices and click the device name in the All Devices list.
Cisco ACI
The Cisco ACI manager must be installed before adding any Cisco ACI devices. All ACI devices
will be auto-discovered.
After a device has been discovered by its management station, you can open the device properties
to adjust settings.
l On the toolbar, click Device > Devices and click the device name in the All Devices list.
l Support: Level 5 / Automation
l A Cisco ASA device is configured with a device pack that supports the following automation:
l The device pack also has the layout templateOptions configured with:
o supportsInlineObjects
o singleValuePerColumn
Note: If you are adding an ASA/FWSM Context device, please see Cisco ASA/FWSM Context .
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
An account on the Cisco device with level 15 permissions so that the data collector can
retrieve data from the devices.
The credentials for the Enable user, or an account on the Cisco device with privilege
level 15 rights (super user/read-only). To create a privilege level 15 account, complete
the following steps:
a. Log into your Cisco device to access privileged EXEC mode using the command
enable and then enter the enable password at the prompt.
2. Enable Authorization.
3. Enable SSH access from the Data Collector IP address on your Cisco device.
4. Set the data collector as a syslog logging server on the Cisco device. Ensure that the Syslog
Logging Level is set at a notification level of "informational." If you are configuring syslog for
ASA via ASDM, please see Configure Syslog for ASA via ASDM for more information.
Note: If you will be using Policy Automation (only supported for ASA 9.6 and above), you will
need to create a secondary level 15 account with HTTPS access.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
l Managed By will list the Cisco management station used for this device.
a. In the User Name box, type the administrator user name that was created dur-
ing device configuration.
b. In the Password box, type the administrator password that was created during
device configuration.
c. In the Enable User Name box, type the user name that is used to log into
“enable” mode, which restricts administrative access to this device.
Note: Cisco's default Enable User Name is blank. If you have not updated the
Enable User Name, simply leave this field blank to represent the default system
user name. However, you must enter a password in the Enable Password field.
d. In the Enable Password box, type the password that is used to log into “enable”
mode, which restricts administrative access to this device.
l By default, the Protocol is SSH and the Port is 22. HTTPS is available and uses
ASDM API over port 443.
l If your device retrieval method will be set to "FromServer" then the Use Unified
CSM Normalization check box (Monitoring section) must be selected for Hit
Counter tracking to work properly.
Prerequisites: A valid Policy Automation license is required to complete this section and
you needed to create a secondary level 15 account with HTTPS access in the Cisco UI.
Note: The Policy Automation Credentials User Name and Password fields are associated
with a level 15 account with HTTPS access. ASA Policy Automation is only supported for
ASA 9.6 and above.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the secondary admin-
istrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the secondary administrator
l Select the Generate CLI Automation Commands check box if you want auto-
mation to generate CLI commands rather than attempt API calls.
6. Monitoring section.
Note: If your device retrieval method is set to "FromServer" then the Use Unified
CSM Normalization check box (Device Settings > Normalization) must be selected for Hit
Counter tracking to work correctly.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager.
This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did
not change from the last normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
8. Advanced section.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
l Normalization Options:
o Select the Skip Route Normalization check box if you want to prevent nor-
malization of routes.
o Enabled by default, clear the Process Policies Without Interfaces check box to
disable. Disabling will skip normalizing any policies that are not connected to an
inbound or outbound interface.
o Select the Ignore Implicit Accept/Deny Rules check box if you want to not nor-
malize implicit Accept/Deny rules on this device.
Note: Ignore Implicit Accept/Deny Rules should not be enabled when Process Policies
Without Interfaces is also enabled.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this device.
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement window.
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
If you selected the Automatically retrieve configuration check box, then there is nothing for you
to do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row and then click Edit > Retrieve Configuration.
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
l A Cisco ASA device is configured with a device pack that supports the following automation:
l The device pack also has the layout templateOptions configured with:
o supportsInlineObjects
o singleValuePerColumn
This setup using the Cisco Context Device adapter is required only if you want to limit Security
Manager's connection to the Cisco security devices using one administrator or physical device IP
address. Adding virtual devices as context devices removes the need to allow SIP direct SSH access
to connect to every Context VIP address located within each ASA/FWSM device. Each context acts as
an independent device with its own assigned resources, policies, users, login, and syslog instance.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
Note: The context name is case sensitive and can include up to 32 characters with a
combination of letters, numbers, and hyphens.
An account on the Cisco device with level 15 permissions so that the data collector can
retrieve data from the devices.
The credentials for the Enable user, or an account on the Cisco device with privilege
level 15 rights (super user/read-only). To create a privilege level 15 account, complete
the following steps:
a. Log into your Cisco device to access privileged EXEC mode using the command
enable and then enter the enable password at the prompt.
Note: If you will be using Policy Automation (only supported for ASA 9.6 and above),
you will need to create a secondary level 15 account with HTTPS access.
4. Enable logging.
5. Syslog packets are forwarded directly from each individual context, so for each individual con-
text you need to run the following commands:
6. Create a Central Syslog Server. This server's IP address is the one that logs will be sent to.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
l Managed By will display the Cisco management station for this device.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name for a device with level 15 per-
b. In the Password box, type the password for the level 15 account listed above.
Note for the Enable account information below. In the Enable User Name and
Password fields, you can enter the Enable user name (blank, by default) and
password, or you can enter credentials for an account with privilege level 15
rights (super user/read-only).
c. In the Enable User Name box, type the user name that is used to log into
“enable” mode, which restricts administrative access to this device.
Note: Cisco's default Enable User Name is blank. If you have not updated the
Enable User Name, simply leave this field blank to represent the default system
user name. However, you must enter a password in the Enable Password field.
d. In the Enable Password box, type the password that is used to log into “enable”
mode, which restricts administrative access to this device.
l By default, the Protocol is SSH and the Port is 22. HTTPS is available and uses
ASDM API over port 443.
l If your device retrieval method will be set to "FromServer" then the Use Unified
CSM Normalization check box (Monitoring section) must be selected for Hit
Counter tracking to work properly.
Prerequisites: A valid Policy Automation license is required to complete this section and
you needed to create a secondary level 15 account with HTTPS access in the Cisco UI.
Note: The Policy Automation Credentials User Name and Password fields are
associated with a level 15 account with HTTPS access. ASA Policy Automation is only
supported for ASA 9.6 and above.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the secondary admin-
istrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the secondary administrator
l Select the Generate CLI Automation Commands check box if you want auto-
mation to generate CLI commands rather than attempt API calls.
6. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
Note: If your device retrieval method is set to "FromServer" then the Use Unified
CSM Normalization check box (Device Settings > Normalization) must be selected
for Hit Counter tracking to work correctly.
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
8. Advanced section.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
l Authentication Options: Select an Enable Level for if your device requires a specific
authentication enable level. If left at "Default", no enable level will be specified.
l Normalization Options:
o Select the Skip Route Normalization check box if you want to prevent nor-
malization of routes.
o Enabled by default, clear the Process Policies Without Interfaces check box to
disable. Disabling will skip normalizing any policies that are not connected to an
inbound or outbound interface.
o Select the Ignore Implicit Accept/Deny Rules check box to enable to not nor-
malize implicit Accept/Deny rules on this device.
Note: Ignore Implicit Accept/Deny Rules should not be enabled when Process Policies
Without Interfaces is also enabled.
9. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
This section describes the three procedures for configuring your Cisco ASA to send these syslog
messages to Security Manager. These three procedures should be completed for every ASA that
you want to monitor with Security Manager.
• Make sure that you have added the keyword “log” to every ACE that you want to log.
• You must have administrator credentials to access privileged mode on the device.
In this step, you will enable logging on the Cisco security appliance.
5. Click Apply.
In this step, you will create a filter that allows level 6 severity, or informational syslog messages
1. In ASDM, click Configuration, and then click the Device Management button.
4. Select Filter on severity and select Informational from the drop-down menu.
In this step, you will add the Security Manager Data Collector as a syslog server for your ASA.
1. In ASDM, click Configuration, and then click the Device Management button.
3. Click Add.
4. In the IP Address box, type the IP address of your Security Manager Data Collector.
Note: You need to be able to access 'privileged exec' mode to allow you to run show commands.
To review current logging state of the device, run the command: show run | i logging
This will output every logging setting on the Cisco device. If you do not see the below commands,
you can consider the device in a default logging state.
l IOS: no logging on
From a default state, the commands needed to enable Cisco logging using the CLI are:
l For ASA/IOS: logging trap informational - this sets the syslog that is forwarded to FireMon
at the correct level
To enable logging:
l IOS: logging on
Security Manager uses message ID 106100 and 106023, ACL messages, as the basis for Cisco usage
analysis rather than buildup (302013) and tear-down (302015) messages; and are our preferred log
messages as they take less resources on the data collector to process. However, they take more
processing power on the ASA to generate.
If you are using buildup and tear-down messages, the matching speed could be more than 1000
times slower, depending on how many rules are in a policy. And if there are implicit deny rules, the
data collector will compare each rule in the policy and then generate a log message indicating no
match could be found, which can significantly slow performance, as well.
In order to prevent receiving two syslog messages for every rule hit, FireMon suggests disabling
message ID 302013 and 302015 if you are not utilizing messages of this type for other things.
To disable specific log messages, use the command: no logging message message ID
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
2. You will need a user account with an admin role to communicate with SIP.
l The username and password used for this account will be entered into SIP device
3. Use the default local admin account or an AAA (RADIUS) can be set up with an account that
has an admin role set.
l If you will use RADIUS, refer to Cisco's documentation: Configure FDM External
Authentication and Authorization with ISE using RADIUS
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the administrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the administrator account.
l By default, the Protocol is SSH and the Port is 22. HTTPS is available and uses
ASDM API over port 443.
5. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
6. Advanced section.
l File Retrieval Options: Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you
are manually sending configurations for this device via your data collector's
batchconfig directory. While this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
7. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
9. Click Save.
If you selected the Automatically retrieve configuration check box, then there is nothing for you
to do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row and then click Edit > Retrieve Configuration.
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Cisco IOS
To add a Cisco IOS device, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. On the Cisco device, add a user account for the Security Manager data collector with Level 15
permissions. Write down the user name and password; you will need this information for a
later step.
2. Enable Authorization.
3. Enable SSH access from the Data Collector IP address on your Cisco device.
4. If you expect to have ACL traffic, make sure that the keyword “log” is at the end of each ACE.
This step is completed on your Cisco device. It is necessary if you want to use the Rule Usage
Analysis features in Security Manager.
5. Set the data collector as a syslog logging server on the Cisco device. Ensure that the Syslog
Logging Level is set at a notification level of Informational.
6. Enable logging.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
Managed By will list the management station this device is a child of.
a. In the User Name box, type the administrator user name that was created dur-
ing device configuration.
b. In the Password box, type the administrator password that was created during
device configuration.
c. In the Enable User Name box, type the user name that is used to log into
“enable” mode, which restricts administrative access to this device.
Note: Cisco's default Enable User Name is blank. If you have not updated the
Enable User Name, simply leave this field blank to represent the default system
user name.
d. In the Enable Password box, type the password that is used to log into “enable”
mode, which restricts administrative access to this device.
Prerequisites: A valid Policy Automation license is required to complete this section and
you can create a secondary Level 15 account with HTTPS access in the Cisco UI.
l Select the Generate CLI Automation Commands check box if you want auto-
mation to generate CLI commands rather than attempt API calls.
6. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this automatic
function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager.
This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did
not change from the last normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
8. Advanced section.
l Automation Options: Select the Do Not Generate Rule Documentation check box
to prevent automation from generating any rule comments or documentation.
9. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Cisco IOS XR
To add a Cisco IOS XR device, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. On the Cisco device, add a user account for the Security Manager data collector with Level 15
permissions. Write down the user name and password; you will need this information for a
later step.
2. Enable Authorization.
3. Enable SSH access from the Data Collector IP address on your Cisco device.
4. If you expect to have ACL traffic, make sure that the keyword “log” is at the end of each ACE.
This step is completed on your Cisco device. It is necessary if you want to use the Rule Usage
Analysis features in the Security Manager module.
5. Set the data collector as a syslog logging server on the Cisco device. Ensure that the Syslog
Logging Level is set at a notification level of "informational."
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
Manged By will list the specific management station this device is a child of.
a. In the User Name box, type the administrator user name that was created dur-
ing device configuration.
b. In the Password box, type the administrator password that was created during
device configuration.
c. In the Enable User Name box, type the user name that is used to log into
“enable” mode, which restricts administrative access to this device.
Note: Cisco's default Enable User Name is blank. If you have not updated the
Enable User Name, simply leave this field blank to represent the default system
user name.
d. In the Enable Password box, type the password that is used to log into “enable”
mode, which restricts administrative access to this device.
Prerequisites: A valid Policy Automation license is required to complete this section and
you can create a secondary Level 15 account with HTTPS access in the Cisco UI.
l Select the Generate CLI Automation Commands check box if you want auto-
mation to generate CLI commands rather than attempt API calls.
6. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this automatic
function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager.
This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did
not change from the last normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
8. Advanced section.
l Automation Options: Select the Do Not Generate Rule Documentation check box
to prevent automation from generating any rule comments or documentation.
9. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Cisco Meraki
A Cisco Meraki management station must be installed before adding any Meraki Network
devices. All Meraki Network devices will be auto-discovered by the management station.
After a device has been discovered by its management station, you can open the device properties
to adjust settings.
l On the toolbar, click Device > Devices and click the device name in the All Devices list.
Enable Logging
1. You must first enable logging in the Cisco Meraki Dashboard.
6. Click Save.
Cisco Nexus
To add a Cisco Nexus device, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
Security Manager Data Collector uses syslog messages from your Nexus devices to detect
configuration changes and collect traffic data. In this process, you will configure your Nexus devices
to send syslog messages to the Data Collector and you'll add a representation of your Nexus device
in Security Manager. Additionally, you will create a user name and password at the network-
operator level to allow the Data Collector to retrieve configuration changes from your device.
Note: If the network-operator account login expires in the future, Security Manager change
retrievals will fail unless you update the Nexus device properties in Security Manager with
the new login information.
4. Enable logging of informational messages from acllog, syslog, and local0 facilities by enter
the following commands:
5. Add the Security Manager Data Collector as a remote Syslog server by entering the following
command, where DataCollectorIP is the IP address of your Security Manager Data Collector:
Traffic data is a required element in Security Manager’s usage analysis feature set. To
allow Security Manager to collect traffic data, you’ll need to configure ACL logging on
your Nexus device. ACL logging is configured by adding the keyword log at the end of
each ACE for which you want to collect traffic statistics. Note that ACL logging is
available only for ACLs that are configured with the ip access-list command.
6. While in global configuration mode, configure logging by entering the following commands,
where [name] is the name of the ACL:
7. Then add the keyword log to each ACE, replacing permit tcp any with
your actual ACE. Repeat this step for every ACE for which you want to collect traffic data. :
Note: The keyword log must be added immediately after the destination.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name is Admin, but this should be
changed to the name used for the network-operator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the network-operator
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
l Policy Normalization Options: Clear the Process Policies Without Interfaces check
box to skip normalizing any policies that are not connected to an inbound or out-
bound interface.
l Automation Options: Select the Do Not Generate Rule Documentation check box
to prevent automation from generating any rule comments or documentation.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
A Cisco Viptela vManage must be installed before adding any Cisco Viptela devices. All Viptela
Tenant devices will be discovered by the Viptela vManage.
After a device has been discovered by its management station, you can open the device properties
to adjust settings.
l On the toolbar, click Device > Devices and click the device name in the All Devices list.
Note: NetScaler only sends syslog messages for IPv4 extended ACL. Usage will not work for IPv6
extended ACL, IPv4/6 standard ACL or NAT rules. This is a NetScaler, not FireMon, limitation.
Note: NetScaler will only send up to 10k syslog messages per second for any single ACL. If a rule
is being hit 20k times a second, it will only send 10k messages. Meaning FireMon will only see a
maximum usages on any single rule from a NetScaler of 10k hits a second, even if there are
more. This is a NetScaler, not FireMon, limitation.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
a. Go to Configuration > System > User Administration > Users > Add.
b. Enter a User Name and Password, and then re-enter the password.
c. Click Continue.
e. In the User Group Binding section, click the Add icon to open the Create System
Group page.
l Click the Add icon next to the user (group name) that was created.
l On the Command Policies page, select the user (group name) you created, and
then click Insert.
f. Back to the User Group Binding page, select the user (group name) from the Select
Group list and then click Bind.
g. On the System User page, verify the user is now listed under Bindings (1 Group).
h. Click Save.
i. Click Done.
b. In the User Command Policy Binding section, click the Add icon to open the Create
Command Policy page.
Note: This regex will allow the user to run the following CLI commands: "create
system backup firemon_netscaler_fullbackup_DEVICEIP_TIMESTAMP -level full" ,
"scp -P PORTUSERNAME@DEVICEIP:/var/ns_sys_backup/firemon_netscaler_
fullbackup_DEVICEIP_TIMESTAMP.tgz firemon_netscaler_fullbackup_DEVICEIP_
TIMESTAMP.tgz" , "rm backup firemon_netscaler_fullbackup_DEVICEIP_
TIMESTAMP.tgz" . DEVICEIP is the Netscaler management IP as defined in SIP.
TIMESTAMP is in YYMMDD format based upon SIP's server time. PORT is the
port defined in SIP.
l Click Create.
d. On the System User page, verify the policy is now listed under Bindings (1 System
Command Policy).
e. Click Done.
5. Go to Configuration tab > System > Auditing > Syslog > Syslog Auditing page, Servers tab
and click Add.
l Port: 514
b. Click OK.
6. Go to Syslog Auditing page, click the Policies tab and then click Add.
b. Click Create.
d. Click Action.
e. Click Advanced Policy Global Bindings, and then click Add Binding.
7. Netscaler Rule Configuration—for each IPv4 extended ACL that you want to collect usage
data, the following settings are required:
Note: This is the maximum number of syslog messages the device will send for a single
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the administrator user name that was created dur-
ing device configuration.
b. In the Password box, type the administrator password that was created during
device configuration.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this automatic
function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager.
This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did
not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Enable Device Backup check box to enable the functionality to generate a
backup on the NetScaler device when a retrieval is processed. Selecting this enables
additional setting fields:
o Backup Timeout (minutes) is the maximum amount of time that FireMon will
wait for NetScaler to generate its backup.
o SCP Timeout (minutes) is the maximum amount of time that FireMon will wait
when transferring the Netscaler backup to the data collector.
l Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box if you are manually sending
configurations for this device via your data collector's batchconfig directory.
While this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data col-
lector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
CloudGenix ION
An CloudGenix management station must be installed first. All CloudGenix ION devices will be
discovered by the management station.
After a device has been discovered by its management station, you can open the device properties
to adjust settings.
l On the toolbar, click Device > Devices and click the device name in the All Devices list.
To add an Extreme Networks X Series switch device, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
Note: This account is for passive data collection only. Security Manager will never attempt to
make changes to your devices.
b. From the navigation, click Configure > Accounts > New User.
e. Click Submit.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, enter the user name used for the read-only account.
b. In the Password box, enter the password used for the read-only account.
5. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
6. Advanced section.
l File Retrieval Options: Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you
are manually sending configurations for this device using your data collector's batch-
config directory. While this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
7. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
9. Click Save.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
F5 Networks BIG-IP
To add an F5 BIG-IP device, complete the following steps.
Beginning in 9.2, the retrieval method changed from SSH-based to API-based. If you created a
Resource Administrator account to use for retrievals in a previous version, you will need to
update the account password (in the F5 dashboard and then in the SIP Administration module)
and change the Terminal Access from Advanced shell to Disabled.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. Create an Auditor account on the BIG-IP device. The data collector will use this account to
retrieve configurations from the device.
b. From the Main tab, navigate to System > Users > User List.
c. Click Create.
Note: You'll use this information when adding the device in the Administration
d. Select Auditor for the Role, and then click Add for it to be included in Partition
f. Click Finished.
a. From the Main tab, navigate to System > Logs > Configuration > Remote Logging.
c. Enter the remote syslog server UDP port (default is 514) in the Remote Port field.
d. Enter the local IP address of the BIG-IP system in the Local IP field (optional).
e. Click Add.
f. Click Update.
a. Log on to the Traffic Management Shell (tmsh) by typing the following command:
b. To add a single remote syslog server, use the following command syntax: modify
/sys syslog remote-servers add { <name> { host <IP address> remote-
port <port> }}
For example, to add remote syslog server with port 514 and name
mysyslog, type the following command: modify /sys syslog remote-servers
add { mysyslog { host remote-port 514 }}
c. To save the configuration, type the following command: save /sys config
If you want to limit the partition access given to Security Manager for retrievals, the use of API-
based retrievals allows for this. Before, SSH-based retrievals required shell access, API does not.
l Resource Administrator—read/write all modules, all partitions, will not show other users
l Administrator—read/write system-wide
l Firewall Manager—read only all modules and read/write AFM, will not show other users
l AFM must be provisioned on the device and AFM level may be set to nominal, minimum or
l Creating or modifying services is not currently supported. Even though Policy Planner allows
you to start a change for services, creating or modifying services objects are not supported
due to how services are configured on rules and normalized on the F5. If you do attempt to
create or modify a service through automation, it will fail with the message ‘Creating service
objects is not supported’ or ‘Modifying service objects is not supported’, depending on which
type was selected. At this time, you can only reference existing service objects on rules.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the Auditor account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the Auditor account.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis.
l Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how often
usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l File Retrieval Options: Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you
are manually sending configurations for this device using your data collector's batch-
config directory. While this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
l Policy Route Options: Select the Only Use Route Domain Policy for Modeling
check box to only use the Route Domain policy for rule recommendation and APA.
l Automation Options:
o Select the Automate as Accept-Decisively check box if you want the ability to
normalize rules from BIG-IP devices that support "accept decisively" as an action.
This is not a separate concept from "accept" but rather a specialization of it.
o Select the Allow Multi-Protocol Requests check box to automate rule changes
with multiple protocols as multiple rules during automation.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
l Implicit rules do not trigger logging events (On the device, go to Security > Options > Firewall
l Staged policies create logging that looks exactly like enforced policies.
To enable logging on your F5 BIG-IP with AFM device, complete the following steps.
l Click Add.
a. Click System > Logs > Configuration > Log Destination > Create.
e. Click Finished.
a. Click System > Logs > Configuration > Log Destinations > Create.
f. Click Finished.
a. Click System > Logs > Configuration > Log Publishers > Create.
d. Click Finished.
a. Click Security > Event Logs > Logging Profiles > Create.
d. In the Log Rule Matches section, select the Accept, Drop and Reject check boxes.
f. Click Finished.
7. Assign the event logging profile to any virtual servers that require it.
d. Click Update.
To enable change detection on your F5 BIG-IP with AFM device, complete the following steps.
l Click Add.
a. Navigate to System > Logs > Configuration > Log Destination > Create.
e. Click Finished.
a. Navigate to System > Logs > Configuration > Log Destinations > Create.
f. Click Finished.
Note: If you created a log publisher to use to enable logging, it can be reused for change
a. Navigate to System > Logs > Configuration > Log Publishers > Create.
d. Click Finished.
a. Navigate to System > Logs >Configuration > Log Filters > Create.
g. Click Finished.
Create one or more synthetic routers to help SIP understand how your network is structured.
Simply add virtual routers, interfaces, and routes to each synthetic router. The synthetic router then
integrates and acts like an artificial network component in APA and elsewhere throughout SIP - such
as Risk Analyzer, Policy Planner's Rule Recommendation engine, and it will appear visually in your
network map.
3. In the General Properties section, type a Name and Description for the synthetic router.
a. Click Add.
b. In the Add Virtual Router dialog box, type a Name for the virtual router or accept the
system generated name, and then click Save.
5. Interfaces section.
a. Click Add.
6. Routes section.
a. Click Add.
7. Click Save.
Asset Manager devices will be discovered as a synthetic router. The domain name system (DNS) and
device attributes will populate the Name and Description fields.
The route-related fields will also auto-populate with the interfaces used for the next hop.
Forcepoint Enterprise
Note: The instructions below are based on Firewall Enterprise 8.2.0. If you are using a different
8.x version, please refer to your Product Guide for detailed procedures.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
4. In the Export audit to syslog server section, click the green plus sign or New from the Tool-
5. In the IP Address box, type the IP address of the Data Collector. If you have multiple Data
Collectors, be sure to enter the IP address of the Data Collector that you want to collect data
from this device.
l Port: 514
9. Click OK.
10. In the Export audit to syslog server section, select the Enable check box for the Syslog
server you just added.
12. Create an administrator user account for the Data Collector. This account will be used only to
retrieve configuration changes from the device. Security Manager will never make changes to
your device.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name of the read-write administrator
account that was created during device configuration.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are manually sending con-
figurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig directory. While this
option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
l Select the Enable Deprecated Ciphers and Algorithms check box to allow the use of
weak SSH keys to extend the OpenSSH options with deprecated ciphers and algorithms
for devices that cannot update the OS to a supported OpenSSH version.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector to
automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
o Select an Interface.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Forcepoint Sidewinder
To add a Sidewinder device, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
The text local0 defines the facility name that you will enter in the next step. Filters
is a list of filters. The filter listed above limits the logs to include only change audit
b. In /etc/syslog.conf, add the following line below the example line “*.* @localhost”:
local0.* @IPADDRESS
2. On your Sidewinder device, create a read-write administrator account for the Security Man-
ager Data Collector.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name of the read-write administrator
account that was created during device configuration.
5. Monitoring section.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are manually sending con-
figurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig directory. While this
option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
l Select the Enable Deprecated Ciphers and Algorithms check box to allow the use of
weak SSH keys to extend the OpenSSH options with deprecated ciphers and algorithms
for devices that cannot update the OS to a supported OpenSSH version.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector to
automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: These instructions assume that you do not have VDOM enabled. If you have VDOM
enabled and want to monitor them with Security Manager, please see the FortiGate VDOM
Note: If the log setting "FortiCloud" is enabled on a Fortinet device, it will send logs only to
FortiCloud and not to any other syslog servers that have been configured.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. On the Fortinet FortiGate device, add a user account for the Data Collector. You can complete
this step in either the Fortinet web UI or in the CLI. These instructions assume that you do not
have VDOM enabled.
A. Web UI setup:
2. In the Navigation, go to System > Admin > Administrators > Create New.
3. Create a regular local user with the profile super_admin. This profile allows the
configuration to be read by the data collector.
B. CLI setup:
2. Create a regular local user with a super_admin profile with the following com-
mands, replacing username and password with the user name and password
for the new account.
edit username
Note If you change this name and password on your device in the future, you will
need to manually update these credentials in Administration. Data retrieval will fail
if the data collector cannot log into the monitored device.
2. Forward syslog data from the Fortinet device to the Data Collector. Basic syslog settings can
be entered through the Fortinet web UI. However, because it provides additional servers and
more options, we recommend using the CLI.
C. If you currently have "other" traffic enabled, we recommend that you disable it to pre-
vent excessive data from being generated and to reduce performance impacts:
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
l Managed By will display the management station name, if this device is being
a. In the User Name box, type the user name for the super_admin account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the super_admin account.
l Select the Suppress FQDN Capabilities check box to use an IP address instead of
FQDN when creating network objects.
6. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
8. Advanced section.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
l Virtual Domain Options: Select the Disable Virtual Domain Check to disable the vir-
tual domain check in order to monitor virtual domains as standalone firewalls.
9. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: If the log setting "FortiCloud" is enabled on a Fortinet device, it will send logs only to
FortiCloud and not to any other syslog servers that have been configured.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. On the Fortinet FortiGate device, add a global super administrator account. If you plan to
monitor multiple VDOMs on the device, please create this account only once; the data col-
lector will use the same account to retrieve information from each VDOM on the unit. You can
complete this step in either the Fortinet web UI or in the CLI.
A. Web UI setup:
1. Log into the Fortinet user interface with super administrator credentials.
2. In the Navigation, go to System > Admin > Administrators > Create New.
3. Create a regular local user with the profile super_admin. This profile allows the
configuration to be read by the data collector.
B. CLI setup:
2. Create a regular local user with a super_admin profile with the following com-
mands, replacing username and password with the user name and password
for the new account.
config global
edit username
Note If you change the user name and password on your device in the future, you
will need to manually update these credentials in Administration. Data retrieval will
fail if the data collector cannot log into the monitored device.
2. Forward syslog data from the Fortinet device to the data collector. Basic syslog settings can
be entered through the Fortinet web UI. However, because it provides additional servers and
more options, we recommend using the CLI.
config global
C. If you currently have "other" traffic enabled, we recommend that you disable it to pre-
vent excessive data from being generated and to reduce performance impacts.
config global
fmos restart
4. Create a representation of the central syslog server that this device logs to. If you have mul-
tiple central syslog servers, each server should be created in Administration only once.
2. Click Create, and then click Fortinet > FortiGate Firewall VDOM.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. Managed By will display the management station name and ADOM Name will
be provided, if this device is being managed.
b. In the VDOM Name box, type the name of the VDOM device.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name for the super_admin account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the super_admin account.
l Select a Method for retrieval. Automation requires use of From Server retrieval
method. When method is set to From Server retrieval parameters are set in the
Managed By device's settings.
l Select the Suppress FQDN Capabilities check box to use an IP address instead of
FQDN when creating network objects.
6. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
8. Advanced section.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
l Virtual Domain Options: Select the Disable Virtual Domain Check to disable the vir-
tual domain check in order to monitor virtual domains as standalone firewalls.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
To add a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) device, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
In order to create a GCP device you'll need create a GCP Service Account.
2. Click the navigation menu > IAM Admin > Service Account.
b. Click Project Role and select Project, and then Project Viewer.
d. Click Save.
Note: The JSON file will download to computer; it contains the credentials needed to
create a new GCP device in SIP.
2. Click Create, and then click Google Cloud Platform > Project.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
4. In the Device Settings > Credentials section, use the copy-and-paste function.
b. Copy the credentials from the file making sure to maintain the JSON format.
l By default, the Enable Change Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box. When enabled, you must also complete
the following fields.
o Enter an optional Alternate Syslog Source IP.
o Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the data col-
lector to verify that there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to
Security Manager. This will enable more efficient use of system disk space
by not posting revisions that did not change from the last normalized revi-
6. In the Advanced section, select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box if you are manu-
ally sending configurations for this device via your data collector's batchconfig directory.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this device.
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement window.
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes
successfully. You can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
9. Click Save.
Hillstone Firewall
To add a Hillstone device, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
a. In the Host Name box, type the host name or IP address of the data collector.
b. For the Binding, select Virtual Router, and then select from the list.
e. For the Log Type, select Network, Session, NAT and Configuration.
5. Click Log > Configuration > Log, and then click the Session tab and do the following:
a. Select Enable, and then select Record User Name and Record Host Name.
a. Select Memory Buffer, and then make the maximum memory buffer size over 1M
6. For each rule that you want to log, you will need to set a session end.
b. Select the rule you want to log, and then click Edit.
d. in the More Controls section, select the Session End check box.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, by default, the user name is Admin, but this can be
changed to reflect the user name of the Hillstone device administrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the Hillstone device admin-
istrator account.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this automatic
function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager.
This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did
not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector
to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
Note: This account is for passive data collection only. Security Manager will never attempt to
make changes to your devices.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, enter the user name used for the administrator
b. In the Password box, enter the password used for the administrator account.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this automatic
function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager.
This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did
not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
not retrieve the route files from that specific device. This option can be selected
when large route files cause a timeout on retrieval or make normalization take
longer than normal.
o Enter the Configuration Retrieval Timeout in seconds to set until a retrieval it
times out. The default is 120 seconds.
o Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are manually send-
ing configurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig dir-
ectory. While this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
9. Click Save.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
a. Log into the web interface with your user name and password.
b. In the left navigation pane, click Log > Log Configuration > Syslog Configuration.
d. In the Log Host IP Address box, type the IP address of the data collector.
e. In the Log Host Source Address box, type the IP address of the firewall pointing to
the data collector.
f. To create a syslog server, on the Log menu, under Log Host List, click Add.
i. Click Apply.
a. <sysname> system-view
c. <sysname> system-view
e. [sysname-policy-interzone-trust-untrust-outbound] policy 1
3. Enable SSH access from the Data Collector IP address on your Huawei device.
4. If you expect to have ACL traffic, make sure the keyword "log" is at the end of each ACL. It is
necessary if you want to use Rule Usage Analysis features in Security Manager.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name of the Eudemon device admin-
istrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the Eudemon device admin-
istrator account.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
l Retrieval Options: Select the Disable User and Group Commands check box if you
want to disable the commands that will try to get the users and groups on the device.
This is to help remedy when the commands are not available.
l File Retrieval Options: Select to set the Device Charset Encoding option.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
2. Create a read-only account. This account information will be used in the Administration mod-
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name of the NGFW device read-only
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the NGFW device read-only
Note: SSH is the only supported retrieval method. With version 8, Telnet is no
longer supported as a retrieval method due to potential security risks. Please
refer to the Communication Protocols table for a complete list of ports and
protocols used for communication between supported devices.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager.
This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did
not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector to
automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
l Create a read-only administrator account for the Security Manager Data Collector on your
Note: This account is for passive data collection only. Security Manager will never
attempt to make changes to your devices.
a. In the NetScreen web UI, click Configuration > Admin > Administrators > New.
b. Enter the name, password and read-only privileges and click OK.
c. Write down this account information, you will enter it later in the Administration
2. Click Create, and then click Juniper Networks > ScreenOS VSYS.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
l In the VSYS Name box, type the name of the virtual system on the root device.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the read-only admin-
istrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the read-only administrator
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager.
This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did
not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are manually sending
configurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig directory. While
this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled. If enabled, the Management
IP Address field must be populated.
l Select the Enable Deprecated Ciphers and Algorithms check box to allow the use of
weak SSH keys to extend the OpenSSH options with deprecated ciphers and algorithms
for devices that cannot update the OS to a supported OpenSSH version.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector to
automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
Note: This account is for passive data collection only. Security Manager will never attempt to
make changes to your devices.
2. Add a syslog host on your EX device for the data collector. You can do this from the Web Cli-
ent or with the CLI.
B. Click CLI Tools button and then click Point and Click CLI.
C. In the Configuration tree, expand the system node, and then, click syslog.
E. In the Host name box, select Enter Specific Value. Then, in theLog host name
box, enter the IP address of your application server.
K. Click OK.
L. Click OK again.
3. Using the command line, enter configuration mode and add the following line to the config
file. Replacing with the IP address of the Data Collector that will collect
data from this device:
2. Click Create, and then click Juniper Networks > EX Series Ethernet Switch.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, enter the user name used for the superuser account.
b. In the Password box, enter the password used for the superuser account.
5. Monitoring section.
l Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Connecting to SIP
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
2. Create a superuser account for the Data Collector. Make note of this account information;
you will enter it later in the Administration module.
Note: This account is for passive data collection only. Security Manager will never attempt
to make changes to your devices.
3. Add the Data Collector as a syslog host on your router to collect messages from all facilities
with a severity of informational. Replacing with the IP address of the Data
Collector that will collect data from this device.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name field, enter the user name used for the superuser account.
b. In the Password field, enter the password used for the superuser account.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this automatic
function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager.
This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did
not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
l Route File Options: Select from the list of available active and inactive route files that
you want to include in a retrieval.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. Create a read-only administrator account for the Security Manager Data Collector on your
ScreenOS device.
Note: This account is for passive data collection only. Security Manager will never
attempt to make changes to your devices.
a. In the NetScreen web UI, click Configuration > Admin > Administrators >
b. Enter the Name, Password and read-only privileges and click OK.
a. In your NetScreen Administration Tool, go to Configuration > Report Settings > Sys-
b. Enable syslog messages by selecting the Enable Syslog Messages check box.
c. Select the Source Interface that will communicate with the Security Manager Data Col-
lector. On your system, this interface might be named “management” or something
d. In the IP/Hostname box of the Syslog servers section, enter the IP Address of the Data
f. In the Security Facility and Facility list, select the option that enables the Security
Manager Data Collector to collect all syslog messages.
l Local0—Debug level. Hence, Debug level and above (i.e. ALL) events are
g. Select the Event Log check box, enabling Security Manager to retrieve configurations.
h. Select the Traffic Log check box, enabling Security Manager to collect rule usage data.
i. Select the Enable check box for the Data Collector syslog server.
j. Click Apply.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
Managed By will display the management station that this device is a child of.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the read-only admin-
istrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the read-only administrator
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are manually sending
configurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig directory. While
this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled. If enabled, the Management
IP Address field must be populated.
l Select the Enable Deprecated Ciphers and Algorithms check box to allow the use of
weak SSH keys to extend the OpenSSH options with deprecated ciphers and algorithms
for devices that cannot update the OS to a supported OpenSSH version.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector to
automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
l Automation Notes:
o Automation for Juniper SRX, not managed by Juniper NSM
o Super User with read/write permission
o There is an optional set of credentials in case Read-only credentials are being used for
retrieval, in which case you would need this secondary account that has write per-
n If policy automation credentials are not specified, automation will fall back to
device retrieval credentials. If the retrieval credentials are for a user with write
permission, then automation will succeed. The fall back only happens if the
policy automation credentials are not specified. The fall back does not happen if
the policy automation credentials fail.
o Port 830/TCP must be used for netconf retrievals
l Policy Planner: Support for zone-based address books that an object should be created
under. The address book being used will be listed in Security Manager in the [Device] > Policy
> Network Objects, subsection - ADDRESS BOOK (under DEVICE).
Connecting to SIP
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. Create a Super User account for the Security Manager Data Collector.
Note: This account is for passive data collection only. Security Manager will never attempt to
make changes to your devices.
a. Click Configure.
c. Click Add.
2. Add a syslog host on your SRX device for the data collector.
a. Click Configure.
c. In the configuration tree, expand the system node, and then click syslog.
e. In the Host name field, select Enter Specific Value. Then, in the Log host
name field, enter the IP address of your data collector.
i. Click Commit....
j. Click OK.
k. Click OK again.
3. If you'll use automation, use port 830/TCP and enable netconf using the CLI command: set
system services netconf ssh
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the superuser account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the superuser account.
Prerequisites: A valid Policy Automation license is required to complete this section and
you need to create a secondary super user account with read/write privileges and the SRX
must not be managed by NSM, and Netconf TCP/830 must be configured and allowed.
l Settings: Select the Suppress FQDN Capabilities check box to use an IP address
instead of FQDN when creating network objects.
l Credentials:
o In the User Name box, type the user name used for the secondary admin-
istrator account.
o In the Password box, type the password used for the secondary administrator
o In the Re-enter Password box, retype the password entered above.
6. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
l By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
o By default, Track Usage Via is set to Syslog.
o By default, the Log Update Interval is set to 10 minutes.
Change Monitoring
l Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
8. Advanced section.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
9. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
For Juniper SRX devices running JunOS, if you configure the data plane to send syslogs, you must
use sd-syslog format and add these lines before the commit command:
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
Note: This account is for passive data collection only. Security Manager will never attempt
to make changes to your devices.
2. Add a syslog host on your SRX LSYS device for the Data Collector.
a. Click Configure.
c. In the configuration tree, expand the system node, and then click syslog.
e. In the Host name field, select Enter Specific Value. Then, in the Log host
name field, enter the IP address of your data collector.
i. Click Commit....
j. Click OK.
k. Click OK again.
2. Click Create, and then click Juniper Networks > SRX LSYS.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
l In the LSYS Name box, type the name of the SRX LSYS device created above.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the superuser account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the superuser account.
Prerequisites: A valid Policy Automation license is required to complete this section and
you need to create a secondary super user account with read/write privileges and the
SRX must not be managed by NSM.
a. Select the Suppress FQDN Capabilities check box to use an IP address instead of
FQDN when creating network objects.
b. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the secondary administrator
c. In the Password box, type the password used for the secondary administrator
e. Select the Generate CLI Automation Commands check box if you want to generate
CLI commands rather than attempt API calls.
6. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
By default, the Enable Log Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this
automatic function, clear the check box.
Change Monitoring
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
daily regardless of change.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The min-
imum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time box. To schedule the
first retrieval for a specific time, select the Starting at check box and select a
time. The first retrieval will run at the time you enter. All subsequent retrievals
will occur at the interval you entered above, based on the time that the first
retrieval occurred. If you do not select a Change Start Time, the first scheduled
retrieval will occur immediately after you save the settings. Subsequent retriev-
als will occur at the interval you entered.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
8. Advanced section.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
9. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
Note: This account is for passive data collection only. Security Manager will never attempt to
make changes to your devices.
2. Add a syslog host on your QFX device for the Data Collector. You can do this from the Web Cli-
ent or with the CLI.
B. Click CLI Tools button and then click Point and Click CLI.
C. In the Configuration tree, expand the system node. Then, click syslog.
E. In the Host name box, select Enter Specific Value. Then, in theLog host name
field, enter the IP address of your application server.
K. Click OK.
L. Click OK again.
3. Using the command line, enter configuration mode and add the following line to the config
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, enter the user name used for the superuser account.
b. In the Password box, enter the password used for the superuser account.
5. Monitoring section.
Scheduled Retrieval
6. Advanced section.
a. Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are manually sending
configurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig directory. While
this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
b. Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector
to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
7. Click Save.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Juniper VSRX
Prerequisite: A Juniper Networks Space management station must be installed before adding a
VSRX device. All devices will be discovered by the management station.
After a device has been discovered by its management station, you can open the device properties
to adjust settings.
l On the toolbar, click Device > Devices and click the device name in the All Devices list.
Azure Subscription
Azure Active Directory is now Microsoft Entra ID. You can learn more about this change from
Integrating your Entra ID account requires API credentials. Azure API credentials have four
elements and all are needed to connect to Security Manager.
l Subscription ID is a unique identifier of the Entra ID subscription you would like to use for
API usage.
l Client Secret Value is a key created that serves as proof you own the application ID.
To add Microsoft Entra ID device (Azure Subscription), complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
l The Subscription ID. More services > search for subs > click Subscriptions.
l The Tenant ID. Microsoft Entra ID > Properties > Tenant ID.
3. Register an application.
e. Click Register.
d. Select an Expires option from the list that meets your business standards.
e. Click Add.
Caution! Save the Value before you leave the Certificates & secrets page. Once
you leave the page, you will not be able to view the Value again. The Secret ID is
not used.
c. Click Add.
d. For the Role field, select Reader or if you will be using NSG Hit Count retrievals, select
Reader and Data Access.
f. In the Select field, find the name of your application (used in step 3).
g. Click Save.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector box, type the IP address of the data collector that will col-
lect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, type the syslog server from the list (optional).
f. In the Syslog Match Name box, type the syslog match name (optional).
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
b. Enter an alternate Subscription ID to be used for hit count retrievals if the NSGs
in this subscription log to a storage account with a different Subscription ID.
e. Enter the Client Secret Value in the Key field, and then enter it again.
5. Monitoring section.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l The NTP server will be used to check for clock offset if Azure rejects the device cre-
dentials. Leaving this setting blank disables this check.
l Use the Retrieval Timeout in Seconds field to set a maximum time to wait for a
response during retrieval.
l Select the Use Azure China Endpoint checkbox to enable retrievals for Azure China
users. Azure China differs from Azure global.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Note: If you have a multi-VSYS enabled firewall, each VSYS must be added as a Palo Alto VSYS in
Security Manager. Virtual firewalls created in Security Manager as the single Palo Alto Firewall on
which they reside, are not supported.
Prerequisite The data collector uses SSH over port 22 and HTTPS over port 443 to the device's
Web UI to retrieve some configuration information. Please make sure that these ports are open
on your Palo Alto device.
1. On the Palo Alto device, add a Dynamic Superuser account for the SIP data collector.
i. Enter a name and password for the account. Make note of the user name and
password. You will enter them in the Administration module later.
Note: It is recommended to not use special characters in the account password. The
API key generation will fail when the password contains special characters such as #
and &. This is not a PAN-OS specific issue. This is due to the way browsers and cURL
handle special characters. This is because these are reserved characters used as
general or sub delimiters.
Note: If you change this name and password on your device in the future, you will need to
manually update these credentials in SIP. Data retrieval will fail if the data collector cannot
access the monitored device.
Note: Palo Alto 9.x+ users could create a custom admin role profile for device retrieval
credentials if they want to retrieve predefined external dynamic lists but XML API cannot
be restricted to read-only, so a user would have some write permissions granted with a
custom admin role. Permissions needed for retrieval only are: XML API: Log, Configuration,
and Operational Requests. Command Line: superreader.
a. In the Admin Role Profile dialog box, enter and Name and Description
for the profile.
b. Click the XML API tab and select Log, Configuration, and Operational
c. Click the Command Line tab and select superreader from the list.
d. Click OK.
a. Enter a name and password for the account. Make note of the user name
and password. You will enter them in the Administration module later.
d. Click OK.
2. Establish the data collector as a syslog server, and send configuration, system and traffic logs
from the Palo Alto device to the data collector by creating a profile.
B. Create a new syslog server profile. In the sidebar, click Server Profiles > Syslog and
click Add. In the Syslog Server Profile dialog box:
ii. On the Servers tab, click Add and then complete the fields:
C. Set the data collector to receive system and configuration logs at the correct severity
level from the firewall.
ii. To create a new profile for system logs, in the System section click Add to open
the Log Settings - System dialog box.
l For versions 6.1.x, 7.1.x, 8.0.x, 9.1.x, 10.2.x and 11.0.x, set the Filter to
l In the Syslog section, click Add to select the syslog server profile added in
step B
l Click OK
Note: To modify an existing system log profile to use the new profile created,
click the profile name in the System section. In the Syslog section, click Add to
select the syslog server profile created in step B.
iii. To create a new profile for configuration logs, in the Configuration section click
Add to open the Log Settings - Configuration dialog box.
l In the Syslog section, click Add to select the syslog server profile added in
step C
l Click OK
Note: To modify an existing configuration log profile to use the new profile
created, click the profile name in the Configuration section. In the Syslog
section, click Add to select the syslog server profile created in step B.
C. To add a new log forwarding profile, click Add to open the Log Forwarding Profile dia-
log box.
l In the Syslog section, click Add and select the previously created syslog server
profile (step 2 B)
l Click OK
D. Click OK.
C. Click a rule that you want to forward traffic logs to open the Security Policy Rule dia-
log box.
l In the Log Setting section, select the Log at Session End check box (recom-
l For Log Forwarding, select the log forwarding profile created in step 3 C
l Click OK
l Repeat for each rule that you want to forward traffic logs for usage analysis
5. Commit your changes. Security Manager will not be able to retrieve any data from your
device until these settings have been committed.
6. If a different source interface is needed for syslog other than the management interface,
l Click Set Selected Service Routes to open the Service Route Source dialog
o Select a Source Interface from the list
o Select a Source Address from the list
o Click OK
l Click OK
2. Click Create and then click Palo Alto Networks > Firewall.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
l Managed By will display the management station name and the Connected
via Management Station check box selected, if this device is being managed.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the dynamic superuser
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the dynamic superuser
l By default, Protocol is SSH, the Port is 22 and the REST API Port is 443.
5. Automation section.
l Select the Suppress FQDN Capabilities check box to use an IP address instead of
FQDN when creating network objects.
l Select the Recommend Changes via Manager Only check box to enable the auto-
mation of changes using only the configurations of the management station listed in
the Managed By field in the Device Settings section.
l Use the Location of Created Objects list to select where to create new network and
service objects for this device.
o Shared indicates objects should be added to the Panorama as shared objects.
o Device Group indicates objects should be added to this device’s device group.
o Local indicates objects should be added to this device only.
6. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
l Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis.
o Track Usage Via is set to Syslog.
o Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how
often usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
l Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for con-
figuration changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes
are detected.
o Enter an optional Alternate Syslog Source IP.
l Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the data collector to
verify that there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not changes from the last successful normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
8. Advanced section.
l Interface Normalization:
l Select the Force Interfaces to Set Layer 2 Enforcement check box to enable
to force normalization of all interfaces with Layer 2 enforcement set to true.
l Select the Retrieve Set Format Configuration check box to retrieve the run-
ning-config file in Set Output format; allowing Regex creation for compliance-
related controls.
9. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
The Palo Alto Prisma Access Cloud Manager / Strata Cloud Manager must be installed before
adding any single tenant Prisma devices. All Prisma devices will be auto-discovered.
After a device has been discovered by its management station, you can open the device properties
to adjust settings.
l On the toolbar, click Device > Devices and click the device name in the All Devices list.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
Note: If you have a multi-VSYS enabled firewall, each VSYS must be added as a Palo Alto VSYS in
Security Manager. Virtual firewalls created in Security Manager as the single Palo Alto Firewall on
which they reside, are not supported.
Prerequisite Security Manager uses SSH over port 22 and HTTPS over port 443 to the device's
Web UI to retrieve some configuration information. Please make sure that these ports are open
on your Palo Alto device.
1. On the Palo Alto device, add a dynamic superuser (read-only) account for the Security Man-
ager Data Collector. You can complete this step in either Palo Alto's web UI or in the CLI. We
recommend using the web UI.
c. Enter the account settings. Select Dynamic and Superuser_ReadOnly as the role.
Security Manager uses this account only to retrieve data from your device.
Security Manager will never attempt to make changes to any device on your network.
d. Note the name and password. You will enter them in the Administration module later.
Note: It is recommended to not use special characters in the account password. The
API key generation will fail when the password contains special characters such as #
and &. This is not a PAN-OS specific issue. This is due to the way browsers and cURL
handle special characters. This is because these are reserved characters used as
general or sub delimiters.
Note: If you change this name and password on your device in the future, you will need to
manually update these credentials in SIP. Data retrieval will fail if the data collector cannot
access the monitored device.
Note: Palo Alto 9.x+ users could create a custom admin role profile for device retrieval
credentials if they want to retrieve predefined external dynamic lists but XML API cannot
be restricted to read-only, so a user would have some write permissions granted with a
custom admin role. Permissions needed for retrieval only are: XML API: Log, Configuration,
and Operational Requests. Command Line: superreader.
a. In the Admin Role Profile dialog box, enter and Name and Description
for the profile.
b. Click the XML API tab and select Log, Configuration, and Operational
c. Click the Command Line tab and select superreader from the list.
d. Click OK.
a. Enter a name and password for the account. Make note of the user name
and password. You will enter them in the Administration module later.
d. Click OK.
2. Establish the Data Collector as a syslog server, and send configuration, system and traffic logs
from the Palo Alto device to the Security Manager Data Collector. Basic syslog settings can be
entered through the Palo Alto web UI or CLI. We recommend using the web UI.
l Port: 514
2. Click Edit and select the Data Collector Syslog server that you created earlier.
d. Set the Data Collector to receive System logs at the Severity Level:
l For versions 6.1.x, 7.1.x, 8.0.x, 9.1.x, 10.2.x and 11.0.x,, click Inform-
ational, and then select the Data Collector Syslog server that you created
earlier as a Syslog destination.
l For version 7.0.x, click High, and then select the Data Collector Syslog
server that you created earlier as a Syslog destination.
l In the Traffic Log Settings section, specify the Data Collector Syslog server
(that you created earlier) as a Syslog setting destination. Security Man-
ager uses traffic logs for rule and object usage analysis.
f. In your security policies, configure your rules to forward traffic logs to the Data Col-
2. Click a rule for which you want to forward traffic logs and click in the Options.
3. In the Log Setting section of the Options dialog box, make sure that a Send
Traffic Log option is selected. We recommend using the default setting Log at
Session End.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 for each rule for which you want to forward traffic logs for
usage analysis.
g. Commit your changes. Security Manager will not be able to retrieve any data from
your device until these settings have been committed.
h. Restart the log forwarder for security rule traffic logs (Step 2f). This step will enable
Security Manager to begin receiving usage data from the device.
For VSYS devices, Security Manager uses Central Syslog to collect logs from all monitored VSYSs. In
this procedure you will add a representation of this Central Syslog Server in Security Manager.
l If you are running your Security Manager server components (application server and data col-
lector) on a single machine, you will configure that machine to collect the log files.
l If you have a distributed deployment, where one Data Collector is installed on the same
machine as your server, and one or more Data Collectors are installed on machines separate
from your application server, you will configure the Data Collector that should receive logs
from your VSYSs.
l The IP address of the data collector selected in each device's properties in the Security Man-
ager UI must match the IP address of the Data Collector that should receive logs for that
device. If you have multiple data collectors, be sure to verify this information and configure
the correct Data Collector to receive logs. To view and edit device properties in Security Man-
ager, click a device name in the Devices section and press F4. (Note that you must have
View/Modify permissions for the device group to which that device belongs.)
l If you are running multiple VSYS on a single device, each VSYS must be added in Security Man-
ager individually. If these VSYS are added as a single host, several prominent features, includ-
ing Access Path Analysis, Usage Analysis and Risk Analysis will not work correctly.
l If you configure your Palo Alto IP as a central syslog server, enter the serial number as the
"Syslog Match Name" in order for rule usage to work.
2. Click Create and then click Palo Alto Networks > VSYS.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. Managed By will display the management station name and the Connected
via Management Station check box selected, if this device is being managed.
b. In the VSYS Name field, enter the name of the virtual system on the root
Note: Use only the real VSYS name (vsys1) rather than the display name. Using
the display name will result in security rules not normalizing.
c. If you have multiple VSYS devices, select the VSYS Siblings Share Configs check
box to have one retrieval occur and the configuration to be shared across all vir-
tual systems, instead of one retrieval for each virtual system.
Note: Multiple VSYS do not have to share the same policy. Configurations are
retrieved for the entire device, which includes all virtual systems.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the dynamic superuser
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the dynamic superuser
l By default, Protocol is SSH, the Port is 22 and the REST API Port is 443.
5. Automation section.
l Select the Suppress FQDN Capabilities check box to use an IP address instead of
FQDN when creating network objects.
l Select the Recommend Changes via Manager Only check box to enable the auto-
mation of changes using only the configurations of the management station listed in
the Managed By field in the Device Settings section.
l Use the Location of Created Objects list to select where to create new network and
service objects for this device.
o Shared indicates objects should be added to the Panorama as shared objects.
o Device Group indicates objects should be added to this device’s device group.
o Local indicates objects should be added to this device only.
6. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
l Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis.
o Track Usage Via is set to Syslog.
o Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how
often usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
l Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for con-
figuration changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes
are detected.
o Enter an optional Alternate Syslog Source IP.
l Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the data collector to
verify that there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security
Manager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revi-
sions that did not changes from the last successful normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
8. Advanced section.
l Interface Normalization:
l Select the Force Interfaces to Set Layer 2 Enforcement check box to enable
to force normalization of all interfaces with Layer 2 enforcement set to true.
l Select the Retrieve Set Format Configuration check box to retrieve the run-
ning-config file in Set Output format; allowing Regex creation for compliance-
related controls.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this device.
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement window.
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Riverbed SteelHead
To add a SteelHead device, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
6. Click Add.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name for the administrator account on
the SteelHead device.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the SteelHead device admin-
istrator account.
5. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
6. In the Advanced section, select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
7. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this device.
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement window.
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
9. Click Save.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. SECUI MF2 uses separate administrator accounts for CLI and Java GUI access. To connect with
a data collector, it is required that you access it at the command line using your root account.
To get a root account for CLI mode access into SECUI MF2, refer to your firewall admin-
2. To remotely access into SECUI MF2 using CLI or the Java web interface, the IP address of the
data collector must first be registered. To register the IP address, do the following in SECUI
MF2 web application:
c. On the Admin IP tab, click the left button in top left corner to add an IP address.
l In the Allowed IP Address * field, enter the IP address of the Security Manager
Data Collector.
e. Click OK.
3. To forward syslog data from SECUI MF2 device to the Security Manager Data Collector:
l Select Enable.
d. Click Apply.
5. Under Monitoring Settings, click Log Settings. As administrator of the device, select the
basic settings you want, and then click Apply.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the dynamic superuser
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the dynamic superuser
d. In the Root Password (SECUI OS v4 only) box, type the root password used for
OS v4 device only.
e. In the Re-enter Root Password box, retype the password entered above.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis.
l Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how often
usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector
to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
l Select the Enable Deprecated Ciphers and Algorithms check box to allow the use of
weak SSH keys to extend the OpenSSH options with deprecated ciphers and
algorithms for devices that cannot update the OS to a supported OpenSSH version.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. SECUI NXG devices use separate administrator accounts for CLI and web access. To connect
with a data collector, a root account is required using CLI. Ask your firewall administrator to
get the root account for CLI mode access.
2. To remotely access SECUI NXG using CLI or the web client, the IP address of the data col-
lector must be registered. To register the IP address, do the following:
b. In the left navigation pane, click Administrator Setting > Administrator IP Con-
figuration, click the + button and enter the IP address of the Security Manager Data
c. Click Apply.
3. To forward Syslog data from SECUI NXG device to the Security Manager Data Collector, do
the following:
b. In the left navigation pane, click Monitoring Setting, and then click Log.
c. Basic log settings can be applied through the SECUI NXG web interface. (Security Man-
ager requires Activity Log only.)
d. On the Syslogd Server tab, in the Source IP field, enter the Security Manager Data Col-
lector IP address.
e. Under Activity Log Syslogd Server, in the Server 1 Address field, enter the Security
Manager Data Collector IP Address, and then enter the Port number 514, and set Log
Format to CSV.
f. Click Apply.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the administrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the administrator account.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis.
l Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how often
usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l For a File Retrieval Option, choose a Device Charset Encoding type from the list.
SECUI NXG defaults to Korean encoding (EUC-KR) for the configuration files that we
retrieve. If you have changed your SECUI NXG device to UTF-8 encoding, then you'll
need to select UTF-8 from the list; otherwise the configuration may not display or nor-
malize correctly.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector
to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
SonicWALL 5.9+
To add a SonicWALL 5.9+ device, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. While logged in to the device as an administrator, point to Users, and then click Local Users.
7. Click Accept.
Note: Currently, Rule Usage is not supported, only Change Detection for SonicWALL is currently
c. In the Add Syslog Server dialog box, select the Name or IP Address of the data
collector that you want to send the syslog messages to, and then click OK.
d. Click Accept.
2. Click Create and then click SonicWALL > SonicWALL 5.8 or SonicWALL 5.9+.
Note: If you have 5.8 or older, select SonicWALL 5.8. If you have 5.9 or newer, select
SonicWALL 5.9.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the administrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the administrator account.
Log Monitoring
Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis.
l Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how often
usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are manually sending con-
figurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig directory. While this
option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled. If enabled, the Management IP
Address must be populated.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector to
automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
l The Configuration Retrieval Timeout (seconds) is the time to wait for a response
during a retrieval. The default is 120 seconds.
l Select the Enable Deprecated Ciphers and Algorithms check box to allow the use of
weak SSH keys to extend the OpenSSH options with deprecated ciphers and
algorithms for devices that cannot update the OS to a supported OpenSSH version.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Sophos XG
To add a Sophos XG device, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
2. Create a new user account for retrievals. Under Configure, click Authentication > Users >
Add. On the Add User page:
l Complete all required user account fields. These fields are marked with an asterisk.
l Profile: select Administrator. This default profile has full Read-write permissions. To
view this profile, under System, click Profile > Device Access . Administrator.
l Click Save.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the API URL box, type the complete URL address of the Sophos device
b. In the User Name box, type the name for the administrator account that was
c. In the Password box, type the password used for the administrator account.
Scheduled Retrieval
6. Advanced section.
l Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are manually sending con-
figurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig directory. When
enabled, online retrievals will be disabled. If enabled, the Management IP Address field
must be populated.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector to
automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
9. Click Save.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
The Stonesoft Management Center must be installed before adding any Stonesoft devices. All
Stonesoft devices will be discovered by the Stonesoft SMC.
After a device has been discovered by its management station, you can open the device properties
to adjust settings.
l On the toolbar, click Device > Devices and click the device name in the All Devices list.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. Log in to the Stormshield CLI using the default Admin user account. This account is the only
account allowed to access the CLI and connect to SSH.
3. Navigate to the Help menu (? icon) and click Configuration & Administration Manual.
6. Select Enable password access. The password is the one used for the Admin account.
7. If a central syslog will be used, the Syslog Match Name will be found in the Firewall name
field. This is found by going to Configuration > System > Configuration > General Con-
figuration > Firewall name.
8. For Change:
9. For Usage:
2. Click Create and then click Stormshield > Stormshield Network Security.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the administrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the administrator account.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis.
l Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how often
usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box if you are manually sending con-
figurations for this device via your DC's batchconfig directory. While this option is
enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector to
automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
TopSec Firewall
To add a TopSec firewall, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
log log set ipaddr x.x.x.x logtype syslog trans enable trans_gather
Note: If the data collector is receiving syslog messages from the firewall, but change
detection and rule usage is not working, it may be because the TopSec firewall is not
sending the priority byte of the syslog message. In order for this to work, you must
change a setting in the /etc/firemon/dc.conf file and then restart the data
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the administrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the administrator account.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis.
l Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how often
usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Enable Deprecated Ciphers and Algorithms check box to allow the use of
weak SSH keys to extend the OpenSSH options with deprecated ciphers and
algorithms for devices that cannot update the OS to a supported OpenSSH version.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector
to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
11. You will need to manually enable the TopSec device to allow for Level 3 support. To do this,
complete the following steps.
a. Log in as the user created during setup to the Data Collector that is monitoring the
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Prerequisite: VMware Distributed Firewalls are only discoverable by VMware NSX-V Manager.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
d. Click OK.
After a device has been discovered, you can open the device properties to adjust settings.
Prerequisite: VMware Edge devices are only discoverable by VMware NSX-V Manager. The
FireMon Edge device pack supports VMware NSX-V Edge and Logical Router devices.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
To enable logging for a VMware NSX-V Edge device, complete the following steps.
1. Log in to vSphere.
2. Click the Home icon, and then click Networking & Security.
c. Click OK.
7. Click the Actions icon on the toolbar, and select Change Log Level.
b. Click OK.
After a device has been discovered, you can open the device properties to adjust settings.
VMware NSX-T
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
l VMware NSX-T installs with a default user type - audit - this is the User Role Assignment that
you'll want to use for retrievals in SIP. This role has read-only permissions assigned.
Note: The audit user is tied to permission profile "auditor". This initial audit account or
manually created account tied to the "auditor" permission profile will allow for successful
Note: You cannot create additional local users, so if you want to use a different user account
other than audit you will need to do so using LDAP and then assign the "auditor" role to that
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the auditor role user name that was created during
device configuration.
b. In the Password and Re-enter Password boxes, type the auditor role password
that was created during device configuration.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis.
l Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how often
usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
l Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection.
o Set the Scheduled Retrieval Time to fit your requirements.
o Select the Scheduled Retrieval Time Zone from the list.
l Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration
changes after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are
o The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24
hours). You can change the check interval time to best fit your require-
ments. The minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l File Retrieval Options: Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box if you are
manually sending configurations for this device via your data collector's batchconfig
directory. While this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
l File Retrieval Options Select the Enable Retrieval of Group Conditional Members
check box to enable retrieval of Group Member Virtual Machines and Segments that
are defined by dynamic criteria statements for NSX-T Inventory Groups.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this device.
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement window.
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
WatchGuard Firebox
To add a WatchGuard Firebox device, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
3. Click Add.
4. Complete the fields in the Add User dialog box. Set the Role to Device Monitor. This is a
read-only account type.
5. Click OK.
6. Click Save.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name for the device monitor.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the device monitor.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis.
l Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how often
usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want the data collector
to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
l Select the Enable Deprecated Ciphers and Algorithms check box to allow the use of
weak SSH keys to extend the OpenSSH options with deprecated ciphers and
algorithms for devices that cannot update the OS to a supported OpenSSH version.
8. Enforcement section.
l Manual Only: When selected all changes must be manually pushed for this device.
l Window Only: Automation can only take place in the assigned enforcement window.
Note: Supplemental routes cannot be added until after a retrieval normalizes successfully. You
can perform a manual retrieval before continuing.
a. Click Add.
o Select an Interface.
Note: If you select an Interface, you will not need to select a virtual
router and next virtual router. If no interface is selected, you will
need to select a Virtual Router and Next Virtual Router.
Because automatically retrieving a configuration is enabled by default, there is nothing for you to
do. Security Manager will automatically attempt to retrieve a device configuration.
To do a manual retrieval, select the device row, click the Menu icon and then click Retrieve
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
For example, Security Rule 8 has four NAT rules associated with it. At the end of each of those NAT
rule names, we’ve added “ 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4” to show the relationship.
Prerequisite: A Zscaler management station must be installed before adding any Zscaler
devices. All devices will be discovered by the management station.
After a device has been discovered, you can open the device properties to adjust settings.
Device Health
Device health monitoring is a feature that gives you immediate graphical feedback on the
operational status of the Security Manager Data Collector and the devices that Security Manager
The data collector is the only point of contact between Security Manager and all of your monitored
devices. It monitors for change, retrieves configurations when change occurs, and monitors logs.
When one of these communications is not functional, the valuable data that Security Manager uses
for analysis is not collected. As a result, the information that Security Manager provides to you does
not accurately reflect the state of your devices, and is not particularly helpful. But with the quick
visual health status on the Devices and Management Stations pages, you can rest assured that all
communication is operational, and can take immediate steps to resolve issues if they occur.
Health Definitions
The Devices and Management Stations pages display a health status for each monitored device. A
visual representation of the device's health is given.
Critical—at least one critical issue was discovered within the test suites
Unlicensed—this device is not licensed for use with any SIP modules
Note: A device that is both inactive and unlicensed will only be listed as
Test Suites
A series of test suites are performed to check device health.
l General
o Is the device licensed?
o Is there a data collector (DC) assigned?
l Retrieval
o Last Retrieval = the DC's retrieval status for the device
o Last Revision = the revision status for the device
l Change Detection
o Change Monitoring = the DC's change status for the device
o Change Data = the last revision type for the device
l Usage
o Log Monitoring = the DC's log status for the device
o Usage Data = the DC's last reported usage date
The following tables detail the possible outcomes of each test suite.
Test - General
If Then Message
Not Assigned A data collector group has not been assigned for this device.
Assigned A data collector group has been assigned to this device. (ID: #)
Test - Retrieval
If Then Message
Test - Retrieval
If Then Message
Null or Empty The last retrieval status received was Null or Empty.
The last retrieval status received for this device was not
Not Defined
defined: (dcStatus).
Retrieval Error The last revision for this device had a retrieval error.
Normalization Error The last revision for this device had a normalization error.
Archived The last revision for this device has been archived.
The last revision for this device has not been normalized
yet and is still in a raw configuration state.
The last revision for this device initialized but never com-
pleted. A retry has been requested.
Test - Retrieval
If Then Message
Normalized No Errors The last revision for this device normalized successfully.
The last revision for this device is waiting for the man-
Waiting for Parent
agement station to be normalized.
Active Enabled.
Test - Usage
If Then Message
The last log monitoring status received for this device was
Null or Empty
Null or Empty.
The last log monitoring status received for this device was
Not Defined
not defined: (dcStatus).
Test - Usage
If Then Message
Disabled Disabled.
Active Enabled.
Usage data has not been received for (#) days which
> Usage Threshold exceeds the configured threshold in settings. (Settings >
Security Manager > Device Health Usage Threshold)
Usage data has not been received for (#) days which
< Usage Threshold exceeds the configured threshold in settings. (Settings >
Security Manager > Device Health Usage Threshold)
2. A dialog box will open with a list of health check results for the device. Scroll to view all.
After you filter, you will still see the worst health status listed in Health. To verify that you are seeing
the correct filtered results, click the health icon and scroll to the section that you filtered for.
Caution! Please use caution when changing any properties that will affect configuration retrieval,
such as authentication data, the data collector, or log servers. Unintended misconfiguration may
cause device monitoring and data collection to terminate. Please test communication between
the Data Collector and any device for which you modify device properties by performing a
manual retrieval after you change the properties.
1. On the Devices page, select the device to edit, and in the row for that device, click the Menu
icon , and then click Edit.
2. Select the appropriate device property section and make your changes.
3. Click Save.
Delete a Device
Caution! Before deleting a device, review what occurs to be certain that deletion is the correct
action to take.
l Deletion removes the device from all licensed modules that utilize the device.
l Historical data is still available for reporting, but no new information will be collected.
l Scheduled reports containing the device will continue to run, but device information will be
based on last successful retrieval.
l Your available license count will increase by the number of devices deleted.
l If the device is shared with another domain (MSSP), the device will also delete from that
l Deleting a device will impact your average SCI score; a re-calculation of the average SCI for
any device group the device belongs to.
2. In the row for that device, click the Menu icon , and then click Delete.
Share a Device
When using an MSSP, you can share a device with other domains.
You must be at the Enterprise level in order to share a device with other domains.
1. In the row for that device, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
4. Click Save.
Unshare a Device
To reset a shared device, complete the following steps.
3. Click Reset.
4. Click Save.
Bulk Actions
Bulk Update
You have the ability to do a bulk update of device properties across numerous devices and
management stations at the same time.
You can update all devices or you can use filter options to narrow the list of devices to update.
l Replace All With will overwrite existing properties with the new value.
d. Click Next.
b. Click Submit.
Bulk Retrieval
You have the ability to do a bulk retrieval of device configurations across numerous devices and
management stations at the same time.
You can update All Devices or you can use filter options to narrow the list of devices to update.
4. Confirm the selected devices for configuration retrieval, and then click Retrieve.
Bulk Delete
Caution! Before using Bulk Delete, review what occurs to be certain that deletion is the correct
action to take.
l Deletion removes the device from all licensed modules that utilize the device.
l Historical data is still available for reporting, but no new information will be collected.
l Scheduled reports containing the device will continue to run, but device information will be
based on last successful retrieval.
l Your available license count will increase by the number of devices deleted.
l If the device is shared with another domain (MSSP), the device will also delete from that
l Deleting a device will impact your average SCI score; a re-calculation of the average SCI for
any device group the device belongs to.
2. Filter the list of devices to include only those you want to delete.
d. Click Apply.
b. Click Next.
a. Confirm the deletion. Select the Yes, permanently delete the selected devices check
b. Click Delete.
Note: The amount of time for a deletion to complete depends on the number of devices selected.
You can refresh the Devices list page periodically to monitor deletion progress.
Note: You will receive a notification when the operation completes. In the meantime, you can
move on to other operations within the modules.
Policy Automation
Prerequisite: A Policy Planner license is required for each management station and device
utilizing policy automation.
If you use Policy Planner, you are able to take a planned rule and stage it on a device from inside
the Policy Planner module. This feature includes the capability to create new rules and place
existing objects inside of them.
l The comment on rules created on the device is a concatenation of the Change Control Num-
ber, Owner, Justification, and Comment field in FireMon. These fields combined cannot
exceed 255 characters.
Supported devices:
l Amazon AWS
l Cisco ASA and Context version 9.1+, 9.6 and above using API
l Cisco IOS
l Cisco IOS XR
l Microsoft Azure
l Palo Alto Panorama PanOS version 8.1.x to 10.1.x using Panorama's API
The device must be managed by a management station and discovered by SIP for:
l Cisco Firepower
l Fortinet (FortiManager)
l Microsoft Azure
l VMware NSX
l Cisco ASA/Context
l Cisco IOS
l Cisco IOS XR
l Juniper SRX
Device credentials:
Amazon AWS
Cisco ASA
l Level 15 with HTTPS access. ASA Policy Automation is only supported for ASA 9.1+, 9.6 and
Cisco Firepower
l AFM must be provisioned on the device and AFM level may be set to nominal, minimum or
l Creating or modifying services is not currently supported. Even though Policy Planner allows
you to start a change for services, creating or modifying services objects are not supported
due to how services are configured on rules and normalized on the F5. If you do attempt to
create or modify a service through automation, it will fail with the message ‘Creating service
objects is not supported’ or ‘Modifying service objects is not supported’, depending on which
type was selected. At this time, you can only reference existing service objects on rules.
l F5 after version 12 supports network object automation using shared address lists. F5 up to
v12 does not support shared objects, it will use regular firewall address lists.
Juniper SRX
l There is an optional set of credentials in case Read-only credentials are being used for
retrieval, in which case you would need this secondary account that has write permission.
o If policy automation credentials are not specified, automation will fall back to device
retrieval credentials. If the retrieval credentials are for a user with write permission,
then automation will succeed.
Note: The fall back only happens if the policy automation credentials are not
specified. The fall back does not happen if the policy automation credentials fail.
Palo Alto
l Super User or a custom administrator role that includes XML API configuration permission.
o If separate credentials are needed for Retrieval and Automation, set the retrieval cre-
dentials (in the Administration module) in the Device Settings section and the auto-
mation credentials in the Policy Automation section for the Panorama device.
l Log Forwarding Profiles, Tags, Log at Session Start and End, Schedule, QOS Marking, and Dis-
able Server Response Inspection must be set on the rule outside of automation.
l For pre and post rules, the child device must be in sync with Panorama when SIP retrieves the
configuration of the firewall that is targeted for automation.
VMware NSX
Import Topics
Use a CSV file to Import Devices
To quickly and easily add your devices, consider importing your devices in a comma separated
value (CSV) file. You can use the CSV import feature to add new devices in SIP or to update settings
for devices that already exist.
We have made the import process easier by providing a CSV template for you to download and
then fill in with your specific device information.
Note: If you are adding new devices that you want to monitor for changes with Security Manager,
make sure that you have configured those devices to communicate with Security Manager.
Depending on your devices, this may require that you create a user name and password (in most
cases, read-only) for the data collector.
To use the import feature, first create the CSV file. Then, import the file into the Administration
module .
In Microsoft Excel or other .csv editor, create a file that lists all of the devices that you want to
import. For the purposes of this document, it is assumed that you are creating a spreadsheet using
Your spreadsheet can include devices that already exist in Security Manager. You can use the
spreadsheet to update settings for those devices, or you can simply choose to not re-import those
devices later.
2. Click Import.
445 |
Administration vF2023.8
6. Add each device that you want to import or update in a new row. Provide data for as many
fields as you can using the following guidelines:
446 |
Administration vF2023.8
* The user name and password are for an account on the device that permits the Security
Manager Data Collector to retrieve data from it. The minimum permissions required to
communicate with a device vary by device type. And, in most cases, the device must be
configured to allow communication with Security Manager.
In this step, you will import the .csv file of your devices into Administration module .
l If a device in the .csv file already exists in Administration and the properties are exactly the
same, the device will not be imported again.
447 |
Administration vF2023.8
l If a device in the .csv file already exists in Administration but the properties are different, the
properties in the spreadsheet will overwrite the existing properties.
2. Click Import.
4. Locate the .csv file that you previously saved, select it and click Open.
The values listed in the .csv file will auto-populate in the Review Devices section.
Caution! All devices in your spreadsheet are selected for import, including devices that already
exist. Any new properties in the spreadsheet will overwrite the properties for that device. Make
sure that you clear the check boxes of any devices that you do not want to update.
5. Click Import.
448 |
Administration vF2023.8
Please consider the following points before pursuing offline usage log import processing:
If you choose to use offline log processing for log collection (instead of monitoring for logs), you
must use scheduled change detection if the device is not configured for automatic retrieval
(automatic retrieval is the default method). This method ensures that Security Manager will have a
current configuration from the device to match the usage data to the policy.
l When scheduled change detection occurs, a full retrieval is not performed. In particular,
Cisco ACLs are not retrieved.
l If you have many devices with scheduled change detection, not all retrievals are done at
once. The retrievals are spaced slightly apart to avoid excessive performance impact.
449 |
Administration vF2023.8
• The device must already be added in the Administration module . It is assumed that the device
properties for each device are correct.
• The device must be licensed for use in Security Manager.
• You must have the permission level on your device necessary to export configurations (e.g.,
Cisco - enable, Juniper - administrator, etc.).
• You must have admin access to the data collector. The password was selected when you or an
administrator at your company configured the data collector.
• You must have write permissions granted for the device. These permissions are required to
make one-time edits to device properties.
The import configuration process is completed in two steps, with an option of how to import the
l Step 2, option 1—copy the saved exported files to the data collector
l Step 2, option 2—manually import the configuration files to the Administration module
Note: All files listed are required. Those listed are the minimum set of files needed for import and
successful normalization, rather than a full list of what we currently retrieve.
Select the device that you would like to export a configuration from.
l Check Point
l Cisco
l Juniper
450 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Palo Alto
l Additional Devices
Prerequisite: You must contact FireMon Support for help with the exportation of RAW config
files from Check Point devices.
The process to export Check Point configuration files differs from exporting from other device
vendors, therefore, you will need to contact your Support Engineer or a Customer Support Agent to
help with the export Check Point RAW config files.
Prerequisite: You must first create the device in the Administration module.
Note: All files listed are required. The file access-list.txt is optional for ASA and FWSM; it is
required if you want to use usage analysis features on your ASA and FWSM configurations.
2. Escalate to "enable" privileges. This is usually done with the command enable, login, or a
combination of the two. Occasionally, the SSH user name is configured to start in enable
mode and neither command is necessary.
On IOS, ASA, FWSM 3.1(1) and later, run the command terminal pager 0.
4. Run the following commands and save the output into the files as listed below (alternate
commands are also shown) for the specific device.
Cisco Nexus
Save Output
Run Command Information Included
show access-lists | no- Access Control List (ACL) configuration for IPv4
more addresses and objects
show ipv6 access-lists | access-list-ipv6 ACL configuration for IPv6 addresses and objects
451 |
Administration vF2023.8
Cisco Nexus
Save Output
Run Command Information Included
show running-config |
running-config Current running configuration information
show ip route vrf all | no- Routes from the unicast Routing Information Base
more (RIB)
show ipv6 route vrf all | Routes for IPv6 addresses and objects from the uni-
no-more cast RIB
452 |
Administration vF2023.8
Cisco IOS
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
show ip vrf vrf The set of defined VRFs and associated interfaces
Cisco IOS XR
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
show route vrf all vrf Routes for the default IPv4 unicast VRF
show version version Hardware and software information for the system
453 |
Administration vF2023.8
Prerequisite: You must first create the device in the Administration module.
ScreenOS, VSYS
3. Run the following commands and save the output into the files as listed below.
Note: The file service.txt is also a required file for your configuration. This file installs with
Security Manager; you do not need to export it from your device.
3. Run the following commands and save the output into the files as listed below for the specific
454 |
Administration vF2023.8
Juniper M Series
Save Out-
Run Command Information Included
put As
Juniper SRX
Save Out-
Run Command Information Included
put As
Show configuration | display xml | dis- config_ The last committed, currently running
play inheritance | no-more xml.txt configuration
show interfaces brief | display xml | no- interfaces_ Information on all the interfaces of the
more xml.txt firewall
show security zones | display xml | no- zones_ Information about security zones and
more xml.txt which interfaces it is bound to
show configuration security policies | policies_ Security policies listed in the running
display xml | no-more xml.txt configuration
show version | display xml | no-more System software version
455 |
Administration vF2023.8
Juniper EX Series
Save Output
Run Command Information Included
show route | display xml | no-more route.txt Active entries in the routing tables
Caution! Any non-XML data in the config_xml.txt and service_xml.txt files will produce an
error condition. Please open these files and verify that only XML data appears. In the example
below, extra data for a PuTTY log was added before and after the configuration XML. This
data must be removed before you import the files.
<rpc-reply xmlns:junos="">
Note: When show configuration is used, a timestamp appears at the top of the output
indicating when the configuration was last changed.
456 |
Administration vF2023.8
Note: The display xml part of the command gives the output into a xml format and no-
more means that the whole output will be placed in the file without the need to hit more to
get the complete output for the screen.
Palo Alto
Prerequisite: You must first create the device in the Administration module.
a. Run this command, replacing Device_IP, User and Passwordwith your data:
b. The value between <key> and </key> is your API key value. Save this value.
3. Access this URL, replacing IP_ADDRESS:PORT and API_KEY with your data:
4. Save the page as a .txt only document with the file name: route.txt.
5. Access this URL, replacing Device_IPorHostname and API_KEY with your data: https://
6. Save the page as an .xml only document with the file name: running.xml
7. Access this URL, replacing Device_IPorHostname and API_KEY with your data:
8. Save the page as an .xml only document with the file name: candidate.xml
9. In both the running.xml and candidate.xml files, some elements will need to be removed.
This will leave both .xml files starting and ending with <config> <\config>
457 |
Administration vF2023.8
a. Delete the <response status="success"> and <result> elements from the top of the
b. Delete the </result> and </response> closing elements from the end of the doc-
<entry name="admin">
11. Place all of these files in a folder named for the device.
Additional Devices
Prerequisite: You must first create the device in the Administration module.
3. If not already, disable console paging by running the command specific to the device.
4. Run the following commands and save the output into the files as listed below for the specific
458 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Arista
l Hillstone
l Huawei
l Forcepoint
l FortiGate
l F5 Networks
l SonicWALL
l TopSec
5. Open each file and remove any additional characters there were caught by the log file.
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
show ipv6 access-lists access-list-ipv6 ACL configuration for IPv6 addresses and objects
459 |
Administration vF2023.8
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
show logging alarm logging-alarm.txt Event logs whose severity is critical or greater
show servgroup pre- servgroup-pre- Services in each of the system predefined service
defined defined.txt groups
Huawei Eudemon
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
460 |
Administration vF2023.8
Huawei Eudemon
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
display predefined-service All security policy rules
display ipv6 routing-table ipv6-route.txt Active routes in the IPv6 routing table
Huawei NGFW
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
461 |
Administration vF2023.8
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
462 |
Administration vF2023.8
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
463 |
Administration vF2023.8
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
cat /config/bigip_sys.conf
bigip_sys.conf System configuration file
cat /config/bigpipe/bigip_sys.conf
464 |
Administration vF2023.8
Note: A burb is a type enforced network area used to isolate network interfaces from each
other. (Think Zones!)
465 |
Administration vF2023.8
SonicWALL 5.9
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
SonicWALL 5.8
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
Startup configuration on
show nostop startup-config.txt
the device
Managers/admins inform-
system admininfo showdb users.txt
466 |
Administration vF2023.8
Run Command Save Output As Information Included
Note: The command alias creates shortcuts to identify a group of hosts, networks, or
interfaces or any combination thereof. An alias is a custom user-defined group with no set
configuration or meaning.
467 |
Administration vF2023.8
Caution! If you have multiple data collectors, make sure you are accessing the correct one. The
DC Group that appears in the general properties section in the Administration module must
match the DC Group to which you are transferring files.
To copy the configuration files that you exported to the data collector, complete the following steps.
1. In Administration module:
c. In the General Properties, the Management Station IP address must be populated but
does not need to be unique for LSYS, VSYS, Context, and VDOM (devices that may have
more than one virtual router on a single machine).
d. In the Log Monitoring section, and select the Enable Log Monitoring check box, if not
already selected.
e. In the Advanced section, and select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box, if not
already selected.
f. Click Save.
Note: Once this step is completed, IP connectivity to the device is disabled, making
connection-based features such as manual retrieval unavailable.
2. Remember that the files required for the configuration vary according to device type. Be sure
to verify the following before continuing to the next step:
l Verify that log monitoring and batch config retrieval are enabled on the target device
468 |
Administration vF2023.8
Note: A file name and directory creation is no longer required. You can import configs from
any directory you want. You run the command against the log file you want which can be
placed in any directory. They are processed by the device ID number and not the IP address.
4. At the prompt run the dcImportConfig command as shown in the examples below,
replacing <values> with your data.
The dcImportConfig command will work for importing a config for any batch config-
enabled device from any data collector in any DC Group.
dcImportConfig --id <FireMon Device ID> <config file 1> [<config file
The dcImportConfig command will automatically begin normalization immediately when run.
Caution! You can import only one set of configuration files at a time. Attempts to import
multiple configurations and configuration files at once (e.g., two running-config.txt files from
different configurations) will cause configuration import to fail.
2. On the Devices page from the devices list, click the device to import a configuration to, and
then click the Menu icon , and then click Import Configuration Files.
469 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Select all of the files for the configuration that you want to import. For the import to
work correctly, you must import all of the files for the configuration at once. To select
multiple files, press and hold the CTRL key while you click each file name, and then
click Open.
Note: The selection of multiple files is only allowed from one directory, not from
multiple different directories.
l Click Import.
4. All imported configurations will have a retrieval date of the date and time of import.
470 |
Administration vF2023.8
Prerequisite: The devices for which you are transferring logs must be added in the
Administration module and at least one configuration retrieved from each device.
The procedure for transferring log files to SIP varies by logging method. Please review the following
information before you begin:
l You can transfer logs for devices that are licensed and set up.
l You will transfer log files to the machine on which your data collector is deployed.
l You must have admin access to your data collector to complete this procedure.
l If you are running your server components (application server and data collector) on a
single machine, you will transfer the log files to that machine.
l The IP address of the data collector selected in each device's properties in SIP must
match the IP address of the data collector to which you are transferring logs for that
device. If you have multiple data collectors, be sure to verify this information and trans-
fer the logs to the correct data collector.
Note: You must have Write permissions granted for the device group to which the
device belongs.
l Syslog files can contain only one Syslog message per line.
l Device ID number
l That the target device tracks usage by syslog, rather than hit counts
471 |
Administration vF2023.8
Note: A file name and directory creation is no longer required. You can import configs and usage
from any directory you want. You run the command against the log file you want which can be
placed in any directory. They are processed by the device ID number and not the IP address.
Caution! If you have multiple data collectors, make sure you are accessing the correct one. The
DC Group that appears in the general properties section in the Administration module must
match the DC Group to which you are transferring files.
Note: The data is available in Security Manager dependent on the settings for your device under
Log Update Interval. By default, this is 10 minutes.
3. At the prompt run the dcImportUsage command as shown in the examples below, replacing
<values> with your data.
The dcImportUsage command will work for importing usage for any batch config-enabled
device from any data collector in the assigned device's DC Group.
dcImportUsage --id <FireMon Device ID> <log file 1> [<log file 2>...]
If api_username, password, and are changed to appropriate values then this
command can give you a list of devices that have batch config retrieval enabled. It can run from any
FMOS/SIP machine.
curl -u api_username:password -k
pageSize=10' -H 'accept: application/json' | jq '.results[] |
.devicePack.deviceName as $devname | .devicePack.vendor as $venname |
(select(.extendedSettingsJson.batchConfigRetrieval == true) | {name, id,
managementIp, $devname, "vendor": $venname })'
Example output:
472 |
Administration vF2023.8
"id": 13,
"managementIp": null,
"devname": "ASA/FWSM",
"vendor": "Cisco"
473 |
Administration vF2023.8
Firewall Retrievals
The process of collecting configurations is called a retrieval. Configurations can be retrieved
manually or automatically when a change is detected or according to a schedule.
l Scheduled Retrieval—the data collector reached out to the device to check for change on a
scheduled basis. Scheduled retrieval will show "DC_Automated" as the user.
Retrieval Commands
A common question that customers ask is what commands are we executing on their device. They
either need the answer for troubleshooting purposes or to help with manual configurations for
when a data collector isn't allowed to connect to a device.
In the tables, the left column is a file name, the right column is its corresponding command.
Commands highlighted in yellow are allowed to be skipped by options in the device pack, but
normalization may be negatively impacted.
Note: Firewalls that use API calls for retrieval are not included here. For more information, see
Chapter 9: API.
l AhnLab TrusGuard
l Blue Coat
l F5 Networks
l Hillstone
474 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Juniper EX - Juniper M - Juniper ScreenOS - Juniper ScreenOS VSYS - Juniper SRX - Juniper
l Riverbed SteelHead
l TopSec
Manual Retrieval
On occasion, such as when you need to verify communication between a newly added device and
Security Manager, you may find it useful to manually retrieve configurations from your devices.
l All retrieved configurations appear in the Security Manager module on the Change page, and
indicate the type of retrieval (change, schedule, manual).
To manually retrieve a device or management station configuration, complete the following steps.
1. In the row for the device or management station, click the Menu icon , and then click
Retrieve Configuration.
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
Scheduled Retrieval
In some deployment scenarios, determining when a configuration has changed is difficult. For
example, devices running on SecurePlatform do not provide a syslog-based indication of OS
configuration changes that is adequate for Security Manager to automatically retrieve the
configuration. Cisco firewalls may give false positive indications of change, such as when a user
enters configuration mode and leaves configuration mode without making any changes. In these
cases, scheduling a periodic retrieval can provide better change analysis.
l Scheduled retrievals are automatically enabled on all new devices. Because scheduled
retrieval does not store redundant configurations, and because it may retrieve otherwise
475 |
Administration vF2023.8
For most devices, it is recommended that you allow Security Manager to retrieve configurations
when they change (change-based retrieval) and according to a schedule (scheduled retrieval). With
both retrieval methods enabled:
l Security Manager still monitors devices and retrieves changes as they are detected.
l Security Manager also retrieves the current configuration according to a schedule that you spe-
l If the current configuration is different from the previous configuration, Security Manager
stores the configuration and it appears in Security Manager on the Changes page.
l If no changes are detected when the scheduled retrieval occurs, the retrieved configuration is
simply discarded.
If you are unable to configure Syslog to send messages to the data collector, or if your Syslog server
sends so many messages that automatic retrieval proves unwieldy, consider turning off change
monitoring and using scheduled retrieval only.
l If no changes are detected when the scheduled retrieval occurs, the retrieved configuration is
simply discarded.
l To use scheduled retrieval as the sole automatic retrieval method, disable change mon-
476 |
Administration vF2023.8
You can enable or modify scheduled retrieval in the properties for each device.
Change-based Retrieval
One of the key capabilities of Security Manager is its change monitoring. Security Manager actively
monitors your network and security devices so that when a configuration change occurs, Security
Manager immediately detects it and retrieves it. The record of the change appears in the list of
revisions in Security Manager on the Revisions page, where you can open and analyze it for
compliance or reports.
l For Check Point devices, configuration retrieval is change-based, and optionally, manual.
l For all devices except Check Point, change-based retrieval is enabled as a default setting. It is
not recommended that you disable this setting.
l Security Manager begins monitoring for change as soon as you set up monitoring for each
l All retrieved configurations appear in Security Manager on the Changes page, and indicates
the type of change that triggered the retrieval is indicated.
l You can verify that change-based retrieval is enabled for a device in the Change Monitoring
section of the device properties.
FileName Command
config show_all
477 |
Administration vF2023.8
FileName Command
droutes droute
sroutes sroute
478 |
Administration vF2023.8
Blue Coat
FileName Command
FileName Command
479 |
Administration vF2023.8
Cisco IOS
FileName Command
480 |
Administration vF2023.8
Cisco IOS
FileName Command
Note: If running-config is not found, then startup-config is used instead. If both files are absent,
then normalization fails.
Note: The file access-list is only required if access-lists are present in the policy.
Cisco IOS XR
FileName Command
Note: For vrf, we modify the output of the ‘show route vrf all’ command before saving the
output; we replace all occurrences of “VRF:” by "Routing Table:"
Cisco Nexus
FileName Command
481 |
Administration vF2023.8
Cisco Nexus
FileName Command
F5 Networks
BIG-IP using SSH
FileName Command
cat /config/bigip.conf
bigip.conf cat
cat /config/bigip_base.conf
bigip_base.conf cat
version https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/cli/version
482 |
Administration vF2023.8
provisioning https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/sys/provision
partitions https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/auth/partition
sysusers https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/auth/user
vlans https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/net/vlan
selfips https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/net/self
route-domains https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/net/route-domain
routes https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/net/route/
natrules https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/ltm/nat
pools https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool?expandSubcollections=true
irules https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/ltm/rule
snatpools https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/ltm/snatpool
snat-translations https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/ltm/snat-translation
snats https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/ltm/snat
virtual-addresses https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual-address
virtual-servers https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/ltm/virtual?expandSubcollections=true
fw-schedules https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/security/firewall/schedule
fw-users https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/security/firewall/user-list
fw-port-lists https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/security/firewall/port-list
fw-address-lists https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/security/firewall/address-list
shared-address-lists https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/security/shared-objects/address-list
fw-global-rules https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/security/firewall/global-rules
fw-policy-rules https://<ip>/mgmt/tm/security/firewall/policy?expandSubcollections=true
483 |
Administration vF2023.8
Forcepoint Sidewinder
FileName Command
udb cf db query
484 |
Administration vF2023.8
Forcepoint Enterprise
FileName Command
485 |
Administration vF2023.8
Forcepoint Enterprise
FileName Command
udb cf -J db query
FileName Command
FortiGate VDOM
FileName Command
486 |
Administration vF2023.8
FortiGate VDOM
FileName Command
FileName Command
FileName Command
487 |
Administration vF2023.8
FileName Command
FileName Command
488 |
Administration vF2023.8
FileName Command
Juniper Networks
FileName Command
M Series
FileName Command
489 |
Administration vF2023.8
FileName Command
FileName Command
FileName Command
490 |
Administration vF2023.8
FileName Command
FileName Command
FileName Command
491 |
Administration vF2023.8
FileName Command
cat /secui/etc/interface.conf;
cat /secui/etc/ip_route.conf;
cat /secui/etc/ser-
viceobject.conf; echo
cat /secui/etc/net-
workobject.conf; echo
cat /secui/etc/hostobject.conf;
cat /secui/etc/groupobject.conf;
cat /secui/etc/admins.conf;
grep 'inuse.*fwrules'
/secui/etc/rulefiles.conf | sed -n
-r 's/.*name="([^"]*)".*/\1/p' |
xargs cat
grep 'inuse.*natrules'
/secui/etc/rulefiles.conf | sed -n
-r 's/.*name="([^"]*)".*/\1/p' |
xargs cat
FileName Command
locale locale
492 |
Administration vF2023.8
FileName Command
more /fw/codes/ct_groups.tb
cat /fw/codes/ct_ser-
services_grp vicegroup.tb /fw/codes/ct_ser-
more /etc/sysconfig/static-
routes ; netstat -rn
more /etc/sysconfig/network-
scripts/ifcfg-* ; ifconfig -a
493 |
Administration vF2023.8
FileName Command
fwinfo_ha fwinfo ha
sum /fw/codes/*tb
checksum /fw/rules/*.rule* /fw/n-
version 5.9
FileName Command
version 5.8
FileName Command
494 |
Administration vF2023.8
FileName Command
495 |
Administration vF2023.8
Management Stations
If you are installing multiple devices, using a management station to detect all supported devices
can save you time. SIP detects all of the associated firewalls, management servers and log servers,
and adds them for you at one time. The management station must be installed before the
supported devices.
496 |
Administration vF2023.8
The following table defines the values in the All Management Stations table. The order of devices
listed can sorted by Name, Description or Vendor (the default is ascending by Name).
Your SIP product license will correctly select the modules that the
device is licensed for monitoring.
*The number of discovered devices and number of managed devices do not necessarily always
match because you can individually select which discovered devices to manage.
Note: The management station's ID is viewable in the web browser URL after you select a device
497 |
Administration vF2023.8
Details: 531
CloudGenix 534
Details 537
Details 539
Details: 543
Details 545
498 |
Administration vF2023.8
Details: 557
Palo Alto Prisma Access Cloud Manager / Strata Cloud Manager 568
Details: 568
Details 584
499 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Create an administrator account with root access to the manager over SSH port 22.
Note: The default user name in Device Settings (Administration module) will be 'root'.
2. Click Create, and then click Barracuda > Barracuda Control Center.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
500 |
Administration vF2023.8
a. In the User Name box, by default the user name used for the administrator
account is 'root'.
b. In the Password box, type the password for the administrator account.
5. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
6. Click Save.
501 |
Administration vF2023.8
To add a Check Point MDS R80 or MDS R81, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
a. In the Administrator dialog box, in the Enter Object Name field, enter the user
name of the administrator.
b. Select Check Point Password as the Authentication Method, and set a new pass-
d. Select the password Expiration that best fits your business standards.
e. Click OK.
b. Select More object types > Server > OPSEC Application > New Application. The
OPSEC Application Properties dialog box opens.
d. Click New to add data collector information. Follow the on-screen instructions.
l Enter a one-time password and then confirm it. This password will be used
again in the Administration module during setup for authentication.
502 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Click Initialize. The Trust State should be “Initialized but trust not established.”
This status will change once SIP establishes communication with the log server.
l Click Close.
g. Click the LEA Permissions tab, and select Hide all confidential log fields.
h. Click OK.
c. Select either All IP Addresses or All IP addresses that can be used for GUI
clients.Click Me!1
d. Click OK.
8. Click Publish on the SmartConsole message dialog box to publish the changes.
9. Restart the Management API server using the command api restart.
2. Click Create, and then click Check Point > MDS R80 or MDS R81.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
1a. Management server only (default) - API server will accept scripts and web service requests only
from the Security Management Server. You must open a command line interface on the server and
use the mgmt_cli utility to send API requests. This should not be selected b. All IP addresses that can
be used for GUI clients - API server will accept scripts and web service requests from the same
devices that are allowed access to the Security Management Server. The FireMon Data Collector will
need to be added to the GUI clients list (below) for this option. c. All IP addresses - API server will
accept scripts and web-service requests from any device. FireMon DC being attached to the GUI Cli-
ent list is not needed.
503 |
Administration vF2023.8
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple comma-separated names.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device
identifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
l Enter the Password and then Re-enter Password for the user name.
l Enter the Domain Name. For a CMA managed by MDS, it is necessary to specify a
domain name or UUID to retrieve security policy information.
l Enter the One Time Password that you created earlier, and then re-enter it.
l The OPSEC Distinguished Name and OPSEC Certificate information fields will auto-
populate after clicking save.
5. Monitoring section.
l Select the Enable LEA Change Monitoring check box to enable this type of
monitoring. Additional fields will appear with default settings entered.
o Port 18184 is used to establish a LEA connection between the data collector and
Check Point management server. SIP uses log export API (LEA) to connect to a
504 |
Administration vF2023.8
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
l To store only the previously modified policy, select the Store only the previously
modified policy check box.
l Configuration Retrieval API Limit for Large Configs (number of records/ lines per
call) is set to 500 by default . Adjust this only if you are seeing retrieval timeout .
8. Click Save.
The final step is to log back into the MDS and perform a database install. This will push the
certificate generated via OPSEC to all log servers.
l From the MDS CLI, on the toolbar, click the Settings icon and then click Install database.
505 |
Administration vF2023.8
To add a Check Point R80 CMA or R81 CMA, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
a. In the Administrator dialog box, in the Enter Object Name field, enter the user
name of the administrator.
b. Select Check Point Password as the Authentication Method, and set a new pass-
d. Select the password Expiration that best fits your business standards.
e. Click OK.
b. Select More object types > Server > OPSEC Application > New Application. The
OPSEC Application Properties dialog box opens.
d. Click New to add data collector information. Follow the on-screen instructions.
l Enter a one-time password and then confirm it. This password will be used
again in the Administration module during setup for authentication.
506 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Click Initialize. The Trust State should be “Initialized but trust not established.”
This status will change once SIP establishes communication with the log server.
l Click Close.
g. Click the LEA Permissions tab, and select Show all log fields.
h. Click OK.
c. Select either All IP Addresses or All IP addresses that can be used for GUI
clients.Click Me!1
d. Click OK.
a. Click Manage & Settings > Permissions & Administrators > Administrators > New.
b. Click Add.
c. Define the GUI clients (trusted hosts) using the IP address of the data collector.
d. Click OK.
1a. Management server only (default) - API server will accept scripts and web service requests only
from the Security Management Server. You must open a command line interface on the server and
use the mgmt_cli utility to send API requests. This should not be selected b. All IP addresses that can
be used for GUI clients - API server will accept scripts and web service requests from the same
devices that are allowed access to the Security Management Server. The FireMon Data Collector will
need to be added to the GUI clients list (below) for this option. c. All IP addresses - API server will
accept scripts and web-service requests from any device. FireMon DC being attached to the GUI Cli-
ent list is not needed.
507 |
Administration vF2023.8
g. Click OK.
9. On the toolbar, click Publish on the SmartConsole message dialog box to publish the
10. From the SSH console, restart the Management API server using the command api
2. Click Create, and then click Check Point > CMA R80 or CMA R81.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Name box, type the syslog match name (optional).
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device
identifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
b. Enter the Password and then Re-enter Password for the user name.
508 |
Administration vF2023.8
f. Enter the Domain Name. For CMA's managed by MDS, it is necessary to specify a
domain name or UUID to retrieve security policy information.
h. Enter the One Time Password that you created earlier, and then re-enter it.
l The OPSEC Distinguished Name and OPSEC Certificate information fields will auto-
populate after clicking save.
5. Monitoring section.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. Additional required fields will appear when enabled.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. Additional
required fields will appear when enabled.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
509 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Retrieve without User Data: Select to help resolve a known Check Point API
issue that results in an HTTP 500 error when attempting to retrieve user data.
Enabling will trigger an Event Log message indicating that the user data could
not be retrieved, but the retrieval will continue and normalize. If this option is
not enabled, the retrieval will fail.
l The Policy Package Names to Ignore feature should only be set under the direction
of a FireMon engineer. Please contact your SE or Support before using this feature.
l Select the Fail Retrieval on Package Failure check box to allow retrieval failure if
some packages retrieve but any individual packages do not, which may indicate a
problem with the object in the Check Point database.
l Select the Fail Retrieval on Policy Failure check box to allow retrieval failure is some
policies retrieve but any individual policies do not, which may indicate a problem with
the object in the Check Point database.
b. Enter the CLISH Username and CLISH Password that was created in the GAIA
l Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box to allow the data collector to
automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs
l Select the Suppress Route Change Notifications check box to treat all routes as
8. Automation section.
l For Policy Install, select the Install Changes on Gateways check box to install
changes on gateways when the commit flag is set to true.
Note: If not selected, policy changes will still commit to the CMA but not automatically be
pushed to any connected (child) devices.
9. Click Save.
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Administration vF2023.8
The final step is to log back into the CMA and perform a database install. This will push the
certificate generated via OPSEC to all log servers.
l From the CMA CLI, on the toolbar, click the Settings icon and then click Install database.
511 |
Administration vF2023.8
Cisco ACI
To use a Cisco ACI management station, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
l Add an administrator user account. Write down the user name and password. You will need
this information for a later step in the Administration module.
c. Click Next.
e. Click Next.
f. Roles: Select admin for Role Name and Read for Role Privilege Type.
g. Click Finish.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
512 |
Administration vF2023.8
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the API Domain box, type the fully qualified domain name, not the URL.
b. In the Device Domain box, type the login domain for the Cisco ACI. This setting should
only be set if a domain must be specified for the user to login via the Cisco ACI GUI.
b. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the account created in Step
c. In the Password box, type the password used for the account created in Step 1.
5. Monitoring section.
Change Monitoring
l Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for con-
figuration changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes
are detected.
o Enter an optional Alternate Syslog Source IP.
l Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the data collector to
verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager.
This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did
not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
513 |
Administration vF2023.8
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are manually sending
configurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig directory. When
enabled, online retrievals will be disabled. If enabled, the Management IP Address
must be populated.
l Enter a time in seconds in the Configuration Retrieval Timeout box to set how long
to wait before a system timeout during a retrieval. The default time is 120 seconds.
8. Click Save.
514 |
Administration vF2023.8
Note: Only Cisco Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) unified image is supported.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
2. Create a new user. Click System > Users > Create User. In the User Configuration dialog
Note: This cannot be a shared account, it should be designated as use only for device
retrieval information. FMC allows each admin account to have one active session at a
time. If SIP /Security Manager used a shared account, a retrieval initiated by SIP
/Security Manager could disconnect an admin user connected to FMC if both were
using the same account for connectivity.
l Click Save.
Note: If you will use Policy Automation, you must also create a user account with the user
role of Administrator.
l Add a rule that will allows the data collector to connect using HTTPS/443. All con-
515 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Click Save.
5. Enable change support. Click System > Configuration > Audit Log.
l Set Host to the IP address of the data collector monitoring the FMC and its devices.
Note: Each firewall device must have its own unique host name for change
detection to work properly.
Note: Central syslog must be configured with the FMC's IP address and each firewall
must be configured with a Syslog Match Name that matches its device name.
a. Enable logging for each rule. Click Policies > Access Control > Access Control.
e. Select the syslog server that was created for the data collector monitoring the
FMC and its child devices. If the server is not listed, you will need to add it first and
then select it.
Note: Only one syslog destination can be set at a time. If multiple syslog
destinations are required, a syslog relay must be setup. Syslog configurations
set in FMC's Devices > Platform Settings is not supported for versions prior to
l In the IP Address field, select or enter the data collector monitoring the FMC
and its child devices.
l Select UDP.
516 |
Administration vF2023.8
Note: Do not enable the Syslog IDs on the Syslog Settings tab. These are not
read by SIP for Firepower devices.
l In Policies > Access Control > Access Control, edit the policy, open each rule to
l In Policies > Access Control > Access Control, edit the policy, click the Logging
l Select the FTD 6.3 and later: Use the syslog settings configured in the FTD
Platform Settings policy deployed on the device check box.
2. Click Create, and then click Cisco > Firepower Management Center (FMC).
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
517 |
Administration vF2023.8
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
For FMC:
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the administrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the administrator account.
For cdFMC:
b. Enter the cloud-based retrieval URL without https://. This is found in the Cisco
Defense Orchestrator > Tools and Services > Firewall Management Center
Note: The Auth API (Accss) Token is a static token key that is only visible to copy
when it is created. In the CDO UI, click Tools and Services > Settings. under
General Settings is a My Tokens variable. If already enabled you will see a green
check for API Token and a Refresh or Revoke option. You will need to select an
option to retrieve the token if it was not saved elsewhere.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the administrator role account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the administrator role account.
518 |
Administration vF2023.8
6. Monitoring section.
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector to verify
there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager. This will
enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did not change
from the last normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
l Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set
time regardless of change detection.
o Set the Scheduled Retrieval Time to fit your requirements.
o Select the Scheduled Retrieval Time Zone from the list.
l Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration
changes after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are
o Select a Check for Change Method type from the list.
n General will check for configuration changes after the specified
interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected, This
option will need the Check for Change Interval field box selected
and populated.
n Specific requires FirePower 6.7 or higher.
519 |
Administration vF2023.8
when they are deployed and match the configuration of the FMC.
8. Advanced section.
l Select which, if any, of the Skip APIs that are not configured check boxes for file
l Enter a time in seconds in the Configuration Retrieval Timeout box to set how long
to wait before a system timeout during a retrieval. The default time is 120 seconds.
l Select the Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are manually sending con-
figurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig directory. When
enabled, online retrievals will be disabled. If enabled, the Management IP Address
must be populated.
l Select the Retrieve FTDs Running-Config check box to enable retrieving the running-
configuration files for the child devices from the FMC.
9. Click Save.
Cisco ISE
To use a Cisco ISE management station, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. On your Cisco ISE device toolbar, click Administration > Admin Access > Administrators >
Admin Users > Add > Create an Admin User.
l In Admin Groups, select ERS Operator. This is a read-only API account type.
3. Click Submit.
520 |
Administration vF2023.8
4. From the Cisco ISE toolbar, click Administration > Settings > ERS Settings and select the
Enable ERS for Read/Write option.
5. Click Save.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the administrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the administrator account.
521 |
Administration vF2023.8
5. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
6. Click Save.
522 |
Administration vF2023.8
Cisco Meraki
To add a Cisco Meraki management station, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
2. Add a new user account or use an existing user account with a minimum privilege of read-
only. This user will generate the API key.
2. Enable API. The Meraki Dashboard API is an interface for software to interact directly with the
Meraki cloud platform and Meraki managed devices. This is done from the Cisco Meraki Dash-
b. Scroll down the page to Dashboard API Access and select the Enable access to the
Cisco Meraki Dashboard API check box.
3. After enabling the API, go to the My profile page to generate an API key.
b. Click Generate API Key. Copy the key as it will be used in the Device Settings in the SIP
Administration module.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
523 |
Administration vF2023.8
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
l API Key— this is the API key that was generated for API access.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
524 |
Administration vF2023.8
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
File Retrieval Options: Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are
manually sending configurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig
directory. While this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
8. Click Save.
Note: You need to have an account with Full privileges granted to enable logging.
3. Scroll down the page to Logging and click the Add a syslog server.
a. In the Server IP box, enter the IP address of the FMOS data collector.
d. Click Save.
5. On the toolbar, click Device > Devices and select the discovered Cisco Meraki device from the
Device List page.
525 |
Administration vF2023.8
8. Click Save.
526 |
Administration vF2023.8
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. Add an administrator user account. Write down the user name and password. You will need
this information for a later step in the Administration module.
b. Click Tools > Security Manager Administration > Server Security > Local User
c. Click Add.
e. For an Authorization Type, select Enable Task Authorization, and then select Super
Admin from the Roles list.
f. Click OK.
2. If you will use Change Monitoring, you'll need to create a secondary user account.
b. For an Authorization Type, select Enable Task Authorization and then select Help
c. Click OK.
3. Verify that the you have a CSMPRO and L-CSMPR-API license, which allows the API to work
(this will not work with a CSM Standard license). To verify this, in the CSM, click Tools > Secur-
ity Manager Administration > Licensing. In the License Information section, you should
see Security Manager Professional listed as the Edition.
4. To enable the API, click Tools > Security Manager Administration > API, and select the
Enable API Service check box.
Note: Ensure that you are not using a non-standard port for CSM. CSM API requires using the
standard TCP port 443.
527 |
Administration vF2023.8
5. To establish device communication, click Tools > Security Manager Administration >
Device Communication, and select Connect to Device Using Security Manager Device
6. To set device credentials, right-click on a device name, click Device Properties >
Credentials. In the HTTP Credentials section, select the Use Primary Credentials check box,
and then click Save.
Note: You will need to manually set every ASA firewall managed by CSM to use primary
7. Click Save.
Caution! If you are running CSM 4.8 or 4.8sp1 and have context enabled firewalls installed,
you will experience an API-related error when Security Manager attempts to connect to CSM,
causing a discovery/retrieval failure. The API calls made during discovery result in a 404
response, if managed context enabled Firewalls exist. This issue appears to only be
experienced if you have managed Context enabled Cisco firewalls. CSM 4.9 has been tested
and does not exhibit this behavior.
Note: To prevent API errors, ensure that the CSM does not have dummy or detached
2. Click Create, and then click Cisco > Security Manager (CSM).
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
528 |
Administration vF2023.8
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the administrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the administrator account.
l Select the Retrieve Local Child Policies check box to enable retrieving any local
child policies.
5. Monitoring section.
Change Monitoring
a. By default, the Enable Change Monitoring check box is selected. To disable this auto-
matic function, clear the check box.
b. Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the data collector to verify
that there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security manager. This will
enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did not change
from the last revision.
c. In the Change Monitoring Username box, type the secondary user account user
d. In the Change Monitoring Password box, type the secondary user account password.
529 |
Administration vF2023.8
e. In the DC Host IP Address box , enter the IP address of the data collector the CSM
should send syslog messages to.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
l Select the Skip Route Normalization check box to prevent normalization of routes.
l Select the Fail Retrieval on Stage Rules check box to fail child retrieval if there are
staged rules that apply to them which are not committed.
8. Click Save.
530 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Supported Version:
l Notes:
o vEdges use a polling driver for their NICs, which makes it look like they are using 100%
of CPU all the time.
o Viptela Real Time Monitoring APIs are limited to 4K item responses, greater than 4K will
timeout. No pagination is currently supported but Cisco plans to add it in Viptela
version 20.11.
To use a Cisco Viptela vManage management station, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
2. Create a new user for retrievals. Click Administration > Manage Users > Add User. In the
Add User dialog box:
l Assign the user to the Operator User Group. This group should have full Read access
with no Write access granted.
l Click Add.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
531 |
Administration vF2023.8
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the operator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the operator account.
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis.
l Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how often
usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
532 |
Administration vF2023.8
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advance section.
l File Retrieval Options: Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you
are manually sending configurations for this device using your data collector's
batchconfig directory. While this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box to allow the
data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict occurs.
8. Click Save.
533 |
Administration vF2023.8
To add a CloudGenix management station, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
b. Enter a valid email address in the Email/Login ID field and set the account password
in the New Password field.
e. Click Save.
a. Navigate to System Administration > Auth Tokensand click Create Auth Token.
c. Click Create.
d. Click Copy.
Note: You must copy the full token before closing this dialog box. You cannot copy
the full token from the Auth Token Manager screen.
534 |
Administration vF2023.8
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match name (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
g. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
535 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Enter the User Name and Password for the created user account.
a. Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set
time daily regardless of change detection. Enabling will activate additional fields
to complete.
l Set the Scheduled Retrieval Time. This should be during a time of lim-
ited device activity.
l Set the Scheduled Retrieval Time Zone. This could be the time zone
that the device is located in.
b. Select the Enable Check for Change check box to perform a check for con-
figuration changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval if
changes are detected. Enabling will activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24
hours). You can change the check interval time to best fit your require-
ments. The minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
6. Click Save.
536 |
Administration vF2023.8
Support: Level 5
Connecting to SIP
To use a Fortinet FortiGate ADOM management station, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. On your FortiGate ADOM device, add an administrator user account. Write down the user
name and password. You will need this information for a later step.
f. Click OK.
2. If using version 5.2.3 and above, the REST API permissions must be given at the administrator
account level that SIP will use.
config system admin user
edit username (replace username with the user name used in step
537 |
Administration vF2023.8
b. Select the HTTPS, HTTP, PING, SSH, and Web Service check boxes for Administrative
c. Ports 8080 and 443 must be allowed. Port 8080 is used to access the API.
d. Click OK.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
5. Click Save.
538 |
Administration vF2023.8
Fortinet FortiManager
Support: Level 5
Automation Notes:
Connecting to SIP
Note: The Normalize UTM Profiles as Applications setting has been removed from the Security
Manager settings page because the process has been incorporated with the introduction of
security profiles.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. On your FortiManager device, add an administrator user account. Write down the user name
and password. You will need this information for a later step.
f. Click OK.
2. If using version 5.2.3 and above, the REST API permissions must be given at the administrator
account level that Security Manager will use.
539 |
Administration vF2023.8
Note: If you will be using Policy Automation, in order to use the REST API in FortiManager
5.2.3 and above, the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) needs to be set to read-write using: set
rpc-permit read-write.
edit username (replace username with the user name used in step
b. Select the HTTPS, HTTP, PING, SSH, and Web Service check boxes for Administrative
c. Set allowed ports. Port 443 must be allowed to use REST API. Port 8080 must be
allowed to use SOAP API.
d. Click OK.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
540 |
Administration vF2023.8
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
l User Name—type the user name used for the administrator account.
l For Protocol, select either SSH & REST or SSH & SOAP.
Note: If using automation, you must select SSH & REST and use port 443. Using
SOAP API (SSH & SOAP) requires port 8080, super user credentials and cannot
support automation.
Prerequisites: A valid Policy Automation license is required to complete this section and
you needed to create a secondary SuperUser Read/Write account.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the secondary admin-
istrator account.
c. In the Password box, type the password used for the secondary administrator
Policy Automation
541 |
Administration vF2023.8
Select Push Changes to Firewalls to enable the ability to push changes to firewalls when
the commit flag is set to true.
6. Monitoring section.
Change Monitoring
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
This will activate additional fields to complete.
l Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector
to verify there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Man-
ager. This will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions
that did not change from the last normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
8. Advanced section.
a. You can set the Child Configuration Retrieval Timeout. The default is 1200 seconds
(20 minutes). This value determines how long the SSH portion of child configuration
retrieval will wait before giving up and marking the retrieval a failure.
b. Select the Force Interfaces to Set Layer 2 Enforcement check box to enable to force
normalization of all interfaces with layer 2 enforcement set to true.
9. Click Save.
542 |
Administration vF2023.8
To add a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) management station, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
In order to create a GCP management station you'll need create a GCP Service Account.
2. Click the navigation menu > IAM Admin > Service Account.
b. Click Project Role and select Project, and then Project Viewer.
d. Click Save.
Note: The JSON file will download to computer; it contains the credentials needed to
create a new GCP management station in SIP.
2. Click Create, and then click Google Cloud Platform > Project.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
543 |
Administration vF2023.8
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
b. Copy the credentials from the file making sure to maintain the JSON format.
5. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
544 |
Administration vF2023.8
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
6. Click Save.
Security Manager retrieves configurations for devices managed under an EdgeConnect SD-WAN. To
add this device and its managed devices, complete the procedure below.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
a. Log in to the Aruba device dashboard with an account that has permission to add a
new user.
b. Click the Orchestrator tab > User Management, and click Add.
c. Enter user information in the Add User dialog box; selecting a Role of at least Read-
Write, and then click Add.
2. This device requires an API setting to be changed from the default for retrieval. Updating this
setting from the Orchestrator console may not have any effect; the API method is more
545 |
Administration vF2023.8
c. Expand the GET operation, click Try it out!. This will show a response body.
e. Copy the entire Response Body text from the GET section into the Value box under
f. Verify that enforceCSRFCheck is set to false, and then click Try it out!.
l If the CSRF token is not disabled (set to false) then retrieval will fail.
Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in
the same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All
Devices device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete
device groups.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
546 |
Administration vF2023.8
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the administrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the administrator account.
5. Click Save.
547 |
Administration vF2023.8
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
A. In your NetScreen Administration Tool, go to Configuration > Report Settings > Sys-
B. Enable Syslog messages by selecting the Enable Syslog Messages check box.
C. Select the Source Interface that will communicate with the Security Manager Data Col-
lector. On your system, this interface might be named “management” or something
D. In the IP/Hostname field of the Syslog servers section, enter the IP Address of the
Data Collector.
F. In the Security Facility and Facility drop-down lists, select the option that enables the
data collector to collect all Syslog messages.
G. Select the Event Log check box, enabling Security Manager to retrieve configurations.
H. Select the Traffic Log check box, enabling Security Manager to collect rule usage data.
I. Select the Enable check box for the Data Collector Syslog server.
J. Click Apply.
A. In the NSM web UI, go to the Administrator tab and click the Add icon.
D. In the Authorization tab, enter authentication information for the data collector.
548 |
Administration vF2023.8
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
l For MSSPs, in the Domainbox, type the name for the 'global' domain.
l In the User Name box, type the user name used for the read-only administrator
l In the Password box, type the password used for the read-only administrator
549 |
Administration vF2023.8
5. Retrieval section.
l Select the Enable Deprecated Ciphers and Algorithms check box to allow the use of
weak SSH keys to extend the OpenSSH options with deprecated ciphers and
algorithms for devices that cannot update the OS to a supported OpenSSH version.
6. Click Save.
550 |
Administration vF2023.8
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
a. In the Space dashboard, select the Network Management Platform from the
d. On the General tab, enter a Login ID and Password. These will be used in a later step
in the Administration module.
e. On the Role Assignment tab, select the Super Administrator role from the list.
f. Click Finish.
2. Click Create, and then click Juniper Networks > Space (Security Director).
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
551 |
Administration vF2023.8
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
l In the User Name box, type the user name used for the read-only admin-
istrator account.
l In the Password box, type the password used for the read-only administrator
Scheduled Retrieval
6. Click Save.
552 |
Administration vF2023.8
Azure Manager
Azure Active Directory is now Microsoft Entra ID. You can learn more about this change from
Integrating your Entra ID (formerly Azure) account with Security Manager will require the following
l Client Secret Value is a key created that serves as proof you own the application ID.
To add a Microsoft Entra ID device (Azure Manager), complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
l The Tenant ID. Microsoft Entra ID > Properties > Tenant ID.
3. Register an application.
e. Click Register.
553 |
Administration vF2023.8
d. Select an Expires option from the list that meets your business standards.
e. Click Add.
Caution! Save the secret values before you leave the Certificates & secrets
page. Once you leave the page, you will not be able to view the secret value
c. Click Add.
f. In the Select field, find the name of your application (used in step 3).
g. Click Save.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
554 |
Administration vF2023.8
d. In the Data Collector box, type the IP address of the data collector that will col-
lect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, type the syslog server from the list (optional).
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
c. Enter the client secret Value in the Key field, and then enter it again.
5. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
555 |
Administration vF2023.8
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
6. Click Save.
556 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Automation Notes:
o PanOS version 8.1.x to 10.1.x using Panorama's API
o Super User or a custom administrator role that includes XML API configuration per-
n If separate credentials are needed for Retrieval and Automation, set the retrieval
credentials (in the Administration module) in the Device Settings section and the
automation credentials in the Policy Automation section for the Panorama
o Rules with duplicate names cannot be created.
o User objects from remote authentication servers cannot be searched for.
o Log Forwarding Profiles, Tags, Log at Session Start and End, Schedule, QOS Marking,
and Disable Server Response Inspection must be set on the rule outside of automation.
o For pre and post rules, the child device must be in sync with Panorama when SIP
retrieves the configuration of the firewall that is targeted for automation.
l Notes:
o Want to use a certificate for retrievals? Palo Alto provides documentation to use this
functionality: Configure Certificate-Based Administrator Authentication to the Web
Interface, You will enter the certificate information and RSA private key during Step 2:
Add the Device in the Administration Module. (
web-interface )
o FIPS compliant device pack available
Security Manager retrieves configurations for firewalls and virtual firewalls managed under a
Panorama server. To add your Panorama server and its managed devices, complete the procedure
557 |
Administration vF2023.8
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
Prerequisite The data collector retrieves configurations from Panorama over SSH port 22 and
REST API port 443. Please ensure these ports are open on your device.
1. On the Panorama device, in the Panorama context, add a superuser read-only account for
the SIP data collector. SIP uses this account only to retrieve data from your device. SIP will
never attempt to make changes to any device on your network.
i. Enter a name and password for the account. Make note of the user name and
password. You will enter them in the Administration module later.
Note: It is recommended to not use special characters in the account password. The
API key generation will fail when the password contains special characters such as #
and &. This is not a PAN-OS specific issue. This is due to the way browsers and cURL
handle special characters. This is because these are reserved characters used as
general or sub delimiters.
Note: If you change this name and password on your device in the future, you will need to
manually update these credentials in SIP. Data retrieval will fail if the data collector cannot
access the monitored device.
Note: Panorama 9.x+ users could create a custom admin role profile for device retrieval
credentials if they want to retrieve predefined external dynamic lists but XML API cannot
be restricted to read-only, so a user would have some write permissions granted with a
custom admin role. Permissions needed for retrieval only are: XML API: Log, Configuration,
and Operational Requests. Command Line: superreader.
558 |
Administration vF2023.8
a. In the Admin Role Profile dialog box, enter and Name and Description
for the profile.
c. Click the XML API tab and select Log, Configuration, and Operational
d. Click the Command Line tab and select superreader from the list.
e. Click OK.
a. Enter a name and password for the account. Make note of the user name
and password. You will enter them in the Administration module later.
d. Click OK.
2. Establish the data collector as a syslog server by creating a profile for it, and send con-
figuration logs from Panorama to the data collector. Basic syslog settings can be entered
through the Panorama Web UI and needs to be done on both the Panorama and Device tabs.
The Panorama tab sets up the syslog for the Panorama server itself, and the Device tab sets
up the syslog template for all the firewalls.
Note: If you are using collector groups or managed collectors, please refer to your Panorama
admin guide for the steps to complete the log forwarding process.
B. Create a new syslog server profile. In the sidebar, click Server Profiles > Syslog
and click Add. In the Syslog Server Profile dialog box:
559 |
Administration vF2023.8
ii. On the Servers tab, click Add and then complete the fields:
C. Set the data collector to receive system and configuration logs at the correct
severity level from Panorama.
ii. To create a new profile for system logs, in the System section click Add to
open the Log Settings - System dialog box.
l For versions 6.1.x, 7.1.x, 8.0.x, 9.1.x, 10.2.x and 11.0.x, set the Filter
to Informational
l In the Syslog section, click Add to select the syslog server profile
added in step B
l Click OK
Note: To modify an existing system log profile to use the new profile
created, click the profile name in the System section. In the Syslog
section, click Add to select the syslog server profile created in step B.
iii. To create a new profile for configuration logs, in the Configuration sec-
tion click Add to open the Log Settings - Configuration dialog box.
l In the Syslog section, click Add to select the syslog server profile
added in step C
l Click OK
560 |
Administration vF2023.8
E. Create a new syslog server profile. In the sidebar, in the sidebar, click Server Pro-
files > Syslog and click Add. In the Syslog Server Profile dialog box:
ii. On the Servers tab, click Add and then complete the fields:
C. To add a new log forwarding profile, click Add to open the Log Forwarding Profile dia-
log box.
l In the Syslog section, click Add and select the previously created syslog server
l Click OK
D. Click OK.
561 |
Administration vF2023.8
D. Click a rule that you want to forward traffic logs to open the Security Policy Rule dia-
log box.
l In the Log Setting section, select the Log at Session End check box (recom-
l For Log Forwarding, select the log forwarding profile created in step 3 C
l Click OK
l Repeat for each rule that you want to forward traffic logs for usage analysis
5. Commit your changes. Security Manager will not be able to retrieve any data from your
device until these settings have been committed.
Note: If you are forwarding logs through Panorama and can no longer see logs being
received by the Panorama from firewalls, restart the log receiver. 1. Log into the Panorama
CLI at the admin level. 2. Enter the command debug software restart log-receiver.
Note: If you are using collector groups or managed collectors, please refer to your Panorama
admin guide for the steps to complete the log forwarding process.
Caution! Verify that you will utilize Permitted IP Addresses before completing this step as
doing so may result in loss of connectivity.
6. If you will be using permitted IP addresses, add the data collector IP address to the list of per-
mitted IP addresses.
A. In the navigation, click Setup. Then, in the Management Interface Settings dialog
box, click the Edit button.
C. Enter the IP address of the Data Collector, and then click OK.
562 |
Administration vF2023.8
7. If you will be using Policy Automation (a separate license is required and will only work with
Panorama versions 6.1+), you can set up a secondary administrator account that allows only
B. For the account settings, enter a user name and password for this secondary account.
C. Make note of the user name and password. You will enter them in the Administration
module later.
l Log
l Configuration
l Operational Request
l User-ID Agent
F. Click the Command Line tab, and select superreader from the list.
G. Click OK.
8. Commit your changes. Security Manager will not be able to retrieve any data from your
device until these settings have been committed.
Note: If separate credentials are desired for Retrieval and Automation, set the retrieval
credentials in the Device Settings section of Panorama device in the Administration module
and the automation credentials in the Policy Automation section of the Panorama device.
2. Click Create, and then click Palo Alto Networks > Panorama.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
563 |
Administration vF2023.8
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the administrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the administrator account.
Note: Palo Alto provides documentation to use this feature: Configure Certificate-
Based Administrator Authentication to the Web Interface (
web-interface )
l By default, the SSH Port for retrieval is 22, and the REST API Port is 443.
564 |
Administration vF2023.8
Prerequisites: A valid Policy Automation license is required to complete this section and
you needed to create a secondary admin account (Superuser or a custom administrator
role that includes XML API configuration permission) in the Panorama UI.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the secondary admin-
istrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the secondary administrator
e. The Job Status Timeout is defaulted to 240 seconds to allow a job to complete
before timing out.
f. Select a Rule Placement from the list to allow for implementation of rule place-
ment in Policy Planner.
g. Select an Override Scope to use to enforce that new objects only be created at
this level. Not making a selection or selecting a scope that has not yet been nor-
malized will use the current functionality of creating objects at the specified
device group level.
h. Select Push Changes to Firewalls to enable the ability to push changes to fire-
walls when the commit flag is set to true.
6. Monitoring section.
Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the Data Collector to verify
there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security Manager. This will
enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting revisions that did not change
from the last normalized revision.
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
565 |
Administration vF2023.8
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
8. Advanced section.
566 |
Administration vF2023.8
l Interface Normalization:
l Select the Force Interfaces to Set Layer 2 Enforcement check box to enable
to force normalization of all interfaces with Layer 2 enforcement set to true.
l Select the Retrieve Set Format Configuration check box to retrieve the run-
ning-config file in Set Output format; allowing Regex creation for compliance-
related controls.
9. Click Save.
567 |
Administration vF2023.8
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
1. Log in to Palo Alto Networks Strata Cloud Manager using an account that has Write access to
the tenant service group (TSG).
3. Select the tenant to give Security Manager access to from the All Tenants list.
7. Note the Client ID and Client Secret. You'll need these when adding the device to Security
8. Click Next.
9. Select Prisma Access & NGFW for Apps & Services and select View Only Administrator as
the Role.
10. Select All Apps & Services for Apps & Services and select Browser as the Role.
568 |
Administration vF2023.8
12. Note the tenant service group ID (TSG ID). It's at the top of the Identity & Access page, next to
the tenant name. You'll need this when adding the device to Security Manager.
2. Click Create, and then click Palo Alto Networks > Prisma Access.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
Note: If you will use "Syslog over TLS" you will enter the Instance ID in the
Syslog Match Names field. The Instance ID is found in Strata Cloud Manager >
device serial number > Actions > Product Information.
g. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
569 |
Administration vF2023.8
5. Monitoring section.
Log Monitoring
Select the Enable Log Monitoring check box to use for Rule Usage Analysis. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l Log Update Interval is set to 10 (minutes); this number determines how often
usage data is sent to the application server.
Change Monitoring
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to enable checking for configuration
changes after the specified interval, and perform a retrieval is changes are detected.
This will activate additional fields to complete.
l Select the Perform Change Verification check box to allow the data collector
to verify that there are actual changes prior to posting a revision to Security
Manager. Doing so will enable more efficient use of disk space by not posting
revisions that did not change from the last normalized revision.
6. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
570 |
Administration vF2023.8
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
7. Advanced section.
a. File Retrieval Options: Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you
are manually sending configurations for this device using your data collector's
batchconfig directory. While this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
b. The default Retrieval Timeout (seconds) is set to 120. This field is disabled when Use
Batch Config Retrieval is enabled.
c. The default API Entry Limit is set to 1000. This field is used to increase the retrieval
process for large configs.
d. Select the Skip PaaS API Retrieval check box to allow skipping PaaS API retrievals that
include normalization of routes and interfaces.
8. Click Save.
571 |
Administration vF2023.8
Stonesoft SMC
To use a Stonesoft SMC management station, complete the following steps.
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
You must enable the application programming interface (API) for the Stonesoft Management
Center (SMC) in the Management Client. You can do this in the properties of the Management
Server that handles the requests from the external applications or scripts.
The API clients that use SMC API must also be defined in the Management Client and given the
appropriate permissions. You can define the API clients and their permissions using API Client
elements. In addition, you must allow SMC API connections from the IP addresses of the API clients
to the Management Server.
Note: After entering the second command, you will be asked to provide additional
information. The Common Name is where you enter the Host Name of the server.
This Common Name or Host Name will be needed for upcoming configuration
steps. You must use the same Common Name or Subject Alternative Name in both
the application server and SSL Certificate or the application server and distributed
data collectors will lose connection.
2. Copy both saved files to the computer that the SMC management client is installed on.
4. Expand the Servers list, right-click Management Server and then click Properties.
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5. On the Management Server - Properties dialog box, select the SMC API tab.
7. Verify that the host name entered in step 1 is displayed in the Host Name box.
9. In the Select Element dialog box, click the new server and then click Select. If no server is lis-
ted, then do the following:
l Click Import for both the Private Key and Certificate. These are the files you
created and saved in steps 1 and 2 above.
l Click OK. You will return to the Select Element dialog box.
11. To create a new API Client Element, click Configuration > Configuration> Administration.
C. Click Generate Authentication Key. Write down the key. You will need this inform-
ation for a later step.
F. Click OK.
14. Restart the SMC service on the Stonesoft server for the changes to take effect using the ser-
vice sgMgtServer –full-restart command.
Note: If these steps differ from what you see in the Stonesoft UI, please refer to Stonesoft help
documentation for how to configure SMC API.
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4. In the User Authentication options, expand Other Elements > Certificates, right-click on
Pending Certificate Requests and select New Pending Certificate Request.
5. Enter a Name and Common Name (CN) for the request, and click OK.
8. When asked if you want to remove the certificate request, click Yes.
10. In the Security Engine options, open Network Elements > Servers, right-click on
Management Server and select Properties.
11. In the SMC API tab of Management Server - Properties, click Select, select the name of the
server credentials created in step 7 above, and click Select.
13. Click Configuration > Administration > Access Rights > API Clients.
15. In the General tab, enter the server credentials name, copy the authentication key, and click
16. Copy the key to a temporary location because you cannot get the same key again from the
API client settings.
Note: If the key is lost before you enter it into the Administration module, you must generate
a new key.
17. In the Permissions tab, select Unrestricted Permissions and select the Superuser role.
2. Expand the Servers list and right-click Log Server, and then click Properties.
4. In the LogServer - Properties dialog box, right-click on each cell of the row to add the appro-
priate settings:
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Note: If the data collector is not listed, you'll need to add it. Navigate to Tools > New >
Host Properties. Complete the Name and IPv4 fields in the dialog box, and click OK.
Select the new entry and then click OK.
b. Service: UDP
c. Port: 514
d. Format: CEF
e. Data Type: FW
5. Click OK.
6. Verify that each firewall rule in the different policies are set up to log correctly:
a. Right-click in the "logging" cell of the firewall rule and click Edit Logging. This will open
the Logging - Select Rule Options dialog box.
b. Select the Override Settings Inherited from Continue Rule(s) check box.
e. Click OK.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in Security
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
Note: If SMC API was configured with a host name (instead of an IP address), it
must also be configured in the Advanced section.
d. In the Data Collector box, type the IP address of the data collector that will col-
lect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, type the syslog server from the list (optional).
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f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in Security Manager.
l By default, the Protocol for retrieval is HTTPS, and the Port is 8082.
l For Domain, leave blank for a Shared Domain, otherwise enter a named
5. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
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6. Advanced section.
l Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you are manually sending con-
figurations for this device using your data collector's batchconfig directory. While this
option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled. If enabled, the Management IP
Address must be populated.
l If a host name was set for the SMC API host name (instead of an IP address), it must
also be configured here. Enter the API Host Name if an API host name was specified in
the SMC, if not leave this field blank.
l Select the Allow Weak SSL Keys check box to allow weak SSL encryption keys to be
used by the SMC server during retrieval.
7. Click Save.
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Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
2. Create an Administrator account with an assigned role of Auditor. This profile will be used in
the NSX-V Settings during setup in the Administration module.
3. If you will be using Policy Automation (a separate license is required), you can create a sec-
ondary administrator account with an assigned role of Security Administrator.
d. Click OK.
7. Log in to vSphere.
8. Create an Administrator account with a Read-Only permission profile. This profile will be
used in the vCenter Settings during setup in the Administration module.
9. Click the Home icon, and then click Networking & Security.
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13. In the Details pane, on the Syslog servers line, click Change.
c. Click OK.
14. Click the Actions icon on the toolbar, and select Change Log Level.
b. Click OK.
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
c. In the Management IP Address box, type the IP address of the NSX-V device.
d. In the Data Collector box, type the IP address of the data collector that will col-
lect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
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c. In the User Name box, type the user name for the administrator account with an
assigned role of Auditor.
d. Type the Password and then Re-enter Password for the user name.
c. In the User Name box, type the user name for the administrator account with a Read-
Only permission profile.
Note: The user name field must include the vSphere domain. For example,
c. Enter the Password and then Re-enter Password for the user name.
Prerequisites: A valid Policy Automation license is required to complete this section and
you needed to create a secondary admin account (Security Administrator role) in the
VMware UI.
a. In the User Name box, type the user name used for the secondary admin-
istrator account.
b. In the Password box, type the password used for the secondary administrator
7. Retrieval section.
Scheduled Retrieval
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Select the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box to perform a retrieval at a set time
regardless of change detection. This will activate additional fields to complete.
Select the Enable Check for Change check box to check for configuration changes
after the specified interval and perform a retrieval if changes are detected. This will
activate an additional field to complete.
l The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440 minutes (every 24 hours).
You can change the check interval time to best fit your requirements. The
minimum required interval is 60 minutes (1 hour).
8. Click Save.
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1. In vSphere, in the NSX Edge section, write down each device's host name.
3. Click the menu in the upper-right of the toolbar, and select Administration.
Note: You will need one destination for each child device.
c. Protocol is Syslog.
d. For multiple NSX VMware distributed firewalls, select the Forward complementary
tags check box.
e. Transport is UDP.
Note: VMWare filter rules are additive, using implicit AND, NOT, OR logical operators,
and this behavior cannot be altered. Therefore using multiple filters within a single
Destination may produce incorrect results. Instead, we recommend that you create a
series of Event Forwarding Destinations, each with only a single filter rule. The
Destination for the Distributed Firewall should contain a filter rule appname matches
dfwpktlogs. Each Edge Device should have a Destination created with a filter rule
hostname starts with <hostname>.
Note: If there are multiple distributed firewalls, you must enable forward
complementary tags and then set the syslog match name.
g. Click Save.
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2. Click Create.
6. Click Save.
7. Assign this syslog server to each NSX VMware Edge and Distributed Firewall.
To enable forward complementary tags and set the syslog match name field, complete the following
In Log Insight
Ensure that vRealize Operations manager integration with Log Insight has been configured and
complementary tags are enabled for the filter that is forwarding logs for each distributed firewall.
1. Navigate to Device > Management Stations and open the NSX management station.
3. In the Syslog Match Name field, type the vCenter name for the NSX device.
The vCenter name is typically, vmw_vcenter=ABC. ABC is what should be entered in the box.
4. Click Save.
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Zscaler ZIA
l Support: Level 3
Note: FireMon strives to provide up-to-date product information, however we are not always
aware when vendors change their device UI. If any Configure the Device procedure differs from
your device version (UI location of fields, not information needed), please consult your device's
user guide.
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Note: The permission settings for the ReadOnly-adminRole (a Standard Admin Type)
are in Authentication > Role Management.
h. Click Save.
5. In the Resources section, click Location Management. This is where you'll set discovery of
managed devices (child devices). Managed devices will be listed as a sub-location.
l Exclude from Manual Location Groups and Exclude from Dynamic Location
Groups should be disabled.
b. For Addressing, select the Static IP Addresses and any VPN Credentials.
c. For Gateway Options, enable (click the red X to turn the toggle green) the following:
l Enforce Authentication
e. Click Save.
If you want to add a role specifically for SIP, these are the recommended permission settings for the
ReadOnly-adminRole account that will be used.
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7. Click Save.
You will need the API URL and Key when adding Zscaler to SIP. To locate the API URL and Key, go to
Administration > API Key Management.
Policy Normalization
You can view the policies that will be normalized by Security Manager.
Note: In Security Manager, in the Policy View of the Security Rules, Firewall Control policy
rules will be listed as Policy and URL & Cloud App Control policy rules will be listed as URL-
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Caution! To prevent errors in device group-level device maps and incorrect reporting data,
all devices added in Administration must have unique IP addresses. If devices with duplicate
IP addresses must be added within a domain, it is strongly recommended that those devices
be separated into discrete device groups, where no duplicate IP addresses are included in the
same device group. Devices with duplicate IP addresses will cause errors in the All Devices
device map, and may cause incorrect data in reports, even if they are in discrete device
a. In the Name box, type the name of the device as you want to see it in SIP.
b. In the Description box, type an optional description of the device being added.
d. In the Data Collector Group box, select the IP address of the data collector
group that will collect data from this device.
e. In the Central Syslog Server box, select the syslog server from the list
f. In the Syslog Match Names box, type the syslog match names (optional). You
can enter multiple names separated by a comma.
h. In the External ID box, type a unique identifier to be used when the device iden-
tifier is different than what is displayed in SIP.
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l API Key— this is the API key that was generated for API access.
l In the Re-enter API Key box, re-type the key entered above.
Note: The API URL and Key are found in Zscaler Cloud Portal in Administration >
API Key Management.
l In the User Name box, type the Login ID used for the ReadOnly-adminRole
l In the Password box, type the password used for the ReadOnly-adminRole
l By default, the Enable Scheduled Retrieval check box is selected. Clear the check box
to disable.
o The default Check for Change Interval time is 1440.
o Set an optional time in the Check for Change Start Time field.
6. Advanced section.
l File Retrieval Options: Select the Use Batch Config Retrieval check box only if you
are manually sending configurations for this device via your data collector's
batchconfig directory. While this option is enabled, online retrievals will be disabled.
l SSH Key Options: Select the Automatically Update SSH Keys check box if you want
the data collector to automatically update the SSH key for a device when a conflict
7. Click Save.
Note: When viewing in Security Manager, a Security Profile with a label of CUSTOM_## is an
object type connected to an TLD Category in Zscaler that does not have exposed APIs, therefore
when Security Manager performs a retrieval, those display as “custom.”
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Tags 597
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Caution! Please use caution when changing any properties that will affect configuration
retrieval, such as authentication data, the Data Collector, or log servers. Unintended
misconfiguration may cause device monitoring and data collection to terminate. Please test
communication between the Data Collector and any device for which you modify device
properties by performing a manual retrieval after you change the properties.
1. On the Management Stations page, in the row for the device to edit, click the Menu icon
, and then click Edit.
2. Select the appropriate device property section and make your changes.
3. Click Save.
You must be at the Enterprise level in order to share a device with other domains.
To share a management station with another domain, complete the following steps.
1. In the row for that management station, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
4. Click Save.
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3. Click Reset.
4. Click Save.
Before deleting a management station, all member devices (children) must be deleted before
you can delete the management station.
2. In the row for that device, click the Menu icon , if no member devices exist, you will click
Delete. If there are member devices, you will click OK and then proceed to delete the mem-
ber devices.
Note: You are only able to convert from Check Point non-R80 to R80 devices at this time.
1. On the Management Stations page, in the row for the device to convert, click the Menu icon
, and then click Convert Device Pack.
c. Click Convert.
l Manage a device
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Manage a Device
To stop managing a device with a management station, clear the Managed check box.
Device Details
The options available to view details depends on the type of management station.
In the Discovered Devices section, there is a link above the Managed column .
l Clicking Device Details will open the Devices page with the specific management station
selected as the applied filter, showing a list of all devices being managed.
l Clicking Child Management Station Details will open the Management Stations page
with the specific management station selected as the applied filter.
Manual Retrieval
On occasion, such as when you need to verify communication between a newly added device and
Security Manager, you may find it useful to manually retrieve configurations from your devices.
l All retrieved configurations appear in the Security Manager module on the Change page, and
indicate the type of retrieval (change, schedule, manual).
To manually retrieve a device or management station configuration, complete the following steps.
1. In the row for the device or management station, click the Menu icon , and then click
Retrieve Configuration.
Note: It may take up to 15 minutes to see the status result of the retrieval.
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Policy Automation
Prerequisite: A Policy Planner license is required for each management station and device
utilizing policy automation.
If you use Policy Planner, you are able to take a planned rule and stage it on a device from inside the
Policy Planner module. This feature includes the capability to create new rules and place existing
objects inside of them.
l The comment on rules created on the device is a concatenation of the Change Control Num-
ber, Owner, Justification, and Comment field in FireMon. These fields combined cannot
exceed 255 characters.
Supported devices:
l Amazon AWS
l Cisco ASA and Context version 9.1+, 9.6 and above using API
l Cisco IOS
l Cisco IOS XR
l Microsoft Azure
l Palo Alto Panorama PanOS version 8.1.x to 10.1.x using Panorama's API
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The device must be managed by a management station and discovered by SIP for:
l Cisco Firepower
l Fortinet (FortiManager)
l Microsoft Azure
l VMware NSX
l Cisco ASA/Context
l Cisco IOS
l Cisco IOS XR
l Juniper SRX
Device credentials:
Amazon AWS
Cisco ASA
l Level 15 with HTTPS access. ASA Policy Automation is only supported for ASA 9.1+, 9.6 and
Cisco Firepower
l AFM must be provisioned on the device and AFM level may be set to nominal, minimum or
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l Creating or modifying services is not currently supported. Even though Policy Planner allows
you to start a change for services, creating or modifying services objects are not supported
due to how services are configured on rules and normalized on the F5. If you do attempt to
create or modify a service through automation, it will fail with the message ‘Creating service
objects is not supported’ or ‘Modifying service objects is not supported’, depending on which
type was selected. At this time, you can only reference existing service objects on rules.
l F5 after version 12 supports network object automation using shared address lists. F5 up to
v12 does not support shared objects, it will use regular firewall address lists.
Juniper SRX
l There is an optional set of credentials in case Read-only credentials are being used for
retrieval, in which case you would need this secondary account that has write permission.
o If policy automation credentials are not specified, automation will fall back to device
retrieval credentials. If the retrieval credentials are for a user with write permission,
then automation will succeed.
Note: The fall back only happens if the policy automation credentials are not
specified. The fall back does not happen if the policy automation credentials fail.
Palo Alto
l Super User or a custom administrator role that includes XML API configuration permission.
o If separate credentials are needed for Retrieval and Automation, set the retrieval cre-
dentials (in the Administration module) in the Device Settings section and the auto-
mation credentials in the Policy Automation section for the Panorama device.
l Log Forwarding Profiles, Tags, Log at Session Start and End, Schedule, QOS Marking, and Dis-
able Server Response Inspection must be set on the rule outside of automation.
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l For pre and post rules, the child device must be in sync with Panorama when SIP retrieves
the configuration of the firewall that is targeted for automation.
VMware NSX
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Management IP Address
l At this time, tags (meta tag) are set at the device level (within the device UI / dashboard).
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Check Point Management Stations have the ability to push/commit a Security Policy and/or NAT
Policy to multiple firewalls. There could be rules on the Security Policy and/or NAT Policy that are
'installed on' certain firewalls or clusters. Normalization occurs on the 'installed' rules for firewall
devices and skips the rules that are not.
The IP directory used for SIP by the data collector is the IP address of log directory that firewalls log
OPSEC is Check Point’s Open Platform for Security, which allows third-party applications like
Security Manager to plug into the OPSEC framework using published APIs like LEA and CPMI.
The Security Manager Data Collector uses the Check Point Management Interface (CPMI) to
communicate with Check Point management servers and Log Export API (LEA) to communicate with
log servers. The data collected from the log servers is the foundation of Security Manager's Rule
Usage Analysis feature.
LEA communication must be authenticated and encrypted using Secure Internal Communication
(SIC). To use SIC, an OPSEC application object representing the Security Manager Data Collector
must be created in the management server’s database and the resulting certificate retrieved.
l If you add a new CMA or SmartCenter and you want to collect log data for Rule Usage Ana-
l If your Data Collector IP address changes, or if you want to monitor a management server
with a different Data Collector. The OPSEC application object establishes a relationship
between a specific Data Collector and the management server. If the Data Collector
IP address changes, or if you select a different Data Collector to monitor the management
server, you must create a new OPSEC application object and generate a new certificate.
l If you want to secure CPMI communication between the MDS and the Data Collector. You
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must create an OPSEC application object on the MDS and retrieve the certificate.
Security Manager can create the OPSEC application object automatically and retrieve the certificate
for you, or you can create the object manually and initialize trust.
2. Create a new network object host node for the Security Manager Data Collector.
a. In the Network Objects list, right-click Nodes and select Node > Host.
l Click OK.
a. In Servers and OPSEC, right-click on the OPSEC Applications folder, and then click
New > OPSEC Application.
l Enter a Name for the OPSEC application, this will be used again in the Admin-
istration module during setup for authentication.
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l In the Host list, select the Data Collector that you created earlier.
l In the Client Entities box, select the LEA and CPMI check boxes.
c. Click the CPMI Permissions tab, select either Administrator's credentials or Per-
missions Profile. If Permissions Profile is selected, click New and follow the onscreen
d. Click the LEA Permissions tab, select Show all log fields.
Note: Selecting "Hide all confidential log fields" will prevent the ruleID from Check Point
being sent which is critical for usage.
l Enter a one-time password and then confirm it. This password will be used
again in the Administration module during setup for authentication.
l Click Initialize. The Trust State should be “Initialized but trust not established.”
This status will change once Security Manager establishes communication with
the log server.
4. Return to the Administration module to complete the process to authenticate the CMA or
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2. Select More object types > Server > OPSEC Application > New Application. The OPSEC
Application Properties dialog box opens.
4. Click New to add data collector information. Follow the on-screen instructions.
l Enter a one-time password and then confirm it. This password will be used again in the
Administration module during setup for authentication.
l Click Initialize. The Trust State should be “Initialized but trust not established.” This
status will change once Security Manager establishes communication with the log
l Click Close.
7. Click the LEA Permissions tab, and select Show all log fields.
8. Click OK.
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You can select a different SIC method (requires SIC Certificate for the Data Collector). All of the
listed SIC methods authenticate and encrypt each connection.
Authentication Methods:
l sslca for certificate authentication, uncompressed, encrypted using 3DES key.
If you change the SIC method, even if the previous selection was also certificate authentication, you
will need to retrieve a SIC Certificate from the Check Point database.
Assign Policy
You can assign a policy to a Check Point CMA. Each discovered device can have only one policy
assigned to it, but the same policy can be used for multiple devices. This is also known as a "fake
policy install" used to do an initial population of configurations without actually installing a policy.
Note: When a new policy is assigned to a device, that policy will populate in the Assigned Policies
field. If the page is refreshed without saving, the field will display the previously assigned policy
1. On the Management Stations page, select the Check Point CMA from the list.
3. In the device name row, click the Assign Policy arrow to select a policy to assign, and then
click Install.
4. Click Save.
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CLISH Retrieval
For Check Point, the device pack will handle the retrieval and processing the information into a file
that will be included in the create new revision API call: /domain/{domainId}/device/{deviceId}/rev
The CLISH user account must have SSH (default port 22) access to the firewall device with read-only
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Administration vF2023.8
Import Topics
About Management Station Importing
To quickly and easily add your management stations, consider importing them in a comma
separated value (CSV) file. You can use the CSV import feature to add new devices in Security
Manager or to update settings for devices that already exist.
We have made the import process easier by providing a CSV template for you to download and
then fill in with your specific device information.
Note: If you are adding new devices that you want to monitor for changes with Security Manager,
make sure that you have configured those devices to communicate with Security Manager.
Depending on your devices, this may require that you create a user name and password (in most
cases, read-only) for the Data Collector.
To use the import feature, first create the CSV file. Then, import the file into the Administration
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Your spreadsheet can include devices that already exist in Security Manager. You can use the
spreadsheet to update settings for those devices, or you can simply choose to not re-import those
devices later.
2. Click Import.
5. Add each management station that you want to import or update in a new row. Provide data
for as many fields as you can using the following guidelines:
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* The user name and password are for an account on the device that permits the Security
Manager Data Collector to retrieve data from it. The minimum permissions required to
communicate with a device vary by device type. And, in most cases, the device must be
configured to allow communication with Security Manager.
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l If a device in the .csv file already exists in Administration and the properties are exactly the
same, the device will not be imported again.
l If a device in the .csv file already exists in Administration but the properties are different, the
properties in the spreadsheet will overwrite the existing properties.
2. Click Import.
4. Locate the .csv file that you previously saved, select it and click Open.
The values listed in the .csv file will auto-populate in the Review Devices section.
Caution! All devices in your spreadsheet are selected for import, including devices that already
exist. Any new properties in the spreadsheet will overwrite the properties for that device. Make
sure that you clear the check boxes of any devices that you do not want to update.
5. Review Management Stations - please review the list of imports noting that all devices in
your spreadsheet are selected for import, including devices that already exist. Any new prop-
erties in the spreadsheet will overwrite the properties for that device. Make sure that you
clear the check boxes of any devices that you do not want to update.
6. Select the Automatically retrieve configuration check box to enable this functionality.
7. Click Import.
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• The management station must already be added in the Administration module . It is assumed
that the management station properties are correct.
• The management station must be licensed for use in Security Manager.
• You must have the permission level on your management station necessary to export
• You must have admin access to the data collector. The password was selected when you or an
administrator at your company configured the data collector.
• You must have write permissions granted for the management station. These permissions are
required to make one-time edits to device properties.
The import configuration process is completed in two steps, with an option of how to import the
l Step 1—export the RAW configuration files from the management station
Prerequisite: You must contact FireMon Support for help with the exportation of RAW config
In this step, you will export configurations from the management station. This process differs from
exporting from a device, and doing it incorrectly can result in normalization errors. Therefore, you
will need to contact your Support Engineer or a Customer Support Agent to help with the
exportation of RAW config files.
Prerequisite: You must have permissions granted to make management station changes.
Caution! You can import only one set of configuration files at a time. Attempts to import multiple
configurations and configuration files at once (e.g., two running-config.txt files from different
configurations) will cause configuration import to fail.
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3. On the Management Stations page from the devices list, click the device to import a con-
figuration to, and then click the Menu icon , and then click Import Configuration Files.
l Select all of the files for the configuration that you want to import. For the import to
work correctly, you must import all of the files for the configuration at once. To select
multiple files, press and hold the CTRL key while you click each file name, and then
click Open.
Note: The selection of multiple files is only allowed from one directory, not from
multiple different directories.
l Click Import.
5. All imported configurations will have a retrieval date of the date and time of import.
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Device Groups
A Device Group enables you to associate devices based on a commonality. This feature is useful in
permissions assignments, ensuring that users have access to only the devices they need. And
several reports and analysis features can be run against device groups for comprehensive analysis.
Also, you can more easily locate a device if it is within a group that shares a common characteristic.
Because these groups exist only in the Security Manager module, the physical relationships or
connections between the devices on your network are not impacted.
l There is no limit on the number of device groups that can be added in Security Manager.
l In an MSSP deployment, a device group can belong to only one domain and devices within a
device group can belong to only one domain.
SIP installs with one existing device group - All Devices. As the name implies, all devices
automatically become a member of this group. The All Devices device group cannot be edited or
The following table defines the values in the Device Groups table. The order of devices listed can
sorted by Device Group or Description (the default is ascending by Device Group).
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2. Click Create.
c. Select the Enable Behavior Analysis check box to indicate whether a device group
will participate in behavioral analysis such as Map, APA, Rule Rec, or Risk Analyzer.
4. Assignment section.
Device Groups
l Click the Add button to move it to the Selected Device Groups box.
Note: You can add one device or device group at a time, or you can click the
Add All button to move all devices or device groups to the selected boxes.
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Note: To narrow the list of available devices or device groups, use the Filter box
by entering the text or partial text to filter by.
5. Click Save.
1. From the device group list, click the device group name to edit.
In the row for that device group, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
Note: You cannot assigned a child device to the All Devices group.
1. From the device group list, In the row for that device group, click the Menu icon , and
then click Create Child.
3. Select the Enable Behavior Analysis check box to indicate whether a child device will par-
ticipate in behavioral analysis.
5. Click Save.
Caution! The structure of the database will not allow a Device Group marked as a child to exist
on its own (orphaned). When a delete happens on the parent, all children will also be deleted.
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Before doing a delete you should check if there is a child device, then look at the child device to
see if there are any Device Groups attached in the "Child Groups" column and know that those
will be deleted. In order to prevent this, you will need to remove the association of Device Group
2 as a child.
1. From the device groups list, click the device group to delete.
In the row for that device group, click the Menu icon , and then click Delete.
2. From the device group list, click the device group name that you want to enable behavior ana-
lysis for.
3. In the Device Group Properties section, there is a check box to enable behavior analysis.
Select the Enable Behavior Analysis check box to indicate whether a device group will par-
ticipate in behavioral analysis such as Map, APA, Rule Rec, or Risk Analyzer.
4. Click Save.
Prerequisite: A scan source must have already been added before it can be assigned.
To assign a retrieval source to be used by Risk Analyzer, complete the following steps.
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3. Select a scan data source from the list for the selected device group.
4. If this is a source change, data from the previous source will be cleared for this device group
and the next automated retrieval rescheduled.
5. Click Save.
Prerequisite: A user must have Risk Data write permissions granted and the Device Group must
have behavior analysis enabled. You must have exported a scan data file from a supported
third-party scanner.
Note: Third-party vulnerability scanner data must be imported at the Device Groups level.
To import scan data to be used by Risk Analyzer, complete the following steps.
4. Choose the scan data file from your computer, and then click Open.
5. Click Import.
Note: A green check mark will appear in either the Map or Risk column if behavior analysis is true
for the device group.
3. Confirm that you want to clear the scan data from the selected device group.
4. Click Clear.
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Administration vF2023.8
Device Packs
Device packs are a way to manage supported devices for Security Manager. A device pack is a
FireMon-specific software package that allows a device such as a firewall to talk to FireMon's Data
Collector. If there are manufacturer changes to a device's property settings, we can deploy them to
the User Center for you to download and update at your convenience.
The device packs specify a matching configuration for change and for usage. The matching
configuration contains one or more regular expressions and may contain group mappings to
pertinent fields. These fields are captured and used in downstream processing. When a device is
created, the device pack matching configuration is associated with the device in a field called
extendedsettings. The default matching configuration is derived from settings in the device pack.
Device packs are updated frequently as vendor's update their software for their respective device.
Each FireMon software revision contains updated device packs. If a firewall has normalization
retrieval or other issues ensuring the device pack is updated will be one of the first troubleshooting
steps that Support will try.
Information in this section is read-only. It provides an overview of the device pack currently
in use for the device, and the settings that are enabled or disabled.
Note: The device pack framework reads input directly from STDIN, writes results to STDOUT,
and writes log messages to STDERR. Device pack logging to STDERR and outputted by the
data collector to the devpack.log file in the IP folder has been moved to:
The following table defines the values in the Device Packs table. The order of packs listed can
sorted by Vendor or Product (the default is ascending by Vendor).
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Device Pack Version The version of the device pack that was included with the ISO.
1. You will need to contact FireMon Support to be sent a downloadable zip file containing the
updated device pack.
3. Click Upload.
a. Locate the downloaded .jar device pack file, select it and then click Open.
b. Click Upload.
6. From the device list, select the device that is experiencing issues.
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Firewall Clusters
Clustering lets you group multiple devices together as a single logical device. A cluster provides all
the convenience of a single device (management, integration into a network) while achieving the
increased throughput and redundancy of multiple devices.
l Building the network map. We use the interfaces and the routing table of the active member
l Processing network APA. We use the behavior model of the active member only; for
example, security policy, NAT, etc. on that active member.
Cluster Table
The following table defines the values in the Cluster table. The order of clusters listed can sorted by
Name or Description (the default is ascending by Name).
Clusters List
Value Description
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the cluster level.
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Administration vF2023.8
2. Click Create.
a. To narrow the device list, enter filter criteria in the All Devices field.
6. Select one device from the newly created Cluster Members list to be the active cluster mem-
ber, click the Active option.
7. Click Save.
Edit a Cluster
In some cases, you may need to modify a cluster's properties. For example, change the cluster's
name, description or member devices.
1. From the cluster list, in the row for the cluster to edit, click the Menu icon , and then click
Delete a Cluster
When a cluster is deleted, the devices that belong to that group are not deleted.
1. From the clusters list, in the row for the cluster to delete, click the Menu icon , and then
click Delete.
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Normalization Status
The Normalization Status page provides a list of the devices that have been normalized so that you
can troubleshot devices which have issues.
The following table defines the values in the Normalization Status table. The order listed can sorted
by Device Name or Start Time (the default is ascending by Device Name).
If there are alerts, the device name will link to the Normalization
Device Name
Status Details page.
l Alert—issues were detected around the normalization of a device, zone, policy, or security
l Warning—issues were detected around the normalization of a NAT rule or policy route
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Note that:
l If one or more alerts exist for the device, an icon displays in the Alert column, but nothing in
Warning or Informational columns.
l If no alerts exist but one or more warnings exist, an icon displays in the Warning column, but
nothing in Alert or Informational columns.
l If no alerts or warnings exist but one or more informational messages exist, an icon displays
in the Informational column, but nothing in Alert or Warning columns.
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l Message will provide more insight to the problem and may offer a starting point for a solu-
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Collection Configurations
Modifying change and usage regex patterns is an advanced process. Incorrectly editing any
regex match patterns could negatively impact syslog messages. Please contact FireMon Support
for assistance.
Note: If a user has not been granted permissions to Plugins, then the user will not have access to
Collection Configurations.
You have the ability to alter the usage regex, change regex and capture groups for a device pack,
overriding the default values for all devices associated. And also for a single device, overriding the
default values and device pack overrides.
l View device pack collection configuration as long as they belong in a user group that has
read permissions to plugins.
l Edit or delete the device pack collection configuration as long as they belong in a user group
that has write permissions to plugins.
l View the device collection configuration as long as they belong in a user group that has read
permissions to the Device Group the device is assigned to.
l Edit or delete the device collection configuration as long as they belong in a user group that
has write permissions to Device Group the device is assigned to.
The following table defines the values in the Collection Configurations table. The order listed is
ascending by Vendor/ Product.
Note: Collection configurations with a lock icon are view-only, and cannot be edited or
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Value Description
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the collection con-
figuration level.
1. From the collection configurations list, in the row for the configuration to delete, click the
Menu icon , and then click View.
2. From within this view-only, you can view Change and Usage Collection. Expand either the
Change Collection or Usage Collection section.
Note: If Change or Usage is not supported for the selected device, a message stating this will
be displayed.
3. In the row for the pattern, click the Menu icon , and then click View.
4. Click OK.
Modifying change and usage regex patterns is an advanced process. Incorrectly editing any regex
match patterns could negatively impact syslog messages. Please contact FireMon Support for
Note: Collection configurations with a lock icon are view-only, and cannot be edited or
deleted. You can only edit a configuration that you duplicated.
1. From the configurations list, in the row for the configuration, click the Menu icon , and
then click Duplicate.
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Note: This must be a unique name and not one currently being used by any configuration.
4. Select an Activation.
l Inactive
l Device Change Pattern is required. It is recommended that you not changed the
existing pattern.
l You can click Create Pattern to add a new pattern OR you can click the Menu icon
and select Edit or Duplicate an existing pattern.
o In the Edit or Duplicate Pattern dialog box, make any changes to Properties
(switch toggle key) and Values (type data in box), and then click Apply.
l Device Usage Pattern is required. It is recommended that you not changed the exist-
ing pattern.
l Select Usage Keys to specify which fields will be used to match usage for the device
l You can click Create Pattern to add a new pattern OR you can click the Menu icon
and select Edit or Duplicate an existing pattern.
o Click to open the Fields options.
n Select a Field from the list.
n Select a Type: Static or Dynamic.
n Type a Value.
7. Click Save.
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Modifying change and usage regex patterns is an advanced process. Incorrectly editing any regex
match patterns could negatively impact syslog messages. Please contact FireMon Support for
Note: Collection configurations with a lock icon are view-only, and cannot be edited or
deleted. You can only edit a configuration that you duplicated.
In some cases, you may need to modify a collection configuration's properties. For example, change
the configuration's activation, change collection, or usage collection.
1. From the collection configurations list, in the row for the configuration to edit, click the Menu
icon , and then click Edit.
1. From the collection configurations list, in the row for the inactive configuration, click the
Menu icon , and then click Activate.
3. Click Activate.
1. From the collection configurations list, in the row for the duplicated configuration to inac-
tivate, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
2. In the General Properties section, select Activate for device pack from the Activation
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3. Click Save.
1. From the collection configurations list, in the row for the configuration to delete, click the
Menu icon , and then click Delete.
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l Management stations and their child devices do not share the same window assignments.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l ALL READ/WRITE permission in order to view and assign all devices and management
l Enforcement window information for a single device requires READ for the single device.
The following table defines the values in the Enforcement Windows table. The order listed can
sorted by Name, Description, or Status (the default is ascending by Name).
If there are alerts, the device name will link to the Normalization
Status Details page. A lock icon indicates a system window.
The status of the enforcement window; options are Enabled and Dis-
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Note: Devices assigned to these windows cannot be assigned to any other windows.
Possible Statuses
2. Click Create.
i. Select a Recurrence.
5. Click Save.
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Note: An error will display if the enforcement window cannot be saved. This is usually because
devices cannot be assigned to both a system window and scheduled enforcement window. The
devices with conflicts will be listed.
Note: A lock icon indicates a system window. You can only edit the devices assigned to a system
1. From the enforcement windows list, click the enforcement window name.
In the row for that enforcement window, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
Note: A lock icon indicates a system window. You cannot delete a system window.
1. In the row for the enforcement window, click the Menu icon , and then click Delete.
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Chapter 4: Access
User Accounts 633
User Accounts
Every person who logs into SIP is referred to as a User.
l Users can be authenticated using a third-party authentication server such as LDAP or RADIUS.
Depending on how that authentication is configured, these users may not exist as individual
accounts in the Administration module.
l To access features and functionality in Security Manager or its add-on modules, users must be
assigned to at least one user group.
l In an MSSP deployment, users can belong to the enterprise (main) domain or to a customer
domain. Users cannot be mapped to multiple domains, but if this is needed then the user
should be added to a user group in the enterprise domain and then granted permissions to
other domains.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Administration
o User Groups
o Users
l Module: Administration
Users List
The following table defines the values in the Users table. The order listed is ascending by Username,
but can be sorted by any column.
Users List
Value Description
Users List
Value Description
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the user level.
Note: Since every user is assigned to the All Users group, FireMon recommends not setting any
permissions for this group.
l firemon
This preconfigured account has full write permissions, which allows access to all system,
administration, module, device group, and workflow functions.
Note: This preconfigured user account does not provide command line interface (CLI) access for
machine or server management, only access to SIP modules.
For security purposes, we recommend that you change the password for this account.
However, we do not recommend that you disable this account or remove it from the All Users
Caution! If you choose to disable this account, you must first add the account to another user
group with "Write Users" and "Write User Groups" permissions. If you are logged in with this
FireMon user account and you disable it, you will immediately lose authorization to further
modify the account unless you have manually added the account to another user group with
"Write Users" and "Write User Groups" permissions.
2. Click Create.
l First Name
l Last Name
l If an authentication server is being used, select an Authentication Type from the list.
l If a CCA certificate is being used for authentication, select Upload to browse to the
user's .crt certificate file.
l Select a group from the All User Groups section, click Add to move it to the Selected
User Groups section.
5. Click Save.
Note: If you create a user with an existing user name, you'll receive an error message: Failed
while saving user. [User with username 'name of user' already exists]
Before associating a CCA certificate to a user, the user's .crt certificate file should have been
setup in FMOS.
3. In the User Properties section, under Client Certificate, click Upload to browse to the user's
.crt file.
5. Click Save.
If the user's certificate is not able to validate via Apache, you will see a "This site cannot be reached"
If the user's certificate is able to validate via Apache, but does not match up to a user in SIP, you will
see an "The certificate does not match to a user. Please contact a system administrator." error
Edit a User
To edit a user's profile, complete the following steps.
In the row for that user, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
Disable a User
Note: You cannot delete a user account, but you can disable a user account. We do not allow for
the deletion of users because we do not allow for audit history to be deleted. If you allow a user
to be deleted you will lose all audit history of anything that user ever did. That’s why you disable
users. By disabling the user you are still able to keep the audit history but remove the ability for
that user to ever log in to the system.
1. On the Users page, in the row for user click the Menu icon , and then click Disable.
User Passwords
Although there are no password requirements, it is recommended to enter a strong 6 to 8-character
password using a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
Note: Using a character delimiter, such as a colon (:), comma (,), period (.), semi-colon (;), or
slashes (\ /) may result in the password not saving correctly.
Edit a Password
To edit a user's password, complete the following steps.
2. Click the user to edit or in the row for that user, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
4. Click Save.
4. Click Save.
Forgotten Password
You may utilize the forgotten password function on the login screen to reset your local password.
These guidelines must be met for you to utilize the forgotten password function:
l The user name has a local authentication associated with the account or authtype=null
2. Enter your user name in the field box, and click Send Email.
3. Check your email (the one assigned to your user name) and follow the instructions to reset
your password. If you do not receive an email with the reset link, contact your administrator.
User Groups
A user group is a collection of users with the same permissions. Users are authorized to access
specific modules and functionality within those modules, and even particular groups of devices,
according to their membership in a user group.
In an MSSP deployment, user groups can belong to the Enterprise domain and to customer
Note: You cannot delete the All Users, Administrators and Security Manager Users groups.
All Users
l All users automatically become members of the All Users group when they are added to the
l No permissions are granted to the All Users group. If you grant permissions to this user
group, the permissions will be granted to all users.
Note: Since every user is assigned to the All Users group, FireMon recommends not
assigning any permissions to this group.
l Read / Write permissions have been granted to the Administrators group for administrators
of the Security Intelligence Platform to perform operational and administrative tasks.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Administration
o User Groups
o Users
l Module: select at least one module that the user will have access to
The following table defines the values in the User Groups table. The order listed is ascending by
User Group name, but can also be sorted by Description.
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the user group level.
a. Name—type the name of the user group as it should appear in the User Groups list.
There is a limit of 255 characters. There are no restrictions on the type of characters
entered. The name must be unique, not used by another group.
b. Description—type a brief description of the group. This text will appear only in the
user group's properties.
4. In the Assignment section, search/filter for users in All Users field. Click on a user's name,
and then click the Add button to move the user to the Selected Users.
5. In the User Group Permissions section, set Read and Write permissions for each section's
access areas as it pertains to the group's purpose and needed permissions.
l For an MSSP, you can enter the Domain for the user group to be assigned to.
6. If you are using an authentication server, the Authentication Server Mapping section is pop-
ulated after creation and save of an authentication server. All available authentication servers
will be listed here. You must map a user group to an authentication server.
7. Click Save.
3. In the dialog box, select the type of template from the list.
l Security Manager Users—For users of the Security Manager module. Only Read
(view-only) permissions have been granted allowing access to functionality within the
4. In the New Group Name box, type a unique name (one that isn't already being used) for the
user group.
5. Click Save to come back to later to edit or click Save & Edit to continue.
6. If you selected Save, then find the new user group in the list to assign users.
7. In the Assignment section, search/filter for users in All Users field. Click on a user's name,
and then click the Add button to move the user to the Selected Users.
8. If needed, you can adjust any of the pre-selected User Group Permissions.
9. If you are using an authentication server, the Authentication Server Mapping section is
populated after creation and save of an authentication server. All available authentication
servers will be listed here. You must map a user group to an authentication server.
4. Select a group from the All User Groups section, click Add to move it to the Selected User
Groups section.
5. Click Save.
4. Select a group from the Selected User Groups section, click Remove to move it to the All
User Groups section.
5. Click Save.
Prerequisite: To map a user group to an authentication server, you must first create and then
save the authentication server.
Complete the following steps to add or edit a user group mapping to an authentication server.
Note: These procedures can also be completed from the Authentication Servers page in the User
Group Mapping section for the server.
Note: For MSSP LDAP—Users cannot be mapped to multiple domains, but if this is needed then
the user should be added to a user group in the enterprise domain and then granted permissions
to other domains.
2. In the Authentication Server Mapping section, expand a listed server, and click Edit.
3. In the Authentication Server Group Mapping dialog box, you can select Include ALL
authenticated users or Include authenticated users from SELECTED authentication
server groups.
b. Click Add All or Add to move individual servers to the Selected Authentication
Server Groups.
c. Click Save.
2. In the Authentication Server Mapping section, expand a listed server, and click Edit.
3. In the Authentication Server Group Mapping dialog box, you can select Include ALL
authenticated users or Include authenticated users from SELECTED authentication
server groups.
a. In the Authentication Servers Groups field, enter the group name that you want to
have mapped to the current user group.
b. Click Save.
1. On the User Groups page, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
1. On the User Groups page, in the row for the user group, click the Menu icon , and then
click Delete.
About Permissions
Permissions are access rights to SIP features and device data, domains, product modules, as well as
to Policy Planner and Policy Optimizer workflow states.
Permissions to modules or functions within each category can be granted or revoked by selecting
or clearing check boxes, respectively. As you set permissions, the system will automatically select
additional permissions that are dependent on the one you selected. You will see a indication icon
and can hover over the icon to read a reasoning message for the permission auto-selection.
Another example, selecting a Write permission will automatically select the Read permission.
What a user has access to is determined by the granted permissions. All areas of the user interface
(UI) will be viewable but not accessible based on the assigned permissions.
Note: Since every user is assigned to the All Users group, FireMon recommends not
assigning any permissions to this group.
System is used to grant permissions that are not specific to any of the other
permissions categories.
l Plugins is used to grant access to view or add device packs, report packs, and
workflow packs.
l Event Log is used to grant access to view events that appear in the Event Log.
l Reports is used to grant permission to schedule (in Administration) and run (in
Security Manager) reports.
l System Users is for users who have access to a data collector CLI. This user role
/ permission is set within FMOS. This selection is not visible to users not assigned
this role.
l Risk Data is only needed for Risk Analyzer use (Risk Analyzer requires a sep-
arate license)
l Change Windows is used to grant permissions to allow the ability to view and
edit change windows.
FireMon Objects is used to grant permissions related to service and service groups,
zones, and network segments. Network Segments is also used for Network Tap
Note: Selecting Read for a module actually means you grant permission to
access the module, and is not meant as view-only.
Device Group is used to grant permissions to view (Read), modify (Write), or Risk
(used for licensed Risk Analyzer) for device groups in domains.
Note: An exception to the Read / Write permission options are the following
three workflow permissions. Selecting Read actually means you grant
permission to use the function, and is not meant as view-only.
l View Packet indicates that users are able to view packets for a specific work-
flow. This makes no distinction between what packets can or cannot view, it
only dictates on the workflow level if you can view packets for that workflow.
l View Secure is a placeholder permission that is not currently used for anything.
It is intended to be for fields which contain sensitive data.
l Create Packet indicates that users are able to create packets for a specific
Permissions Conflicts
Due to the extensive and granular permissions assignments offered, and the ability to place users
in multiple user groups, it is possible that users can be assigned conflicting permissions. In cases
where the permissions between those groups conflict, the users will be given the most permissive
Assign Permissions
You can easily assign or remove permissions to user groups.
Caution! Please note the user group to which your account is assigned before making any
changes to the user group. Clearing certain permissions from your user group, such as the ability
to modify users and user groups, may immediately revoke your authority to make further
Note: Since every user is assigned to the All Users group, FireMon recommends not assigning any
permissions to this group.
Note: Selecting Write will automatically select Read. Additional permissions may be
automatically selected based on your original selection (if this / then).
6. Click Save.
You must first select the domain for the user group before assigning permissions.
Authentication Servers
To provide a most basic definition, LDAP, RADIUS, Active Directory, and SAML authentication
servers are a directory of user names and passwords for the purpose of logging into multiple
systems or applications. This is sometimes referred to as "single sign-on". Authentication involves
verifying the identity of a user, process, or device, often as a prerequisite to allowing access to
resources in an information system. The authenticator is the means used to confirm the identity of
a user, processor, or device, which is a different password mapping process for both LDAP and
RADIUS to determine authenticity.
SIP has four authentication server types—LDAP, RADIUS, Active Directory, and SAML.
l Remote Access Dial In User Service (RADIUS) is a client-server protocol that runs in the
application layer using UDP port 1812 as transport. Security Manager requires Name and
IP to authenticate, but if a DNS is provided, the system will use DNS over IP.
The following table defines the values in the Authentication Servers table.
The amount of time (in seconds) to wait for a response from the
Server Timeout (seconds)
remote server.
In the event that a user does not have Write checked for server authentication but is still able to edit
a configuration, the system administrator should check that the user in question does not belong to
either a Write User Group or is a Super User, the latter of which gives a user all permissions. Each
user can belong to multiple user groups and effective permissions are the union of all permissions
on all assigned user groups. By default the administrator account of server authentication is a Super
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted.
Additional information about permissions can be found in the About Permissions and Assign
Permissions topics.
l Administration
o Authentication Servers
o User Groups
o Users
l module: Administration
Prerequisite: To map a user group to an authentication server, you must first create and then
save the authentication server.
Complete the following steps to add or edit a user group mapping to an authentication server.
Note: These procedures can also be completed from the User Groups page in the Authentication
Server Mapping section for the server.
2. In the User Group Mapping section, expand a listed server, and click Edit.
3. In the Authentication Server Group Mapping dialog box, you can select Include ALL
authenticated users or Include authenticated users from SELECTED authentication
server groups.
b. Click Add All or Add to move individual servers to the Selected Authentication
Server Groups.
c. Click Save.
2. In the User Group Mapping section, expand a listed server, and click Edit.
3. In the Authentication Server Group Mapping dialog box, you can select Include ALL
authenticated users or Include authenticated users from SELECTED authentication
server groups.
a. In the Authentication Servers Groups field, enter the group name that you want to
have mapped to the current user group.
b. Click Save.
1. After completing the steps to set up a new authentication server, but before clicking save,
click Test.
Test results will display in the Test / Status table alerting you to a pass or fail status. For a
failed status, a list of possible reasons will be given with prompts to correct the issue.
5. Click Close.
In the row for that server, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
Caution: Disabling an authentication server will deny access to any user groups mapped to the
1. On the Authentication Servers page, in the row for server click the Menu icon , and
then click Disable.
Caution: Deleting an authentication server will deny access to any user groups mapped to the
1. On the Authentication Servers page, in the row for the server, click the Menu icon ,
and then click Delete.
Individual Authentication
With individual authentication, users will be authenticated using their RADIUS or LDAP credentials.
Then add individual users as described in the Create a User topic, taking care to ensure the
l Each user's RADIUS or LDAP user name and password are entered.
l Each user is assigned to a user group. Permissions to features are granted to user groups, not
individual users.
Your server performs authentication, granting or denying the user access to SIP. Once the user has
been authenticated, SIP manages the authorization — giving the user access to portions of the
module based on membership in a user group.
New users will automatically be created upon entering their RADIUS or LDAP credentials if the
following conditions are met:
l The user is authenticating against a RADIUS or LDAP server that is mapped to a user group.
The user account will be created and assigned to the RADIUS or LDAP server responsible for
authentication and the user group it's mapped to.
Users can log in to add-on modules such as Policy Planner and Policy Optimizer with their
RADIUS or LDAP credentials.
Note Some fields on the page are already populated with recommended settings.
l In the Name box, type a unique name that identifies this authentication server.
l The Enabled check box is selected by default. This means that the server will be active.
l In the Host box, type either an IP address or DNS Name. Note: If you enter a DNS
Name, the system will use DNS Name over IP address.
l In the Port box, type the port the remote server is listening. The default port for
RADIUS is 1812.
l In the Server Retries box, type the number of times an attempt will be made to con-
tact the remote server. The default is set to 3.
l In the Server Timeout (seconds) box, type the number of seconds to wait for a
response from the remote server. The default is set to 10 seconds.
4. RADIUS section.
l In the Protocol box, type the RADIUS protocol to use when authenticating users.
l In the Shared Secret box, type the key to use when communicating with the RADIUS
5. Click Test to know if the RADIUS server has been set up correctly.
6. Click Save.
fmos restart as
Prerequisite: If you are authenticating with LDAP over SSL, it is required that you import the
LDAP server’s certificate into the application server.
Note: Some fields on the page are already populated with recommended settings.
l In the Name box, type a unique name that identifies this authentication server.
l The Enabled check box is selected by default. This means that the server will be active.
l In the Host box, type either an IP address or DNS Name. Note: If you enter a DNS
Name, the system will use DNS Name over IP address.
l In the Port box, type the port the remote server is listening. The default port for
LDAP is 389 and for SSL is 636.
l In the Server Retries box, type the number of times an attempt will be made to con-
tact the remote server. The default is set to 3.
l In the Server Timeout (seconds) box, type the number of seconds to wait for a
response from the remote server. The default is set to 10 seconds.
4. LDAP section.
l In the Base Distinguished Name box, type the root of the directory tree from
which to perform user and group searches. This value will be appended to the
User Search Base and Group Search Base fields. If this field is empty, the full
Base DN should be specified in User Search Base and Group Search Base.
l In the Bind Distinguished Name box, type the administrative account that has
permission to perform searches on the remote authentication serve. If not spe-
cified, the LDAP server must have enabled anonymous binding.
l In the User Search Base box, type the location in the directory tree from which
user searches are performed. If the Base Distinguished Name is empty, this
entry should be the full directory path; otherwise, this is a relative path and is
prepended to the Base Distinguished Name
l In the User Search Filter box, type the LDAP search query to be used for find-
ing the authenticating user. The authenticating user name will be substituted
for the placeholder string "{0}".
l In the First Name Attribute box, type the user's first name. When a user is
found in LDAP, the attribute with this name is used to obtain the first name
which is then used to populate the SecMgr database; if set to an empty string,
the corresponding user field will not be populated in the SecMgr database.
l In the Last Name Attribute box, type the user's last name. When a user is
found in LDAP, the attribute with this name is used to obtain the last name
which is then used to populate the SecMgr database; if set to an empty string,
the corresponding user field will not be populated in the SecMgr database.
l In the Email Attribute box, type the user's email address. When a user is found
in LDAP, the attribute with this name is used to obtain the email address which is
then used to populate the SecMgr database; if set to an empty string, the cor-
responding user field will not be populated in the SecMgr database.
l In the Group Search Base box, type the location in the directory tree from
which group searches are performed. If the Base Distinguished Name is empty,
this entry should be the full directory path; otherwise, this is a relative path and
is prepended to the Base Distinguished Name.
l In the Group Search Filter box, type the LDAP search query to be used for find-
ing user groups. The returned user groups can then be mapped to Security Man-
ager groups on the User Group administration screen. Additionally, if the Group
Members Attribute is set, this filter is used to obtain the authenticating user's
potential groups.
l Select the Search Subtree check box if you want to expand the search outside
of the directory tree. If there are a large number of groups and / or a deep hier-
archy, subtree searches may not perform as efficiently as a single level search.
l The User Membership Attribute box is an optional attribute on the user entry
that indicates the group membership of the authenticating user. Not all LDAP
servers support this, but when they do, it is recommended to use it rather than
the Group Members Attribute for better performance.
5. Click Test to know if the LDAP server has been set up correctly.
6. Click Save.
Prerequisites At least one LDAP server must be added in order to map it to this user group. To
map LDAP users to an LDAP server, the LDAP users must have write permissions to
Authentication Servers.
LDAP Mapping Permissions section enables you to associate or map Active Directory groups on
your LDAP server to a user group.
LDAP groups can be mapped to more than one user group. Where permissions conflict, the users
in that LDAP group will be given the most permissive access offered among the conflicting
Note: For MSSPs—Users cannot be mapped to multiple domains, but if this is needed then the
user should be added to a user group in the enterprise domain and then granted permissions to
other domains.
Note: Some fields on the page are already populated with recommended settings. Required
fields are marked with a red carat.
l In the Name box , type a unique name that identifies this authentication server.
l The Enabled check box is selected by default. This means that the server will be active.
l In the Host box, type either an IP address or DNS Name. Note: If you enter a DNS
Name, the system will use DNS Name over IP address.
l In the Port box, type the port the remote server is listening. The default port for
LDAP is 389 and for SSL is 636.
l In the Server Retries box, type the number of times an attempt will be made to con-
tact the remote server. The default is set to 3.
l In the Server Timeout (seconds) box, type the number of seconds to wait for a
response from the remote server. The default is set to 10 seconds.
l In the Domain box, type the domain the user will use to access Active Directory.
l In the Bind Distinguished Name box, type the user name of the administrative
account that has permission to perform searches on the remote authentication. server.
6. Click Save.
Prerequisite: For Oka users - Before creating the SAML authentication within Administration, it
is recommended to define the application in Okta.
Prerequisite: You will need to copy the XML metadata file from your single sign-on
authentication provider to use in step 6 below.
l The Enabled check box is selected by default. This means that the server will be active.
User Schema
l In the First Name Attribute box, type the user's first name. This is the field
returned from your authentication provider that contains the authenticating
user's first name.
l In the Last Name Attribute box, type the user's last name. This the field
returned from your authentication provider that contains the authenticating
user's last name.
l In the Email Attribute box, type the user's email address. This the field
returned from your authentication provider that contains the authenticating
user's email address.
l In the Group Name Attribute box, type the name from the identity provider
that contains the user's group membership.
l Select the Use Signed Request check box to indicate whether the initial login
request that is sent to the identity provider from Security Manager should be
cryptographically signed or not. If the request is signed, the identity provider can
use the signature to verify that the message was not modified during trans-
mission. Initial authentication requests are not particularly sensitive, so many
identity providers do not require or even check if the message is signed.
l In the Service Provider Entity ID box, type a URL with the host name portion rooted
in your organization's primary DNS domain.
l In the Service Provider Host Name box, type the base DNS name or IP address where
you access this instance of SIP. Do not include "https://" or trailing slashes.
l Paste the XML metadata file from your single sign-on authentication provider in the
Identity Provider Metadata field. It should begin with these elements:
<EntityDescriptor...><IDPSSODescriptor...> ...
6. Click Save & Generate Service Provider Metadata. The Service Provider Metadata is an
XML metadata file that should be copied to your authentication provider. If the Service Pro-
vider Entity ID or Service Provider Host Name fields are modified, this file must be regenerated
and re-submitted to your authentication provider.
7. After generating the service provider metadata, you have three options to use to copy the
XML metadata file back to your authentication provider:
c. Copy to clipboard
8. Click Save.
Configure Okta
A popular SAML provider, also known as an Identity Provider or IdP, is Okta. Before creating the
SAML authentication within Administration, known as a Service Provider or SP in SAML terminology,
it is recommended to define the application in Okta for single sign-on functionality.
3. On the Add Application page, click the Create New App button.
a. In the App name field, enter a unique name for the application.
b. Click Next.
l Single sign on URL: this is also known as the Assertion Consumer Service URL
and is the location that the user's browser is redirected to after authenticating
with Okta. The format should be https://<hostname or
IP>/securitymanager/api/saml/SSO. Enter the host name or IP address at
which you are able to access SIP.
l Audience URI (SP Entity ID): the value for this field should correspond to the
value entered in the Service Provider Entity ID field within the SIP SAML
authentication server configuration page (SAML Metadata Generator). It is
recommended that the value of this field be in the format of
https://<hostname or IP>/sp. Please note that within SIP, each SAML
authentication server must have a unique value for this field, if multiple SAML
authentication servers are defined. Therefore, subsequent servers may have
values similar to https://<hostname or IP/sp_2.
l Application username: the value entered for this field determines what the
user name will be within SIP. It is recommended to set this to Okta username.
l Response: set to Signed. This value may be set to Unsigned, but it is considered
more secure to set it to Signed.
l Assertion Signature: set to Signed. It is not strictly necessary to set this value to
Signed if the Response field is set to Signed, but it doesn't hurt anything to set it
to Signed.
6. Click Save, and then click Next. You will now import the metadata from Okta to
SIP. The metadata document is on the Sign On page of the application you just
8. Copy the XML data from the Provide the following IDP metadata to your SP
provider section. This will be used in step 6 of Create SAML Authentication.
SAML Access
In a single SAML provider enabled environment, you can redirect to your SAML provider's log in
page as well as have the option to log in locally.
When launching the SIP URL you will either be directed to your SAML provider's log in or you can
click log in with a different method to open the local login screen with an option to return to the
default authentication page.
About Licenses
For Security Manager to retrieve configurations from your network and security devices, and for
access to add-on modules such as Policy Planner or Policy Optimizer, a valid license must be stored
in the database. For an MSSP, only one license is required regardless of the number of domains in
Your product license also specifies how many and which types of devices can be added. Once you
have added the total number of devices for that device type, Security Manager or the selected bro
will not monitor any additional devices of that type. You can, however, change which devices you
want to monitor within each device type. For a list of device types in your SIP license, click Access >
All of the devices that you want to monitor, excluding clusters, must be licensed. (Check Point
Cluster Members must be licensed.)
You received your first Security Manager product license file when you purchased SIP or requested
your evaluation.
Note: If you have added new devices on your network that you want to monitor with Security
Manager, you must upload a new product license. Except for the devices mentioned earlier,
Security Manager will not monitor devices that are not part of the SIP product license. Please
contact the Sales Team at to request a new SIP product license.
Assume that your Security Manager license allows you to monitor the following device types: one
Security Device Manager (SDM) and three firewalls. You add a Juniper NSM, which is an "SDM"
device type. At this point, the total number of SDMs allowed by your license has been met. Then
you add three Juniper NetScreen devices, which are "firewall" device types. At this point, the total
number of firewalls allowed by your license has been met. If you create a fourth NetScreen firewall
in Security Manager, it will not be monitored until you unlicense one of the three firewalls, or until
you generate and upload a new license to accommodate the fourth firewall.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Module: Administration
On the License page ( Access > License) you can view license information by module. You'll see the
following license-related information on the page.
l Company
l Issued displays the date and time When your license was issued and when it expires
l The total number of licenses being used verses available per device type.
Note: For MSSPs, you can select to view licenses by the Enterprise domain or customer domain.
l Modified By / Date who made any modifications to the license (like adding more devices)
and when
l SKU the SKU numbers for the specific device types and modules
l Expiration
License Codes
In the licensing schema, each device that you monitor with Security Manager is assigned a license
code. A license code is simply a method of grouping similar devices together for the purposes of
licensing them. A license code is not the same as a device type, such as a security device manager
(for example, CMA) or firewall (NetScreen), that you see in the device properties.
SMM/SMLO/SMSO/- Licenses to use Policy Planner N/A
SMM/SMLO/SMSO/- Licenses to use Policy Optimizer N/A
l You want to use an add-on module, such as Policy Planner or Policy Optimizer, but have not
purchased a license for it.
You can generate a license in the User Center. You must have a User Center account with
Administrator permissions and a valid software subscription.
1. Log in to
2. Click Licenses.
3. Click Download in the Production License or Eval License (for evaluation users only) sec-
Note: If you do not have Administrator permissions or a valid software subscription, or if you
want to add a new device or module to your SIP license, please contact FireMon Sales at to purchase a new license.
l You have purchased a new license from Sales for additional devices or add-on modules.
You will be prompted to upload a product license when your evaluation period expires (evaluation
users only) and when your Security Manager license expires.
2. Click Upload.
3. In the Upload License dialog box, click Choose File to browse for and select the .lic file to
upload, and then click Open.
4. Click Upload.
Assign a License
In most cases, your SIP product license will correctly select and display the devices that should be
licensed for monitoring. In some cases, you will need to manually assign a new device to the
product license. It is assumed that you have already added the device.
Note: If a device is managed by a management station, the management station must be added
first and it will auto discover child devices and assign licenses.
Note: The following procedure assumes that you have not exceeded the maximum allowable
devices for the type of device that you want to license. You must first remove a device of the
same type from the product license, or request a new license.
2. From the devices list, find the device you would like to license.
3. Select the Security Manager check box. As soon as you do, Security Manager will begin to
monitor data.
Prerequisite: An active Policy Optimizer or Policy Planner license is required before assigning
to a device.
To assign a license for Policy Optimizer or Policy Planner to a device, complete the following steps.
2. From the devices list, find the device that you would like to use with Policy Optimizer or
Policy Planner.
Note: Any controls set to send failed rules to Policy Optimizer will begin to do so.
Prerequisite: An active Policy Planner license is required before assigning to a device. Read
more about Policy Automation.
To assign a license for Policy Automation to a device, complete the following steps.
2. From the list, find the device you would like to use for Policy Automation.
Caution! Removing a device's license will immediately stop all network monitoring. You can still
retrieve the device's configuration, but no data will be sent to Security Manager.
2. From the devices list, find the device to remove a license from.
4. You can select another device to license or reactivate the device license at another time. As
soon as you do, Security Manager will begin monitoring again.
License Errors
The system will return license error messages in the following scenarios:
l Attempt to upload a license for a SIP version that you have not installed.
l Attempt to upload a license for an application server that is not identified in the license.
l Attempt to add a device in Security Manager that is not identified in the license.
l If your SIP product license does not meet any of these criteria but you have received an error
message, please contact our Support team for assistance.
In cases where the error message indicates that you are trying to add a device that is not licensed,
please review the list of licensed devices. If you have multiple devices that you are not monitoring
with Security Manager, these devices may have accidentally been selected as licensed devices.
Services 677
l Service Groups are a collection of similar services grouped together to configure security
l Compliance Zones are labels given to one interface or multiple interfaces that designates it as
a security area within a network
l Network Segments are a logical grouping of interfaces, routes and addresses as part of a
zone used to create a network map
l Network Tap Groups are an element for defining and viewing network traffic; allowing users
to create an access point to monitor network traffic in a specified location in their network.
Compliance zones, services, and service groups must be configured in order to use the Allowed
Services and Service Risk Analysis controls. These audit controls check whether a service is allowed
from one network zone to another.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Modules
o Administration - Write access
o Security Manager - Write access
Services are the ports and protocols used in network communication. These services are
individually defined but can also make up larger groups of services, called a service group. To
define a service is to add the ports and protocols that describe the service or service group.
Services can be managed at the Enterprise domain and customer domain for MSSP deployments.
For MSSPs, services defined at the Enterprise domain level are inherited by all other domains.
Services defined at the customer domain level will appear in the services list for the customer
domain undifferentiated from services defined at the Enterprise level.
In Security Manager services can be defined for use in several reports. For accurate report results, it
is strongly recommended that services be defined.
Available Services
Security Manager installs with four services available for users to define.
TCP—the transmission control protocol (TCP) allows two hosts to create a connection
to send streams of data to each other, rather than discrete packets. TCP streams are
guaranteed to arrive in the order in which they were sent.
UDP—the user datagram protocol (UDP) transmits lightweight messages faster than
TCP, but data packet delivery is not guaranteed or ordered.
ICMP—the Internet control message protocol (ICMP) transmits control and error
messages. ICMP messages are processed by the network IP software, and are not
visible to the user.
Services List
The following table defines the values in the Services table. The order listed is ascending by Name,
but can be sorted by any column.
Services List
Value Description
Default Risk The level of risk associated with allowing the service.
Port End If a port range, the end of the port range used for communication.
ICMP has many messages that are identified by a 'type' field - a numerical
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the service level.
Create a Service
To create a service, complete the following steps.
2. Click Create.
l Other
l Service Name—type the name of the service. This name will appear in the list of ser-
l Default Risk—select the level of risk associated with allowing the service.
Note: Some services are inherently risky. The perceived risk associated with some
services will change based on how the service is used. You can assign different risk
levels to this service based on the scenarios in which it is allowed.
l For TCP and UDP services only, enter a port range. If only one port allows the service,
the port range should be made up of that number only (for example, Port 514 to 514):
l Port
l For ICMP services only, enter a type and code for the control message:
l ICMP Type
l ICMP Code
l Protocol
5. Click Save.
Edit a Service
To edit a service, complete the following steps.
1. On the Services page, in the row for the service to edit, click the Menu icon , and then
click Edit.
2. You can make changes to any fields in the Service Properties section.
3. Click Save.
Delete a Service
To delete a service, complete the following steps.
1. On the Services page, in the row for the service to delete, click the Menu icon , and then
click Delete.
Filter Services
A domain can contain hundreds of services, making them difficult to analyze. You can use the filter
bricks in the filer bar above the Services table to return only the services that satisfy certain criteria.
To apply one or more filter bricks to the services table, complete the following steps.
The Add Filter dialog opens, showing the devices criteria you can filter, such as ICMP Type or
4. Click Apply.
Service Groups
A service group is a collection of similar services grouped together to configure security policies,
such as a group of services for a specific zone.
Note: The are seven service groups in the list that require configuration before compliance can
be accurate. Allowed Services and Service Risk Analysis controls use these service groups and PCI
and the Best Practices assessments then use the controls.
The following table defines the values in the Service Groups table. The order listed is ascending by
Name, but can be sorted by any column.
Default Risk The level of risk associated with allowing the service.
There are seven service groups that require configuration before compliance can be accurate.
Allowed Services and Service Risk Analysis controls use these service groups and PCI and the Best
Practices assessments then use the controls.
Allowed (Egress) IP Protocols The IP protocols that will allow outbound traffic.
The IP protocols that will allow traffic between the DMZ and
Allowed ICS DMZ IP Protocols
corporate networks in process automation systems.
Allowed (Ingress) IP Protocols The IP protocols that will allow inbound traffic.
2. Click Create.
l Service Name—type the name of the service group. This name will appear in the list
of service groups.
l Default Risk—select the level of risk associated with allowing the service.
Service Groups
Note: You can add one service or service group at a time, or you can click the
Add All button to move all services or service groups to the selected boxes.
Note: To narrow the list of available services or service groups, use the filter
option by entering the text or partial text in theFilterfield.
5. Click Save.
1. On the Service Groups page, in the row for the service group to edit, click the Menu icon
, and then click Edit.
2. You can make changes to any fields in the Service Group Properties, Service Members or
Service Group Members sections.
l To remove a selected service member or service group member, in the Selected Ser-
vices or Selected Service Groups box click the member or group and then click the
Remove button.
3. Click Save.
1. On the Service Groups page, in the row for the service group to delete, click the Menu icon
, and then click Delete.
To apply one or more filter bricks to the service groups table, complete the following steps.
The Add Filter dialog opens, showing the devices criteria you can filter, such as Description
or Name.
4. Click Apply.
Compliance Zones
Note: Compliance zones must be configured in order to use the Allowed Service and Service Risk
Analysis controls. These controls check whether a service is allowed from one network zone to
another. These zones are not the same as your firewall zones. These zones are used in Security
Manager to define security area of your network.
A compliance zone is a label given to one interface or multiple interfaces that designates it as a
security area within a network. The device or devices in a zone share characteristics that allow them
to be grouped together so that only traffic that satisfies certain policy restrictions can enter or exit
the zone. Multiple interfaces can be bound to one zone, but a single interface can only be tied to
one zone. Security Manager imports zone information from your network.
The Security Intelligence Platform manages two categories of zones: compliance zones, which are
groups of devices that all must meet the same compliance requirements, such as a zone of devices
on a network for a hospital that must meet HIPAA requirements, and firewall zones, which are
defined in the firewall itself and can be viewed in Security Manager.
Several reports use zone definitions as an integral analysis component, including the PCI Report. As
such, zones must be defined with network IP addresses to produce accurate report results.
The Security Intelligence Platform installs with zones that must be defined. To define a zone is to add
IP addresses of interfaces that make up the boundaries of the network zones.
Security Manager installs with the following virtual and system zones. Additionally, you can also
create a zone and then define it.
Note that:
l Zones can be defined at the enterprise or customer domain level (for MSSPs).
Unused Zone System Zone Zones within the network that are not being used.
System Zones: You can only manage network segments and edit the color.
The following table defines the values in the Compliance Zones table. The order listed is ascending
by Name, but can also be sorted by Description.
2. Click Create.
l Color—click in the box to open a color selection dialog box, and then select an avail-
able color.
Caution! When creating a new compliance zone, a network segment can only be assigned to
one compliance zone. Adding it to this new compliance zone will automatically un-assign it
from the other.
l Click the Add button to move it to the Selected Network Segments box.
Note: You can add one network segment at a time, or you can click the Add All
button to move all network segments to the selected box.
Note: To narrow the list of available network segments, use the Filter box by
entering the text or partial text to filter by.
5. Click Save.
Click the Menu icon for that zone, and then click Edit.
Click the Menu icon for that zone, and then click Delete.
We have made the import process easier by providing a CSV template for you to download and
then fill in with your specific zone information.
To use the import feature, first create the CSV file. Then, import the file into the Administration
module .
2. Click Import.
5. Add each zone that you want to import in a new row. All data fields are required.
The name of the zone as you Yes and should be unique per
want to see it in Security Manager domain
Import Zones
In this step, you will import the .csv file of your zones into Administration module .
2. Click Import.
4. Locate the .csv file that you previously saved, select it and click Open.
5. Click Import.
The values listed in the .csv file will auto-populate in the Review Zones section.
Network Segments
We define a network segment as a logical grouping of interfaces, routes and addresses as part of a
zone used to create a network map. Network segments are assigned to zones. You can then assign
device interfaces and create routes or addresses to network segments to build your network map.
The addresses associated with a network segment are used in two primary ways.
l APA uses them to guide if a packet should stop in that segment. If the destination matches
those addresses then it will stop, otherwise it will inspect neighboring devices to see if they
handle the traffic.
l Compliance Zones use them with SIQL and some of the functions in the language (routes,
intersectsZone). Usually these are defined in certain controls.
Having a network segment without an interface will impact any SIQL oriented compliance controls
and assessments.
Note: The application server, database server, and plugin processor server must all be on the
same network segment.
The following table defines the values in the Network Segments table. The order listed is ascending
by Name, but can also be sorted by Description.
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the network segment
Prerequisite: To create a network segment, you must have Write permission granted.
2. Click Create.
l Color—click in the box to open a color selection dialog box, and then select an avail-
able color.
l Exclude—when selected, when selected the network addresses part of the network
segment will negate other network addresses in the Compliance Zone that overlap.
l Click Create.
l In the Create Network Segment Address dialog box, enter an Network Segment
Address to associate to the network segment and an optional Description, and then
click OK.
5. Click Save.
1. On the Network Segments page, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
1. In the Manage Network Segment Address section, in the row for the segment to edit, click
and then click Edit Network Segment Address.
3. Click Save.
1. In the Manage Network Segment Address section, in the row for the segment to delete,
click and then click Delete Network Segment Address.
3. Click Save.
1. On the Network Segments page, in the row of the segment to delete, click the Menu icon
, and then click Delete.
To view the assigned interfaces of a network segment, complete the following steps.
1. On the Network Segments page, click a network segment Name to open its properties
To apply one or more filter bricks to the table, complete the following steps.
The Add Filter dialog opens, showing the devices criteria you can filter, such as Description
or Name.
5. Click Apply.
We have made the import process easier by providing a CSV template for you to download and
then fill in with your specific network segments information.
To use the import feature, first create the CSV file. Then, import the file into the Administration
module .
2. Click Import.
5. Add each zone that you want to import in a new row. All data fields are required.
The name of the network seg- Yes and should be unique per
ment as you want to see it in SIP. domain
ZoneID No
NetworkAddress No
2. Click Import.
4. Locate the .csv file that you previously saved, select it and click Open.
5. Click Import.
The values listed in the .csv file will auto-populate in the Review Network Segments section.
Network tap groups live on Layer 2 devices allowing users to gather data, analyze, and monitor
network traffic; because Layer 2 configured devices do not have a normalized IP address interface
resulting in no assigned routes.
A Network Tap Group consists at least one transparent device and two mappings to routed
l One transparent device, one tapped routed interface, and one tapped network segment.
l Less than one transparent device, one device must have two tapped routed interfaces, all
others may have one, and all transparent devices must be connected in to allow traffic to
flow through.
l Routed interfaces from the starting network segment (connections to devices on Layer 3).
How does creating a Network Tap Group change the network topology?
Inserting a Network Tap Group replaces an existing network segment in the map topology. The
original network segment is replaced with the creation of the Network Tap Group; however it can
be recreated by replacing the Network Tap Group that replaced it.
l Transparent Firewall Device - A device having one or more Interfaces marked as
transparentMode = true
l Network Tap Group - An object representing a group of transparent firewall device(s) and
the associated Network Tap Pair Mappings
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l FireMon Objects: Network Segments - a minimum of Read is needed to view the page, and
Write is needed to modify or delete.
The following table defines the values in the Network Tap Groups table. The order listed is
ascending by Name, but can be sorted by any column.
l Unlike the unmerging operation where interfaces are removed from a networks segment, to
remove a Layer 2 device from the chain, each of its associated interfaces would be removed
from the surrounding network segments, and then those network segments will be merged.
Once all the interfaces and pairs are removed from the network tap group, then the original
network segment between them would be restored.
Server-side code changes have been introduced for a new Interface flag setting transparentMode.
Device Packs have been updated to normalize device interfaces for firewalls that are running in
Layer 2/ transparent mode with this new setting.
The creation of a network tap group is performed in Security Manager within the network map
(Security Manager > Topology > Map).
Note: The system will prompt to add interfaces and suggest available routed interfaces to
1. From the network map page, right click on the network segment.
3. In the Create Network Tap Group dialog box, select an available normalized Transparent
Device from the list.
4. Select an interface for the device selected, and then select an adjacent Layer 3 interface that
the device will communicate to.
5. Click Add Interface to repeat the above step to complete the connection of communication
6. Click Create.
The map will automatically reload with the new network tap group connection. The network
segment icon will update to a network tap group icon.
Note: All available Routed Interfaces must be selected. At least one selected transparent device
must have at least two active routed interfaces.
1. On the Network Tap Groups page, in the row for the tap group to edit, click the Menu icon
, and then click Edit.
3. Click Apply.
Note: A deleted network tap group will be restored to the original network segment.
1. On the Network Tap Groups page, in the row for the tap group to delete, click the Menu
icon , and then click Delete.
Assessments 704
Controls 711
An assessment is a set of controls you assign to a device or device group that notifies you when a
change occurs in the device or device group. Instead of running an audit on each device or device
group, assessments allow you to proactively monitor device trends. You can assign one or more
assessments to a device group. Once your assessment is assigned, Security Manager monitors the
status of assigned devices against that assessment.
l You can set up email notifications to notify you when there is a change to a device or device
l You can import and export controls to and from a domain's control library, and add the con-
trol in the control library to an assessment.
l When you delete a control, Security Manager checks whether the control is part of any assess-
ments. If it is, Security Manager will alert you before deleting the control.
l With assessment management, you can configure your environment by assigning one or
more assessments to a device or device group. Once assigned, the system will continually
monitor the status of assigned devices against those assessments, which is a set of controls
containing rule-based values. The data captured is then reflected in Security Manager on the
Assessments Results page.
l From the Assessments Results page in Security Manager, you can evaluate the assessment
and determine whether to take action on a group or device. Instead of running an audit, you
can use assessments for persistent monitoring and trending purposes of devices. Allowlisting
becomes important to the process as well because it allows you to remove acceptable failures
from the results set, at least for a period of time, to produce accurate and usable results view-
able within the dashboard.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Module
o Administration
o Security Manager
Compliance assessments are a way of grouping controls together so that device configurations can
be tested in real time or an as-needed basis. These assessments can also be used for reporting.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Modules: Administration
l Device Group: member of the device group that will be used to run the assessment against
Assessments List
The following table defines the values in the Assessments table. The order listed is ascending by
Name, but can also be sorted by Description.
Assessments List
Value Description
Device Groups The number of device groups that are using the assessment.
Last Modified The timestamp for the last time the assessment was modified.
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the assessment level.
There are numerous assessments that are preconfigured. These assessments cannot be edited or
deleted, but can be duplicated (with the exception of PCI assessments).
l Best Practices—used to evaluate the firewall against best practices related to policy security
issues, policy quality, and device configuration controls, including Layer 7 tuples and Device
l CIS Check Point—Security Configuration Benchmark for Check Point firewall, provides pre-
scriptive guidance for establishing a secure configuration posture for Check Point firewall ver-
sions R75.x – 80.x installed on GAIA platform. This assessment was tested against Check
Point R80.10 installed on GAIA. [v1.1.0 - 06-29-2020]
l CIS Cisco ASA—Security Configuration Benchmark for Cisco firewall devices, provides pre-
scriptive guidance for establishing a secure configuration posture for Cisco firewall devices
versions 9.8. This assessment was tested against Cisco ASA 9.8(4). [v1.0.0 - 04-30-2021]
l CIS Juniper—Security Configuration Benchmark for Juniper JUNOS devices, provides pre-
scriptive guidance for establishing a secure configuration posture for Juniper Networks
devices including a core set of recommendations for all current JUNOS platforms including
ACX, EX, MX, PTX, QFX, SRX and T Series. [v2.1.0 - 11-23-2020]
l DISA STIG Cisco ASA—Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Security Technical Imple-
mentation Guide (STIG) used specifically for Cisco ASA. [Version 1, Release 2 - 27 Apr 2022]
l DISA STIG (Firewall Security)—Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Security Tech-
nical Implementation Guide (STIG) used to help decrease the vulnerability of Department of
Defense (DoD) sensitive information. [Version 8, Release 16]
l DISA STIG Palo Alto Networks— Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Security Tech-
nical Implementation Guide (STIG) used for Palo Alto Networks. The assessment was tested
against Palo Alto Firewall v9.0 and 10.1.[2022]
l GDPR 2016—General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679 is a regulation for data
protection and privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). It
also addresses the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA areas.
l HIPPAA Security Rule—Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Security
Rule requires a risk analysis per CFR 164.308 (a)(1)(ii)(A) be conducted for an accurate and
thorough assessment of the potential risks and vulnerabilities to the confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of electronic protected health information held by the [organization].
such as GDPR, ISO, NIST, PCI, and HIPAA to create a comprehensive set of baseline security
and privacy controls.
l NIST (SP) 880-41—National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication
(SP) 800-41 Guidelines on Firewalls and Firewall Policy validation.
l NIST (SP) 800-171—National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication
(SP) 800-171 that outlines the required security standards and practices for non-federal organ-
izations that handle controlled unclassified information (CUI} or provide security protection
for such systems. [11-28-2017, SP 800-171 Rev. 1]
l PCI-DSS v3.2.1—Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) v3.2.1 validation.
l PCI-DSS v3.2.1 Cisco ASA—Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) v3.2.1
validation for Cisco devices.
l PCI-DSS v4 Cisco ASA—Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) v4 val-
idation for Cisco devices.
l PCI-DSS v4 Palo Alto Panorama—Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS)
v4 validation for Palo Alto Panorama devices.
Note: The PCI-DSS v3.2.1 and v4 Assessments are copyrighted and cannot be
duplicated, cloned, modified or adapted in any way, unlike the other
assessments. For more information about PCI DSS requirements, testing
procedures and guidance, refer to in the PCI Document Library at
l Sarbanes-Oxley Act Section 404—Title IV of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (Enhanced Fin-
ancial Disclosures) pertains to Management Assessment of Internal Controls, and can be
used to assess the effectiveness of internal controls and procedures for financial reporting.
Assessment Components
Assessment Builder
l Section—structured view of how the assessment should flow. Each section will begin with an
executive summary and contain the SCI score.
l Subsection—additional detail -- regulatory items NIST with categories to describe what the
section covers. Subsections have only a heading, no summary.
l Control—the criteria that is executed against one or more devices to produce a result of
pass or fail.
Create an Assessment
Compliance assessments are a way of grouping controls together so that device configurations can
be tested in real time or an as-needed basis. These assessments can also be used for reporting.
2. Click Create.
3. In the General Properties section, enter a Name and Description for the assessment.
b. Complete the fields in the Create Section or Create Text dialog boxes, and then click
You can continue to click Create to add additional sections or text parts.
Add Control
To narrow the list of available controls, use the Filter Controls field by
entering the text or partial text to filter by. Click the info icon to open a
informational dialog box about the control.
You can add one control at a time, or you can click the Add All button to
move all controls to the selected box.
l Click Add.
l Complete the Add Text dialog box, and then click Add.
l Complete the Add Subsection dialog box, and then click Add.
Note: After a section or text part is created, you can change its order in the
assessment by using a drag-and-drop operation.
To narrow the list of available device groups, use the Filter All Device Groups
field by entering the text or partial text to filter by.
l Click the Add button to move it to the Selected Device Groups box.
You can add one device group at a time, or you can click the Add All button to
move all device groups to the selected box.
Assign Devices
To narrow the list of available devices, use the Filter All Devices field by
entering the text or partial text to filter by.
You can add one device at a time, or you can click the Add All button to
move all devices to the selected box.
6. Click Save.
Locked Assessments
Assessments marked with a lock icon cannot be edited or deleted. These assessments are
view/assign only, but can be duplicated.
l On the Assessments page, click the Menu icon , and then click View/Assign.
1. On the Assessments page, click the Menu icon , and then click View/Assign.
To narrow the list of available device groups, use the Filter All Device Groups
field by entering the text or partial text to filter by.
l Click the Add button to move it to the Selected Device Groups box.
You can add one device group at a time, or you can click the Add All button to
move all device groups to the selected box.
Assign Devices
To narrow the list of available devices, use the Filter All Devices field by
entering the text or partial text to filter by.
You can add one device at a time, or you can click the Add All button to
move all devices to the selected box.
3. Click Save.
From the Controls page, you can import and export controls, allowing you to import a control from
a file into the current domain's control library or export a selected control to file. To generate
reports you assign an assessment, which is a collection of controls whereby you set the target
which tells the system which device or device group you want to run the assessment against. The
assessment essentially packages up a collection of controls.
A control is a set of configurable criteria that is executed against one or more devices to produce a
result of pass or fail. There are twelve types of controls you can use in Security Manager, as
described below.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Module: Administration
Controls List
The following table defines the values in the Controls table. The order listed is ascending by Name,
but can also be sorted by Description.
Controls List
Value Description
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the control level.
Control Types
Control Types
Control Description
Zone Matrix This is a compliance policy created from within the Zone Matrix.
Control Codes
Code Classification
AC Access Control
FM Federation Manager
RA Risk Assessment
UD User Defined
Controls marked with a lock icon cannot be edited or deleted. These assessments are view only.
To view a locked control, on the Controls page, click the Menu icon , and then click View.
Note: For more information about SIQL, reference the SIQL chapter.
Device Property and Rule Search controls will require use of a SIQL query.
The following is an example of a rule search query. This check verifies that Source/Destination of (Inbound/Outbound) are blocked.
Regex 721
Allowed Services
The Allowed Services control is meant to evaluate. Only the services defined in the Allowed Services
list are allowed to pass between the selected source and destination zones. If a rule is found to
allow a service between these zones that is not defined in this list, the rule will be returned as a
failure for this control.
Note: The Allowed Services controls are used in all of the preloaded assessments, including PCI.
Therefore, the SCI scores will be unreliable until you configure your compliance zones and service
2. Click Create.
4. In the General Control Properties, complete the following fields common to all control
l Severity—select the risk level (from 0-9) of vulnerability risk associated with this con-
l Select the Use Device Zone Names check box to search for rules based on the device
zone name instead of the default derived address space.
6. In the Evaluation section of Control Properties, select the Information Only check box to
not record as a failure any execution of the control that does not meet the required criteria.
7. In the Policy Optimizer section of Control Properties, if you have purchased a Policy Optim-
izer license, select the Send Failed Rules to Policy Optimizer check box.
8. In the Device Test Conditions section of Control Properties, select the Type, Vendor, and
9. In the Reporting Properties section, enter text for Pass and Fail results, and any Instruc-
tions for remediation.
Change Window
The Change Window control verifies that compliance guidelines are being met for a device or device
2. Click Create.
4. In the General Control Properties, complete the following fields common to all control
l Severity—select the risk level (from 0-9) of vulnerability risk associated with this con-
5. In the Evaluation section of Control Properties, select the Information Only check box to
not record as a failure any execution of the control that does not meet the required criteria.
6. In the Device Test Conditions section of Control Properties, select the Type, Vendor, and
7. In the Reporting Properties section, enter text for Pass and Fail results, and any Instruc-
tions for remediation.
8. Click Save.
Device Property
The Device Property control verifies that a rule exists for a particular device requirement. For
example, a TCP start timeout rule and TCP endpoint rule.
2. Click Create.
4. In the General Control Properties, complete the following fields common to all control
l Severity—select the risk level (from 0-9) of vulnerability risk associated with this con-
5. In the Device Property Control Properties section, enter a device property query.
6. In the Evaluation section of Control Properties,select either Fail if Query Returns Results
or Fail if Query Returns No Results.
7. In the Device Test Conditions section of Control Properties, select the Type, Vendor, and
8. In the Reporting Properties section, enter text for Pass and Fail results, and any Instruc-
tions for remediation.
9. Click Save.
Device Status
The Device Status control verifies whether a device's status monitoring for change, logs, and
retrievals are all successful.
2. Click Create.
4. In the General Control Properties, complete the following fields common to all control
l Severity—select the risk level (from 0-9) of vulnerability risk associated with this con-
5. In the Control Properties section, the Change Monitoring Required, Log Monitoring
Required and Retrieval Monitoring Required check boxes are selected by default.
6. In the Evaluation section of Control Properties, select the Information Only check box to
not record as a failure any execution of the control that does not meet the required criteria.
7. In the Device Test Conditions section of Control Properties, select the Type, Vendor, and
8. In the Reporting Properties section, enter text for Pass and Fail results, and any Instruc-
tions for remediation.
9. Click Save.
The Regex control searches for lines in configuration files that match a given regex pattern and
verifies connections, for example, to TCP, logging, console timeouts and encryption on passwords.
2. Click Create.
3. Select Regex.
4. In the General Control Properties, complete the following fields common to all control
l Severity—select the risk level (from 0-9) of vulnerability risk associated with this con-
l For Scope, select All Files or Specific Files and then specify the files.
6. In the Evaluation section of Control Properties, select Fail if Pattern Matches, Fail if No
Pattern Matches or Information Only.
7. In the Device Test Conditions section of Control Properties, select the Type, Vendor, and
8. In the Reporting Properties section, enter text for Pass and Fail results, and any Instruc-
tions for remediation.
9. Click Save.
Regex Multi-pattern
The Regex Multi-pattern control searches for lines in configuration files using multiple regular
expressions to verify whether values are present or not.
2. Click Create.
4. In the General Control Properties, complete the following fields common to all control
l Severity—select the risk level (from 0-9) of vulnerability risk associated with this con-
a. Enter a Files(s) to scan and the Capture Group Pattern for the requirement.
6. For the Inclusion Criteria, select Matches or Does Not Match and then enter the Match
7. For the Test Criteria, select Matches or Does Not Match and then enter the Match
8. In the Evaluation section of Control Properties, select either Pass if Test Criteria is Met or
Information Only.
9. In the Device Test Conditions section of Control Properties, for the control type you are
creating, select the Type, Vendor, and Product.
10. In the Reporting Properties section, enter text for Pass and Fail results, and any Instruc-
tions for remediation.
Rule Search
The Rule Search control, using SIQL, searches the current network configuration and finds rules that
match the given criteria. It tests inbound and outbound rules and checks such things as destination
and source addresses, end node auto configuration, and FTP
2. Click Create.
4. In the General Control Properties, complete the following fields common to all control
l Name— type a unique name for the control. It cannot be already in use.
l Severity—select the risk level (from 0-9) of vulnerability risk associated with this con-
5. In the Rule Search Control Properties section, enter a rule search SIQL query.
6. In the Evaluation section of Control Properties, select Fail if Query Returns Results, Fail
if Query Returns No Results or Information Only.
7. In the Policy Optimizer section of Control Properties, if you have purchased a Policy Optim-
izer license, select the Send Failed Rules to Policy Optimizer check box.
8. In the Device Test Conditions section of Control Properties, for the control type you are
creating, select the Type, Vendor, and Product.
9. In the Reporting Properties section, enter text for Pass and Fail results, and any Instruc-
tions for remediation.
Rule Usage
The Rule Usage control checks for unused rules in a given time period - such as 30 days, 90 days, or
365 days, so you can optionally remove them.
2. Click Create.
4. In the General Control Properties, complete the following fields common to all control
l Severity—select the risk level (from 0-9) of vulnerability risk associated with this con-
5. In the Rule Usage Control Properties section, enter the time Period in days to look back for
unused rules. The default is 30 days.
6. In the Evaluation section of Control Properties, select Fail if There Are Unused Rules,
Fail if There Are No Unused Rules or Information Only.
7. In the Policy Optimizer section of Control Properties, if you have purchased a Policy Optim-
izer license, select the Send Failed Rules to Policy Optimizer check box.
8. In the Device Test Conditions section of Control Properties, for the control type you are
creating, select the Type, Vendor, and Product.
9. In the Reporting Properties section, enter text for Pass and Fail results, and any Instruc-
tions for remediation.
Note: The Service Risk Analysis controls are used in all of the preloaded assessments, including
PCI. Therefore, the SCI scores will be unreliable until you configure your compliance zones and
service groups.
To create a new service risk analysis control, complete the following steps.
2. Click Create.
4. In the General Control Properties, complete the following fields common to all control
l Severity—select the risk level (from 0-9) of vulnerability risk associated with this con-
l Enter a value to trigger a fail if the source contains more than the set number of hosts.
l Enter a value to trigger a fail is the destination contains more than the set number of
l Select the Use Device Zone Names check box to search for rules based on the device
zone name instead of the default derived address space.
6. In the Evaluation section of Control Properties, select the Information Only check box to
not record as a failure any execution of the control that does not meet the required criteria.
7. In the Policy Optimizer section of Control Properties, if you have purchased a Policy Optim-
izer license, select the Send Failed Rules to Policy Optimizer check box.
8. In the Device Test Conditions section of Control Properties, for the control type you are
creating, select the Type, Vendor, and Product.
9. In the Reporting Properties section, enter text for Pass and Fail results, and any Instruc-
tions for remediation.
To create a new zone based rule search control, complete the following steps.
2. Click Create.
4. In the General Control Properties, complete the following fields common to all control
l Severity—select the risk level (from 0-9) of vulnerability risk associated with this con-
l Select the Use Device Zone Names check box to search for rules based on the device
zone name instead of the default derived address space.
6. In the Evaluation section of Control Properties, select Fail if Query Returns Results, Fail
if Query Returns No Results or Information Only.
7. In the Policy Optimizer section of Control Properties, if you have purchased a Policy Optim-
izer license, select the Send Failed Rules to Policy Optimizer check box.
8. In the Device Test Conditions section of Control Properties, for the control type you are
creating, select the Type, Vendor, and Product.
9. In the Reporting Properties section, enter text for Pass and Fail results, and any Instruc-
tions for remediation.
1. Click Compliance > Assessments or Controls, depending on which type you want to import.
2. Click Import.
3. In the Import Assessments and Controls dialog box, click Choose File.
b. Click Import.
Note: The exception is a copyright protected assessment or control. For these, the export
function is disabled.
1. Click Compliance > Assessments or Controls, depending on which type you want to export.
2. From the list, in the row for the assessment or control, click the Menu icon , and then
click Export.
1. Click Compliance > Assessments or Controls, depending on which type you want to test.
2. From the list, in the row for that assessment or control, click the Menu icon , and then
click Test.
b. Click Test.
4. If the results page does not open automatically, it will if you enable allowing pop-ups from the
IP address. Or click Open Report on the Notifications dialog box to view the results.
Note: The exception is a copyright protected assessment or control. For these, the duplicate
function is disabled.
1. Click Compliance > Assessments or Controls, depending on which type you want to run.
2. From the list, In the row for that assessment or control, click the Menu icon , and then
click Duplicate.
Note: This must be a unique name and not one currently being used by any control.
b. Click Duplicate.
Note: You are only able to edit an assessment or control that you created.
1. Click Compliance > Assessments or Controls, depending on which type you want to edit.
2. From the list, in the row for the assessment or control to edit, click the Menu icon , and
then click Edit.
3. Click Save.
l You can only delete assessments and controls that you created.
1. Click Compliance > Assessments or Controls, depending on which type you want to delete.
2. From the list, in the row for the assessment or control, click the Menu icon , and then
click Delete.
Event Logs
To meet Common Criteria guidelines for audit records, there is an event log within the Compliance
section. All user activity in the Security Intelligence Platform is captured so that all actions can be
traced back to a user.
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Administration
o Event Logs
l Module
o Administration
o Security Manager
The following table defines the values in the Event Log table. The order listed is ascending by
Category The component area in the module that was affected by the event.
Provides additional information about the event, such as Device Name for
Device Updated.
The Add Filter dialog opens, showing the devices criteria you can filter, such as Actions or
Date Range.
5. Click Apply.
Export as CSV
To export an event log, click Export CSV.
Zone Matrix
The zone matrix allows you to view known access points available between compliance zones in a
domain or device group. A detailed analysis of the security rules that allow the access between the
compliance zones can be accessed in Security Manager.
When you create a zone, it automatically adds it to the zone matrix found in the Compliance section.
The zone created in table form has Source and Destination axises to plot potential access points.
You can switch from viewing access only or you can view access with an overlay of compliance to
help determine if any access points violate compliance policy.
Note: Administration displays access and compliance zones, Security Manager only displays
compliance zones.
l Only compliance zones are available for use in this control.
l Analysis is not based on topology. It is a simple calculation of rules that match zone networks
in the source and destination. However, the interface belonging to a zone will define policy
l If interfaces of a device belong to a zone, only applicable policies will be evaluated based on
zone membership.
l It is possible that a rule is evaluated against more than one security policy matrix access defin-
ition as the source and/or destination columns of the rule may span more than one zone.
Allowlist / Denylist
It is possible to create rule exceptions to this control using the allowlist/ denylist
Rules that fail the control are included in the control results and indicate which "zone
to zone" policy was violated.
The ability to modify the matrix is determined by the assessments and controls Write
Event Log
Permission Requirements
A user will need to be a member of a user group with the following minimum permissions granted:
l Modules: Administration
Update Matrix
Using the update matrix function will execute the compliance calculations on-demand. It’s only
available to click if we’ve detected that the assessment Last Run Date is later than the Zone Matrix
Last Run Date.
To update the matrix with the latest information, click Update Matrix.
Scheduled Updates
l Access View—there is a scheduled task that runs on a CRON (Settings > Security Manager >
Scheduled Jobs) that’s defaulted to 8 AM UTC daily. This task will analyze all compliance zone
to zone mappings and determine if there’s any access within the environment.
Manual Updates
l Access View—there is an API that can be run that will force the access analysis to happen.
Navigate to API Reference > Zone > GET /domain/{domainId}/zone/matrix/access > set to
Security Manager opens to the list of security rules based on the clicked link in the selected
zone matrix square.
Note: For more information about security rules, see Security Manager User's Guide > Chapter
4: Policy > About Security Rules.
l Access Available has traffic that is filtered based on services allowed, as defined in the fire-
wall policy. At least once security rule exists that allows traffic between the source and des-
tination zones. This is explicit access only, *any is excluded.
l No Access has no known traffic allowed from the source to the destination zone. Excludes
To filter the access zone matrix, click Show or Hide on the filter options.
l The number of access points will change based on the Show or Hide option selected.
l The number of security rules that accept traffic between the two zones.
l Access Available, No Compliance Policy has rules allowing traffic from the source zone to
the destination zone and currently no controls have been created. Excludes *any.
l No Access, No Compliance Policy has no rules allowing traffic from the source zone to the
destination zone and currently no controls have been created. Excludes *any.
To filter the compliance zone matrix, click Show or Hide on the filter options.
l The number of access points will change based on the Show or Hide option selected.
l The number of rules that accept traffic between the two zones and control results.
When you click a red matrix square, an informational dialog box will open. It will display:
l The number of security rules that accept traffic between the two zones.
When you click a blue matrix square, an informational dialog box will open. It will display:
l The number of security rules that allow traffic between the two zones.
When you click a dark gray matrix square, an informational dialog box will open. It will display:
Note: Within each active zone square you can create or edit a compliance policy.
Note: A compliance policy created within the Zone Matrix will display as a "zone matrix" control
type in Control Results.
1. On the toolbar, click Compliance > Zone Matrix, and then select the Compliance matrix
b. In the Severity list, select the risk level (from 0-9) of vulnerability risk associated with
this control.
c. In the Tags box, type optional tag words can be used as an additional search filter
d. In the Description box, type a description of what the control will be used for.
l Fail is there are unused rules in the last X days, and then select the number of
l Fail if these services or service groups are allowlisted/denylisted, and then select
either Allowlist Services or Denylist Services.
l Select the services to include from the All Services list and then click Add to
move to the Selected Services list.
6. In the Reporting Properties section, enter text for Pass and Fail results, and any Instruc-
tions for remediation.
7. Click Save.
1. On the toolbar, click Compliance > Zone Matrix, and then select the Compliance matrix
5. Click Save.
Change Windows
In the Compliance section, you can create a change window for any device within your environment
so that you can be sure the correct rules are in place to follow your company's compliance
guidelines. The Change Window allows you to detect, report, and alert on changes that are made
outside of a defined time period.
This feature fits into our overall compliance strategy. Today we have several tools available to help
determine what changes were made and that they match the compliance guidelines. The Change
Window feature will add to that by also allowing the ability to determine when changes were made,
as it relates to compliance guidelines.
You'll be able to set a change control window for any of the devices in your environment. That
includes management stations, firewalls and any other devices that changes are made on. You'll
also be able to change or update the change control window whenever your internal compliance
policies change.
The following table defines the values in the Change Windows table. The order listed is ascending by
Name, but can also be sorted by Description and Status.
Change Window The Recurrence, Time Zone and Start Time of the change window.
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the change window
2. Click Create.
i. Select a Recurrence.
5. Click Save.
1. From the change windows list, click the change window name.
In the row for that change window, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
1. In the row for that change window, click the Menu icon , and then click Delete.
Scanners 770
One workflow can have numerous instances, each with a different user group and permission
Workflows List
The following table defines the values in the Workflows table. The order listed is ascending by
Name, but can be sorted by any column.
Workflows List
Value Description
Provided so that users have the ID to compare against log files and can
Workflow ID
be used in configuration settings, like for Service Now.
The current version of the workflow being used. If a workflow has a new
Version version to update, a download icon will display next to the workflow
The number of tickets in the queue related to the workflow version, not
Open Tickets
the actual workflow.
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the workflow level.
Note: If you have a custom workflow for Policy Planner or Policy Optimizer, you can upload it if
it's in the format of a .bar, .zip, or .jar file (begin at step 2).
4. Click Upload.
b. Click Upload.
Create a Workflow
Note: Before you can create a workflow, you must first upload a workflow pack.
To create a Policy Planner or Policy Optimizer workflow, complete the following steps.
2. Click Create.
4. In the Create Workflow <name> dialog box, enter a Namefor the workflow.
Note: Up to 255 characters, and only letters and numbers are allowed. No spaces or special
5. Click Save.
Note: The workflow type will be listed in the Create New Ticket list within Policy Planner.
2. Click Create.
4. In the Create Workflow <name> dialog box, enter a Namefor the workflow.
Note: Up to 255 characters, and only letters, numbers, and spaces are allowed. No special
5. Click Save.
On the Workflows page, select the Policy Optimizer workflow to edit, and in the row for that
workflow, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit. The General Properties section has fields
that each workflow type have in common.
The following are general fields that each workflow type have in common, listed in Workflow
l Default Sort to Create Data DESC is used to allow the default sort order of Policy Planner
and Policy Optimizer tickets (based on create date) to be changed from ascending to
descending order.
l Optimize Size of Network Objects when enabled is used to return the object in the
smallest number of objects that match what was provided in the request. If not enabled, the
system will return the requested object exactly as provided in the request.
l Restrict Review Unassigning is used to prevent a user from unassigning a review that has
been assigned to them instead of assigning the review to another user. When selected, the
Unassign option in Policy Optimizer will be hidden, and the user will need to select Assign to
User to unassign the review from themselves.
Integrating Policy Planner with Policy Optimizer means that when a Policy Optimizer ticket with a
Review Decision to decertify is selected, the application will automatically create a Policy Planner
ticket to complete the decertification process.
Setting up Policy Planner integration is completed during the workflow creation process.
1. Open the Policy Optimizer workflow that you will use for integration.
2. In the Policy Planner Integration Settings section, in the Planner Workflow ID field, select
the Policy Planner workflow ID that Policy Optimizer is being integrated with.
3. You can leave the default settings for Default Priority, Summary and Due Date Calculation
or set your own.
4. Click Save.
1. On the Workflows page, select the Policy Planner or Policy Optimizer workflow to edit, and in
the row for that workflow, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
4. Click Save.
On the Workflows page, select the Policy Planner workflow to edit, and in the row for that
workflow, click the Menu icon , and then click Edit. The General Properties section has fields
that each workflow type have in common. The Task Settings lists the available workflow sections
that can be edited.
Click the section name to open the Edit Task Settings - <name> editor or you can click the click
the Menu icon , and then click Edit.
Workflow Properties
The following are general fields that each workflow type have in common, listed in Workflow
l Default Sort to Create Data DESC is used to allow the default sort order of Policy Planner
and Policy Optimizer tickets (based on create date) to be changed from ascending to
descending order.
l Optimize Size of Network Objects when enabled is used to return the object in the
smallest number of objects that match what was provided in the request. If not enabled, the
system will return the requested object exactly as provided in the request.
Task Settings
Task Settings lists the available workflow sections that can be edited.
Create Settings
This setting will allow attachments to be uploaded and requirements to be added to Policy Planner
Note: Use to override values provided by the workflow pack configuration. Changes apply only to
this task configuration.
1. Click Create.
4. Click Apply.
These settings will allow configurations to be made to automatically create change plans on Policy
Planner tickets. Attempts to create a Change Plan for Add Access, Clone Server, and Decommission
Server requirement type. For Add Access requirements, determines whether access exists.
Note: Use to override values provided by the workflow pack configuration. Changes apply only to
this task configuration.
2. Select the Always Run check box for requirement types that auto design is not required to
allow change plans to be created for empty rule requirements.
3. Select a Device Group from the Auto Run Suggested Devices list that rule recommendation
(RuleRec) will run against in order to automatically select a change plan.
5. Select a Modify Recommendation Behavior to use when an existing rule partially matches
the requested access:
l Modify (set by default) will recommend modifying the existing rule found
6. Select an Auto Select Method for when rule recommendations returns multiple potential
objects for a given address space to allow the system to auto select the best match of an
7. Select the Force Auto Select of Objects check box to force the system to choose an object if
the auto select method cannot narrow results.
8. Select the Access Exists Check check box to enable verification when no new changes are
required that the accessExists exit condition is set to true.
Update rule documentation and rule property field values based on values from the workflow
(ticket) and/or requirement fields.
Note: Use to override values provided by the workflow pack configuration. Changes apply only
to this task configuration.
2. Enable the Automatically Apply Rule Tags from Ticket option if the ticket has tags selec-
ted to apply those as user tags to any rules which have been verified against the ticket.
3. Enable the Automatically Apply Object Tags from Ticket option if the ticket has tags selec-
ted to apply those as user tags to any objects which have been verified against the ticket.
4. Select a Workflow Field and/or Requirement Field to use to match with a Rule Docu-
mentation Field.
5. Click Apply.
Design Settings
These settings will allow a user to utilize Rule Recommendation tools and create or edit a change
Note: Use to override values provided by the workflow pack configuration. Changes apply only to
this task configuration.
1. Click Design.
a. Select the Editable check box to allow requirements and changes to be edited for this
b. Select the Validate Requirements check box to ensure that a ticket has at least one
requirement defined.
c. Select the Validate Change check box to ensure that a ticket has at least one change
d. Select the Create Changes check box to allow users to add a change. Types of changes
allowed are dependent on the requirement type.
e. Select the Import Requirements from CSV check box to allow this functionality.
f. Select the Enable Rule Recommendation check box to utilize Policy Planner's tool
(Rule Recommendation) to determine which devices and policy rules may need to be
modified to implement the requested change.
h. Select a Device Group from the Suggested Device Group Default list that will be
used for rule recommendation to run against for change plan recommendations.
l Modify (set by default) will recommend modifying the existing rule found
k. Select an Auto Select Method for when rule recommendations returns multiple
potential objects for a given address space to allow the system to auto select the best
match of an object:
l. Select the Force Auto Select of Objects check box to force the system to choose an
object if the auto select method cannot narrow results.
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to create and edit comments on a ticket.
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to add and remove attachments on a
7. Click Add Tab to also include Analysis, Tasks, and Verify tabs to a ticket's design layout.
a. Analysis
l Select the Validate check box to ensure that all requirements have a decision of
approve or reject.
b. Tasks
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to change implementation status
and manually automate changes.
l Select the Enable Automation Commit check box for devices that support a 2-
stage commit to allow SIP to send a message to commit the change when
l Select the Use Enforcement Windows check box for Policy Planner to consider
enforcement windows when performing automation changes
l Select the Complete Task if Fully Implemented check box to be used in con-
junction with an enforcement window to automatically advance the ticket is all
changes are implemented.
c. Verify
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to associate change logs to changes
for verification.
l Select the Enable Auto Verification check box to allow devices that support
automation Queues changes for verification. An auto verify job will continuously
check tickets in this task and attempt to verify, or users may manually verify
changes at any time.
l Select the Complete Task on Auto Verification Success check box to enable a
Change Plan to be marked as "completed" if auto verification successfully
l In the Change Control Field Override box, choose the name of the workflow
field variable to use to validate the device rule's Change Control Number field of
Rule Documentation.
8. Click Apply.
Generates CLI for changes in the Change Plan when enabled in Device settings. Using this setting
will override values provided by the workflow pack configuration. Changes apply only to this task
Note: Use to override values provided by the workflow pack configuration. Changes apply only
to this task configuration.
2. This task will generate Command Line Interface (CLI) statements for Change Plan items on
devices whose device pack supports CLI and are licensed for Automation. If nothing to
configure, the field will not be editable, and will display the massage, No properties to
3. Click Apply.
Edit Request
Note: Use to override values provided by the workflow pack configuration. Changes apply only
to this task configuration.
These are the same setting options as in Design Settings, but could be set differently for this task in
the workflow as a way to gather additional information in order to move a ticket forward.
Implement Settings
Lists changes which should be implemented. An enforcement job will continuously check tickets in
this task and attempt to implement those in configured Enforcement Window, or users may
manually implement changes at any time.
Note: Use to override values provided by the workflow pack configuration. Changes apply only
to this task configuration.
1. Click Implement.
a. Select the Editable check box to allow users to change implementation status and
manually automate changes.
b. Select the Validate check box to enable that all change plans for all requirements must
be marked as Staged or Completed before the ticket can advance to the next task.
c. Select the Enable Automation Commit check box for devices that support a 2-stage
commit to allow SIP to send a message to commit the change when complete. When
enabled, any ticket automatically commit the changes to the device when you click Run
Selected. This automation functionality is disabled by default.
d. Select the Use Enforcement Windows check box for Policy Planner to consider
enforcement windows when performing automation changes. ill only push changes
that are associated to devices that have active enforcement windows. Using an
enforcement window also allows you to enable automatically advancing a ticket if it
detects that all changes have been implemented. This automation functionality is
disabled by default. Enabling displays the Complete Task if Fully Implemented
e. Select the Complete Task if Fully Implemented check box to enable Policy Planner to
automatically advance the ticket if the system detects that all changes have been imple-
mented. This automation functionality is disabled by default, and only is optional when
Use Enforcement Window is enabled.
a. Select the Editable check box to allow requirements and changes to be edited for this
b. Select the Validate Requirements check box to ensure that a ticket has at least one
requirement defined.
c. Select the Validate Change check box to ensure that a ticket has at least one change
d. Select the Create Changes check box to allow users to add a change. Types of changes
allowed are dependent on the requirement type.
e. Select the Import Requirements from CSV check box to allow this functionality.
f. Select the Enable Rule Recommendation check box to utilize Policy Planner's tool
(Rule Recommendation) to determine which devices and policy rules may need to be
modified to implement the requested change.
h. Select a Device Group from the Suggested Device Group Default list that will be
used for rule recommendation to run against for change plan recommendations.
l Modify (set by default) will recommend modifying the existing rule found
k. Select an Auto Select Method for when rule recommendations returns multiple
potential objects for a given address space to allow the system to auto select the best
match of an object:
l. Select the Force Auto Select of Objects check box to force the system to choose an
object if the auto select method cannot narrow results.
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to create and edit comments on a ticket.
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to add and remove attachments on a
8. Click Add Tab to also include Analysis and Verify tabs to a ticket's implement layout.
a. Analysis
l Select the Validate check box to ensure that all requirements have a decision of
b. Verify
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to associate change logs to changes
for verification.
l Select the Enable Auto Verification check box to allow devices that support
automation Queues changes for verification. An auto verify job will continuously
check tickets in this task and attempt to verify, or users may manually verify
changes at any time.
l Select the Complete Task on Auto Verification Success check box to enable a
Change Plan to be marked as "completed" if auto verification successfully
l In the Change Control Field Override box, choose the name of the workflow
field variable to use to validate the device rule's Change Control Number field of
Rule Documentation.
9. Click Apply.
Simulates the changes specified on the ticket and runs all relevant compliance analysis. Returns
information to the user indicating what compliance failures would be found, and which are related
to the proposed changes.
Note: Use to override values provided by the workflow pack configuration. Changes apply only to
this task configuration.
2. Select a Prechange Control Type from the list to include in the assessment. Multiple con-
trols can be selected.
3. Enable Process Prechange Risk Score Analysis to process the projected average Rule Risk
Score change for all rules on a device after the change is made in Policy Planner. A Risk Ana-
lyzer license is required for this feature to be available to enable.
l Click Add All or Add to move the selected controls from All Controls to Controls for
Auto Fail
l Enable the Minimum Control Severity field to select a value (0 - 10) that will be used
to auto fail controls that are at or greater than the minimum set.
l Enable the Minimum Vulnerability Effect field to select a value (0 - 10) that will be
used to auto fail controls that are at or greater than the minimum set. Process Pre-
change Risk Score Analysis must be enabled for this feature to be available to enable.
l Enable the Auto Approve if no New Vulnerabilities field to allow auto approval of
requirements if no new vulnerabilities result from the proposed changes. Process Pre-
change Risk Score Analysis must be enabled for this feature to be available to enable.
Note: If there are existing control failures auto approval will still complete.
These options only look for new failures, not existing. Also, if both options are
enabled, both must be true in order for auto approval to run successfully.
l Set the Cumulative Severity Threshold for Access Request tickets to skip the Review
stage if it falls below the threshold. If a ticket's cumulative severity equals the
threshold value, it will be routed for review.
6. Click Apply.
Review Settings
Presents the results of PCA and allows users to accept or reject the design for each requirement on
the ticket.
Note: Use to override values provided by the workflow pack configuration. Changes apply only to
this task configuration.
1. Click Review.
a. Select the Editable check box to allow requirements to be approved or rejected for the
b. Select the Validate check box to enable ensure that all requirements have a decision
of approve before the ticket can advance to the next task.
a. Select the Editable check box to allow requirements and changes to be edited for this
b. Select the Validate Requirements check box to ensure that a ticket has at least one
requirement defined.
c. Select the Validate Change check box to ensure that a ticket has at least one change
d. Select the Create Changes check box to allow users to add a change. Types of changes
allowed are dependent on the requirement type.
e. Select the Import Requirements from CSV check box to allow this functionality.
f. Select the Enable Rule Recommendation check box to utilize Policy Planner's tool
(Rule Recommendation) to determine which devices and policy rules may need to be
modified to implement the requested change.
h. Select a Device Group from the Suggested Device Group Default list that will be
used for rule recommendation to run against for change plan recommendations.
l Modify (set by default) will recommend modifying the existing rule found
k. Select an Auto Select Method for when rule recommendations returns multiple
potential objects for a given address space to allow the system to auto select the best
match of an object:
l. Select the Force Auto Select of Objects check box to force the system to choose an
object if the auto select method cannot narrow results.
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to create and edit comments on a ticket.
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to add and remove attachments on a
8. Click Add Tab to also include Analysis and Verify tabs to a ticket's implement layout.
a. Tasks
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to change implementation status
and manually automate changes.
l Select the Validate check box to enable that all change plans for all
requirements must be marked as Staged or Completed before the ticket can be
advanced to the next tasks.
l Select the Enable Automation Commit check box for devices that support a 2-
stage commit to allow SIP to send a message to commit the change when
l Select the Use Enforcement Windows check box for Policy Planner to consider
enforcement windows when performing automation changes
l Select the Complete Task if Fully Implemented check box to be used in con-
junction with an enforcement window to automatically advance the ticket is all
changes are implemented.
b. Verify
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to associate change logs to changes
for verification.
l Select the Enable Auto Verification check box to allow devices that support
automation Queues changes for verification. An auto verify job will continuously
check tickets in this task and attempt to verify, or users may manually verify
changes at any time.
l Select the Complete Task on Auto Verification Success check box to enable a
Change Plan to be marked as "completed" if auto verification successfully
l In the Change Control Field Override box, choose the name of the workflow
field variable to use to validate the device rule's Change Control Number field of
Rule Documentation.
9. Click Apply.
Verify Settings
Queues changes for verification. An auto verify job will continuously check tickets in this task and
attempt to verify, or users may manually verify changes at any time. This setting specifies the key of
a workflow field that the Verification service task should reference for values to validate that rules
specified in the Policy Planner ticket have been implemented correctly.
Note: Use to override values provided by the workflow pack configuration. Changes apply only
to this task configuration.
Note: If the field is left empty or set to a value that is not a valid workflow field key, the Auto
Verify falls back to using the Ticket Number to verify change plans were implemented correctly.
1. Click Verify.
a. Select the Editable check box to allow users to associate change logs to changes for
b. Select the Enable Auto Verification check box to allow devices that support
automation Queues changes for verification. An auto verify job will continuously check
tickets in this task and attempt to verify, or users may manually verify changes at any
c. Select the Complete Task on Auto Verification Success check box to enable a
Change Plan to be marked as "completed" if auto verification successfully finishes.
d. In the Change Control Field Override box, choose the name of the workflow field
variable to use to validate the device rule's Change Control Number field of Rule Docu-
a. Select the Editable check box to allow requirements and changes to be edited for this
b. Select the Validate Requirements check box to ensure that a ticket has at least one
requirement defined.
c. Select the Validate Change check box to ensure that a ticket has at least one change
d. Select the Create Changes check box to allow users to add a change. Types of
changes allowed are dependent on the requirement type.
e. Select the Import Requirements from CSV check box to allow this functionality.
f. Select the Enable Rule Recommendation check box to utilize Policy Planner's tool
(Rule Recommendation) to determine which devices and policy rules may need to be
modified to implement the requested change.
h. Select a Device Group from the Suggested Device Group Default list that will be
used for rule recommendation to run against for change plan recommendations.
l Modify (set by default) will recommend modifying the existing rule found
k. Select an Auto Select Method for when rule recommendations returns multiple
potential objects for a given address space to allow the system to auto select the best
match of an object:
l. Select the Force Auto Select of Objects check box to force the system to choose an
object if the auto select method cannot narrow results.
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to create and edit comments on a ticket.
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to add and remove attachments on a
7. Click Add Tab to also include Analysis and Verify tabs to a ticket's implement layout.
a. Analysis
l Select the Validate check box to ensure that all requirements have a decision of
approve or reject.
b. Tasks
l Select the Editable check box to allow users to change implementation status
and manually automate changes.
l Select the Validate check box to enable that all change plans for all
requirements must be marked as Staged or Completed before the ticket can be
advanced to the next tasks.
l Select the Enable Automation Commit check box for devices that support a 2-
stage commit to allow SIP to send a message to commit the change when
l Select the Use Enforcement Windows check box for Policy Planner to consider
enforcement windows when performing automation changes
l Select the Complete Task if Fully Implemented check box to be used in con-
junction with an enforcement window to automatically advance the ticket is all
changes are implemented.
8. Click Apply.
This setting specifies the key of a workflow field that the Auto Verification service task should
reference for values to validate that rules specified in the Policy Planner ticket have been
implemented correctly. Queues changes for verification. An auto verify job will continuously check
tickets in this task and attempt to verify, or users may manually verify changes at any time.
Note: If the field is left empty or set to a value that is not a valid workflow field key, the Auto
Verify falls back to using the Ticket Number to verify change plans were implemented correctly.
2. In the Change Control Field Override box, choose the name of the workflow field variable to
use to validate the device rule's Change Control Number field of Rule Documentation.
3. Click Save.
Note: The topic of ServiceNow integration with Policy Planner is covered in the Policy Planner
User's Guide.
a. Select the Polling check box to allow Policy Planner to access the ServiceNow instance
to look up any new ServiceNow tickets. If Policy Planner found any, the system would
create a new Policy Planner ticket populated with the information in the ServiceNow
c. Enter the username and password of the user account for the scoped application.
d. Click Save.
Disable a Workflow
Existing tickets using this workflow and workflow permissions will not be editable unless the
workflow is re-enabled.
3. In the Disable Workflow dialog box, verify you have selected the correct workflow and click
Disable to confirm the action.
Note: Tickets will complete in the workflow version they were created in, despite any workflow
version updates done during the ticket completion process.
Update Error
You'll see an alert icon next to the workflow version with the following message: "Error retrieving
workflow pack content. This pack cannot be edited or duplicated: Unhandled exception occurred at
the service layer, please check the logs."
Prerequisite: A Policy Planner and Policy Optimizer license is required. Also, the Read check
box must be selected in the Modules tab for each module.
To set workflow permissions to grant access to tickets, complete the following steps.
2. Select a Policy Planner or Policy Optimizer user group from the list.
3. Expand the User Group Permissions section, and click the Workflows tab.
4. Select the Read or Write check box for each permission option.
Note: An exception to the Read / Write permission options are the following three workflow
permissions. Selecting Read actually means you grant permission to use the function, and is
not meant as view-only.
l View Packetindicates that users are able to view packets for a specific workflow.
This makes no distinction between what packets can or cannot view, it only dic-
tates on the workflow level if you can view packets for that workflow.
l View Secure is a placeholder permission that is not currently used for anything.
It is intended to be for fields which contain sensitive data.
l Create Packetindicates that users are able to create packets for a specific work-
5. Click Save.
There are two other workflow permissions to consider on the Administration tab.
l Administer Workflows is used to grant permission to manage ticket access so that users can
only see tickets that have been assigned to them.
3. In the Update Secured Properties dialog box, all field boxes are required in order to make a
4. Click Save.
Risk Analyzer
Using the most up-to-date configurations of your monitored security assets, Risk Analyzer allows
you to consistently manage the risk on your network, generate simulated attacks on network
segments, evaluate recommended patches, and improve your network's risk exposure.
Risk Analyzer highlights known vulnerabilities that an adversary could exploit. Working with the
map, you can find and select hosts from which to generate attacks, and visually overlay attacks on
the network map to show the location and nature of the vulnerabilities that are most likely to be
exploited, as well as the following information.
l The vulnerabilities that provide the most access to the rest of the network.
l The vulnerabilities that are most likely to put an organization's mission at risk.
Risk Analyzer generates a list of patch recommendations, prioritized by the combination of severity
and asset value, so that you can model the most effective fixes first. Risk Analyzer does not actually
apply the patches on your network, but models how those patches would reduce your risk
exposure. Once you choose which patches to implement, Risk Analyzer allows you to apply the
selected patches and re-run the risk analysis in real time.
Risk Analyzer takes into account interactions among vulnerabilities to determine which
vulnerabilities are most critical to an attacker’s progress. Then, using a ratio of the value and
quantified compromise level of exposed assets to the sum of all asset values, Security Manager
provides a statistical assessment of risk. System administrators can analyze the attack graphs and
statistics to determine which security measures to deploy to defend their network. Administrators
can also use this information to perform hypothetical attack analysis of zero-day vulnerabilities to
identify critical attack vectors and evaluate potential attacks before they take place.
Note: To access Risk Analyzer from Security Manager, you must have a Risk Analyzer license for
the domain that the user is logged into, as well as access to either the 'All Devices' device group
and/or another user-configured device group (within the licensed domain) that has the
behavioral analysis setting enabled.
Before you can access Risk Analyzer within Security Manager, you must fulfill the following
l You must have permission granted to access the device group you want to analyze.
l You must have a Risk Analyzer license for your Security Intelligence Platform domain.
l You must have behavioral analysis enabled for the device group you are analyzing. To enable
behavioral analysis, see Enable Behavioral Analysis.
Note: Behavioral analysis on the All Devices device group is enabled by default, but it may not
be enabled for user-configured Device Groups upon which you may want to conduct risk
Set Permissions
You will need to grant Write permissions to Risk Data (Administration tab), Read permissions to Risk
Analyzer (Application tab), and Write and Risk permissions to Device Groups (Device Group tab). To
set permissions, see the Assign Permissions topic.
Vulnerability Data Source
The Vulnerability Data Source is the direct connection to Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures
(CVE) data from the National Vulnerability Database (NVD). Risk Analyzer uses the CVE identities to
detect network vulnerabilities, create attack graphs, and perform risk calculations for a network.
You can manually import scan data and CVE data from the NVD into the Administration module.
Third-party vulnerability scanners must be imported manually from the Device Groups page.
Note: To access Risk Analyzer, you must have a Risk Analyzer license for the domain that the user
is logged into, as well as access to either the 'All Devices' device group and / or another user-
configured device group (within the licensed domain) that has the behavioral analysis setting
enabled, and Risk Data write permissions granted.
Note: More information about Risk Analyzer can be found in the Security Manager User's Guide.
Prerequisite: Internet connectivity is required to import vulnerability details from the NVD.
For first-time users, to upload the common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE), complete the
following steps.
2. On the Risk Analyzer menu you will see a No Results Found message, click Import.
l Choose file(s) and select the files to import, and then click Import.
4. You will see either a green upload success or red upload failed message appear on the
After you have successfully imported the CVE from NVD, you will see the following Vulnerability
Data Source table populate.
Last Successful Update Timestamp of the last successful update from NVD.
New Scheduled Update When the next retrieval from NVD is scheduled.
Click the Risk Analyzer Settings button to open the dialog box.
l The Calculate Rule Risk CRON Expression setting triggers the execution of the rule risk
score calculation job which should run weekly.
l You may change the default CRON expression, and then click Save.
Note: SIP uses Quartz format (6 fields), not Unix (5 fields), for CRON expressions.
Note: These feature options are only used for NVD data. Third-party vulnerability scanner data
must be imported at the Device Groups level.
Once you have uploaded the database, there are options to manage it.
l Edit is used to edit the vulnerability data source so that if you change the URL to go through a
proxy, you can make sure that your vulnerability data can still be retrieved automatically.
l Retrieve Now is used to initiate a retrieval from the identified source and its URL.
l Schedule Retrieval is used to schedule the retrieval of vulnerability data so that you won't
have to manually import files to get the latest vulnerability data.
l Manual Import is used to manually import vulnerability data to append to your vulnerability
data so that if there is a new vulnerability that's available, you can download and import into
the system instead of waiting for the scheduled retrieval.
1. Click Edit.
2. In the Edit Source dialog box, change the default Name and URL .
4. Select the Save & Retrieve check box, if not already selected.
5. Click Save.
Retrieve Now
Schedule Retrieval
b. Select a Retrieval Time. Time is based on the local time set on the server.
e. Click Save.
Note: To stop an scheduled retrieval, in the Scheduled Retrieval dialog box, click Scheduling
Off and then click Save.
Manual Import
c. Click Import.
Adding a scan data source allows you to schedule the retrieval of the data on a regular basis
instead of needing to manually import the data.
The following scanner versions have been tested and confirmed for automated retrievals.
d. Enter the Username associated with your scan data provider. For API, this is
the API Access Key.
e. Enter the Password associated with your scan data provider. For API, this is
the API Secret Key.
4. Click Test Connection to verify a successful connection can be achieved. Results will display
in the Test Results section.
5. Click Save.
Assigned Device Groups. The number of device groups assigned to the scanner.
Last Successful Update Timestamp of the last successful update from the scanner.
New Scheduled Update When the next retrieval from the scanner is scheduled.
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the scan data
source level.
Scanner Packs
Upload Scanner Pack
After uploading a scanner, it will be listed by Product, Vendor, and Version.
2. Click Upload.
3. In the Upload Scanner Pack dialog box, click Choose File to select the .jar file, and then click
Note: At this time, we do not support automatic retrieval of vulnerability data from certain third-
party scanners. A manual import for the supported scanners can be completed at the Device
Group level.
The following third-party scanners are currently supported for manual import of vulnerability data:
l Metasploit v4 Parser
l Nessus v2
l Tripwire IP360
Note: If you manually upload vulnerability data while automatic vulnerability data updates are
activated, the automatic updates will replace manually uploaded vulnerability data every 24
Please see your scanner product's documentation for instructions on exporting scan data. Then,
place these files in a directory accessible from the Administration module and proceed with a
manual import. It is recommended that you export your scan data anytime you have new data that
you want to include in your analysis in Risk Analyzer.
Risk Analyzer accepts .jar file output of scan data for compilation.
2. From the device group list, click the device group name that you want to enable behavior ana-
lysis for.
3. In the Device Group Properties section, there is a check box to enable behavior analysis.
Select the Enable Behavior Analysis check box to indicate whether a device group will par-
ticipate in behavioral analysis such as Map, APA, Rule Rec, or Risk Analyzer.
4. Click Save.
Prerequisite: A scan source must have already been added before it can be assigned.
To assign a retrieval source to be used by Risk Analyzer, complete the following steps.
3. Select a scan data source from the list for the selected device group.
4. If this is a source change, data from the previous source will be cleared for this device group
and the next automated retrieval rescheduled.
5. Click Save.
Prerequisite: A user must have Risk Data write permissions granted and the Device Group must
have behavior analysis enabled. You must have exported a scan data file from a supported
third-party scanner.
Note: Third-party vulnerability scanner data must be imported at the Device Groups level.
To import scan data to be used by Risk Analyzer, complete the following steps.
4. Choose the scan data file from your computer, and then click Open.
5. Click Import.
Note: A green check mark will appear in either the Map or Risk column if behavior analysis is
true for the device group.
3. On the Clear Scan Data dialog box, confirm the deletion, click Clear.
Administration 780
Module Configuration
Prerequisite: Separate licenses are required for the add-on module and permissions granted to
each module.
The Settings pages are where you manage module settings for Administration and Security Manager
and add-on modules—Policy Optimizer, and Policy Planner. Risk Analyzer has been moved to its
own toolbar menu item.
You will only have access to these pages if a license for the module has been assigned, and you have
been granted module access permissions.
Although the pages are rather self-explanatory, additional information about the various settings to
be managed has been included in an on-screen info icon.
Open Administration Settings Page
l On the toolbar, click Settings > Administration.
All fields contain recommended default settings to ensure the best system performance. However,
all fields can be modified to accommodate your business needs.
l Max Failed Password Attempts is used to set the number of failed password attempts.
l Password Reset Timeout Minutes is used to set the number of minutes that the token
that's embedded in the reset link in the email is live. When a user is attempting to reset their
own password, if they do not reset their password within that time window, the link will
expire and they will have to try again.
l Session Timeout Minutes is used to change the default time that a session will time out
after being idle.
l Prevent Concurrent User Sessions is used to prevent a user from launching multiple con-
current SIP sessions using the sa,e login credentials.
Security Manager
Note: Refer to the Security Manager User's Guide for more detailed information about the module.
Most fields contain recommended default settings to ensure the best performance of the module.
However, all fields can be modified to accommodate your business needs.
l Network APA Rule Recommendation Device Selection should be enabled to use Network
APA for rule recommendation device selection.
l Rule Recommendation Upstream Filtering is used to set the filtering option to use for rule
recommendation. The options to select are:
o NONE (default) will not use upstream filtering
o APA will use network APA which requires a network map to exist
o ROUTE will use the routing table of the device
l Rule Recommendation Zone Expansion should be enabled to use every available zone
instead of an "Any" zone when recommending rules. This makes recommendations more spe-
cific to your environment buy may result in more changes.
l Max Security Rules per Revision is used during behavior model analysis, Security Manager
computes and stores redundant and shadowed rules. If a revision's security rules are greater
than the set value, the redundant and shadowed rule counts in the module are not computed
for the revision, nor are the counts for any device groups that contain the device. The redund-
ant and shadowed rule counts will not be computed until a Removable Rules Report is reques-
l Percent of Heap is the percentage of the JVM memory heap to use when computing redund-
ant and shadowed rules, or duplicate objects.
l Highlight Security Rules Search is used to highlight the matching results for source, des-
tination, and/or service in the Security Rules list after a search is performed.
l Optimize Size of Network Objects when enabled is used to return the object in the smallest
number of objects that match what was provided in the request. If not enabled, the system
will return the requested object exactly as provided in the request.
l Rebuild Network Maps CRON Expression is used to set a CRON expression that will trigger
a job that rebuilds outdated network maps. When using this functionality, device group maps
will only be regenerated when the schedule occurs, otherwise device group maps will be
regenerated when a device deletion or addition with a valid normalized revision that has an
interface change. The needUpdate flag is ignored if a CRON expression is set until the sched-
ule runs and then the map will rebuild if needUpdate is true. The needUpdate field can be
found on the netgraph table.
l Purge Device Revisions CRON Expression triggers the execution of the retention job. The
retention job purges device revisions, is used to maintain stability, and reduce backup file
size. This CRON expression should execute no more or less than once per day.
l Number of Day to Keep Device Revisions is used to set the number of days to keep a revi-
sion before it's purged.
l Minimum Device Revisions to Keep is used to determine which revisions are eligible to be
deleted by the Purge Device Revisions CRON Expression.
Note: All revisions (including successful revisions, normalization errors, RAW data files,
retrieval errors) will be deleted.
Clean Up
l Compute Removable Rules Backward Redundancy is used when computing removable
rules to also report rules that can be removed because a later rule would handle the traffic.
l Execute Assessment CRON Expression triggers the execution of assigned assessments for
trending. This CRON expression should execute no more or less than once per day.
l Update Zone Matrix CRON Expression triggers the execution of the zone access matrix
update job.
l Synchronize Auth Servers CRON Expression triggers the execution of the authentication
server sync job. The auth server sync job synchronizes remote authorization servers with the
local authorization data. This is only applicable to some auth types (Active Directory and
LDAP). The default value for this CRON is empty, and the sync will not be performed until set.
l Purge Change Window Violations CRON Expression triggers the execution of the change
window violation job which purges the table.
l Number of Days to Keep Change Window Violations is used to set how many days to
keep change window violations before they're purged.
Note: The java virtual machine (JVM) must be restarted before any changes take
l Max Interfaces is used to identify how many interface network segments are allowed before
beginning to consolidate into Undefined Segments. -1 means no limit.
l Max Devices per Map is used to specify the maximum number of devices allowed per device
group map.
l Default From is the address that shows in the From field in system-generated email noti-
fications. If you will utilize email encryption, this email address must match the Email field in
the digital signing certificate.
l URL is an external URL used to build the links in the email notification for specific reports (for
example, Change Report) and reset password function.
l On-screen Device Change Notifications is used to control the ability to display or not
display on-screen device change notification messages. This setting is enabled by default.
Policy View
l Raw File Size Limit (MB) is used to set the files size limit for viewing raw files within the mod-
ule. If you select a raw file that is under the set size limit, you will be able to view the diff in
the policy view. If the file is equal to or over the set limit, you’ll be prompted to download the
l Remedy settings are used by customers utilizing Remedy one time password (OTP).
l Number of Days to Keep Reports is used to change the default number of days reports
remain in My Reports in Security Manager.
Note: A best practice recommendation is to set the days to 182 (about six months) for
convenience. You can always change to a lesser amount to reduce system resource
l PDF Generation Timeout Seconds is the number of seconds to wait until a report gen-
eration timeout error is returned as some reports take longer than others to generate.
l Report Wait Seconds is the number of seconds to wait until re-running the report.
l Custom Logo is used to upload a custom company logo to appear on reports (replacing the
default FireMon branding).
l Number of Days to Keep Usage is used to set the number of days to keep per object usage
logs based on when the object is added to the network. Objects will drop from counters once
they meet the set days to keep usage.
l Device Health Usage Threshold is used for the Device Health queries to determine what
the Security Manager health check status is for usage based on the set number of days a
device can exist without reporting usage.
l Collect Usage in Application Server is used to enable or disable this feature. It is enabled
by default.
l Log Usage in Application Server Log File is used to enable or disable this feature. It is dis-
abled by default.
l Calculate Last Used Date at Management Station Level is used to enable or disable this
feature. It is enabled by default.
l Preprocess Device Usage Check for Rule Search Controls is disabled by default. If a Rule
Search Control evaluates last used date or usage criteria, then enabling will cause an optim-
ization preprocess step to occur. The pre-process step will fail if the device has no usage.
l Number of Months to Keep Event Logs is used for setting how long to retain event logs.
Retaining event logs longer than 24 months (default value) may negatively impact system per-
l For MSSPs, a domain can have only one image and an image can have only one domain.
4. Click Save.
Note: The option to include a custom logo on a report will only appear on the report page if a
logo has been uploaded.
Purge Data
To maintain system stability and reduce backup size, it is recommended that you set a data purge of
device revisions and usage. The system defaults are set to retain all data; unless this data is
routinely purged, the var partition will eventually fill resulting in diminished system stability and
Note: All revisions (including successful revisions, normalization errors, RAW data files, retrieval
errors) will be deleted.
Note: The CRON expression should execute no more or less than once per day. The
default is set to run at 6 AM daily.
4. Click Save.
Policy Planner
Prerequisite: A Policy Planner license and permissions granted to Policy Planner are required
to access this page.
Note: Refer to the Policy Planner User's Guide for more detailed information about the module.
All fields contain recommended default settings to ensure the best performance of the module.
However, all fields can be modified to accommodate your business needs.
l Allowable Upload File Types is used to determine which file types are acceptable for attach-
ments. Leave this blank to accept all file types.
l Max Attachment Upload Size is used to set the file attachment size in bytes.
l Delete Attachments is used to delete Policy Planner attachments after they have been
uploaded. To use this feature, a user must have the review assigned to them and have Write
permissions for that stage.
l Default Sender is the address that shows in the From field in system-generated email noti-
l Ticket URL is the IP address of your Policy Planner module.
l Show is an module-level setting, that applies to every workflow, to control default ticket view
behavior. Options are:
o All tickets—displays all tickets in the workflow to all users.
o Editable—only displays tickets that are assigned to the logged in user or can be
Note: The java virtual machine (JVM) must be restarted before any changes take
Policy Optimizer
Prerequisite: A Policy Optimizer license and permissions granted to Policy Optimizer are
required to access this page.
Note: Refer to the Policy Optimizer User's Guide for more detailed information about the module.
All fields contain recommended default settings to ensure the best performance of the module.
However, all fields can be modified to accommodate your business needs.
l Allowable Upload File Types is used to determine which file types are acceptable for attach-
ments. Leave this blank to accept all file types.
l Max Attachment Upload Size is used to set the file attachment size in bytes.
l Delete Attachments is used to delete Policy Optimizer attachments after they have been
uploaded. To use this feature, a user must have the review assigned to them and have Write
permissions for that stage.
l Default Sender is the address that shows in the From field in system-generated email noti-
l Ticket URL is the IP address of your Policy Optimizer module.
l Default Reviewer is used to set a user as the defaulter ticket reviewer when one is not
assigned to the ticket.
l Control Failure SIQL Query is used to set the query for control failures.
l Control Failure Workflow ID is the workflow ID associated to the control failure workflow
that rules should be routed to from within Security Manager.
l Update Control Failure Workflow ID on Upgrade is used to automatically update the con-
trol failure workflow ID
l Show is used to select how Review tickets are displayed in Policy Optimizer. Options are:
o All reviews—displays all reviews in the workflow to all users
o Editable—only displays reviews that are assigned to the logged in user or can be
claimed and assigned by the logged in user
o Assigned—only displays reviews that are assigned to the logged in user
When a Policy Optimizer ticket with a Review Decision to decertify is selected, the module will
automatically create a Policy Planner ticket to complete the decertification process.
Setting up Policy Planner integration is completed during the workflow creation process.
Filter Library
A policy can contain thousands of devices, objects and controls, making it difficult to analyze. You
can use the filter bricks in the SIQL query bar above any results table to build complex queries to
return only the results that satisfy certain criteria. These queries can then be saved to your filter
library for easy access later. Or you can access a library of pre-defined filters to run a query.
The Filter Library is comprised of pre-defined system filters for common search criteria and filters
created by users, such as Shared with All Users. System filters have the lock icon beside the
name; theses cannot be edited or deleted.
Will display "who" the filter is being shared with, or if the filter is not
Shared With
being shared, "private" will be displayed.
Category Is where (the type of result list) the filter originated from.
Owner Is either a system filter or the user who created the filter.
Favorite Displays a solid star if the filter has been marked to show in Favorites.
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the filter library level.
Create a Filter
Note: The filter bar is set to Basic by default, which allows you to build queries using filter bricks.
Clicking Advanced allows you to manually enter SIQL queries in the filter bar.
The Add Filter dialog box opens, showing the criteria you can filter based on the results
table you are on.
5. Click Apply.
Save a Filter
1. After you have finished creating the filter and it successfully returns the results you were
searching for, click Save As.
c. To add the filter to the Favorite Filters table, click Show In Favorites.
d. To share a filter with a specific user group, click Shared with and select a user group
from the list. You may select more than one user group.
3. Click Save.
2. The most frequently used filters are listed under Favorite Filters.
4. Click on a filter. A new table opens with the selected filter applied.
Favorite a Filter
To add a filter to your favorites list, click the star next to the filter in the Filter Library.
All favorite filters will be listed in the Favorite Filters dialog box when you click .
Edit a Filter
2. On the Filter Library table, in the row for the filter to edit, click > Edit.
Note: Only filters you have created can be deleted. System filters have the icon beside their
name; these cannot be deleted. Deleting a Shared With filter will also delete it for the user group
it's been shared with.
2. From the Filter Library list, in the row for the filter to delete, click > Delete.
Tag Library
The ability to apply a tag to a rule allows you to more easily see relationships and grouping, and
identify rules to take action on to improve security.
l You can choose a color for the tag, reinforcing the visual grouping.
l Help find groups of rules and objects that don't have common data sets.
Note: There is not a system limit to the number of tags that can be applied to a rule.
The Tag Library is comprised of all the tags that have been created and shared, and are used across
all SIP applications.
The unique name for the tag. Click the Name to open the dashboard for
the tag.
Will display "who" the tag is being shared with, or if the tag is not being
Shared With
shared, the field will be blank.
Action menu with options for tasks to complete at the tag library level.
Tag Dashboard
The Tag Dashboard resides in the Security Manager application. When you click a tag's link in
another application, it will open in Security Manager.
Note: Data presented is determined by a user's granted permissions to the applications that use
the selected tag. 'No Data Available' could be a result of not having permission granted to view or
a license for the associated application.
l Tag References is a pie chart used to visualize the reference distribution of the tag.
l Rule References displays the number of security rules for a device, listed in order of
references. Click a device to open the Security Rules listed for that device, filtered by tag.
l Associated Tickets by Created Date is based on the workflow that is associated to the tag.
Select a Workflow from the drop-down list to populate the widget data. It also includes a link
to the ticket and the stage that the ticket is currently in. Clicking the linked Ticket Number will
open the ticket in the associated application. If a license for the application does not exist, a
product brief will display.
l Rules by Cumulative Severity lists the cumulative severity scores greater than zero for the
rule referencing the tag. Ordered by descending order of the severity level.
Value Description
The rule number the tag is used on. Click to open the
Rule No.
Security Rules page in Security Manger for the rule.
The name of the rule the tag is used on. Click to open the
Rule Name
Security Rules page in Security Manger for the rule.
The device using the tag. Click to open the device's Over-
view Dashboard in Security Manager.
Failed Controls The number of failed controls for each severity level.
Cumulative Severity The overall severity of the rule referencing the tag.
Value Description
Value Description
The rule number the tag is used on. Click to open the
Rule No.
Security Rules page in Security Manger for the rule.
The name of the rule the tag is used on. Click to open the
Rule Name
Security Rules page in Security Manger for the rule.
The device using the tag. Click to open the device's Over-
Device Name
view Dashboard in Security Manager.
The protocol and port for the rule. Click to open the
Application Object / Service
object page in Security Manager for the rule.
Create a Tag
To create a tag, complete the following steps.
a. Type a unique Name for the tag. The system will not allow for duplicate names. There
is no case sensitivity.
d. To share a filter with a specific user group, click Shared with and select a user group
from the list. You may select more than one user group.
e. Click Create.
Share a Tag
Note: To share an existing tag you must have created the tag or be a member of a Shared With
1. On the Tag Library page, for the tag to edit, click the menu icon and then click Edit.
b. Select a user group from the list to share the tag with.
c. Click Save.
Remove a Share
To remove access to a tag for a specific user group, open the Edit dialog box and click the X next to
the user group name.
Edit a Tag
Note: To edit a tag you must have created the tag or be a member of a Shared With group.
1. On the Tag Library page, for the tag to edit, click the menu icon and then click Edit.
b. Click Save.
Delete a Tag
Note: To delete a tag you must have created the tag or be a member of a Shared With group.
Caution: If a tag is referenced by objects, deleting the tag will also delete it from the referenced
1. On the Tag Library page, for the tag to edit, click the menu icon and then click Delete.
Support Diagnostics
The purpose of the Support Diagnostics page is to assist with performance-related support issues.
The information displayed on the page is static data and read-only. This data provides a snapshot of
Security Manager system performance, and may be used to diagnose any potential errors. The data
is updated every five minutes.
To view current values, manually refresh the browser to view updated information.
l Collection Date is the real-time timestamp of the diagnostics being captured for export.
Uptime is the duration of time that the system has been running.
Note: No historical data is stored, this is a real-time snapshot of the system's performance.
Export Function
To export the diagnostic information, click Export. This will create a .json file that can be included in
a FireMon support ticket.
Overview 801
Filtering 803
FireMon API
An application programming interface (API) is a set of rules, protocols, and tools that allows
different software applications to communicate and interact. APIs define the methods and data
formats used for communication between software components, enabling them to exchange
information and perform specific tasks.
APIs are comprised of numerous endpoint calls. An endpoint is a specific element within SIP, such
as a domain ID, and a call is a set task that is performed on the endpoint. API calls can add, modify,
delete, or simply retrieve user data in a software application. The list below defines API endpoint call
Note: "Element" is a general term used to refer to a specific component, feature, or entity
within an API. It represents a distinct part or aspect of the API that provides a particular
functionality or serves a specific purpose.
The FireMon Swagger API calls are dynamically generated for each SIP module - Security Manager,
Policy Planner, and Policy Optimizer - from their respective swagger.json pages.
l Using cURL
l Using Postman
Each task that you can execute in SIP has a corresponding API endpoint to match it. For example, in
the Administration module , you can manually delete a data collector. But you can also use the
DELETE/collector/{id} endpoint to delete a specific data collector by its ID.
Accessing API endpoints through an API client such as Postman, a developer can use the API to
integrate SIP into existing software platforms and customize SIP functionality. For example, you
could use the API to build a tool to create custom reports.
Note: The preferred method is using the browser -- accessing the Swagger UI from within the SIP
Administration module.
Each endpoint is comprised of a call method and one or several resources. The call method, GET,
for example, defines the action the call is performing. The resource is the element in SIP on which
the action is performed. In the example below, the API is retrieving a list of all the data collectors in
your network.
This example uses the DELETE call method to remove a specific data collector, which is identified by
its ID.
This examples uses the POST call method to create a new assessment within an existing domain.
This more complex example uses the PUT call method to revise one of the available parameters in
a specific control ID inside a specific domain ID.
3. In the Available Authorizations dialog box, enter your SIP user name and password, and
click Authorize.
4. From the Select a definition drop-down at the top of the page, select Security Manager
APIs, Policy Optimizer APIs, Policy Planner APIs or Orchestration APIs from the list.
Note: If you select a different API Definition from the list you will need to re-
authorize to access.
The API endpoints are organized by element. For example, all of the endpoints that pertain to
domains are in the Domain section.
The list of available elements can be quite long. Use the Filter by tag feature to help reduce the
need to scroll down the page. Simply begin typing in the type of element that you're looking for.
Expand an Element
Each element has a list of available calls related to it. Click the Expand icon to view all available calls.
1. In the Security Manager API, select the endpoint you want to test. For this example, click
Assessment > GET/domain/{domainID}/assessment. This endpoint retrieves a paginated
list of all assessments in a specified domain.
Note: The numeral "1" is the domainID for the Enterprise domain.
3. Click Execute.
l cURL—the cURL allows you to query the endpoint URL from a command line
l Response Body—this is the content that is produced as a result of your endpoint, presented
as a structured set of the endpoint parameters and their values in JSON format. For example,
when you use the GET/domain/{domainID}/assessment endpoint, the response body is a list
of all the assessments in the specified domain and details, like ID or name. A GET endpoint
returns detailed information on the SIP element you are querying, while all other endpoints
return. The response body for a POST, PUT, or DELETE endpoint includes only a message stat-
ing whether the endpoint passed or failed.
l Response Code—the response code is a three-digit number returned by the API server to
notify you how a request was received. For a definition of response codes, see the Response
Codes topic.
l Response Headers—the metadata returned by the API server and appended to the reques-
ted content of the endpoint, such as the date, size, and type of file
Response Codes
There is a problem with the call and the API server is unable to process
400 Bad Request
The current user does not have the required privileges to execute this
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found The API server could not find the requested resource.
Internal Server
500 An unknown error occurred while trying to process the request.
The example below shows the response body for the GET/domain/{domainId}/deviceGroup
(located in the Device Group element) endpoint on the Enterprise domain.
A. Inside the first set of brackets are parameters pertaining to the number and size of the
domains in the network. For this example, the "total" parameter lists two device groups.
B. Each device group in the network is nested under the original set of brackets and enclosed in
its own set of brackets. The cluster of domain parameters lists the domain ID as well as other
relevant information for the device group.
C. You can copy the code to your clipboard or download as a .json file.
Device Worksheet
Use this sheet to help you gather information about the devices that you want to add to SIP. You will
enter this information during the device setup process.
Management IP Address
Management IP Address
Management IP Address
Management IP Address
810 | Resources
Administration vF2023.8
811 | Resources