Pmi Acp 2024

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Project Management


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• PMI vs ACP ?
• Requirements for ACP exam
• Guidelines for completing ACP application
• About the ACP exam

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❑ PMI : Project Management Institue
– Non profit organisation based in USA
– Certification program
– Local chapters

❑ ACP : Agile Certified Practionner

– Certification awarded by PMI
– Valid 3 years
– Need PDUs for renew (30 PDU)

➔PRINCE2 Agile (PRojects IN Controlled Environments 2 Agile)

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Overview: All About the PMI-ACP Certification

• Qualifications for the PMI-ACP Exam

• Applying for the PMI-ACP Exam
• Money and the PMI-ACP Exam
• Passing the PMI-ACP Exam
• Preparing a Study Strategy -to Pass!
• What to Expect on Testing Day
• What Your Exam is Based Upon
• PMI-ACP Exam Domains

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Fourth main parts

• Personnal information
• 21 hours of project management education
• 12 months of general project experience within the last 5
years. A current PMP® or PgMP® will satisfy this requirement
but is not required to apply for the PMI-ACP.
• 8 months of agile project experience within the last 3 years

Audit : you will recieve an email … follow instructions…

Exam Fee
Member: US$435.00
Non-member: US$495.00

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About the Exam
• Duration : 180 minutes.
• 120 questions
• 20 question are pre-test question. Not scored
• Agile project Management
• No possibilities break
• The questions on the exam are mostly situational.
• Questions will be in predictive , agile or Hybrid management.
• But there are other types of questions
– Hot Spot : to interact with a digital graphic and use calculations to
estimate specific Data points

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About the Exam
PMI-ACP Exam Domain

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Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

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Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

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Chapter 1 :
Agile Introduction &

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Agile Introduction & Overview


• Explain Agile Development

• Descirbe the princliples of Agile Manifesto
• List the core values and principles of Agile
• Explain what is not Agile
• Describe the benefits of Agile methodologies

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Agile Introduction & Overview

Definition of Agile

An iterative and incremental (evolutionary) approach to software development

which is performed in a highly collaborative and evolving manner by self-organizing
teams within an effective governance framework with "just enough" ceremony that
produces high quality solutions in a cost effective and timely manner which meets
the changing needs of its stakeholders.

Scott Ambler -

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Agile Introduction & Overview

What is Agile
Agile is a famliy of project devlopment processes
Agile emphasis:
• Face-to-face communication;
• Business and developer collaboration
• Working software as the primary
demonstration of progress
• Emphasis of effective engennering technicques
• Ferquent demonstartions of progress and early
return of investment
• Adaptation to business change ; and
• Retrospectives and continuous improvement
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Agile Introduction & Overview

Agile Manifesto Values

That is, while there is value in the items on the right,

we value the items on the left more.

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Agile Introduction & Overview
Agile Manifesto Principles


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Agile Introduction & Overview
Agile Core Principles and practices

Early Delivery of Users Stories reflect

value through Business value and
iterations with Demos priority

Accpetance of all
Involvement of the

Sustainble peace of

Communication HighSource:

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Agile Introduction & Overview

What is Not Agile

Agile does not involve
• Big design and requirement gathering up-front;
• Predictions on project completion;
• Use tools that force behaviors , such as , task management tools;
• Top down management /control; and
• Heavy documentation , particularity status report , sfotware requirements
documentation .

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Agile Introduction & Overview

Benefits of Agile
As Agile has rapidely become one of the more popular and effective techniques to
manage projcts , it is imporant to understand the benefits to its adopters

• Emphasis on collaboration , team empowerement , and frequent demonstartions of progress.

• Lightweight , relies on whiteboards , index cards and facilitation techniques .
• Very appeling to developers with its developement focus.
• Idea of time-to-market opportunities and driving the fatures of the development lifecycle.
• Agile focus on pull instead of push.
• Simple and easy to understand.
• Contemporary.

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Agile Introduction & Overview

Quest 1 : what does the Agile manifesto principle « Build projects around motivated
Individuals » mean?

o Only engage in projects that motivate individuals

o The best Architecture emerge from self-organizing teams

o Trust the team to get the job done

o Do projects that will ‘ exite‘ the job customer

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Agile Introduction & Overview

Quest 1 : what does the Agile manifesto principle « Build projects around motivated
Individuals » mean?

o Only engage in projects that motivate individuals

o The best Architecture emerge from self-organizing teams

o Trust the team to get the job done

o Do projects that will ‘ exite‘ the job customer

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Agile Introduction & Overview

Quest 2 : Which of the following is not seen as a benefit of Agile ?

o Emphasis on collaboration , team empowerment , frequent demonstartions of progress

o Accurate predictions of project completion

o Lightweight , relies on whiteboards , index cards and facilitation techniques

o Implicity focus on pull vs push

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Agile Introduction & Overview

Quest 2 : Which of the following is not seen as a benefit of Agile ?

o Emphasis on collaboration , team empowerment , frequent demonstartions of progress

o Accurate predictions of project completion

o Lightweight , relies on whiteboards , index cards and facilitation techniques

o Implicity focus on pull vs push

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Agile Introduction & Overview

Quest 3 : why doesn’t Agile recommand Big Design up-front ?

o Too much emphasis on design limits the amount of requirements gathering.

o The best design emerge from code overtime.

o Agile does not recommand design as it constraints development velocity.

o Designing up front wastes time that can be better spent on other activities

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Agile Introduction & Overview

Quest 3 : why doesn’t Agile recommand Big Design up-front ?

o Too much emphasis on design limits the amount of requirements gathering.

o The best design emerge from code overtime.

o Agile does not recommand design as it constraints development velocity.

o Designing up front wastes time that can be better spent on other activities

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Agile Introduction & Overview

Quest 4 : why is continous integration seen as valuable ?

o Integration is hard and often delayed just before the final build ; if code is
continuously compiled and checked. Conflicts can be identified when they are easy to
o It is part of the techniqye called kaizen that emphassizes continuous improvement
o It ensures that srcum of scrum projects can deliver a potentially implementable
o By using a continuous integration approch , a project can oflload many core
development processes to an automated server.

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Agile Introduction & Overview

Quest 4 : why is continous integration seen as valuable ?

o Integration is hard and often delayed just before the final build ; if code is
continuously compiled and checked. Conflicts can be identified when they are easy to
o It is part of the techniqye called kaizen that emphassizes continuous improvement
o It ensures that srcum of scrum projects can deliver a potentially implementable
o By using a continuous integration approch , a project can oflload many core
development processes to an automated server.

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Agile Introduction & Overview

Quest 5 : which of the following Agile Manifesto values is incorrect ?

o Working software over comprehension documentation

o Responding to change over reacting to change
o Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
o Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

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Agile Introduction & Overview


Quest 5 : which of the following Agile Manifesto values is incorrect ?

o Working software over comprehension documentation

o Responding to change over reacting to change
o Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
o Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

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Agile Introduction & Overview


• Agile Techniques to deal with changing requirements and improve quality

• Agile Manifesto captured values and principles of the agile movement
• Agile Manifesto highlights 12 principles
• As lightweight project management approach , Agile avoids big design,
• Heavy documentation , and top down management or control.
• Agole emphasizes collaboration , team empowerment and frequent

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Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

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Chapter 2 :
Agile Frameworks

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Agile Frameworks & Methods


• Explain some of the Agile Methodologies & techniques

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Agile Frameworks & Methods

Agile Methodolgies , Framework and process

The PMI ACP certification references several core methodologies

Scrum programming Lean Kanban

Dynamic System Feature Driven

Crystal Development Method Development
« DSDM » « FDD »

Agile Project Source:


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Agile Frameworks & Methods


Scrum is one of the leading Agile techniques developed in the 1990 by ken
shwaber and jeff sutherland

Features that make scrum popular :

o Simplicity and proven results
o Emphases small tems and team empowrement
o Welcomes changes to requirements
o Allows working from a single source of prioritized work items
o Daily status meetings
o Team commitment to a potentially shippable increment during a « sprint »

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Agile Frameworks & Methods

Advantages of Agile/Scrum

Many studies and surveys have outlined the advantages of Agile development.

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Agile Frameworks & Methods
Agile Methods Deliver Value Faster

This chart illustrates how Agile methods deliver value faster than expensive, traditional methods.

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Agile Frameworks & Methods

Scrum Values

C-FORC abbreviates the values of Scrum.

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Agile Frameworks & Methods

Scrum Values

The Scrum roles are an important feature of Scrum.Scrum defines three roles:

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Agile Frameworks & Methods
Scrum Events and Artifacts

Scrum Life Cycle

Agile Frameworks & Methods

Sprint Scrum Events and Artifacts

Agile Frameworks & Methods

Sprint Planning

Sprint Planning helps decide the tasks that the team has committed to achieve the Sprintgoal.
The team should make an informed commitment about what will deliver. A typical Sprint
Planning Meeting takes anywhere between one and two hours per week of Sprint.
Agile Frameworks & Methods

Daily Scrum/Standup Meeting

The Daily Scrum is a meeting of the team, by the team, and for the team.
Agile Frameworks & Methods
Sprint Review

Sprint Review is a demonstration of the deliverables of the Sprint.

Agile Frameworks & Methods
Sprint Retrospective
Scrum Events and Artifacts

Sprint Retrospective is a continuous improvement mechanism in a Scrum Team. It helps discuss

what is working, what is not, and what could be better.
Agile Frameworks & Methods
Scrum Events and Artifacts

Backlog item refers to any work done by the team that adds value to the customer.
Agile Frameworks & Methods
Scrum Events and Artifacts
Product Backlog
Product Backlog items may be feature requests, bug fixes, technical tasks, and so on.
Agile Frameworks & Methods
Scrum Events and Artifacts
Definition of Done

“Definition of Done” is a checklist of items to be verified before marking something as Done.

Usually prepared by the Scrum Master in consultation with the Team

For example, a user story would be called Done if:
The story is fully implemented or code completed as described
Automated unit tests have been developed with at least 80% code coverage
Automated unit tests and the acceptance tests in the story are passing; no Severity has
one or two defects
High-priority test cases have been automated and added to the regression suite
Evolves as the team maturity increases
Agile Frameworks & Methods
Extreme Programming
Other (XP)
Agile Frameworks

Extreme Programming is a system of practices to develop high-quality software.

Agile Frameworks & Methods

XP Practices

Here are some of the well-known XP practices:

Agile Frameworks & Methods

Other Agile Frameworks

XP Practices
Agile Frameworks & Methods

XP Teams

The common characteristics of XP Teams are as follows:

Agile Frameworks & Methods

Other Agile Frameworks

XP Teams

Here are the role descriptions for different types of XP Team members:
Agile Frameworks & Methods

Other Agile Frameworks

Crystal Method

Crystal is a family of methodologies invented by Alastair Cockburn. Following are the seven
properties of Crystal Project:
Agile Frameworks & Methods

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM)

Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) is

a comprehensive methodology which was first
published in 1994.

A revised version of DSDM, also known as Atern,

was published in 2007.

This technique is popular in UK. Following are the

basic concepts of Atern:
Agile Frameworks & Methods

Planning Philosophy in DSDM

Conventional Planning vs. DSDM Planning

Agile Frameworks & Methods

DSDM Techniques

Iterative Development
MoSCoW Prioritization
Facilitated Workshops
Agile Frameworks & Methods

Other Agile Frameworks


Lean originated from the Toyota Production System in 1950.

This technique focuses on the elimination of waste by creating the value stream map for the process.
Lean software development is trying to adopt the following principles for software development:
Agile Frameworks & Methods

Different Forms of Waste

Waste constitutes over 90% of a process. We must constantly look for it and for ways to eliminate it.
Agile Frameworks & Methods

A “pull system” to manage the flow of work

Invented by Taichi Ohno in the Toyota Production System

Manages a process based on “pull” principle in which work is pulled by the succeeding step, not
pushed by the preceding step
Only a minimal buffer is maintained to ensure continuity of the process by employing Just-In-Time
(JIT) principles
Many software teams employ Kanban systems, especially for maintenance or repetitive tasks
Steps to set up a Kanban System:
oVisualize the workflow.
oCreate flow by minimizing the “work-in-progress”
oContinuously improve the system by applying Kaizen principles
Agile Frameworks & Methods


DevOps enables faster delivery of value created by Agile into operations.

This is a system without efficient DevOps:
Agile Frameworks & Methods

Other Agile Frameworks

DevOps enables faster delivery of value created by Agile into operations. This is a system with
efficient DevOps:
Agile Frameworks & Methods

Agile and IT Service Management

Agile Frameworks & Methods
Integrating Agile and ITIL roles

There must be close co-ordination between several roles in an Agile team and an IT team.
Agile Frameworks & Methods


What is the meaning of osmotic communication ?

o Communication with remote team members

o Communication with stakeholders outside the team

o Communication that is formal and written

o Communication that flowws through currents and overhearing

Agile Frameworks & Methods

Other Agile Frameworks

What is the meaning of osmotic communication ?

o Communication with remote team members

o Communication with stakeholders outside the team

o Communication that is formal and written

o Communication that flowws through currents and overhearing

Agile Frameworks & Methods


wich of these XP practices is enabled through pair programming ?

o Collective code owenership

o Test development driven

o Continous integration

o Ubiquitous language

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Agile Frameworks & Methods


wich of these XP practices is enabled through pair programming ?

o Collective code owenership

o Test development driven

o Continous integration

o Ubiquitous language

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Agile Frameworks & Methods

Key Takeaways

There are many techniques and methodologies to choose from under the Agile umbrella.
The Waterfall method is logical, however, it’s expensive to change.
Crystal is strong on communication, Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM), or Atern, is
good at timeboxing and prioritization, and XP has good guidance on engineering practices.
Agile and Scrum techniques have to be complementary to DevOps processes to ensure that the
value developed can be deployed quickly and seamlessly.
Agile and Scrum should also link to IT Service Management because products are ultimately tied to
business services that are supported by IT Operations.

Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

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Chapter 3 :

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Agile Communication


• Define Project communication

• Deiffrentiate between various types of project communication
• Desciribe Agile tooling
Agile Communication
Project Communication

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Agile Communication
Information Radiators

An information radiator displays information in a

place where passerby can see it

information radiators enable team members to

view the current state and its progress

Most Agile teams implement it to some degree in

their processes.

Most popular information radiators are :

o Task boards

o Big visible charst ( includes burdown


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Agile Communication
Information Radiators

Effective information radiator should be :

• Simple : Bried and concise.
• Stark : Errors should not be marked , rather should be to improve work and performance
• Current : information diplayed should be the latest
• Transition : once the problem has been rectified , it should be taken off from the chart
• Influential : Empowers the team to take decisions.
• Highly visible : Easy to see and understand
• Minimal in nimber : Not so many that they drown out oher information

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Agile Communication

Caves and Commons Layout

Agile Communication

Task board

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Agile Communication

Co-located Team vs distributed Team

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Agile Communication

Osmotic Communication

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Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

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Chapter 4 :
Agile Planning,
Monitoring and

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting
Agile Estimating, Planning, Monitoring, and Control
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

Explain how to write a user story and epics.

Carry out planning at the roadmap, release, and Sprint level.

Express estimates in story points or ideal time and explain the pros

and cons.

Perform Agile estimation using Planning Poker and Affinity

Estimation techniques.

Make progress visible using Burn Down Charts and other forms.

Make use of the information to keep the project on track.

Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting
Planning Onion

Planning happens at multiple levels:

Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting
Planning happens at multiple levels:

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting
Aligning Agile projects to portfolios and programs

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

User Stories

User Stories describe anything of value that the team can produce for the customer.

A user story is a lightweight mechanism to

Quickly capture requirements . It acts as
An agreement between customers and team
Member to discuss detailed requirements
During an iteration.

User story provides a medium for the following:

o Gathering basic information about stories

o Recording high level requirements
o Developing work estimates
o Defining acceptance tests
Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

User Stories : 3 C

Three component of user stories are :

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

User Stories : Attributes

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Good User Stories

Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Story Card
Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Story Card : Example

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting


Theme is a set of related user stories

That combined and treated as a single
Entity fo either estimating or release


Epics are large user stories with lower

Priority. They are too big to
implement In a single iteration and
therefore they need to be
disaggregated into smaller User
stories at some point.

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting


Timeboxing is setting a fixed time limit to activities

o It lets other characteristics , such as scope , vary
o If something can not be accomplished in a
timeboxed Period , it is deferred to the next
o Timeboxing allows velocity to be determined
Between itarations and sprints.
o Timeboxing is often applied to meetings like
Scrums , sprint planning , sprint and iterations.

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting
Advantage of Timeboxing

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting
Roadmap/Release Planning

Prioritize high-level epics and determine goals of releases.

Establish goals of releases based on market demand, regulatory needs, or customer

For each release:
Estimate the target stories.
Repeat until target stories are assigned:
Select an iteration length
Estimate velocity
Assign stories to iteration
Iterate until the stories and release date meet conditions of satisfaction.
Try not to pack too much into a release backlog.
Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Agileof ReleasePlanning,
Estimating, Planning
Monitoring, and Control

At the end of release planning, this is what you will see:

Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Iteration plan

An iteration plan is a low of view of the product where the team

takes a more focused an detailed look at what will be necessary to

Only those user stories , that have been selected for the iteration.
Each ietration follows The same consistent pattern

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Iteration plan

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Commitment driven iteration planning

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting
Iteration plan vs release Plan

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Tracking Releases

Burn Down Bar Chart:

Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Tracking Sprints

Burn Down Line Style:

Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Tracking Sprints or release

Burn down Bart chart

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Staying in Control

Use Burn Up and Burn Down Charts for forecasting.

Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Cumulative Flow Diagram

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Work in progress

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Physical Progress Chart

The simplest form of the Kanban Board:

Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Kanban Boards

Kanban board or a task board has

three columns
o To DO
o In progress
o Done
Tasks are represented by cards and
status of
The cards are posted under one the
three columns

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Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adopting

Key Takeaways

The starting point of planning is the definition of user stories. Good user stories follow the
INVEST model and 3 C’s.
Prioritize stories based on Return On Investment (ROI) and Risk.
Get an understanding of the Team’s Velocity.
Use this information to plan at various levels for Roadmap, Release, and Sprint.
Express estimates as Ideal Time or Story Points.
Planning Poker and Affinity are simple, fun approaches to estimation.
Use Burn Down Charts and other indicators to track projects and stay in control.

Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

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Chapter 5 :
Agile Estimation

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Agile Estimation


o Explain the concepts relative Sizing or Story Points

o List the various methods used for estimation
o Explain the concept of ideal days and the factors affecting ideal days
o Describe the agile planning poker technique

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Agile Estimation

Measure of size

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Agile Estimation

Principles behind Estimation:

Agile Estimation
Agile Estimating, Planning, Monitoring, and Control
Ideal Time

Ideal Time is the amount of actual work time.

Agile Estimation

StoryAgile Estimating, Planning, Monitoring, and Control


Absolute measure of size; relative to each other.

Story Point is an analogous estimation technique.

Establish a benchmark and compare others to it:

o Ideally, you should have more than one benchmark or triangulation like Small may
be 1, Medium may be 5, and Large may be 13.
o Benchmark works because human beings are better at comparisons than absolutes.
Points are for the entire work.
Use non-linear scale to pick values:
o Modified Fibonacci: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, …
o Doubling scale: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, …
Agile Estimation

StoryAgile Estimating, Planning, Monitoring, and Control

Agile Estimation

Comparing Ideal Time

Agile Estimating, to Story
Planning, Pointsand Control

Comparison between two units of size:

Agile Estimation

Splitting Stories

Stories need to be split if they are too large, won’t fit into the Sprint, or for more reliable estimation.
Agile Estimation

Determining Value or Return on Investment (ROI)

There are four ways in which work will provide value:

Agile Estimation

Prioritization Models

Before we begin planning, the backlog must be prioritized.

Agile Estimation

Velocity of the Team helps understand the productivity of the Team.

Agile Estimation
Estimating, Planning, Monitoring, and Control

A fast, fun team approach to estimation.

Agile Estimation
Agile Estimating, Planning, Monitoring, and Control
Advantages of Planning Poker

Planning Poker works because of the following reasons:

Agile Estimation

Estimating, Planning, Monitoring, and Control

Useful when you want quick, reliable estimates for a large number of stories at a time
Agile Estimation
From Product to Sprint Backlog
Agile Estimation
Tracking Work in a Sprint
Agile Estimation
Velocity Calculation
Agile Estimation
Defining Key Metrics in Agile
Agile Estimation
Planning Releases
Agile Estimation
Agile Estimation
Wideband delphi

Wideband Delphi Technique is a consensus-based estimation technique for

estimating effort. Useful when estimating time to do a task. Participation of
experienced people and they individually estimating would lead to reliable
results. People who would do the work are making estimates thus making valid

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Agile Estimation
Wideband delphi - process

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Agile Estimation
Affinity estimation

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Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

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Chapter 6 :
Analysis & Design

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Agile Analysis & Design

• Explain product and Iteration/Sprint Backlogs

• Prioritize Backlogs and determine Minimal Marketable Fatures
• Create Agile Personas and wireframes
• Develop an agile charter
• Identify best practices for Agile Modeling

20/11/2024 139
Agile Analysis & Design
Agile product roadmap

• The visualization of product features

• The product roadmap equates to the
product division as a whole
• This is done and owned by the product

20/11/2024 140
Agile Analysis & Design
product backlog

• The visualization of product features

• The product roadmap equates to the
product division as a whole
• This is done and owned by the product

20/11/2024 141
Agile Analysis & Design
Agile story Map

A user story map is a powerful tool that enable an agile team to groom their
product backlog and plan the product releases more effectively. A user story map
captures the journey a customer takes with the product including activities and
tasks they perform with the system.

20/11/2024 142
Agile Analysis & Design
Agile wireframes

Wireframes clarify the picture in your head of what you're building and allow you to
picture its use. This process is helpful in providing the details that the developers want
in order to building it.

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Agile Analysis & Design
Agile Project charter

20/11/2024 144
Agile Analysis & Design

Agile Persona is a central element of Alan cooper’s interaction design . A persona is

Imaginary representation of a user role and a natural extension to user roles.

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PMI-ACP Lesson 05 Agile Analysis and Design

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Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

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Chapter 7 :
Product Quality

20/11/2024 148
Product Quality Concepts


o Explain Agile embeds quality throughout the project lifecycle

o Describe Agile Test-First Development and its processes
o Explain Agile acceptance Test Driven development and its stages
o Define the criteria for Done in Agile
o Identify the best practices of continous Integration

20/11/2024 149
Product Quality Concepts
Quality in Agile

Quality is defined as « Conformance to requirements and fintess of use ».

Quality classified into th following categories

20/11/2024 150
Product Quality Concepts
Agile Frequent verification and validation

The target of interation is to produce product « near releasable » or potentially shipable »

This requires to have passed through verification and validation steps.

20/11/2024 151
Product Quality Concepts
Test First Devlopment

Test First Devlopment (TFD) is also known by

Test Driven Devlopment or test first

o It is an evolutionary (iterative and

incremental) approcha to programming
where Agile sofware must first write a test
before they write wode to make the test pass

o This develops a rich collection of tests for all

code developed.

o These tests are executed by the integration

Server every time a code is compiled

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Product Quality Concepts
Test First Devlopment Process

20/11/2024 153
Product Quality Concepts
Acceptance test–driven development (ATDD)

Acceptance test–driven development (ATDD) is

a development methodology based on communication between the
business customers, the developers, and the testers.

ATDD is closely related to test-driven development (TDD). It differs by the

emphasis on developer-tester-business customer collaboration. ATDD
encompasses acceptance testing, but highlights writing acceptance tests
before developers begin coding.

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Product Quality Concepts
Acceptance test–driven development (ATDD)

20/11/2024 155
Product Quality Concepts
Effectiveness of test–driven development (TDD)

20/11/2024 156
Product Quality Concepts
Scrum Events and Artifacts
Definition of Done

“Definition of Done” is a checklist of items to be verified before marking something as Done.

Usually prepared by the Scrum Master in consultation with the Team

For example, a user story would be called Done if:
The story is fully implemented or code completed as described
Automated unit tests have been developed with at least 80% code coverage
Automated unit tests and the acceptance tests in the story are passing; no Severity has
one or two defects
High-priority test cases have been automated and added to the regression suite
Evolves as the team maturity increases
Product Quality Concepts
Checklist for story completion

20/11/2024 158
Product Quality Concepts

Continuos integration

Continuous integration is an agile and DevOps best practice of routinely

integrating code changes into the main branch of a repository, and testing
the changes, as early and often as possible. Ideally, developers will integrate
their code daily, if not multiple times a day.

20/11/2024 159

Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

20/11/2024 160
Chapter 8 :
Soft skills

20/11/2024 161
Soft skills Negotiation concepets


o Describe the importance of emotional intelligence for Agile managers

o List the collaboration technology choices
o Identify the ‘doing agile ‘ tools
o Identify five conflict modes
o Describes the chracteristics of Agile servant leadership

20/11/2024 162
Soft skills Negotiation concepets

Emotional intelligence
Daniel Goleman, one of the psychologists who popularized emotional intelligence, describes
it in terms of five main components:

• Empathy: Sensing the emotions of other persons.

• Self-regulation: redirecting or Controlling one’s emotions; anticipating consequences

before making action

• Emotional self-awareness: Knowing what one is feeling at any time and

understanding the impact those moods have on others person.

• Motivation: Utilizing emotional factors to achieve targets and goals.

• Social skills: Managing relationships, inspiring other perons and inducing desired
responses from them.

20/11/2024 163
Soft skills Negotiation concepets

Emotional intelligence

20/11/2024 164
Soft skills Negotiation concepets

Teamwork and Collaboration

o Teamwork and collaboration is working together toward a common goal.

o Building consensus is part of that.
o Making a decision quickly and identify any outliers.
o Getting a buy-in from everyone on the team.
o team members need to feel that their input has value.

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Soft skills Negotiation concepets

Collaboration Technology

20/11/2024 166
Soft skills Negotiation concepets

Adptative leadership

20/11/2024 167
Soft skills Negotiation concepets

Agile Negotiation

Negotiation is a process in which two or more entities in conflict may embark on a

Process to discover a mutually acceptable resolution to the conflict

20/11/2024 168
Soft skills Negotiation concepets

Agile Negotiation & conflict Management

20/11/2024 169
Soft skills Negotiation concepets

Five level of conflict

20/11/2024 170
Soft skills Negotiation concepets

Servant leadership principles

20/11/2024 171

Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

20/11/2024 172
Chapter 9 :
Agile value
Based priorisation

20/11/2024 173
Agile value Based priorisation


o Explain the concept of time value of money

o Take project decisions based on NPV , IRR, ROI and pay back of period

20/11/2024 174
Agile value Based priorisation

Agile Forecasting

o They are based on estimates instead of historical data.

o They are deterministic, i.e. they point to an exact date or an
exact amount of hours.
o When forecasts are used, they are based on averages.
o Estimates are compared to actual data to validate them.

20/11/2024 175
Agile value Based priorisation

Time value of money

20/11/2024 176
Agile value Based priorisation

Present value vs Future value

20/11/2024 177
Agile value Based priorisation

Business case

A business case provides justification for undertaking a project, programme or

portfolio. It evaluates the benefit, cost and risk of alternative options and
provides a rationale for the preferred solution

20/11/2024 178
Agile value Based priorisation

Return of investment

Return on Investment (ROI) is defined as the amount of money gained or lost on

an investment relative to the amount of money invested. ROI expected is a very
important deciding factor in adopting a particular technique of software
development. ... Agile's potential to deliver superior Return on Investment (ROI)

20/11/2024 179
Agile value Based priorisation

Net present value

Net present value is the present value of the cash flows at the required rate of
return of your project compared to your initial investment,” says Knight.

20/11/2024 180
Agile value Based priorisation

Payback period

The payback period is the length of time it takes to recover the cost of
an investment or the length of time an investor needs to reach a
breakeven point. Shorter paybacks mean more attractive investments, while
longer payback periods are less desirabl

20/11/2024 181
Agile value Based priorisation

Priorization Factors

20/11/2024 182
Agile value Based priorisation

Prioritizing requirement - Moscow

MoSCoW (Must Have, Should Have,

Could Have, Won't Have this time)
is primarily used to prioritise
requirements, although the practice is
also useful in many other areas.

20/11/2024 183
Agile value Based priorisation

Kano Model

20/11/2024 184
Agile value Based priorisation

Kano Model – 4 categories

20/11/2024 185
Agile value Based priorisation

Agile Customer valued priorisation

20/11/2024 186
Agile value Based priorisation

Minimum Marketable Feature (MMF)

A minimum marketable feature (MMF) is the smallest set of functionality in a

product that must be provided for a customer to recognize any value. In this
context, a feature is something within the product that is individually perceived
as having value by the user.

20/11/2024 187
Agile value Based priorisation

Determine the MMF

20/11/2024 188
Agile value Based priorisation

Introduce Slack

One way to introduce slack into

your iterations would be to schedule
no work on the last day or two of
your iteration. This would give you
slack, but it would be pretty

A better approach would be to

schedule useful, important work
that isn't time-critical—work you
can set aside in case of an

20/11/2024 189

Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

20/11/2024 190
Chapter 10 :
Agile Risk

20/11/2024 191
Agile Risk Management


o Explain adjusted product backlog in agile

o Identify the steps involved in Agile risk management
o Describes various risk identification , assessment , response and review strategies
o List the steps in progressive risk reduction
o Determine the use of Agile risk based spike

20/11/2024 192
Agile Risk Management

Risk are managed in agile projects by associating user stories to themes and
ensuring that risks are prioritized early in the project’s iterations. The goal of each
iteration should be to progressively ‘de-risk’ the project

20/11/2024 193
Agile Risk Management

The risk management is repeated

Every iteration.

A part of the iteration Restrospective ,

the remaining risks can Be reviewed
and the probabilities and Impacts

The team can be asked to identify

new risks The ramaining features that
continue To carry risk would be
identified for selection In the next

20/11/2024 194
Agile Risk Management

Risk Management life cycle

o Identification risk
o Assess risk
o Risk Response
o Risk review

20/11/2024 195
Agile Risk Management

Risk identification opportunities

20/11/2024 196
Agile Risk Management

Risk Assessment

20/11/2024 197
Agile Risk Management

Risk Burn down chart

20/11/2024 198
Agile Risk Management

Risk Response Strategies

20/11/2024 199
Agile Risk Management

Risk Review

20/11/2024 200
Agile Risk Management

Progressive Risk review

20/11/2024 201
Agile Risk Management

Risk Based spike

20/11/2024 202

Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

20/11/2024 203
Chapter 11 :
Agile Metrics

20/11/2024 204
Agile Metrics


20/11/2024 205
Agile Metrics

20/11/2024 206
Agile Metrics

Types of Metrics

20/11/2024 207
Agile Metrics


20/11/2024 208
Agile Metrics

Sample Velocity chart

20/11/2024 209
Agile Metrics

Burn dwon chart - line style

20/11/2024 210
Agile Metrics

Burn dwon chart - Bar style

20/11/2024 211
Agile Metrics

Cycle Time

20/11/2024 212
Agile Metrics

Earned value Management

20/11/2024 213
Agile Metrics

Earned value Metrics

20/11/2024 214
Agile Metrics

Planning parameters

20/11/2024 215
Agile Metrics

Earned value Management for Agile

20/11/2024 216
Agile Metrics

Baseline Metrics

20/11/2024 217
Agile Metrics

EVM Metrics

20/11/2024 218
Agile Metrics

Result interpretation

20/11/2024 219

Chapter 1 : Agile Introduction & Overview

Chapter 2 : Agile Frameworks and Methods
Chapter 3 : Agile Communications Concepts
Chapter 4 : Agile Planning, Monitoring and Adapting
Chapter 5 : Agile Estimation Concepts
Chapter 6 : Agile Analysis and Design Concepts
Chapter 7 : Agile Product Quality Concepts
Chapter 8 : Agile Soft Skills Negotiation Concepts
Chapter 9 : Agile Value-Based Prioritization Concepts
Chapter 10 : Agile Risk Management Concepts
Chapter 11 : Agile Metrics Concepts
Chapter 12 : Agile Value Stream Analysis Concepts

20/11/2024 220
Chapter 12 :
Agile value

20/11/2024 221
Agile Value Streaming


20/11/2024 222
Agile Value Streaming

Value Streaming Mapping

20/11/2024 223
Agile Value Streaming

Value Streaming Mapping

20/11/2024 224
Agile Value Streaming

Value Streaming Mapping

20/11/2024 225
Agile Value Streaming

Mapping seven waste

20/11/2024 226
Agile Value Streaming

Mapping seven waste

20/11/2024 227
Chapter 13 :
PMI code of ethics

20/11/2024 228
PMI code of ethics

20/11/2024 229
PMI code of ethics

Agile contracts

20/11/2024 230
PMI code of ethics

Control limits for Agile contracts

20/11/2024 231
Thank you for your assistance
Are there any others Questions ?

20/11/2024 232

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