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Educ-4-Syllabus (1)

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Republic of the Philippines

North Eastern Mindanao State University

2nd Semester, A.Y. 2024 – 2025


NEMSU believes that higher education is an instrument for the improvement of life through democratized access to quality education in the development
of a well-rounded person.

A Research University advancing technology and innovation for sustainable development

We drive sustainable development through quality instruction, innovative research, community collaboration, and technological advancement.
1. Produce competent and skilled graduates prepared for gainful employment;
2. Develop graduates who shall not only foster economic progress but also care for the environment, adhere to positive value system, and preserve
cultural heritage;
3. Engage in high-impact research for instruction and develop technology for food security and renewable energy;
4. Collaborate with government and non-government agencies to help improve the lives of the marginalized groups; and
5. Promote cooperation/partnership among regional, national, and ASEAN institutions in Higher Education.

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A combination of observable and measurable knowledge, skills, abilities, and personal attributes that contribute to enhance SDSSU employee
and student performance and ultimately result in organizational success.
Responsibility for own actions, decisions and commitment to accomplish work in an ethical, efficient, cost-effective and transparent manner
manifesting the value of sound stewardship in the wise use of resources for common good.
A prompt action, consistent communication, quality information, and a focus on providing a superior experience to stakeholders.
The quality spectrum at exceptional levels demonstrated by learning outcomes and the development of shared culture of quality consistent
with the vision, mission and goals of University.
Dedication for a continuous improvement of services, stakeholder’s relationships and partnership which stresses interdependence and
collaboration for a sustainable success of clients and their communities in helping build a just, peaceful, stable and progressive Filipino nation.

These core values are not descriptions of the work we do, nor the strategies we employ to accomplish our University vision. They are the core values
that underlie our works and interactions as we internalize responsibilities to fulfil our mission. They are the basic elements of how we go about our work
and how we deal with stakeholders, molds students to become competent, innovative, globally competitive and service-oriented.


The North Eastern Mindanao State University commits itself to produce highly motivated, globally competitive, and morally upright human resource
through the delivery of transformative and quality higher education that conforms to international standards driven by excellent instruction, relevant
researches, sustainable extension, and production services. Together with our stakeholders, we shall endeavor for continual improvement of our quality
management system in consonance with statutory and regulatory requirements for clients and industry satisfaction for quality of life.

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ILO1. Imbue global competency and innovation for a future-ready workforce.

ILO2. Acculturate the values of professionalism, honor, and excellence that promote productivity in the workplace and the community.
ILO3. Propagate the culture of research, extension, and production for sustainable economic viability, environmental stewardship, and social equity in North
Eastern Mindanao and beyond.


The College of Teacher Education will produce competent teachers imbued with ethical values and ideals in the humane environment supportive to
national thrust for social transformation. It is committed to provide students with:

1. Quality training in their respective field of specialization.

2. Knowledge, skills and values system responsive to the needs of the communities.
3. Quality education through relevant instruction, research, extension and use of information and communication technology for teaching and life-
long learning.
4. Productive activities relevant to their field of specialization.
5. Ethical values to maintain the moral of our society.


Programs Learning Outcomes Performance Indicators

PLO1. Demonstrate in-depth understanding of the diversity of various • Identify various types of learners and provide them with appropriate,
learners culturally relevant learning activities and experiences
• Develop and utilize relevant materials that match the learner’s learning
styles, goals and culture
• Select instructional strategies for the development of learners’ critical and
creative thinking skills
• Utilize developmentally appropriate activities in teaching the different
learning areas
• Utilize appropriate technologies to achieve the learning outcomes

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• Apply theories of learning in designing learning-teaching experiences
PLO2. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content • Explain subject matter content clearly, accurately and comprehensively
knowledge of the different subject areas • Relate current content with past and future lessons.
• Integrate recent developments in education and in the specific field to
enrich learning
• Provide examples to real life to make learning meaningful
• Utilize appropriate teaching-learning methods and technology for specific
subject matter content
• Keep abreast with educational issues, trends and practices vis-à-vis local
and global context to provide relevant learning experiences
PLO3. Utilize appropriate assessment and evaluation tools to measure • Design authentic assessment, evaluation instruments and alternative
learning outcomes assessment tools
PLO4. Manifest skills in communication, higher order thinking and use • Demonstrate skills in creative and critical thinking, logical reasoning,
of tools and technology to accelerate learning and teaching problem solving, and decision making in various classroom situations
• Create learning experiences that develop the learners’ higher order
thinking skills
• Provide opportunities that develop learners’ communication skills
PLO5. Demonstrate positive attributes of a model teacher, both as an • Act according to the norms of the teaching profession in dealing with
individual and as a professional students
• Manifest positive personal and professional qualities of a teacher
PLO6. Manifest a desire to continuously pursue personal and • Pursue personal growth and professional
professional development


Programs Learning Outcomes Performance Indicators

PLO1. Demonstrate deep understanding of specific concepts and • Display basic and comprehensive understanding of knowledge, principles
principles of the subject matter in the sciences
PLO2. Apply scientific inquiry in teaching and learning • Apply the scientific principles in solving current problems
PLO3. Utilize effective science teaching and assessment methods • Design and utilize appropriate instructional materials

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• Employ effective teaching techniques for diverse types of learners in
varied learning conditions
• Design and utilize a variety of appropriate assessment techniques to
monitor and evaluate learning
• Provide regular feedback to students
PLO4. Manifest meaningful and comprehensive pedagogical content • Utilize appropriate pedagogy and use of technology for the different
knowledge of the sciences science content areas
• Demonstrate skills in various methods of teaching-learning in the
sciences to include conducting science investigations, making models
and prototype, and doing science research
• Create and utilize learning experiences in the classroom to develop
learner’s skills in discovery learning, problem learning and critical thinking


COURSE DESCRIPTIVE TITLE : Assessment in Learning 1
CREDIT UNITS : 3 units
NO. OF HOURS : 3 hours a week or 54 hours a semester

This course focuses on the principles, development and utilization of conventional assessment tools to improve the teaching learning process. It
emphasizes the use of assessment of, as, and for learning in measuring knowledge, comprehension and other thinking skills in the cognitive, psychomotor
or affective domains. It takes pre-service teachers through the standard steps in test construction and development, the application of grading systems,
and the provision of timely, accurate, and constructive feedback to improve learner performance. Trends and issues related to assessment are also
addressed (CMO No. 74 & 75, s. 2017).

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PLO Code/s
Course Learning Outcomes ILO Code/s BTIs Covered
CLO1. Demonstrate current, research-based knowledge and understanding of the
basic concepts and principles of assessment and how they are applied in teaching ILO1 PLO2 PLO1 1.1.1, 1.2.1
and learning

CLO2. Identify learning outcomes that are aligned with learning competencies ILO1 PLO2 PLO1 4.2.1

CLO3. Demonstrate knowledge in designing, developing, selecting and using

appropriate diagnostic, formative and summative assessment strategies in line with ILO1 PLO3 PLO3 5.1.1
K to 12 standards, guidelines and requirements

CLO4. Demonstrate knowledge of monitoring and evaluating learner progress using

ILO1 PLO1 PLO1 5.2.1
learner attainment data

CLO5. Demonstrate understanding of the role of assessment in making instructional

ILO1 PLO2 PLO1 5.5.1

CLO6. Demonstrate knowledge of providing timely, accurate and constructive

ILO1 PLO1 PLO1 5.3.1
feedback to improve learner performance

CLO7. Demonstrate familiarity with strategies for communicating students’ learning

ILO1 PLO2 PLO1 5.4.1
needs, progress and achievement to key stakeholders

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Detailed Course Learning Plan

Time Course Intended Topics/Content Instructional Learning Assessment CLOs

Frame Learning Outcomes Methodology Materials/Resources Code
(CILOs) (Face-to-Face and
Remote Teaching)
Week 1 • Orientation of the Course: Lecture
- Course syllabus
- Grading System
- Course performance
- Class/course policy
• Introduction and Overview of
the Course

Week 2- a. Explain the basic Unit 1 – Preliminary Concepts Powerpoint Summative CLO1
3 concepts and and Recent Trends Presentation quizzes
principles in Sample Lesson Plan
educational A. What is educational Relevant reading
assessment; assessment? materials
1. Basic principles Unit learning log
instruction and
b. Discuss on the 2. Types of assessment
facilitated or reflective
role of - Assessment for learning
assessment in discussion. Use journal
- Assessment as learning
making - Assessment of learning KWL chart to
instructional 3. Users of educational organize class
decisions to assessment discussion. PSTs
improve teaching will note: What they
and learning; and B. Common terminologies Know, what they
1. Measurement Want to know, and
c. Reflect on and 2. Testing what they Learned.
discuss the

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applications and - Standardized testing
implications of - High stakes testing
assessment to 3. Evaluation
teaching and 4. Types and distinctions of tests
C. High Quality Assessment activity. Pairs Small group
Components exchange ideas on presentation of
1. Clear purpose commonly outputs. Groups
2. Clear and appropriate targets encountered terms choose an
3. Appropriate methods on assessment appropriate graphic
4. Adequate sampling while the teacher organizer to capture
5. Objectivity clarifies the main idea of
misconceptions and what educational
D. Recent trends and focus reinforces prior assessment is.
1. Accountability and fairness
- Equity in digital assessments
2. Standards-based education
3. Outcome-based education Interactive
instruction and Process: discussion
4. Item Response Theory
facilitated of concepts and
5. AI and machine learning in
assessment effective use of
discussion using
charts and/or
concept maps.
Output: appropriate
graphic organizer
research. This Panel discussion.
involves the This may be used to
systematic process pre-service
gathering of teachers’ learning.
information in order This would be
to write a paper, particularly useful in
create a processing the

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presentation, or outputs of the
complete a project. research activity
As used in this where the PSTs will
context, preservice present, explain and
teachers shall discuss to the class
gather research their outputs like
experts based on
information on
their reflections of
identified topics
their respective
from journals topics.
focusing on the
Problem, Theories, Process: Rubrics
Methodology, should be
Findings and formulated
Discussion of separately for the
Results. research output and
the panel
Product: Annotated
bibliography of
library/ online
Week 4- Formulate Unit 2 – Target Setting Interactive Powerpoint Summative CLO2
6 appropriate learning instruction and Presentation quizzes
objectives and A. Standards-based facilitated Sample Lesson Plan
outcomes that are Assessment discussion. Review Relevant reading
constructively 1. Constructive alignment of related policies of materials Unit learning log
aligned with national 2. K-12 assessment guidelines DepEd and or reflective
standards - Content standards literature on the journal.
- Performance standards Revised Bloom’s
- Assessment types Taxonomy may be
used as a
B. Appropriate Targets springboard for

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1. Competencies, objectives, discussion. Pre-
outcomes service teachers
research other and
2. Characteristics of objectives emerging
(SMARTER) taxonomies to be
presented in class.
3. Learning domains and Advance organizers
taxonomies like a path/flow
- Cognitive diagram may be
- Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom, used in unpacking
et al., 1964) competencies.
- Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
(Anderson & Krathwohl,
- Affective
- Psychomotor

4. Other taxonomies
- SOLO Taxonomy (Biggs &
Collis, 1982)
- Marzano Taxonomy
(Marzano & Kendall, 2007)

C. Unpacking Learning Unpacking

Competencies learning
1. Unpacking competencies competencies and
using 5Ps formulating
2. ABCD of the Statement of objectives. The
Objectives preservice teachers
3. Writing objectives from will choose a topic
competencies on a subject of their
choice from the

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curriculum guide
and unpack a
related competency.
They shall then
formulate learning
objectives based on
the unpacked
competency and
write the objectives
using the ABCD
format. (May be
done individually or
in small groups).
The K-12 Science
Curriculum Guide
shall be the basis
for selecting
competencies in
BSED (in
collaboration with
Sci 101) while the
Math Curriculum
Guide (with focus
on Grade 1-3 Math)
shall be utilized for

Product: SMARTER
Week 7 - a. Develop Unit 3 – Designing and Powerpoint Summative CLO3
9 assessment Developing Presentation quizzes
tools that are Assessments Sample Lesson Plan

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appropriate and A. Characteristics of Quality Interactive Relevant reading
target-matched; Assessment Tools instruction and materials Unit learning log
and facilitated or reflective
b. Improve B. Types of Teacher-made discussion using journal.
assessment Tests concept maps and
tools based on process flowcharts.
assessment C. Learning Target and
data. Assessment Test development,
Method Match Explicit instruction pilot testing,
1. Table of Specifications may be used in the item analysis and
TOS’ development reliability
D. Assessment Tools and item analysis testing. Using the
Development (using MS Excel if objectives
1. Assessment development viable). Explicit formulated in
cycle instruction in this the previous unit,
2. Test item formulation context shall involve the preservice
3. Item analysis modelling, guided teachers will:
4. Reliability learner practice and 1. develop a table of
a. Measures of relationship independent learner specifications,
b. Index of determination practice. 2. develop or
c. Inter-rater reliability formulate test
5. Validity items using a mix of
appropriate test
based on the TOS,
3. pilot-test the
assessment tool,
4. conduct item
analysis and
reliability testing on
the assessment
data, and

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5. make necessary
revisions to the
assessment tool
based on analysis
of results.

Product: TOS and

encoded report of
item analysis and
reliability testing.
Week 9 Midterm Examination
Week 10 a. Interpret Unit 4 – Analysis and Powerpoint Summative CLO4
- 15 assessment Interpretation of Assessment Presentation quizzes CLO5
results Results Sample Lesson Plan
accurately and Relevant reading
A. Presentation Unit learning log
utilize them to 1. Textual presentation Teacher-facilitated materials
help learners active learning with or reflective
2. Tabular presentation
improve their 3. Graphical presentation the use of available journal
performance and technology like
achievement; B. Quantitative Analysis and computers/laptops,
Interpretation results analysis
and android phones or
1. Levels of measurement and
b. Utilize scientific
2. Measures of central tendency interpretation.
assessment calculators.
3. Measures of variability Using data obtained
results to make 4. Measures of relative position Interactive projected
from pilot-testing of
informed 5. Other measures media using MS
decisions to Excel is preferred
assessment tool,
improve due to its facility in
the preservice
instruction. presenting graphs,
teachers will:
tables and
1. empirically
numerical data
describe or interpret
performance using

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2. present and
discuss the analysis
and interpretations
to the class using
tables and graphs;
3. identify possible
ways to improve
teaching and
learning based on
analysis and

Process: delivery
and presentation

report on:
1. analysis and
interpretation of
learner performance
using appropriate
tables and graphs;
2. possible ways to
improve teaching
and learning based
on the analysis and

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Week a. Make value Unit 5 – Feedbacking and Explicit instruction Powerpoint Summative CLO6
16-17 judgements on Communicating Assessment on the conduct of Presentation quizzes CLO7
assessment Results feedback, self- Sample Lesson Plan
results based on assessment and Relevant reading Unit learning log
empirical A. Qualitative Evaluation peer assessment. materials or reflective
evidence; and journal.
b. Demonstrate B. Constructive Feedbacking
strategies to Self-assessment
communicate 1. Principles and characteristics and peer critiquing
learner needs, 2. Strategies of outputs. Using
progress and - Written feedback an agreed rubric as
achievement to - Oral feedback a basis for
intended C. Self-assessment assessment, the
stakeholders. D. Peer assessment preservice
teachers will
evaluate their own
output (portfolio on
assessment tool
development) and
the output of their
peers. In addition to
the quantitative
rating, the PSTs will
highlight strengths,
weaknesses, and
interesting points in
their critiques of
their peers’ work.
(Advance organizer
like the de Bono’s
(PMI) may be used.)

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Process: ability to
evaluate and
provide feedback on
others’ work

Output: duly filled

peer and self-
feedback form
Week 18 Final Examination



Balagtas, M. U., David, A. P., Golla, E. F., Magno, C. P., & Valladolid, V. C. (2020). Assessment in learning 1 (1st ed.). REX Book Store.
Mañas, J. L. (2024) Assessment of Learning I. PHI Learning Private Limited.
Navarro, TM. M., Boholano, H. B., & Jamon, BE. V. (2021). Assessment of children's development and learning. Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

Online Sources (NEMSU Digital Library)

Hummel, S. & Donner MT. (eds.) (2024). Student assessment in digital and hybrid learning environments. Springer VS.
Amado, OA. R. (ed.) (2023). Various types of assessment in education. Society Publishing.

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Class Standing - 60%

Major Exams - 40%
TOTAL 100%


1. Mobile Device Usage: During class sessions, the use of mobile phones is generally discouraged. However, mobile phones may be used if specific
course activities require them and necessitate internet connectivity. Please ensure that such usage is respectful to the learning environment.
2. Assessment Procedures: There will be no special tests for quizzes or oral recitations. All assessment methods will be communicated in advance
through the course syllabus.
3. Late Submissions: Timely submission of assignments and projects is essential. Points will be deducted for late submissions, so it is crucial to adhere
to deadlines. If you foresee any challenges meeting a deadline, please contact the instructor in advance.
4. Major Outputs: Students are expected to complete and submit all major assignments as outlined in the course syllabus. Failure to do so may result
in an incomplete grade, which can have academic consequences.
5. Academic Integrity: Plagiarism, which includes copying and presenting someone else's work as your own, is strictly prohibited in all submitted
assignments and outputs. Make sure to properly cite sources and use original work.
6. Compliance with Course Requirements: To ensure a successful course completion, it is imperative that you comply with all requirements stated
in the course syllabus. This includes attending classes, participating in discussions, and completing assignments as specified.
7. Special Examinations: In cases where students have valid reasons for missing major exams (e.g., medical emergencies or documented personal
issues), they may request a special examination. Please communicate such situations with the instructor promptly.
8. Respectful Conduct: Any form of bullying, discrimination, or harassment, whether in person or online, is strictly prohibited. We are committed to
maintaining a safe and respectful learning environment for all students.

Date of Revision : January 10, 2025

Date of Effectivity : January 20, 2025

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