6th batch OBGYN OSCE _ Group 2
6th batch OBGYN OSCE _ Group 2
6th batch OBGYN OSCE _ Group 2
Comment on the head decent: it plateaus.
Comment on the cervical dilatation: it plateaus.
Comment on the contractions: adequate.
What is your diagnosis? Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
What are the causes of CPD?
What are the three important factors in labor? The three: (Ps): power, passenger & passage.
What is meant by: power, passenger & passage?
What is the management of this patient? C/S
2- Oral: A young lady came with iliac fossa pain, vaginal spotting & 6
weeks history of amenorrhea.
What is your diagnosis? Ectopic pregnancy.
What are the risk factors for ectopic pregnancy?
If a pregnancy occurs with an IUD it is more likely to be an ectopic. Why is that? A Foreign body
carries the risk of infection.
What are the sites of ectopic pregnancy?
What are the physical examination findings in an ectopic pregnancy?
Mention two investigations to confirm your diagnosis: ultrasound & HCG.
Mention 3 management options: expectant, medical (methotrexate) & surgical
What are the perquisites for methotrexate use?
What are the contraindication for methotrexate use?
What is the mechanism of action of methotrexate?
What are the surgical options for this patient?