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weeks,and the typical symptom occurrence
from incubation period to infection takes
an average of 12.5 days.29
The symptoms of COVID-19 remain very similar
to those of the other respiratory epidemics in
the past,which include SARS and MERS,but
here the range of symptoms includes mild
rhinitis to septic shock.Some intestinal
disturbances were reported with the other
epidemics,but COVID-19 was devoid of such
symptoms.When examined,unilateral or
bilateral involvement compatible with viral
pneumonia is observed in the patients,and
bilateral multiple lobular and sub-segmental
consolidation areas were observed in
patients hospitalised in the intensive care
Comorbid patients showed a more severe
clinical course than predicted from previous
epidemics.Diagnosis of COVID-19 includes the
complete history of travel and touch,with
laboratory testing.It is more preferable to
choose serological screening,which can help
to analyse even the asymptomatic infections;
several serological tests are in progress for
SARS-CoV-2. 14 ,30
health emergency on 31 January
2020;subsequently, on 11 March 2020,they
declared it a pandemic situation.At present,we
are not in a position to effectively treat
COVID-19,since neither approved vaccines nor
specific antiviral drugs for treating human CoV
infections are available(7-9).Most nations are
currently making efforts to prevent the further
spreading of this potentially deadly virus by
implementing preventive and control strategies.
In domestic animals,infections with CoVs are
associated with a broad spectrum of pathological
conditions.Apart from infectious bronchitis virus,
canine respiratory CoV,and mouse hepatitis virus,
CoVs are predominantly associated with
gastrointestinal diseases(10).The emergence of
novel CoVs may have become possible because of
multiple CoVs being maintained in their natural host,
which could have favored the probability of genetic
recombination(10).High genetic diversity and the
ability to infect multiple host species are a result of
high-frequency mutations in CoVs,which occur due
to the instability of RNA-dependent RNA
polymerases along with higher rates of homologous
RNA recombination(10, 11).Identifying the
origin of SARS-CoV-2 and the pathogen's evolution
will be
helpful for disease surveillance(12),development of
observed through both in vivo and in vitro
experiments.There is an enhanced nasal
secretion observed along with local oedema
because of the damage of the host
cell,which further stimulates the synthesis of
inflammatory mediators.In
addition,these reactions can induce
breathing by causing airway inhibition and
elevate mucosal temperature.These viruses,
when released,chiefly affect the lower
respiratory tract,with the signs and symptoms
existing clinically.Also,the virus further affects
the intestinal lymphocytes,renal cells,liver
cells and T-lymphocytes.Furthermore,the
induces T-cell apoptosis,causing the reaction of
the T-cell to be erratic,resulting in the immune
system's complete collapse.24,25
The corona virus (COVID-19)spreads at an
alarming rate all over the world.The
outbreak of the virus has confronted the
economic,medical and public health
infrastructure.Elderly and
immunocompromised patients also are
susceptible to the virus's mortal impacts.
Currently,there is no documented cure for the
virus and no vaccine has been created,although
some treatment protocols have been
promising. Therefore,the virus can be controlled
with the
appropriate prevention strategies.Also,
attempts have to be made to formulate
systematic strategies to prevent such
future zoonotic outbreaks.
comprised a small population and,hence, the
possibility of misinterpretation could arise.However,
in another case study,the authors raised concerns
over the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine-
azithromycin in the treatment of COVID-19 patients,
since no observable effect was seen when they were
used.In some cases,the treatment was discontinued
due to the prolongation of the QT interval
(307). Hence,further randomized clinical trials are
before concluding this matter.
Recently, another FDA-approved drug,
ivermectin,was reported to inhibit the in vitro
replication of SARS-CoV-2.The findings from this
study indicate that a single treatment of this drug
was able to induce an~5,000-fold reduction in the
viral RNA at 48 h in cell culture.(308).One of the
main disadvantages that limit the clinical
utility of
ivermectin is its potential to cause cytotoxicity.
However, altering the vehicles used in
the formulations,the pharmacokinetic properties can
be modified,thereby having significant control over
the systemic concentration of
ivermectin(338).Based on the pharmacokinetic
simulation,it was also found that ivermectin may
have limited therapeutic utility in managing
COVID-19, since the inhibitory concentration
that has to be achieved for effective
anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity is far higher than the
07:29 ☑
Early diagnosis is crucial for controlling the spread of
COVID-19.Molecular detection ofSARS-CoV-2 nucleic
acid is the gold standard.Many viral nucleic acid
detec- tion kits targeting ORF1b (including
RdRp),N,E or Sgenes are commercially availablell,106-
109.The detection time ranges from several minutes to
hours depending on the technology106,107,109-ll1.The
molecular detection can be affected by many
factors.Although SARS-CoV-2 has been detected from
a variety of respiratory sources, including throat
swabs,posterior oropharyngeal saliva, nasopharyngeal
swabs,sputum and bronchial fluid, the viral load is
higher in lower respiratory tract sam-
ples¹1,96,112-115.In addition,viral nucleic acid was also
found in samples from the intestinal tract or blood even
when respiratory samples were negativell6.Lastly,viral
load may already drop from its peak level on disease
onset?6,97.Accordingly,false negatives can be common
when oral swabs and used,and so multiple detection
methods should be adopted to confirm a COVID-
19 diagnosisl⁷,118.Other detection methods were
there- fore used to overcome this problem.Chest
CT was used to quickly identify a patient when the
capacity of molecular detection was overloaded in
Recently,95 full-length genomic sequences of
SARAS-CoV-2 strains available in the National
Center for Biotechnology Information and GISAID
databases were subjected to multiple-sequence
alignment and phylogenetic analyses for studying
variations in the viral genome(260).All the
viral strains revealed high homology of
99.99%(99.91% to 100%)at the nucleotide
level and 99.99% (99.79%to 100%)at the
amino acid level.Overall variation was found to be
low in ORF regions,with 13 variation sites
recognized in la,1b,S,3a,M,8, and N
regions.Mutation rates of 30.53%(29/95)and
29.47%(28/95)were observed at nt 28144 (ORF8)
and nt 8782(ORFla)positions,respectively.Owing
to such selective mutations,a few specific regions
of SARS-CoV-2 should not be considered for
designing primers and probes.The SARS-CoV-2
reference sequence could pave the way to study
molecular biology and pathobiology,along with
developing diagnostics and appropriate prevention
and control strategies for countering SARS-CoV-2
Nucleic acids of SARS-CoV-2 can be detected
from samples(64)such as bronchoalveolar
lavage fluid,sputum,nasal swabs,fiber bronchoscope
brush biopsy specimen,pharyngeal
swabs,feces,blood, and urine, with different
levels of diagnostic performance (Table 2)
(80,245,246).The viral loads
a polybasic cleavage site (RRAR),which enables effec-
tive cleavage by furin and other proteases²?.Such an
S1-S2 cleavage site is not observed in all related viruses
belonging to the subgenus Sarbecovirus,except for a
similar three amino acid insertion (PAA)in RmYN02,
a bat-derived coronavirus newly reported
from Rhinolophus malayanus in
China⁸(FIG.3a).Although the insertion in RmYN02
does not functionally represent a polybasic cleavage
site,it provides support for the notion that this
characteristic,initially considered unique to SARS-
CoV-2,has been acquired naturally²8.A structural study
suggested that the furin-cleavage site can reduce the
stability of SARS-CoV-2 S protein and facilitate the
conformational adaption that is required for the binding
of the RBD to its receptor².Whether the higher trans-
missibility of SARS-CoV-2 compared with SARS-CoV
is a gain of function associated with acquisition of the
furin-like cleavage site is yet to be demonstrated?6.
An additional distinction is the accessory gene
orf8 ofSARS-CoV-2,which encodes a novel protein
showing only 40%amino acid identity to ORF8 of
Unlike in SARS-CoV,this new ORF8 protein does
not contain a motif that triggers intracellular stress
pathways²5.Notably,a SARS-CoV-2 variant with a
382-nucleotide deletion covering the whole of ORF8 has
been discovered in a number of patients in Singapore,
which resembles the 29-or 415-nucleotide deletions in
the ORF8 region observed in human SARS-CoV
variants from the late phase of the 2002-2003
outbreak₃0.Such ORF8 deletion may be indicative of
human adaptation after cross-species transmission
from an animal host.
(181).CEPI has also funded Moderna to develop
a vaccine for COVID-19 in partnership with
the Vaccine Research Center(VRC)of the
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
(NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health
(NIH)(182). By employing mRNA vaccine
platform technology,a vaccine candidate
expressing SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is likely to
go through clinical testing in the coming
months(180).On 16 March 2020,Jennifer Haller
became the first person outside China to
receive an experimental vaccine, developed by
Moderna,against this pandemic virus.Moderna,
along with China's CanSino Biologics,became the
first research group to launch small clinical trials of
vaccines against COVID-19. Their study is
evaluating the vaccine's safety and ability to trigger
immune responses (296).
Scientists from all over the world are trying hard
to develop working vaccines with robust protective
immunity against COVID-19.Vaccine candidates,
like mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine,INO-4800
DNA coronavirus vaccine,and adenovirus type
5 vector vaccine candidate(Ad5-nCoV),are a
few examples under phase I clinical trials,while
amplifying RNA vaccine,oral recombinant COVID-
19 vaccine, BNT162,plant-based COVID-19
vaccine,and li-Key peptide COVID-19 vaccine are
this emerging virus will establish a niche in humans
and coexist with us for a long timel⁶6.Before
clinically approved vaccines are widely available,there
is no bet- ter way to protect us from SARS-CoV-2
than personal preventive behaviours such as social
distancing and wearing masks,and public health
measures,including active testing,case tracing and
restrictions on social gatherings.Despite a flood of
SARS-CoV-2 research published every week,current
knowledge of this novel coronavirus is just the tip
of the iceberg.The animal origin and cross-species
infection route of SARS-CoV-2 are yet to be
uncovered.The molecular mechanisms of SARS-
CoV-2 infection pathogenesis and virus-host
07:28 ☑ 艹 ·
Prevention [21,30]
Management of patients with suspected or
documented COVID-19 consists of ensuring
appropriate infection control and supportive
care.WHO and the CDC posted clinical
guidance for COVID-19.59
Lipid bilayer
FIG 2 SARS-CoV-2 virus structure.
The comprehensive sequence analysis of the
SARS-CoV-2 RNA genome identified that the CoV
from Wuhan is a recombinant virus of the bat
coronavirus and another coronavirus of unknown
origin.The recombination was found to have
happened within the viral spike glycoprotein,which
recognizes the cell surface receptor.Further analysis
of the genome based on codon usage identified the
snake as the most probable animal reservoir of
SARS-CoV-2( 143).Contrary to these
findings, another genome analysis proposed that
the genome of SARS-CoV-2 is 96%identical to bat
coronavirus, reflecting its origin from bats(63).The
involvement of bat-derived materials in causing
the current outbreak cannot be ruled out.High risk
is involved in the production of bat-derived
materials for TCM practices involving the
handling of wild bats.The use of bats for TCM
practices will remain a severe risk for the
occurrence of zoonotic coronavirus epidemics in
the future (139).
Furthermore,the pangolins are an endangered
species of animals that harbor a wide variety of
viruses, including coronaviruses (144). The
coronavirus isolated from Malayan pangolins (Manis
javanica)showed a very high amino acid identity
with COVID-19 at E(100%),M(98.2%),N
(96.7%),and S genes (90.4%).The RBD of S protein
by the University of Oxford.In a randomized
controlled phase I/II trial,it induced neutralizing
antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 in all 1,077
participants after a second vaccine dose,while its
safety profile was acceptable as well¹63.The NIAID
and Moderna co-manufactured
mRNA-1273,a lipid nanoparticle-formulated mRNA
vaccine candidate that encodes the stabilized prefusion
SARS-CoV-2 S protein.Its immunogenicity has been
confirmed by a phase I trial in which robust neutralizing
antibody responses were induced in a dose-dependent
manner and increased after a second
dosel⁶4.Regarding inactivated vaccines,a successful
phase I/II trial involv- ing 320 participants has been
reported in China.The whole-virus COVID-19 vaccine
had a low rate of adverse reactions and effectively
induced neutralizing antibody production⁶5.The
verified safety and immunogenicity support
advancement of these vaccine candidates to phase
III clinical trials,which will evaluate their efficacy in
protecting healthy populations from SARS-CoV-2
Future perspectives
COVID-19 is the third highly pathogenic human coro-
navirus disease to date.Although less deadly than
SARS and MERS,the rapid spreading of this highly
conta- gious disease has posed the severest threat to
global health in this century.The SARS-CoV-2
outbreak has lasted for more than half a year now,and
it is likely that
These findings will not have any significance until a
significant outbreak occurs due to a virus-
There is a steady increase in the reports of
COVID-19 in companion and wild animals around
the world.Further studies are required to evaluate
the potential of animals(especially companion
animals)to serve as an efficient reservoir host that
can further alter the dynamics of human-to-human
transmission( 330).To date,two pet
dogs(Hong Kong)and four pet cats (one each from
Belgium and Hong Kong,two from the United
States)have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2
(335).The World Organization for Animal
Health (OIE)has confirmed the diagnosis of
COVID-19 in both dogs and cats
due to human-to-animal transmission(331).The
similarity observed in the gene sequence of SARS-
CoV-2 from an infected pet owner and his dog
further confirms the occurrence of human-to-animal
transmission (333).Even though
asymptomatic, feline species should be
considered a potential transmission route from
animals to humans(326). However,currently,there
are no reports of SARS- CoV-2 transmission
from felines to human beings. Based on the
current evidence,we can conclude that cats are
susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 and can get
infected by human beings.However,evidence of cat-
studies carried
out on the isolated virus confirmed that there is a
potential risk for the reemergence of SARS-
CoV infection from the viruses that are
currently circulating in the bat population(105).
Diagnosis [21]
A suspect case is defined as one with
fever,sore throat and cough who has
history of travel to China or other areas
of persistent local transmission or
contact with patients with similar
travel historw or those with confrmed
countries.Large-scale screening programs might
help us to control the spread of this virus.However,
this is both challenging as well as time-
consuming due to the present extent of
infection(226).The current scenario demands
effective implementation of vigorous prevention
and control strategies owing to the prospect of
COVID-19 for nosocomial infections(
68).Follow-ups of infected patients by telephone
on day 7 and day 14 are advised to avoid any
further unintentional spread or nosocomial
transmission( 312).The availability of public
data sets provided by independent analytical teams
will act as robust evidence that would guide
us in designing interventions against the
COVID-19 outbreak.Newspaper reports and social
media can be used to analyze and reconstruct the
progression of an outbreak.They can help us to
obtain detailed patient- level data in the early stages
of an outbreak (227). Immediate travel
restrictions imposed by several countries might
have contributed significantly to preventing the
spread of SARS-CoV-2 globally (89,
228).Following the outbreak,a temporary ban
was imposed on the wildlife trade,keeping in mind
the possible role played by wild animal species in
the origin of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-
19(147).Making a permanent and bold decision
on the trade of wild
animal species is necessary to prevent the possibility
Even though a high similarity has been
reported between the genome sequence of
the new coronavirus(SARS-CoV-2)and SARS-
like CoVs, the comparative analysis recognized
a furin-like cleavage site in the SARS-CoV-2 S
protein that is missing from other SARS-like CoVs
(99).The furin- like cleavage site is expected to play
a role in the life cycle of the virus and disease
pathogenicity and might even act as a
therapeutic target for furin inhibitors.The highly
contagious nature of SARS- CoV-2 compared to
that of its predecessors might be
the result of a stabilizing mutation that occurred in
the endosome-associated-protein-like domain of
nsp2 protein.
Similarly,the destabilizing mutation near the
phosphatase domain of nsp3 proteins in SARS-
CoV- 2 could indicate a potential mechanism
that differentiates it from other CoVs(100).Even
though the CFR reported for COVID-19 is
meager compared to those of the previous SARS
and MERS outbreaks,it has caused more deaths than
SARS and MERS combined(101).Possibly related
to the viral pathogenesis is the recent finding
of an 832- nucleotide(nt)deletion in ORF8,which
appears to reduce the replicative fitness of the virus
and leads to attenuated phenotypes of SARS-CoV-2
Coronavirus is the most prominent example of a
COVID-19 patients showing severe signs are
treated symptomatically along with oxygen therapy.
In such cases where the patients progress toward
respiratory failure and become refractory to oxygen
therapy,mechanical ventilation is necessitated.The
COVID-19-induced septic shock can be managed by
providing adequate hemodynamic
support(299). Several classes of drugs are
currently being evaluated for their potential
therapeutic action against SARS-CoV-
2.Therapeutic agents that have anti-SARS-CoV-2
activity can be broadly classified into three
categories:drugs that block virus entry into the
host cell,drugs that block viral replication as well
as its survival within the host cell,and drugs
that attenuate the exaggerated host immune response
(300).An inflammatory cytokine storm is
commonly seen in critically ill COVID-19
patients.Hence,they may benefit from the use of
timely anti-inflammation treatment.Anti-
inflammatory therapy using drugs like
glucocorticoids, cytokine inhibitors, JAK
inhibitors, and chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine
should be done only after analyzing the risk/benefit
ratio in COVID-19 patients(301).There have
not been any studies concerning the application
of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs(NSAID)to COVID-19-infected
patients.However,reasonable pieces of evidence
are available that link NSAID
SplitsTree phylogeny analysis.
Interestingly,disease in patients
outside Hubei province has been
reported to be milder than those from
Wuhan [17].Similarly,the severity
case fatality rate in patients outside
China has been reported to be milder
[6].This may either be due to
selection bias wherein the cases
reporting from Wuhan included only
the severe cases
or due to predisposition of the Asian
population to the virus due to
higher expression of ACE₂receptors
on the
respiratory mucosa [11].
Keywords: 2019-nCOV,SARS-CoV-2,
Home management may be appropriate
for patients with mild infection who can be
adequately isolated in the outpatient setting.
Management of such patients should focus on
prevention of transmission to others,and
monitoring for clinical
deterioration,which should prompt
recommendations on home management
of patients with COVID-19 can be found on
fever,cough,and sputum(83).Hence,the clinicians
must be on the look-out for the possible occurrence
of atypical clinical manifestations to avoid the
possibility of missed diagnosis. The early
transmission ability of SARS-CoV-2 was found to
be similar to or slightly higher than that of SARS-
CoV, reflecting that it could be controlled
despite moderate to high transmissibility (84).
Increasing reports of SARS-CoV-2 in sewage and
wastewater warrants the need for further
investigation due to the possibility of fecal-oral
transmission.SARS-CoV-2 present in environmental
compartments such as soil and water will finally end
up in the wastewater and sewage sludge of treatment
plants( 328).Therefore,we have to reevaluate
the current wastewater and sewage sludge
treatment procedures and introduce advanced
techniques that are specific and effective against
SARS-CoV-2. Since there is active shedding of
SARS-CoV-2 in the stool,the prevalence of
infections in a large population can be
studied using wastewater-based epidemiology.
Recently, reverse transcription- quantitative
PCR(RT-qPCR)was used to enumerate the copies
of SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrated from
wastewater collected from a wastewater treatment
plant (327).The calculated viral RNA copy
determine the number of infected individuals.The
respectively¹40.However,this study did not include
a control arm,and most of the trials offavilavir were
based on a small sample size.For more reliable
assess- ment of the effectiveness of favilavir for
treating COVID-19,large-scale randomized
controlled trials
should be conducted.
Lopinavir and ritonavir were reported to have
in vitro inhibitory activity against SARS-CoV and
MERS-CoV¹41,142.Alone,the combination of
07:23 回 艹 ·
such instance was in 2002-2003 when a
new coronavirus of the β genera and
with origin in bats crossed over to
humans via the intermediary host of
palm civet cats in the Guangdong
province of China.This virus,
designated as severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus affected 8422
people mostly in China and HongKong
and caused 916 deaths (mortality rate
11%)before being contained [4].
Almost a decade later in 2012,the
Middle East respiratory syndrome
coronavirus (MERS-CoV),also of bat
origin,emerged in Saudi Arabia with
dromedary camels as the
host and affected 2494 people and
caused 858 deaths (fatality rate 34%)
Treatment [21,23]
Treatment is essentially supportive and
Coronaviruses are positive-sense RNA viruses
having an extensive and promiscuous range of
natural hosts and affect multiple systems(23,
Coronaviruses can cause clinical diseases in
humans that may extend from the common cold
to more severe respiratory diseases like SARS
and MERS (17, 279).The recently emerging
SARS-CoV-2 has wrought havoc in China and
caused a pandemic
situation in the worldwide nonulation leadino to
mice,and hDPP4-Tg mice(transgenic for expressing
hDPP4) for MERS-CoV infection (221).The
CRISPR-Cas9 gene-editing tool has been used for
inserting genomic alterations in mice,making them
susceptible to MERS-CoV infection(222).Efforts
are under way to recognize suitable animal
models for SARS-CoV2/COVID-19,identify the
receptor affinity of this virus,study pathology in
experimental animal models,and explore virus-
specific immune responses and protection
studies,which together would increase the pace of
efforts being made for developing potent vaccines
and drugs to counter this emerging virus.Cell
lines,such as monkey epithelial cell lines (LLC-
MK2 and Vero-B4),goat lung cells,
alpaca kidney cells,dromedary umbilical cord cells,
and advanced ex vivo three-dimensional
tracheobronchial tissue,have been explored to
study human CoVs(MERS-CoV)(223,
224).Vero and Huh-7 cells(human liver cancer
cells)have been used for isolating SARS-CoV-
Recently,an experimental study with rhesus
monkeys as animal models revealed the absence of
any viral loads in nasopharyngeal and anal swabs,
and no viral replication was recorded in the primary
tissues at a time interval of 5 days post-reinfection in
reexposed monkeys (274). The subsequent
virological, iradiological, and pathological
respiratory syncytial virus,rhinovirus,human
metapneumovirus and SARS coronavirus.It is
advisable to distinguish COVID-19 from other
pneumonias such as mycoplasma
chlamydia pneumonia and bacterial
pneumonia.33 Several published pieces of
literature based on the novel coronavirus
reported in China declared that stool and
blood samples can also collected from the
suspected persons in order to detect the
virus.However, respiratory samples show
better viability in
identifying the virus,in comparison with
the other specimens.34-3E
the SARS-CoV.Environmental
samples from the Huanan sea food
market also
tested positive,signifying that the virus
originated from there [7].The number
of cases started increasing
exponentially,some of which did not
have exposure to the live animal
market,suggestive of the fact that
human-to-human transmission was
occurring [8].The first fatal case was
reported on 11th Jan 2020.The massive
migration of Chinese during the
Chinese New Year fuelled the epidemic.
Cases in other provinces of China,
other countries (Thailand,Japan and
South Korea in quick succession)were
reported in people who were
from Wuhan.Transmission to
healthcare workers caring for patients
was described on 20th Jan,2020.By
23rd January,the 11 million population
of Wuhan was placed under lock
down with restrictions of entry and
exit from
the region.Soon this lock down was
07:25 回 艹 ·
In severe COVID-19 cases,treatment should
be given to support vital organ
functions.People who think they may have
been exposed to
COVID-19 should contact their healthcare
provider immediately.Healthcare personnel
should care for patients in an Airborne
Infection lsolation Room(AIIR).Precautions
must be
taken by the healthcare professional,such as
contact precautions and airborne
precautions with eye protection.56
exponentially in other countries
including South Korea,Italy and Iran.
Of those infected,20%are in critical
condition,25%have recovered,and
3310 (3013 in China and 297 in other
countries)have died [2].India,which
had reported only 3 cases till
2/3/2020, has also seen a sudden
spurt in cases.
By 5/3/2020,29 cases had been
reported;mostly in Delhi,Jaipur and
Agra in Italian tourists and their
contacts.One case was reported in an
Indian who traveled back from
Vienna and exposed a large number
of school children in a birthday party
at a city
hotel.Many of the contacts of these
cases have been quarantined.
testing.Though the SARS-CoV-2
originated from bats,the intermediary
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by
SARS-CoV-2,which is also termed the novel
coronavirus and is diligently associated with
the SARS virus.The Ministry of Science and
Technology from the People's Republic of
China declared three potential antiviral
suitable for treating COVID-19.Those three
medicines are,namely,Favilavir,chloroquine
phosphate and remdesivir.A clinical trial
was conducted to test the efficacy of those
drugs,and the results proved that out of the
three medicines above only Favilavir is
effective in treating the patients with novel
coronavirus. The remaining two drugs were
effective in
treating malaria.62
In contrast to their response to the 2002 SARS
outbreak,China has shown immense political
openness in reporting the COVID-19 outbreak
promptly. They have also performed rapid
sequencing of COVID-19 at multiple levels and
shared the findings globally within days of
identifying the novel virus (225).The move made
by China opened a new chapter in global health
security and diplomacy.Even though complete
lockdown was declared following the COVID-19
outbreak in Wuhan,the large-scale movement of
people has resulted in a radiating spread of
infections in the surrounding provinces as well as
to several other
countries.Large-scale screening programs might
length to the corresponding proteins in SARS-CoV.
Of the four structural genes,SARS-CoV-2 shares more
than 90%amino acid identity with SARS-CoV except
for the S gene,which diverges l.24.The replicase gene
covers two thirds of the 5'genome,and encodes a large
polyprotein(pplab),which is proteolytically cleaved into
16 non-structural proteins that are involved in transcrip-
tion and virus replication.Most of these SARS-CoV-2
non-structural proteins have greater than 85%amino
acid sequence identity with SARS-CoV²5.
The phylogenetic analysis for the whole
genome shows that SARS-CoV-2 is clustered with
SARS-CoV and SARS-related coronaviruses (SARSr-
CoVs)found in bats,placing it in the subgenus
Sarbecovirus of the genus Betacoronavirus.Within this
clade,SARS-CoV-2 is grouped in a distinct lineage
together with four horse- shoe bat coronavirus isolates
(RaTG13,RmYN02,ZC45 and ZXC21)as well as novel
coronaviruses recently iden-
tified in pangolins,which group parallel to SARS-CoV
(96.7%),and S genes (90.4%).The RBD of S
protein in CoV isolated from pangolin was almost
identical (one amino acid difference)to that of
SARS-CoV-2. A comparison of the
genomes suggests
recombination between pangolin-CoV-like viruses
with the bat-CoV-RaTG13-like virus.All this
suggests the potential of pangolins to act as the
intermediate host of SARS-CoV-2(145).
Human-wildlife interactions, which are
The strange coronavirus outbreak in the
Chinese city of Wuhan,now termed COVID-19,
and its rapid transmission,threatens people
around the world.Because of its pandemic
nature,the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
and pharmaceutical companies are involved
in the development of COVID-19 vaccines.Xu
Nanping,China's vice-minister of science and
technology,announced that the first vaccine is
expected to be ready for clinical trials in China
at the end of April 2020.54 There is no
approved vaccine and treatment for COVID-19
and anxiety of the public.
Conclusions ①
exponentially in other countries
including South Korea,Italy and Iran.
Of those infected,20%are in critical
condition,25%have recovered,and
3310 (3013 in China and 297 in other
countries)have died [2].India,which
had reported only 3 cases till
2/3/2020, has also seen a sudden spurt
in cases.
By 5/3/2020,29 cases had been
reported;mostly in Delhi,Jaipur and
Agra in Italian tourists and their
contacts.One case was reported in an
N Protein
The N protein of coronavirus is multipurpose.
Among several functions,it plays a role in complex
formation with the viral genome,facilitates M
protein interaction needed during virion assembly,
and enhances the transcription efficiency of the virus
(55, 56).It contains three highly conserved
and distinct domains,namely,an NTD,an RNA-
binding domain or a linker region (LKR),and a
CTD (57). The NTD binds with the 3'end of the
viral genome, perhaps via electrostatic
interactions,and is highly diverged both in
length and sequence(58).The charged LKR is
serine and arginine rich and is also known as the
SR(serine and arginine)domain (59). The LKR is
capable of direct interaction with in vitro RNA
interaction and is responsible for cell signaling
(60,61).It also modulates the antiviral response
the host by working as an antagonist for interferon
snakes,and various other wild animals
(20,30,79, 93,124,125,287).Coronavirus infection
is linked to different kinds of clinical
manifestations,varying from enteritis in cows and
pigs,upper respiratory disease in chickens,and fatal
respiratory infections in humans (30).
Among the CoV genera,Alphacoronavirus
and Betacoronavirus infect mammals,
while Gammacoronavirus and Deltacoronavirus
infect birds,fishes,and,sometimes,mammals(27,
29, 106).Several novel coronaviruses that
under the genus Deltacoronavirus have been
discovered in the past from birds,like Wigeon
coronavirus HKU20,Bulbul coronavirus HKU11,
Munia coronavirus HKU13,white-eye coronavirus
HKU16,night-heron coronavirus HKU19, and
common moorhen coronavirus HKU21,as well as
from pigs(porcine coronavirus HKU15)(6, 29).
Transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV),porcine
epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), and porcine
hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus(PHEV)
are some of the coronaviruses of swine.Among
them,TGEV and PEDV are responsible for causing
severe gastroenteritis in young piglets with
noteworthy morbidity and mortality.Infection with
PHEV also causes enteric infection but can cause
encephalitis due to its ability to infect the nervous
07:23 回 艹 ·
article gives a bira's eye view about
this new virus.Since knowledge about
this virus is rapidly evolving,readers
are urged to update themselves
that remdesivir has to be further evaluated for its
efficacy in the treatment of COVID-19 infection in
humans.The broad-spectrum activity exhibited by
remdesivir will help control the spread of disease in
the event of a new coronavirus outbreak.
Chloroquine is an antimalarial drug known to
possess antiviral activity due to its ability to block
virus-cell fusion by raising the endosomal pH
necessary for fusion.It also interferes with virus-
receptor binding by interfering with the terminal
glycosylation of SARS-CoV cellular receptors,such
as ACE2(196).In a recent multicenter clinical
trial that was conducted in China,chloroquine
phosphate was found to exhibit both efficacy and
safety in the therapeutic management of SARS-
CoV-2-associated pneumonia( 197).This drug is
already included in the treatment guidelines
issued by the National Health Commission of
the People's Republic of China. The
preliminary clinical trials using
hydroxychloroquine,another aminoquinoline drug,
gave promising results.The COVID-19 patients
received 600 mg of hydroxychloroquine daily along
with azithromycin as a single-arm protocol.This
protocol was found to be associated with
a noteworthy reduction in viral
load.Finally,it resulted in a complete cure
(271);however,the study
comprised a small population and,hence,the
4.2 Viral replication
Usually replication of coronavirus occurs
within the cytoplasm and is closely associated
endoplasmic reticulum and other cellular
membrane organelles.Human coronaviruses
are thought to invade cells,primarily through
different receptors.For 229E and
OC43,amino peptidase-N(AP-N)and a sialic
acid containing receptor,respectively,were
known to function in this role.After the virus
enters the host cell and uncoating process
occurs,the genome is transcribed,and
characteristic feature of replication is that all
mRNAs form an enclosed group of typical 3'
ends;only the special portions of the
5'ends are translated.In total,about 7
mRNAs are
produced.The shortest mRNA codes and
the others can express the synthesis of
genome segment for nucleoprotein.At the
cell membrane,these proteins are collected
and genomic RNA is initiated as a mature
particle type by burgeoning from internal cell
membranes, 22,23
Coronaviruses are tremendously precise and
mature in most of the airway epithelial cells
as observed through both in vivo and in vitro
route warrants the introduction of negative fecal
nucleic acid test results as one of the additional
discharge criteria in laboratory-confirmed cases of
COVID-19( 326).
The COVID-19 pandemic does not have
any novel factors,other than the genetically
unique pathogen and a further possible
reservoir.The cause and the likely future outcome
are just repetitions of our previous interactions
with fatal coronaviruses. The only difference is the
time of occurrence and the genetic distinctness of
the pathogen involved. Mutations on the RBD
of CoVs facilitated their capability of infecting
newer hosts, thereby expanding their reach to
all corners of the world (85).This is a potential
threat to the health of both animals and
humans.Advanced studies using Bayesian
phylogeographic reconstruction identified
the most probable origin of SARS-CoV-2 as the
SARS-like coronavirus, circulating in the
Rhinolophus bat family( 86).
Phylogenetic analysis of 10 whole-genome
sequences of SARS-CoV-2 showed that they
are related to two CoVs of bat origin,namely,bat-
SL- CoVZC45 and bat-SL-CoVZXC21,which
were reported during 2018 in China(17).It was
reported that SARS-CoV-2 had been confirmed to
use ACE2
as an entry receptor while exhibiting an RBD
07:24 回 艹 ·
extenaea to otner ciies oi hupel
province.Cases of COVID-19 in
countries outside China were reported
in those with no history of travel to
China suggesting that local human-to-
human transmission was occurring in
these countries [9].Airports in
different countries including India put
in screening mechanisms to detect
symptomatic people returning from
China and placed them in isolation
and testing them for COVID-19.Soon it
apparent that the infection could be
transmitted from asymptomatic people
and also before onset of symptoms.
Therefore,countries including India
who evacuated their citizens from
Wuhan through special flights or had
travellers returning from
China,placed all people symptomatic
or otherwise in
isolation for 14 d and tested them for
the virus.
Cases continued to increase
exponentially and modelling studies
been controlled by adopting appropriate and strict
prevention and control measures,and patients for
clinical trials will not be available.The newly
developed drugs cannot be marketed due to the lack
of end users.
The S protein plays a significant role in
the induction of protective immunity against SARS-
CoV by mediating T-cell responses and
neutralizing antibody production(168).In the past
few decades, we have seen several attempts to
develop a vaccine
against human coronaviruses by using S protein as
the target(168, 169).However,the
vaccines have minimal application,even among
closely related strains of the virus,due to a lack of
cross-protection.That is mainly because of the
extensive diversity existing among the different
antigenic variants of the virus (104). The
contributions of the structural proteins,like spike
(S), matrix (M),small envelope (E), and
nucleocapsid(N)proteins,of SARS-CoV to induce
protective immunity has been evaluated by
expressing them in a recombinant parainfluenza
virus type 3 vector(BHPIV3).Of note,the result
was conclusive that the expression of M,E,or N
proteins without the presence of S protein would not
and chest discomfort,and in severe cases dyspnea and
bilateral lung infiltration⁶7.Among the first 27
docu- mented hospitalized patients,most cases were
epidemi- ologically linked to Huanan Seafood
Wholesale Market. a wet market located in downtown
Wuhan,which sells not only seafood but also live
animals,including poultry and wildlife⁴8.According to
a retrospective study,the onset of the first known case
dates back to 8 December
2019(REF9.On 31 December,Wuhan Municipal Health
Commission notified the public of a pneumonia
out- break of unidentified cause and informed the
World Health Organization (WHO)°(FIG.1).
By metagenomic RNA sequencing and virus isola-
tion from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples from
patients with severe pneumonia,independent teams
of Chinese scientists identified that the causative agent
ol this emerging disease is a betacoronavirus that had
never been seen before⁶,10,1.On 9 January 2020,the
result ol this etiological identification was publicly
announced (FIG.1).The first genome sequence of the
novel coro- navirus was published on the
Virological website on 10 January,and more nearly
complete genome sequences determined by different
research institutes were then released via the
GISAID database on 12 January?. Later,more
patients with no history of exposure tc Huanan
Seafood Wholesale Market were identified. Several
familial clusters of infection were reported. and
nosocomial infection also occurred in health-care
facilities.All these cases provided clear evidence foi
human-to-human transmission of the new virus4,12-14
As the outbreak coincided with the approach of the
lunar New Year,travel between cities before the festival
facilitated virus transmission in China.This novel coro-
navirus pneumonia soon spread to other cities in
Hubei province and to other parts of China.Within 1
of plasma cytokines,which suggests an
immunopatho- logical process caused by a cytokine
storm6086.87.In this cohort of patient,around
2.3%people died within a median time of 16 days
from disease onset⁹,86.Men older than 68 years had a
higher risk of respiratory fail- ure,acute cardiac injury
and heart failure that led to death,regardless ofa
history of cardiovascular disease*6 (FIG.4).Most
patients recovered enough to be released from hospital
in 2 weeks⁹80 (FIG.4).
Early transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Wuhan in
December 2019 was initially linked to the Huanan
Seafood Wholesale Market,and it was suggested
as the source of the
outbreak⁹22,50.However,community transmission
might have happened before that⁸.Later, ongoing
human-to-human transmission propagated the
outbreak°.It is generally accepted that SARS-CoV-2 is
more transmissible than SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV;
however,determination of an accurate reproduction
number(R0)for COVID-19 is not possible yet,as many
asymptomatic infections cannot be accurately accounted
for at this stage⁸9.An estimated R0 of 2.5(ranging
from 1.8 to 3.6)has been proposed for SARS-CoV-2
recently, compared with 2.0-3.0 for SARS-
CoV⁰.Notably,most of the SARS-CoV-2 human-to-
human transmission early in China occurred in
family clusters,and in other countries large outbreaks
also happened in other set- tings,such as migrant
worker communities,slaughter- houses and meat
packing plants,indicating the necessity of isolating
infected people⁹,1291-93.Nosocomial transmis- sion was
not the main source of transmission in China because
of the implementation of infection control
measures in clinical settings.By contrast,a high risk
of nosocomial transmission was reported in some
countries have a fragile health system that can be
crippled in the event of an outbreak.Effective
management of COVID-19 would be difficult for
low-income countries due to their inability to
respond rapidly due to the lack of an efficient health
care system(65).Controlling the imported cases is
critical in preventing the spread of COVID-19 to
other countries that have not reported the disease
until now.The possibility of an imported case of
COVID-19 leading to sustained human-to-human
transmission was estimated to be 0.41.This can be
reduced to a value of 0.012 by decreasing the mean
time from the onset of symptoms to hospitalization
and can only be made possible by using intense
disease surveillance systems (235).The
silent importations of infected individuals
(before the
manifestation of clinical signs)also contributed
significantly to the spread of disease across the
major cities of the world.Even though the travel ban
was implemented in Wuhan(89),infected
persons who traveled out of the city just
before the imposition of the ban might have
remained undetected and resulted in local
outbreaks(236). Emerging novel diseases like
COVID-19 are difficult to contain within the
country of origin,since globalization has led to
a world without borders.
Hence,international collaboration plays a vital role
Inhibition of virus replication. Replication inhibitors
include remdesivir(GS-5734),favilavir (T-705),riba-
virin,lopinavir and ritonavir.Except for lopinavir and
ritonavir,whichinhibit 3CLpro,the other three all target
RdRp¹28135(FIG.5).Remdesivir has shown activity against
SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in vivo'28,136.A clinical
study revealed a lower need for oxygen support in
patients with COVID-19 (REF.137).Preliminary
results of the Adaptive COVID-19 Treatment
Trial(ACTT)clinical trial by the National Institute of
Allergy and Infectious Diseases(NIAID)reported that
remdesivir can shorten the recovery time in
hospitalized adults with COVID-19 by a couple days
compared with placebo,but the differ- ence in
mortality was not statistically significant³8.The FDA
has issued an emergency use authorization for rem-
desivir for the treatment of hospitalized patients with
severe COVID-19.It is also the first approved option by
the European Union for treatment of adults and adoles-
cents with pneumonia requiring supplemental oxygen.
Several international phase III clinical trials are contin-
uing to evaluate the safety and efficacy of remdesivir
the treatment of COVID-19.
Favilavir (T-705),which is an antiviral drug devel-
oped in Japan to treat influenza,has been approved in
China,Russia and India for the treatment of COVID-
19. A clinical study in China showed that favilavir
signif- icantly reduced the signs of improved
disease signs on chest imaging and shortened the
time to viral clearancel39.A preliminary report in
Japan showed rates of clinical improvement of
73.8%and 87.8%from the start offavilavir therapy
inpatients with mild COVID-19 at 7 and 14
days,respectively,and 40.1%and 60.3% in patients
with severe COVID-19 at 7 and 14 days,
samples obtained from lower respiratory
tracts. Hence,based on the viral load,we can
evaluate the progression of infection(291).In
addition to all of the above findings,sequencing and
phylogenetics are critical in the correct identification
and confirmation of the causative viral agent and
useful to establish relationships with previous
isolates and sequences,as well as to know,especially
during an epidemic,the nucleotide and amino acid
mutations and the molecular divergence.The rapid
development and implementation of diagnostic tests
against emerging novel diseases like COVID-19
pose significant challenges due to the lack of
resources and logistical limitations associated with
an outbreak(155).
SARS-CoV-2 infection can also be confirmed by
isolation and culturing.The human airway epithelial
cell culture was found to be useful in isolating
SARS-CoV-2(3). The efficient control of
an outbreak depends on the rapid diagnosis of
the disease.Recently,in response to the
COVID-19 outbreak, 1-step quantitative real-
time reverse transcription-PCR assays were
developed that detect the ORF1b and N regions
of the SARS-CoV-2 genome( 156).That assay
was found to achieve the rapid detection of
SARS-CoV-2.Nucleic acid-based
assays offer high accuracy in the diagnosis of SARS-
We assessed the nucleotide percent
similarity using the MegAlign software
program,where the
similarity between the novel SARS-CoV-2 isolates
was in the range of 99.4%to 100%.Among the other
Serbecovirus CoV sequences,the novel SARS-CoV-
2 sequences revealed the highest similarity to bat-
SL-CoV,with nucleotide percent identity ranges
between 88.12 and 89.65%.Meanwhile,earlier
reported SARS-CoVs showed 70.6 to
74.9% similarity to SARS-CoV-2 at the
nucleotide level. Further,the nucleotide percent
similarity was 55.4%, 45.5%to
47.9%,46.2%to 46.6%,and 45.0%to
46.3% to the other four
Hibecovirus, Nobecovirus, Merbecovirus, and
Embecovirus,respectively.The percent similarity
index of current outbreak isolates indicates a close
relationship between SARS-CoV-2 isolates and
bat- SL-CoV,indicating a common
origin.However, particular pieces of evidence
based on further complete genomic analysis of
current isolates are necessary to draw any
conclusions,although it was ascertained that the
current novel SARS-CoV-2 isolates belong to the
subgenus Sarbecovirus in the diverse range of
betacoronaviruses.Their possible ancestor was
hypothesized to be from bat CoV
strains,wherein bats might have played a crucial role
in harboring this class of viruses.
Currently,our knowledge on the animal origin of
SARS-CoV-2 remains incomplete to a large part.The
reservoir hosts of the virus have not been clearly
proven. It is unknown whether SARS-CoV-2 was
transmitted to humans through an intermediate host
and which animals may act as its intermediate
host.Detection of RaTG13,RmYN02 and pangolin
coronaviruses implies that diverse coronaviruses
similar to SARS-CoV-2 are circulating in wildlife.In
addition,as previous stud- ies showed
recombination as the potential origin of some
sarbecoviruses such as SARS-CoV,it cannot be
excluded that viral RNA recombination among different
related coronaviruses was involved in the evolution of
SARS-CoV-2.Extensive surveillance of SARS-CoV-2-
related viruses in China,Southeast Asia and other
regions targeting bats,wild and captured pangolins and
other wildlife species will help us to better understand
the zoonotic origin of SARS-CoV-2.
Besides wildlife,researchers investigated the sus-
ceptibility of domesticated and laboratory animals
to SARS-CoV-2 infection.The study demonstrated
exper- imentally that SARS-CoV-2 replicates
efficiently in cats and in the upper respiratory tract
of ferrets,whereas dogs,pigs,chickens and ducks
were not susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 (REF₄3).The
susceptibility of minks was documented by a report
from the Netherlands on an outbreak of SARS-
CoV-2 infection in farmed minks. Although the
symptoms in most infected minks were
mild,some developed severe respiratory distress
and died of interstitial pneumonia**.Both virologi-
cal and serological testing found evidence for natural
SARS-CoV-2 infection in two dogs from households with
human cases of COVID-19 in HongKong,but the
proteins without the presence of S protein would not
confer any noticeable protection,with the absence of
detectable serum SARS-CoV-neutralizing antibodies
(170).Antigenic determinant sites present over S
and N structural proteins of SARS-CoV-2 can
be explored as suitable vaccine candidates (294).In
the Asian population,S,E,M,and N proteins of
SARS- CoV-2 are being targeted for developing
subunit vaccines against COVID-19 (295).
The identification of the immunodominant region
among the subunits and domains of S protein is
critical for developing an effective vaccine against
the coronavirus.The C-terminal domain of the S1
subunit is considered the immunodominant region of
the porcine deltacoronavirus S protein
(171). Similarly,further investigations are
needed to determine the immunodominant
regions of SARS-
CoV-2 for facilitating vaccine development.
However,our previous attempts to develop a
universal vaccine that is effective for both SARS-
CoV and MERS-CoV based on T-cell epitope
similarity pointed out the possibility of cross-
reactivity among coronaviruses(172).That can
be made possible by selected potential vaccine
targets that are common to both viruses.SARS-
CoV-2 has been reported to be closely related to
SARS-CoV (173,174).Hence,knowledge and
understanding of
07:23 M
◎艹 ·
In December 2019,adults in
Wuhan, capital city of Hubei
province and a
major transportation hub of China
started presenting to local hospitals
with severe pneumonia of unknown
cause.Many of the initial cases had
common exposure to the Huanan
wholesale seafood market that also
traded live animals.The
surveillance system(put into place
after the SARS
outbreak)was activated and
respiratory samples of patients were
sent to reference labs for etiologic
investigations.On December 31st 2019,
China notified the outbreak to the
World Health Organization and on
1st January the Huanan sea food
market was closed.On 7th January
the virus
was identified as a coronavirus that
had>95%homology with the bat
paiucuiaily 1 Uals.DUirn vlrodllUI lu vivO SLuUI 互 CS
(using suitable animal models)should be conducted
to evaluate the risk of future epidemics.Presently,
licensed antiviral drugs or vaccines against SARS-
CoV,MERS-CoV,and SARS-CoV-2 are lacking.
However,advances in designing antiviral drugs and
vaccines against several other emerging diseases will
help develop suitable therapeutic agents against
COVID-19 in a short time.Until then,we must rely
exclusively on various control and prevention
measures to prevent this new disease from becoming
a pandemic.
understanding of the lung inflammation associated
with this infection (24).
SARS is a viral respiratory disease caused by a
formerly unrecognized animal CoV that originated
from the wet markets in southern China after
adapting to the human host,thereby enabling
transmission between humans(90). The SARS
outbreak reported in 2002 to 2003 had 8,098
confirmed cases with 774 total deaths(9.6%)
(93). The outbreak severely affected the Asia
Pacific region,especially mainland China (94).Even
though the case fatality rate (CFR)of
SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)is lower than that of
S Glycoprotein
Coronavirus S protein is a large,multifunctional
class I viral transmembrane protein.The size of this
The interferon response is one of the major innate
immunity defences against virus invasion.Interferons
induce the expression of diverse interferon-stimulated
genes,which can interfere with every step of virus
replication.Previous studies identified type I interfer-
ons as a promising therapeutic candidate for SARS¹49.
In vitro data showed SARS-CoV-2 is even more sen-
sitive to type I interferons than SARS-CoV,suggesting
the potential effectiveness of type I interferons in the
early treatment of COVID-19 (REF150.In China,vapor
inhalation of interferon-a is included in the COVID-19
treatment guidelinel⁵.Clinical trials are ongoing across
the world to evaluate the efficacy of different therapies
involving interferons,either alone or in combination
with other agents¹52.
M Protein
The M protein is the most abundant viral
protein present in the virion particle,giving a
definite shape to the viral envelope (48). It
binds to the nucleocapsid and acts as a
central organizer of coronavirus
assembly(49).Coronavirus M proteins are highly
diverse in amino acid contents but maintain
overall structural similarity within different genera(
50).The M protein has three transmembrane
domains,flanked by a short amino terminus outside
the virion and a long carboxy terminus inside the
virion( 50).Overall,the viral scaffold is
by M-M interaction.Of note,the M protein
of SARS-CoV-2 does not have an amino
substitution compared to that of SARS-CoV(16).
E Protein
The coronavirus E protein is the most
enigmatic and smallest of the major structural
proteins(51).It plays a multifunctional role in the
pathogenesis, assembly,and release of the
virus(52).It is a small integral membrane
polypeptide that acts as a
viroporin(ion channel)(53).The inactivation or
Animal Models and Cell Cultures
For evaluating the potential of vaccines and
therapeutics against CoVs,including SARS-CoV,
MERS-CoVs,and the presently emerging SARS-
CoV-2,suitable animal models that can mimic the
clinical disease are needed(211, 212 ).Various
animal models were assessed for SARS-and MERS-
CoVs,such as mice,guinea pigs,golden Syrian
hamsters,ferrets,rabbits,nonhuman primates like
rhesus macaques and marmosets,and
cats(185, 213-218).The specificity of the virus
to hACE2 (receptor of SARS-CoV)was found
to be a significant barrier in developing
animal models. Consequently,a SARS-CoV
transgenic mouse model has been developed by
inserting the hACE2 gene into the mouse
genome(219).The inability of MERS-CoV to
replicate in the respiratory tracts of
animals(mice,hamsters,and ferrets)is another
limiting factor.However,with genetic engineering,a
288-330+/+MERS-CoV genetically modified mouse
model was developed and now is in use for the
assessment of novel drugs and vaccines against
MERS-CoV( 220).In the past,small animals
(mice or hamsters)have been targeted for being
closer to a humanized structure,such as mouse
DPP4 altered with human
mice,and hDPP4-Tg mice(transgenic for expressing
assays offer high accuracy in the diagnosis of
SARS- CoV-2,but the current rate of spread limits
its use
due to the lack of diagnostic assay kits.This will
further result in the extensive transmission of
Antiviral Drugs
Several classes of routinely used antiviral drugs,
like oseltamivir(neuraminidase inhibitor),acyclovir,
ganciclovir,and ribavirin,do not have any effect on
COVID-19 and,hence,are not recommended
(187). Oseltamivir,a neuraminidase inhibitor,has
been explored in Chinese hospitals for treating
suspected COVID-19 cases,although proven
efficacy against SARS-CoV-2 is still lacking for
this drug (7).The in
vitro antiviral potential of FAD-approved drugs,viz.,
07:24 回 艹 ·
1: DF / 1 ] ]
high commercial value,since they are used in
traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).Therefore,the
handling of bats for trading purposes poses a
considerable risk of transmitting zoonotic CoV
epidemics( 139).
Due to the possible role played by farm and wild
animals in SARS-CoV-2 infection,the WHO,in
their novel coronavirus (COVID-19)situation report,
recommended the avoidance of unprotected contact
with both farm and wild animals(25).The
live- animal markets,like the one in
Guangdong,China, provides a setting for animal
coronaviruses to amplify and to be transmitted
to new hosts,like humans( 78).Such markets can
be considered a critical place for the origin
of novel zoonotic diseases and have
enormous public health significance in the
event of an outbreak.Bats are the reservoirs for
several viruses;hence,the role of bats in the present
outbreak cannot be ruled out (140).In a
qualitative study conducted for evaluating the
zoonotic risk factors among rural communities of
southern China, the frequent human-animal
interactions along with the low levels of
environmental biosecurity were identified as
significant risks for the emergence of zoonotic
disease in local communities (141,142).
The comprehensive sequence analysis of the
other emerging viral diseases.Several therapeutic
and preventive strategies, including vaccines,
immunotherapeutics,and antiviral drugs,have been
exploited against the previous CoV outbreaks
(SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV)(8, 104, 164-
These valuable options have already been evaluated
for their potency,efficacy,and safety,along with
several other types of current research that will fuel
our search for ideal therapeutic agents against
COVID-19(7,9,19,21,36).The primary cause of
the unavailability of approved and commercial
vaccines,drugs,and therapeutics to counter the
earlier SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV seems to owe to
the lesser attention of the biomedicine and
pharmaceutical companies,as these two CoVs did
not cause much havoc,global threat,and panic like
those posed by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic(19).
Moreover, for such outbreak situations, the
requirement for vaccines and therapeutics/drugs
exists only for a limited period,until the outbreak
controlled.The proportion of the human population
infected with SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV was
also much lower across the globe,failing to attract
drug and vaccine manufacturers and
producers.Therefore, by the time an effective drug
or vaccine is designed against such disease
outbreaks,the virus would have
been controlled by adopting appropriate and strict
pieces of evidence are available that link NSAID
uses with the occurrence of respiratory and
cardiovascular adverse effects. Hence, as a
cautionary approach,it is better to recommend the
use of NSAIDs as the first-line option for managing
COVID-19 symptoms (302). The use of
corticosteroids in COVID-19 patients is still a matter
of controversy and requires further systematic
clinical studies.The guidelines that were put forward
to manage critically ill adults suggest the use of
systemic corticosteroids in mechanically ventilated
adults with ARDS(303).The generalized use
of corticosteroids is not indicated in COVID-
there are some concerns associated with the use of
corticosteroids in viral pneumonia.Stem cell therapy
using mesenchymal stem cells(MSCs)is another
hopeful strategy that can be used in clinical cases
of COVID-19 owing to its
potential immunomodulatory capacity. It may
have a
beneficial role in attenuating the cytokine storm that
is observed in severe cases of SARS-CoV-2
Vaccination is the most effective method for a long-term
strategy for prevention and control of COVID-19
in the future.Many different vaccine platforms
against SARS-CoV-2 are in development,the strategies
of which include recombinant vectors,DNA,mRNA in
lipid nano- particles,inactivated viruses,live attenuated
viruses and protein subunits59-161.As of 2 October
2020,~174 vac- cine candidates for COVID-19 had
been reported and 51 were in human clinical
trials(COVID-19 vaccine and therapeutics
tracker).Many of these vac- cine candidates are in
phase II testing,and some have
already advanced to phase III trials.A randomized
double-blinded phase II trial of an adenovirus type 三
vectored vaccine expressing the SARS-CoV-2 Sprotein,
developed by CanSino Biologicals and the Academy of
Military Medical Sciences of China,was conducted in
603 adult volunteers in Wuhan.The vaccine has proved
to be safe and induced considerable humoral and cel-
lular immune response in most recipients after a single
immunization¹62.Another vectored vaccine,ChAdOxl,
07:28 回 艹 ·
pandemic flu where patients were
asked to resume work/school once
afebrile for 24 h or by day 7 of illness.
Negative molecular tests were not a
prerequisite for discharge.
Currently,there is a paucity of knowledge and
data related to the consequences of COVID-
19 during pregnancy.40-42 However,pregnant
women seem to have a high risk of
developing severe infection and complications
during the
recent 2019-nCoV outbreak.41-43 This
speculation was based on previous available
scientific reports on coronaviruses during
pregnancy (SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV)as well
as the limited number of COVID-19 cases.41-43
Analysing the clinical features and outcomes
of 10 newborns (including two sets of twins)in
China,whose mothers are confirmed cases of
COVID-19,revealed that perinatal infection with
2019-nCoV may lead to adverse outcomes for
the neonates,for example,premature labour,
respiratory distress,thrombocytopenia with
abnormal liver function and even death.44 It
is still unclear whether or not the COVID-19
infection can be transmitted during
pregnancy to the foetus through the
route.42 A recent case series report,which
assessed intrauterine vertical transmission of
Guo Yanhong,an official with the National
Health Commission (NHC),stated that
convalescent plasma therapy is a significant
method for treating severe COVID-19 patients.
Among the COVID-19 patients currently
receiving convalescent plasma therapy in the
virus-hit Wuhan,one has been discharged
from hospital,as reported by Chinese science
authorities on Monday,17th February 2020
in Beijing.The first dose of convalescent
from a COVID-19 patient was collected on 1st
and 9th February 2020 from a severely ill
patient who was given treatment at a hospital
in Jiangxia District in Wuhan.The presence of
the virus in patients is minimised by the
antibodies in the convalescent
plasma.Guiqiang stated
that donating plasma may cause minimal
harm to the donor and that there is nothing to
worried about.Plasma donors must be
cured patients and discharged from
plasma is used,whereas red blood cells (RBC),
white blood cells (WBC)and blood platelets are
transfused back into the donor's body.Wang
alleged that donor's plasma will totally
improve to its initial state after one or 2 weeks
from the day of plasma donation of around 200
to 300 millilitres. 61
rates, disease outbreaks, community spread,
clustered transmission events,hot spots,and
superspreader potential of SARS-CoV-2/COVID
warrant full exploitation of real-time disease
mapping by employing geographical information
systems(GIS),such as the GIS software Kosmo 3.1,
web-based real-time tools and dashboards,apps,and
advances in information technology (356-
359). Researchers have also developed a few
prediction tools/models,such as the prediction
model risk of bias assessment
tool(PROBAST) and critical appraisal and data
extraction for systematic reviews of prediction
modeling studies(CHARMS),which could aid in
assessing the possibility of getting infection and
estimating the prognosis in patients; however,such
models may suffer from bias issues and,
hence,cannot be considered completely
trustworthy,which necessitates the development of
new and reliable predictors (360).
Recently emerged viruses,such as Zika,Ebola,
and Nipah viruses,and their grave threats to
humans have begun a race in exploring the
designing and developing of advanced
therapeutics,and drug regimens to counter emerging
asympwiauu ui sympuiiauu paucins
minimum signs and symptoms(82).Another
study, conducted in South Korea,related to SARS-
CoV-2 viral load,opined that SARS-CoV-2
kinetics were significantly different from those of
earlier reported CoV infections,including SARS-
CoV (253).SARS- CoV-2 transmission can
occur early in the viral infection
phase;thus,diagnosing cases and isolation attempts
for this virus warrant different strategies than
those needed to counter SARS-CoV.Studies are
required to establish any correlation between SARS-
CoV-2 viral load and cultivable virus.Recognizing
patients with fewer or no symptoms,along with
having modest detectable viral RNA in the
oropharynx for 5 days,indicates the requirement of
data for assessing SARS-CoV-2 transmission
dynamics and updating the screening procedures in
the clinics (82).
07:27 M ◎艹 · ①
[median 17 d].In the case series of
children discussed earlier,all children
recovered with basic treatment and
not need intensive care [17].
To date,there are no generally proven effective
thera- pies for COVID-19 or antivirals against SARS-
CoV-2, although some treatments have shown some
benefits in certain subpopulations of patients or for
certain end points (see later).Researchers and
manufacturers are conducting large-scale clinical
trials to evaluate var- ious therapies for COVID-
19.As of 2 October 2020, there were about 405
therapeutic drugs in development for COVID-19,and
nearly 318 in human clinical trials
(COVID-19 vaccine and therapeutics tracker).In the
following sections,we summarize potential therapeutics
against SARS-CoV-2 on the basis of published
clinical data and experience.
(244).Middle-aged and elderly patients with
primary chronic diseases,especially high blood
pressure and diabetes,were found to be more
susceptible to respiratory failure and, therefore,
had poorer prognoses.Providing respiratory
support at early stages improved the disease
prognosis and facilitated recovery (18).The ARDS in
COVID-19 is due to the occurrence of cytokine
storms that results in exaggerated immune
response,immune regulatory network
imbalance,and,finally,multiple-organ failure(
122).In addition to the exaggerated
inflammatory response seen in patients with
COVID-19 pneumonia,the bile duct epithelial cell-
derived hepatocytes upregulate ACE2 expression in
liver tissue by compensatory proliferation that might
result in hepatic tissue injury(123).