Chapter 3
Introduction to Systems Development
and Systems Analysis
Learning Objectives:
Lesson Proper:
Because we live in a highly competitive and ever-changing world, at any given time
most organizations are improving or replacing their information systems.
Systems Analysis
The first step in systems development is systems analysis, where the information
needed to purchase, develop, or modify a system is gathered. To better use limited
resources, development requests are screened and prioritized. If a decision is made to
move forward, the nature and scope of the proposed project is identified, the current
system is surveyed to identify its strengths and weaknesses, and the feasibility of the
proposed project is determined. If the proposed project is feasible, the information needs
of system users and managers are identified and documented. These needs are used to
develop and document the systems requirements that are used to select or develop a
new system. A systems analysis report is prepared and submitted to the information
systems steering committee.
Conceptual Design
During conceptual design, the company decides how to meet user needs. The first
task is to identify and evaluate appropriate design alternatives, such as buying software,
developing it in-house, or outsourcing system development to someone else. Detailed
specifications outlining what the system is to accomplish and how it is to be controlled are
developed. This phase is complete when conceptual design requirements are
communicated to the information systems steering committee.
Physical Design
During physical design, the company translates the broad, user-oriented
conceptual design requirements into the detailed specifications used to code and test
computer programs, design input and output documents, create files and databases,
develop procedures, and build controls into the new system. This phase is complete when
the results of the physical system design are communicated to the information systems
steering committee.
new hardware and software are installed and tested, employees are hired and trained or
existing employees relocated, and processing procedures are tested and modified.
Standards and controls for the new system are established and system documentation
completed. The organization converts to the new system and dismantles the old one,
makes needed adjustments, and conducts a post implementation review to detect and
correct design deficiencies. When the operational system is delivered, system
development is complete. A final report is prepared and sent to the information systems
steering committee.
the perceived problem is not the real problem. A government accountant once asked a
consultant to develop an AIS to produce the information he needed regarding fund
expenditures and available funds. An investigation showed that the system provided the
information and he did not understand the reports he received.
The project’s scope (what it should and should not accomplish) is determined.
Scope creep (adding additional requirements to the scope after it has been agreed to) is a
real problem.
A new AIS is useful when problems result from lack of information, inaccessibility
of data, and inefficient data processing. A new AIS is not the answer to organizational
problems. Likewise, if a manager lacks organizational skills, or if failure to enforce existing
procedures causes control problems, a new AIS is not the answer. The initial investigation
should also determine a project’s viability and preliminary costs and benefits, and it
should recommend whether to initiate the project as proposed, modify it, or abandon it.
Systems Survey
A systems survey is an extensive study of the current AIS that has the following objectives:
● Gain an understanding of company operations, policies, procedures, and
information flow; AIS strengths and weaknesses; and available hardware,
software, and personnel.
● Make preliminary assessments of current and future processing needs, and
determine the extent and nature of the changes needed.
● Develop working relationships with users, and build support for the AIS.
● Collect data that identify user needs, conduct a feasibility analysis, and make
recommendations to management.
Data about the current AIS is gathered from employees and from documentation
such as organizational charts and procedure manuals. External sources include
consultants, customers and suppliers, industry associations, and government agencies.
mistakes when they know they are being observed. Identifying what is to be observed,
estimating how long it will take, obtaining permission, and explaining what will be done
and why can maximize the effectiveness of observation. The observer should not make
value judgments and should document notes and impressions as soon as possible.
gathering is complete, the team evaluates the AIS’s strengths and weaknesses to develop
ideas for designing and structuring the new AIS. When appropriate, strengths are retained
and weaknesses corrected.
The systems survey culminates with a systems survey report. Table 20-3 shows the
table of contents for the Shoppers Mart systems survey report. The report is supported by
documentation such as memos, interview and observation notes, questionnaire data, file
and record layouts and descriptions, input and output descriptions, copies of documents,
E-R diagrams, flowcharts, and data flow diagrams.
Feasibility Study
The feasibility analysis is updated regularly as the project proceeds and costs and
benefits become clearer.
Feasibility Study (or business case) is prepared during systems analysis and
updated as necessary during the SDLC. The extent varies; for a large-scale system, it is
generally extensive, whereas one for a desktop system might be informal. The feasibility
study is prepared with input from management, accountants, systems personnel, and
5. Operational feasibility. Does the organization have access to people who can
design, implement, and operate the proposed system? Will people use the
2. Net present value (NPV). All estimated future cash flows are discounted back to
the present, using a discount rate that reflects the time value of money. The initial
outlay costs are deducted from the discounted cash flows to obtain the net
present value (NPV). A positive NPV indicates the alternative is economically
feasible. The highest positive NPV is usually selected.
3. Internal rate of return (IRR). The internal rate of return (IRR) is the effective
interest rate that results in an NPV of zero. A project’s IRR is compared with a
minimum acceptable rate to determine acceptance or rejection. The proposal with
the highest IRR is usually selected.
System objectives, such as those shown in Table below, are the elements most
vital to an AIS’s success. It is difficult for a system to satisfy every objective. For example,
designing adequate internal controls is a trade-off between the objectives of economy
and reliability.
AIS Objectives
Because organizational constraints make it difficult to develop all AIS components
simultaneously, the system is divided into modules that are developed and installed
independently. When changes are needed, only the affected module is changed. The
modules must be properly integrated into a workable system.
● Analyze external systems. If a solution already exists, do not “reinvent the wheel.”
● Examine existing systems. Determine if existing modules are used as intended,
may be augmented by manual tasks, or may be avoided altogether. This approach
helps determine whether a system can be modified or must be replaced.
● Create a prototype. When it is difficult to identify requirements, a developer can
quickly rough out a system for users to critique. Users identify what they like and
dislike about the system and request changes. This iterative process of looking at
what is developed and improving it continues until users agree on their needs.
Detailed AIS requirements that explain exactly what the system is to produce are
created and documented. The requirements are supported by sample input and output
forms, as well as charts, so users can conceptualize the system. A nontechnical summary
of important user requirements and development efforts to date is often prepared for
management. The project team meets with the users, explains the requirements, and
obtains their approval. When an agreement is reached, user management signs the
system requirements documents to indicate approval.
A number of people must cooperate to successfully develop and implement an
Management’s most important systems development roles are to emphasize the
importance of involving users in the process, to provide support and encouragement for
development projects, and to align systems with corporate strategies. Other key roles
include establishing system goals and objectives, selecting system department leadership
and reviewing their performance, establishing policies for project selection and
organizational structure, and participating in important system decisions. User
management determine information requirements, assist analysts with cost and benefit
estimates, assign staff to development projects, and allocate funds for development and
AIS users communicate their information needs to system developers. As project
development team or steering committee members, they help manage systems
development. As requested, accountants help design, test, and audit the controls that
ensure the accurate and complete processing of data.
Information Systems Steering Committee
Customers, vendors, external auditors, and governmental entities play a role in systems
development. For example, Walmart vendors are required to implement and use
electronic data interchange (EDI).
Inadequate planning was one reason why Electronic Data Systems (EDS) lost a
significant amount of money in its contract with the U.S. military.
Planning Techniques
PERT and the Gantt charts are techniques for scheduling and monitoring systems
development activities. The program evaluation and review technique (PERT) requires
that all activities and the precedent and subsequent relationships among them be
identified. The activities and relationships are used to draw a PERT diagram, which is a
network of arrows and nodes representing project activities that require an expenditure
of time and resources and the completion and initiation of activities. Completion time
estimates are made, and the critical path—the path requiring the greatest amount of
time—is determined. If any activity on the critical path is delayed, then the whole project
is delayed. If possible, resources can be shifted to critical path activities to reduce project
completion time.
A Gantt chart is a bar chart with project activities on the left-hand side and units
of time across the top. For each activity, a bar is drawn from the scheduled starting date
to the ending date, thereby defining expected project completion time. As activities are
completed, they are recorded on the Gantt chart by filling in the bar; thus, at any time it is
possible to determine which activities are on schedule and which are behind. The primary
advantage of the Gantt chart is the ability to show graphically the entire schedule for a
large, complex project, including progress to date and status. A disadvantage is that the
charts do not show the relationships among project activities.
● Aggression
o Aggression is behavior that destroys, cripples, or weakens system
effectiveness, such as increased error rates, disruptions, or deliberate
sabotage. After one organization introduced an online AIS, data input
devices had honey poured on them, were run over by forklifts, or had
paper clips inserted in them. Employees also entered erroneous data into
the system. In another organization, disgruntled workers punched in to an
unpopular supervisor’s department and worked in other areas. This
adversely affected the supervisor’s performance evaluation because he
was charged for hours that did not belong to him.
● Projection
o Projection is blaming the new system for everything that goes wrong. The
system becomes the scapegoat for all real and imagined problems and
errors. If these criticisms are not controlled or answered, system integrity
can be damaged or destroyed.
● Avoidance
o Avoidance is ignoring a new AIS in the hope that the problem (the system)
will eventually go away. Davis Controls, a struggling manufacturer,
processed its orders using email, but pertinent information was frequently
lost or forgotten. Davis invested $300,000 in software that efficiently
captured customer information, properly handled purchase orders, helped
managers make better daily decisions, and made it possible to process four
times as many transactions. Employees avoided it, even though the CEO
explained the system’s benefits and told them the company’s survival and
their jobs were at stake. Finally, the CEO disabled the uncooperative
employees’ e-mail accounts and terminated the employees who continued
to avoid the system.
Emphasize that the system may provide advancement opportunities and greater
job satisfaction because the job has become more interesting and challenging.
● Avoid emotionalism. When logic vies with emotion, it rarely stands a chance.
Emotional issues should be allowed to cool, handled in a no confrontational
manner, or sidestepped.
● Provide training. Effective use and support are not possible if users do not
understand the system. User training needs are often underestimated.
● Reexamine performance evaluation. Performance standards and criteria should
be reevaluated to ensure that they are congruent with the new system.
● Keep communication lines open. Everyone affected by systems development
should have an attitude of trust and cooperation. If employees become hostile, it
is difficult to change their attitude and to implement the system. As soon as
possible, employees should be told what changes are being made and why and be
shown how the new system benefits them. This helps employees identify with the
company’s efforts and feel they are key players in the company’s future goals and
plans. It also helps prevent rumors and misunderstandings. Employees should be
told whom they can contact if they have questions or concerns.
● Test the system. The system should be properly tested prior to implementation to
minimize initial bad impressions.
● Keep the system simple, and humanize it. Avoid complex systems that cause
radical changes. Make the change as simple as possible by conforming to existing
organizational procedures. The new system is unlikely to be accepted if individuals
believe the computer is controlling them or has usurped their positions.
● Control users’ expectations. A system is sold too well if users have unrealistic
expectations of its capabilities and performance. Be realistic when describing the
merits of the system.
These guidelines are time-consuming and expensive, and workers may skip them to
speed systems development and installation. However, the problems caused by not
following the guidelines are usually more expensive and time-consuming to fix than to